GSE/D-21 Physics Paper I Classical Mechanics and Theory of Relativity

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GSE/D-21 789
Paper I
Classical Mechanics and Theory of Relativity
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 40

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question

from each Unit. Q. No. 1 is compulsory. All questions
carry equal marks. Non-programmable calculator is
(Compulsory Question)
1. (a) How the concept of center of mass is useful in the
dynamics of rigid bodies ? 2
(b) Whatl are Generalized coordinates ? 2
(c) Give the postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. 2
(d) Why is compensating plate used in Michelson-
Morley’s experiment ? 2
Unit I
2. State and prove the conservation theorem of energy for a
system of particles. 8

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3. (a) What are Holonomic and Non-Holonomic
Constraints ? Explain with examples. 4
(b) State and prove the law of conservation of angular
momentum for n-particles system. 4
Unit II
4. (a) Find the time period for simple pendulum with the
help of Lagrange’s equation of motion. 4
(b) Discuss configurational space and degree of freedom.
5. (a) Explain the following terms : 4
Generalized displacement, velocity and acceleration.
(b) Deduce Lagrange’s equation of motion from
Hamilton’s principle. 4
Unit III
6. (a) Derive an expression for force acting on a particle
in a uniformly rotating frame of reference. Explain
the physical significance of various terms obtained.
(b) Whether earth is an inertial or non-inertial frame of
reference ? Explain. 2
7. (a) Explain the effect of centrifugal force on the surface
of the earth. 5

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(b) Compare and contrast inertial and non-inertial frame
of reference. 3
Unit IV
8. (a) Derive the formula for variation of mass of a particle
with its velocity. 6
(b) What is the velocity of a meter stick moving parallel
to its length, when its mass is 1.5 times of its rest
mass ? 2
9. (a) What is relativity of length ? Find the expression
for Fitzgerald length contraction. 5
(b) An electron moves with velocity of 0.6 × 108 ms–1.
Calculate its mass, when me = 9 × 10–31 kg. 3

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