Sushank OpticalComms DeGruyter
Sushank OpticalComms DeGruyter
Sushank OpticalComms DeGruyter
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Table 2: Values of b and α from Fig. 3(a) and (b) that under clear weather conditions,
the FSO link will prolong to 800 m with acceptable SNR
Type of snow b α and received power, but when the atmospheric attenua-
Dry snow 0.000102λ + 5.50 1.38 tions changes due to fog, rain, snow etc, the connectivity
Wet snow 0.0000542λ + 3.79 0.72 of an FSO link is decreased. For the fog condition, the FSO
link will prolong to 500 m whereas for the rain condition,
the FSO link prolongs to 350 m. The link connectivity of
(c) Snow attenuation: The equation for the snow at- FSO for snow is reported as 250 m with acceptable SNR
tenuation is given by the following relation [38]: and received power. The scintillation effect is also mea-
sured in Fig. 3(c) and (d), which indicates that a 14 dB in
λsnow = α.Sb (4) SNR degrades when the scintillations vary from low to
high. Also the FSO link prolongs to 600 m under the effect
where S describes the rate of snowfall in mm/hr and α & b
of low scintillation as compared to high scintillation for
are given according to ITU recommendations as shown in
which the FSO link will prolong to only 350 m with accept-
Table 2.
able SNR and received power.
(d) Scintillation effect: Scintillations are also a domi-
nant factor in FSO both in terrestrial communication as
well as space communication as the optical signal is fluc-
tuated by the transient dips caused due to change in re- 3 FSO for inter-satellite
fractive index of the medium. Atmospheric scintillation
is given by the following equation:
7/6 In addition to terrestrial communication, FSO also has a
A scintt =2 ∗ 23.17 106 ∗ cn2 ∗ l611 (5) significant role in space applications. In 1977, European
δ Space Agency (ESA) started the program semiconductor
laser Inter-satellite link experiment (SILEX) to realize the
where δ is the wavelength in nm, l is the range in meter
communication between satellites in space [40]. This
and cn2 is the refractive index parameter.
program, which came to actual operations in 2003, led to
In this work, we have transmitted a 1 Gbps data by
result in making the ESA globally recognized in space
using a NRZ modulation technique through an FSO link
inter satellite communication links. The basic application
for ground applications as well as inter-satellite appli
of FSO as inter-satellite is shown in the Fig. 4. SILEX is
cations which is modeled by OptiSystemTM software as
based on a combination of two optical communication
shown in the Fig. 2.
payloads i.e. French Earth observation spacecraft. SPOT-4
The value of cn2 is stated as 10−16 for low turbulences,
and Advanced Relay and Technology Mission Satellite
10−14 for moderate turbulences and 10−12 for high turbu-
(ARTEMIS) which allows the data transmission of 50 Mbps
lences [39]. Fig. 3 depicts the SNR and received power
by using GaAlAs laser diodes [40].
under the atmospheric turbulences. It is clearly evident
Fig. 3: SNR and received power against FSO as terrestrial link under atmospheric turbulences
The basic link equation [41] for the inter-satellite is posed scintillation indexed for the identification of inten-
given by the following relation: sity fluctuation which are helpful in designing of inter-
satellite links. In another experiment [43], the authors
λ have investigated the channel capacity for inter-satellite
PR = PT N TN R G TG R L TL R (6)
4π Z optical links to realize the high speed communication and
proposed an optimum input distribution by maximizing
where PR defines the received power, PT defines trans mutual information for inter-satellite optical communica-
mitted power, NT is the optical efficiency of the trans tions in the presence of random pointing jitter. In another
mitter, NR is the optical efficiency of the receiver, λ is the experiment [44], the authors have reported enhanced
wavelength, Z is the distance between the transmitter and improvement in inter-satellite link by implementing the
receiver, GT and GR are the gain of the transmitter and re- square root module with data transmission rate of 2.5
ceiver telescope and LT and LR are the pointing loss factor Gbps. In another experiment [45], the authors used the
of transmitter and receiver respectively. series of micro ring resonators and an add/drop filter to
Many researchers have reported the development in generate a large bandwidth signal as localized multi wave-
FSO link for inter-satellite applications [42–45]. In a exper- length for inter-satellite communication.
iment [42], the authors has derived the probability density Data simulations were performed for FSO for inter-
function of optical intensity in the receiver plane and pro- satellite communications using OptiSystem. Fig. 5 depicts
6 S. Chaudhary and A. Amphawan, The Role and Challenges of Free-space Optical Systems
the SNR and total received power for the FSO as an inter- under the strong effect of atmospheric turbulences on
satellite link. The bandwidth for inter-satellite is investi- ground communication.
gated by transmitting a 1 Gbps data using again NRZ
modulation technique. It is revealed from the Fig. 5(a) and
(b) that an improvement of 10 dB in SNR and −9 dBm in re- 5 Conclusion
ceived total power is noted after the transmission through
inter-satellite link having a span of 20 km when the link In this paper, simulations of 1 Gbps data transmission are
is operated at 850 nm wavelength compared to the shown through both FSO as terrestrial and inter-satellite
1550 nm. The SNR and received power degrades when links under various atmospheric noises. The integration
the pointing error is increased as shown in the Fig. 5(c) of radio signals to FSO leads to the reduction of deploy-
and (d). ment cost for the wireless operators and addresses the
“last mile” bottleneck in access networks. Nevertheless,
future work should alleviate the effects of atmospheric
4 Radio over free space optics link turbulence to achieve higher data rates to realize Ro-FSO
as a promising technology for future wireless networks.
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