Our Firm Foundation Magazine 1991 November

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Our Firm Foundation

The 7th Day Sabbath Immutable Law of God The Everlasting Gospel
Non-Immortality ofthe Soul The Sanctuary
ets, like a destroying lion." "Yet thou of spiritual attainments. 'Because thou
sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his sayest, I am rich, and increased with
anger shall turn from me. Behold, I will goods, and have need of nothing; and
plead with thee, because thou sayest, I knowest not that thou art wretched, and
have not sinned." Jeremiah 2:30, 35 miserable, and poor, and blind, and
As the result of the apostasy in naked.' Revelation 3: 17

I N every time of emergency in God's

work He has prepared mcn to meet
the emergency. All 1I1iough the history
Jeremiah's day, there was no latter rain.
"Therefore the showers have been
wilhholden, and there hath been no
"What greater deception can come
upon human minds than a confidence that
they are right when they are all wrong!
of thc church in the Old 'Testament and latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's The message of the 1tue Witness finds the
in the New we see apostasy. God sent forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed." peoplc of God in a sad deception, yet
His Ezekiels, Isaiahs, and Jeremiahs to Jeremiah 3:3 honest in that deception. They know not
meet Ihe apostasy. These messengers In every apostasy God has pleaded that their condition is deplorable in the
paid a high price for their willingness to with His people-especially the leaders-- sight of God. While those addressed are
be God's messengers. Jeremiah was to repent and confess their rebellion flattering themselves that they are in an
mistreated and was thrown into an aban- against God's orders, His law of right- cxalted spiritual condition, the message of
doncd well. We understand that Isaiah eousness, until there was no remedy. the 1tue Witness breaks their security by
was sawn in two. Ezekiel '5 messages "But they mocked the messengers of the startling denunciation of their true
were nOt received by leaders or priests God, and despised his words, and mis- condition of spiritual blindness, poverty,
as messages from God. uscd his prophets, until the wrath of the and wretchedness. The testimony, so cut-
Elijah seemingly stood fearlessly Lord arose against his people, till there ting and severe, cannot be a mistake, for it
alone. He cried to God, I am the only was no remedy." 2 Chronicles 36:16 is the 1tue Witness who speaks, and His
one, and God answered, There are still How does Jesus see His church testimony must be correct" Testimonies,
7,000 that have not bowed their knee to today? AIe we willing to give a straight vol. 3, 252-253
Baal. Tragically they were not ready to answer? We believe we arc aU right, What has led us into such a de-
stand up. God's champions in these when the 1tue Witness reveals we are all plorable state that we do not know we
emergencies wcre not self-called men. wrong. We are in the depths of the are wretched, miserable, poor, spiritu-
Thcy wcre men called of God to bring Laodicean condition, which is rebellion ally blind, and spiritually naked? Again
revival and reformation to the church. against God, His plans, and His law. the prophet gives the explanation of our
God prepared Jeremiah while he was We are told that the majority of condition and folly:
still in his mother's womb. Seventh-day Adventists will rejeci the "I have been shown that the greatest
"Beforc I formed thee in the belly I messages of the thrce angels; companies reason why the people of God are now
knew thee; and before thou camest forth will leave and tribes from the world will found in this stale of spiritual blindness
out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I replace them. See Testimonies, vol. 5, is that they will not receive correction.
ordained thee a prophet unto the na- 136 and vol. 8, 41. What a shaking we Many have despised the reproofs and
tions. 11 Jeremiah 1:5; see also Jeremiah face with six million members, the ma- warnings given them. The True Witness
1:8,9, 17, 19 jority of whom do not understand the condemns the lukewarm condition of the
God's messengers have rarely been three angels' messages and the message people of God, which gives Satan great
apprcciated by the leaders of His church. of the cleansing of the sanctuary. power over them in this waiting, watch-
It was the leaders who were responsible These are very strong words, but let ing time. The selfish, the proud, and the
for almost every apostasy. Isaiah speaks us now look at what our last-day prophet lovers of sin arc ever assailed with
to us of the emergency in his day: has to say about our day of apostasy. doubts. Satan has ability to suggest
"For thc leaders of this people cause "The Lord here shows us that the doubts and to devise objections to the
them to err; and they that are led of them message to be borne to His people by pointed testimony that God sends, and
are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16 ministers whom He has called to warn many think it a virtue, a mark of intel-
God explains through Jeremiah how the people is not a peace-and-safety ligence in them, to be unbelieving and to
He had desperately tricd to turn the message. It is not merely theoretical, but question and quibble. Those who desire
leaders back to the paths of righteous- practical in every particular. The people to doubt will have plenty of room. God
ness, but to no avail: of God are represented in the message to does not propose to remove all occasion
"In vain have I smitten your chil- the Laodiccans as in a position of carnal for unbelief. He gives evidence, which
dren; they received no correction: your security. They are at ease, believing must be carefully investigated with a
own sword hath devoured your proph- themselves to be in an exalted condition Continued Oil 15

2 Ollr Firm Foundatiofl November 1991

It is the mission of Hope Inter-
national and the editors of Our Firm
Foundation to clearly present Christ
and His truth. The days that yet
remain of this world are few, and Table of Contents
what we do we must do quickly. We Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1991
must boldly proclaim the historic
truths of Adventism that place us on
so firm a foundation in the midst of
this troubled world.-EDffORS Articles

Editor-Ron Spear New World Order William Haynes 4

Associate Editors-Bob Bresnahan, A short critique through the eyes of Adventism
Oark Floyd, Presion Momcrrey,
Vernon Sparks, Harvey Steck Enoch: A Type of God's Final Generation Ron Spear 8
Production Manager-Harvey Steck
Book Editor-Allen Cmw Can Enoch's experience be mine?
Typography-Jon Marihugh
Contribuling Editors-John Grosboll, It Is Not for You to Know the Times and the Seasons Ellen G. White 13
Ralph L:u'Son, Colin Standish, What is our duty as the day of Christ's return approaches?
Russell Standish
Art Director-Bob Bresnahan The Sanctuary and the Sabbath Ralph Larson 16
Art-Georgia Marihugh Special targets of Satan's attacks
Subscriber Services-Brenda Steck
Circulation-Lois McGaughey
Tbe Sabbath: Burden or Blessing? Kevin Paulson 20
Are we experiencing the divine rest offered by the Sabbath?
Suggcsted donations for the annual subscrip-
Country Living: Preparing a People Jim Hohnberger 22
tion are listed below. We have kepI these as When we choose a place to live, what would God have us consider?
low as possible; but if your fin.'Ulccs cannot
meet the requested don.1.tion, just send wlull- Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged Ellen G. White 2S
ever you com. We wanllhis mnterial available The work of my tongue: is it restoration or destruction?
to all, regMdlcss of their pcrsol'l.'ll finnnces. If
you wish 10 give a donation to assist in Futuristic Interpretations of the Antichrist Colin Standisb 28
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Will Satan's deceptions be successful in the remnant church?
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Hope International

Novcmber 1991 Our Firm FOImdariotl 3

countries also had something to rejoice
"It is necessary to break down the
barriers and monopolies which leave so
many countries on the margins of
development, and to provide all in-
dividuals and nations with the basic
conditions which will enable them to
share in development. Among his sug-
or cancel foreign debt
owed by developing countries."
Having acquired, a few months ago,
Malachi Martin's The Keys of This
Blood-The Srruggle for World Domin-
ion Betwen Pope John Paul II, Mikhail
Gorbachev & the Capitalist West-
(Simon and Schuster, 1990) in which
Martin, former[?) Jesuit and professor at
the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Insti-
tute, frankly details the pope's plans for
conquering the world, I was doubly in-
terested in this new encyclical. Follow·
ing is a short critique of the proposed
New World Order through the eyes of
The term, New World Order, came to
the attention of the world as never before
when President George Bush, during the
Persian Gulf War, seldom gave a speech
without mentioning the New World
Order that is coming. Therefore; the
questions filling many minds are
(I)What is this New World Order?
(2)Who is promoting it? (3)How will it
affect us? (4)When will it arrive?
As the New World Order comes

The New World Order: under a variety of names, it might be

well to list some of them. William M.
Bowen, in his book Globalism: Amer-
A Short Critique Through the Eyes ofAdventism ica's Demise, (Huntington House, Inc.,
1984) p. 15, states: "Globalism,

T HE May 3, 1991, issue of the San

Francisco Chronicle intrigued me
with its front page story, "Pope Calls for
"Church-linked and labor groups in
the United States and Europe hailed the
document for its emphasis on social jus-
humanism, socialism, feminism, il-
luminism, New Age, et cetera, are all the
same animal: the differences are seman-
a New World Order-He endorses capi- tice and worker's rights. Conservative tic and inconsequential." We may add to
talism with a social conscience." This groups also rejoiced in what they called this list, New World Order and One
Associated Press article went on to say: the Vatican's most forthright endorsement World Government. Incidentally, Sena-
"Pope John Paul II spelled out his of the free market in a century." tor Jesse Helms, of the U. S. Senate, in a
vision of a post-Communist world of In further explanation of the accept- foreword to Bowen's book states:
economic and social justice yesterday, ance of captalism, the pope stated, "The Globalism of which Bill
leaving room for capitalism-with a "Capitalism could only be acceptable if Bowen warns is not some abstract con-
moral core-but no place for' consumer it had an ethical and religious core." trivance of rhetoric. It is real, and it is
societies. J (Emphasis added by the author unless rapidly growing and expanding under
"His views were presented in his otherwise noted.) the mesmerizing auspices and direction
ninth encyclical and the Roman Catholic Notice that the groups hailing and of politicians and religionists."
Church's first major pronouncement of rejoicing over this pronouncement are
social doctrine since the fall of Eastern church-linked, labor, and conservative William Haynes is a retired pastor aJld writes
Bloc Communist governments.... or capitalist oriented. The developing from Orovi//e, California.

I William Haynes I
4 Our Firm Foundation. November 1991
These men are vitally concerned "There is only one major hitch seen they are looking to the pope for leader-
about Globalism, or the New World by these New Age leaders to the ship as we draw near the beginning of a
Order, that has been looming on the successful fulfillment of their enterprise new millennium.
horizon for more than eight years. They to bring about a millennium of peace. "We need a world of cosmic spiritu-
perceive it as being the end of the United The only group capable of blocking this ality. I hope the religious leaders will
States of America as we know it. It is effort would be those people who stick get together and define ... the cosmic
their assessment that America will be- to a 'worn-out, divisive theology, which laws which are common to all their
come only a part of a Global or One believes that it has the "only truth," faiths.... They should tell the politi-
World Government. those who believe there is only one cians what the cosmic laws are, what
TItis movement is a combination of personal God who is the Author of the God, or the gods, or the cosmos, are
civil power, Christianity, and paganism only moral law, and only one Jesus by expecting from humans....
or spiritualism as Seventh-day Advent- whom we can be saved. Such dissenters "We must also hope that the pope
ists would expect, being familiar with are compared to cancer cells in the mind will come, before the year 2000, to the
the book The Grear Controversy. I have of God, and the only way the world can United Nations, speak for all the re-
in my files a clipping from the Arizona be saved from Armageddon is for them ligions on tbis planet, and give the
Republic, dated Sunday, April 25, 1982. to be 'exported to a nonphysical realm,' world the religious view of how the
It reads in part: a euphemism for being exterminated." third millennium should be a spiritual
"At the center of this 'Spiritual Hier- These people are serious about elimi- millennium:' TOL 7/90
archy' stands the World Thacher, Lord nating anyone who believes these vital It should now be evident that the
Maitreya known by Christians as the Christian doctrines. As Seventh-day Ad- religions of the world, paganism, also
Christ. And as Christians await the Sec- ventists, do we believe that we have "the known as spiritualism, (inclUding orien-
ond Coming, so the Jews await the truth"? Do we believe in a personal God tal, the New Age, et cetera) and apostate
Messiah, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, who is the author of the "moral law"? Do Christianity as well as Catholicism will
the Moslems the Imam Mahah and the we believe that "There is none other name be giving their hearty support to the
Hindus await Krishna. These are all under heaven given among men, whereby pope. So let us now take a closer look at
names for one individual." All empha- we must be saved," Jesus Christ being that the agenda of implementing his planned
sis supplied. name? YES! We do! It should be clear by New World Order as revealed to us by
I think we can readily see through now that any faithful Seventh-day Ad- Malachi Martin, who could well be
this blatant attempt of Satan to form a ventist will be a prime candidate for termed the pope's "press agent." The
One World Religion. For over 100 years, externtination if we do not conform when publisher of Mr. Martin's book states:
God's people have been aware of his this New World Order gains full control of "In this timely and provocative new
plans to control the world under the the earth. book, best-selling author Malachi Martin
guise of a religious movement that will The Catholic Church supported the reveals the untold story behind the Vati-
convert the world to his form of religion. 1990 Global Survival Conference, in can's role in the collapse of the Iron
Consider this statement found in The which people from all over the world, Curtain, as well as Pope John Paul II's
Great Controversy, 588: both Christian and pagan, met to map far-reaching assessment of the three-way
"The line of distinction between
professed Christians and the ungOdly is
now hardly distinguishable. Church
members love what the world loves and It should be clear by now that any faithful
are ready to join with them, and Satan
determines to unite them in one body
Seventh-day Adventist will be a prime
and thus strengthen his cause by sweep-
ing all into the ranks of spiritualism.
candidate for extermination if we do not
Papists, who boast of miracles as a cer- conform when this New World Order gains full
tain sign of the true church, will be
readily deceived by this wonder-work- control of the earth
ing power; and Protestants, having cast
away the shield of truth, will also be
deluded. Papists, Protestants, and world- strategies to "save our planet from de- contest now unfolding among the global
lings will alike accept the form of godli- struction." The keynote speaker was powers-the Soviet Union under Mikhail
ness without the power, and they will Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Gorbachev, the capitalist nations of the
see in this union a grand movement for Secretary-General, and a Catholic. He West, and the pope's own universal
the conversion of the world and the stated that the uniting of Europe in Roman Church_ winner-lake-all race
ushering in of the long-expected 1992 "is a step toward a world commu- against time and each other to establish,
millennium;' nity." maintain, and control the first one-
Satan and his followers will not Of even more interest to me was a world government tbat has ever existed
tolerate any deviation from their brand statement by the Dalai Lama, religious on the face of the earth..••
of "religion." Consider this paragraph leader from Tibet, who was also a "Martin detaiJs this pope's assess-
from an article entitled: "The Mask of speaker. For the fIrst time I realized the ment of the strengths and weaknesses of
the New Age," p. 14, Our Firm Founda- strong support the pagan religions of the the geopolitical plans of East and
tioll, March, 1987: world are giving to the Papacy and how West-and the one grave deficiency that

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 5

John Paul insists has already doomed the human behavior revealed by God that lithe secret contents directed to
superpowers' plans to failure. And Mar- through the teaching of Christ, as papal attention-amounted to a
tin reveals Pope John Paul's own blue- proposed by Christ's Church [Roman geopolitical [one-world government]
print for a genuinely geopolitical Catholicism]. He is adamant on one agenda attached to an immediate
structure: a oneaworld government capital point: No system will ensure timetable."
that is both viable and humanly ac- and guarantee the rights and free- Martin says, p. 49:
ceptable." From dust jacket doms of the individual if it is not based "In its essence, in fact, Fatima be-
Martin himself heralds the almost on those laws. This is the backbone came for John Paul something like the
unbelievable changes this one-world principle of the new world order en- famed Heavenly mandate and guarantee
government will make in the life of visaged by the pontiff." of success proffered to Constantine on
every person living on the face of the It is difficult for me to envision that the eve of his battle at the Milvian
earth. Read and carefully re-read the the Roman Catholic Church, infamous Bridge. Suddenly, Constantine had seen
following paragraph: for its Inquisition, for its cruel and in- the Sign of the Cross appear in the sk)',
"No holds are barred because, once humane persecution of God's people accompanied by the Latin words In hoc
the competition has been decided, the during the 1260 years of papal su- signo vinces. 'In this sign you will con-
world and all that's in it-our way of life premacy, would have "moral laws of quer.' ... He took it as a guarantee.
as individuals and as citizens of the human behavior" that would "ensure With miraculous confidence, he not only
nations; OUI families and our jobs; our and guarantee the rights and free- conquered at the Milvian Bridge but
trade and commerce and money; our doms of the individuaL" In fact, Martin proceeded to conquer his entire world,
educational systems and our religions
and our cultures; even the badges of our
national identity, which most of us have
always taken for granted-all will have Who are these groups who are working feverishly
been powerfully and radically altered
forever. No one can be exempted from to usher in a New World Order by the year 2000?
its effects. No sector of our lives will
remain untouched." Page 15
Seventh-day Adventists have known for over
This book strongly reminds me of
Adolph Hitler's autobiography Mein
100 years that they are Catholicism, apostate
Kampf, in which he not only gave his Protestantism, and spiritualism
past history but also laid out in detail his
philosophy and plans for conquering the
world. We very much need to listen to has just staled that every facet of our transforming il inlo what became the
the pope's plans as it will strengthen our lives "will be powerfully and radically new civilization of Christianity."
faith in the utterances of God's prophets altered forever." There is no hint here Ibid., p. 50:
concerning the "end time" in which we that an individual will have any rights "Clearly, the new agenda-
are living. and freedoms. Heaven's agenda; the Grand Design of
Martin writes, p. 17: Martin gives some very candid por- God for the new world order-had
"He [John Paull was himself the traits of John Paul's motivation in pursu- begun. And Pope John Paul would stride
head of the most extensive and deeply ing a New World Order. (pp. 47-48) now in the arena of the millenium end-
experienced of the three global powers "A series of very curious supernatu- game as something more than a
that would, within a short time, set about ral events ... had begun on May 13, geopolitical giant of his age. He was,
ending the nation system of world 1917, in the obscure Ponuguese hamlet and remains, the serene and confident
politics that has defined human society of Fatima and had ended there on Oc- Servant of the Grand Design."
for over a thousand years. tober 13 of the same year with a miracle Notice John Paul's agenda is now
"It is not too much to say, in fact, that centered on the Virgin Mary and her Heaven's agenda. Two words that have
the chosen purpose of John Paul's apparent power to control the sun in occurred a number of times in this book
pontificate-the engine that drives his spectacular ways.... She had ended her are the millenium endgame. These are
papal grand policy and that determines visits in October with a miracle that code words that state the goal of John
his day-to-day, year-by-year strate- recalled for many the Bible verse that Paul to have his New World Order in
gies-is to be the victor in that com- tells of a 'Woman Clothed with the Sun, place and fully operational by the year
petition, now well under way." and giving birth to a Son who will rule 2000. Incidentally, this is also the goal
John Paul's primary criticism of the the Nations with a scepter of iron.' Once of New Agers of every description.
New World Order model of both East elected pope in 1978, John Paul had Who are these groups who are working
and West, is that it does not embody tbe become privy to the papal instructions feverishly to usher in a New World Order
religion of Roman Catholicism, and predictions Mary had entrusted in by the year 2000, in which the world is
without which it is doomed to failure. confidence to the children at Fatima." united in global peace, in conservation of
Martin says, p. 19: This message, plUS "a personal com- world resources, in alleviation of world
"The primary difficulty for Pope munication from Heaven" had con- hunger and in the establishment of one
John Paul II in both of these models for vinced John Paul U 'certain events are world religion? Seventh-day Adventists
the new world order is that neither of willed by the Lord of History, and they have known for over 100 years that they are
them is rooled in the moral laws of shall take place.' " He came to realize Catholicism, apostate Protestantism, and

6 Our Firm Fou"datiofl November 1991

spiritualism, also known as paganism or the thing be done to alleviate the situation, is "And then the great deceiver will
New Age Movement. Notice this statement the seemingly unending natural and persuade men that those who serve God
in The Great Comroversy, 588: man-made calamities engulfing the are causing these evils. The class that
"The Protestants of the United States earth. In the May 13, 1991, issue of u.s. have provoked the displeasure of
will be fotemost in stretching their News & World Report we have the CUf- Heaven will charge all their troubles
hands across the gulf to grasp the hand rent report in an article entitled, "The upon those whose obedience to God's
of spiritualism; they will reach over the World Wakes Up to Disaster": commandments is a perpetual reproof to
abyss to clasp hands with the Roman "The waves, said one survivor, transgressors. It will be declared that
power; and under the influence of this came I as high as mountains.' They men are offending God by the violation
threefold union, this country will follow swept away straw-hut villages built on of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has
in the steps of Rome in trampling on the the delicate silt islands of southeastern brought calamities which will not cease
rights of conscience." Bangladesh. After the 145-mph winds until Sunday observance shall be strictly
Can we learn something from the had ceased their eight-hour beating of enforced; and that those who present the
Persian Gulf War that was concluded the Bay of Bengal coast, the tides re- claims of the fourth commandment, thus
February 27, 1991? While it lasted only turned thousands of corpses, leaving destroying reverence for Sunday, are
six weeks, it was one of the most inten- families to comb the human litter for troublers of the people, preventing their
sive, fiercest wars in history. The uniting missing husbands, wives and babies. At restoration to divine favor and temporal
of the major countries of the world, and least 100,000 people may have per- prosperity."
many of the smaller ones to block war, is ished, and 9 million may have been left Then begins the persecution of
especially portentous. Prohibiting all homeless. God's people that culminates in the
war has long been a goal of Catholicism "World relief agencies moved "time of trouble," the pouring out of
as seen from the American Catholic quickly but looked fearfully at a suc- the seven last plagues and the coming
bishop's pastoral letter on War and cession of disasters that rocked the of Christ. We need to remember that
Peace. globe. Not since the end of World War the kings of the earth are not fully
"The bishop's dream of a substitute II have so many people in so many gathered together to fighl against
for war, to be achieved by a global different continents faced such devas- Christ unlil the sixth plague and thai
body [the United Nations] with the abil- tation. Three earthquakes hit Soviet the battle is actually fought under the
ity to keep constant surveillance [mill- Georgia (84 dead, 80,000 homeless). A seventh plague. (See Revelation
tary satellites] on the entire earth, and tremor shook Costa Rica and Panama 16:12-14) This liming means that there
having authority to investigate what two weeks ago (59 dead, 9,000 home- are six plagues before the final battle
seems to be preparations for war by any less). In the United States, tornadoes (the final persecution of the righteous)
nation, and to enforce its commands slammed into Kansas and Oklahoma begins. Of course, probation has closed
on every nation." (22 dead, 2000 homeless). Coupled just before the plagues begin.
This concept reminds us of the "10 with demands in the Persian Gulf re- "Christ intervenes at the moment the
kings" of Revelation 17 who give their gion and in Africa, where starvation forces of evil launch their attack on the
power and strength unto the beast for a already Ihreatens 14 million Ethiopians saints, at the opening of the seventh
short time. The Sevemh-day Adventist and Sudanese alone, these new trage- plague." The Seventh-day Advelltist
Bible Commemary, vol. 7,857, states: dies have left organizations scram- Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 857. For a
"The brief 'hour,' ... witnesses the bling. 'I don't know what I'll wake up full description in plain language, read
climax of satanic planning for the uni- to next,' said one harried American the chapter in The Great COlllroversy
fication of the world through a compact Red Cross official." entitled "God's People Delivered,"
between the apostate religious organiza- Notice this statement from the pen of beginning on page 635.
tions of earth, as represented by the inspiration, Tire Great Controversy, In summary: The drive to create a
woman, and the political powers of 589-590: New World Order is "now well under-
earth, as represented by the beast. . "Even now he [Satan] is at work. In way." This "one-world government"
The nations of earth ... unite in accidents and calamities by sea and by will give the Papacy and Satan control of
forcing the inhabitants of earth to drink land, .in great conflagrations, in fierce nearly the entire world for a short time.
the 'wine' of Babylon [her false doc- tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in Only the remnant few will refuse to
trines], that is, to unite the world under tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, acknowledge Ihe New World Order. The
her control and to obliterate all who and earthquakes, in every place and in a great test will be God's Sabbath, versus
refuse to co-operate." thousand forms, Satan is exercising his the apostate Sunday sabbath. Our choice
Ellen White comments: power. He sweeps away the ripening will be, Am I going 10 serve God, or
"There will be a universal bond of harvesl, and famine and distress follow. Satan? May God help us to be among
union, one great harmony, a confederacy He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and His jewels!
of Satan's forces .... In the warfare to thousands perish by the pestilence. "And they shall be mine, saith the Lord
be waged in the last days there will be These visitations are to become more of hosts, in that day when I make up my
united, in opposition to God's people, all and more frequent and disastrous. jewels; and I will spare them, as a man
the corrupt powers that have apostatized Destruction will be upon both man and spareth his own son that servcth him. Then
from allegiance to the law of Jehovah." beast." shall ye return, and discern between the
Ibid., 983 But while Satan is the cause of these righteous and the wicked, between him that
The great motivating factor that will catastrophes, notice who gets the blame. servelh God and him that serveth him not."
cause a universal demand that some- Ibid., 590: Malachi 3:17-180

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 7

'En lh
was a representative of those
( . '\\

who shall be on the earth when Christ shall come,

who will be translated to Heaven and never taste of death."
Signs of th9 Times, vol 2, 175

Enoch: A TYpe of the Final Generation

P OR six thousand years, God has been
wanting to reproduce the character of
Christ in His people. We are told in
people to receive the righteousness of
Christ, which is made manifest in 000.
dience to all the commandments of God.
tation. Let no minister suppose that he can
convert souls by eloquent sermons, Those
who teach others should plead with God
Chrisr's Object Lessons, 69, that when Many had lost sight of Jesus, They needed to imbue them with His Spirit, and enable
Christ's character is perfectly reproduced to have their eyes directed to His divine them to lift up Christ as the sinner's only
in His remnant, He will come to claim person, His merits, and His changeless hope, Flowery speeches, pleasing tales, or
them as His own, All through our history, love for the human family, All power is inappropriate anecdotes do not convict
beginning soon after the Great Disappoint- given into His hands, that He may dis- the sinner. Men listen to such words as
ment of 1844, God has urged His people, pense rich gifts unto men, imparting the they would to a pleasant song, The mes-
through His prophet, to accept the ex- priceless gift of His own righteousness to sage that the sinner should hear is 'God so
perience of the three angels' messages. the helpless human agent. This is the loved the world, that he gave his only
See Selected Messages, book 1, 68; Tes- message that God commanded to be given begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
timonies, vol. 6, 17-18 andSelecredMes- to the world. It is the third angel's mes- him should not perish, but have everlast-
sages, book 2, 387. What is that sage, which is to be proclaimed with a ing life.' John 3:16
experience? The prophet explains these loud voice, and attended with the outpour- "In order to break down the barriers of
precious messages in the following in- ing of His Spirit in a large measure." prejudice and impenitence, the love of
spired words: Evangelism, 190-191 Christ must have a part in every discourse.
"Several have written to me, inquir- This experience begins with justifica- Make men to know how much Jesus loves
ing if the message of justification by tion, Satan has distorted this important them, and what evidences He has given
faith is the third angel'S message, and I doctrine. Popular theologians have empha- them of His love, What love can equal
have answered, 'It is the third angel'S sized the legal act of God in declaring a that which God has manifested for man,
message in verity.' person righteous and minimized man's part by the death of Christ on the cross? When
"This message was to bring more in obedience to all truth, Every Christian the heart is filled with the love of Jesus,
prominently before the world the uplifted knows that without the cross there would be this can be presented to the people, and it
Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the no salvation. The prophet warns: will affect hearts:' Evangelism, 189-190
whole world. It presented justification "Unless ministers are guarded, they The great sacrifice of heaven in giving
through faith in the Surety; it invited the will hide the truth under human omamen- Jesus to the human family is central to the

8 Our Firm FOIIl/dation November 1991

plan of salvation. "By beholding Jesus, Enoch beheld Jesus in all His loveli- continual blessing to others who came
talking of His love and perfection of ness and perfection, and his one passion, into his presence. They knew that he
character, we bccome changed into His his greatest desire, was to be like Him. walked and talked with God. "When our
image. By contemplating the lofty ideal "And ye shall seek me, and find me, will is swallowed up in the will of God,
He has placed before us, we shall be when ye shall search for me with all and we use His gifls to bless others, we
uplifted into a pure and holy atmosphere, your heart." Jeremiah 29:13. Jesus shall find tife's burden tight. He who
even the presence of God. When we abide offered him as a demonstration to the walks in the way of God's command-
here, there goes forth from us a tight that world, to angels, and to the universe of ments is walking in company with Christ,
irradiates all who are connected with us." what God can do when men are eager to and in His love the heart is at rest." The
The Ministry ofHealing, 492 be obedient to all truth. He became a Desire ofAges, 331. This inspired state-
This light, the righteousness of model for the last generation, the rem- ment by our prophet will help us to accept
Christ, irradiated out from the prophet nant in their final hour. that experience into our own lives.
Enoch to all who came in contact with "Enoch walked with God three "The Scriptures are the great ageney
him. His life was a constant demonstra- hundred years previous to his transla- in the transformation of character. ... If
tion of what God can do in fallen human tion, and the state of the world was not studied and obeyed, the Word of God
beings when they are fully surrendered more favorable for the perfection of works in the heart, subduing every un-
to His way. Christian character then than it is today. holy attribute. The Holy Spirit comes to
"Did he [Enoch] see God by his side? How did Enoch walk with God? He convict of sin, and the faith that springs
Only by faith. He knew that the Lord was educated his mind and heart to ever feel up in the heart works by love to Christ,
there, and he adhered steadfastly to the the presence of God, and when in per- conforming us in body, soul, and spirit
principles of truth. We, too, arc to walk plexity his prayers would ascend to God to His own image. Then God can use us
with God. When we do this, our faces wiIJ to keep him, to teach him His will. to do His will. The power given us
be tighted up by the brightness of His 'What shall I do to honor thee, my God?' works from within outwardly, leading us
presence, and when we meet one another, was his prayer. His will was merged in to communicate to others the truth that
we shall speak of His power, saying, the will of God, and his feet were con- has been communicated to us." Christ's
Praise God' Good is the Lord, and good is stantly directed in the path of God's Object Lessons, 100
the Word of the Lord. commandments. Enoch was a repre- "Pray when you are fainthearted.
"We can have what Enoch had. We sentative of those who shall be on the When you are desponding, close the lips
can have Christ as our constant earth when Christ shall come, who will firmly to men; do not shadow the path of
ion. Enoch walked with God, and when be translated to heaven and never taste others; but tell everything to Jesus.
assailed by the tempter, he could talk of death. It is fitting that we pray, as did Reach up your hands for help. In your
with God about it. He had no 'It is David, 'Open thou mine eyes, that I may weakness, lay hold of infinite strength.
written' as we have, but he had a knowl- behold wondrous things out of thy Ask for humility, wisdom, courage, in M

edge of his heavenly Companion. He law.'" Signs o/the Times, vol. 2, 175 crease of faith, that you may see light in
made God his Counselor, and was
closcly bound up with Jesus. And Enoch
was honored in this course. He was
translated to heaven without seeing
death. And those who will be translated Enoch strove with all the power of mind and
at the close of time will be those who
commune with God on earth. Those who
body, in full harmony, moment by moment,
make manifest that their life is hid with
Christ in God will ever be representing
with the power of the Holy Spirit, to reach the
Him in all their life-practices. Selfish- high standard of righteousness
ness will be cut out by the roots.
"Let us realize the weakness of
humanity, and see where man fails in his
self-sufficiency. We shall then be filled "Then said one unto him, Lord, are God's light, and rejoice in His love.»
with a desire to be just what God desires there few that be saved? And he said The Millistry ofHealillg, 513
us to be-pure, noble, sanctified. We unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait
shall hunger and thirst after the right- gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek
What Was Enoch's Seeret?
eousness of Christ. To be like God will to enter in, and shall not be able." Luke
be the one desire of the soul. 13:23-24 "As the will of man co-operates with
"This is the desire that filled Enoch's Enoch strove with all the power of the will of God, it becomes omnipotent.
heart. And we read that he walked with mind and body, in full harmony, moment Whatever is to be done at His command
God. He studied the character of God to a by moment, with the power of the Holy may be accomplished in His strength.
purpose. He did not mark out his own Spirit, to reach the high standard of All His biddings are enablings." Christ's
course, or set up his own will, as if he righteousness; the Holy Spirit Object Lessolls, 333
thought himself fully qualified to manage strengthened him in his relationship of This is the very heart of the third
matters. He strove to conform himself to justification; and sanctification became a angel's message (sec Selected Mes-
the divine tikeness." The Sevelllh-dayAd- way of life. His will was continually sages, volume 3, 168, 172, 184)-
vemisl Bible Commentary, voL 1, 1087 surrendered to Jesus, and his life was a victory through Christ over every wrong

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 9

habit, over every cultivated and heredi- problems that now confront you will be place in the kingdom of heaven, for they
tary weakness. See Education, 257. solved." Thoughts From the Mount of are at war with the very principles of
Here is the secret that Enoch learned. Blessing, 101 heaven. In disregarding the will of God,
Again, we turn to inspiration. "You can- Let us remember that Enoch's ex- they are placing themselves on the side
not control your impulses, your emo- perience began in justification when he of Satan, the enemy of God and man.
tions, as you may desire; but you can was so sorry for sin that he sincerely Not by one word, not by many words,
control the will, and you can make an wanted to stop sinning. but by every word that God has spoken,
entire change in your life. By yielding "As the penitent sinner, contrite shall man live. We cannot disregard one
up your will to Christ, your life will be before God, discerns Christ's atonement word, however trifling it may seem to
hid with Christ in God and allied to the in his behalf, and accepts this atonement us, and be safe. There is not a command-
power which is above alI principalIties as his only hope in this life and the future ment of the law that is not for the good
and powers. You will have strength from life, his sins are pardoned. This is justifi- and happiness of man, both in this life
God that will hold you fast to His cation by faith." The Faith I Live By, 116 and in the life to come. In obedience to
strength; and a new life, even the life of
living faith, will be possible to you....
There will be in you a power, an earnest-
ness, and a simplicity that will make you
a polished instrument in the hands of In obedience to God's law, man is surrounded
God." Testimonies, vol. 5,514-515
"God's ideal for His children is as with a hedge and kept from the evil. He who
higher than the highest human thought
can reach. ... There is no excuse for
breaks down this divinely erected barrier at one
sinning. A holy temper, a Christlike life, point has destroyed its power to protect him
is accessible to every repenting, believ-
ing child of God.
"The ideal of Christian character is
Christlikeness. As the Son of man was "But while God can be just, and yet God's law, man is surrounded as with a
perfect in His life, so His followers arc justify the sinner through the merits of hedge and kept from the evil. He who
to be perfect in their life." The Desire of Christ, no man can cover his soul with the breaks down this divinely erected barrier
Ages, 311. And so we, too, in this final garments of Christ's righteousness while at one point has destroyed its power to
generation must produce by the Holy practicing known sins, or neglecting protect him; for he has opened a way by
Spirit's power the character of Jesus just known duties. God requires the entire which the enemy can enter to waste and
as Enoch did. We can have the same surrender of the heart, before justification ruin." Ibid., 52
wonderful daily experience of walking can take place; and in order for man to "When the soul surrenders itself to
with God. retain justification, there must be con- Christ, a new power takes possession of
This word of encouragement God tinual obedience, through active, living the new heart. A change is wrought
gave to us through His prophet. Yes, we faith that works by love and purifies the which man can never accomplish for
too can walk with God as did Enoch. soul." Selected Messages, book 1, 366 himself. It is a supernatural work, bring-
"Many fail of imitating our holy Pattern "What is sanctification? It is to give ing a supernatural clement into human
because they study so little the definite one's self wholly and without reserve- nature. The soul that is yielded to Christ
features of that character. So many are soul, body, and spirit-to God; to deal becomes His own fortress, which He
full of busy plans, always active; and justly; to love mercy, and to walk humbly holds in a revolted world, and He in-
there is no time or place for the precious with God; to know and to do the will of tends that no authority shall be known in
Jesus to be a close, dear companion. God without regard to self or self-interest; it but His own. A soul thus kept in
They do not refer every thought and to be heavenly-minded, pure, unselfish, possession by heavenly agencies is im-
action to Him, inquiring: 'Is this the way holy, and without spot or stain. pregnable to the assaults of Satan. But
of the Lord?' If they did they would "It is through the truth, by the power unless we do yield ourselves to the
walk with God, as did Enoch." Testimo- of the Holy Spirit, that we are to be control of Christ, we shall be dominated
nies, vol. 6,393. "Said the angel, 'Noth- sanctified-transformed into the like- by the wicked one. We must inevitably
ing less than the whole armor of right- ness of Christ. And in order for this be under the control of the one or the
eousness can enable man to overcome change to be wrought in us, there must other of the two great powers that arc
the powers of darkness and retain the be an unconditional, wholehearted ac- contending for the supremacy of the
victory over them.' " Early Writings, ceptance of the truth, an unreserved world. It is not necessary for us
273. "If you will seck the Lord and be surrender of the soul to its transforming deliberately to choose the service of the
converted every day; if you will of your power." O"r High Callillg, 212 kingdom of darkness in order to come
own spiritual choice be free and joyous God immediately puts a hedge about under its dominion. We have only to
in God; if with gladsome consent of the repentant sinner that protects Him, neglect to ally ourselves with the king-
heart to His gracious call you come and sanctification is in process. Ellen dom of light. If we do not co-operate
wearing the yoke of Christ-the yoke of White explains this process: with the heavenly agencies, Satan will
obedience and service-all your mur- "Whenever men choose their own take possession of the heart, and will
murings will be stilled, all your difficul- way, they place themselves in con- make it his abiding place. The only
ties will be removed, all the perplexing troversy with God. They will have no defense against evil is the indwelling of

10 Our Firm Foundation November 1991

Christ in the heart through faith in His home to his conscience, and he is con- opportunities and privileges would be
righteousness. Unless we become vitally demned. His only comfort and hope is wholly in vain. The responsibility rests
connected with God, we can never resist found in looking to the cross of Calvary. with the sinner. By resisting the Spirit of
the unhallowed effects of self-love, self- As he ventures upon the promises, taking God today, he prepares the way for a
indulgence, and temptation to sin. We God at His word, relief and peace come to second resistance of light when it comes
may leave off many bad habits; for the his soul. He cries, 'Lord, Thou hast prom- with ntightier power. Thus he passes on
time we may part company with Satan; ised to save all who come unto Thee in the from one stage of resistance to another,
but without a vital connection with God, name of Thy Son. I am a lost, helpless, until at last the light will fail to impress,
through the surrender of ourselves to hopeless soul. Lord, save, or I perish.' His and he will cease to respond in any
Him moment by moment, we shall be faith lays hold on Christ, and he is measure to the Spirit of God. Then even
overcome. Without a personal acquaint- justified before God." Ibid., 365-366 'the light tltat is in thee' has become
ance with Christ, and a continual com- Christ desires to do this work in us darkness. The very truth we do know has
munion, we are at the mercy of the now I before it is too late. become so perverted as to increase the
enemy, and shall do his bidding in the "When He comes He is not to blindness of the soul." Thol/ghts From
end." The Desire ofAges, 324 cleanse us of our sins, to remove from us the MOl/lit ofBlessing, 93
In the condition ofjustification we can the defects in our characters, or to cure There is no neutral position in Chris-
never be tempted more than we are able to us of the infirntities of our tempers and tian living, and a half-and-half service
resist, as long as we are surrendered to the dispositions. If wrought for us at all, this places the sinner on the side of Satan.
will of Christ. "There hath no temptation work will all be accomplished before See ibid., 94-95. Yes, God has been
taken you but such as is common to man: that time. When the Lord comes, those waiting for over one hundred years to
but God is faithful, who will not suffer who are holy will be holy still. Those make a demonstration of His power in
you to be tempted above that ye are able; who have preserved their bodies and His remnant people, those who believe
but will with the temptation also make a spirits in holiness, in sanctification and in the third angel's message.
way to escape, that ye may be able to bear honor, will then rcceive the finishing "The theme of greatest importance is
it." 1 Corinthians 10: 13 touch of immortality. But those who are the third angel's message, embracing the
When we continue in our sins without unjust, unsanctified, and filthy will re- messages of the first and second angels.
forsaking them there is no justification; main so forever. No work will then be All should understand the truths con-
therefore, there is no sanctification. The done for them to remove their defects tained in these messages and demon-
prophet speaks: "Genuine faith will be and give them holy characters. The Re- strate them in daily life, for this is
manifested in good works; for good finer does not then sit to pursue His essential to salvation. We shall have to
works are the fruits of faith. As God refining process and remove their sins study earnestly, prayerfully, in order to
understand these grand truths; and our
power to learn and comprehend will be
taxed to the utmost." Evangelism, 196
The following quotations from in-
When we continue in our sins without spiration will Itelp us to understand the
great theme of righteousness:
forsaking them there is no justification; "TIue obedience is the outworking of
a principle within. It springs from the
therefore, there is no sanctification love of righteousness, the love of the law
of God. The essence of all righteousness
is loyalty to our Redeemer. This will
lead us to do right because it is right-
because right doing is pleasing to God"
works in the heart, and man surrenders his and their corruption. This is aU to be Christ's Object Lessons, 97-98
will to God, and co-operates with God, he done in these hours of probation. It is "The Christian's life is not a modifi-
works out in the life what God works in by now that this work is to be accomplished cation or improvement of the Old, but a
the Holy Spirit, and there is harmony for us." Testimonies, vol. 2, 355 transformation of nature. There is a
between the purpose of the heart and the "Only those who live the life of death to self and sin, and a new life
practice of the life. Every sin must be Christ are His co-workers. If one sin is altogether. This change can be brought
renounced as the hateful thing that cherished in the soul, or one wrong about only by the effectual working of
crucified the Lord of life and glory, and practice retained in the life, the whole the Holy Spirit." The Desire ofAges, 172
the believer must have a progressive ex- being is contaminated. The man be- "The warfare against self is the
perience by continually doing the works comes an instrument of umighteous- greatest battle that was ever fought. The
of Christ. It is by continual surrender of ness." The Desire ofAges, 313 yielding of self, surrendering all to the
the will, by continual obedience, that the "No soul is ever finally deserted of will of God and being clothed with
blessing of justification is retained.... God, given up to his own ways, so long humility, possessing that love that is
The faith that does not produce good as there is any hope of his salvation. pure, peaceable and easy to be entreated,
works does not justify the soul." Selected 'Man turns from God, not God from full of gentleness and good fruits, is not
Messages, book 1, 397 him.' Our heavenly Father follows us an easy attainment. And yet it is his
"As the sinner looks to the law, his with appeals and warnings and as- privilege and his duty to be a perfect
guilt is made plain to him, and pressed surances of compassion, until further overcomer here. The soul must submit to

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 11

God bcfore it can be renewed in knowl- every perfection of the divine nature rolled into eternity. Every day we have
edge and true holiness. The holy life and comes to their assistance in the work of been associating with men and women
character of Christ is a faithful ex- saving souls." The Desire ofAges, 827 who are judgment bound. Each day may
ample." Testimonies, vol. 3, 106-107 The end of our probation is nearer have been the dividing line to some soul;
"Walk continually in the light of than we think. The world is in near chaos. someone may have made the decision
God. Meditate day and nighl upon His The church, our church, Jesus' beloved which shall determine his future destiny.
character. Then you will see His beauty church, has not understood the precious What has been our influence over these
and rejoice in His goodness. Your heart warnings of the three angels' messages fellow travelers? What efforts have we
will glow with a sense of His love. You and how they blend with the message of put forth to bring them to Christ?
will be uplifted, as if borne by everlast- the cleansing of the sanctuary. These "It is a solemn thing to die, but a far
ing arms. With the power and light that messages, which make us distinct from all more solemn thing to live. Every thought
God imparts, you can comprehend more the churches in Babylon, have been neg- and word and deed of our lives will meet
and accomplish more than you ever lected, if not totally disregarded. The us again. What we make of ourselves in
before deemed possible." The Minislry Spirit of Prophecy is made of no effect, probationary time, that we must remain to
ofHealing, 514 and the cOWlSels of God to His church are all eternity. Death brings dissolution to
"10 the heart that has become purified, not heeded. This is the very last deception the body, but makes no change in the
all is changed. Transformation of charac- of Satan. See Selecled Messages, book 1, character. The coming of Christ docs not
leI is the testimony to the world of an 48. Our probation will close suddenly, change our characters; it Only fixes them
indwelling Christ. The Spirit of God pro- unexpcctcdly. Scc The Sevell/h-day Ad- forevcr beyond all change.
duces a new life in the soul, bringing the
thoughts and desires into obedience to the
will of Christ; and the inward man is
renewed in the image of God. Weak and
erring men and women show to the world Let us now begin our walk with Jesus every
thaI the redeeming power of grace can
cause the faulty character to develop into
day-studying and praying, submitting our
symmetry and abundant fruitfulness."
Prophets and Kings, 233
lives to His service, walking in step with our
"Jf we conscnt, He will so identify beloved Saviour as Enoch did
Himsclf with our thoughts and aims, so
blend our hcarts and minds into conformity
to His will, that when obcying Him we shall
be but carrying out our own impulses. The ventisl Bible Commentary, volume 7, 989. "Again I appcal to the membcrs ofthc
will, relincd and sanctificd, will fmd its Our only security now is to prepare our church to be Christians, to be Christlike.
highest dclight in doing His service. When characters to stand the test that will soon Jesus was a worker, not for Himself, but
we know God as it is our privilege to know come to every Seventh-day Adventist. for others. He labored to bless and save
Him, our life will be a life of continual See ibid., 976 and Christ's Objecl Les- the lost. If you arc Christians you will
obedience. Through an appreciation of the SOliS, 331-332 imitate His example. He has laid the
character of Christ, through communion "To stand in defense of truth and foundation, and we arc builders together
with God, sin will become hateful to us." righleousness when the majority forsake with Him. But what material are we
17,e Desire ofAges, 668 us, to fight the ballies of the Lord when bringing to lay on this foundation? •Every
"God's work of rcfining and purifying champions are few-this will be our man's work shall be made manifest: for
must go on until His servants are so test." Testimonies, vol. 5, 136 the day shall declare it, because it shall be
humbled, so dcad to self, that when called Let us now begin our walk with Jesus revealed by fire; and the fire shall try
into active service, their eye will be single every day-studying and praying, sub- every man's work of what sort it is.' If you
to His glory.... God brings men over the mitting our lives to His service, walking are devoting all your strength and talent to
ground again and again, increasing the in step with our beloved Saviour as Enoch the things of this world, your lifework is
pressure until perfect humility and a trans- did-for God is now ready to make a represented by wood, hay, and stUbble, to
formation of character bring them into mass demonstration of His power through be consumed by tbe fires of the last day.
harmony with Christ and the Spirit of His remnant people in this fmal genera- But unselfish labor for Christ and the
heaven, and they are victors over them- tion, 10 a world in chaos. future life will be as gold, silver_ and
selves." Testimonies, voL 4, 86 I leave you now with the prophet's precious stones; it is imperishable.
"All who consecrate soul, body, and warning from God and a call to repent- "My brethren and sisters, awake, I
spirit to God will be constantly receiving ance, reformation, and revival-a call to beseech you, from the sleep of death. It is
a new endowment of physical and men- demonstrate His power in our daily lives. too late to devote the strength of brain,
tal power. The inexhaustible supplies of "Evcry day that passes brings us bone, and muscle to self-serving. Let not
hcaven arc at their command. Christ nearer the last great important day. We the last day find you destitute of heavenly
gives them the breath of His own spirit, are one year nearer the judgment, nearer treasure. Seek to push the triumphs of the
the life of His own life. The Holy Spirit eternity, than we were at the beginning cross, scek to enlighten souls, labor fort he
puts forth its highest energies to work in of 1884. Are we also drawing nearer to salvation of your feUow beings, and your
heart and mind. The grace of God en- God? Are wc watching unto prayer? work will abide the trying tcst of fire."
larges and multiplies their faculties, and Another ycar of our lime to labor has Testimonies, vol. 5, 466-467 0

12 Our Firm FOfmdMioll November 1991

It I otfor
o o
;;'. -

th o
Pan 3
W E would ask you what time have
you set in which you have deter-
mined to give your heart to God without
"Ye shall receive power, after that
the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Acts
1:8. But when the Holy Spirit is in the
heart is necessary that God may give us
His blessing, but this heart work is not
done. Oh, when will the ministry awake
reserve? What time have you set for seek- heart, the minister will manifest it to to the solemn responsibiIities that are
ing for perfection of character through others by his godly life and holy conver- laid upon them, and earnestly plead for
faith in the righteousness of Christ? Is it sation. Do you think that the minister heavenly power? It is the Holy Spirit
tomorrow? lllmorrow you may be cold in who has no burden for souls is fit for the that must give edge and power to the
death. Is it next week? Next week your sacred office to which he has been or- discourse of the minister, or his preach-
hands may be folded across your breast, dained?-No; he does not know what it ing will be as destitute of the righteous-
and your eyes may be sealed in their last means to keep his own soul in the love of ness of Christ as was the offering of
sleep, and it may be too late for you to God. The minisler should realize that Cain. Both ministers and people need to
perfect a character for heaven. I want to souls are the purchase of the blood of open the door to Christ. He says, "Be-
ask our ministers, What kind of character Christ, ransomed at an infinite cost. Can hold, I stand at the door, and knock: if
do you think the Lord will accept in His the minister who is standing under the any man hear my voice, and open the
kingdom? Do you know God, and Jesus shadow of Calvary engage in jesting and door, I will come in to him, and will sup
Christ whom He hath senl? Is the love of joking, and indulge his carnal propensi- with him, and he with mc." Revelation
God abiding in your souls? Are you ties? Would such a one be a safe guide 3:20. Thank God for that promise, for it
dwelling in Christ, and Christ in you? If for the flock of God? Would he not is given to those who have made mis-
you arc, you are safe; but if you are not, cause them to stumble? He would cause takes and failures. Jesus says, "As many
there is no safely for you. Do not allow them to stumble; for he would not dis- as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be
your minds to be diverted from the all- cern between the sacred and the com- zealous therefore, and repent." Revela-
important theme of the righteousness of mon, and eternity would be lost out of tion 3:19. May God help us to do this
Christ by the study of theories. Do not his reckoning. work in sincerity and in contrition of
imagine that the performance of ceremo- We should all realize that an angel is soul.
nies, the observance of outward forms, writing every word and action in the When ministers enter the desk, they
will make you an heir of heaven. We want book of record, and the things done in should do so feeling their dependence
to keep the mind steadfastly to the point secret are to be proclaimed upon the upon God, that they may work out their
for which we are working; for it is now the housetop. What we need in this time of own salvation with fear and trembling,
day of the Lord's preparation, and we peril is a converted ministry. We need and all the glory should be given to God;
should yield our hearts to God, that they men who realize their soul poverty, and for it is God that workelh in you both to
may be sof1ened and subdued by the Holy who will earnestly seek for the endow- will and to do of his good pleasure. This
Spirit. ment of the Holy Spirit. A preparation of is the co-operation that God requires.

Ellen G. White
November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 13
What is the trouble that the flock of the minister cannot bring the people to a sanctity of truth, and not do as did
Lord is sickly and ready to die? Why is it higher standard than that which he him- Nadab and Abihu. They discerned not
that spiritual food is not supplied? Are self reaches. But those who sincerely the difference between the sacred and
the ministers of the Lord eating the flesh repent and turn to the Lord, will find in the common. Their senses were blunted
and drinking the blood of the Son of Him a personal Saviour. He is able to with indulgence in wine, and they
God? Jesus says, "Verily, verily, I say save to the uttermost all that come unto offered strange fire before the Lord.
unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the God by Him. He will save you from They did not realize the sacredness of
Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have yourself, from every defilement, from the work in which they were engaged.
no life in you.... It is the spirit that all your foolishness. You are to believe There are some now who profess to be
quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: in Him, to "trust in the living God, who ministers of the Lord who talk of the
the words that I speak unto you, they are is the Saviour of all men, specially of things of God as they would talk of
spirit, and they are life." John 6:53, 63. those that believe." 1 Timothy 4:10. some business transaction. Oh, we need
My heart is drawn out to the hungry When you love Jesus, you will not the heavenly enlightemnent of the Holy
flock in Michigan, and you who have grieve Him by indulging sin in yourself; Spirit. The churches will never become
not fed on the living Bread, who have for you will realize that He came not to the light of the world unless they turn
not drunk of the healing streams of save you in your sins, but from your sins. unto the Lord to serve Him with full
salvation, and do not know where to lead John says, "If we confess our sins, he is purpose of heart.
the flock of God that they may find faithful and just to forgive us our sins, The people of God are called to be
refreshment, for Christ's sake, do not try and to cleanse us from all umighteous- the light of the world, a city that is set
to minister in the sacred desk, until you ness." 1 John 1:9 upon a hill, not to be hidden; and if the
have an experience in the things of God. Those whom God has called to the church is ever to fulfill its divine mis-
Jesus prayed, "Sanctify them through ministry are to give evidence by the sion, we must be filled with the love of
thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17. influence they exert, that they are fit for Jesus. Our hearts must be so full of His
When the Word of God is in the heart, it the holy calling in which they are matchless grace that when we meet each
exerts a sanctifying influence over the found. Paul writes, "Be thou an ex- other, we shall take our brethren by the
character, and men are brought into har- ample of the believers." 1 Timothy hand, and say, "Hear what the Lord hath
mony with God. If truth and light are in 4:12. Then shall young ministers be done for my soul." Our minds must be
the heart, you will bring love and light excused for their lightness and trifling? stayed upon God until, by beholding, we
and blessing to the churches. You will Shall the church be expected to listen to shall become changed into the same
not be as shadows casting the gloom of their words, to receive their testimony, image. Then we shall talk of the power
unbelief and darkness upon the people. when their example misrepresents the of God, of the goodness and mercy and
Jesus wants to take your hand, and lead character of Christ, and leads away love of our heavenly Father; and as we
you, and will you not give yourselves to from the path cast up for the ransomed talk of the matchless charms of OUT
him? Talk of what Jesus did, how He left of the Lord to walk in? What can we divine Redeemer, our hearts will be
His glory, and came to seek and to save think of churches that will listen to the melted and subdued by the Holy Spirit,
that which was lost.
If God has sent you to preach, He has
provided that you shall go weighted with
the graces of the Spirit of God, and with
a message of truth that will be as meat in Our hearts must be so full of His matchless
due season to the hungry flock of God.
You will realize that you are standing
grace that when we meet each other, we shall
between the living and the dead, and that
you are a spectacle unto the world, to
take our brethren by the hand, and say, "Hear
angels, and to men. The minister is to what the Lord hath done for my soul"
reveal Christ, not to exhibit himself to
the people. Youth is not to be urged as an
excuse for lightness and trifling; for the
apostle exhorts that young men be testimony of men who have no power in and those around us will behold us, and
sober-minded, and remember that they prayer, no fervency in their devotion, know that we have been with Jesus and
are to render an account to God for the no freedom in personal labor for souls? learned of Him.
influence they exert. Young men, if you The Lord has commanded, "Be ye holy Then if one comes among you pro-
have had no special sense of sin, if you in all manner of conversation." 1 Peter fessing to be a preacher of righteous-
are possessed of a spirit of trifling, do 1:15. "Thke heed unto thyself, and unto ness, who mingles with the truth words
not seek to minister in the sacred desk, the doctrine; continue in them: for in of foolishness and jesting, who carries
and jeopardize your own soul and the doing this thou shalt both save thyself, no burden for souls, take him aside, and
souls of others, and leave the impression and them that hear thee." 1 Timothy in the spirit of love and meekness, tell
on the world that you are representatives 4:16. The proof of the minister's call to him that he cannot feed the church of
of the solemn truth for this time. Unless preach the gospel is seen in his example God when he himself does not know
Jesus is formed within, the hope of and work. God desires men in the min- what it means to feed on (he Bread of
glOry, you will be a curse and not a istry who will esteem highly the things life. Let the father plead that he is
blessing to the congregation, for the which He esteems, and preserve the seeking to follow the example of

14 Our Firm FOUl/doljOtl November 1991

Abraham, and commanding his children Follow the instruction of the word of brethren, and may God help us that we
and his household to keep the way of the God, in dealing with your ministering may help one another. We must have a
Lord. Let the mother urge that a right brethren. Paul says, "Rebuke not an living connection with God. We must be
example be given to her children. Let elder, but intreat him as a father, and the clothed with power from on high by the
trifling and joking be banished from the younger men as brethren." 1 Timothy baptism of the Holy Spirit, that we may
conversation of the minister, but let his 5:1. There may be occasion to speak of reach a higher standard; for there is help
speech be seasoned with grace; let the their errors to those who have long been for us in no other way. 0
light and love of Jesus shine in his in the ministry, but let it be done as a
example and precept, that souls may be matter of entreaty, and not rebuke. The Review and Herald, vol. 2, 557-558
won for the Master. younger ministers are to be treated as (April 5, 1892)

Editorial, "Unless God shall in some way make divine impulse strong upon them, they
Continued from 2 these men understand that He is God, and enter upon the performance of their duty
humble mind and a teachable spirit, and that they are to serve Him, human inven- without coldly calculating the con-
all should decide from the weight of tions will be brought in that will lead sequences of speaking to the people the
evidence." Ibid., 255 away from Bible truth, notwithstanding word which the Lord has given them. But
Nineteen times Ellen White says in all the cautions that have been given. the servant of God is soon made aware
Testimonies, vol. 5, that we have fol- "The Lord Jesus will always have a that he has risked something. He finds
lowed the same paths as the ancient chosen people to serve Him. When the himself and his message made the subject
church in our rebellion against God's Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of criticism. His manners, his life, his
orders of His righteous law. of life, He took from them the kingdom of property, are all inspected and com-
"I have been shown that the spirit of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God mented upon. His message is picked to
the world is fast leavening the church. will continue to work on tltis principle pieces and rejected in the most illiberal
You are following the same path as did with every branch of His work. When a and unsanctified spirit, as men in their
ancient Israel. There is the same falling church proves unfaithful to the work of finite judgment see fit. Has that message
away from your holy calling as God's the Lord, whatever their position may be, done the work that God designed it should
peculiar people." Ibid., vol. 5, 75-76 however high and sacred their ealling, the accomplish? No; it has signally failed
"I am filled with sadness when I think Lord can no longer work with them. because the hearts of the hearers were
of our condition as a people. The Lord has Others are then chosen to bear important unsanctified." Testimonies, vol. 5, 299
not closed heaven to us, but our own responsibilities. But, if these in turn do not "God will carry on His work through
course of continual backsliding has sepa- purify their lives from every wrong ac- wholly consecrated workmen. If His min-
rated us from God. Pride, covetousness, tion, if they do not establish pure and holy isters fail of representing Christ, He will
and love of the world have lived in the principles in all their borders, then the turn to others, many of whom have not
hean without fear of banishment or con- Lord will grievously afflict and humble been prepared for the work by a regular
demnation. Grievous and presumptuous them and, unless they repent, will remove course of study, and will put a message
sins have dwelt among us. And yet the them from their place and make them a into their lips, even the last message of
general opinion is that the church is flour- reproaCh." The UpwardLook, 131 warning. He will call men from their
ishing and that peace and spiritual pros- "The minister of God is commanded: various employments, and at His bidding
perity are in all her borders. 'Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice they will go forth to proclaim present
"The church has turned back from like a trumpet, and shew my people their truth." Review and Herald, vol. 4,472
following Christ her Leader and is transgression, and the house of Jacob God always has men and women
steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet their sins.' The Lord says of these who are ready to respond to His call and
few are alarmed or astonished at their people: 'They seek me daily, and delight to stand for righteousness and truth.
want of spiritual power. Doubt, and even to know my ways, as a nation that did Millions of martyrs cry from their graves
disbelief of the testimonies of the Spirit righteousness.' Isaiah 58:1-2. Here is a that the truths they died for be vindicated
of God, is leavening our churches every- people who are self-deceived, self- and that their blood be not shed in vain.
where. Satan would have it thus. Minis- righteous, sclf-complaeenl; and the min- The church stands at the crossroads of its
ters who preach self instead of Christ ister is commanded to cry aloud and experience. Which way will it choose in
would have it thus. The testmonies are show them their transgressions. In all this final hour?
unread and unappreciated. God has ages this work has been done for God's God now pleads for leaders, pastors,
spoken to you. Light has been shining people, and it is needed now more than and laity to repent of our disobedience
from His Word and from the testimo- ever before. and rebellion against God's orders and
nies, and both have been slighted and "The word of the Lord came to Elijah; His law, that the revival and reformation
disregarded. The result is apparent in the he did not seek to be the Lord's mes- that is promised might now become a
lack of purity and devotion and earnest senger, but the word came to him. God reality in God's remnant church.
faith among us." Ibid., 217 always has men to whom He entrusts His
What a tragedy we now face in this message. His Spirit moves upon their Ron Spear-EDITOR
final hour! How will God deal with us? Let hearts and constrains them to speak.
the prophet again give us the answer: Stimulated by holy zeal, and with the

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 15

hastening the building of the sanctuary
by working on the Sabbath, but that God
had forbade such a self-contradictory
action. See Patriarchs and Prophets,
2. On April 2, 1847, in Topsham,
Maine, Ellen White was shown in vision
that the law of God is in the sacred ark
within the Most Holy Place of the
heavenly temple. She saw a halo of
glory surrounding the Sabbath com-
mandment. She wrote:
"I saw that the holy Sabbath is, and
will be, the separating wall between the
true Israel of God and unbelievers; and
that the Sabbath is the great question to
unite the hearts of God's dear, waiting
saints." Early Writings, 33
3. On March 24, 1849, she was
shown that the Sabbath had not been a
test before the sanctuary truth became
known, but that it would be a test there-
after. See ibid., 42-43
4. In the The Greal Controversy,
435, she writes that
"None could fail to sec that ... an
acceptance of the truth concerning the
/ heavenly sanctuary involved an ac-
1.,( knowledgment of the claims of God's
law, and the obligation of the Sabbath
of the fourth commandment. Here was
the secret of the bitter and deterntined
opposition to the harmonious exposi-
tion of the Scriptures that revealed the
ntinistration of Christ in the heavenly
It was not that the opponents hated
the sanctuary so much as that they hated
the Sabbath, which could not be sepa-
rated from the sanctuary. And as a final

The Sanctuary and the Sabbath bit of evidence, we may introduce the
adntission of Satan himself, who is
quoted in Testimonies to Ministers, 472,
in an address to his angels:
III this article Ralph Larson continues a together. He who rejecls either of these "The same light which reveals the true
series that he started in January. two truths will soon reject the other. Sabbath reveals also the ministration of
In support of this statement, note the Christ in the heavenly sanctuary."
A CCORDING to God's inspired following evidence: We should not be surprised, there-
.!"\.messenger, the sanctuary and the 1. In Exodus 31 we find verses 1-11 fore, when, remembering that the Sab-
Sabbath will be special targets of giving instruction for details of the bath and the sanctuary arc both listed as
Satan's attack as we move into the clos- building of the sanctuary, followed by pillars of our faith (Sec Cowlsels to
ing events of this world's history. verses 12-18 in which careful observ-
Historically, theologically, and ex- ance of the Sabbath is firmly ad- Ralph Larson, a retired pastol; last served as
perientially, the sanctuary and the Sab- monished. Ellen White writes that this chairman ofthe Church and MinislIY Depart-
bath arc firmly bonded together. They instruction was given because some of ment Of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologi-
will stand together, or they will fall the leaders of Israel had proposed cal Seminary, Far East.

16 Our Firm Foundation November 1991

Writers and Editors, 30, 52-53), we read and the pioneers of our church were such Review and Herald, August 5, 1875,
in The Seventh-day Adventist Bible careless and naive Bible students they an editorial by Uriah Smith, same title as
Commentary, vol. 7, 985, the following overlooked this obvious fact. above.
awesome prediction: An astonishing number of Seventh- Signs of the Times, September 18,
"After the truth has been pro- day Adventist ministers and church 1893, an article by Mrs. M. E. Steward,
claimed as a witness to all nations . .. members were bewildered, confused, "Our Priest King."
there will be a removing of the land- and discomfited by this challenge, so Signs of the Times, December 10,
marks, and an attempt to tear down the much so that some gave up their faith 1894, an article by M.H. Brown, "The
pillars of our faith. A more decided and separated themselves from our TIue Thbernacle."
effort will be made to exalt the false church. They abandoned the citadel and Signs of the Times, April 18, 1895,
Sabbath." were easily taken by the enemy. an article by E. l Waggoner.

The Citadel of Our Strength

On August 5, 1875, Uriah Smith None could fail to see that ... an acceptance of
wrote in the Review and Herald:
"As is perhaps natural, the enemy of
the truth concerning the heavenly sanctuary
truth seems most persistent in trying to
trouble and unsettle minds in reference
involved an acknowledgment of the claims of
to the sanctuary; for that is the citadel of God's law, and the obligation of the Sabbath of
our strength."
The word citadel combines the con- the fourth commandment
cepts of fortress and dwelling place,
such as a castle or palace. It would
naturally be the target toward which an This was in the 19805. In the 18805 it ReviewandHerald, June, 1910, a series
enemy would direct his most formi- could hardly have happened. Our of four articles by IN. Loughborough, all
dable assaults. Smith suggests that for pioneers, far from being ignorant of the under the title, "The Two Thrones."
Seventh-day Adventists, the citadel of scriptural statements about where Christ Australian Signs of the Times,
our theological strength is our doctrine went in A.D. 31, made extensive use of December 23, 1929, an article by w.w.
of the sanctuary, and that we should not those scriptures in defense of the citadel. Prescott, "The Priest Upon the
be surprised to find this doctrine They not only knew where Christ went Throne."
heavily allaeked by the enemy. Ellen in A.D. 31, they also knew full well what And last but not least, comments on
White apparently agreed. She wrote in He was doing there. This knowledge the subject by Ellen White in The Great
1905: was an essential and integral part of their COfllroversy, 415-417.
"Satan is striving continually to doctrine of the sanctuary. If the allaek of
bring in fanciful suppositions in regard the 19805 had been launched in the
The Two Thrones
to the sanctuary, degrading the 18805, Seventh-day Adventist ministers
wonderful representations of God and and church members of that generation A pioneer Bible study:
the ministry of Christ for our salvation would doubtless have rejected it imme-
into something that suits the carnal diately. We will borrow the title of our Bible
mind. He removes its presiding power It is the purpose of this article to sel study from J.N Loughborough, and we
from the hearts of believers, and sup- forth a pioneer Bible study, and to pro- will begin the study with a typical use of
plies its place with fantastic theories vide the reader with documentation the oft-quoted Revelation 3:21:
invented to make void the truths of the whereby the depth of the perception of "Th him that overcometh will I grant
atonement, and destroy our confidence our Seventh-day Adventist pioneers on to sit with me in my throne, even as I
in the doctrines which we have held this point may be easily ascertained. The also overcame, and am set down with
sacred since the third angel's message material for this study has been taken my Father in his throne."
was first given. Thus he would rob us from the following sources: (Please take As our pioneers did, we will notc
of our faith in the very message that notice of the dates.) that there are clearly presented two
has made us a separate people, and has Review and Herald, April 15, 1858, thrones, the Father's and the Son's.
given character and power to our an article by F. M. Bragg, "Jesus Reigns There are also two enthronements at two
work." Counsels to Writers and Edi- Upon Two Thrones." different times, one described as past
tors, 53-54 Review and Herald, September 12, and one described as future:
In the 19805 we saw just such an 1871, an article by J. N. Andrews, the Past: I am set down with My Father
allaek, formed around the challenging brilliant scholar for whom Andrews on His throne.
question, "Where did Christ go in A.D. University was named. Future: You will sit down with Me
311" Review and Herald, September 12, on My throne.
It was alleged that since the Scrip- 1871, an article by J.H. Waggoner, the With these words of Jesus as an
tures state that He went to the right hand father of E.l Waggoner of 1888 fame. introduction, we will begin at the begin-
of God (Hebrews 1:3), this verse could Review and Herald, July 29, 1875, ning by turning to Psalm 110:1, where
only mean that He went to the Most an editorial by Uriah Smith, "Questions we read an invitation from God the
Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary, on the Sanctuary." Father to God the Son:

November 1991 Our Firm FowuJaliQn 17

"The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit with Himself, but rather with the Father. What kind of person makes interces-
thou at my right hand." We turn now with our pioneers to the sion for us? Obviously a priest. Paul's
Hundreds of years later, on the great New 1l:starnent to hear the testimony of concept is clearly that of a priest who
day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter ap- the various witnesses. sits on God's throne as priest-king. He
plied these words to the risen Christ "So then after the Lord had spoken continues to testify:
(Acts 2:34). He obviously understood unto them, he was received up into "Which he wrought in Christ, when
"the Lord" to be God the Father and "my heaven, and sat on the right hand of he raised him from the dead, and set him
Lord" to be God the Son, Jesus Christ. God." Mark 16: 19 at his own right hand in the heavenly
But before leaving Psalm 110 we will "Therefore being by the right hand places." Ephesians 1:20
make two more observations: of God exalted, and having received of "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek
1. The invitation from God the the Father the promise of the Holy those things which are above, where
Father to God the Son has a time frame. Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."
"Sit thou at my right hand until I now see and hear. For David is not Colossians 3:1
make thine enemies thy footstool." ascended into the heavens: but he saith "Who being the brightness of his glory,
2. The invitation from God the himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, and the express image of his person, and
Father to God the Son has a purpose. Sit thou on my right hand, until I make upholding all things by the word of his
"Thou art a priest forever after the thy foes thy footstool." Acts 2:33-35 power, when he had by hintself purged our
order of Melchisedec." Verse 4 Note that Peter is here quoting sins, sat down on the right hand of the
Remembering that Melchisedec, un- Psalm 110 and applying it to Christ. Majesly on high." Hebrews 1:3
like Aaron and his sons, was both a king Note also that the expression "by the We see that Paul, like Peter, quotes
and a priest, we now have a complete right hand of God exalted" could with Psalm 110 and applies il to Christ.
picture before us. God the Father is equal validity be translated "to the right "But to which ofthe angels said he at
represented in David's prophecy as in- hand of God exalted," sinee the Greek any time, Sit on my right hand, until I
viting God the Son to sit down with Him locative, instrumental, and dative cases make thine enemies thy footstool?" He-
on His (the Father's) throne as a king are spelled alike. Peter testifies again in brews 1:13
and a priest for a stated period of time, Acts 5:31: In Hebrews 7 Paul again invokes
which will end when the Father fmally "Him hath God exalted with his right Psalm 11 0 and makes two uses of its
and ultimately disposes of the enemies hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to reference to Melchisedec:
of His Son. give repentance to Israel, and forgive- "For he lestifieth, Thou art a priest
As sang David, so sang Zechariah, in ness of sins." for ever after the order of Melchizedek."
his beautiful prophecy of the Messiah Again, we observe that the words Hebrews 7:17
found in Zechariah 6:12-13: "with his right hand" could with equal His summary statement in Hebrews
8 admits of no misunderstanding:
"Now of the things which we have
spoken this is the sum: "We have such an
high priest, who is sel on the right hand
Satan is striving continually to bring in fanciful of the throne of the Majesty in the
suppositions in regard to the sanctuary, heavens;
"A minister of the sanctuary, and of
degrading the wonderful representations of the true tabernacle, which the Lord
pitched, and not man." Hebrews 8:1-2
God and the ministry of Christ Continuing his application of Psalm
110, in chapter 10 of Hebrews Paul
makes reference to the time frame
within which the priest-king ministers:
"And speak unto him, saying, Thus validity be translated "to his right "But this man, after he had offered
speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Be- hand." We now hear the testimony of one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down
hold the man whose name is the Stephen: on the right hand of God; from hence-
BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of "But he, being full of the Holy forth expecting till his enemies be made
his place, and he shall build the temple Ghost, looked up steadfastly into his footstool." Hebrews 10:12-13
of the Lord: even he shall build the heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Paul concludes his testimony with
temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the Jesus standing on the right hand of God, the beautiful exhortation of Hebrews
glory, and shall sit and rule upon his and said, Behold, I see the heavens 12:1-2:
throne; and he shall be a priest upon his opened, and the Son of man standing on "Wherefore seeing we also are com-
throne: and the counsel of peace shall be the right hand of God." Acts 7:55-56 passed about with so great a cloud of
between them both." The testimony of the apostle Paul is witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,
Here we see the priest on the throne, equally clear: and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
the King-Priest. As various of our "Who is he that condemneth? It is and let us run with patience the race that
pioneers pointed out, if this were not the Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen is set before us, looking unto Jesus the
Father's throne there could hardly be a again, who is even at the right hand of author and finisher of our faith; who for
"counsel of peace between them both." God, who also maketh intercession for the joy that was set before him endured
We cannot picture the Son counseling us." Romans 8:34 the cross, despising the shame, and is set

18 Our Firm FOlllldario11 November 1991

down at the right hand of the throne of Some carefully worked their way "As a priest, Christ is now set down
God." through the rather challenging array of with the Father in His throne. Revelation
Returning to the testimony of the personal pronouns in 1 Corinthians 3:21. Upon the throne with the eternal,
apostle Peter, we add his final statement 15:24-28, and found that this scripture self-existent Onc, is He who' hath borne
in 1 Peter 3:22: was in perfect harmony with the others OUT griefs, and carried OUT sorrows,' who
HWho is gone into heaven, and is on used in their study. J. N. Lough- 'was in all points tempted like as we are,
the right hand of God; angels and borough, in the second of his four arti- yet without sin,' that He might be 'able
authorities and powers being made sub- cles entitled "The Two Thrones" offers to succour them that are tempted.' 'If
ject unto him." this clarification: any man sin, we have an advocate with
To all this evidence may be added the "Then [at the resurrection of the the Father.' Isaiah 53:4; Hebrews 4:15;
testimony of John the revelator: righteous, at Christ's coming] cometh 2:18; 1 John 2:1. His intercession is that
"And she brought forth a man the end, when he [Christ] shall have of a pierced and broken body, of a
child, who was to rule all nations with delivered up the kingdom [the king- spotless life. The wounded hands, the
a rod of iron: and hcr child was caught dom of grace, his position on his pierced side, the marred feet, plead for
up unto God, and to his throne." Rev- Father's throne] to God, even the fallen man, whose redemption was pur-
elation 12:5 Father; when he [the Father] shall chased at such infinite cost.
These scriptures were used by our
pioneers as an essential part of theiT
sanctuary doctrine and were by no
means ovcrlookcd. Our pioneers had Those overcomers who will finally sit with
no doubts at all rcgarding where Jesus
went after His resurrection in A.D. 31.
Christ on His own throne, the throne of glory,
They believcd that He went dircctly to
the throne of God where He sat at the
will be those who could not be lured or
Father's right hand in performance of tempted by any means whatever to abandon
the offices of both priest and king. And
they did not make either of the two the sanctuary-the citadel of our strength
mistakes that some are now making.
They did not erroneously concludc that
the throne of God was in the Most have put down all rule and all authority " 'And the counsel of peace shall be
Holy Place. They took careful note of and power, for he [Christl must reign between Them both.' The love of the
the description in Revelation 4 in [on his Father's throne] till he [God] Father, no less than of the Son, is the
which the throne of God was seen in hath put all enemies under his fountain of salvation for the lost race.
that apartment of the heavenly sanctu- [Christ's] feet. But when he [God] Said Jesus to His disciples, before He
ary where the seven lamps were burn- saith all things are put under him went away: 'I say not unto you, that I
ing, obviously the first apartment, or [Christ], it is manifest that he [God] is will pray the Father for you: for the
the "holy place." excepted, which did put all things Father Himself loveth you.' John
"And out of the throne proceeded under him [Christ]. And when all 16:26-27. God was 'in Christ, recon-
lightnings and thunderings and voices: things shall be subdued unto him ciling the world unto himself.'
and there were seven lamps of fire [Christ], then shall the Son also him- 2 Corinthians 5:19. And in the minis-
burning before the throne, which are the self be subject unto him [God] that put tration in the sanctuary above, 'the
seven Spirits of God," Revelation 4:5 all things under him, that God may be counsel of pcace shall be between them
They did not lose sight of the time- all in all." both.' Zechariah 6:13. 'God so loved
frame within which our Saviour would We have seen that far from being the world, that He gave His only begot-
minister as both priest and king, a time unaware of these scriptures that tell ten Son, that whosoever believeth in
period bounded by the words "unti! I where Christ went in A.D. 31, our Him should not perish, but have ever-
make thine enemies thy footstool." This pioneers made them part and parcel of lasting life.' " John 3:16
timing harmonized with their under- their doctrine of the sanctuary. Further Uriah Smith was right. The sanctu-
standing from other scriptures that the evidence in support of the position is ary is the citadel of our strength, and
priestly ministry of our Lord would found in The Great Controversy, 416- there is safety in the citadel. Now as in
eventually end, and that He would 417, in a chapter entitled, "What Is the previous years, those who abandon the
henceforth function only as a King, no Sanctuary?" From these pages we quote citadel are easily taken by the enemy.
longer as a Priest. Thus the words of the following lines: Those overcomers who will finally sit
Jesus in Revelation 3:21 would be per- "He 'shall sit and rule upon His with Christ on His own throne, the
fectly fulfilled, when His overcoming throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne of glory, will be those who could
followers would sit with Him in His throne.' Not now 'upon the throne of His not be lured or tempted by any means
own throne. That thronc, our pioneers glory'; the kingdom of glory has not yet whatever to abandon the sanctuary-the
taught, would be the throne of glory been ushered in. Not until His work as a citadel of our strength.
(Matthew 25:31), whereas the throne of mediator shall be ended will God 'give "1 know that the sanctuary question
the Father on which Christ now sits as unto Him the throne of His father stands in righteousness and truth, just as
Priest-King is the throne of grace. See David,' a kingdom of which 'there shall we have held it for so many years."
Hebrews 4:16 be no end.' Luke 1:32-33 Gospel Workers, 303 0

November 1991 Ollr Firm FOllndarion 19

As with many who grow up in the
church, to me the Sabbath was often
frustrating during my childhood years.
This was very likely due to the fact that
for children the week revolves primarily
around play, with the Sabbath requiring
a suspension thereof. Young children
often seem to have limitless energy,
especially when compared to adoles-
cents or adults, a fact which may help to
explain their frequent restlessness
dwing the Sabbath hours. Helping chil-
dren appreciate the blessings of the Sab-
bath is truly a challenge for godly
When I accepted Christ in a personal
way at the age of fourteen, the Sabbath
acquired a whole new meaning. Here was
one day when I could put aside school,
work, and the numerous demands of life,
and devote my time to the Bible and the
Spirit of Prophecy and the fellowship of
other believers. The memories of many
such Sabbaths, when various friends and I
would sit around a picnic lunch and dis-
cuss last-day events and the soon coming
of Jesus, are among the most precious of
my early Christian experience. What
frustrated me now was not the so-called
"restrictions" of the Sabbath, but the
failwe of others to truly appreciate its
blessings. How well I recall the discus-
sions in my junior academy seminar
group over the timing of musical rehears-
als! I was the only one who didn't want
the rehearsals on Sabbath, since that was

F EW Seventh-day Adventist beliefs

are quite so conspicuous as the Sab-
bath. Our very name declares it. We
tion to God's Creatorship, and to His
last-day people who keep His command-
ments and have the faith of Jesus (see
now my special time with the Lord. But
the others outvoted me, protesting that the
Sabbath hows offered them nothing else
often speak in general terms of the Ad- verses 7, 12). Only the fourth command- to do.
ventist message as the "Sabbath mes- ment acknowlcdges God as Creator; it Issues regarding the how of Sabbath
sage." Its weekly recurrence gives it a alone contains His name, title, and do- observance are perhaps more easily re-
more visible presence than perhaps any minion. No wonder the modern prophet solved by simple conversion than many
other of ow doctrines. writes: "Too late they [the lost] see that other questions of Adventist lifestyle.
The Sabbath is God's seal, or sign. the Sabbath of the fourth commandment Human beings naturally want to spend
See Ezekiel 20:12. It was the first of the is the seal of the living God'" time with those they love. It tberefore
Thn Commandments to be shown to Elsewhere wc read: "The Sabbath, as follows that those baving a genuinc
Adam and Eve, since it occurred within a memorial of God's creative power, love-relationship with God eagerly look
twenty-four hows of their emergence points to Him as the maker of the forward to an entire day each week to be
from the Creator's hand. Of all the ten, it heavens and the carth. Hence it is a spent in His presence, refraining gladly
is the only commandment with direct constant witness to His existence and a even from activities with but a small
ties to a sinless world, a fact which reminder of His greatness, His wisdom, chance of disturbing the peace of that
separates it completely from the other and His love. Had the Sabbath always encounter. The simple rule, "When in
Old Thstament holy days with which it is been sacredly observed, there could
mistakenly associated so often. The never have been an atheist or an Kevin Paulson writes from Loma Linda, Cal-
messages of Revelation 14 draw alten- idolater. ,,2 ifornia.

20 Our Firm Foundation November 1991

doubt, don't," is probably a good idea in We recognize, of course, the pharisai- and plantation owners of the past seem
most areas of Christian conduct, but I cal trap of becoming too technical regard- benevolent. They arc allowed little if
suggest that applying it to Sabbathkeep- ing these issues. Certainly we Adventists any time for anything else-worship,
ing is casier than elsewhere because of have at times fallen a prey to that danger. pleasure, romance, and so on. Is it any
the immense relief the true Christian However, I believe that what many de- wonder that so few understand the
finds during the one time slot when even scribe as legalistic technicalities would in proper use of the Sabbath? Unless our
life's practical demands are put aside for fact be recognized as careful discrimina- experience during the week is a proper
the sake of exclusive focus upon God by tions if church members would think balance between work and pleasure, we
His people. calmly about these issues instead of will have a tendency to crowd the Sab-
1 fear that many discussions about spending so much time looking for incon- bath with activities belonging to other
proper Sabbathkeeping make it evident sistencies-a popular sport these days days.
that most of US don't understand-let
alone experience-the divine rest offered
by the Sabbath. In other cases, simple
common sense is lacking. For example,
once 1 discussed with several medical One major reason for the decline in faithful
students the counsel of Ellen White
against unnecessary medical labor on the
Sabbathkeeping among modern Adventists is
Sabbath.' One stated that he had a hard
time understanding this counsel, since the
the frequently intemperate use of the other six
man healed on the Sabbath by Jesus at the days of the week
pool of Bethesda had been sick for thirty-
eight ycars, and was certainly not an
emergency case. I responded that the
high-stress practice of modern medicine with regard to church standards. For in- At the bottom line, the Sabbath is a
can hardly be compared to the Saviour's stance, one letter to an Adventist maga- holy day, not a holiday. And the con-
brief command of healing. I then ob- zine sometime ago scoffed at the distinc- verted heart will jealously guard against
served that if Sabbath-morning rounds in tion people at a lakeside outing on Sab- even the smallest violation of its sacred
Adventist hospitals consisted of telling bath might make between the usc of a peace. The Sabbath is to God and His
patients to rise, take up their beds and rowboat and the use of a speedboat. At people what the marriage chamber is to
walk, one could hardly imagine a more first, this might seem to be a rigid techni- the husband and wife. Intrusions are
wonderful Sabbath activity. cality. But it shouldn't take a graduate simply not allowed.
One pastor friend of mine, though degree or a host of long arguments to Long ago 1 heard a church leader say
not at the time preaching on the Sabbath figure out that the quietness of a rowboat that the value we place upon the Sabbath
issue, spoke of how little the modern is far less likely to threaten the tranquility today will determine whether we stand
person really knows about rest. When of the Sabbath than the loud noise and or fall when it becomes a test. The
most of us return from a vacation, we abrupt motion of a speedboat. A small Sabbath is a sign of sanctification (see
find ourselves exhausted. Often the pur- matter perhaps, but "he that is faithful in Ezekiel 20:12), a symbol of the rest we
suit of pleasure brings as much weari- that which is least is faithful also in experience through the saving grace of
ness as the necessary pursuit of labor. much." Luke 16:10 God (see Hebrews 4:9-11). If we
Perhaps this is one of the reasons the One major reason for the decline in haven't learned to rest from our own
Scriptures forbid pleasure-seeking as faithful Sabbathkeeping among modern unsanctified works, ideas, and purposes,
well as common labor during the Sab- Adventists is the frequently intemperate we cannot truly rest on the Sabbath, and
bath hours (see Isaiah 58:13), since both use of the other six days of the week. the ultimate testing truth will find us
involve a (axing of (he human organism Whenever a legitimate need in our lives unready. No wonder the prophet writes:
from which the Sabbath offers a break. is neglected, it has a habit-sooner or "In order to keep the Sabbath holy, men
Regardless of certain cultural prefer- later-of asserting its demands with a must themselves be holy. Through faith
ences, faithful Seventh-day Adventists vengeance. Excessive labor during the they must become partakers of the right-
cannot support the actions of those who week, with its resuiting neglect of rec- eousness of Christ.'" 0
make the Sabbath a day for soceer- reation and pleasure, causes a person to
playing, surfing, and othcr sporting ac- vigorously make up the deficiency on I Ellen G. 'White, TIlc Grear Corl1roversy, 640
l Patriarchs and Prophets, 336
tivities. Neither is the Sabbath a day for the one day he gets off-in this case, the , See Medical Ministry, 49-50, 160
the conduct of business (see Nehemiah Sabbath. Having lived in a medical com- • The Desire ofAges, 283
13:15-18). Financial concerns are munity for the past seven years and
among the heaviest burdens most people serving as student-body president on the
carry, and the Lord wants them left church's renowned health-professional
outside the edges of His holy day. Shop- campus, 1 think I understand better than
ping at the mall and comparing menu most how the disease of "workaholism"
prices at a restaurant-activities increas- can savage the spirituality of young
ingly common on the Sabbath in con- Adventist professionals. Study and work
temporary Adventism-are certainly an consume their days and nights with a
extension of these burdens. tyranny that makes the industrial barons

November 1991 Our Firm Fou ·,JQliofl 21

tude and the peace of nature. Here our
eyes can rest on the green pastures, the
majestic forests, and the rolling hills,
the valleys and the inspiring mountains.
Here, in the country, one may look up to
the blue sky, unobscured by the city's
dust and smog, and breathe the fresh,
invigorating air of heaven.
God designed that the home of our
first parents was to be a pattern for all
other homes. While we can't duplicate
the Garden of Eden today, we can come
into harmony with God's original plan.
In the surroundings of the holy pair was
a lesson for all time-that rrue happi-
ness is found, not in the indulgence of
pride, luxury and extravagance, but in
communion, fellowship, and harmony
with God. If men would give less atten-
tion to the artificial and the materialistic
and would cultivate greater simplicity,
they would come far nearer to entering
into the purpose of God in their lives.
Pride and ambition are never satisfied,
but those who are truly wise will search
for the true purpose of life-to bring
their lives into full and complete har-
mony with God.
Jesus came to this earth as God's
ambassador, to show us how to Live so
as to secure life's best results. What
were the conditions chosen by the in-
finite Father for His Son? A secluded
home in the Galilean hills; a life of
simplicity; the quiet of dawn or twilight
in the green valley; the holy ministries
of nature; and the soul's communion
with God-these were the conditions
and opportunities of the early life of
Jesus. See rhe Ministry of Healing,
"His quiet and simple life, and even
the silence of the Scriptures concerning
His early years, teach an important

I T was not God's purpose that people

should be crowded into cities,
huddled together in terraces and tene-
Home" (ibid., 363-370) and "The
Family and the City" (rhe Advemisr
Home, 135-140), as well as the booklet
lesson. The more quiet and simple the
life of the child, the more free from
artificial excitement, and the more in
ments. In the beginning He placed our "Country Living. n When we choose a harmony with nature, the more
first parents amidst the beautiful sights place to live, God would have us con- favorable is it to physical and mental
and sounds He desires us to rejoice in sider first of all the moral and the vigor and to spiritual strength." rhe
today. The more nearly we come into religious influences that surround us Desire ofAges, 74
harmony with God's original plan, the and our families. We should choose the Yes, Jesus is OUI example. There are
more favorable will be our position to location most favorable to our spiritual so many who dwell with interest upon
secure health of body, and mind, and advancement. Instead of living where the period of His public ministry, but
soul." rhe Minisrry ofHealing, 365 only the works of men can be seen, they pass unoticed the leaching of His
God's original plan has not where the sights and sounds frequently first 30 years. Jesus had to develop and
changed. He has given us abundant suggest thoughts of evil, where turmoil, form a character just the same as you
counsel that in choosing a place to live, rush and conFusion bring only weari- and I do, and our heavenly Father gave
we are to make the spiritual prosperity ness and disquietude, we need to live
of ourselves and our families our very where we can look upon the works of Jim Holl1lberger and his wife, Sally, lrave a
first consideration. Please read the God. Here we will find rest of spirit, self-supporting ministry directed to uplifting
chapters "Choice and Preparation of the mind and body in the beauty, the quie- tile family.

22 Our Firm Foundotion November 1991

Him 30 quiet, simple years in the further training for him amid the soli- teach us all the song of Moses and the
GaWean hills to prepare Him for the tude of the mountains. Forty years in song of the Lamb. See Revelation 15:3-
greatest work ever done on earth. the solitude of the mountains, in the 4. Friends, this is what country living is
"So with the great majority of the school of self-denial, simplicity and all aboul. It is to "make ready a people
best and noblest men of all ages. Read quiet, here would be his true training prepared for the Lord." Luke 1:17. It is
the history of Abraham, Jacob, and ground. Here his own heart would be not to go hide in selfish isolation atop a
Joseph, of Moses, David, and Elisha. brought into full and complete har- mountain and wait for the Lord to re-
Study the lives of men oflater times who mony with God's; this solitude was to turn. Nor is it to build lavish homes or
have most worthily filled positions of be his training before he could be an facilities that lift up man and indulge
trust and responsibility.... effective tool to deliver God's people his pride. Nor is it to build up self-suffi-
"How many of these were reared in from their cruel bondage. cient outposts in which to glory and feel
country homes. They knew little of We are told that "Man would have secure. The history of King Nebuchad-
luxury. They did not spend their youth dispensed with that long period of toil nezzar certainly teaches us that "the
in amusement. Many were forced to and obscurity, deeming it a great loss of strength of nations, as of individuals, is
struggle with poverty and hardship. time." Ibid., 247 not found in the facilities that appear to
They early learned to work, and their Friends, do you want to dispense make them invincible." Prophets and
active life in the open air gave vigor and with God's prescription to prepare us Kings, 502. For our strength is
elasticity to all their faculties. Forced to as He did Moses and many others? Do measured only by the fidelity with
depend upon their own resources, they you want to go out to save God's which we allow God's purpose to be
learned to combat difficulties and to people as Moses did, before he was accomplished in and through us. We
surmount obstacles, and they gained prepared? I love the following illustra- have only to read the history of men
courage and perseverance. They tion found in The Ministry of Healing, such as Elijah, Elisha, King David,
learned the lessons of self-reliance and 472: Daniel, Joseph, Luther, Huss, Jerome,
self-control. Sheltered in a great degree "In the full light of day, and in and Wesley to see that man's strength
from evil associations, they were hearing of the music of other voices, the comes only from inward fidelity to
satisfied with natural pleasures and caged bird will not sing the song that his God, rather than man-made facilities
wholesome companionships. They master seeks to teach him. He learns a and armaments. King Hezekiah, when
were simple in their tastes and snatch of this, a trill of that, but never a receiving the envoys from Babylon,
temperate in their habits. They were separate and entire melody. But the was tested of the Lord. Would Hezekiah
governed by principle, and they grew master covers the cage, and places it exalt the God of heaven as his strength
up pure and strong and true. When where the bird will listen to the one song and greatness? No---instead he "shewed
called to their lifework, they brought to he is to sing. In the dark, he tries and them the house of his precious things,
it physical and mental power, buoyancy tries again to sing that song until it is the silver, and the gold, and the spices,
of spirit, ability to plan and execute, and learned, and he breaks forth in perfect and the precious ointment, and all the
steadfastness in resisting evil that made melody. Then the bird is brought forth, house of his armor, and all that was
them a positive power for good in the
world." The Ministry ofHealing, 366
Let us consider just one of these
men. What was God's prescription for Friends, do you want to dispense with God's
Moses to prepare him to lead His people
out of bondage?
prescription to prepare us as He did Moses and
"By faith Moses, when he was come
to years, refused to be called the son of
many others? Do you want to go out to save
Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to God's people as Moses did, before he was
suffer afniction with the people of God,
than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a prepared?
season; esteeming the reproach of Christ
greater riches than the treasures in
Egypt: for he had respect unto the rec- and ever after he can sing that song in found in his treasures: there was noth-
ompense of the reward." Hebrews the light. Thus God deals wiih His chil- ing in his house, nor in aU his dominion,
11:24-26. "Moses was fitted to take dren. He has a song to teach us, and that Hezekiah shewed them not."
pre-eminence among the great of the when we have learned it amid the 2 Kings 20:13. Is man's security or
earth, to shine in the courts of its most shadows of affliction, we can sing it ever sufficiency ever in the works of our
glorious kingdom, and to sway the afterward. " own hands? No! Never! It is only in the
scepter of its power. His intellectual God wants to teach us a song; John great I AM. The apostle Paul sums it up
greatness distinguishes him above the the Baptist was placed in the wilderness in five words: "Our sufficiency is of
great men of all ages. As historian, poet, for 30 years to learn that song. The God." 2 Corinthians 3:5. Neither is
philosopher, general of armies, and apostle Paul after his Damascus ex- country living a hiding place or a store-
legislator, he stands without a peeL" perience was not sent out immediately, house to run to in the time of trouble,
Patriarchs alld Prophets, 246 but was sent into the wilderness of nor a place to idle away OUT days in
Yet Moses was not prepared for his Arabia for three years to learn that song. selfish leisure and recreation. No, no;
great work. Infinite wisdom had yet See Galatians 1:15-18. God wants to true country living is none of these, but

November 1991 Our Firm Fou"datioll 23

it is for the purpose of learning a Ilew "Send the children to schools lo- country selling, but they are not made
song as did John the Baptist, the apostle cated in the city, where every phase of righteous by their sellings. Jeremiah
Paul and the patriarch Moses. They temptation is waiting to attract and 3:23 says, "Truly in vain is salvation
each were as that caged bird placed demoralize them, and the work of char- hoped for from the hills, and from the
there by their heavenly Father to learn acter building is lellfold harder for multitude of mountains; truly in the
that new song. both parents and children." FUlldamell- Lord our God is the salvation of
Country living, if used properly, tals of Christian Education, 326; italics Israel."
acts as a veil, as in the story of the supplied God sent John the Baptist, the apos-
caged bird, which shields us from the Parents, are you losing your chil- tle Paul and the patriarch Moses to
detrimental influences and distractions dren? Are they becoming more and their secluded settings to get some-
of the cilies. For cities have become more like the world? The above state- thing. It wasn't just a change of sur-
hotbeds of vice and corruption; on ment says the work of character bUilding roundings that prepared these men for
every hand are found the sights and is tenfold harder for both parents and their work. It was time and communion
sounds of evil. Everywhere are entice- children. Can you not see that God has with God; much time and communion.
ments to sensuality, worldliness, mate- said "Escape for thy life; look not behind He sent them there for the purpose of
rialism and dissipation of every kind. thee; . escape to the mountain"? restoring in them the image of God, to
The tide of corruption and crime is Genesis 19:17. And the apostle Paul has teach them a new song and to take that
continually swelling. Every day the admonished us, "Wherefore come out new song from the mountain out to the
press and the six o'clock news bring
the records of violence, robberies,
murders, suicides, and crimes unname-
able. And these atrocities have become It is our duty to cut off every influence, to
of so common occurrence that they
hardly elicit a comment or awaken
break up every habit, to sunder every tie, that
There is also an intense passion for
keeps us from the most free, open, and hearty
money-getting, a constant whirl of ex- committal of ourselves and our families to
citement and pleasure seeking, a thirst
for display, luxury and extravagance. God. This is the purpose for country living
AJI are forces that upon our youth as
well as ourselves have an almost
irresistible power. The youth, having from among them, and be ye separate." multitude. This goal then became their
nothing to do, often obtain a street 2 Corinthians 6:17. You see God under- life's work.
education, and form close associations stands that by beholding we will become Was 40 years in the mountains for
with undisciplined, non-Christian chil- changed. Therefore when we choose a Moses too long, or the 30 years in the
dren, in which they acquire habits of home for our families, God would have wilderness for John the Baptist, or the
vice and worldliness. us first consider the moral and religious three years of quiet communion with
The physical surroundings in the cit- influences that will surround us and our his Lord for the apostle Paul? Were the
ies are also a peril to our health. The children. The scriptures summarize it periods too long? Was there an unwise
constant liability to contact with disease, well in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, breth- decision to take Moses to the wilder-
the prevalence of foul air, impure water, reo, whatsoever things arc true, what- ness while the people of GOd lan-
the crowded, dark, unhealthful apart- soever things are honest, whatsoever guished in bondage-cruel bondage?
ment complexes, are just some of the things are just, whatsoever things are No! There was no better use of the
many perils to our physical health. pure, whatsoever things are lovely, time. There was no better prescription
Truly Christian qualities are better whatsoever things are of good report, if for these men. Just listen to this in-
gained in a retired country atmosphere. there be any virtue, and if there be any spired estimate of those 40 years for
Please consider the following inspired praise, think on these things." Could Moses:
statements: God have said it any simpler or made it "Man would have dispensed with
"There is not one family in a any plainer? It is our duty to cut off that long period of toil and obscurity,
hundred who will be improved physi- every influence, to break up every habit, deeming it a great loss of time. But
cally, mentally, or spiritually, by resid- to sunder every tie, that keeps us from infinite wisdom called him who was to
ing in the City. Faith, hope, love, happi- the most free, open, and hearty commit- become the leader of his people to spend
ness, can far beller be gained in retired tal of ourselves and our families to God. forty years in the humble work of a
places, where there are fields, and hills This is the purpose for country living. shepherd. The habits of caretaking, of
and trees. Thke your children away from This is the veil of protection that country self-forgetfulness and tender solicitude
the sights and sounds of the city, away living can provide, if we will rightly for his flock, thus developed, would
from the rallle and din of streetcars and address ourselves to it. prepare him to become the com-
teams, and their minds will become But being sheltered from the evil passionate, longsuffering shepherd of
more healthy. It will be found easier to influences of the city alone is not Israel. No advantage that human training
bring home to their hearts the truth of enough. Just for a moment consider the or culture could bestow, could be a
the work of God." The Paulsoll Collec- heathen in the remote jungles of the substitute for this experience." Patri-
lion, 14 world. They are certainly in a retired Continued on 31

24 Gllr Firm Foundatioll November 1991

Not, That
Ye Be Not

J UDGE not, that ye be not judged. For

with what judgment ye judge, ye
shall be judged: and with what measure
not judged." In these words Christ pre-
sented before them a lesson that was to
be brought into daily life to brighten
When Christ came into the world, it was
filled with criticism and condemnation
of others, and Jesus revealed the sure
ye mete, it shall be measured to you their hopes, and to encourage their con- result of such a course. The same results
again. And why beholdest thou the mote fidence in the Lord. The question is are manifest today. Those who have the
that is in thy brother's eye, but con- asked, What does God require of us? As greatest need to examine themselves
siderest not the beam that is in thine own trangressors of the law, justice con- whether they be in the faith, are most
eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy demns us as hopelessly ruined; but forward to pronounce sentence of evil
brother, Let me pull out the mote out of through the mercy of Christ, through against their brethren. Those who are
thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine repentance of sin, mao, the enemy of accusers of the brethren are recipients of
own eye?" Matthew 7:1-4 God, may be forgiven and transformed God's mercy and compassion, are every
The lesson contained in these words into the divine image. And since it has moment dependent upon His care and
is of solemn import, and it is to be cost an infinite price to redeem us, how benevolence, and yet they are unmerci-
carefully considered. The law of the can we presume to condemn others? ful to others, making it manifest that
divine government is that each one has Jesus says, "Why beholdest thou the they have not allowed the truth to purify,
the power of being the arbiter of his own mote that is in thy brother's eye, but refine, and sanctify them. Our characters
destiny. What we do to others shall be considerest not the beam that is in thine are not to be weighed by smooth words
done unto US again. Therefore we should own eye?" In these words, Jesus has and fair speeches manufactured for set
be careful how we treat one another. We represented one who is filled with self- times and occasions; but by the spirit
ever reap as we have sown, receiving righteousness. He is swift to detect any and trend of the whole life. The unkind
back to ourselves what we have done to seeming defect in others, but in compari- man, the critic, the one who is full of
God and to our fellow beings. In this life son to his own errors and faults, the self-conceit, deceives his own soul,
we are on probation, placed under test defect he presumed to criticize is repre- though claiming to be a clear discerner
and trial to form characters for the fu- sented as a mote compared with a beam. of the defects of others. He who has a
ture, immortal life. Through the provi- 10 such a one Jesus says, "Thou hyp- disposition to find fault, to be suspi-
sion of the grace of Christ, fallen man, ocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine cious, to surmise, think and speak evil,
debased and corrupted, may be trans- own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly has so cultivated this attribute of the evil
formed into the divine likeness. The to cast out the mote out of thy brother's one that the good qualities of his
lesson that Christ gave in the words we eye." Matthew 7:5 brethren and sisters in the church do not
have quoted, was to counteract the in- In the days of Christ just such plain arrest his attention. If he thinks he has
fluence of the former, erroneous teach- reproofs were given, and in this age we discovered a flaw in the character, a
ings of the Jews. "JUdge not, that ye be need the same straightforward reproof. mistake in the life, he is very officious to

Ellen G. White
November 1991 Our Firm Fou"datiOIl 25
aim at the mote, when the very trait of His great love for His fallen creatures. divine goodness must dwell in the heart,
character which he has overlooked in Without the heavenly endowment of the in order that pure, generous, kindly
himself, which is developed in doing Spirit of truth, we shall not be able to do thoughts and actions shall be manifested
this un-Christlike work, is, in compari- that for which we shall not be ashamed. in the life. Everything like secret work-
son to what he criticizes, when weighed When we are brought to account by the ing, like deception, like anxiety to dis-
in the golden balances of heaven as a Lord, we shall receive the very same cover a mote in OUf brother's eye, like
beam in proportion to a mote. measure we have meted to others, and eat officious effort to remove the mote
Ungenerous, unchristian expressions the fruit of our own doings. Many work when a beam is in our own eye, is
of judgment, of criticism, of condemna- with intense activity to bring to light abhorrent to God. Until the aecuser dis-
tion of others, if not repented of, will sink disagreeable mallers concerning others, covers the evil of his own heart, and
the soul in ruin. The piety of the man wbo when, if the same criticism were brought feels sincere repentance for his sin, and
thus condemns others, is measured by the upon their words and condUct, their faults makes confession of his wrong, he can
hidden motives, the seeret plans and plot- in contrast with their brother's would be have no clear vision to pull the mote out
tings of evil against those with whom he is as a beam in proportion to a mote. of his brother's eye. It is easy to deceive
at enmity. The value of his conduct, the There is a great variety of ways of ourselves, but we cannot deceive God,
real influence of his life, is summed up as deceiving self; and one of the most to whose ears smooth words and fair
wanting by the Lord of heaven, who reads ruinous ways to cripple our usefulness is speeches, which are only pretensions to
the secrets of every soul. That spoken in to cultivate evil speaking and criticism piety, are as sounding brass or a tinkling
the ear, in the closet, will be proclaimed of others. Those who have done this cymbal. Unless the principles of heaven
upon the housetop. No man can fully must humble their hearts before God, are inwrought in the heart, all outward
know the measure of the good or evil of and instead of denouncing others, must profession is pretension and deception.
his course of action, because the Lord proclaim against themselves. God measures every man's piety by the
holds in His own hands the consequences The apostle says, "Work out your character of his motives. In the prayer of
of our deeds. The Lord permits circum- own salvation with fear and trembling. Christ for his diSCiples he ullers these
stances to arise that will bring into notice For it is God which worketh in you both words: "They are not of the world, even
the good qualities of one who is suspected to will and to do of his good pleasure." as I am not of the world. Sanctify them
of wrong. The Lord will permit persons to Philippians 2:12-13. We fail to work out through thy truth: thy word is truth. As
pass through strait places, where the sur- our own salvation with fear and trem- thou hast sent me into the world, even so
roundings will work to develop the traits bling when we judge and condemn have I also sent them into the world. And
of character that are condemned by others; we manifest before the universe for their sakes I sanctify myself, that
Christ. The evil work that evil workers a spirit that will decide our destiny, and they also might be sanctified through the
intended to do will not bring about the place us among the transgressors of truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but
results they had designed; for the Lord God's law. We show our kinship with for them also which shall believe on me
will manage the maller so that good will Satan, who was an accuser of the through their word; that they all may be
be brOUght out of evil. But no credit or brethren. Through his deceptive power, one [not biting and devouring one
reward will be given to him who pwposed
to do harm to the purchase of the blood of
Christ, even though good resulted from
his plotlings of evil. The Lord set counter-
agencies to work to preserve His people There is a great variety of ways of deceiving
from being deceived and injured.
Unless the truth sanctifies the soul,
self; and one of the most ruinous ways to
hereditary and cultivated traits of charac-
ter will develop, and we shall be seeking
cripple our usefulness is to cultivate evil
for spots and blemishes in others; but our speaking and criticism of others
measuring and judgment will correspond
to our own prejudices, to our human likes
and dislikes. In dealing with brethren that
reveal a hard, critical, accusing spirit, we he ever seeks to make error appear as another]; as thou, Father, art in me, and I
should martifest the Spirit of Christ, that truth, and you follow his example in thee, that they also may be one in us: that
they may behold and become changed. magnifying the faults of your brethren, the world may believe that thou hast sent
Without a connection with God, self and and by imagining that you see evil where me. And the glory which thou gavest me
self-uplifting will appear. Day by day, none exists. I have given them; that they may be one,
hour by hour, we must weave heavenly The Lord has graciously given man a even as we 3rc one: I in them, and thou
principles into our life, praying God that time of probation in which to perfect a in me, that they may be made perfect in
he will bestow His Holy Spirit upon us; character for eternal life; but those who one; and that the world may know that
for it is the Holy Spirit alone that can are selfish, those who exalt self by seek- thou hast sent me, and hast loved them,
purify the affections, and uproot the tares ing to abase another, making the most of as thou hast loved me." John 17:16-23
that naturally grow in the heart. The love every mote and defect in his character, In these words the relation sustained
of God must abide in the soul, or man will prove that there is a beam in their own toward God and toward one another is
fail to mete out to his fellow man that eye which unfits them for an entrance clearly defined. We are to be as one, and
which God has meted out to him through into the abode of life. The principles of this sacred unity must be contemplated

26 Gllr Firm Foundation November 1991

and cherished in the church of God, each
Bulletin Board
one seeking to bring about the fulfill-
ment of the prayer of Christ. We should
banish all thoughts of evil against our
Corrections Life Abundant Missionary Institute
brethren. If we imagine we see wrong in
our brother, let us not judge him; let us In the September 1991 issue of Our Our next four-month Home Health
not go to work secretly to make the mote Firm Foundarion, page 21, reference is Instructor Program will be January
appear as large as possible before others, made to a document WDF 321. This &-April 29, 1992. This gospel medieal-
depreciating our brother by secret whis- should be WDF 213. missionary program offers a brief, yet
perings when he knows nothing of our In the October issue of Our Firm comprehensive, training in literature
suspicious and evil thoughts. How cruel Foundarion, page 18, first column, a evangelism, Bible work, and health min-
it is to judge, condemn, and pass sen- series of questions were asked, giving istry. We are told that these three should
tence upon your brother when he has not page numbers of a particular book where never be separated and that all of God's
the slightest suspicion that you are not the answers can be found. Typographical people are to have a part in them. That
his friend. It was in this secret manner errors were made in the answers to three includes each one of us. Are you ready?
that Satan carried on his work in heaven, of the questions. The corrected answers Learn how to do literature evangelism,
and now through human agencies who are shown in boldface below: give Bible studies, and lead a soul to Christ.
submit to his control, he carries on the 2. Yes, pages 25, 125. No, pages 126, Learn the causes and treatment of disease
same hypocritical course of action. 135. and how to care for the sick using the
If you think your brother or sister 5. Yes, page 133. No, pages 86, 90, natural remedies based on the eight Jaws of
has made a mistake, go privately to the 132. health, such as hydrotherapy, massage, and
offender, "considering thyself, lest 6. Yes, pages 24, 91, 98. No, pages nutrition. Learn the principles of success-
thou also be tempted," and in tender- 126, 129, 132. ful, soul-winning, health evangelism pro-
ness and sincerity talk with the one that grams and cooking schools.
you suspect. Christians are to carry out If you recognize the Lord's call to this
Truth For Today Bulk Mailings
the instructions of Christ: "Moreover if kind of training and ministry, this program
thy brother shall trespass against thee, 500,000 copies of the newsprint edi- is designed for you. Start planning now to
go and tell him his fault between thee tion of Trurh For Today, Number 2, attend our session this winter.
and him alone: if he shall hear thee, have been printed, and now we are For morc information, call or write
thou hast gained thy brother." Matthew ordering our first printing of the news- us at the address below. But do so soon.
18:15. If you disregard the words of print edition of Health For Today (TIT Time is running out, and there is still
Christ, and walk in sparks of your own #3). You may use the form below if you much to be done.
kindling, you will fail to work right- wish to sponsor a bulk mailing of either
eousness, and will come under the be- magazine to all residents served by a Life Abundant Missionary Institute
witching power of Satan. Let us rever- particular Zip Code. The suggested 40416 I23rd Ave. Q. East
ently inquire, What does the Lord re- donation is per magazine per Eatonville, WA 98328
quire of me in my relation to my address. (206) 832-6602
brother? The plain words of instruc-
tion, the rules given to govern our
conduct in the teachings of Christ, will Bulk Mail Request Form
confront us in the judgment, however Please send (check one)
much we may disregard them here.
Every day we are passing up our
oTruth For Today *2 (a summary of Ihe Great Controversy theme)
accounts to heaven. The spirit, the words, oHealth For Today
the actions of our daily life, are freighted To City , ZipCode
Post Of f i-c-e-'p:ChC"o-n-e-:N::-umb-:C"e-r-_ -_-_-_-_1'-_-''- _
with terrible Significance; for they make it
manifest whcther we are preparing to be (PI.a •• fill in the of addzess•• in .ach category belov.)
members of the family of God or members PO Boxes _
of the host of evil, who will be destroyed RR 1. _ HCR (# )
with Satan the root, and his followers the RR2 HCR (# )
branches. By the secret influences of His RR3 _ HCR (# )
Holy Spirit, again and again the Lord RR 4 _ City Rt. 1.
comes to US and presents to us the things RRS City Rt. 2
which pertain to our eternal welfare; we RR 6 _ City Rt. 3
must act according to the dictates of the
heavenly voice if we would be fitted for
the life that measures with the life of God. My Name & Address: Suggested
We must respond to the love of God by
renecting His love to the world. 0
20¢ per
Review and Herald, vol. 2, 587-588 r am enclosing a donation of: address
(August 16, 1892)

November 1991 Our Firm Fou"dation 27

IDIt' urns c
Int t ti s

S URELY some powerful king or
emperor would arise to quell the
Protestant rebellion. Surely the
fully obvious that the new Protestant
churches that had been established were
vastly more than aberrant groups, but
redressing some of the most blatant
excesses of the Church, the prelates
moved solidly behind the apostate doc-
European monarchs could be relied were to be permanently separated from trines of the Church. Perhaps the
upon to rally to the warning call of the the Papacy and its excesses. strongest effort was exerted to seek a
Papacy. It had never failed to happen When the monarchs of Europe way to derail the Protestant identifica-
before, but in vain did a succession of failed to come to the unequivocal sup- tion of the Roman Catholic Church as
popes from Leo X to Paul ill solicit such port of the Papacy as they had so often the historic antichrist of prophecy.
support. Even the powerful Charles V of done before, the enormity of the schism The Protestant Reformers did not
the Holy Roman Empire seemed tenta- became obvious to the Papacy. Yet not always agree on every aspect of bibli-
tive and uncertain about the role that he until 1545 was the Papacy in any posi- cal truth. But on one point there was
should play in defense of the Church. tion to respond to the great challenges unwavering unity. Luther, Melanch-
Indeed, there were moments when he of the Protestant Reformation. This date than, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and before
seemed in opposition to the Church. was 28 years after Luther had nailed his them, Wycliffe, Huss and Jerome, had
Perhaps it was his youth, for when 95 theses on the door of the castle all steadfastly pinpointed the Roman
Luther stood before him at the Diet of church at Wittenberg. By then the Catholic Church as the antichrist of
Worms, he was only twenty-one years of Papacy knew that a wholly new and biblical prophecy. Clearly, Protestant-
age. different strategy would be required if ism could not be reclaimed for the
Generally speaking, the popes had ever the Protestant Reformation was to bosom of Rome until this identification
totally underestimated the depth of the be derailed and the myriads of defectors could be derailed. Yet during the eight-
dangers of their unpopularity in Ger- be brought back under the sovereignty een years of the council's meetings,
many, as well as the spreading unrest in of Rome. not one credible alternate identification
Scandinavia, Switzerland, England, Choosing the northern Italian city of was established by the bishops. Finally
Scotland, and other parts of Europe. The "llent, the bishops of the Church met the monumental task of trying to pre-
Papacy was psychologically unprepared over a period of eighteen years in what,
for the permanent and total rejection of perhaps, became the most famous coun- Coli" Standish is president ofHart/and lnsti·
its authority. It eventually became pain- cil in the history of Catholicism. While tute in Rapidan, Virginia.

Colin Standish
28 Our Firm Foundation November 1991
sent a credible alternative identifica- tichrist. It becomes obvious that tltis the Oxford movement. When stripped
tion of the biblical antichrist was given lack of logic in taking one period of of all rhetoric, the Oxford movement
to the newly established intelligentsia time and using the day/year principle, was the re-Catholicizing of Oxford
order of the Roman Catholic Church, and combining it with another period of University.
the Jesuits. A further twenty-two years time in which literal days are used, is It is usually held that the Oxford
were to pass after conclusion of the faulty exegesis. There is one reason movement began in 1833. Historically,
Council of TIent before such a credible only to move away from the day/year its commencement has been traced to a
deception could be devised. Thus, from principle, and that is to support the sermon preached in St. Mary's Church,
the beginning of the Council of TIent, a treacherous sophistries of Rome in its Oxford, July 9, 1833, by the well-
period of forty years was needed to attempt to bring all Christendom back known Anglican preacher of the day,
devise a theory by which the Roman under its authority. John Keble. His chosen topic that day
Catholic Church could seek to under- The thesis of Ribera, written in the was "National Apostasy." It centered
mine the Protestant assurance that the Latin language, was published in 1590, upon the moral failure of British
Roman Catholic Church was the pro- and soon thereafter was sent to all the Society, and more specifically, the
phetic antichrist. major universities of Europe. Here it failure of the Church of England, to
The brilliant Spanish Jesuit, Fran- rested, a time bomb ready to explode. lead in the spiritual revival necessary at
cisco Ribera, completed his thesis in Reformation Protestants were not im- the time. It was clear that the Church of
1585. The thesis identified the an- pressed or influenced by this thesis. England was being blamed for much of
tichrist of biblical prophecy, not as the Well over two centuries were to pass the defection shown in the Puritan
historic Papacy, but as a satanically by before it was to begin its nefarious movement, in the Congregational
controlled individual who would rise at work among the Protestant Reform developments and in the rise of the
the end of time, rule in the rebuilt groups. Methodist Church.
temple in Jerusalem for seven years, In the 18205 three powerful profes- In the congregation of Keble that
and during the last three and one-half sors of Oxford University in England day was John Henry Newman, 1801-
years would persecute mercilessly the began to agitate for the reunification of 1890. Newman, who had graduated
Christians and the Jews. To establish the Church of England with the Church from Oxford University in 1821, had
this thesis, Ribera had to undermine of Rome. This agitation led to an im- been ordained to the Anglican ministry
one of the most basic and widely ac- passioned outcry by large numbers of in 1823. Until this time, the brilliant
cepted tenets of biblical interpretation, faithful Evangelical Anglicans who young priest had spent most of his
the day/year principle of prophetic in- pointed out that there was no way the ministry as a tutor in the colleges of
terpretation. This principle was well Anglican Church could ever consider Oxford. Newman was greatly in-
understood by pre-Christian Jews, reunification with Rome, for Rome was fluenced by Keble's sermon. It is prob-
some of whom were looking for the the antichrist of prophecy. At this point ably about this time that he com-
fulfillment of Daniel, chapter 9, in the the professors, led by S. R. Maitland, menced his metamorphosis that led
arrival of the Messiah about the time in William Burgh, and James Thdd, resur- him to renounce the Anglican priest-
which He did live on earth. rected the thesis of Ribera from the hood in 1843, to join the Roman
This principle was also fully under-
stood by many in the early Christian
church. Bishop Athanasius, bishop of
Alexandria in the fourth century, tried The thesis of Ribera, written in the Latin
to convince Jews that Christ must be the
Messiah by using the day/year principle language, was published in 1590, and soon
to interpret Daniel. But it was obvious
that Ribera could not use such a prin-
thereafter was sent to all the major universities
Ciple, for it too clearly identified the of Europe. Here it rested, a time bomb ready to
medieval reign of the Papacy as the
antichrist of prophecy. Subsequently, explode
the treacherous thesis of Ribera has led
to the totally unacceptable and illogical
separation of the seventieth week of the archives of the library at Oxford Uni- Catholic Church in 1845, and to jour-
seventy-week prophecy of Daniel 9 versity and began to agitate and teach ney to Rome in 1846, where he was
from the other sixty-nine weeks. Now it the seminary students the deceptive ordained to the Roman Catholic priest-
must be clear that the day/year principle Jesuit concepts of the antichrist. Ob- hood.
is used in placing this final week as a viously as the young, inexperienced, The powerful intellect of Newman
seven-year period during the reign of and ill-informed youth were faced with had a profound impact upon the Angli-
the supposed antichrist. But ironically, this interpretation, it soon would be can Church as he continued to be per-
the same scholars take the 1260-day preached in the churches of the Angli- haps the single most important figure at
prophecy of Daniel and Revelation, can faith. As could be expected, not Oxford. He, of course, fully imbibed the
and, using literal days rather than pro- long afterward the true identification futuristic concepts of biblical inter-
phetic days, place it within the frame- of the antichrist began to be lost. This pretation riveted upon the Jesuit inter-
work of the last half of the seven-year Anglo-Catholic movement of the 18205 pretation of Francisco Ribera, and tltis
reign of the proposed end-time an- was the seed of what became known as philosophy had become standard fare

November 1991 Our Firm Foundation 29

for seminary students. That influence on earth, the church [GOd'S true saints] committed himself to developing a ref-
was also to spread later to Cambridge is secretly raptured and is therefore erence Bible, he found very good sup-
University. So indebted was the Roman spared the great persecution of the pe- port from the leaders of the Oxford
Catholic Church to Newman, that in riod that results from the wicked cruelty University Press in England. By 1909 he
1879, Pope Leo XIII pre-empted nor- of the antichrist of the end time. Very had published his first edition of the
mal procedures and elevated Newman quickly he had forged a theology that reference Bible containing much of the
from the common priesthood, creating had incorporated a number of errors into futuristic concepts first espoused by
him a cardinal. By the end of the a tantalizingly packaged theology. It Francisco Ribera, and was unchanged in
nineteenth century, the Anglican was therefore easy for Darby to accept his 1917 revision. This Bible was dis-
Church was virtually in the hands of the the seven-year reign of the antichrist and tributed by colporteurs all over the
Papacy concerning prophetic interpreta- the terrible persecution of the posttribu- United States, especially in the South,
tions. lation Christians during the final three and soon its theology had invaded the
But it was left to John Nelson Darby and a half years of that reign. conservative churches, such as the Bap-
to develop this Jesuit concept of pro- In all, Darby made six trips to the tist and the Church of Christ. They, too,
phetic interpretation among the main- United States: 1859, 1864-65, 1866--68, moved away from the historic view of
line churches of Protestantism. Darby 1870, 1872-73 and 1874. His impact the Papacy as the antichrist which they
was born in London in 1800 and was espeeially strong in the city of St. had held so firmly through the
graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, Louis, Missouri, and was of significant nineteenth century, and began to teach a
in 1819. He became a member of the
Irish Bar in 1825. Shortly thereafter, he
forsook the legal profession and for two
years served as the curate of the Angli- For Satan to achieve his purpose, there must be
can Church in Wicklow. By 1827 he
had joined the Brethren movement
a reinterpretation of the prophecies clearly
which had its origins in Dublin two
years earlier. Darby, from the earliest
defined in the writings of the servant of the
moments, had a deep interest in pro- Lord, which is especially true of the 1260-day
phetic interpretation, and soon became
the most articulate spokesman for bibli- prophecy
cal interpretation among the Brethren
group. He quickly renounced the popu-
lar concept of postrnillennialism [that influence among the Congregationalists futuristic antichrist who was to reign in
Christ would come subsequent to the and the Presbyterians. As a result con- the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem after the
thousand years of peace] and embraced ferenees were held in the northern part rapture of the saints and at the beginning
premillennialism [that Christ would of the United States, and on the of the millennium. So strong was this
come at the beginning of the millen- Canadian side of Niagara Falls. These delusion and so rapid was the change
nium]. conferences, often known as the Niagara that today few Baptists understand the
Darby soon traveled widely, find- Conferences, attracted some of the most true identity of the Papacy.
ing his way to Plymouth in southern prominent mainline Protestant theolo- However, there is one area of bibli-
England, where he became the founder gians of the day. Thus were laid the eggs cal interpretation that is necessary to
of the Plymouth Brethren Church. He of Jesuit futuristic concepts of biblical support this, and lhat is to derail the
visited the university centers of Paris, interpretation to be hatched a generation day/year principle in the 1260-day
Cambridge and Oxford in the 1830s. later as a result of the influence of Cyrus prophecies of Daniel and Revelalion.
There can be little doubt that especially Scofield. The days of this prophecy are held to be
at Oxford he embraced the futuristic Scofield had been a discredited at- literal days, and to represent the persecu-
concept of the antichrist as expounded torney when he accepted Christianity tion of this hypothesized end-time an-
by Ribera, and was now ready to incor- in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1879 as a tichrist individual.
porate it within his otherwise Protes- direct result of a Dwight L. Moody It has always been thought im-
tant theology. After settling a short crusade. Soon he was a minister of the possible that such a concept could in-
time in Plymouth, he began to travel Congregational ChurCh, the church vade the Seventh-day Adventist
again, this time to Europe where his that had been so strongly influenced by Church. One can understand, however,
influence was significant, especially in the aberrant prophetic interpretations how important it is for Salan to spread
the French-speaking segment of Switz- of John Darby. this Roman Catholic concept among
erland. Scofield steadily rose to fame, espe- our people. It is the key to having all
But his greatest impact was upon cially after he had accepted the invita- the world wonder after the beast.
America. Here he put forward his con- tion to be pastor of the Northfield Wherever there is a strong identifica-
cepts of prernillennialism in which he Church in Massachusetts, the home tion of the Roman Catholic Church as
was correct, and prctribulationism in church of Dwight L. Moody. While the antichrist of prophecy there can be
which he was wrong. Pretribulation pastoring there he preached the funeral no success for Satan's plan to
teaching is the foundation of the secret sermon for Moody. completely destroy God's faithful
rapture. In summary, this teaching His fame continued, and when at the people. Therefore, Satan's determined
claims that before the great tribulation beginning of the twentieth century he effort as we come to the end of time is

30 Our Firm FoU/uu"iorl November 1991

to derail God's remnant church from It is obvious that that identification has concept that they are actually rehears-
this correct identification of the an- been applicable for many, many cen- ing an essential pillar of the Roman
tichrist. turies. Revelation 13:5-7 is a rehearsal Catholic identification of the end-time
For Satan to achieve his purpose, of the statement of Daniel 7:25, identi- antichrist. If we as Seventh-day Ad-
there must be a reinterpretation of the fying again who this beast power is and ventists accept this counterfeit, we too,
prophecies clearly defined in the writ- tying it together with the little horn of like most other Protestants, will be-
ings of the servant of the Lord, which Daniel 7 and 8. come wholly vulnerable to the ecu-
is especially true of the 1260-day One of the first efforts to infiltrate menical movement by which Satan is
prophecy. There are now many voices these futuristic concepts into the Ad- determined to bring all of the world
claiming that Daniel 12:7 and Revela- ventist Church came through Dr. Des- under the power of the Papacy. Al-
tion 13:5 particularly cannot refer to mond Ford. It is true that he also taught ready, those who have accepted this
the medieval reign of the Papaey be- the preterist [past] view and the histori- futuristic concept, the reinterpretation
cause a chronological treatment of cist view of prophetic interpretation. of prophecy and the selling up of times
Daniel 12 and Revelation 13 would not This view had impact upon mcn and after 1844, have bcgun to reject thc
allow it. It is important to note that, for women who were less committed to the Spirit of Prophecy, and to cast doubt
example, in The Great Controversy, fundamental beliefs of the Adventist upon the prophets of the Bible. This
page 54, Revelation 13:5 is referred to Church, for those who had a strong result is inevitable. Tragically, just as
as the medieval reign of the Papacy. A commitment to the Bible and the Spirit many who followed Robert Brimsmead
very simple review of Daniel 12 and of Prophecy were immune to such theo- left the Church, they, too, will be led
Revelation 13 clarifies that they are not ries. It seems as almost on a Signal, men out of the Seventh-day Adventist
written in chronological order. For ex- and women from allover the world have Church and eventually out of Chris-
ample, Daniel 12, by verse two comes risen to support the Roman Catholic tianity.
down to the end of the millennium Jesuit concept of prophetic interpreta- Satan has laid his plans well. They
when the wicked are destroyed and tion. There is not the slightest evidence have worked successfully in other
then verse three comes to the era of the in inspiration that can support the futur- churches. He has not been satisfied with
time of the redeemed saints. Verses six istic antichrist or the version that we face destroying the faith of the more liberal
and seven indicate that a review of in the Adventist Church today of the element of the church. He is now
earlier history is now taking place. It is reinterpretation of the time prophecies making an all-out attack upon the con-
just as wrong to assume that Revelation of Daniel and Revelation. servative members of the church. One
13 is in prophetic sequence. For ex- In other articles in this issue, the thing is certain; this futuristic reinter-
ample, verse eleven, the rise of the clear statements of inspiration will be pretation of prophecy, built around time
United States, is presented after the presented, which are not within the para- setting, is a satanic delusion, and all who
healing of the deadly wound, when meters of this article. succumb to it of necessity must reject
indeed we know that these events oc- It is almost certain that those who the words of inspiration which clearly
curred in the reverse order. The eight- are presenting the reinterpretation of denounce such a philosophy. 0
eenth verse tells of the identification of the 2,300 days, the 1260 days, the 1290
the antichrist power by a number, 666. days and the 1335 days have little or no

Country Living Does it still apply to us today in the God's prescription 'for our life. We
Continued from 24 hustle and bustle of our fast-paced need time. Not time for selfish
arc/Is alld Prophets, 247-248 modern society? Can a prescription pleasure, but time to slow down and
Did infinite wisdom count the pe- like this still be effective? God's pre- get clear directions from our Father in
riod too long or the price too great? scription has not lost its effectiveness, heaven. We need time to think about
God knew what Moses needed. Moses, friends; it never will. We have lost the what matters most in life. What is the
before his 40 years of country living, prescription. Like Moses, God has a most important thing? How much timc
was self-sufficient, self-confident, plan for everyone of us. But often we must I set aside to bring my family to
proud, zealous, highly educated, very go ahcad of the Lord, or try to accom- the throne of grace? Friends, take time
impatient. After his 40 years in the plish our work in our own strength. Or to compare yourself with the standard
country, Moses was self-distrustful, we try to do the work before God has of God's Word and the character of
humble, meek above all men, timid, prepared our lives. We go ahead of the Jesus. Then apply the prescription to
reverent, slow of speech and patient. Lord and have to learn some very diffi- your life, then to your own families,
Now Moses was ready to rightly cult lessons. Ask yoursclf this ques- and /hell God will lead you to bring His
represent God because He had par- tion: Am I accomplishing the plan God people out of bondage. This is what
taken of the attributes of God's charac- has for my life? The only way you will country living is all about-preparing a
ter. Moses was ready to be God's man find the true answer is to take time to people. 0
because he had become intimately and test this prescription. You must take
personally acquainted with the great I time. We must take time to go to God's For a complete sel of seven tapes 011 tire sp;r;lIIal
AM. Has God's prescription of time, Word to see whethcr the life we are and lire pract;cal aspects of CQUlltry 1;1/;1Ig se"d
change of surroundings and commun- living, the pace we are going, the work $14.00 to Jim a"d Sn//y l/olrllbcrger; Star Route,
ion with Him lost its effectiveness? we are doing, is in accordance with Polebridge, MT 59928.

November 1991 Ollr Firm FOlltuJal;on 31

-New! -


Ray DeCarlo ..... (4 tapes) 8.00 David Harding . . . . (1 tape) 2.00

• The Repitition of History • Apostasy in the Church
• 7 Tnnnpets, 7 Last Plagues
• The Jubilee Ralph Larson ..... (3 tapes) 6.00
• True and False Prophecy
• If You Were God
Clark Floyd . . . . . . (3 tapes) 6.00 • The Citadel of Our Strength
• The Coming Crisis in Adventism
• The Gathering
• Character Development Vernon Sparks (1 tape) 2.00
• Judgment for the Saints
• Authority in God's Church
John Grosboll . . . (5 tapes) 10.00
Ron Spear (3 tapes) 6.00
• The Fear of the Jews
• Danie18:14 • The Final Crisis
• When Shadows Flee Away • The Omega of Apostasy
• Are You a Member of God's Church? • Whose Instructions Are We Follow·
. ?
• Has God Ordained Independent Self· mg.
supporting Work?
Colin Standish . ... (3 tapes) 6.00
Marshall Grosboll (4 tapes) 8.00 • Let No Man Deceive You
• Fanaticism • European Revival
• Faith or Feeling? • Ellen White and Time Prophecy
• Fellow Laborers With God
• The Sin ofMeroz Please note: This is a partial list of the
1991 camp meeting tapes.

All prices are listed in U.s. funds. Checks may be made payable to Hope International. Please
include 15% ($1 minimum) to cover postage and handling.

Hope International Nonprofit Org.

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