Our Firm Foundation Magazine 1991 November
Our Firm Foundation Magazine 1991 November
Our Firm Foundation Magazine 1991 November
The 7th Day Sabbath Immutable Law of God The Everlasting Gospel
Non-Immortality ofthe Soul The Sanctuary
ets, like a destroying lion." "Yet thou of spiritual attainments. 'Because thou
sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his sayest, I am rich, and increased with
anger shall turn from me. Behold, I will goods, and have need of nothing; and
plead with thee, because thou sayest, I knowest not that thou art wretched, and
have not sinned." Jeremiah 2:30, 35 miserable, and poor, and blind, and
As the result of the apostasy in naked.' Revelation 3: 17
Copyright © 1991
Hope International
I William Haynes I
4 Our Firm Foundation. November 1991
These men are vitally concerned "There is only one major hitch seen they are looking to the pope for leader-
about Globalism, or the New World by these New Age leaders to the ship as we draw near the beginning of a
Order, that has been looming on the successful fulfillment of their enterprise new millennium.
horizon for more than eight years. They to bring about a millennium of peace. "We need a world of cosmic spiritu-
perceive it as being the end of the United The only group capable of blocking this ality. I hope the religious leaders will
States of America as we know it. It is effort would be those people who stick get together and define ... the cosmic
their assessment that America will be- to a 'worn-out, divisive theology, which laws which are common to all their
come only a part of a Global or One believes that it has the "only truth," faiths.... They should tell the politi-
World Government. those who believe there is only one cians what the cosmic laws are, what
TItis movement is a combination of personal God who is the Author of the God, or the gods, or the cosmos, are
civil power, Christianity, and paganism only moral law, and only one Jesus by expecting from humans....
or spiritualism as Seventh-day Advent- whom we can be saved. Such dissenters "We must also hope that the pope
ists would expect, being familiar with are compared to cancer cells in the mind will come, before the year 2000, to the
the book The Grear Controversy. I have of God, and the only way the world can United Nations, speak for all the re-
in my files a clipping from the Arizona be saved from Armageddon is for them ligions on tbis planet, and give the
Republic, dated Sunday, April 25, 1982. to be 'exported to a nonphysical realm,' world the religious view of how the
It reads in part: a euphemism for being exterminated." third millennium should be a spiritual
"At the center of this 'Spiritual Hier- These people are serious about elimi- millennium:' TOL 7/90
archy' stands the World Thacher, Lord nating anyone who believes these vital It should now be evident that the
Maitreya known by Christians as the Christian doctrines. As Seventh-day Ad- religions of the world, paganism, also
Christ. And as Christians await the Sec- ventists, do we believe that we have "the known as spiritualism, (inclUding orien-
ond Coming, so the Jews await the truth"? Do we believe in a personal God tal, the New Age, et cetera) and apostate
Messiah, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, who is the author of the "moral law"? Do Christianity as well as Catholicism will
the Moslems the Imam Mahah and the we believe that "There is none other name be giving their hearty support to the
Hindus await Krishna. These are all under heaven given among men, whereby pope. So let us now take a closer look at
names for one individual." All empha- we must be saved," Jesus Christ being that the agenda of implementing his planned
sis supplied. name? YES! We do! It should be clear by New World Order as revealed to us by
I think we can readily see through now that any faithful Seventh-day Ad- Malachi Martin, who could well be
this blatant attempt of Satan to form a ventist will be a prime candidate for termed the pope's "press agent." The
One World Religion. For over 100 years, externtination if we do not conform when publisher of Mr. Martin's book states:
God's people have been aware of his this New World Order gains full control of "In this timely and provocative new
plans to control the world under the the earth. book, best-selling author Malachi Martin
guise of a religious movement that will The Catholic Church supported the reveals the untold story behind the Vati-
convert the world to his form of religion. 1990 Global Survival Conference, in can's role in the collapse of the Iron
Consider this statement found in The which people from all over the world, Curtain, as well as Pope John Paul II's
Great Controversy, 588: both Christian and pagan, met to map far-reaching assessment of the three-way
"The line of distinction between
professed Christians and the ungOdly is
now hardly distinguishable. Church
members love what the world loves and It should be clear by now that any faithful
are ready to join with them, and Satan
determines to unite them in one body
Seventh-day Adventist will be a prime
and thus strengthen his cause by sweep-
ing all into the ranks of spiritualism.
candidate for extermination if we do not
Papists, who boast of miracles as a cer- conform when this New World Order gains full
tain sign of the true church, will be
readily deceived by this wonder-work- control of the earth
ing power; and Protestants, having cast
away the shield of truth, will also be
deluded. Papists, Protestants, and world- strategies to "save our planet from de- contest now unfolding among the global
lings will alike accept the form of godli- struction." The keynote speaker was powers-the Soviet Union under Mikhail
ness without the power, and they will Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Gorbachev, the capitalist nations of the
see in this union a grand movement for Secretary-General, and a Catholic. He West, and the pope's own universal
the conversion of the world and the stated that the uniting of Europe in Roman Church_ winner-lake-all race
ushering in of the long-expected 1992 "is a step toward a world commu- against time and each other to establish,
millennium;' nity." maintain, and control the first one-
Satan and his followers will not Of even more interest to me was a world government tbat has ever existed
tolerate any deviation from their brand statement by the Dalai Lama, religious on the face of the earth..••
of "religion." Consider this paragraph leader from Tibet, who was also a "Martin detaiJs this pope's assess-
from an article entitled: "The Mask of speaker. For the fIrst time I realized the ment of the strengths and weaknesses of
the New Age," p. 14, Our Firm Founda- strong support the pagan religions of the the geopolitical plans of East and
tioll, March, 1987: world are giving to the Papacy and how West-and the one grave deficiency that
edge of his heavenly Companion. He law.'" Signs o/the Times, vol. 2, 175 crease of faith, that you may see light in
made God his Counselor, and was
closcly bound up with Jesus. And Enoch
was honored in this course. He was
translated to heaven without seeing
death. And those who will be translated Enoch strove with all the power of mind and
at the close of time will be those who
commune with God on earth. Those who
body, in full harmony, moment by moment,
make manifest that their life is hid with
Christ in God will ever be representing
with the power of the Holy Spirit, to reach the
Him in all their life-practices. Selfish- high standard of righteousness
ness will be cut out by the roots.
"Let us realize the weakness of
humanity, and see where man fails in his
self-sufficiency. We shall then be filled "Then said one unto him, Lord, are God's light, and rejoice in His love.»
with a desire to be just what God desires there few that be saved? And he said The Millistry ofHealillg, 513
us to be-pure, noble, sanctified. We unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait
shall hunger and thirst after the right- gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek
What Was Enoch's Seeret?
eousness of Christ. To be like God will to enter in, and shall not be able." Luke
be the one desire of the soul. 13:23-24 "As the will of man co-operates with
"This is the desire that filled Enoch's Enoch strove with all the power of the will of God, it becomes omnipotent.
heart. And we read that he walked with mind and body, in full harmony, moment Whatever is to be done at His command
God. He studied the character of God to a by moment, with the power of the Holy may be accomplished in His strength.
purpose. He did not mark out his own Spirit, to reach the high standard of All His biddings are enablings." Christ's
course, or set up his own will, as if he righteousness; the Holy Spirit Object Lessolls, 333
thought himself fully qualified to manage strengthened him in his relationship of This is the very heart of the third
matters. He strove to conform himself to justification; and sanctification became a angel's message (sec Selected Mes-
the divine tikeness." The Sevelllh-dayAd- way of life. His will was continually sages, volume 3, 168, 172, 184)-
vemisl Bible Commentary, voL 1, 1087 surrendered to Jesus, and his life was a victory through Christ over every wrong
th o
Pan 3
W E would ask you what time have
you set in which you have deter-
mined to give your heart to God without
"Ye shall receive power, after that
the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Acts
1:8. But when the Holy Spirit is in the
heart is necessary that God may give us
His blessing, but this heart work is not
done. Oh, when will the ministry awake
reserve? What time have you set for seek- heart, the minister will manifest it to to the solemn responsibiIities that are
ing for perfection of character through others by his godly life and holy conver- laid upon them, and earnestly plead for
faith in the righteousness of Christ? Is it sation. Do you think that the minister heavenly power? It is the Holy Spirit
tomorrow? lllmorrow you may be cold in who has no burden for souls is fit for the that must give edge and power to the
death. Is it next week? Next week your sacred office to which he has been or- discourse of the minister, or his preach-
hands may be folded across your breast, dained?-No; he does not know what it ing will be as destitute of the righteous-
and your eyes may be sealed in their last means to keep his own soul in the love of ness of Christ as was the offering of
sleep, and it may be too late for you to God. The minisler should realize that Cain. Both ministers and people need to
perfect a character for heaven. I want to souls are the purchase of the blood of open the door to Christ. He says, "Be-
ask our ministers, What kind of character Christ, ransomed at an infinite cost. Can hold, I stand at the door, and knock: if
do you think the Lord will accept in His the minister who is standing under the any man hear my voice, and open the
kingdom? Do you know God, and Jesus shadow of Calvary engage in jesting and door, I will come in to him, and will sup
Christ whom He hath senl? Is the love of joking, and indulge his carnal propensi- with him, and he with mc." Revelation
God abiding in your souls? Are you ties? Would such a one be a safe guide 3:20. Thank God for that promise, for it
dwelling in Christ, and Christ in you? If for the flock of God? Would he not is given to those who have made mis-
you arc, you are safe; but if you are not, cause them to stumble? He would cause takes and failures. Jesus says, "As many
there is no safely for you. Do not allow them to stumble; for he would not dis- as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be
your minds to be diverted from the all- cern between the sacred and the com- zealous therefore, and repent." Revela-
important theme of the righteousness of mon, and eternity would be lost out of tion 3:19. May God help us to do this
Christ by the study of theories. Do not his reckoning. work in sincerity and in contrition of
imagine that the performance of ceremo- We should all realize that an angel is soul.
nies, the observance of outward forms, writing every word and action in the When ministers enter the desk, they
will make you an heir of heaven. We want book of record, and the things done in should do so feeling their dependence
to keep the mind steadfastly to the point secret are to be proclaimed upon the upon God, that they may work out their
for which we are working; for it is now the housetop. What we need in this time of own salvation with fear and trembling,
day of the Lord's preparation, and we peril is a converted ministry. We need and all the glory should be given to God;
should yield our hearts to God, that they men who realize their soul poverty, and for it is God that workelh in you both to
may be sof1ened and subdued by the Holy who will earnestly seek for the endow- will and to do of his good pleasure. This
Spirit. ment of the Holy Spirit. A preparation of is the co-operation that God requires.
Ellen G. White
November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 13
What is the trouble that the flock of the minister cannot bring the people to a sanctity of truth, and not do as did
Lord is sickly and ready to die? Why is it higher standard than that which he him- Nadab and Abihu. They discerned not
that spiritual food is not supplied? Are self reaches. But those who sincerely the difference between the sacred and
the ministers of the Lord eating the flesh repent and turn to the Lord, will find in the common. Their senses were blunted
and drinking the blood of the Son of Him a personal Saviour. He is able to with indulgence in wine, and they
God? Jesus says, "Verily, verily, I say save to the uttermost all that come unto offered strange fire before the Lord.
unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the God by Him. He will save you from They did not realize the sacredness of
Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have yourself, from every defilement, from the work in which they were engaged.
no life in you.... It is the spirit that all your foolishness. You are to believe There are some now who profess to be
quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: in Him, to "trust in the living God, who ministers of the Lord who talk of the
the words that I speak unto you, they are is the Saviour of all men, specially of things of God as they would talk of
spirit, and they are life." John 6:53, 63. those that believe." 1 Timothy 4:10. some business transaction. Oh, we need
My heart is drawn out to the hungry When you love Jesus, you will not the heavenly enlightemnent of the Holy
flock in Michigan, and you who have grieve Him by indulging sin in yourself; Spirit. The churches will never become
not fed on the living Bread, who have for you will realize that He came not to the light of the world unless they turn
not drunk of the healing streams of save you in your sins, but from your sins. unto the Lord to serve Him with full
salvation, and do not know where to lead John says, "If we confess our sins, he is purpose of heart.
the flock of God that they may find faithful and just to forgive us our sins, The people of God are called to be
refreshment, for Christ's sake, do not try and to cleanse us from all umighteous- the light of the world, a city that is set
to minister in the sacred desk, until you ness." 1 John 1:9 upon a hill, not to be hidden; and if the
have an experience in the things of God. Those whom God has called to the church is ever to fulfill its divine mis-
Jesus prayed, "Sanctify them through ministry are to give evidence by the sion, we must be filled with the love of
thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17. influence they exert, that they are fit for Jesus. Our hearts must be so full of His
When the Word of God is in the heart, it the holy calling in which they are matchless grace that when we meet each
exerts a sanctifying influence over the found. Paul writes, "Be thou an ex- other, we shall take our brethren by the
character, and men are brought into har- ample of the believers." 1 Timothy hand, and say, "Hear what the Lord hath
mony with God. If truth and light are in 4:12. Then shall young ministers be done for my soul." Our minds must be
the heart, you will bring love and light excused for their lightness and trifling? stayed upon God until, by beholding, we
and blessing to the churches. You will Shall the church be expected to listen to shall become changed into the same
not be as shadows casting the gloom of their words, to receive their testimony, image. Then we shall talk of the power
unbelief and darkness upon the people. when their example misrepresents the of God, of the goodness and mercy and
Jesus wants to take your hand, and lead character of Christ, and leads away love of our heavenly Father; and as we
you, and will you not give yourselves to from the path cast up for the ransomed talk of the matchless charms of OUT
him? Talk of what Jesus did, how He left of the Lord to walk in? What can we divine Redeemer, our hearts will be
His glory, and came to seek and to save think of churches that will listen to the melted and subdued by the Holy Spirit,
that which was lost.
If God has sent you to preach, He has
provided that you shall go weighted with
the graces of the Spirit of God, and with
a message of truth that will be as meat in Our hearts must be so full of His matchless
due season to the hungry flock of God.
You will realize that you are standing
grace that when we meet each other, we shall
between the living and the dead, and that
you are a spectacle unto the world, to
take our brethren by the hand, and say, "Hear
angels, and to men. The minister is to what the Lord hath done for my soul"
reveal Christ, not to exhibit himself to
the people. Youth is not to be urged as an
excuse for lightness and trifling; for the
apostle exhorts that young men be testimony of men who have no power in and those around us will behold us, and
sober-minded, and remember that they prayer, no fervency in their devotion, know that we have been with Jesus and
are to render an account to God for the no freedom in personal labor for souls? learned of Him.
influence they exert. Young men, if you The Lord has commanded, "Be ye holy Then if one comes among you pro-
have had no special sense of sin, if you in all manner of conversation." 1 Peter fessing to be a preacher of righteous-
are possessed of a spirit of trifling, do 1:15. "Thke heed unto thyself, and unto ness, who mingles with the truth words
not seek to minister in the sacred desk, the doctrine; continue in them: for in of foolishness and jesting, who carries
and jeopardize your own soul and the doing this thou shalt both save thyself, no burden for souls, take him aside, and
souls of others, and leave the impression and them that hear thee." 1 Timothy in the spirit of love and meekness, tell
on the world that you are representatives 4:16. The proof of the minister's call to him that he cannot feed the church of
of the solemn truth for this time. Unless preach the gospel is seen in his example God when he himself does not know
Jesus is formed within, the hope of and work. God desires men in the min- what it means to feed on (he Bread of
glOry, you will be a curse and not a istry who will esteem highly the things life. Let the father plead that he is
blessing to the congregation, for the which He esteems, and preserve the seeking to follow the example of
Editorial, "Unless God shall in some way make divine impulse strong upon them, they
Continued from 2 these men understand that He is God, and enter upon the performance of their duty
humble mind and a teachable spirit, and that they are to serve Him, human inven- without coldly calculating the con-
all should decide from the weight of tions will be brought in that will lead sequences of speaking to the people the
evidence." Ibid., 255 away from Bible truth, notwithstanding word which the Lord has given them. But
Nineteen times Ellen White says in all the cautions that have been given. the servant of God is soon made aware
Testimonies, vol. 5, that we have fol- "The Lord Jesus will always have a that he has risked something. He finds
lowed the same paths as the ancient chosen people to serve Him. When the himself and his message made the subject
church in our rebellion against God's Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of criticism. His manners, his life, his
orders of His righteous law. of life, He took from them the kingdom of property, are all inspected and com-
"I have been shown that the spirit of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God mented upon. His message is picked to
the world is fast leavening the church. will continue to work on tltis principle pieces and rejected in the most illiberal
You are following the same path as did with every branch of His work. When a and unsanctified spirit, as men in their
ancient Israel. There is the same falling church proves unfaithful to the work of finite judgment see fit. Has that message
away from your holy calling as God's the Lord, whatever their position may be, done the work that God designed it should
peculiar people." Ibid., vol. 5, 75-76 however high and sacred their ealling, the accomplish? No; it has signally failed
"I am filled with sadness when I think Lord can no longer work with them. because the hearts of the hearers were
of our condition as a people. The Lord has Others are then chosen to bear important unsanctified." Testimonies, vol. 5, 299
not closed heaven to us, but our own responsibilities. But, if these in turn do not "God will carry on His work through
course of continual backsliding has sepa- purify their lives from every wrong ac- wholly consecrated workmen. If His min-
rated us from God. Pride, covetousness, tion, if they do not establish pure and holy isters fail of representing Christ, He will
and love of the world have lived in the principles in all their borders, then the turn to others, many of whom have not
hean without fear of banishment or con- Lord will grievously afflict and humble been prepared for the work by a regular
demnation. Grievous and presumptuous them and, unless they repent, will remove course of study, and will put a message
sins have dwelt among us. And yet the them from their place and make them a into their lips, even the last message of
general opinion is that the church is flour- reproaCh." The UpwardLook, 131 warning. He will call men from their
ishing and that peace and spiritual pros- "The minister of God is commanded: various employments, and at His bidding
perity are in all her borders. 'Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice they will go forth to proclaim present
"The church has turned back from like a trumpet, and shew my people their truth." Review and Herald, vol. 4,472
following Christ her Leader and is transgression, and the house of Jacob God always has men and women
steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet their sins.' The Lord says of these who are ready to respond to His call and
few are alarmed or astonished at their people: 'They seek me daily, and delight to stand for righteousness and truth.
want of spiritual power. Doubt, and even to know my ways, as a nation that did Millions of martyrs cry from their graves
disbelief of the testimonies of the Spirit righteousness.' Isaiah 58:1-2. Here is a that the truths they died for be vindicated
of God, is leavening our churches every- people who are self-deceived, self- and that their blood be not shed in vain.
where. Satan would have it thus. Minis- righteous, sclf-complaeenl; and the min- The church stands at the crossroads of its
ters who preach self instead of Christ ister is commanded to cry aloud and experience. Which way will it choose in
would have it thus. The testmonies are show them their transgressions. In all this final hour?
unread and unappreciated. God has ages this work has been done for God's God now pleads for leaders, pastors,
spoken to you. Light has been shining people, and it is needed now more than and laity to repent of our disobedience
from His Word and from the testimo- ever before. and rebellion against God's orders and
nies, and both have been slighted and "The word of the Lord came to Elijah; His law, that the revival and reformation
disregarded. The result is apparent in the he did not seek to be the Lord's mes- that is promised might now become a
lack of purity and devotion and earnest senger, but the word came to him. God reality in God's remnant church.
faith among us." Ibid., 217 always has men to whom He entrusts His
What a tragedy we now face in this message. His Spirit moves upon their Ron Spear-EDITOR
final hour! How will God deal with us? Let hearts and constrains them to speak.
the prophet again give us the answer: Stimulated by holy zeal, and with the
The Sanctuary and the Sabbath bit of evidence, we may introduce the
adntission of Satan himself, who is
quoted in Testimonies to Ministers, 472,
in an address to his angels:
III this article Ralph Larson continues a together. He who rejecls either of these "The same light which reveals the true
series that he started in January. two truths will soon reject the other. Sabbath reveals also the ministration of
In support of this statement, note the Christ in the heavenly sanctuary."
A CCORDING to God's inspired following evidence: We should not be surprised, there-
.!"\.messenger, the sanctuary and the 1. In Exodus 31 we find verses 1-11 fore, when, remembering that the Sab-
Sabbath will be special targets of giving instruction for details of the bath and the sanctuary arc both listed as
Satan's attack as we move into the clos- building of the sanctuary, followed by pillars of our faith (Sec Cowlsels to
ing events of this world's history. verses 12-18 in which careful observ-
Historically, theologically, and ex- ance of the Sabbath is firmly ad- Ralph Larson, a retired pastol; last served as
perientially, the sanctuary and the Sab- monished. Ellen White writes that this chairman ofthe Church and MinislIY Depart-
bath arc firmly bonded together. They instruction was given because some of ment Of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologi-
will stand together, or they will fall the leaders of Israel had proposed cal Seminary, Far East.
Ellen G. White
November 1991 Our Firm Fou"datiOIl 25
aim at the mote, when the very trait of His great love for His fallen creatures. divine goodness must dwell in the heart,
character which he has overlooked in Without the heavenly endowment of the in order that pure, generous, kindly
himself, which is developed in doing Spirit of truth, we shall not be able to do thoughts and actions shall be manifested
this un-Christlike work, is, in compari- that for which we shall not be ashamed. in the life. Everything like secret work-
son to what he criticizes, when weighed When we are brought to account by the ing, like deception, like anxiety to dis-
in the golden balances of heaven as a Lord, we shall receive the very same cover a mote in OUf brother's eye, like
beam in proportion to a mote. measure we have meted to others, and eat officious effort to remove the mote
Ungenerous, unchristian expressions the fruit of our own doings. Many work when a beam is in our own eye, is
of judgment, of criticism, of condemna- with intense activity to bring to light abhorrent to God. Until the aecuser dis-
tion of others, if not repented of, will sink disagreeable mallers concerning others, covers the evil of his own heart, and
the soul in ruin. The piety of the man wbo when, if the same criticism were brought feels sincere repentance for his sin, and
thus condemns others, is measured by the upon their words and condUct, their faults makes confession of his wrong, he can
hidden motives, the seeret plans and plot- in contrast with their brother's would be have no clear vision to pull the mote out
tings of evil against those with whom he is as a beam in proportion to a mote. of his brother's eye. It is easy to deceive
at enmity. The value of his conduct, the There is a great variety of ways of ourselves, but we cannot deceive God,
real influence of his life, is summed up as deceiving self; and one of the most to whose ears smooth words and fair
wanting by the Lord of heaven, who reads ruinous ways to cripple our usefulness is speeches, which are only pretensions to
the secrets of every soul. That spoken in to cultivate evil speaking and criticism piety, are as sounding brass or a tinkling
the ear, in the closet, will be proclaimed of others. Those who have done this cymbal. Unless the principles of heaven
upon the housetop. No man can fully must humble their hearts before God, are inwrought in the heart, all outward
know the measure of the good or evil of and instead of denouncing others, must profession is pretension and deception.
his course of action, because the Lord proclaim against themselves. God measures every man's piety by the
holds in His own hands the consequences The apostle says, "Work out your character of his motives. In the prayer of
of our deeds. The Lord permits circum- own salvation with fear and trembling. Christ for his diSCiples he ullers these
stances to arise that will bring into notice For it is God which worketh in you both words: "They are not of the world, even
the good qualities of one who is suspected to will and to do of his good pleasure." as I am not of the world. Sanctify them
of wrong. The Lord will permit persons to Philippians 2:12-13. We fail to work out through thy truth: thy word is truth. As
pass through strait places, where the sur- our own salvation with fear and trem- thou hast sent me into the world, even so
roundings will work to develop the traits bling when we judge and condemn have I also sent them into the world. And
of character that are condemned by others; we manifest before the universe for their sakes I sanctify myself, that
Christ. The evil work that evil workers a spirit that will decide our destiny, and they also might be sanctified through the
intended to do will not bring about the place us among the transgressors of truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but
results they had designed; for the Lord God's law. We show our kinship with for them also which shall believe on me
will manage the maller so that good will Satan, who was an accuser of the through their word; that they all may be
be brOUght out of evil. But no credit or brethren. Through his deceptive power, one [not biting and devouring one
reward will be given to him who pwposed
to do harm to the purchase of the blood of
Christ, even though good resulted from
his plotlings of evil. The Lord set counter-
agencies to work to preserve His people There is a great variety of ways of deceiving
from being deceived and injured.
Unless the truth sanctifies the soul,
self; and one of the most ruinous ways to
hereditary and cultivated traits of charac-
ter will develop, and we shall be seeking
cripple our usefulness is to cultivate evil
for spots and blemishes in others; but our speaking and criticism of others
measuring and judgment will correspond
to our own prejudices, to our human likes
and dislikes. In dealing with brethren that
reveal a hard, critical, accusing spirit, we he ever seeks to make error appear as another]; as thou, Father, art in me, and I
should martifest the Spirit of Christ, that truth, and you follow his example in thee, that they also may be one in us: that
they may behold and become changed. magnifying the faults of your brethren, the world may believe that thou hast sent
Without a connection with God, self and and by imagining that you see evil where me. And the glory which thou gavest me
self-uplifting will appear. Day by day, none exists. I have given them; that they may be one,
hour by hour, we must weave heavenly The Lord has graciously given man a even as we 3rc one: I in them, and thou
principles into our life, praying God that time of probation in which to perfect a in me, that they may be made perfect in
he will bestow His Holy Spirit upon us; character for eternal life; but those who one; and that the world may know that
for it is the Holy Spirit alone that can are selfish, those who exalt self by seek- thou hast sent me, and hast loved them,
purify the affections, and uproot the tares ing to abase another, making the most of as thou hast loved me." John 17:16-23
that naturally grow in the heart. The love every mote and defect in his character, In these words the relation sustained
of God must abide in the soul, or man will prove that there is a beam in their own toward God and toward one another is
fail to mete out to his fellow man that eye which unfits them for an entrance clearly defined. We are to be as one, and
which God has meted out to him through into the abode of life. The principles of this sacred unity must be contemplated
S URELY some powerful king or
emperor would arise to quell the
Protestant rebellion. Surely the
fully obvious that the new Protestant
churches that had been established were
vastly more than aberrant groups, but
redressing some of the most blatant
excesses of the Church, the prelates
moved solidly behind the apostate doc-
European monarchs could be relied were to be permanently separated from trines of the Church. Perhaps the
upon to rally to the warning call of the the Papacy and its excesses. strongest effort was exerted to seek a
Papacy. It had never failed to happen When the monarchs of Europe way to derail the Protestant identifica-
before, but in vain did a succession of failed to come to the unequivocal sup- tion of the Roman Catholic Church as
popes from Leo X to Paul ill solicit such port of the Papacy as they had so often the historic antichrist of prophecy.
support. Even the powerful Charles V of done before, the enormity of the schism The Protestant Reformers did not
the Holy Roman Empire seemed tenta- became obvious to the Papacy. Yet not always agree on every aspect of bibli-
tive and uncertain about the role that he until 1545 was the Papacy in any posi- cal truth. But on one point there was
should play in defense of the Church. tion to respond to the great challenges unwavering unity. Luther, Melanch-
Indeed, there were moments when he of the Protestant Reformation. This date than, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and before
seemed in opposition to the Church. was 28 years after Luther had nailed his them, Wycliffe, Huss and Jerome, had
Perhaps it was his youth, for when 95 theses on the door of the castle all steadfastly pinpointed the Roman
Luther stood before him at the Diet of church at Wittenberg. By then the Catholic Church as the antichrist of
Worms, he was only twenty-one years of Papacy knew that a wholly new and biblical prophecy. Clearly, Protestant-
age. different strategy would be required if ism could not be reclaimed for the
Generally speaking, the popes had ever the Protestant Reformation was to bosom of Rome until this identification
totally underestimated the depth of the be derailed and the myriads of defectors could be derailed. Yet during the eight-
dangers of their unpopularity in Ger- be brought back under the sovereignty een years of the council's meetings,
many, as well as the spreading unrest in of Rome. not one credible alternate identification
Scandinavia, Switzerland, England, Choosing the northern Italian city of was established by the bishops. Finally
Scotland, and other parts of Europe. The "llent, the bishops of the Church met the monumental task of trying to pre-
Papacy was psychologically unprepared over a period of eighteen years in what,
for the permanent and total rejection of perhaps, became the most famous coun- Coli" Standish is president ofHart/and lnsti·
its authority. It eventually became pain- cil in the history of Catholicism. While tute in Rapidan, Virginia.
Colin Standish
28 Our Firm Foundation November 1991
sent a credible alternative identifica- tichrist. It becomes obvious that tltis the Oxford movement. When stripped
tion of the biblical antichrist was given lack of logic in taking one period of of all rhetoric, the Oxford movement
to the newly established intelligentsia time and using the day/year principle, was the re-Catholicizing of Oxford
order of the Roman Catholic Church, and combining it with another period of University.
the Jesuits. A further twenty-two years time in which literal days are used, is It is usually held that the Oxford
were to pass after conclusion of the faulty exegesis. There is one reason movement began in 1833. Historically,
Council of TIent before such a credible only to move away from the day/year its commencement has been traced to a
deception could be devised. Thus, from principle, and that is to support the sermon preached in St. Mary's Church,
the beginning of the Council of TIent, a treacherous sophistries of Rome in its Oxford, July 9, 1833, by the well-
period of forty years was needed to attempt to bring all Christendom back known Anglican preacher of the day,
devise a theory by which the Roman under its authority. John Keble. His chosen topic that day
Catholic Church could seek to under- The thesis of Ribera, written in the was "National Apostasy." It centered
mine the Protestant assurance that the Latin language, was published in 1590, upon the moral failure of British
Roman Catholic Church was the pro- and soon thereafter was sent to all the Society, and more specifically, the
phetic antichrist. major universities of Europe. Here it failure of the Church of England, to
The brilliant Spanish Jesuit, Fran- rested, a time bomb ready to explode. lead in the spiritual revival necessary at
cisco Ribera, completed his thesis in Reformation Protestants were not im- the time. It was clear that the Church of
1585. The thesis identified the an- pressed or influenced by this thesis. England was being blamed for much of
tichrist of biblical prophecy, not as the Well over two centuries were to pass the defection shown in the Puritan
historic Papacy, but as a satanically by before it was to begin its nefarious movement, in the Congregational
controlled individual who would rise at work among the Protestant Reform developments and in the rise of the
the end of time, rule in the rebuilt groups. Methodist Church.
temple in Jerusalem for seven years, In the 18205 three powerful profes- In the congregation of Keble that
and during the last three and one-half sors of Oxford University in England day was John Henry Newman, 1801-
years would persecute mercilessly the began to agitate for the reunification of 1890. Newman, who had graduated
Christians and the Jews. To establish the Church of England with the Church from Oxford University in 1821, had
this thesis, Ribera had to undermine of Rome. This agitation led to an im- been ordained to the Anglican ministry
one of the most basic and widely ac- passioned outcry by large numbers of in 1823. Until this time, the brilliant
cepted tenets of biblical interpretation, faithful Evangelical Anglicans who young priest had spent most of his
the day/year principle of prophetic in- pointed out that there was no way the ministry as a tutor in the colleges of
terpretation. This principle was well Anglican Church could ever consider Oxford. Newman was greatly in-
understood by pre-Christian Jews, reunification with Rome, for Rome was fluenced by Keble's sermon. It is prob-
some of whom were looking for the the antichrist of prophecy. At this point ably about this time that he com-
fulfillment of Daniel, chapter 9, in the the professors, led by S. R. Maitland, menced his metamorphosis that led
arrival of the Messiah about the time in William Burgh, and James Thdd, resur- him to renounce the Anglican priest-
which He did live on earth. rected the thesis of Ribera from the hood in 1843, to join the Roman
This principle was also fully under-
stood by many in the early Christian
church. Bishop Athanasius, bishop of
Alexandria in the fourth century, tried The thesis of Ribera, written in the Latin
to convince Jews that Christ must be the
Messiah by using the day/year principle language, was published in 1590, and soon
to interpret Daniel. But it was obvious
that Ribera could not use such a prin-
thereafter was sent to all the major universities
Ciple, for it too clearly identified the of Europe. Here it rested, a time bomb ready to
medieval reign of the Papacy as the
antichrist of prophecy. Subsequently, explode
the treacherous thesis of Ribera has led
to the totally unacceptable and illogical
separation of the seventieth week of the archives of the library at Oxford Uni- Catholic Church in 1845, and to jour-
seventy-week prophecy of Daniel 9 versity and began to agitate and teach ney to Rome in 1846, where he was
from the other sixty-nine weeks. Now it the seminary students the deceptive ordained to the Roman Catholic priest-
must be clear that the day/year principle Jesuit concepts of the antichrist. Ob- hood.
is used in placing this final week as a viously as the young, inexperienced, The powerful intellect of Newman
seven-year period during the reign of and ill-informed youth were faced with had a profound impact upon the Angli-
the supposed antichrist. But ironically, this interpretation, it soon would be can Church as he continued to be per-
the same scholars take the 1260-day preached in the churches of the Angli- haps the single most important figure at
prophecy of Daniel and Revelation, can faith. As could be expected, not Oxford. He, of course, fully imbibed the
and, using literal days rather than pro- long afterward the true identification futuristic concepts of biblical inter-
phetic days, place it within the frame- of the antichrist began to be lost. This pretation riveted upon the Jesuit inter-
work of the last half of the seven-year Anglo-Catholic movement of the 18205 pretation of Francisco Ribera, and tltis
reign of the proposed end-time an- was the seed of what became known as philosophy had become standard fare
Country Living Does it still apply to us today in the God's prescription 'for our life. We
Continued from 24 hustle and bustle of our fast-paced need time. Not time for selfish
arc/Is alld Prophets, 247-248 modern society? Can a prescription pleasure, but time to slow down and
Did infinite wisdom count the pe- like this still be effective? God's pre- get clear directions from our Father in
riod too long or the price too great? scription has not lost its effectiveness, heaven. We need time to think about
God knew what Moses needed. Moses, friends; it never will. We have lost the what matters most in life. What is the
before his 40 years of country living, prescription. Like Moses, God has a most important thing? How much timc
was self-sufficient, self-confident, plan for everyone of us. But often we must I set aside to bring my family to
proud, zealous, highly educated, very go ahcad of the Lord, or try to accom- the throne of grace? Friends, take time
impatient. After his 40 years in the plish our work in our own strength. Or to compare yourself with the standard
country, Moses was self-distrustful, we try to do the work before God has of God's Word and the character of
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