Os Cristãos Devem Arrepender-Se Deste Terrível Pecado

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Christians Must Repent of

This Terrible Sin

by Jeremy James

There are many verses in the Word of God which, even in isolation, deliver a powerful
spiritual message. They stand out like pillars in the marvelous expanse of God’s holy
Word. No doubt our readers are familiar with many of these and know how precious
they are in the age-old battle against lies and deception.
The one we wish to examine today is especially relevant in light of all that has
happened on the world stage over the past three years or so:
“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
(Psalm 66:18)

This simple statement conveys what true believers will recognize as a horrifying truth.
It says there are circumstances where God will not heed our prayer, where He is deaf
to our supplications, and we are left alone to fend for ourselves.
The thought that God may not hear us – that our Father could be deaf to our pleas –
is troubling in the extreme. It should cause us to abhor iniquity and sin in all its forms
and do everything we can to expel it from our lives, confessing it to God and asking His
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
(1 John 1:9)

The Enormity of Sin
The professing church today has long forgotten the enormity of sin and the great
offense it causes an awesomely holy God. It has been over a hundred years since
preachers saw a sermon on this topic as one of the most sublime and challenging of
their vocation. They understood how much depended on a true understanding of sin
and the nature of sin. They knew how every believer must acquire a well-grounded
grasp of this principle if he is to walk in favor with God. In their pastoral role they
would witness time and again the disappointment and grief of believers who had lived
for years with no recognition of the harm caused by their sins.
When they were apprised of this failure, they would often protest, ‘But God is faithful
to forgive and, besides, my sins were small.’
We forget that God can forgive only the sins we confess. Those we nurse to our bosom
have a life of their own, even those we might consider “small”. There is no sin so great
that it cannot be forgiven, but there is no sin so small that, left to itself, it can do no
harm. If there is any aspect of our lives which we do not take to God in prayer, it is very
likely because we don’t want the bright light of His perfect righteousness to shine upon
How cunning we are in our fallen condition when we contrive to conceal our sins and
pretend they don’t exist.

The sins of the Laodicean Church

The Laodicean church has been doing this for over a century. Its leaders rarely talk
about sin and its destructive effects because any edifying review of what sin can do
would only draw attention to their own indifference and idolatry.

We only ever see sin from our own, very human, perspective. If we are to understand
how it looks from God’s point of view, we must study God’s Word. One of the most
important things we learn from the Bible – which again happens to be something we
can learn in no other way – is the corrosive nature of sin. Its destructiveness is
immeasurably greater than anything we could imagine using only our limited
understanding. We need the Word of God to show us how damaging it is in reality.

The prophet Jeremiah, Cologne Cathedral

The book of Jeremiah gives a remarkable example of the steps we will take to hide from
our sins. The city of Jerusalem had just been destroyed by the Babylonians and a large
contingent of refugees were making their way down to Egypt, accompanied (against
his will) by Jeremiah and his servant, Baruch. The prophet had told them that the
LORD did not want them to travel down to Egypt but to remain in the land of Israel
under the rule of the Babylonians. However, the fleeing multitude were much too
frightened to place any trust in the invaders. Egypt was commercially prosperous and
politically stable and seemed to offer a much more promising future.
Jeremiah and Baruch must have been repeating this message over and over, to the
point where the leader of the group, Johanan, the son of Kareah, called for a general
assembly to settle the matter. Johanan was convinced that Egypt was by far the best
option, despite assurances from Jeremiah that they would come to no harm if they
remained in the land of Israel.

They began by putting their request to Jeremiah:
“...Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee, and
pray for us unto the LORD thy God, even for all this remnant; (for we
are left but a few of many, as thine eyes do behold us:) That the LORD
thy God may shew us the way wherein we may walk, and the thing that
we may do.” (Jeremiah 42:2-3)

But they were lying. It is hard to believe that anyone in this situation could turn to the
LORD and ask for guidance, knowing in their hearts that, if they didn’t get the answer
they wanted, they would ignore it.

Ten days!
We know the LORD was greatly displeased with their behavior because He waited ten
days before replying to Jeremiah. Ten days! That alone should have told them that
their true intentions were known and that they had better repent of their obstinacy
and disobedience or risk facing divine retribution.
The reply, when it came, was immensely gracious. The full text may be found in
Jeremiah 42:10-18. They were told that if they remained in the land of Israel all would
be well with them. He would ensure the king of Babylon would do them no harm but
would allow them to plant and reap and prosper as before. But if they insisted on going
down to Egypt in a vain attempt to avoid strife and oppression then the very things
they feared – famine and the sword – would overtake them and only a few stragglers
from among their number would escape.
After he delivered this message, Jeremiah tried to reason with them. He was
addressing, not just the leaders but the whole congregation, from the least to the

“The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of

Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have
admonished you this day. For ye dissembled in your
hearts, when ye sent me unto the LORD your God,
saying, Pray for us unto the LORD our God; and
according unto all that the LORD our God shall say, so
declare unto us, and we will do it. And now I have this
day declared it to you; but ye have not obeyed the voice
of the LORD your God, nor any thing for the which he
hath sent me unto you. Now therefore know certainly
that ye shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by
the pestilence, in the place whither ye desire to go and
to sojourn.”
- Jeremiah 42:19-22

There are very few passages like this in the Bible! Here we have a prophet of God
remonstrating in a general assembly with people from every strata of society, doing all
he can to get them to heed the counsel of the LORD. The situation was critical. Their
lives were at stake and they knew it. Jeremiah even reminded them that they had
“dissembled in [their] hearts” when they asked him to take their petition to the LORD.
He knew they had no intention of going back to the land of Israel and were hoping
perchance to receive the answer they wanted.

“All the proud men”

The leaders, whom the Word of God called “all the proud men”, responded in a most
arrogant and dismissive manner:
“Thou speakest falsely: the LORD our God hath not sent thee
to say, Go not into Egypt to sojourn there: But Baruch the son
of Neriah setteth thee on against us, for to deliver us into the
hand of the Chaldeans, that they might put us to death, and
carry us away captives into Babylon.” (Jeremiah 43:2-3)

As they travel down to Egypt, the dramatic tension moves to a whole new level. Most
of the expressions of arrogance and disobedience that we find elsewhere in the Bible
proceed from the mouths of leaders and persons in authority. The general population
may murmur from time to time, but the core resistance comes from the top. But this
is not what happens when they arrived at Tahpanhes. Instead we see the least of the
people joining hands as it were and opposing the LORD. Though seldom mentioned
in sermons and pastoral addresses, this scene is one of the most shocking in the Word
of God.

Excavations at the ruins of Pharaoh’s house in Tahpanhes in 1886.

“Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in
the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in
Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah...” - Jeremiah 43:9

Jeremiah tells them of the fate which the LORD has decreed for them. When in Judah
they had persisted in burning incense to other gods (demons) and doing “this
abominable thing that I hate”, despite all the warnings given to them by His
prophets. They now intended to burn incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt,
thereby making themselves, in His eyes, “a curse and a reproach among all the
nations of the earth.”

At this point they explode:

“Then all the men which knew that their wives had
burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that
stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt
in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah,
saying, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in
the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee.
But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out
of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of
heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we
have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our
princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of
Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were
well, and saw no evil. But since we left off to burn incense
to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings
unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been
consumed by the sword and by the famine. And when we
burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out
drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to
worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her,
without our men?” - Jeremiah 44:15-19

They are actually arguing with God! They brazenly protest that, when they burnt
incense to the queen of heaven – a pagan goddess, probably Ashtoreth/Astarte –
everything was fine! They simply did not accept what the LORD was telling them. And
this is coming, not from the leaders and captains, but from the common people,
husbands and wives together!
These people did not accept that they had sinned. In their own eyes their hands were
clean. They rejected utterly the notion that God had any right to judge them or that
they had any lesson to learn from the great calamity that befell Judah.
The same people today form the bulk of the membership of the Laodicean church.
They, too, are sinless in their own eyes, they too have taken for granted the bountiful
blessings of God, and they too have failed to acknowledge and rejoice in the LORD as
the sole bestower of those blessings.

This was evident long before the so-called ‘Covid pandemic’ came along, but this
singular event, with all that it entailed, shone a blazing light on the gross hypocrisy
that afflicts the institutional church.

Ancient figure of the goddess Astarte. She is holding a bowl

which was probably used for burning incense in her honor.

‘Acceptance and promotion of the official narrative’

I got a stern reminder of this when I listened recently to a conference address by a
pastor from N Ireland on the theme: ‘The Acceptance and Promotion of the Official
COVID-19 Narrative by the Majority of the Professing Church: Why?’
Thank heavens there are still pastors like Luke Barker who can see a burning need to
pose this question! His presentation can be found on Odysee:
(The conference took place in Belfast on 17 September 2022.)
During his talk he referred to a Freedom of Information request which sought details
of any formal meetings between government representatives and church leaders on
the so-called Covid pandemic. These meetings, which should never have taken place,
were intended to ensure that “the official Covid-19 narrative” was accepted and
endorsed by all churches and religious institutions across N Ireland.
The leaders concerned never revealed to their congregations that these meetings had
taken place!
Though the official minutes were heavily redacted – why? – they show that the church
in N Ireland was fully complicit in this state-planned program of social control. Pastor
Barker listed the various denominations and religious organizations that attended
these secret meetings:

Reformed Presbyterian
Free Presbyterian
Evangelical Presbyterian
Church of Ireland
Eden Pentecostal
Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
Vineyard Church
Evangelical Alliance
Irish Council of Churches
The meetings were also attended by representatives of the Roman Catholic Church,
the Mormons, the Jewish community, the Bahai’, and the Quakers, as well the Muslim
and Hindu communities in N Ireland.
Our comments relate only to Bible-believing Christian churches, none of which should
have attended these coercive, secretive meetings.

Caesar took control

Northern Ireland is infested with Masonic affiliations. Unfortunately very few pastors
or preachers have denounced the power exercised by cults like the Freemasons, the
Orange Order, or the Black Preceptory. This alone is a mark of abject failure, but it is
a failure common to communities across Europe and America. Similar secret meetings
very likely took place in all Western countries, establishing a stranglehold over free
Christian debate and making it extremely difficult for concerned believers to receive
fair and reasonable answers to valid Scriptural questions about government policy.

Caesar conquers Gaul.

His latter-day counterparts have invaded the church.

When the Covid program began Caesar entered the church and deceitful ‘Christian’
leaders betrayed their congregations. The Word of God was cast aside and centuries of
established Christian practice was trampled underfoot by the government at the
behest of the World Health Organization and its Marxist mandarins.
It even became ‘unchristian’ to question what the government was doing or to enquire
into the rationale behind its oppressive regulations. Blind compliance became a form
of righteousness. Church elders, who should have convened meetings to discuss the
radical measures that were being imposed, became a potent conduit for government
propaganda. None of these people trembled at the Word of God, but most of them
trembled at the edicts issued by atheistic government officials, media pundits and
medical imposters.
In short, Satan took over the running of our churches. True Christian leadership
disappeared and sober Biblical discernment was almost impossible to find. Even those
who had attended church for decades and grew up in a Christian home were prepared
to ignore God’s Word or regard it as irrelevant, and yet they would take as truth
whatever nonsense or unproven assertions the government announced.

An unbelievable litany of sin

An itemisation of the sinfulness of all that the professing church did, or failed to do,
during this period is beyond the scope of this paper. We can only outline in general
terms the kinds of disobedience and wilful ignorance which came to typify the attitude
and behavior of church leaders and members at this time.
We won’t attempt to rank what happened on a scale of iniquity but will merely outline
some of the many ways God’s Word was tossed aside. It will be up to the reader to
decide whether or not these observations are valid and the extent to which the various
parties involved have grieved the Holy Spirit.

As you consider the evidence, please bear in mind that this exercise is not designed to
shame anyone but to encourage thoughtful reflection on the magnitude of what has
taken place over the past three years. If great sins were committed – and they were, as
we will shortly show – then all who were party to these awful violations of God’s Word
will need to come together in true repentance and confess their transgressions before
the Almighty.
1. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t worship God!
Shut the doors, don’t assemble, stay home and look at your computer screen. This is
the new worship! Behave as though you are obedient to God’s Word and pretend that,
by staring at a screen, you are giving honor to God. Set aside two thousand years of
Christian obedience and replace it with synthetic cyber-praise! Forget the thousands
of martyrs who shed their blood so that later generations could assemble and worship
without fear of state persecution and religious bigotry. Bow before the edicts of
Marxists and Freemasons who will henceforth tell you how and when you can worship.
But what could we have done, they ask? How about meeting in a public place, such as
a park or a sports field, and holding a traditional Christian service? Oh no, what would
people say? Who do these Christians think they are, standing a safe distance from
each other in a field and singing praises to God? They are putting the whole
community at risk and allowing a great plague to sweep across the land!
What utter rubbish.

Notre Dame: A very visible Marxist-Masonic attack on Christianity

2. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t commemorate Calvary!

We were then given more filthy lies by the Marxist deceivers. Even if a deadly plague
is raging, we are still entitled to eat and drink. We are still entitled to stand close to at
least one other person. And, if this is the case, then we can STILL commemorate what
Jesus achieved for us on Calvary.

Let the Marxists and the Freemasons spew their bile – but don’t for a moment give
credence to their lies. These people hate Christ and despise true Christian worship.
They revel in the harm they are doing to the Christian community.
3. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t evangelize!
Again, we need to remember the countless thousands of martyrs who died for the
gospel of Christ. For two millennia we have had the right – and the duty! – to share
the good news of salvation. When totalitarian rulers and their sadistic thugs stood in
the way, Christian leaders opposed them. Yes, opposed them! Imagine that. Imagine a
time when Christian leaders actually valued the Gospel so highly that they would
preach it far and wide, come what may.
Suddenly it was illegal to stand in the street with a leaflet and engage an enquirer in a
simple conversation! Did none of our elders dare to question this lunacy? Did
professing Christians everywhere actually believe that by talking about Christ they
would endanger the life of even one other person? Was a lost soul esteemed so lightly
that he or she could be asked to wait for a more appropriate time to hear the Gospel!
This was sickening.
4. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t sing hymns without a mask!
When Christians finally got approval from their Masonic leaders to assemble once
again in a church building, they were told to wear a mask, rub a sanitizing gel on their
hands, and stand six feet apart. And like performing poodles they did as they were told!
This ought to be unbelievable, but it happened just about everywhere. Jesus said that,
when we put our hand to the plough, we are not to look back. Anyone who does so is
not fit for the kingdom of heaven (Luke 9:62). We may ask how many of these slavish
imitators of Satan’s circus routine are fit for the kingdom of heaven?

Two Christians caught praying without a mask.

5. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t comfort the dying!
How on earth could this perverted contempt for one’s fellow man be deemed
acceptable? An elderly person, already frightened by the conduct of the medical
establishment, is deprived of the company of their loved ones in their final days. Only
a baying pack of psychopaths could make a law like this but it requires a cold,
unchristian indifference across society to put it into practise. Sadly the church saw
nothing amiss. It said nothing and did as the psychopaths decreed.
To abandon one’s parents in this way is a truly wicked sin in the eyes of God! It stinks
to the heavens! How any person who professes to be a believer could condone such a
law, or remain silent while it is given effect, is impossible to understand.
Such is the hard, frozen heart of the Laodicean church.

6. Serving Satan, the government said: Don’t work, travel or socialize!

Christians will search in vain for a single passage in the Word of God that would
support, however vaguely, this draconian regulation. Healthy people cannot be
quarantined as though they were a health hazard! The very idea is absurd. And yet
Christian leaders disregarded the absence of any Scriptural support for this
totalitarian mandate. They also disregarded the countless passages which show that
normal life can continue in times of social duress.
We know from the FOI request to which Pastor Barker refers that Christian leaders
had ALREADY sworn allegiance to the government. They had ALREADY betrayed
their congregations and turned their backs on God’s Word. What Scripture said was
Consider Micah 6:8 which encapsulates our Christian walk in very simple terms:
“...What doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God?

James 1:27 is just as clear: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father
is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself
unspotted from the world.”

Church leaders allowed the government to redefine what “mercy” means! They ignored
what the Bible says about mercy and danced to the Marxist tune.
Mercy means at the very minimum visiting those who are afflicted and relieving their
suffering. It also means NOT allowing those who are close to death to spend their last
days alone.
When the church takes its definition of mercy from the Marxist textbook, it has
abandoned the Word of God.
7. Serving Satan, the government said: Take the experimental vaccine!
Under the Nuremberg Code, if a doctor gives an experimental vaccine to a pregnant
woman, he is guilty of a serious crime and ought to be struck off. The elders in all of
our churches knew that the so-called Covid ‘vaccine’ was experimental and that it had
not even been tested on animals. And yet they approved its widespread use among
believers and, in many cases, endorsed both its alleged safety and its alleged efficacy.
In doing so they ignored the many passages in Scripture which direct us to be prudent
when deciding on a course which we cannot reverse or whose effects we cannot undo.
For example:
“The simple believeth every word:
but the prudent man looketh well to his going.”
(Proverbs 14:15)

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself:

but the simple pass on, and are punished.”
(Proverbs 22:3)

The professing church endorses human

experimentation without informed consent.

Today they are even standing back and allowing the government to inject little children
with this sinister brew. They have no idea what effect this strange new pharmaceutical
product may have on human biology and yet they continue to ignore the mounting
evidence – both official and anecdotal – which clearly indicates that it has a serious
adverse effect on many recipients. They also ignore the many calls from reputable
scientists and medical professionals to urgently withdraw these so-called vaccines
until their safety can be responsibly determined by independent investigators. Up to
now all scientific and clinical data regarding their safety and efficacy has been provided
solely by the companies which manufacture these products and earn staggering profits
from their widespread distribution.
A church that remains silent while a scandal like this continues to unfold is an
institution steeped in disobedience and sin.

Frankly, we could go on and on. The sins committed by the institutional church over
the past three years or so, all relating to the so-called Covid pandemic, are legion. It is
frightening to consider how badly it has failed and – our key purpose in writing this
paper – just how little of its own disobedience and iniquity it is prepared to admit.
We all sin, but we pray daily for an understanding of our sin and, having seen it, ask
the LORD for forgiveness. Repentance is at the heart of the Christian life:
“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again:
but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”
(Proverbs 24:16)

Alas, we slip into a deadly spiritual snare when we refuse to acknowledge our sins and
confess them before God. The leaders of the Laodicean church, along with most of its
congregation, are held firmly in that snare. There are likely many reasons why Satan
sprung the ‘Covid’ trap, but chief among them, we have no doubt, is the harm it has
done to Christian prayer. As the Psalmist said:
“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
(Psalm 66:18)

When the turmoil on earth increases and nominal Christians everywhere turn to God
in fervent, heartfelt prayer, imploring Him to shield and protect them, a great many
will find – to their horror and dismay – that their prayers are not heard.
The church today is just like the remnant of Israelites in Tahpanhes, standing hand in
hand in defiance against God. They proclaimed they knew what needed to be done,
with no reference to God’s Word or the pleading of his prophet, Jeremiah. They were
heading into Egypt and that was that.

Well, that’s where the institutional church is heading today, further and further into
the dark depths of Pharaoh’s domain.
Unless these terrible sins are confessed and the church as an institution comes before
God in a spirit of true repentance, it is a sitting target for Satan.

Jeremy James
November 10, 2022

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Copyright Jeremy James 2022


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