Auditap 1
Auditap 1
Auditap 1
Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC) Assurance Engagement Non-Assurance Engagement
- tasked to assist BOA to establish and promulgate auditing standards in the Philippines
recommendation on how to use the
Output assurance in the form of an opinion
IAASB information
Management Advisory Services (MAS) A foreign CPA called for consultation or for a specific purpose which, in the judgment of
Taxation (TAX) the Board, is essential for the development of the country: (Provided, that his/her practice
Regulatory Framework for Business Transactions (RFBT) shall be limited only for the particular work that he/she is being engaged and that there is no Filipino
CPA qualified for such consultation or specific purposes)
Rating in the Licensure Examination A foreign CPA engaged as professor, lecturer or critic in fields essential to accountancy
Passed: Gen. ave. of at least 75%, with no grades lower than 65% in any given subject education in the Philippines and his/her engagement is confined to teaching only
Conditional: Gen. ave. of less than 75%, has a grade of less than 65%, or both, but has A foreign CPA who is an internationally recognized expert or with specialization in any
obtained 75% and above in at least majority (4 out of 6) of the subjects branch of accountancy and his/her service is essential for the advancement of
covered in the licensure examination accountancy in the Philippines
Removal Examination Indication of Certificate of Registration, Identification Card and Professional Tax Receipt
- candidate shall take an examination in the remaining subjects within two The certified public accountant shall be required to indicate his/her certificate of
years from the preceding examination registration number, and date of issuance, the duration of validity, including the Professional Tax
Failing Candidates to Take Refresher Course Receipt number on the documents he/she signs, uses or issues in connection with the practice of
his/her profession.
A candidate who fails in two (2) complete CPA Board Examinations shall be disqualified
from taking another set of examinations unless he/she submits evidence to the satisfaction of the Refusal to Issue
Board that he/she enrolled in and completed at least twenty-four (24) units of subject given in the The Board shall not register and issue a certificate of registration and professional
board exam. identification card to any successful examinee:
Report of Ratings Convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a criminal offense involving moral
The Board shall submit to the Commission the ratings obtained by each candidate within Guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct
ten (10) calendar days after the examination, unless extended for just cause. Upon the release of Of unsound mind
the results of the examination, the Commission shall send by mailing the rating received by each
examinee at his/her given address using the mailing envelope submitted during the examination. Suspension and Revocation
Oath Grounds for Suspension:
As mentioned in the grounds for refusal to issue
All successful candidates in the examination shall be required to take an oath of Any unprofessional or unethical conduct
profession before any member of the Board or before any government official authorized by the Malpractice
Commission or any person authorized by law to administer oaths upon presentation of proof of Violation of any of the provisions of RA 9298 and its IRR, the CPA‘s Code of Ethics
his/her qualification, prior to entering upon the practice of the profession. and the technical and professional standards of practice for certified public
Roster of Certified Public Accountants accountants
A roster showing the names and place of business of all registered certified public Reinstatement, Reissuance and Replacement of Revoked or Lost Certificates
accountants shall be prepared and updated by the Board, and copies thereof shall be made The Board may, after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of revocation of a
available to any party as may be deemed necessary. certificate of registration and upon application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient,
Certificates of Registration, Professional Identification Card and Temporary/Special Permits reinstate the validity of a revoked certificate of registration and in so doing, may, in its discretion,
exempt the applicant from taking another examination.
BOA has the power to issue a new certificate of registration to replace lost, destroyed, or
A certificate of registration shall be issued to:
mutilated certificate/license subject to the rules promulgated by BOA and PRC and upon payment
examinees who pass the licensure examination
of the required fees.
person admitted under reciprocity or other international agreements
Practice of Accountancy
Certificate of Registration
Prohibition in the Practice of Accountancy
Shall bear the following:
Full name and the assigned registration number of the registrant No person shall practice accountancy in this country, or use the title “Certified Public
Signature of the chairperson of the Commission and the chairman and Accountant”, or use the abbreviated title “CPA” or display or use any title, sign, card,
members of the Board advertisement, or other device to indicate such person practices or offers to practice accountancy,
Official seal of the Commission and of the Board or is a certified public accountant, unless such person shall have received from the Board a
certificate of registration/ professional license and be issued a professional identification card or a
Professional Identification Card valid temporary/special permit duly issued to him/her by the Board and the Commission.
- bearing the registration number, date of issuance, expiry date, duly signed by the chairperson of
the Commission, shall likewise be issued to every registrant renewable every three (3) years “If you are not a CPA, DON’T CLAIM TO BE ONE!”
Secretary of Justice or his duly designated representative
- shall act as legal adviser to PRC and BOA and shall render legal assistance as may be
Limitation of the Practice of Public Accountancy necessary in carrying out the provisions of RA 9298.
Single practitioners and partnerships for the practice of public accountancy shall be Continuing Professional Development
registered certified public accountants in the Philippines.
RA 10912 – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016
Accreditation to Practice Public Accountancy - an act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development program for all
Individual certified public accountants, firms and partnerships of certified public regulated professions, creating the continuing professional development council, and
accountants, engaged in the practice of public accountancy, including partners and staff appropriating funds therefor, and for other related purposes
members thereof, shall register with the Commission and the Board. Definition and Rationale
A certificate of accreditation shall be issued to CPA in public practice only upon showing
The inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values in a post-licensure
that such registrant has acquired a minimum of three (3) years meaningful experience in
specialization or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field of study, for assimilation into professional
any of the areas of public practice including taxation.
practice, self-directed research or lifelong learning.
The registration shall be valid for a period of three (3) years and may be renewed every
three (3) years on or before September 30 on the year of expiry upon compliance of the Voluntary compliance with the CPD program is an effective and credible means of
requirements. ensuring competence, integrity and global competitiveness of professional in order to allow them to
continue the practice of their profession.
Seal and Use of Seal
All licensed certified public accountants shall obtain and use a seal of a design Required CPE Credit Units
prescribed by the Board bearing the registrant’s name, registration number and title. The auditor’s Renewal of PIC – fifteen (15) credit units
reports shall be stamped with said seal, indicating therein his/her current Professional Tax Receipt Exemptions:
(PTR) number, date/place of payment when filed with government authorities or when used Professional working overseas (OFWs)
professionally. Newly licensed professionals for the first renewal cycle after obtaining their license
Ownership of Working Papers For accreditation (initial and renewal) – one hundred twenty (120) credit units
As a rule, working papers are confidential, privileged and property of the CPA. Minimum units under required competency areas:
Foreign Reciprocity Technical Competence 30 units
Professional Skills 5 units
Subjects or citizens of foreign countries may be allowed to practice Accountancy in the
Professional Values, Ethics, and Attitudes 5 units
Philippines in accordance with the provisions of existing laws, international treaty obligations
40 units
including mutual recognition agreements entered into by the Philippine government with other
Flexible CPD units 80 units
Required number of CPD units 120 units
A person who is not a citizen of the Philippines shall not be allowed to practice * The required minimum units earned from the previous year/s shall be 20 credit units.
accountancy in the Philippines unless he/she can prove, in the manner provided by the rules of
court that, by specific provision of law, the country of which he/she is a citizen, subject or national How to Earn CPD Credit Units?
admits citizens of the Philippines to the practice of the same profession without restriction. Seminars / Workshops (training offered by Accredited CPD Providers, Face to Face or Online)
Penal and Final Provisions As participant
As resource speaker
Penal Provisions As panelist / reactor
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act or any of its implementing As facilitator / moderator
rules and regulations as promulgated by the Board subject to the approval of the Commission, As CPD monitor
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00) or In-service training / On-the-job training
by imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) years or both. Academic Track (must be applied within 5 years after completion)
Master’s Degree or equivalent
Enforcement of the Act Doctorate Degree or equivalent
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Bachelor of Laws
Professional certifications (ex: CMA, CFA, CFE, CIA, and CISA)
- primary duty to effectively enforce or implement the provisions of RA 9298
Foreign language certifications
Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy (BOA) Professional chair
Internship / Specialty / Sub-specialty program
- shall assist PRC in filing the appropriate charges for cases of illegal practice or
Fellowship grant
violations of RA 9298 through the concerned prosecution office in accordance with law Post-graduate diploma / certificate
and rules of court
Self-Directed and/or Lifelong Learning (Training offered by Non-Accredited Providers, Face to Face or Online)
All duly constituted law enforcement agencies and officers of national, provincial, Aside from activities similar with seminars / workshops, the following are also included in this
city or municipal government or of any political subdivision category
Technical paper
- upon the call or request of the Commission or the Board, these organizations shall
Article published in refereed/peer reviewed professional journal
render assistance in enforcing the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any person Pamphlet/book or monograph
violating the provisions of the same Magazine / newspaper articles relevant to the topics in the competence areas
Study tours / visits Academe/Education (2) * shall be equally distributed among the private and public schools
Active committee membership in FRSC, AASC, PIC, CPD Committee Government (1)
Total Composition 7
Such Other Activities to be recommended by the CPD Council and Approved by the
Board and the Commission
Organizations Affecting the Accountancy Profession (discussed under RA 9298)
ETC was established to assist the Board in:
Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC)
carrying out its powers and functions provided in Rule II, Section 7 (n) of RA 9298
Chairman, who had been or presently a senior practitioner in any scope of accounting practice 1
in attaining the objective of continuously upgrading the accountancy education in the
Fourteen (14) representatives from the following:
Philippines to make the Filipino CPAs globally competitive
Board of Accountancy 1
Commission on Audit 1 Term of Office
Securities and Exchange Commission 1
The chairman and members of the FRSC, AASC, QRC and ETC shall have a term of
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 1
three (3) years renewable for another term.
Bureau of Internal Revenue 1
A major organization composed of preparers and users of the financial statements Accredited Professional Organization (Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
FINEX (Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines)
Accredited National Professional Organization of CPAs: All registered certified public accountants whose names appear in the roster of certified
Public Practice (2) public accountants shall be united and integrated through their membership in a one and only
Commerce and Industry (2) 8 registered and accredited national professional organization of registered and licensed certified
Academe/Education (2)
Government (2)
public accountants, which shall be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a
Total Composition 15 nonprofit corporation and recognized by the Board, subject to the approval by the Commission.
The members in the said integrated and accredited national professional organization
Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC)
shall receive benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto upon payment of required fees and dues.
Chairman, who had been or presently a senior practitioner in public accountancy 1
Membership in the integrated organization shall not be a bar to membership in any other
Fourteen (14) representatives from the following:
association of certified public accountants.
Board of Accountancy 1
Commission on Audit 1 Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant (PICPA)
Securities and Exchange Commission 1
- recognized by the Commission as the APO on October 2, 1975 per Accreditation No. 15
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 1
An Association of CPAs in active public practice of accountancy 1 Objectives / Purpose:
Accredited National Professional Organization of CPAs: established for the benefit and welfare of the CPAs
Public Practice (6) the advancement of their profession
Commerce and Industry (1) 9
Academe/Education (1) the attainment of other professional ends
Government (1)
Total Composition 15 Membership: open to all registered CPAs from all sectors
Chapter / Regions: shall have adequate number in major areas in the Philippines to effectively
Quality Review Committee (QRC) attend to the needs of its members
Chairman, who had been or presently a senior accounting practitioner in public accountancy 1
National Directors: shall only be 15 unless there is a valid reason to have additional
Fourteen (14) representatives from the following:
Board of Accountancy 1
Accredited National Professional Organization of CPAs: Renewal of certificate of accreditation: once every three years
Public Practice (2)
Commerce and Industry (1) 5 Cancellation of accreditation may be caused by any of the following grounds:
Academe/Education (1)
Government (1)
has ceased to possess any of the qualifications for accreditation
Total Composition 7 no longer serves the best interests of CPAs
did not achieve its plan within three years
Functions of QRC: has committed acts inimical to its members and to the profession
Conduct quality review on applicants for registration to practice public accountancy and failure to renew its accreditation after a lapse of unreasonable period
render a report which shall be attached to the application for registration.
Recommend to the Board the revocation of the certificate of registration and the PRC CPE Council
professional identification card of CPAs in public practice of accountancy. - the Board, upon approval by the PRC, shall create this council which shall assist the Board in
implementing its CPE program
Education Technical Council (ETC)
Chairman, who had been or presently a senior accounting practitioner in the academe / education 1 Composition
Fourteen (14) representatives from the following: The PRC CPE Council shall be composed of a chairperson and two (2) members.
Board of Accountancy 1 The chairperson shall be chosen among the members of the Board
Accredited National Professional Organization of CPAs: 5 The first member could either be the president or any officer chosen by the BOD of
Public Practice (1) PICPA
Commerce and Industry (1)
The second member could either be the president or any officer of the - supervises operations of banks and exercise regulatory powers over non-bank financial
organizations of deans or department heads of schools, colleges or universities institutions
offering BS Accountancy program. with quasi-banking functions
- has the primary objective of maintaining price stability conducive to a balanced and sustainable
Term of Office economic growth
Co-terminus with their respective incumbency in BOA, PICPA and organization - also aims to promote and preserve monetary stability and the convertibility of the Philippine peso
Insurance Commissions
Powers and Functions - promulgates and implements policies, rules and regulations governing the operations of entities
The council shall, upon a majority vote, exercise powers and functions which shall engaged in insurance and pre-need activities
include but shall not be limited to the following: - prescribes additional requirements regarding audits of its regulated entities
Accept, evaluate and approve applications for accreditation of CPE providers.
Accept, evaluate and approve applications for accreditation of CPE programs,
activities or sources as to their relevance to the profession and determine the
number of CPE credit units to be earned on the basis of the contents of the Professional Organizations
programs, activity or source submitted by the CPE providers. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)
Accept, evaluate and approve applications for accreditation for exemptions from - the accredited national professional organization
CPE requirements.
Monitor implementation by the CPE providers of their programs, activities or Sectoral Organizations
sources. 1. Association of CPAs in Public Practice (ACPAPP)
Assess periodically and upgrade criteria for accreditation of CPE providers and 2. Association of CPAs in Education (ACPAE)
CPE programs, activities or sources. 3. Association of CPAs in Commerce and Industry (ACPACI)
Perform such other related functions that may be incidental to implementation of 4. Government Association of CPASs (GACPA)
the CPE programs or policies. Standard-Setting Bodies
If the need arises, the PRC CPE Council may delegate to the PICPA: Financial Reporting Standards Council
the processing of the application Auditing and Assurance Standards Council
keeping of all records for CPE providers and their respective programs and credit units
earned by each CPA who avail of the CPE programs
any other related functions
Regulatory Government Agencies
In addition to BOA, the following government agencies affect the accountancy profession.:
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
- the agency that administers, implements and enforces the regulatory policies of the government
with respect to the regulation and licensing of the various professions under its jurisdiction
Commission on Audit (COA)
- considered as the Philippines’ Supreme Audit Institution
- its mission is to ensure accountability for public resources, promote transparency, and help
government operations in partnership with stakeholders for the benefit of the Filipino people
- its primary function is to keep the general accounts of the government and for such period as
be provided by law, preserve the vouchers pertaining thereto.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- the regulatory agency charged with supervision over the corporate sector, the capital market,
participants, and the securities and investment instruments market, and the protection of the
investing public
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
- has the primary objective of raising revenues for the government
- also prescribes additional requirements for audited financial statements that accompany tax
of various entities
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
- provides policy directions in the areas of money, banking and credit