QB Wireless Communication & IOT

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PVG’s College of Science,Pune-09

Electronics Paper II Question Bank

1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cellular telephone system?
a) Accommodate a large number of users
b) Large geographic area
c) Limited frequency spectrum
d) Large frequency spectrum
2. What is the responsibility of MSC in cellular telephone system?
a) Connection of mobile to base stations
b) Connection of mobile to PSTN
c) Connection of base station to PSTN
d) Connection of base station to MSC
3. Who has the responsibility of billing and system maintenance function in cellular
a) Base Station
c) MSC
d) Mobile system
4.  What is the shape of the cell present in the cellular system?
a) Circular
b) Square
c) Hexagonal
d) Triangular
5. Why the size of the cell is kept small in cellular network?
a) Increase capacity
b) Decrease capacity
c) Increased size of base station electronics
d) Slow process of handoffs
6. What is handoff?
a) Forward channel
b) Switching technique
c) Roamer
d) Guard channel
7.  Which one is not an advantage of using frequency reuse?
a) Increased capacity
b) Limited spectrum is required
c) Same spectrum may be allocated to other network
d) Number of base stations is reduced
8. The interference between the neighbouring base stations is avoided by
a) Assigning different group of channels
b) Using transmitters with different power level
c) Using different antennas
d) Using different base stations
9. . Cellular concept replaces many low power transmitters to a single high power
a) True
b) False
10. Why neighbouring stations are assigned different group of channels in cellular
a) To minimize interference
b) To minimize area
c) To maximize throughput
d) To maximize capacity of each cell
11. What is a cell in cellular system?
a) A group of cells
b) A group of subscribers
c) A small geographical area
d) A large group of mobile systems
12. What is frequency reuse?
a) Process of selecting and allocating channels
b) Process of selection of mobile users
c) Process of selecting frequency of mobile equipment
d) Process of selection of number of cells
13. Why the shape of cell is not circle?
a) Omni directionality
b) Small area
c) Overlapping regions or gaps are left
d) Complex design
14. What is the condition for handoff?
a) A mobile moves into a different cell while in conversation
b) A mobile remains in the same cell while in conversation
c) A mobile moves to different cell when idle
d) A mobile remains in the same cell and is idle
15. Interference on voice channels causes _______
a) Blocked calls
b) Cross talk
c) Queuing
d) Missed calls
16. What is the full form of UMTS?
a) Universal Mobile Telephone System
b) Ubiquitous Mobile Telephone System
c) Ubiquitous Mobile Telemetry System
d) Universal Machine Telemedicine System
17. UMTS use which multiple access technique?
18.  What is the minimum spectrum allocation required by W-CDMA?
a) 5 MHz
b) 20MHz
c) 1.25 MHz
d) 200 KHz
19. Which of the following is the world’s first cellular system to specify digital
modulation and network level architecture?
a) GSM
d) IS-54
20. Which of the following comes under supplementary ISDN services?
a) Emergency calling
b) Packet switched protocols
c) Call diversion
d) Standard mobile telephony
21.  __________ supports the operation and maintenance of GSM.
a) BSS
b) NSS
c) OSS
d) MSC
22. HSCSD supports which 2G standard?
a) GSM
b) IS-136
c) GSM and IS-136
d) PDC
23. A GPRS Network is a part of ____ in GSM network.
24.  An interconnected collection of piconet is called ___________
a) scatternet
b) micronet
c) mininet
d) multinet
25.  Bluetooth is the wireless technology for __________
a) local area network
b) personal area network
c) metropolitan area network
d) wide area network

26. Bluetooth supports _______

a) point-to-point connections
b) point-to-multipoint connection
c) both point-to-point connections and point-to-multipoint connection
d) multipoint to point connection

27.A piconet network can have upto-------

a) 9 stations
b) 8 stations
c) 7 stations
d) 6 stations
28.A multiple piconet from a network is called a ---
a) small area
b) scatter net
c)network allocation vector
d) gadgets
29.  In a Zigbee network, a single device that controls the network is called
 A. master
 B. server
 C. coordinator
 D. pointer

30. What is the range of z-wave?

a. 30 to 100 m

b. 300 to 1000 m

c. 100 to 1000 m

d. Only 10 m

31.  Which of the following topology is used for ZigBee Smart Energy?

a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Star Topology

d. Any Topology

32. What is the frequency rate of z-wave?

a. 908.42 GHz

b. 928.49 GHz

c. 888.42 GHz

d. 708.49 GHz

33.  Which of the following topology is used for ZigBee Smart Energy?

a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Star Topology

d. Any Topology


RFID stands for


Radio-Frequency Indication

Radio-Frequency Identification

Radio-Frequency Interconnection

None of the above

35.  What is the use of the RFID Module?

a) Object Identification
b) To provide 3G Connectivity
c) To measure temperature
d) To measure Wi-Fi strength

36. What is the role of the MISO pin in the RFID Module?
a) Master In Slave Out
b) Manage Internal Slave Output
c) Master Internal Search Optimization
d) Manage Input Slave Op

37. Which frequency does the RFID Module operate in?

a) 12.98 MHz
b) 14.67 MHz
c) 19.56 MHz
d) 13.56 MHz

38. What is the maximum data rate of the RFID Module?

a) 11 Mbps
b) 1 Kbps
c) 10 Mbps
d) 11 Gbps

39. Till what voltage are the logic pins on the RFID Module resistant to?
a) 5V
b) 3.3V
c) 2V
d) 12V

40.  GPS (as normally available to the civilian user) provides a nominal fix accuracy

A)100 meters with Selective Availability enabled.

B)30 meters.
C)50 feet.

41. GPS

A)has no system errors.

B)is self-correcting for timing errors.
C)use is always preferable to LORAN C
42. What is the approximate time taken by the GPS for one complete orbit?
a) 11 minutes
b) 45 minutes
c) 5 hours
d) 12 hours
43. What is the number of GPS satellites used?
a) 54
b) 12
c) 5
d) 24
44. . What type of antenna is used in GPS systems?
a) Yagi antenna
b) Helical array antenna
c) Loop antenna
d) Parabolic antenna
45.  What type of modulation is used in L1 Signal of the GPS?
a) Amplitude modulation
b) Phase modulation
c) Frequency shift keying
d) Binary phase shift keying
46. GPS means
A. Global Projecting System
B. Global Positioning System
C. Global Processing System
D. Global Parsing System
47.  Airplane and boat pilots use GPS for
A. mapping
B. limit setting in air or water
C. navigation
D. bearing

48.  How many numbers of the element in the open IoT architecture?

a. Four elements

b. Five elements

c. Six elements

d. Seven elements

49. Which of the following is the way in which an IoT device is associated with

a. Internet

b. Cloud

c. Automata

d. Network

50. Which of the following IoT networks has a very short range?

a. Short Network


c. SigFox

d. Short-range Wireless Network

51.  What is the full form of the LPWAN?

a.Low Protocol Wide Area Network
b.Low Power Wide Area Network
c.Long Protocol Wide Area Network
d.Long Power Wide Area Network
52. Which one of the following protocols is lightweight?

53. What is the full form of the MQTT?

a. Multi-Queue Telemetry Things

b. Multiple Queue Telemetry Things

c. Message Queue Telemetry Things

d. Message Queue Telemetry Transport

54.What is the full form of ICT?

a. InterConnect Technology

b. Internet Connection Topology

c. Information and Communication Technology

d. Infer Communication Topology

Short Answer Question

55. What is the medium used in wireless communication system?

56. Draw structure of individual cell.
57. What is cell splitting?
58. What if Handoff in cellular system?
59. Name component of Mobile Handset.
60. What is UMTS/4GLTE?
61. Draw GPRS Architecture
62. What is advantages of Bluetooth tech./Zigbee tech/GPS system
63. Draw & Define Piconet & Scatternet for Bluetooth tcch.
64. Which are two type of RFID Tags?
65. What is Active RFID tags?
66. Mention Advantages / Disadvantages/Applications of all short range wireless
communication tech.mentioned in unit 2.
67. Which frequency bands are normally used by RFID?
68. What is IoT?
69. Define M2M?
70. Write difference between M2M & IoT.
71. Mention different cloud topologies.
72. State the need of cloud in IoT.
73. What is IaaS/PaaS/SaaS?
74. What is the long form of SMQTT/COAP/HTTP/DDS
75. State features of LPWAN.
76. What is the frequency band of LoRaWAN?
77. List any four major application areas of IoT.
78. List any two IoT baased gadgets used for health monitoring.
79. List down challenges of IoT.
80.What is meaning of ‘Smart Lighting’ in smart home?

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