DLL Psychosocial Thursday

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School: Partida Elementary School Grade Level: IV

GRADES 1 to 12 Mental Health and

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Marian SB. Adriano Learning Area: Psychosocial Support for
Teaching Dates and N/A
August 25, 2022 Quarter:

Scribble Drawing If I Could Change the

Activity Fitness Trail Confidence Drawings A Book about My Life
Storyline World
A. Content Standards Able to develop healthy Able to develop healthy Able to develop healthy Able to develop healthy Able to develop healthy
relationships with peers and relationships with peers and relationships with peers and relationships with peers and relationships with peers and
imagine a bright future for imagine a bright future for their imagine a bright future for their imagine a bright future for their imagine a bright future for their
their self. self. self. self. self.
Establishing self-confidence, Establishing self-confidence, self- Establishing self-confidence, self- Establishing self-confidence, Establishing self-confidence,
self-compassion, and empathy compassion, and empathy compassion, and empathy self-compassion, and empathy self-compassion, and empathy
B. Performance Able to create a fitness trail Able to help learners grow in Able to practice collaboration, Able to create a book of their Able to allow them to fantasize
Standards confidence as they reflect on storytelling, develop self- life in the time of covid-19 their feelings and empower
something I’m good at, something expression and confidence pandemic. them to make changes in the
I love, someone who loves me, future.
and my favorite things
C. Learning Social skills, language, and Fine motor skills, visual thinking, Language skills, storytelling skills, Fine motor skills, eye-hand Language and writing skills,
Competencies) math skills use of symbols, language skills, comprehension, listening skills, coordination, conceptual imagination, problem solving
storytelling skills concentration, performance, and thinking, storytelling, visual
presentation skills spatial skills, comprehension,
language development, math
II. Content Learners can create and Learners are asked to think of a A drawing activity that gives Learners are invited to share Learners are invited to pretend
follow the trail and do the time they were proud of learners the opportunity to their experience during the time that they are a magician who
exercise themselves to take time to honor practice collaboration, storytelling, of covid-19 pandemic can do anything he/she wants.
strengths, reinforcing their growth develop self-expression and
in confidence confidence
III. (Learning Resources)
A. References Psychosocial Support Activity Psychosocial Support Activity Pack Psychosocial Support Activity Pack Psychosocial Support Activity Psychosocial Support Activity
Pack for Teachers page 43-44 for Teachers page 45-46 for Teachers page 49-50 Pack for Teachers page 55-56 Pack for Teachers page 58-59
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Indoor/Classroom: Paper, crayons, pentel pen Paper and crayons Paper, crayons and ballpen Large poster paper/manila
Masking tape paper
Recycled cardboard
Pentel pen
3. Textbook Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. Additional Materials from N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B.Other Learning Resources N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
A. Greeting Warm greetings for learners. Warm greetings for learners. Warm greetings for learners. Warm greetings for learners. Warm greetings for learners.

B. Check In How is everyone today? How is everyone today? How is everyone today? How is everyone today? How is everyone today?

C. Energy How does exercise help you Breathing Exercise Breathing Exercise How are you during the Covid- What would you do to change
Check/Motivation and your body? 19 pandemic? the world and make it a better
How do you feel when you place?
What happen to you if you
don’t exercise?
D. Set Guidelines Be curious, be respectful, Be curious, be respectful, listen, Be curious, be respectful, listen, Be curious, be respectful, listen, Be curious, be respectful, listen,
listen, take turns, avoid take turns, avoid judgement, take turns, avoid judgement, take turns, avoid judgement, take turns, avoid judgement,
judgement, everything shared everything shared is confidential. everything shared is confidential. everything shared is everything shared is
is confidential. confidential. confidential.
E. Main Activity Discuss the importance of Ask learners to draw something Ask the learners to take one Create a book of their life during Let the learners pretend as a
exercise. about themselves. crayons and scribble on the paper Covid-19 pandemic. magician and tell what they
Let the pupils create a fitness - Something I’m good at until the teacher tell them to stop. would do to change the world.
trail by drawing an exercise - Something I love This can take 1.5 minutes. Prompt
and suggesting the number of - Someone who loves me them to draw fast or slow. Ask
times it can be done. them to find an image in their
- My favorite things
drawings and color it
F. Synthesis Reflect on the concept of Reflect on the concept of fine Share their drawing in the group Let the learners present their Reflect on how they would go
social skills motor skills and visual thinking and create a story that can be told book, share its title, and explain about making the changes they
Let the learners know the through their drawings. Let them it. wish to see.
importance of exercise in our give a title to their story.
G. Closing Let the learners share their Let the learners share their Let the learners share their Let the learners share their work Let the learners share what did
work with the class drawing in class experience from the activity. with the class they learned from the activity
V Reflection/Noted Red Flags
A. No.of learners who needs extra
B. What difficulties did I encounter
which needs remediation or help
for psychological support?
C. What help/ support can be
D. To whom can I refer

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I Principal I

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