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Review on OFDM based Image Transmission System

Research · January 2018


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2 authors, including:

Vasanth Kumar T R
Visvesvaraya Technological University


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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4) (2018) 3962-3966

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

doi: 10.14419/ijet. v7i4.11710
Research paper

Review on OFDM based Image Transmission System

Vasanth Kumar T. R 1 *, K. V. Prasad 2
1 Research
Scholar, Jain University, Karnataka, India
2 Professor & Head, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author E-mail:


Growing interest in the wireless communication technologies has been focusing on meeting the demands of consumers with respect to
quality of communication in image transmission. Thus, most of the researches were giving prior interest towards providing better channel
capacity, maximized transmission rate and low interference. An orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) can offer higher
bandwidth and interference-free signal transmission. Thus, the transmitted image over OFDM can have optimal image quality at the re-
ceiver end. The current researches indicated that the OFDM concept could provide satisfactory communication performance for next-
generation wireless communication standards. This paper intends to discuss the investigational research on the OFDM technology for
image transmission exist with respect to different approaches like Simulink, FPGA technology, etc. and the significance of current research
contributions. Finally, the future line of research is illustrated to overcome the research gaps.

Keywords: OFDM; Performance; Image Transmission; Wireless Communication.

implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [7] [8] [9].

1. Introduction This is a significant operation as it assists in transforming the signal
between frequency as well as temporal domain. Using this principle,
The demand for the reliable as well as highly rated data it is now feasible to decompose any complex waveforms into
transmission over a wireless communication network is increasing various smaller components of sinusoidal waveforms. Usage of
exponentially. The ever-increasing demand for networking speed, Discrete Fourier Transform can be widely seen in the processing
channel capacity, and high-quality data transmission has given birth signals generated from real-world applications [10]. The best part
to the concept of OFDM [1]. An OFDM system has the ability to of using Discrete Fourier Transform is its applicability over
work on different wireless multimedia standards like image combined signals of OFDM without any form of dependencies
transmission, video transmission, etc. The significance of the demodulators and filter banks pertaining to each sub-carrier. The
OFDM is that it yields the higher degree of immunity towards the efficient utilization of channel capacity is also ensured by OFDM
impulsive noise and multipath fading [2]. Also, the OFDM offers as all the sub-channels are spaced accordingly with respect to
the high spectral efficiency and effective modulation and frequency and time-domain waveforms. Hence, a high data rate
demodulation through inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) and with low interference can be guaranteed using OFDM. The data
FFT respectively. The function of the OFDM is to divide the distribution across the number of carriers in OFDM will have some
frequency selective channel as different parallel non-frequency more significant advantages. The interference and multipath effects
channels and performs the signal modulation for different can cause nulls on a given frequency that can affect the less number
frequencies. The OFDM helps to enhance the channel transmission of carriers, and the remaining carriers will be received properly.
performance, and it has a wide range of applications in the image Further, the OFDM can be implemented by using Field
as well as video communication system [3]. Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and WiMAX standards [1-10].
OFDM is also known for its potential capability to offer reliable This paper aims to discuss the conceptual aspects of the OFDM
internet connectivity system with the aid of narrowband sub- technology in data/image communication with the current state of
channels that are closely spaced with each other. Because of this, the art in the research domain. The paper is categorized with
OFDM can resist an adverse effect of Inter-Symbol Interference different subsections like concepts of OFDM (in Section II with the
(ISI) that occurs due to overlapping of consecutive signals with model diagram. Further, the concept of data or image transmission
each other. Hence, there is always a threat of ISI for maximized data over OFDM system, advantages as well as disadvantages of OFDM
of data transmission by OFDM [4, 5]. This problem is, somewhat, were described in Section III. Later, existing research trend for
addressed by extracting data streams with a lower rate from that of OFDM, for image transmission issue in OFDM and Optimization
the higher rate. Another frequently used solution towards ISI Problem in OFDM were expressed in Section IV. Then the survey
problem is Cyclic Prefix that is inserted in order to develop a guard of OFDM, for image transmission issue in OFDM and Optimization
interval for resisting ISI [6]. But Cyclic Prefix is also known for its Problem in OFDM through FPGA and WiMAX techniques is
adverse effect towards the throughput, i.e., Spectral Efficiency. discussed in Section V. The research gap is expressed in Section VI
Another solution towards issues of overlapping signals explored is and finally the conclusion and future scope in Section VII.
to make longer guard interval compared to delay spread. This
principle will resist the signal overlapping to a large extent. The
legacy benefit of OFDM is also carried out in OFDM, i.e.,
Copyright © 2018 Vasanth Kumar T. R, K. V. Prasad. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 3963

2. OFDM band time to the system. Hence, it will assure the sampling of data
in the stable state only and also no new delayed signals will arrive
which can alter the signal time and signal phase [11].
The technology OFDM is a widely used in the recent wireless
The image distribution across the number of carriers in OFDM will
communications systems as it offers higher spectrum efficiency as
have some more significant advantages. The interference and
well as robustness during the multi-path propagation. The OFDM
multipath effects can cause nulls on a given frequency that can
is an advanced modulation technique, i.e., multi-carrier modulation.
affect the less number of carriers, and the remaining carriers will be
The OFDM also resolves the issues related to the intersymbol
appropriately received. Through the implementation of error coding
interference (ISI) by performing image multiplexing on the
mechanisms, the addition of more data to the transmitted signal can
orthogonal property. Furthermore, OFDM is spectrally sufficient
enable reconstruction of the corrupted image within the receiver.
mechanism than the conventional signal carrier modulation
This reconstruction takes place as the error correction code is
technique. The OFDM exhibits the high PAPR of the transmitted
forwarded in different parts of signals. Commonly, the OFDM is
signal [1-3]. To minimize PAPR, various methods have been
used in a wireless system where the high data rate is required [12].
presented in the recent past. These methods of PAPR minimization
Following are some of the advantages of OFDM [13],
can be divided into signal distortion and scrambling methods.
a) Resistivity towards selective fading:
The signal distortion methods reduce high peaks directly by
The main significance of the OFDM is that it exhibits the high re-
distorting the signal which is meant for amplification. The method
sistive capability towards selective fading of frequency than the sin-
of clipping the signal prior to the amplification process is a simple
gle carrier systems because it partitions the complete channel into
to limit PAPR. But, the interferences (in band and out band) due to
various narrowband signals which are affected separately as sub-
these methods can lead to system performance degradation. A
channels of flat fading.
method of Signal scrambling methods helps to minimize the PAPR
b) Resistance towards narrow band effect
by using scrambling codes like selective mapping, block coding,
Through proper channel coding and interleaving recovery of the
and partially transmit sequences [4], [6], [7]. These techniques are
lost symbols is possible. Also, all the data will not be lost.
categorized as schemes with side and without side information. The
Resistance towards spectrum: Through close spaced overlapping of
schemes with side information may lead to the redundancy causing
subcarriers, the OFDM offers to make use available spectrum effi-
degradation of throughput. Also, the higher redundancy also
impacts total transmission rate. Hence, the higher redundancy for
c) Resistance of OFDM against interference
every packet image needs to be estimated with respect to packet
The existence of interference on a channel can be of limited band-
data significance. An OFDM system is represented with Figure.1,
width and is not affect all the sub-channels due to which the data
which exhibit complex symbol blocks formed through symbol
may not be lost.
modulation one of the R subcarriers which are orthogonal with
d) Rigidness against inter-symbol interference
frequency. The complex form of the transmitted signal through
The OFDM exhibit the properties which show higher rigidity
OFDM can be considered as:
against the inter-symbol as well as inter-frame interference. This
rigidity results due to the low data rate of every sub-channel.
1 R −1
x(t ) =  S n  e j 2 f n t
R r =0
e) Channel equalization:
(1) The existing CDMA systems have complexity issues in channel
equalization which need to be applied over the channel. The signif-
In the above equation, the data symbol is represented as Sn, a icant point of OFDM is that the use of multiple sub-channels can
number of subcarriers as N and frequency at nth subcarrier can be bring the simple channel equalization.
indicated as fn. In transmission unit, the input image is supplied to With all the significant advantages the OFDM also exhibit some
the encoder and then forwarded to the serial to parallel converter to limitations and are expressed as below [13, 14].
get parallel symbols and then to the mapper. Then, OFDM • The spectrum of OFDM exhibits the high PAPR value, and it
modulation is performed by inverse FFT to get time components impacts on the transmission system with the need of radio
from the frequency component. Further, the image is converted frequency power amplifier with high PAPR.
from digital to analog then given for modulator. Similarly, the • The OFDM exhibits higher carrier frequency offset because
reverse processes of transmitter unit are performed in the receiver of different local oscillators and discrete Fourier transform
unit to recover the image in receiver end. leakage which needs correction of complex frequency offset
at OFDM receiver.
Transmission Unit • The spectrum of OFDM travels through different paths which
needs guard band to restrict the ISI errors occurred due to
Serial Parallel timing offsets.
Encoder To Mapper IFFT To D/A Modulator • OFDM is vulnerable to inter symbol interference and inter-
Parallel Serial carrier interference but which needs time and frequency off-
set correction algorithms.
Receiver Unit
4. Existing research trends
Parallel Serial De-
Data De-
decoder To FFT To A/D Modulator Research on OFDM based wireless communication is currently the
Serial Parallel most widely discussed topic. In this paper, visualized the research
trend from 2010 until 2016 from IEEE Xplore in the forms of
Fig. 1: Model of OFDM System. graphs as shown below.

3. Transmission of image over OFDM

The image transmitted over the OFDM signal is expanded between
the carriers of the signal where every carrier will participate as the
part of the payload. Thus, minimizes the data rate considered by
every carrier. The significance of the lower data rate is that the
interferences generated by the reflection will be less critical. This
can be achieved through the addition of guard interval or guard
3964 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

A closer look into the trends of research work being carried out in
OFDM has a higher inclination towards addressing the problems
pertaining to multimedia transmission. It is because OFDM is the
baseline for maximum next-generation wireless standards, e.g., 3G
/ 4G networks. However, the work is not only limited to
transmission but also pertains to perform a significant level of
processing to the signal bearing multimedia contents. The research
review on image transmission over the wireless channel has been
found in Chandra et al. [15]. Here, various aspects related to the
compatibility of the image for transmission over the wireless
channel were discussed. Also, some image compression methods
were reviewed and analyzed and suggested the requirement of
Fig. 2: Research Trend for OFDM. formatting and de-formatting operation in image transmission and
receiving respectively. An interesting work towards the
It is observed that 688 Journals are being published towards cumu- transmission of image over the OFDM system is discussed in
lative problems of OFDM, where the major problems image trans- Fatima [16] by using trigonometric transforms. Author has
mission problem and optimization problem. We further explore the improved the performance parameters like PAPR, PSNR by using
statistics of progress in research work towards such issues in order the trigonometric transform techniques like Discrete Sine transform
to visualize the problems that have to receive good attention as well and Discrete Cosine Transform. In Wang et al. [17], a secure
as the most ignored issues in OFDM. OFDM based image transmission system is presented by using two
layer image encryption. Here, the performance analysis is measured
by considering bit error rate (BER) and PSNR and found effective
results. The similar direction of research is found in the work of
Wang and Qui [18], were Chebyshev Chaos method was used to
achieve secure image transmission which improves the
performance of BER. In order to bring further security in the image
transmission over OFDM system and have improved quality of the
image, a chaotic baker map is implemented by Soliman et al. [19]
and achieves the efficient performance with low PAPR value of
OFDM signal. The extended work of Chandra [15], have presented
the image transmission over Rayleigh channel [200] of OFDM and
performed the performance analysis with respect to SNR. Research
on the transmission of JPEG2000 image over OFDM based
Fig. 3: Research Trend for Image Transmission Issue in OFDM. cognitive radio network is presented in Javadi et al. [21]. Here, the
method improves the quality of the image received at secondary
user end by offering the effective access to the available spectrum.
An experimental approach is chosen for performing real-time
streaming using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The
work of Sabelkin and Gagnon [22] have expressed the combined
channel transform image transmission mechanism over the wireless
channel. The work evolves with lossless image transmission in low
fading effect and achieves fast analysis. The implementation of
OFDM through FPGA is expressed in Mohamed et al. [23] and
found the significant value of SNR. In Kareem et al. [24], a
simulating model of WiMAX baseband (IEEE 802.16d) is
presented which incorporates the MATLAB and Xilinx system
generator and does the synthesis of OFDM system. The similar
direction of work has been observed in Harikrishna et al. [25] in
Fig. 4: Research Trend for Optimization Problem in OFDM. which implementation FPGA based FFT algorithm implementation
for mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) was discussed. The radix 22
Fig.2-Fig.4 shows that image transmission problem (9 journals) has FFT algorithm is presented to perform the communication of the
received the lowest attention. It is observed that there has been OFDM system. From the performance analysis of the system has
enough work being carried out towards optimization problem too been found that the system achieves higher design speed which
(110 Journals). By this, it can be concluded image transmission satisfies the need for high-level computation.
problems are much dependent on the specific theory and algorithms
that cannot be generic in the form, and hence existing algorithms 6. Research gap
find less applicability in solving such problems. Therefore, it is re-
quired to understand the effectiveness of existing research contri-
bution in solving such problems. The next section discusses an ex- The prior section has discussed the existing research work towards
isting solution. the frequently explored problems in OFDM. This section discusses
the prominent research gap after reviewing the existing techniques.
We find that certain issues are left unaddressed are as follows
5. Existing research work • More focus on data quality and less focus on resource
utilization in existing OFDM based image transmission
This section discusses the work being carried out towards enriching scheme.
the performance of OFDM in recent times. As this is one of the • Existing image transmission scheme is not applicable for
most adopted wireless technologies in recent times, hence their upcoming next-generation standards and hence needs further
applicability is found more in a diverse area. We will discuss briefly investigation.
the essential research approaches to various problems associated • Existing techniques don't address the problem of radio
with OFDM. frequency imbalances that potentially degrade the quality of
a) Image Transmission Mechanism image delivery performance in OFDM based networks.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 3965

• Very rare investigational research on FPGA based image nal quality. In order to perform better performance and more ap-
transmission. plicability of the proposed image transmission mechanism for the
From the statistics shown in Section IV, it was initially found that upcoming standards of telecommunication, we will focus more on
there is less number of studies towards addressing the problem of implementing OFDM. In order to accomplish the problem men-
image transmission in OFDM. However, upon a closer look, it is tioned above, the following research objectives are set, i.e., i) To
found that image transmission is the most ignored area of the design a transmission system using a conventional transceiver
research in OFDM. Therefore, the first prominent research gap (OFDM) for the image. ii) To develop an image transmission sys-
from the existing literature is the lack of any efficient modeling of tem using OFDM transceiver design using Simulink Modelling, iii)
Image Transmission that has considered using Resource To design an efficient image transmission in OFDM for a commu-
Optimization over OFDM. The wide usage of image transmission nication system using FPGA, finally iv) Perform the performance
over various applications in a wireless network will lead to analysis of the proposed models with the existing system.
consumption of various resources directly or indirectly. Hence, it is
required that the resource allocation mechanism over OFDM should References
be appropriately investigated in order to realize various problems
related to channel capacity, power, sub-channels, etc. There is few
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