220 SNN - FINAL O&M Training Proceedings
220 SNN - FINAL O&M Training Proceedings
220 SNN - FINAL O&M Training Proceedings
of Motorized Irrigation
Pump Operation &
Proceeding on the Training of
Motorized Pumps Operation and Maintenance
6-10 October, 2015
Butajira, SNNPR
Organized by
Small Scale and Micro Irrigation Support Project (SMIS)
Training Proceedings
Event Report
Compiled By
Organizing Committee of the Training
Organizing Committee
Small Scale and Micro Irrigation Support Project (SMIS)
Workshop Coordinators
Mr. Ravi Naraine (IRTL) & Ato Mitiku Bedru (NRTL)
Resource Persons/Trainers
Ato Getahun Alemu, Hawassa University, Instructor
Ato Aboneh Bedlu, Hawassa Polytechnic TVE College, Instructor
Table of Contents
Contents Page
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... iv
Workshop implementation schedule ...................................................................................................... vi
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ viii
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................... ix
Icon Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. x
Rationale for the Training/Workshop ..................................................................................................... 1
Objectives of the Workshop .................................................................................................................... 1
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Well come address by Mr. Ravi Naranie - International Regional Team Leader (IRTL, SMIS, SNNPR) .. 4
Key Note Address by Ato Germame Garuma .......................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Brief Description of SMIS Capacity Development ............................................................................................ 7
1.2. Objective of the workshop/Training ................................................................................................................. 9
1.3. Collaboration Environment and Training Overview ....................................................................................... 11
1.4. Expectation of Trainees and pre assessment ................................................................................................. 13
2. Introduction to pump: Previous experience & discussion based on theoretical explanation and
participant reflection ............................................................................................................................. 14
2.1. Day One evaluation report.............................................................................................................................. 32
2.2. Training Photo Illustrations Day one sessions ................................................................................................ 33
2.3. Group discussion and experiential problem focused solution & Report group approach ............................ 35
2.4. Practical demonstration and video show on robin pump- ............................................................................ 36
3. SERVICE MANUAL (የጥገና አገልግሎት መመሪያ) ...................................................................................... 37
3.1 የሞተር ዝርዝር ክፍሎች ማሳያ (SPECIFICATIONS) ...................................................................................................... 38
3.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ENGINE COMPONENTS (ጠቅላላ የሞተር /የኢንጂን ስም ክፍሎች)................................... 39
3.2.1 CYLINDER AND CRANKCASE ሲሊንደር ብሎክ (ካምቻ) እና ክራንክ ኬዝ (ሶቶኮፓ).......................................... 39
3.2.2 MAIN BEARING COVER (ዋናዉ ኩቺኔታ መሸፈኛ ክፍል) ........................................................................... 39
3.2.3 CRANKSHAFT ክራንክ ሻፍት (ኮሎ) ....................................................................................................... 40
3.2.4 CONNECTING ROD AND PISTON (ኮኔክቲንግ ሮድ(ቤላ) እና ፒስተን) ......................................................... 41
3.2.5 CAMSHAFT ካም ሻፍት (አልብሮ ካም) ...................................................................................................... 41
3.2.6 VALVE ARRANGEMENT (ቫልቭ (ቫልቮላ) አቀማመጥ) ............................................................................. 41
3.2.7 CYLINDER HEAD (ሲሊንደር ሄድ -ቴስታታ) .............................................................................................. 42
3.2.8 GOVERNOR SYSTEM (የገበርነር ስርአት)................................................................................................. 42
3.2.9 COOLING SYSTEM (የማቀዝቀዝ ስርአት) ................................................................................................. 42
3.2.10 LUBRICATION SYSTEM (በቅባት የማለስለስ ስርአት) ................................................................................. 43
3.2.11 IGNITION SYSTEM (የማቀጣጠያ ስርአት) ................................................................................................ 43
3.2.12 CARBURETOR (ካርቡሬተር) ................................................................................................................. 43
3.2.13 AIR CLEANER (ኤር ክሊነር /ደብራተር) .................................................................................................... 44
3.2.14 SECTIONAL VIEW OF ENGINE .......................................................................................................... 45
3.3 DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY (ኢንጂን መበተንና እንደገና መግጠም) ..................................................................... 46
3.3.1 PREPARATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS (ዝግጅት እና እቅድ) ..................................................................... 46
3.3.2 SPECIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................................................ 47
3.3.3 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES (ኢንጂን የመፍታት የአሰራር ቅደም ተከተል) ................................................... 47
3.3.4 REASSEMBLY PROCEDURES (ኢንጂን እንደገና የመግጠም ስራ የአሰራር ቅደም ተከተል) .................................... 58 CRANKSHAFT (ኮሎ) .................................................................................................................... 59 PISTON AND PISTON RINGS (ፒስተን እና የፒስተን ቀለበት) ............................................................... 59 CONNECTING ROD (ቤላ) ............................................................................................................ 60 TAPPET AND CAMSHAFT (ታፔት እና አልብሮ ካም) ......................................................................... 61 MAIN BEARING COVER (የዋና ኩቺኔታ ሽፋን) ................................................................................. 61 INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVES (ቫልቮላ) .................................................................................... 63 TAPEET ADJUSTMENT (ታፔት ማስተካከል) .................................................................................... 64 CYLINDER HEAD (ቴስታታ) .......................................................................................................... 65 SPARK PLUG (ካንዴላ) ................................................................................................................. 65 IGNITION COIL, FLYWHEEL AND STARTER PLLEY (የማቀጣጠያ ኮይል፣ ፍላይ ዊል እና ማስነሻ ፑሊ) ....... 66 CARBURETOR (ካርቡራቶር) .......................................................................................................... 66 GOVERNOR LEVER (ገበርነር መፈንቅል)........................................................................................... 66 MUFFLER AND MUFFLER COVER (ጭስ ማዉጫ እና የጭስ ማዉጫ ሽፋን) .......................................... 66 HEAD COVER, FUEL TANK AND BLOWER HOUSING ................................................................ 66 RECOIL STARTER (የማስነሻ ገመድ) ................................................................................................. 66
3.4 BRAKE-IN OPERATION OF REASSEMBLED ENGINE ......................................................................... 67
3.5 Day two evaluation report .............................................................................................................. 67
3.6 Training Photo Illustrations Day two sessions ............................................................................... 68
4. Practical Trainings ........................................................................................................................... 69
4.1 Workshop based practical Training at Butajira TVET workshop (Photo Illustrations) ................. 69
4.1.1 Day 3 evaluation report .................................................................................................................. 70
4.2 Field Level Pracical Training at selected Kebeles (Photo Illustrations) ......................................... 70
4.2.1 Report on Group Field work and Day four evaluation ................................................................... 71
5. Cross cutting Issues (Gender and Environment) as cross cutting issues ....................................... 72
6. General discussion and way forward on performance task application, spare parts and credit
access ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
7. Discussion and Main Issues raised by the trainees related to Spare Parts ................................... 84
8. Performance task and agreed up on plan of action ...................................................................... 86
9. Summary and Workshop wrap up session..................................................................................... 88
10. Lessons Drawn from the workshop/Training ............................................................................ 89
Annexes .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Annex 1: Reference Documents for Knowledge Management: ........................................................................................ 90
Annex 2: Trainees profile .................................................................................................................................................... 91
Annex 3: Evaluation Template ............................................................................................................................................ 94
The Small Scale and Micro Irrigation Support Project (SMIS) is a capacity development (CD)
project. At regional level it is designed to support key institutions and organizations, including
relevant Bureau of Farm and Natural Resources Development (BoFNRD – representing the former
Bureau of Agriculture -BoA) organizations at the regional, zonal and woreda level responsible for
small scale irrigation (SSI) and micro irrigation (MI) interventions in the region. The mandate of
SMIS is not to carry out the technical work of constructing and managing SSI schemes or MI
interventions, but to support and strengthen public and private institutions to do this work.
The desire by SMIS partner organizations to learn how to develop capacity of their staffs and
colleagues was expressed many times in the region through the institutional assessment process
during the project’s inception period and more specifically during the diagnostic assessment
conducted at the pilot woredas. It is thus based on this need from the Partner Institutions (PIs)
that this training on O&M of motorized irrigation pumps has been designed and conducted to fill
the existing gap.
This training proceeding addresses the important training inputs used and facilitation
methodologies applied during the different training sessions organized to train target groups from
relevant government and private institutions on motorized pump Operation and maintenance
(O&M) service provision.
The proceeding provides consolidated and normative information for technical personals and
private enterprise owners and workers who are engaged in motorized pump repair and
maintenance service work in the two pilot woredas targeted by SMIS project as well as elsewhere
in the region with the requisite capacity development interventions and support work for better
performance of O&M on motorized irrigation pumps.
The effort is particularly important at this moment when the Regional Government has put focus
and mobilization strategy that Small Scale and Micro-irrigation and water harvesting activities in
general should be implemented following an integrated, gender responsive, participatory and
watershed based approach. The proceeding has been designed in such a way that the important
steps that are followed by implementers and the community members who are involved right
from the selection and purchasing of the new motor pumps to start O&M idea up to the
implementation of the repair service delivery work by integrating the private sector who are
expected to fully engage in maintenance service delivery.
The proceeding is generally consisting of two main parts. The first part generally discusses the
steps that outline the parts of the pump and the engine as well as the interventions and the
technologies to be implemented. The second part is the O&M guide which is to help the trainees
by adopting step by step procedures for motor pump O&M. During the training material
preparations, it was felt necessary to include the Amharic translations as much as possible side by
side specially where interventions and technologies are discussed in order to help participants
understand the subject easily. The training also involved both theoretical and practical sessions
by using the Adult learning style, ERGA illustrations. The proceedings contain all the training
materials used including some photo illustrations to provide the necessary information for those
users who require information for better application of the outputs of this training.
The training helped the participants to draw important lessons and set strategic directions for
sustainable O&M of motorized irrigation pumps. In a nutshell, the training was very successful
and developed the requisite capacity of the trainees to undertake the O&M of motorized
irrigation pumps reliably and efficiently. The participants from the key PIs also have acquired the
necessary skills and materials to roll out the outputs of the training to scale up the best practice
for better service deliver thereby leading to finally institutionalize the approach.
SNNPR SMIS RPMU jointly with regional Bureau of Farms and Natural Resources Development
(BoFNRD) and other key stakeholder has realized the outcome of the training. This is, however;
the start of the required CD in terms of pump O&M and needs rolling out and scaling up mainly
by BoFNRD and its structures from region to woreda on one hand and Job Embedded Support
(JES) by SMIS to fine tune the applications by the PIs on the other hand. Accordingly, we hereby
affirm our commitments to adequately run our responsibilities in accordance with the project
requirements so as to contribute to the achievements of overall project outcome.
_______________________________ ________________________________
For and on behalf of SNNPR BoFNRD For and on behalf of SNNPR SMIS RMPU,
Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd.
Workshop implementation schedule
Day 1 Resource person
Participant Registration - Workshop Facilitators
Well Come Adress- Mr.Ravi Naraina (IRTL)
Keynote Address – Ato Germame
Garuma (Deputy
Bureau Head (Bureau
of Farm and Natural
Resources, SNNPR)
Brief Description of SMIS Ato Hune Nega, NCDE
Objective of the work shop- Ato Mitiku Bedru (NRTL,
SMIS, SNNPR, Hawassa)
Training Presentations
Collaboration Environment and Training Overview – Ato Feseha Gizachew
Expectation of Trainees and pre assessment – Ato Damenu Bekele
Introduction to pump Previous experience & discussion-
based on theoretical, video and reflection Ato Getahun
Introduction to robin pump implications for failure:
Generalization & application- Ato Getahun
Practical demonstration and video show on robin pump- Ato Getahun
Day 2
Day One evaluation report- Ato Damenu
Introduction to Motor Engine: Basic principles, components,
Theory, video and discussion/Experience and Reflection Approach Ato Getahun
Control Panel of Motor Engine/Theoretical, Video and discussion Ato Aboneh Bedlu from
Hawasa TVET
Group discussion and experiential problem focused solution,
group approach: work through ERGA Ato Feseha Gizachew
Group Report on ERGA demonstration on finding gallery show of
each group Ato Feseha Gizachew
Robin Engine basic motor parts and operation procedures
(Practical Demonstration) Ato Getahun
Application Strategy and group recommendation:
(the way forward- Summary) Ato Mitiku
Group formation and debriefing on O&M practical work for
the next morning Ato Aboneh
Day two evaluation report--- Participant group
O&M practical session on Robin model Motor Pump& Introduction
to motor pump maintenance steps and procedures Ato Getahun
Group formation discuss on main cause of poor O&M trend analysis
and experiential group reflection Ato Getahun
Practical demonstration and group work Aboneh from TVET
Day 3 evaluation report— Participant group
Field practice and participatory maintenance and repair practice;
group demonstration on problem finding, instructor displays
solutions practically Ato Getahun
Performance task and way forward on pump maintenance and
operations Ato getahun
Application strategy and group recommendation: the way forward Ato Getahun
Day 5
Day 4 evaluation report Participant group
Group work on lesson learnt from the field practical Session Representative of
each group
Group discussion on first hand care and service provision, periodical
service and maintenance schedule and advantages Ato Getahun
Cross cutting Issues (Gender and Environment) as cross cutting issues? Ato Teshome & Ato
Feseha Regional, SMIS
Group based practical work on motor maintenance and repair Ato Aboneh
General discussion and way forward on performance task application
spare part and credit access Ato Seifu Atenafe-SMIS
Regional TC Chairman, Ato
Mitiku-NRTL & Invited
gust, Ato Kedir Mohamed
from Silte Zone FNRD
Performance task and agreement on plan of action Ato Mitiku & Ato Kedir
Mohamed Silte Zone FNRD
Department head
Closing and Certificate Invited gust Ato Kedir
Mohamed, Silte Zone
FNRD Department head
SNNPR – Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region
ITRL – International Regional Team Leader
NRTL – National Regional Team Leader
SMIS- Small Scale and Micro Irrigation Support
TC- Technical Committee
RPMU- Regional Project Management Unit
NPMU- National Project Management Unit
O&M – Operation and Maintenance
FNRD –Farm and Natural Resources Development
MI- Micro Irrigation
RNRME- Regional Natural Resources Management Expert
NCDE- National Capacity Development Expert
RMEE- Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
TVET- Technical Vocational Education and Training
PI- Partner Institution
IC- Internal Combustion
ERGA- Experience, Reflection, Generalization and Application
GSDE-Gender and Social Development Expert
AWP-Annual Work Plan
Many people have contributed to the development, piloting and revision of this comprehensive training program
me. Specially the need for the training was requested from Meskan and Silti woredas Agriculture offices who also
contributed much in collecting their previous training material to be incorporated.
The SMIS International & National, Regional Team Leaders, Mr. Ravi Naraine and Ato Mitiku Bedru respectively,
M&E Subject matter, Ato Damenu Bekele, Gender and Social Development Subject Matter Specialist, Ato
Teshome Beyne, Irrigation Extension Subject matter specialist, Dr. Duressa Chibsa and Agronomy Subject matter
specialist, Ato Aweke Nigatu have all contributed much on reviewing and developing the final manual. Natural
Resources Management Subject matter specialist, Ato Fiseha Gizachew has significantly contributed to the
organization and facilitation of the process of this training program. Generally, each of SNNPR SMIS staff has
contributed much on the development of each sections of the training materials.
Experts and heads of Meskan woreda, Silti woreda agriculture offices and Silte zone agriculture department
substantially participated during Consultation and field level meeting and demonstrated their willingness and
concern for the need to enhance Micro Irrigation (MI) sector capacity development and thus have contributed
their inputs for the design of this training programme.
Also the regional Bureau of Agriculture (BoA), Natural Resources Management (NRM) expert and SMIS Technical
Committee (TC) chairman Ato Siefu Atnafe, Agriculture Growth Program (AGP) engineer Ato Adane Kefelegn and
LIVES project coordinator Dr. Birhanu Biazen have contributed much by sharing their experiences and at the same
time played their role by providing their previously used training material to be reviewed and included in this
For all kind of support rendered in the design and development of this training material and facilitation of the
training event, we would like to extend our deep gratitude on behalf of the project beneficiaries and the
implementing entities"
SNNPR SMIS Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU), Agriteam Canada P.Ltd.
Icon Glossary
Icon Meaning Icon Meaning
Group activity /
discussion & experience
sharing Practical work
Questions to be asked by
facilitator Field
Development Underlining
Considerations Points
Way forward
Agreed mission
For application
Facilitator Tip
Exercise Environmental
Reflection Pollution
Group work
References Directions
Rationale for the Training/Workshop
House hold and micro irrigation development is booming in considerable pace and becoming an attractive
option with an increasing preference by the farmers to use small motorized pumps for lifting ground water. In
view of this, the number of motorized irrigation pumps in use is increasing drastically especially in areas with
high ground water potential for irrigated agriculture. To ensure the sustainable use of these pumps the issue of
pump operation and maintenance (O&M) is vital and requires skills and techniques. Motor pump O&M
techniques require good understanding of the pump and the driving units, basic principles of pumping and skills
for operation and maintenance of the water lifting devices.
Based on the diagnostic survey conducted in the two SMIS MI target weredas (Meskan & Silti) on the MI use
experiences and challenges, both weredas required a quick fix action to be supported on Robin motor pump
O&M as part of the MI capacity development interventions in order to improve the performance of MI by
improving the capacity to O&M the motorized pumps through training. Accordingly, the project designed this
motorized irrigation pumps O&M training for staffs of relevant partner institutions (PIs) at regional, zone and
wereda levels as well as private actors who take part in O&M related service provision as individuals or
organized in a specially established local enterprises.
The training was designed using participatory, practical and experiential training facilitation approach (PERGA)
to help and give opportunities to the trainees to exchange experiences addressing the local problem. All
required training materials were developed in English and translated into local language /Amharic/ to make it
simple and user friendly during the training as well as afterwards. This helped the trainees to effectively
participate, easily learn and develop awareness on appropriate technologies and skills on motor pump O&M
services and applicable solutions related to motorized pump effective service.
The specific objectives of the training are:
1. To enhance the performance of wereda experts and private sector in providing reliable, adequate
and timely support on O&M of robin motor pumps to benefit Micro-irrigation beneficiaries through
improved skill and knowledge.
2. To help PIs reduce the prevalence of motor pump O&M related problems through enhanced
technical skills and improved spare parts access by creating awareness on affordable and appropriate
spare part supply out let and market linkage models and through improved preventive periodical
pump and parts services in the targeted two target woredas
Facilitators and instructors mainly applied Lecture/Presentation, Practical sessions, Field Visits, Group discussion
and Video shows for the proper participatory method of implementation. Group based practical demonstrations
and training activities that could enhance technical expertise of PI staffs and private M&O service providers was
implemented in order to capacitate and upgrade their skills, as well as build their capacities to help them in the
extension support activities.
In this connection the training methodology mainly emphasized on adult learning style and the adult learning style
was effectively applied throughout the training period. The facilitators were encouraged to use the guide to suit
their individual communication and delivery styles with which materials they had become very comfortable and
familiar prior to delivery of the training. Reading the facilitator’s guide, it was initially produced in English and after
reviewing the participant book was translated into Amharic version including the power point slides in order to
help participants to follow the training easily and effectively and even to use it after the training when they go back
to their working place. The guide helped the facilitators to remember the achievement of the learning objectives
of the training by focusing on the key questions like:
In this connection, the participants were informed of the methodology and approach of the training that the
trainees could understand the whole facilitation approach which was designed so as to make it more participatory,
experiential and group work based through the adult learning cycle which involves Experience,
Reflection, Generalization and Application and abbreviated as ERGA. Based on this adult
learning style the facilitation of the training was designed to follow a sequenced adult
experience-based learning cycle in steps as described below.
b) Reflection – this involved facilitating brief discussions, through asking open-ended questions
like “What does that look like? what did you feel?, etc.” in order to help the trainees internalize
the experience. It should be noted that though we describe reflection as a separate step, it is more
naturally addressed through integrated reflection-like questions throughout the experience.
Participants were also given practical assignments to be done after the training sessions. This
supported the participants to better engage in and understand the O&M steps of the motorized
irrigation pumps.
Efforts were also made to share presentation slides and relevant documents to help the participants go effectively
through the existing motor irrigation pump Operation and Maintenance steps, identify further strategies for skill
enhancement and develop ideas for detailed problem solving particularly related to repair and maintenance of
motorized irrigation pumps. To help the participants achieve these training objectives smoothly and as required
the whole training material has been divided into the following major units as listed below. These are:
Unit 1: Introduction & building collaboration environment
Unit 2: Introduction to water lifting device and water pumps
Unit 3. Understanding motor engine
Unit 4: Operation and Maintenance procedures
Unit 5: Field visit & practical work, Lesson for Performance task and way forward
An example of a training evaluation appears in Appendix 2. The evaluation has three parts:
Part A: Content,
Part B: Relevance, Applicability and Effectiveness;
Part C is designed to help the facilitator with continuous
improvement based on the feedback of the participants. Part A
measures knowledge, skills, and attitude gains as a result of the
Three participants from unemployed youth group being/to be organized in small enterprises
for O&M and spare parts supply services in each of the two MI woredas totally 6 participants
Two experts from regional level 1 for NRM and 1 for MI totally 2 participants
Now, many workshops have already been undertaken on 0&M of pumps in SNNPR by various
projects, and you may ask, how this workshop would be different.
We will be using a 4 STAGE Capacity Development strategy. For example, we will utilize the ERGA
(Experience, Reflection, Generalization and Application) model to sustain learning during the
workshop. The adult learning style will be adopted, which is based on previous experience gained
and on a practical approach in solving the problem. At the end of the training, participants will be
given performance tasks and will be evaluated. A program of Job Embedded Support will then be
implemented to ensure sustainability of the skills you will have received from this workshop. Revised
guidelines for effective pump O&M will result from the lessons learnt from this workshop and will be
cascaded down to the kebeles and farmers and distributed to other woredas. This CD strategy will
be further explained during the workshop.
Let me again welcome all of you and hoping that our workshop will be a successful one.
I will now like to invite Ato Germame, Deputy Head of BoFNRD1, to officially launch /open this pump
O&M training /workshop. Ato Germame!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Regional SMIS Project Management Unit
(RPMU) for all their sincere efforts to organize this important event.
We have to understand that food security is the major area of development intervention
and we have plenty of water resources in general. Though agriculture is predominantly
based on rain fed existing situation related to occurrence of unfavorable weather condition
and moisture stress hampers the majority of farmers` production and productivity. So that
looking for alternative sources where by farmers can convey water source for the agriculture
development has become the primary concern and the very critical direction of the country
in general and to the region in particular. The primary thing we should learn a lesson from
the nature is that using irrigation water is the primary concern of the society.
The diagnostic survey result in the two weredas shows that though there are over 10,000
water pumps in the two weredas 60% of the water pumps are not functional mainly due to
lack of proper handling, lack of local level service providers and spare parts supply out let
related problems and lack of skills and knowledge in these regards.
So I hope that this can be overcome by sharing, acquiring and developing proper skills
through this training.
The variety feature of the workshop will help the participants coming from the private and
public sector to have the opportunity to sit together and discuss the real problem of the two
weredas and find solution and help each other as a complementary approach.
It also will help to support the capacity development of the two MI targeted weredas
technical staff and the private sector in filling the gap in the existing O&M of robin pumps in
line with adopted participatory, Watershed and gender based approach.
After the training since motor pump is not only located in the two weredas, the trainees
from zones and the region are also expected to roll out and scale up in different parts of the
region where there are farmers having same practice.
In addition, each and every of the trainees are also expected to discuss with the respective
sector and need to institutionalize so as to make it more practical and sustainable. Trainees
are also expected to undertake inventory of pumps and prepare O&M plan when back to the
Bureau of Farm and Natural Resources Development –representing the former bureau of agriculture
work places. Such activity should also be complemented with proper documentation and
preparation of progress report.
We have also to realize that above all integration of the Private garage owners, Private
Service providers, beneficiary farmers and public institutions is vital to alleviate the problem
pertaining to the O&M of motorized irrigation pumps. I highly encourage specially the
participants from the unemployed youth groups to start the service delivery as door to door
business immediately after this training while awaiting the upcoming legalization through
registration as small and micro enterprise to operate in the sector and CD supports through
training on business planning and entrepreneurship.
In the next five days I expect that the participants would be involved actively in the
interactive sessions to access and share skill of Motor Pump Operation and maintenance
services and will roll out and scale up for their end users
Let me express my thanks to the members of organizing committee who have Worked
efficiently to select the relevant key participants in this workshop, and also the trainers who
will impart different skills and knowledge that they have accumulated through their
Finally, I wish you every success in these five days training, discussions, practical events and
learning and declare that the work shop is officially opened.
Thank you once again.
1. Introduction
1.1. Brief Description of SMIS Capacity Development
Ato Hune Nega
National Capacity Development Expert (NCDE)
National SMS Project Management Unit
Addis Ababa
1.2. Objective of the workshop/Training
Ato Mitiku Bedru, NRTL, SMIS,SNNPR, Hawassa
1.3. Collaboration Environment and Training Overview
Ato Fesha Gizachew RNRME,SNNPR, Hawassa
1.4. Expectation of Trainees and pre assessment
Ato Damenu Bekele, RM&EE, SNNPR
During the training all the trainees were requested to freely express their expectations from the
work shop and their views with regard to threats. Accordingly, their expectations have been
summarized as follows;
I would be able to describe and clarify each technical part of Robin Pump contributing for
suctions and delivery work.
I would be able to describe and demonstrate major operating system and control panel
mechanism of motor pumps engines
I would be able to demonstrate level of causes for trouble shooting of motor pumps and
repair and service procedures.
I would be able to describe all required steps and procedure of O&M services at daily,
weekly and monthly basis
I would be able to justify and demonstrate required tools and spare parts of motorized
pump during O&M services.
I would be able to understand the processes and tools for identifying major causes for
troubleshooting and can take appropriate maintenance and repair measures
I would be able to advise farmers on selecting proper pumps and provide technical support
on managing troubleshooting and repair of irrigation pumps
I would be able to describe different types of internal combustion engines types like, the
power chain, the stationary parts and the auxiliary parts and accessories.
I would be able to describe major principles of engine operation the benefits of having a
clear knowledge and skill on Classification of IC Engines
I would be able to define major causes for troubleshooting of motor pumps and repair and
service procedures
I would be able to understand the basic parts of motorized water pumps so as to prioritize
timely service and differentiate driving and driven parts.
Trainees also raised what they fear as threats on the work shop
Since there exist different types of motor pumps I am afraid that this training may
not show us O&M of all types of the motor pumps which the farmers are using
Lack of spare part may inhibit farmers to do a lot
At wereda level we may not get enough attention /support by the office to
aggressively work on this matter and hence we may face difficulties to cascade to
farmers’ level
Since there are some trainees who have good experience in this regard the training
may not properly accommodate both types of trainees who are standing at different
There may not be a continuous follow up by the trainees during the field work
This training alone may not enable trainees to acquire appropriate skill of pump
Operation and maintenance
We may not get sufficient practical training as that of the theory
2. Introduction to pump: Previous experience & discussion based
on theoretical explanation and participant reflection
Ato Getahun Alemu-Hawassa University Instructor
2.1. Day One evaluation report
Ato Damenu Bekele, RM&EE, SNNPR
Just after the end of the first day session the second day program has been started with recapping the
overall situation of the first day.in this connection three types of evaluation cards (Green, Yellow and red)
were distributed to the trainees in order to express their feelings.
Green represents—conditions that are found favorable and need to continue
Yellow-- situations that need an improvement and
Red—Situations that should be avoided
Accordingly, the 27 trainees were given the following suggestions in summary.
Green: -All of the trainees have explained their views in a similar ways mentioning that the training is
very comfortable and understandable and hence recommend that it should be continued by the same
Yellow: -
Need to have training clothing/Uniforms for the trainees
We need to have broad part of both theory and practice
Better to include Diesel Motors in addition to benzene motors
Some of the logistics issues like Transport service and allowance were also raised by some of the
Red: -
Presenters should avoid using English language
During the practice time it is good to let those who have no experience take more time and play
the lead role
After explaining the reflection of the trainees some clarification was given particularly on issues related to
logistics, uniforms, and the need to have inclusion of other motor pumps and trainees agreed to proceed
the second day training.
Ato Mitiku Bedru, Project National Regional Team leade at welcome address.
Mr. Ravi Naraine Project International Regional Team leader at welcome address
Ato Germame Garuma delivering opening speech
Ato Hune Nega, National capacity development expert delivering introductory information about the
SMIS and Ato Mitiku Bedru presenting general background information of the project
Ato Getahun technical instructor presenting about principles of pump and Engine
Ato Aboneh Bedlu, assistance instructor; facilitating practical demonstration on parts of a pump.
2.3. Group discussion and experiential problem focused solution & Report group
Ato Fiseha Gizachew, RNRM, SMIS; SNNPR
Group work presentation / day one motor pump based participants report/
All groups are oriented on how to apply ERGA /adult learning style to share their experience
on each of the topics they have discussed on.
Step by step procedures to apply ERGA is demonstrated to participants by the
Experience-Participant discuss on experiences on the exercise or session they have
translation was demonstrated/
Reflection- How was thisexercise helpful?
Generalization: What did It achieve? So what?
Application: Do you\will you plan something similar in your workshops?
After giving a brief clarification on using exercise approach participants are asked to make a group
Four group presented based on the two woreda / Silti and Meskan /experience.
1/ Operation and Maintenance including servicing motorized pump main issues
regarding poor handling under the two woredas summarized accordingly.
Farmers or MI beneficiaries are not aware of O&M fundamental rules and
procedures like when to replace oil, cleaning after using the pump, cleaning dusts and particles from the
air cleaner etc.
All motor pump users are not aware on how operating and servicing per the machine time schedule
recommended, there for improper usage of the motor pump is the basic problem for exposer of failure
to work.
Some of the primary parts of motor pump like spark plug, air cleaner and in late or suction part need
to be protected and cleaned periodically, but farmers are not aware to clean those parts and the motor
pumps are exposed to unnecessary damage and need repair and maintenance without giving
appropriate service.
There is a problem of skilled man power to accomplish argent O&M service based on
simple troubleshooting nearby both silti and Meskan woredas, related to this there
are no different responsible bodies interested to give trainings on this issue.
Therefore, the challenge related to O&M problem is the main bottleneck of the
Both woreda centers and by their nearest town there is no spare parts shop.
Different repair workshops have no access to buy to replace some damaged accessories. Due to such spare
parts and O&M problem most farmers are exposed to
purchase new motor pumps repeatedly.
Poor operation and use of the pump like putting mixture of fuel and
oil, putting gasoline instead of petrol and not using appropriate No.
of oil / required viscosity/
Reflection፡ based on the above experience participants forwarded their feeling
The above common mistakes and improper utilization motorized pumps are the
reflection of responsible technical personnel in all level who have responsibility to create
awareness for the farmer. Therefore, we feel guilty for the reflected result.
Participants expressed their feeling that they didn’t demonstrated any responsibility and effort on
the absence of O&M workshops and spare part shop in their locality.
Skill and knowledge gap at all stakeholders /technical staff at all level, farmers, the operation and
maintenance service providers/ hampered the sector’s effectiveness and this gap should be given
emphases further.
Responsible stakeholders at all level should feel their failure contributed much for unnecessary
wastage of beneficiary farmers’ resource and time loss.
We have to blame ourselves for not being aware of the farmers Responsible
Generalization: So what? What did It achieve? The group generalize accordingly.
We need to focus on technical trainings and capacitate ourselves in order to address the
skill and knowledge gap identified in our desiccations.
Fe should design and plan technical training on awareness creation of O&M and service
use of motorized pumps.
Local Garage owners and motor pump maintenance and repair and service providers should link
to spare part markets and need to establish spare parts shop in both woreda centers.
Applications: - each group developed way forward and application plan.
To plan similar technical trainings to aware others working in similar positions.
To scale up this training to kebele level in order to aware target beneficiaries.
3. SERVICE MANUAL (የጥገና አገልግሎት መመሪያ)
EY15-3, EY20-3
3.1 የሞተር ዝርዝር ክፍሎች ማሳያ (SPECIFICATIONS)
Bore x Stroke የሲሊንደር ሥፋት እና ምት 63 x 46 mm (2.48 x 1.81 in.) 67 x 52 mm (2.64 x 2.05 in.)
Piston Displacement የፒስተን
እንቅስቃሴ 143 cm3 (8.73 cu.in.) 183 cm3 (11.17 cu.in.)
Compression Ratio የመታመቅ ንጥጥር 63
1.6 kW (2.2 HP) /3000 r.p.m. 2.2 kW (3.0 HP) /3000 r.p.m.
Output ዉጤት 2.0 kW (2.7 HP) /3600 r.p.m. 2.6 kW (3.5 HP) /3600 r.p.m.
Max. 2.6 kW (3.5 HP) /4000 r.p.m. 3.7 kW (5.0 HP) /4000 r.p.m.
6.7 N・m (0.68 kgf・m) /2800 9.3 N・m (0.95 kgf・m) / 2800
Max. Torque r.p.m. r.p.m.
Direction of Rotation የዙር አቅጣጫ Counterclockwise as viewed from P.T.O. shaft side
ስም ክፍሎች)
3.2.1 CYLINDER AND CRANKCASE ሲሊንደር ብረቶችና ቀዳዳዎች በኩቺኔታ መሸፈኛ ላይ ስለተሰሩ
ብሎክ (ካምቻ) እና ክራንክ ኬዝ (ሶቶኮፓ) በቀጥታ ጄነረተር እና ፓምፖ ሊታሰሩ ይችላሉ፡፡
The cylinder and crankcase are single piece
Oil gauges (fillers) are on both sides of the
alu-minum die-casting. ሲሊንደር ብሎክ እና ክራንክ
ኬዝ ወጥ ሆኖ በአልሙኒዬም የተሰራ ነዉ፡፡ cover for easy maintenance. የዘይት መለኪያ
በሁለቱም አቅጣጫ በቀላሉ ማየት እንዲንችል ተገጥሟል፡፡
The cylinder liner, made of special cast
iron, is molded into the aluminum casting.
ሲሊንደር ላይነር የሚንለዉ የሚሰራዉ ከጠንካራ
የብረት ምርት ሲሆን የሚገባ እና የሚወጣ ነዉ ጣሳ
Governor Gear
3.2.3 CRANKSHAFT ክራንክ ሻፍት (ኮሎ)
(ኮኔክቲንግ ሮድ(ቤላ) እና ፒስተን)
3.2.7 CYLINDER HEAD (ሲሊንደር ሄድ -
The large fins on the flywheel provide sufficient cooling air capacity for the cylinder and cylinder head. The
cylinder baffle and head cover are provided for guiding the cooling air.
ካምቻ እና ቴስታታዉ የሚቀዘቅዘዉ በፍላይ ዊሉ በሚገፋዉ አየር አማካኝነት ነዉ፡፡ በቀላሉ አየሩ ወደ እነዚህ ክፍሎች እንዲደረስ መንገዶች
ተዘጋጅተዋል፡፡ እንዲነሳ፣ ትንሽ ነዳጅ እንዲረጭ፣ ጥሩ ጉልበትና ፍጥነት እንዲኖረዉ አድርገዉ ነዉ፡፡
የማለስለስ ስርአት)
The ignition system is a transistor controlled mag-
neto system which consists of a flywheel and an
ignition coil with a built-in transistor mounted on
the crankcase.
የማቀጣጠያ ስርአቱ በትራንዚስተር የሚታዘዝ ነዉ፡፡ ስርአቱም
በፍላይ ዊል ላይ በተገጠመ ማግኔት፣ ክራንክ ኬዝ ላይ በታሰረ
ኢግኒሽን ኮይል፣ ካንዴላና ሌሎችን ጥቃቅን ቁሶች የያዘ ነዉ፡፡
3.2.13 AIR CLEANER (ኤር ክሊነር /ደብራተር)
Fuel Tank
Cylinder Head
Piston Pin
Piston Ring
Recoil Starter
Bl ower Housing
Control Lever
Air Cleaner
Stop Switch
Connecting Rod
Intake and
Exhaust Valve
Oil Scraper
1) When disassembling the engine, memorize the locations of individual parts so that they can be
reassembled correctly. If you are uncertain of identifying some parts, it is suggested that tags be
attached to them.
ኢንጂንን ስትፈታታ እቃዎችን የፈታህበትን ቦታ በደንብ ለይተህ እወቅ፣ ይህ መልሰህ በምትገጥምበት ጊዜ በቀላሉና በትክክል
እቃዉን ቦታዉ ማሰር ያስችልሃል፡፡ የምትቸገር ከሆነ እቃዉ ላይ ምልክት እሰርበት ወይም አድርግበት
2) Have boxes ready to keep disassembled parts by group. የአንድን ክፍል የተፈቱ ቁሶች አንድ ላይ አኑር
3) To prevent losing and misplacing, temporarily assemble each group of disassembled parts. ሊጠፋ፣
ሊበተን ወይም ሊቀላቀል ይችላል ብለህ የምታስበዉን የኢንጂን ክፍል ለጊዜዉ እየገጠምህ አስቀምጥ
4) Carefully handle disassembled parts, and clean them with washing oil if necessary. የተፈቱትን ክፍሎች
በትክክለኛዉ የማጽጃ ቅባት በማጽዳት በጥንቃቄ አስቀምጥ
M6 x 8 Flange bolt: 4 pcs
Recoil Starter
Drain Plug
Head Cover (2) Disconnect the fuel pipe between the fuel 10mm
ሳልባቲዮ እና የቴስታታ strainer and carburetor from the fuel Spanner
ሽፋን strainer. ካርቡሬተርና የነዳጅ ማጣሪያዉን
የሚአገናኘዉን ቱቦ በማጣሪያዉ በኩል ፍታ
(3) Remove the fuel tank from the cylinder
head. M6 Nut : 2 pcs. ሳልባቲዩዉን
ከቴስታታዉ ፍታ
(4) Remove the head cover from the cylinder
የቴስታታዉን ሽፋን ከቴስታታዉ ፍታ
5 Air Cleaner (1) Remove the air cleaner cover and Air cleaner case 10mm Box
የአየር ማጣሪያ is fastened spanner
element.የአየር ማጣሪያዉን ሽፋን እና ማጣሪያዉን ቁስ
ፍታ together with
the carburetor.
(2) Remove the air cleaner case from the የአየር ማጣሪያ የጀርባ
ሽፋን ከካርቡራቶሩ ጋር
carburetor. M6 Nut : 2 pcs. የአየር ማጣሪዉን የታሰረ ነዉ
የጀርባ ሽፋን ከካርቡራቶሩ ለየዉ
(3) Disconnect the breather pipe. እስካሪኮዉን ለይ
6 Muffler Cover (1) Remove the muffler cover from the muffler. 10mm Box
የጭስ ማዉጫ ሽፋን የጭስ ማዉጫ ሽፋንን ከጭስ ማዉጫዉ ለይ spanner
M6 x 8 Flange bolt : 3 pcs.
7 Muffler (1) Remove the muffler from the cylinder portion 12mm
የጭስ ማዉጫ of the Spanner
crankcase. የጭስ ማዉጫዉን ከካምቻው ዘንድ ካለዉ
ሶቶኮፓ ለይ M8 Nut : 2 pcs.
Fuel Tank
M6 x 14 Flange bolt : 2 pcs.
Blower Housing
Muffler Cover
Head Cover
M6 x 8
Flange bolts 3 Pcs
M6 Nut 2 Pcs M6 x 12
Flange bolt STEP 6
: 2 pcs.
Breather Muffler
M8 Nut : STEP 7
2 pcs.
Fuel Pipe
M6 Nut : 2 pcs.
Air Cleaner
Step Parts to remove Procedures Remarks Tool
8 Governor Lever and (1) Loosen the bolt and Just loosen the 10mm Box
the relative Parts remove the governor bolt, spanner or 10mm
የገበርነር መፈንቅል እና lever from the governor unnecessary Spanner
ሌሎች ተዘማጅ ክፍሎች shaft. ዳዶዉን በማላላት to take out the
የገበርነሩን መፈንቅል ከገበርነሩ bolt.
ሻፍት ለይ ዳዶዉን ማላላት እንጂ
M6 x 25 Bolt: 1 pc. ማዉለቅ አያስፈልግም
(2) Remove the governor rod
and rod spring from the
carburetor. የገበርነሩን ዘንግ
እና የዘንግ እስፕሪንግ
ከካርቡሬተሩ ለይ
9 Carburetor (1) Remove the carburetor
ካርቡሬተር from the cylinder portion
of the
crankcase. ካረቡሬተሩን ወደ
ካምቻ በኩል ካለዉ ሶቶኮፓ ለይ
Governor Lever
M6 x 25 Bolt: 1 pc.
Governor Spring
Governor Rod
Governor Lever
M14 Nut: 1 pc. Strike counterclockwise with
Fit a box or socket wrench over the a hammer.
flywheel nut, and strike it hard
with a hammer to remove the nut ፍላይ ዊል ላይ ያለዉ የአየር መቅዘፊያ
(14mm) and spring washer. እንዳይሰባበር ጥንቃቄ ማድረግ
የፍላይ ዊሉን ዳዶ ለማላላት ዳዶዉን በሬንች አለብን
ያዝና ሬንቹን በፕላስቲክ መዶሻ ወደ ግራ
ደብድብ ከዚያም ዳዶዉን ወደ ሚፈታበት
አቅጣጫ ፍታ
Step Parts to remove Procedures Remarks Tool
Spark Plug (1) Remove the spark plug from the
13 ካንዴለ cylinder head. ካንዴላዉን ከቴስታታዉ ለይ 21mm Box spanner
Main Bearing Cover (1) Remove the fixing bolt of the main 10mm Box spanner
16 የዋና ኩቺኔታ ሽፋን bearing cover from the crank case.
የዋና ኩቺኔታ ሽፋንን ከሶቶኮፓ ጋር የአያያዘዉን
ብሎን ፍታ Be careful not to
damage the oil
M6 x 30 Bolt: 8 pcs.
(2) Remove the cover, lightly tapping the ቅባት ከኢንጂኑ
cover evenly with a plastic hammer. እንዳይንጠባጠብ
በፕላስቲክ መዶሻ ሽፋኑን በትንሹ ዙሪያዉን መከላከያዉን
በመደብደብ አለያየዉ እንዳትጎዳ ተጠንቀቅ
STEP 14 Cylinder Head
Spark Plug Intake & Exhaus t Valve
Breather Plate
Main Bearing Cover
Tappet Cover
Drain Plug
M6 x 12 Bolt : 2 pcs.
STEP 16 Oil Gauge
M6 x 30 Bolt : 8 pcs.
Step Parts to remove Procedures Remarks Tool
17 Camshaft ኮሎ (1) Remove the camshaft from
the crankcase. ኮሎዉን ከሶቶ To prevent the tappets from
ኮፓዉ አዉጣዉ falling or damaging,
put the crankcase to the
flywheel side down. ታፔቱ
እንዳይወድቅ ወይም እንዳይጎዳ
ኢንጂኑን በፍላይ ዊሉ በኩል አስተኛዉ
18 Tappet ታፔት (1) Remove the tappets from Before removing, put a mark
the crankcase. ታፔቱን of intake or exhaust on each
ከሶቶኮፓ አዉጣዉ tappet. የጋዝ ማስገቢያና ማስዎጫ
ታፔቱን ለማለየት ምልክት
Exhaust Valve
Intake Valve
Valve Spring
Spring Retainer
Governor Gear
Step Parts to remove Procedures Remarks Tool
Connecting Rod (1) Scrape off carbon and other foreign
deposits from the upper parts of the
and Piston ቤላ እና cylinder and piston, and then remove 10mm
ፒስተን Box spanner or
two pieces of connecting rod bolt.
ከካምቻ የላይኛዉ ክፍልና ከፒስተኑ ላይ 10mm Spanner
የሚጋገረዉን ጥላሸት አጽድተህ ሁለቱን የቤላ
ብሎኖች ፍታ
Piston and Ring Remove the two clips, pull out the Be careful not to
ፒስተን እና የፒስተን piston pin, and take the piston off break the rings by
ቀለበት from the small end of the spreading too
(1) connecting rod. ሁለቱን የብረት ማገጃዎች much. ፒስተን ቀለበቱን
አዉጣ እና የፒስተን ቅርቃር አዉጥተህ ስታወልቅ ቀለበቱ
ቤላዉን እንዳይሰበር በጣም
ከፒስተኑ ለይ አትለጥጠዉ
20 (2) Spread the open ends of the piston
rings and remove them from the
piston. ፒስተን ቀለበቱ ላይ ያለዉን ክፍተት
በማስፋት በየተራ ፒስተን ቀለበቱን ከፒስተኑ
Crankshaft ኮሎ (1) Remove the woodruff key (for the Be careful not to
magneto). በኮሎዉ ጫፍ በፍላይዊሉ በኩል damage the oil
ያለዉን የብረት ቅርቃር ከጉድጓዱ አዉጣ seal. ዘይት
መከላከያዉን እንዳትጎዳ
21 (2) Tap lightly on the flywheel end of ተጠንቀቅ
crankshaft with a soft hammer to
remove it from crankcase. በፕላስቲክ
መዶሻ በፍላይዊሉ በኩል የኮሎዉን ጫፍ
እየመታህ ከሶቶኮፓዉ አላቀዉ
3.3.4 REASSEMBLY PROCEDURES (ኢንጂን እንደገና የመግጠም ስራ የአሰራር ቅደም ተከተል)
2) Scrape off all carbon deposits from cylinder head, piston top and piston ring grooves. የተጠራቀመዉን
ከሰል ከቴስታታ፣ከፒስተን አናት እና ከፒስተን ቀለበት ማስቀመጫ ቦይ ፈቅፍቀህ አንሳ
3) Check lip of oil seals. Replace oil seal if the lip is damaged. Apply oil to the lip before reassembly. የዘይት
ማገጃዉን ቁስ ጠርዝ እንዳይጎዳ ተጠንቀቅ፡፡ እንደገና ስትገጥም ጠርዙን ዘይት ቀባ
4) If the gasket is stuck on the mounting surface, remove it carefully by taking care not to damage the
surface. የክፍተት መድፈኛዉ ቁስ ከተጣበቀ ቀስ ብለህ አስለቅቀዉ፤ የተጣበቀበትን ክፍል በማይጎዳ መልኩ
5) Replace all the gaskets with new ones. አስፈላጊ ከሆነ የክፍተት መድፈኛዉን ቀይር
6) Replace keys, pins, bolts, nuts, etc., if necessary. አስፈላጊ ከሆነ ቅርቃሩን፣ ብሎኑን እና ዳዶዉን ቀይር
7) Torque bolts and nuts to specification refer to the "TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS" (See page 56).
8) Apply oil to rotating and sliding portions. የሚሽከረከሩና የሚንሸራተቱ የኢንጂን ክፍሎች ዘይት ቀባ
9) Check and adjust clearances and end plays where specified in this manual. በዚህ ዶክመንት ዉስጥ
የተጠቀሱትን የክፍተት እና የንቅናቄ ልኬቶች አስተካክል
10) When the main parts are assembled, check the movement and sound by rotating it manually.
ዋና ዋና የኢንጂን ክፍሎች ሲገጠሙ እንቅስቃሴአቸዉን እና ድምጹን በእጅ እያሽከረከርህ ተመልከት
(1) Insert crankshaft in ball bearing of crank case
wrapping the key-way with polyvinyl tape to
avoid damage to oil seal.
ላስትሮ ኮሎዉ ጫፍ ላይ ጠቅልለህ ኮሎዉን ሶቶኮፓዉ
ዉስጥ ባለዉ ኩቺኔታ አስገባ
(2) Install woodruff key for flywheel on crankshaft.
የፍላይ ዊሉን ማገጃ ቅርቃር ኮሎዉ ቀዳዳ ዉስጥ
አስተካክለህ አስቀምጥ Crankshaft
Polyvinyl tape
EY15-3 EY20-3
Top Ring Barrel Taper and
Face lnner
Second Ring Taper Under Cut
2) Reassemble the piston and connecting rod with the piston pin. ትንሹን የቤላ ቀዳዳ ዘይት በመቀባት ከፒስተኑ
ጋር በፒስተን ቅረቀቃሩ አያይዝ፡፡ የቅርቃሩን ማገጃ ቁስ በሁለቱም በኩል መመለሱን አትርሳ
NOTE: Apply enough oil to the small end of the connecting rod. Be sure to place the clips on both
sides of the piston pin.
connecting rod plain bearings and cylinder bore before assembly. በቂ ዘይት ፒስተን ቀለበቱን፣ ቤላዉን፣
ኩቺኔታዉን እና የካምቻዉን የዉስጥ ክፍል ቀባ
NOTE: The open ends of the piston rings must be 90°apart from each other before assembly.
የፒስተን ቀለበቱን ክፍተት ዘጠና ዲግሪ በማራራቅ አደራጀዉ
1) Turn the crankshaft to the bottom dead center, lightly tap the piston head until the large end of
connecting rod contacts the crankpin. ኮሎዉን እያዞርህ ፒስተኑን ከላይ የመጨረሻዉ ጠርዝ እስኪደርሰ ድረስ
በመግፋት ከክራንክፒኑ ጋር እንዲገናኝ አድርግ
2) When reassembling the connecting rod cap, match the alignment projection mark on the rod. የቤላዉን
ክዳን ስታስር ምልክቱን ጠብቀህ ይሁን
NOTE: Align the timing mark on the root of the
cam gear with the one on the crank gear. If the
NOTE: As the governor gear is mounted on the main bearing cover side, install the main bearing cover
with checking that the governor gear meshes with the cam gear. (See the next Figures) If the oil seal
needs to be replaced, press-fit a new oil seal before installing the main bearing cover. ገበርነሩን ዋናዉ
ኩቺኔታ ሽፋን ዉስጥ ካለዉ ቦታ ከሰካህ በኋላ ጥርሱ ከአልብሮካሙ ጥርስ ጋር መገናኘቱን ዐረጋግጠህ የኩቺኔታ ሽፋኑን እሰር
Pay attention to the
engagement of the governor
Governor Gear
Adjusting Shim
NOTE: The next Fig shows one of the methods mea-suring the crankshaft side clearance between the
NOTE: If there is an excessive clearance between the valve guide and valve stem, replace the valve
guide with a spare. For replacing, pull out the valve guide, using the valve guide puller as shown in
Fig.5.26, and press fit a new valve guide into place.
Table L: LOOSE
63 TAPEET ADJUSTMENT (ታፔት ማስተካከል)
Lower the tappet all the way down, push the valve, and insert a thickness gauge between the valve
and tappet stem to measure the clearance. (See Fig.5-28.) ታፔቱ እስከመጨረሻዉ ድረስ ከወረደ በኋላ የክፍተቱን
መጠን ለካ
NOTE: The correct tappet clearance for both intake and exhaust valves is 0.1mm 0.02mm when the
engine is cold.
NOTE: If the clearance is smaller than specified, slightly grind the top of the valve stem, and measure
it again. On the contrary if the clearance is too large, replace the valve with new one, and polish its
contact surface with a compound to obtain a good fit. Then adjust the clearance.
NOTE: After the tappet clearance adjustment, install the valve springs and spring retainers, and turn
the crankshaft, and measure the tappet clearance once again if it is correct.
Place the notch on the outer circumference of the spring retainer toward this side and insert the
retainer, like pushing in, using a special tool. (Valve Spring Retainer) የቫልቮላ እስፕሪንግ መጠበቂያዉን ከስር
በስእል እንደተገለጸዉ በማስተካከል አስገባ
( -) Driver
Remove carbon from the cylinder head, particularly its combustion chamber, and clean the cooling
fins. Also check the head surface for flatness. ማቀጣጠያ ክፍል የተጠራቀመዉን ከሰል አስለቅቅ፣ ቴስታታዉ ላይ ያሉትን
የማቀዝቀዣ ፊንስ አጽዳ
If the gasket is stuck on the upper surface of crankcase and on the cylinder head, separate it carefully
by taking care not to damage the mating surface. እቃዉን ሳትጎዳ የክፍተት መድፈኛዉን አላቅ
NOTE: Replace the cylinder head gasket with a new one. የክፍተት መድፈኛዉን ቀይር
Furthermore, the marking is provided at the position shown below for identification.
15 20
65 IGNITION COIL, FLYWHEEL AND STARTER PLLEY (የማቀጣጠያ ኮይል፣ ፍላይ ዊል እና ማስነሻ ፑሊ)
Fit the flywheel on to the crankshaft. ፍላይ ዊሉን ኮሎዉ ዉስጥ አስገባ
Also, fasten the starter pulley together with the flywheel. ፍላይ ዊሉን ከማስነሻ ፑሊዉ ጋር አብረህ እሰር
NOTE: Before installing, wipe out oil from the crankshaft and the tapered portion of the flywheel. MUFFLER AND MUFFLER COVER (ጭስ ማዉጫ እና የጭስ ማዉጫ ሽፋን)
If the muffler gasket is stuck to the crankcase and to the muffler flange surface, remove it carefully by
taking care not to damage the surfaces. የክፍተት መድፈኛዉን በጥንቃቄ አጽዳ፣ በአዲስም ቀይር
Be sure to replace the muffler gasket with a new gasket.
Install the muffler to the cylinder with 2 pieces of stainless steel nuts, then mount the muffler cover.
የጭስ ማዉጫዉን ከካምቻ ጋር በዳዶ ካሰርህ በኋላ የጭስ ማዉጫዉን ሽፋን እሰር
Install the head cover, fuel tank and blower housing in order. የቴስታታ ሽፋን፣ ሰልባቲዮና የአየር ማዘዋወሪያዉን
ክፍል በቅደም ተከተላቸዉ ሳታቀያይር ግጠም
NOTE: If these parts are installed in the order of the head cover, blower housing and fuel tank, removal
of the blower housing would be impossible.
Fasten the recoil starter with 4 pieces of M6 x 8 mm bolt. የማስነሻ ገመዱን በብሎን እሰር
NOTE: It is feared that the bolt longer than 8mm may damage the blades.
Install the plastic recoil for the pump specification of model EY15-3 with 4 pieces of M6 x 12 mm bolt.
An overhauled engine must be operated at low speed to break-in the parts. A thorough break-in is
indispensable particularly when the cylinder, piston, piston rings or valves are replaced with new ones.
The recommended break-in schedule is shown below. ኢንጂኑን ከገጠምህ በኋላ በሰንጠረዡ በተገለጸዉ መሰረት
EY20-3 1.3kW(1.75HP)
The day two program was delivered with the combination of theory and practice. Accordingly, trainees
were given the following comments using the green and yellow card.
Green: -
3.6 Training Photo Illustrations Day two sessions
Engine part training session theatrical and with model demonstration by interacted Ato Getahun
Practical session on M&O exercise at workshop level by Ato Aboneh assistance instructor.
Woreda Technical staff demonstrating on how to aware farmers on primary service procedure, based
on the service manual at a time distributing motorized pumps.
4. Practical Trainings
4.1 Workshop based practical Training at Butajira TVET workshop (Photo
Day Three sessions (Day long Practical sessions in workshop)
All participants assigned in four different group to exercise disassembling and assembling practice at a
workshop level
4.1.1 Day 3 evaluation report
Participant group
The day three program was delivered with the combination of theory and more practice. Accordingly, trainees also
gቭ the following comments using the green and yellow card.
Green: -
The training is so good that it is fully supported by practical exercise
The group formation and the finding of the group discussion is pertinent
The Inclusion of private Guarage owners and local service providers/ is so good that trainees coming
from public organization have got to get the practical nature of motor pumps both pump part and
We need the overall information of the training process through soft copy
Yellow: -
Allowance rate for the woreda located within 30 km radius should be improved
4.2.1 Report on Group Field work and Day four evaluation
Raportours: Representative of each group
Facilitators: Ato Getahun, Ato Aboneh & Ato Damenu
Day 4 was planned to undertake field level practical experience after dividing the participants into two working
groups. The group arrangement was made by uniformly distributing of the staffs from government institutions,
enterprprises, Guarage owners, SMIS staff and Hawassa University Instructor and TVET instructor. The first group
was led by Ato Mitiku Bedru, NRTL, SMIS and the team was assigned to work in Meskan wereda, Lejamo-kebele while
the 2nd group was led by Ato Damenu Bekele, Regional M&E Expert and was assigned to work in Silti wereda, Shella
washo kebele. In both kebeles farmers were eager enough to have their pumps repaired and a total of 19 none
functional pumps were brought by the farmers of which 6 are for group 1 from Meskan woreda while the remaining
13 pumps brought from Silti wereda Kebele.
Accordingly, a brief discussion was made with the farmers just before the start of repair of the already availed motor
pumps. Repair service was delivered by purchase of all fuel and lubricant by SMIS budget. The maintenance service
and problem identification was carried out on step by step procedure beginning from the simplest and advancing to
the engine parts of motor pumps. In doing so in group 1; out of the 6 pumps the team could maintain 3 pumps in
which case most pumps were maintained through cannibalization from other motor pumps, the 4th motor was
recommended for major maintenance while the remaining 2 were completely abandoned due to sever damage and
loss of some parts during local level service.
In group 2; 7 motor pumps were repaired successfully of which the maintenance of 1 motor pump involved purchase
an installation of ignition coil while for the remaining 6 pumps out of the 13, the major problems were identified
after the diagnosis by the trainees and it was recommended to buy some required spare parts to under take the
requisite maintenance and repaire works. From the field work done by both groups in the kebeles of the two
weredas, it was observed that most of the pupms were becoming non-functional mainly due to lack of proper
operation and maintenance service which is mainly arrised due to lacke of training during the purchase of pumps or
In general, the two groups have described that the following have been found the lessons leant from the field
• Farmers donot provide rutine service to the pumps at all. This shows that most of the motor pumps were not
getting any cleaning service after operation: Oil is not changed whenever required. There is poor handling system
and even they donot have adequate information and basic practical skill on how to utilizepumps.
• There is no proper support from agriculture experts on pump O&M.
• The frequent renting out of pumps to other farmers have also aggravated the degree of non-functionality of pumps
as the pumps are operated for very long hours continuously with out break
• Farmers usally use motor pumps with out having break time while the manufacturerl manual commands defined
hours of operation and break hours for proper functioning of the motor pumps.
• There is critical problem on supply outlets for spare parts in local markets.
• Lack of availability of local service providers
And finally the groups discussed with the farmers about the findings and different pertinent ideas were exchanged.
In this connection farmers were able to have access to acquaint with guarage owners and private service providers
for future communication and tackling problems in common.
6. General discussion and way forward on performance task application, spare
parts and credit access
Ato Seifu Atenafe-SMIS Regional TC Chairman, BoFNRD
Day four: Photo illustrations on field level O&M practical training demonstrated by actual
pump maintenance at two different kebeles (with free O&M support for motor pump
owners, the farmers)
Fifth day group discussion and closing
7. Discussion and Main Issues raised by the trainees related to Spare Parts
Chaired by Ato Kedir Mohammed; Head Silte Zone Faming and Natural Resources Development Department
Based on the training and field level practical demonstration, suggestions were given by the participants on how to
solve the problem of spare parts in the future. In this connection the following different comments were raised.
Trying to let the farmers Cooperatives and Farmers union deliver spare parts as dealers in the future
It is also important to give attention by the Bureau of Farming and Natural Resources Development to looking
for other sources of spare parts supply outlets.
Since the WASH program has got a rich experience in this regard it is also advantageous to share with them
Due to the fact that there is illegal way of profit generation and lack of getting genuine spare parts in the
market, it is good to make linkage with Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) for the facilitation of
There will be a focus by SMIS to work with the government in the area of alleviating such genuine spare parts
supply related problems.
Ato Kedir also noted that Irrigation has now been flourishing in both Silti and Meskan weredas and the intervention
of SMIS at this moment can be said the most strategic and based on the GTP2 Plan. He also added that it is also
necessary to focus on the most valuable crops under irrigation development. Following his explanation, the following
points were raised by participants.
Ato Seleshi; From Meskan wereda Farming &Natural Resources Development Office
This training is a combination of theoretical and practical and so very important
The training should further be supported by the monitoring endeavors
At the moment the wereda has clearly identified status of Motor pumps
My worry, however, is lack of tools and spare parts for fast moving pump parts
We need to know and have permanent suppliers of tools and Spare parts
Ato Kedir from Silti Zone Farming &Natural Resources Development Department
I understand that there is high skill gap both by the experts and the farmers and hence the training offered
by SMIS is very pertinent that can bridge the gap.
Ato Girma Agronomy Expert Regional Farming &Natural Resources Development Bureau
We need to think about and implement the integration and linkage of different stake holders
8. Performance task and agreed up on plan of action
Ato Mitiku, Ato Feseha & Ato Damenu
2. Guarage owners participated on the training
Ato Kedir said that it is clear that SMIS has developed our capacity after assessment of the gap. From now on we
need to integerate our efferts and start operating hand in hand. The plan which has been prepared by thematic
groups needs tobe cascaded to the grass root level. We will give emhassis and move forward jointly with the Regional
Bureau on the issue of Tools to alleviate the constraint at different levels.
We will establish the rural job creation micro enterprises for Youth and link them with Micro Finance Institutions.
We will use FTCs for different purposes. It is also necessary to consider the appropriatenss of pump sizes rather than
buying in blank basis. Existing micro enterprises need to pay attention towards support of the farmers.
Both of the Silti and Meskan weredas need to be proactive to push things ahead. It is also important to have a plan
and produce progress report on completion. Irrgation is to mean “printing money” if it is done properly.
Ato Yohannes Geleta from Oromia SMIS NRTL also summed up saying few words as follows.
Farmers need to get advice on pump operation before creation of problems on the motor service.
Pumps capacity should not be measured by” Inch” it is rather advisable to be by “Power”.
It is also good to have the Hydraulic engineers during such kind of trainings.
And he summed up his ideas by saying “Iingeneral the training /workshop/ has created fertile ground/opportunity
and adequate linkage with the public Institutions, Private Guarages and local service providers of youth members
who have had no any communication so far.
During the training wrap up session finally it was mentioned that it was possible to understand that trainees were
having different level of technical skill. Eventhough they have the skills there was no adequate or planned system of
supporting farmers who are currently suffering from lack of proper maintenance and appropriate tools and spare
parts. During the field work most of the farmers also responded that they simply purchase water pumps with out
consultation of proffessionals and no primary training was delivered to the farmers how to operate pumps. Though
farmers own pumps they realy donot know how much hour it works, when to provide service especially changing
oils and lubricants and after farmers use pumps they realy donot know how to keep and maintain properly. As a
result, out of the maintenance service given by the trainees most of thefarmers pumps were stopped due to minor
maintenance and poor handling and operation system.
The over all situation enable us to know that it is a good start and green light to make integration and linkage with
different stake holders for the attaimment of common interest.
10. Lessons Drawn from the workshop/Training
This training/workshop has given a favorable ground to learn a few lessons that are very help full to improve the
O&M of the motorized irrigation pumps. The following are the key learnings that have been realized as a result of
this pump O&M training.
1. The different stakeholders in the service chain have come together and observed the gaps in the service
supply as a result of which they have clearly pinpointed the specific roles and strategies that each
stakeholder has to play.
2. There was no a well-established user friendly manual for O&M of the motorized irrigation pumps. As a result
of this training and the training material prepared on O&M of the motorized pumps, the different
stakeholders (participants from the relevant institutions) have learned and clearly understood the step by
step procedures for O&M of motorized irrigation pumps (specially robin). Now they have a manual for step
by step procedures for O&M of motorized irrigation pumps in English with corresponding translations into
Amharic, the local working language. This manual is a simple guide depicting the procedures for successful
O&M of the motorized irrigation pumps.
3. During the practical training it was realized that the pumps under use have more capacity than required for
a house hold MI that more investment and O&M cost is being made for MI. It has been thus realized that
use of motor pumps of smaller discharge capacity is preferable for MI at house hold level from economic as
well as sustainability point of view.
4. During the practical training it was revealed that the usage of the motor pumps never ever followed the
requisite operation procedures that no periodic servicing and maintenance was done for all of the pumps
in use. The participants therefore, learned the need for periodic servicing, inspection and maintenance
based on the O&M procedures and internalized the use of the step by step procedures outlined in the O&M
manual for motorized pumps in future.
5. The participants realized the scope of the capacity gap at the institutional level is very significant and thus
have taken the initiatives and commitments to roll out the training in a similar way to the staffs of the
relevant institutions at different levels.
6. During the practical training it was revealed that there were no any kinds of tools that are appropriate for
pump O&M. The training helped the participants identify and understand the kind of tools needed for O&M
of the motorized. The SMIS project then produced a simple specification for the tools and procured 10
complete sets of tools and handed over the tools to the Bureau of FNRD to fill the gaps at the target
woredas, zones and region levels.
7. The practical training helped the participants identify the parts that wear and tear frequently and based on
this understanding the training has created a fertile ground for effective linkages between the three parties;
namely, the farmers (end beneficiaries), the unemployed youths and the garages, (the local service
providers), to initiate both market chains and effective local level spare parts supply and service provision.
It was also realized that the relevant government institutions have to facilitate the linkage and
build/develop the capacity of the parties in order to ensure effective and sustainable service delivery.
Facilitation Training and Capacity Building Course Learning Design Model Workbook, from Centre
for Intercultural Learning, Canadian Foreign Service Institutewww.intercultures.gc.ca
Toll-free |Sans frais (Canada) 1-800-852-9211
SERVICE MANUAL on EX13,17,21,27 SP170,SP21, EX21 Electronic Fuel Injection
ENGINESPUB-ES1934 Rev. 08/09, Japan.
Robin America, Inc.905 Telser Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047; Phone: 847-540-7300; Fax: 847-438-5012,
e-mail: sales@robinamerica.com; www.subarupower.com.
MANUAL on Models, EY15-3, EY20-3 ENGINES, Pub-Es 1609 Rev.12/01 Japan.
ROBIN AMERICA, 940, Lively Blvd. wood Dale IL ll 60191 phone 630-350-8200-Fax 630-350-8212
E-male; Sales@ robin America.com www.robinamerica.
Annex 2: Trainees profile
S/.N Full name Sex Place of Work Institution Title/position Qualification Mobil no. Email
10 Mudesir Siraj M Silti Wereda Agriculture Office Irrigation Agronomist 09112771529
11 Kefelegne Alemu M Silti Wereda Agriculture Office Irrigation Agronomist 0910380685 kefelgen@gian.com
12 Anteneh Wogasso M Butajira TVET Instructor Instructor 0919307256 anteneh-
13 Seleshi Chaka M Butajira Agriculture Office Irrigation Head of 0912167117 seleshichaka@gmail.com
14 Shemsu Lomitro M Silti Wereda Agriculture Office Irrigation Irrigation 0913927220
15 Worake Redi M Silti Wereda Local Service Technician Pump 0913938950
provider Technician
16 Zeine Denur M Silti Shele Local Service Technician Pump 0916479497
washo Farmer provider Technician
17 Mohamed Jawel M Meskan Local Service Technician Pump 0910208909
D/Enseno provider Technician
Farmer Kebele
18 Hassen Seid M Silti Shele Local Service Technician Pump 0926337785
washo Farmer provider Technician
19 Mohammed M Meskan Local Service Technician Pump 0916839871
Shardella D/Enseno provider Technician
Farmer Kebele
S/.N Full name Sex Place of work Institution Title/position Qualification Mobil no Email
20 Anwar Kedir M Butajira Farms and NRD Expert Extension 0916394820
Offce Expert
21 Barnabas M Butajira Private Guarage Mechanic Pump 0926995239
Alemrahid Technician
22 Hussen Wari M Butajira Farms and NRD Expert Mechanic 0936652670
23 Nure Surrur M Silti wereda Shele Private Mechnaic Mechanic 0916272167
washo Farmer Kebele
Annex 3: Evaluation Template
SMIS requests your assistance in evaluating this capacity development event. As part of this evaluation, please
provide SMIS with information about your experience. The data compiled will be used to improve future capacity
development events and facilitation processes. SMIS will be monitoring the overall effectiveness of SMIS capacity
development events. The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is 20 minutes.
Please rate your level of agreement as per the rating scale below (Likert).
1 3 Neither 5
Strongly Disagree 4 Agree Strongly
Disagree or Agree Agree
Please reflect on your knowledge and skills gained through this capacity development event. Rate your level of
agreement using a X with each statement from two perspectives: before the event and after the event.
A.4 I can describe all required steps and procedure of O&M
services at daily, weekly and monthly basis
የሞተር ጥገናንና አተባበቅ ቅደምተከተል ከማወቅና ከመተግበር ባሻገር ሳምንታዊና
ወርሃዊ የእንክብካቤ ተግባራትን ማወቅ ችያለሁ
A.5 I can justify and demonstrate required tools and spare
parts of motorized pump during O&M services.
ለሞተር ፖምፕ ጥገናና እንክብካቤ የሚያስፈልጉትን መሳሪና መለዋወጫ በመለየትን
በመጠቀም የሚያስችል አቅም ፈጥርያለሁ
A.6. Which topic of learned thematic area from this capacity development event are most valuable to your work?
And why? ከዚህ ስልጠና ለሥራዎ በጣም ጠቃሚ ሆኖ ያገኙት እውቀትና ክህሎት ምንድን ነው? ለምን?
Section B: Relevance (R) and Applicability (A) of the CD Event to Participant Learning Needs. Effectiveness (E)
of the Training Methodology
Please use the rating scale (1 to 5) to rate your level of agreement about each statement.
3 Neither
1 Strongly 5 Strongly
2 Disagree Disagree 4 Agree
Disagree Agree
or Agree
Please use the rating scale (1 to 5) to rate your level of agreement about each statement.
Relevance and Applicability of this Event to My Work
Effectiveness of the Training Methodology 1 2 3 4 5
B.1 I understand how the content of the training is relevant to my work. (R)
የስልጠናው ይዘት ከተጨባጭ ስራዬ ጋር ቀጥተኛ ግንኙነት ያለው መሆኑን ተገንዝቤያለሁ
B.2 I can apply what I learned to my work. (A) ከስልጠናው የተማርኩትን በተግባር ስራዬ ላይ
ማዋል እችላለሁ
B.3 I will refer to the training materials at my work. (E) የስልጠናውን ደጋፊ ማቴሪያሎች
በስራ ለይ እንደማጣቀሻ መሳሪያነት እጠቀምባቸዋለሁ
B.4 The training process (participatory, learner-centered, and experiential) helped
me to better understand the content. (E) የስልጠናው (አሳታፊ፣ አስተማሪ፣ በተሞክሮ
የዳበረ) ሂደት ይዘቱን ይበልጥ እንድገነዘብ ረድቶኛል
B.5 I would recommend this training to my colleagues. (E) ይህን ስልጠና የስራ
ባልደረቦቼም ቢያገኙ ስል እመክራለሁ
B.6 What aspects of the training methodology did you like? Why? የወደዱት የስልጠናው አሠጣጥ ዘዴ የትኛው ነው? ለምን?
B.7 what aspects of the training methodology did you NOT like. Why? ያልወደዱት የስልጠናው አሠጣጥ ዘዴ የትኛው ነው? ለምን?
B.8 What suggestions do you have for how the training could be improved next time? በሚቀፕለው ጊዜ ስልጠናውን ከአሁኑ
የተሻለ ለማድረግ የሚያስችል ምን አስተያየት አለዎት?
Section C: Facilitation Skill Effectiveness
Please use the rating scale (1 to 5) to rate your level of agreement about each statement.
1 3 Neither 5
Strongly Disagree 4 Agree Strongly
Disagree or Agree Agree
Please use the rating scale to rate your level of agreement about each statement.
1 2 3 4 5
C.1 There was enough time for discussion. ለውይይት በቂ ጊዜ ነበር
C.2 Everyone, including me, was able to participate freely. እኔን ጨምሮ ሁሉም
ተሳታፊዎች በነፃነት የመሳተፍ እድል ነበራቸው
C.3 The process was guided in a logical way so I could see how we were
proceeding to meet our learning objectives. የስልጠናው ሂደት ምክንያታዊ
በሆነና የታለመለትን ግብ መምታት በሚያስችል መልኩ መመራቱን ለማስተዋል ችያለሁ
C.4 Questions were answered with helpful examples. የተጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች አግባብ
ባላቸው ምሳሌዎች በማስደገፍ ተመልሰዋል
C.5 Varied presentation techniques were used to keep the sessions
interesting. በፓወር ፖይንት የቀረቡ የስልጠና ማቴርያሎች አቀራረብ በስልጠናው
ክፍለግዜዎች ሁሉ የሰልጣኞችን ፍላጎት ያነቃቁ ነበሩ
C.6 The training venue provided for an appropriate and comfortable
learning environment. የአዳራሽና ሌሎች መስተንግዶዎች ሁኔታ ለሰልጣኞች ተስማሚና
ምቹ ነበሩ
C.7 What practical suggestions do you have about how to improve the learning environment, venue, refreshment
and logistics? ስልጠናው በሚቀፕለው ጊዜ የተሻለ እንዲሆን አዘጋጆቹ ምን ማድረግ አለባቸው