Skills of Fiction Funky Fairytales SoW

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(Week One) Lesson One: Conventions of Fairytales Lesson Two: History of Fairytales

Starter: individually, students compile list of fairytales. Student with the most fairytales Starter: Heritage of fairytales – identify the fairytale picture quiz. Follow with a discussion
gets a merit. Ask students to briefly explain the plot and begin to think about the of how much students know about the history of fairytales.
similarities between the stories (this can be done in pairs or as whole class feedback)
Main Focus: To identify and use the conventions and narrative structure of fairytales. Main Focus: to explore the history of fairytales and how they have changed over time.

Students copy definition of ‘conventions’ and either as whole class, individually or in Read W1 A History of Fairytales. Students then answer comprehension questions on PPT2 to
pairs, discuss and record conventions of fairytale. Encourage students to consider check understanding.
character types, plot structure and words and phrases. See PPT1 notes on Slide 3 for Show video clips of scenes from Disney films followed by scenes from Shrek and Enchanted
some conventions. While watching, students to write down everything that is similar/different in the clips. (NB
there are quite a lot of clips – depending on your class you may wish to show more or fewer
In pairs or small groups, students sort Narrative Structure cards for different fairytales. of them)
They also need to identify the title of the fairytale. NB this is the same activity as Kite
Rider Lesson 13 but with a range of fairytales so should be treated as revision. Students copy definition and four techniques of satire. Discuss further examples of the
techniques the students saw in the video clips.
Students spend 5-10 minutes planning their own original fairytale, using conventions
they have learned. They should discuss their plans with their partner. You could show Students return to the fairytale they wrote in the previous lesson (if students missed previous
Beauty and the Beast prologue video clip for ideas on how to start the fairytale. lesson they can just begin task from here) and edit it to include at least two of the satirical
Students then individually draft their fairytale – spend about 20-25 minutes on this.
Plenary: Introduce unit project – the satirical, ‘funky’ fairytale. Discuss ideas for satirical
Plenary: Students peer-assess each other’s fairytales for: use of conventions, narrative fairytales – these do not have to be the same as the satirised draft from this lesson.
structure. If there is time, allow some students to read out their fairytales. H/W: complete W2 fairytale planning grid – three characters and narrative structure.
(Week Two) Lesson Three: Drafting a Fairytale Lesson Four: Editing and Re-drafting a Fairytale
Starter: Addressing an audience – discuss the factors they will need to consider to keep Starter:
fairytale suitable for children. Encourage students to think about presentation on
computer as well as the language.

Main Focus: to draft the fairytale, paying particular attention to the target audience Main Focus: editing, re-drafting and proof-reading fairytale, focussing on using vocabulary
and sentence structures for effect.
Students begin drafting their ‘funky’ fairytale- 20 minutes.
Short ‘extended sentences’ activity on Slides 1-2.
In groups of four, students take turns to read their fairytale so far and give feedback on
how to improve it. Students should also share their original plan and discuss how well Read PPT4 Slide 4 fairytale paragraph and discuss ways in which it could be improved.
they have kept with the plan or deviated from it. Any changes should be discussed and Students individually or in pairs rewrite the paragraph, using the improvements suggested on
justified. the slide as well as any others they have come up with. Slide 5 is an improved draft that could
be used to discuss the effects the changes have on the overall story. Alternatively, rewrite the
Students then return to individually drafting and/or editing their fairytale. piece as a whole class or analyse a confident students’ rewritten piece.

Plenary: Self-assessment – students individually highlight in their work where they Students redraft their own fairytales onto paper.
think they are using conventions of fairytale and satirical techniques.
Plenary: Students read out their fairytales, either as whole class or in small groups.
H/W Draw illustrations to be scanned and included in your fairytale. Bring
headphones/earphones next week in case there aren’t enough from IT!
(Week Three)Lesson Five: This lesson requires a computer room. You will also Lesson Six: This lesson requires a computer room. You will also need to book
need to book headphones so students can watch the help videos. headphones so students can watch the help videos.

Starter: W3 Following instructions quiz.

Collect in homework illustrations and give to ICT so they can scan and save them where
your students can access them.
Main Focus: improving ICT skills and beginning to consider presentational devices. Main Focus: improving ICT skills and creating an attractively presented fairytale.

Using the instructions on PPT5, students find and read through success criteria Students continue typing and transferring their fairytale to Publisher. By this time their
document. Make sure all students are aware of the success criteria and the timeframe illustrations should have been scanned and saved to the P:\ drive so they can edit their
they have to complete all tasks in. drawings and insert them into the Publisher document.

Students begin typing their fairytale, first on Word. Ensure students use spelling and Again, encourage students to check each other’s work to eradicate errors.
grammar checks – peer-checking could be used with your class to eradicate as many
errors as possible. Any fairytales finished at the end of this lesson should be printed so they can be filed for
Direct students to (see PPT5) to build ideas on layout, marking.
colours, fonts, shapes for their own fairytale.
NB – you will find that students work at vastly different paces when working on their
Using help videos students then transfer their fairytale to a Publisher document, fairytales; some may finish fairytales after two computer lessons, some will need a third
focussing on creating an interesting, easy to read layout. lesson.

(Week Four) Lesson Seven: This lesson requires a computer room. You will need Lesson Eight: Writing podcast script
to book headsets (with microphones) so students can begin working with audacity.
Starter: Disney fairytales picture quiz

Main Focus: use and improve ICT skills

Main Focus: to identify and use the features of trailers to write a podcast script
Any students still working on Publisher document to continue working on this but must Watch trailers for Shrek and Wall-E and discuss the sounds used in each trailer (scripts,
be finished by end of lesson. accents, music, sound effects). Then play Enchanted trailer but only listen to the sound.
Again discuss the sounds used and how these add to the effect of the trailer.
Rest of students use help videos to familiarise themselves with audacity. They should
Explain the task to students – they will be creating audio trailer for their fairytale, using
not actually record their podcast today as they will write a script for it next lesson. They
the features of standard movie trailers. Less confident students could read a section of
should try to become more confident using the programme and taking advantage of
their fairytale for their trailer depending on the time you have left to complete the unit.
features such as sound effects.
Students write a one minute trailer script they can then follow to record their podcast
next lesson.
(Week Five)Lesson Nine You will need a computer room and headsets with Lesson Ten
microphones so students can record their podcasts

Main Focus: using features of trailers and improving ICT skills.

Students use the help videos located on P:\ drive to help them record their trailer. They Students to spend this lesson finalising their fairytales and podcasts. If both these tasks
should be aiming to record each section then edit the final sequence, including sound have been finished by all students, the lesson could be spent reading and listening to each
effects. other’s fairytales and podcasts.

(Week Six) Lesson Twelve

Lesson Eleven:

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