Introductory Management

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JANUARY / 2022


Question 1
Conceptual skills is the ability to see the organisation as a whole, understand how the various
parts interact, and evaluate how the organisation relates to its external environment These
abilities enable managers to assess situations and devise alternative courses of action. This
skill is important as managers go up the management ladder, more higher layer pr position on
the management, more usefull if the manager is involvement in wider and long term decision

Question 2
The five main management functions defined by Henri Fayol is as below : -
 Planing
 Orgenizing
 Command
 Coordination
 Control
These five function comprise MANAGEMENT, this five-administrative-theory framework
has offered a conceptual foundation for analysing management processes.

Question 3
Strategic planning is the process by which the leaders of an organisation outline their vision
for the future and determine their goals and objectives. Establishing the sequence in which
those goals should be accomplished so that the organisation can achieve its stated vision is
part of the process.

Quesstion 4
Programmed decesion is a kind of decision-making to obtain a solution or conclusion for
decisions that already have a strategy or regulation in place. In other words, managers have
made similar decisions in the past, and it is a routine and recurring procedure. For example of
the programmed decision is when the stock is lower then certain level the Store Manager will
place some order from supplies.

Question 5
The term "authority" refers to the decision to make decisions. The term "responsibility"
refers to the obligation to finish the task at hand on time. There must be a balance or parity
between authority and responsibility, according to this notion.

Question 6
The eight steps in human resource management process are as below : -
 Strategic human resource planing
 Recruitment and downsizing
 Selection
 Orientation
 Training and development
 Performance management
 Compensation and benefits
 Safety and health

Question 7
These have few impact if change in internal factors to employees. The first example of is if
the organisation changes in their scope of work, employees may need some time to learn or
attend training for new job scope, for example they have to learn how to use the new
accounting system. The second example if organizational changes in compensation and
benefits scheme, this will have two different effects. The initial effect of the adjustment will
be an increase in compensation and benefits, which will motivate employees to work and
complete their jobs. Employees will be less motivated and may resign if the adjustment
reduces their benefits and compensation.

Question 8
The five categories will of work teams is as below :-
 Functionl teams
 Problem solving teams
 Self managing work teams
 Cross functional work teams
 Virtual work teams

Question 9
Lewin, Lippitt and White (1939) at the University of Iowa has defined three leadership styles
or behaviour. First is autocratic, an autocratic leader centralizes power and decision making
and they will order, assign tasks and duties without consulting the employees. Second is
democratic, also known as participative leadership or shared leadership, is a style of
leadership in which members of the group participate in decision-making. There has two
types of democratic leadership i) consultative democracy and ii) participative democracy. The
last leadership styles or behaviour is freedom, leader gives full freedom to workers to make
decision and decide the best wat on their job/tasks.

Question 10
Trust is the main characteristic linked to leaders. As a manager you can get information and
creative ideas to solve the problem depend on the how the workers trust you. If the workers is
trust on you they will follow or willing to place themselves with you.


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