Detailed Lesson PlanENG
Detailed Lesson PlanENG
Detailed Lesson PlanENG
Assignment On a short bond paper, draw your pet and write at least three sentences about it
using adjectives. Encircle the adjectives that you used.
Identify what type of sentence are they, and why. And what are the
conjunctions used.
A. Teaching/Modelling (I Do)
Use subordinating (though, if, when, because etc.) to connect the
sentences into one complex sentence.
1. Deanne needs to learn English. Gianah will teach her.
2. It was drizzling outside. They went for a walk.
3. Kyla needs to ask me. I will buy it for her.
4. Keith played football extremely well. He was very young.
5. Erik wants to get a new job. He is preparing for job interviews.
Dependent clause
1.when the teacher asked him for it
2.because his cousin is allergic to poultry
3.after I swept the garage
Independent clause
a. I love eating turkey at Thanksgiving but my friend’s family eats
b. I asked my dad for my allowance but he only laughed at my request
c. Tom knew my name, but he forgot it
Assignment Do you dream at night? Write five compound-complex sentences about your
dream on your notebook. Then draw an object that represents it.
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Procedure 1. Review
- Can you tell when to use these punctuation marks?
2. Motivation
Let us read a poem on the usage of punctuation marks.
A. Teaching/Modelling (I Do)
Explaining to the students what to do
Present the chart below. Let the pupils read the punctuation rules.
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Head Teacher I