Final Year Project 2023

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Diploma in

Mechanical Engineering By:
Shivam Magar (PMEG20326)
Swapnil Thakur (PMEG20363)
Hardik Panchal (PMEG20337)
Anmol singh (PMEG20357)
Mandar Bhatade (PMEG18387)

Prof. Pravin Patil Sir



This is to certify that the project “360 DEGREE FLEXIBLE DRILL

MACHINE” is bonafide work carried by “Shivam Magar
(PMEG20326), Swapnil Thakur (PMEG20363), Hardik Panchal
(PMEG20337), Anmol singh (PMEG20357) Mandar Bhatade
(PMEG18387)” submitted to K.J. Somaiya Polytechnic in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award Diploma in Mechanical

(Prof. Pravin Patil ) ( Prof. Ajay Bhange)

Project Guide Head of Mechanical

(Mrs. Padmaja Bandaru)

Principal K.J.S.P.

I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my

own words and where others' ideas or words have been included, I
have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare
that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity
and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any
violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the
Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have
thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not
been taken when needed.

Shivam Magar (PMEG20326)

Swapnil Thakur (PMEG20363)

Hardik Panchal (PMEG20337)

Anmol Singh (PMEG20357)

Mandar Bhatade (PMEG18387)


I feel great pleasure in expressing my deepest sense of gratitude and

sincere thanks to my guide Prof. Pravin Patil for his valuable guidance
during the Project my sincere thanks for valuable guidance, extreme
assistance and cooperation extended to all the Staff Members of our
This acknowledgement would be incomplete without expressing my
special thanks to
Prof. Ajay Bhange, H.O.D. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, and
Principal Mrs. Padmaja Bandaru for support during the entire work.
Last but not the least I would like to thank all the Teaching and Non-
Teaching staff members of my Department and my colleagues those
who helped me directly or indirectly for completing of this Project


Drill machines have been the heart of every industry. Drilling holes in
parts, sheets and structures is a regular industrial work. Perfect and
well aligned drilling needs fixed and strong drills. Some parts cannot be
drilled using fixed drills due to low space between drill bit and drill
bed. We need to use hand drills in such cases but hand drills have
alignment problems while drilling. So here we propose a 360 Degree
Flexible Drill Machine that can be mounted on a table or wall and can
be used to drill holes horizontally, vertically or even upside down. So,
this makes it possible for easy drilling in even complicated parts and
surfaces. Thus, we use rotating hinges and connectors with motor
mount and supporting structure to design and fabricate a mini
360degree drill for easy drilling operations.


Fig.1.1 (a) Block Daigram

Fig.1.1(b) Block Daigram in working
Fig 2.1 Project Development Steps
Fig 2.1.1 Finalizing Mechanism
Fig 2.1.2 Project Design
Fig 2.1.3 Parts Procurement
Fig 2.2 Parts Fabrication
Fig 2.2.1 Turning
Fig 2.2.2 Boring
Fig 2.2.3 Tapping
Fig 2.2.4 Laser Cutting
Fig 2.2.5 Drilling
Fig 2.2.6 Metal Cutting
Fig 2.2.7 polishing
Fig 3.1 project Assembly
Fig 3.2 Testing

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of term
1.3 Application
1.4 Advantage
1.5 Objective

Chapter 2
2.1 Design Consideration
2.2 Design procedure
2.3.1 Aesthetic Consideration in Design
2.3.2 Aspects of Asethetic Design
2.4 Ergonomic Consideration
2.5 Manufacturing Consideration

Chapter 3
3.1 Component use
3.2 Parts Description

Chapter 4
4.1 Designing
4.2 Cutting

4.3 Forming
4.4 Assembling
4.5 Finishing
4.6 Installing
4.7 Maintaining

Chapter 5
5.1 Working
5.2 Advantages of Flexible drill machine
5.3 Results
5.4 Future Scope
5.5 Testing

Chapter 6

Chapter 7



A Drill machine is one of the machines which is important and it is the

heart of every industry. Drilling is a cutting and removal of material
process in which a holes are made or expand with the help of a
multipoint sharp end cutting tool. By power, when the drill is made to
rotate on the workpiece, thus the unwanted material is withdrawn in
the form of chips by moving along the shank. The purpose of our
project is to rotate 360 degrees and make it more convenient to use.
This machine minimizes the manufacturing cycle time, the clamping of
workpiece is also eliminated: once the workpiece is clamped on
magnetic base plate, there is no need for moving workpiece at different
location for drill at different positions, the number of machines
required are also minimum, human errors are also rectified. With the
contrast of this machine, we can drill in any direction at a particular
time with less effort. The machine is mounted on a flat surface like a
table or wall. In this drilling machine we were using rack and pinion to
move the drill, so the machine can be work in less space with accuracy.
This drilling machine is works automatically, the whole machine is
controlled by only one box. The machine is very simple to operate. The
weight of the machine is not as heavy as we assumed, so anyone can
use it easily without any uncomfortable experiences. In this we are
using a rack and pinion mechanism over the arms to make it a
telescopic arm for increasing and decreasing the length of the arm. A
magnetic base plate is also introduced for a clamping workpiece. The
machine can move from one place to another very easily. This machine
can be easily transported as it light weight for easy movement. The
overall space required for the setup of this machine is less. It precedes
our expectations and performs pretty well. further improvement can
be done through the experimental hypothesis.

1.2 Definition of Term
 In 360 Degree flexible drilling machine drill can be done at any desired
orientation and angle without using any king of clamping or using
different machine for drilling. This machine also reduces the clamping
time and increases productivity time

1.3 Application
 They can be used to place holes with higher accuracy on engine heads,
blocks and cylindrical shells.
 It can be used where some parts cannot be drilled using fixed drills due
to low space between drill bit and drill bed.
 It can be used where to drill holes horizontally, vertically or even
upside down. So, this makes it possible for easy drilling in even
complicated parts and surfaces.

1.4 Advantage
 They may provide efficient drilling
 They can provide 360 Degrees of Rotation
 They are flexible to use
 They can drill in congested and difficult places
 This machine comes with low cost

1.5 Objective
1. To cater to the issue of competition in the mechanical industry the need
for automation is assessed by all the industry.

2. To identify the key policy avenues considered to be appropriate to meet

the challenge of sustainable manufacturing and packaging industry for the



In Several structural design considerations should be taken into account
for economical and efficient manufacturing. Many of these apply to other
joining methods, and all apply to both subassemblies and the complete

 The device should be suitable for local manufacturing capabilities.

 The attachment should employ low-cost materials and
manufacturing methods.
 It should be accessible and affordable by low-income groups, and
should fulfill their basic need for mechanical power
 It should be simple to manufacture, operate, maintain and repair.
 It should be as multi-purpose as possible, providing power for various
agricultural implements and for small machines used in rural industry.
 It should make use of standard parts wherever possible.
 The device should adapt easily No permanent structural modification
should be made.
 It should employ locally available materials and skills. Standard steel
pieces such as steel plates, iron rods, angle iron, and flat stock that are
locally available should be used. Standard tools used in machine shops
such as hacksaw, files, punches, taps & dies; medium duty welder; drill
press; small lathe and milling machine should be adequate to fabricate
the parts needed for the dual-purpose bicycle.

 Definition of problem
 Synthesis
 Analysis of forces
 Selection of material
 Determination of mode of failure
 Selection of factor of safety
 Determination of dimensions
 Modification of dimensions
 Preparation of drawings
 Preparation of design report.


 Aesthetics is defined as the set of principles of appreciation of beauty. It

deals with the appearance of the product.


● Form(shape)
● Symmetry and shape
● Continuity
● Variety
● Proportion
● Noise
● Impression and purpose
● Material and surface finish


 Ergonomics is defined as the study of the man - machine - working

environment relationship
 It aims at decreasing the physical and mental stresses to the user
 Areas covered under ergonomics.
 Communication between man (user) and machine.
 Working environment.
 Human anatomy and posture while using the machine
 Energy expenditure in hand and foot operations


 Minimum total number of parts in a product

 Minimum variety of parts
 Use standard parts
 Use modular design
 Design parts to be multifunctional
 Design parts for multiple use
 Select least costly material
 Design parts for ease of manufacture
 Shape the parts for minimizing the operations.


 DC Motor
 Drill Bit
 Connecting arms
 Hinges
 Wall/Table Mount
 Supporting Frame
 Joints & Screws

 DC Motor

1. Precise, reduced weight and compact air cooled spindle motor with
high power and high speed meeting the requirements of user.
2. Low noise, smooth operation, less friction force during operation,
smooth operation, low noise will be many.

Drill Motor (DC Spindle Motor)

(3000 – 12000) rpm and (12-48) V

Product Specification:

Voltage 12V-48V
Diameter 52
Speed 12000RPM
Power 300-500WATT
Size 170MM
Motor Voltage 12-48VDC
Dimensions Diameter: 52 mm, Len: 170 mm
Nominal Current 6A DC
Cooling type Air Cooled

 Milling / Drill Bit

They are designed to drill through a part and then be able to side mill a groove
or shape. They are very popular in job shop environments because of their
versatility in performing a wide range of applications. They can be used for
drilling, spotting, chamfering, countersinking , and profile milling.

 Connecting Arm

It is used for connecting 2 solid objects with the help of a hinge, which allows
us to move at different angles of rotation between bodies. Two objects are
rotated about a constant axis of rotation connected through an ideal hinge, all
other sort of rotational or translational motion being prevented and therefore
a hinge has a single degree of freedom. In this, we are using a rack and pinion
mechanism over the arms to make it a telescopic arm comprising of the outer
arm and the inner arm to increase and decrease the arm length. The pinion
gets attached to the outer arm and the rack gets attached to the inner arm
which together makes motion between the arms possible.

Chapter 4


1. Designing : -

 Before anything else, the project must be designed. While some

fabricators still rely on hand-drawn diagrams, and those can be
sufficient for basic projects, modern engineers generally use CAD
(computer aided design) software, such as AutoCAD or Solidworks. CAD
allows for increased complexity and complete accuracy as they create
and test models to exact specifications. Digital CAD files are also
generally needed for metal laser cutting.

 For projects with multiple, replicable parts, such as brackets, panels,

fittings, or housings, a working prototype is usually created before the
project moves onto full production. This pro-production testing ensures
the quality of the finished product and allows the customer to test the
product in real world applications.

2.Cutting: -

 There are many ways to cut plate and sheet metal. Laser cutting,
mechanical shearing, and water jet cutting are all widely used methods
to achieve precise cuts for all types of metal. There is a very low
tolerance for error in any metalworking project, so choosing the right
method for cutting the plate and sheet metal is very important.

 The type of metal must be considered as well as the intended purpose

and degree of precision required. The thickness and hardness of the
metal is also an important factor to consider. Laser cutting is the most
precise way to cut sheet metal, especially when intricate designs or
extreme accuracy is required. Mechanical shearing and other types of
metal cutting methods are best when the sheet metal is very thick and
requires more physical force

3. Forming:-

 This step includes one or several of the following; folding, bending,

stamping, punching holes, machining, and much more to achieve the
right shape. Sometimes a piece of metal that has been cut is formed,
stamped, or bent into the final shape, or molten metal is poured into a
mold to harden, which is a process called casting. If the product requires
holes, a drill or a hole punch is used. A lathe will trim down the edges
and sides of the metal until the right size and shape is achieved.

4. Assembling:-

 After the metal parts are formed into the correct shape, they must then
be assembled into the proper configuration to make the final product.
The separate parts are fitted together, and normally held in place by
clamps until they are fused together. Then, the parts are put together
with bonding, screwing, riveting, or most commonly, welding. There
are many different types of welds, but the most commonly used method
is stick welding, which uses a welding gun that continuously feeds a rod
of metal, melting it onto the joint using an electrical current.

5. Finishing

 For the final step, protective coatings such as rust resistant paint, colour,
or glazes are applied, either through painting or powder coating.
Depending on the final product, the parts may also be brushed, polished,
and shined. Then, finishing touches, such as decals, insulators, and safety
mechanisms are applied. Now we have our final product that is ready for
delivery to the customer, a store warehouse, or another business such as
a factory or food service establishment!

6. Installation :-

 Some fabricated pieces, such as consumer products, brackets, and small

parts, don’t require professional installation. Nevertheless, large or
sensitive fabrications often require the skill, equipment, and expertise of
trained engineers, welders, and pipefitters. Such large projects can
include everything from large structural elements to automated food
processing equipment to fixed metal signage.

 fabrication and installation teams are able to both build the projects with
the installation in mind and install with the fabrication in mind. They’re
also able to make modifications as needed, in case the scope of the
project changes mid-course or there are unanticipated changes.


 Many metal fabrication shops, including Sattler Manufacturing, provide

maintenance and repair as part of their offered services. Nothing lasts
forever, and it’s important to keep equipment in top-shape to ensure the
stability of manufacturing and processing operations. A good
maintenance plan can include routine serving and cleaning of
equipment, as well as timely repairs. Having a metal shop to call before
something goes wrong or wears out is a great idea and risk prevention

Chapter - 5

5.1 Working

 From the diagram we can see that Box A is mounted on a plate. The
whole mechanism can rotate at 360-degree angle at the vertical axis of
box A.

 Box B is now attached with Box A by the help of two slant links, thus
make an angle of 45degree angle among each of the two boxes. Now this
box B can now rotate at 360-degree angle on the vertical axis of box A.

 Box C is mounted on Box B in the sort of manner that it could rotate at

360-degree angle on its vertical axis.

 Box D is hooked up to box C with the help of four movable links, as a

result reaching a vertical movement of box D. Therefore, the box D can
now rotate at 360-degree angle at vertical axis of box C.

5.2 Advantage of Flexible Drill Machine

 They may provide efficient drilling

 They can provide 360 Degrees of Rotation

 They are flexible to use

 No requirement of skilled labours because it’s functioning is quite easy

 They can drill in congested and difficult places

 This machine comes with low cost

 The Handling Cost for this machine is very less

 The drilling time is Reduced with this machine

 The Overall Manufacturing Cost gets reduced with this machine

 We can achieve increased productivity with this machine

5.3 Result

 Successfully we achieved a 360-degree flexible drill that can be mounted

on a table or wall and can be used to drill holes horizontally, vertically
or even upside down. So, this makes it possible for easy drilling in even
complicated parts and surfaces.

5.4 Future Scope

 It might be utilized in industries.

 It would be used with automation for computerized drilling.

 In the coming years it can be used in every area wherever drilling is


 We also can use this approach of rotation of arm in different machining


 Good future in marine and robotics sector.

 Coding and programmes can be used in this machine.

 This machine shall get operated through computers and smartphones



Effective performance and competitive costs can be guaranteed by this project,

as many operations can be done via this machine. Many holes with greater
efficiency can be cut by this machine. It works well and is quite economical
compared to other resources available. Considering its use and model price
this machine can prove to be quite economical as compared with other
machines. This provides a working space between the drill bit and the drill bed
where there are small gaps. For this we have suggested to use a rack and a
pinion mechanism over the arms to make it a telescopic arm to increase and
decrease arm length. A magnetic base plate is also introduced in our project
for the purpose of clamping a working piece. Machine size is less than the older
drilling machines. Therefore, the required space is also small. The clamping of
the working piece has been removed due to the base plate of the magnet. With
this machine it is possible to drill as many holes as we need without moving
the working piece. Therefore, it reduces the amount of equipment needed and
reduces human error.


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