CA-270 OPERATOR's Manual
CA-270 OPERATOR's Manual
CA-270 OPERATOR's Manual
The term of warranty of this analyzer is one year from the date of purchase.
Our company shall not be responsible for the following failures and damages for the warranty
1. Failure/damage caused by the result of misuse.
2. Failure/damage caused by repair or alternation performed by any company other
than our company.
3. Failure/damage caused by the phenomenon which is due to other than our
4. Failure/damage caused by the condition beyond the normal operating condition of
this analyzer such as the power supply and the installation environment.
5. Failure/damage caused by fire, earthquake, flood damage or other natural
6. Failure/damage caused by shift or transportation performed by other than our
company after our installation.
Windows 10 and .NET FrameWork3.5 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright of this document belongs to FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
No part of this document shall be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in any retrieval
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photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the purchase’s personal use without the
express written permission of FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
CHAPTER 1: PRINCIPLE MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Absorbance measurement ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Assay Techniques ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Blank measurement ......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Calibration curve parameters .......................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2 Unit name and its function ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Unit name ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Analyzer overview ............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.2.2 Function for each unit ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 3 Basic operation ......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Key operation ................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Operation screen.............................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2.1 Icons .................................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2.2 Status ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.3 Check prior and login ....................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Checks on the consumable parts ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Check reagent volume ...................................................................................................................................... 28
3.3.3 Power OFF the operational PC ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.3.4 Power OFF the analyzer ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Check calibration results ................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Check QC results............................................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.1 QC graph ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.2 QC Results (details) .......................................................................................................................................... 31
3.5.3 QC Results (Daily) ............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.5.4 QC Results (Cumulative) ................................................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 4 Test selection ................................................................................................................................................ 35
4.1 Sample setting .................................................................................................................................................. 35
4.2 Test selection.................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.2.1 Normal sample (N) ........................................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.2 Emergency sample addition (STAT) ................................................................................................................. 39
4.2.3 QC sample (Q) ................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3 Test selection (other sample categories) ....................................................................................................... 41
4.3.1 Calibrator (C)..................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.2 Multi-Calibrator ................................................................................................................................................ 41
4.3.3 Diluted calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 42
4.3.4 Blank sample ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.5 Mask .................................................................................................................................................................. 44
4.3.6 Orderless ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.3.7 Sample pipette wash ........................................................................................................................................ 45
4.3.8 ISE calibrator (option) ...................................................................................................................................... 45
4.3.9 ISE cleaning (option) ......................................................................................................................................... 46
4.3.10 ISE Etching (option) .......................................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.11 ISE activation (option) ...................................................................................................................................... 47
4.4 Template ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.5 Test selection (online) ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 50
5.1 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
5.1.1 Operation environment ................................................................................................................................... 50
5.1.2 Contact our technical support ......................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Result problem .................................................................................................................................................. 50
5.2.1 When any troubleshooting is required ........................................................................................................... 50
5.2.2 Preparation of reagents, calibrators, and QC samples ................................................................................... 51
5.2.3 Frequent error patterns ................................................................................................................................... 51
1.1 Absorbance measurement
A. Wavelengths
After mixing reagent and sample in the cuvette in the Incubation reaction unit, perform
absorbance measurement for reaction liquid in the Detector unit every 13 seconds. The
Detector unit disperses the light from halogen lamp as a source of l ight with a grading
method and measures 12 wavelengths (340, 380, 415, 450, 510, 546, 570, 600, 660, 700,
750, 800nm) at one time.
Wavelength(s) (to maximum 2 wavelengths) used for a result can be chosen from the
pre-specified 12 wavelengths.
B. Reaction time
Required reaction time for measurement varies depending on the applied reagent type.
1.2 Assay Techniques
There are two fundamental types: Endpoint assays and Rate Assays
Here are described on four assay techniques.
A. 1 Point End
This is an endpoint assay to measure the absorbance value after the specific tim e. When
one data collected for the specific measurement range, apply it as the absorbance. When
two data collected, the average value of them is applied as th e absorbance.
Dispense the reagent and measure the absorbance after the specific time. Under the
case as ( A: Absorbance of the measurement range, C: Water blank, B: Reagent blank).
⊿ABS = (A-C)-B
This is an endpoint assay to measure absorbance values of 2 measuring points after the
specific time.
Absorbance is obtained from the difference between the initial and last points of the
specified measurement ranges.
Dispense the reagent and measure absorbance after the specific time.
Under the case as (A1 and A2: Absorbance of the measurement ranges, C: Water blank,
B: Reagent blank, d: correction coefficient),
Specify by methods whether to apply reagent blank or not.
When the sample reaction only is required for reading, the sample is diluted after
dispensing R2 reagent, it results in the concentration difference between before and
after diluting. Dilution factor is applied for correcting the concentration diff erence in
dilution (after R2).
Dilution factor
d = (S+R1)/(S+R1+R2)
C. 1 Point Rate
The 1 Point Rate assay is to measure the value of absorbance change per a unit of time.
Obtain the value of absorbance change per minute from the slope at the specified time
using least square approximation line based on data between the specified measurement
The rate assay is to convert the absorbance slope per 1 minute in the linear gradient
range and obtain the value of the absorbance change.
Where ⊿ABSA: absorbance change per minute in sample, ⊿ABSB: absorbance change
per minute in reagent blank,
The 2 Point Rate assay is to measure the absorbance change between the specified 2
points per unit time.
Perform measurement at two measurement ranges. Obtain the value of the
absorbance change per minute from the slopes at the specified time using least square
approximation line based on data between the specified measurement ranges.
1.3 Blank measurement
A. Water blank measurement
Water blank measurement is to measure the absorbance after dispensing purified water
into the cuvette.
It is required for every cuvette that is used for measurement. The results will be
applied for correcting the differences between the cuvettes.
The results will be also applied for evaluating the condition of the cuvettes’ contamination.
Reagent blank measurement is to measure the absorbance of the cuvette conta ining
reagent. Correcting the sample absorbance by reagent blank value makes more
accurate measurement results.
There are four kinds of reagent blank measurements:
1. R1 reagent
2. R1 + R2 reagents
3. R1 reagent + purified water
4. R1 + R2 + purified water
For setting, select the [Chemistry Parameters 2] screen for specifying number of
measurement (Single to Triplicate) and reagent blank conditions (such as purified water
required or not) at the Reagent blank measurement at calibration.
1.4 Calibration curve parameters
There are six calibration curve parameters for calculating measurement results. Below
are described on each calibrator, correction, ⊿ABS conversion formula, and concentration
conversion formula.
A. Factor
Enter the value of the slope obtaining by linear expression to specify. Intercept is
correctable by measuring blank sample (C1).
B. Linear
Obtain the linear expression by measurement results of several calibrators.
C. Point to point
Obtain the linear expression among measuring points by several calibrators.
Calibrator: More than 3 points required among C1 and C2-C7 Absorbance change:
⊿ABS = ax + b
Obtain “a,b” by linear regression for each measuring point.
D. Log-Logit
Obtain the log formula by measurement results of several calibrators.
Calibrator: More than 3 points required among C1 and C2-C7 Absorbance change:
⊿ABS = k / (r + exp(-ax^3 - bx^2 - cx - d)) + 1)
E. Spline / Spline 2
Obtain the spline curve by measurement results of several calibrators.
Calibrator: More than 3 points required among C1 and C2-C7 Absorbance change:
⊿ABS = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
Obtain max. 6 cubic equations by applying cubic equation for each measuring point (C1
to C7).
Difference between “Spline” and “Spline2”
When using “Spline”, the lines at the measuring points (C1 to C 2) and (Cn-1 to Cn) show straight
linear regression if obtaining abnormal calibration curve. (Refer to Figure 2.2-19 and 2.2-20 below.)
When using “Spline2”, slopes between both ends of the calibration curves (C1 to C2) and (Cn-1 to
Cn) become zero.
Figure 2.3-19
F. Exponential
Obtain the approximation formula of an exponential function by measurement results of
several calibrators.
Calibrator: More than 3 points required among C1 and C2-C7
Absorbance change: ⊿ABS = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
Chapter 2 Unit name and its function
Here is described on the outline of the analyzer the unit name and its function.
2.1 General
The analyzer is a desktop fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer with throughput of
270 tests per hour.
This analyzer enables to connect to a host computer, when needed (ASTM Protocol
Seventy-two cuvettes, semi-disposable type, where the samples are reacted with reagents,
are located on the Incubation reaction unit (IRU), the inside of which is kept at 37ºC
constantly. After mixing reagent and sample in the cuvette in the Incubation reaction unit,
perform absorbance measurement for reaction liquid every 13 seconds. Wavelength(s) (to
maximum 2 wavelengths) used for a measurement can be chosen from 12 pre-specified
The sample tray is detachable and can accommodate maximum 40 tube-holders and 10
cup-holders.The reagent tray is also detachable and can accommodate maximum 50
bottles. The Reagent container has a cooling function to keep a constant temperature (8 -
15ºC). The Barcode reading system as an optional unit enables to read information on the
reagents and samples.
2.2 Unit name
2.2.1 Analyzer overview
2.2.2 Function for each unit
Figure 1.2 - 1
Figure 1.2 - 2
Chapter 3 Basic operation
Here is described on basic operation of the analyzer.
Button functions
[F1]: Start measurement
Press this key to start or restart measurement.
[F2]: Stop sampling
Press this key to stop dispensing of sample or reagent.
The window appears for modification of the reagent information.
However, measurement is continued only for the samples after dispensing.
[F3]: Emergency sample addition (STAT) Press this key to add an
emergency sample.
[F4]: Alarm
Press this key to display the alarm screen.
[F5]: Run (F5)
Press this key to switch to the [Run (F5)] menu.
[F6]: Parameter (F6)
Press this key to switch to the [Parameter (F6)] menu.
[F7]: Calibration (F7)
Press this key to switch to the [Calibration (F7)] menu.
[F8]: QC (F8)
Press this key to switch to the [QC (F8)] menu.
[F9]: System (F9)
Press this key to switch to the [System (F9)] menu.
[F10]: Maintenance (F10)
Press this key to switch to the [Maintenance (F10)] menu.
[F11]: Switch to tab menu (upward) within the selected menu. Press this key
to switch the tab menu upward.
[F12]: Switch to tab menu (downward) within the selected menu. Press this
key to switch the tab menu downward.
[Shift] + [F1]: Start orderless measurement
Press the above keys at the same time to start orderless measurement.
[Shift] + [Esc]: Alarm sound stop
Press the above keys at the same time to stop alarm sound.
[Ctrl] + [F2]: Emergency stop
Press the above keys at the same time to immediately stop operation.
[Ctrl] + [F2]: Emergency stop
Press the above keys at the same time to immediately stop operation.
10. [Ctrl] + [F5]: Print screen
Press the above keys at the same time to printout the current screen. This
function is not available during measurement process.
3.2 Operation screen
3.2.1 Icons
Here is described on the icons and their functions displayed on the screen.
Button functions
Run (F5)
Press the icon to switch to the [Run (F5)] menu.
Press this icon to switch to the [Monitor] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Round] screen.
Test Selection
Press this icon to switch to the [Test Selection] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Results] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Inventory] screen.
Wakeup Setup
Press this icon to switch to the [Wakeup Setup] screen.
Auto Template
Press this icon to switch to the [Auto Template] screen.
Patient Information
Press this icon to switch to the [Patient Information] screen.
Daily Maintenance
Press this icon to switch to the [Daily Maintenance] screen.
Parameter (F6)
Press the icon to switch to the [Parameter (F6)] menu.
Chemistry Parameters 1
Press this icon to switch to the [Chemistry Parameters 1] screen.
Chemistry Parameters 2
Press this icon to switch to the [Chemistry Parameters 2] screen.
Chemistry Parameters for ISE
Press this icon to switch to the [Chemistry Parameters for ISE] screen.
Serum Indices
Press this icon to switch to the [Serum Indices] screen.
Calculated Test
Press this icon to switch to the [Calculated Test] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Profile] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Order] screen.
Wash Program
Press this icon to switch to the [Wash Program] screen.
Calibration (F7)
Press the icon to switch to the [Calibration (F7)] menu.
Calibration Registration
Press this icon to switch to the [Calculation Registration] screen.
Diluted Calibration
Press this icon to switch to the [Diluted Calculation] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Multi-Calibrator] screen.
Result of ISE Calibration
Press this icon to switch to the [Result of ISE Calibration] screen.
QC (F8)
Press the icon to switch to the [QC (F8)] menu.
QC Graph
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Graph] screen.
QC Results (Detail)
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Results (Detail)] screen.
QC Results (Daily)
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Results (Daily)] screen.
QC Results (Cumulative)
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Results (Cumulative)] screen.
QC Settings
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Settings] screen.
QC Sample Registration
Press this icon to switch to the [QC Sample Registration] screen.
System (F9)
Press the icon to switch to the [System (F9)] menu.
System Setup 1
Press this icon to switch to the [System Setup 1] screen.
Define Report Format
Press this icon to switch to the [Define Report Format] screen.
Reagent Registration
Press this icon to switch to the [Reagent Registration] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Versions] screen.
Backup Procedures
Press this icon to switch to the [Backup Procedures] screen.
System Setup 2
Press this icon to switch to the [System Setup 2] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Definition] screen.
Normal Range
Press this icon to switch to the [Normal Range] screen.
Maintenance (F10)
Press the icon to switch to the [Maintenance (F10)] menu.
Press this icon to switch to the [Sequence] screen.
Water Blank
Press this icon to switch to the [Water Blank] screen.
Working Hour Counters
Press this icon to the [Working Hour Counters] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Performance] screen.
Press this icon to switch to the [Sensor] screen.
Volume Adjustment (for maintenance only)
Press this icon to switch to the [Volume Adjustment] screen.
Setup Password
Press this icon to switch to the [Setup Password] screen.
DTR Positioning
Press this icon to switch to the [DTR Positioning] screen.
Pop-up message appears for system shutdown.
Displays the window for sleep mode.
In the operational mode: Before sleep setting window appears.
In the sleep mode: Confirmation window to wake-up from sleep mode appears.
Alarm (F4)
Press this icon to switch to the [Alarm] screen.
3.2.2 Status
The pop-up message indicating the system status appears in the upper left of the screen.
Following are the displayed messages.
1. Not ready
Not ready for connection between the analyzer and the operational PC. Or
the analyzer is OFF.
2. Pre-ready
The analyzer is ON, however, preparatory operation such as dispensing into
cuvettes and priming has not been completed.
3. Ready
It is ready for starting measurement.
4. Measurement
Measurement is performed.
5. STAT-measurement
Measurement for an emergency sample is performed as a priority.
Measurement for normal samples and QC samples is not performed.
6. MSStopping
Dispensing is stopped due to sample addition.
Or dispensing is completed.
7. ESStopping
Since an error occurs, dispensing is stopped.
8. Sleeping
The analyzer is in sleep mode.
9. Maintenance
Maintenance procedures are performed.
3.3 Check prior and login
When starting up the operational software after power ON the analyzer and the
operational PC, the screen appears to enter log-in name and password.
Maintenance (F10) > Working Hour Counters Check the condition for
each consumable part prior to measurement.
3.3.2 Check reagent volume
Check whether the remaining volume of reagents in the Reagent container is enough for
running the ordered tests.
When applying the reagent barcode reader, click the [Reagent Scan] button every time
adding the reagent on the Reagent container to update the reagent information.
Click the [Reagent Scan] button to rotate the Reagent container and read the barcode
labels that includes the type, number, and full volume of each reagent.
B. Cancel
2. The calibration results and the curve are displayed for the selected method.
3. Two calibration results for the two reagent lot numbers (New and Old) can be
Select the Reagent Lot (New or Old) to display either of the calibration results.
4. After checking the results, perform calibration if necessary. Creates and updates
the calibration curves.
3.5 Check QC results
Confirm the QC measurement data results at the beginning of a day of measurement.
3.5.1 QC graph
A. Search area
This area enables to specify the QC measurement data results for search.
B. Graph area
This area enables to display QC graph that specified at the search area.
2. Display Type “Cumulative”
X: (Mean value)
(Black): NORMAL
(Yellow): WARNING
(Red): ERROR
A. Search area
This area enables to specify the QC measurement data results for search.
A. Search area
This area enables to specify the QC measurement data for search.
specified period.
A. Search area
This area enables to specify the QC measurement data results for search.
Chapter 4 Test selection
4.1 Sample setting
Here is described on sample setting in the Sample container. There are two trays (Outer and
Inner) in the Sample container.
A. Outer tray
Layer 1: position # 1 - 20
Layer 2: position # 21 – 40
B. Inner tray
Inner tray: position # 41 – 50
Diameter: 12 – 16 mm
Length: 75 – 100 mm
Since this analyzer does not have piercing function, remove the rubber cap from the sample
tube in advance.
When performing calibration at the same round, assign younger position # for the calibrators
than the position # for the normal samples.
Specify the location of the ISE wash solution and wash solution for the sample pipette wash on
this screen.
1. Start
Specify the start position # in the Sample tray.
For the samples with Barcode labels, do not specify position # and leave as blank.
When applying barcode reader for Sample ID, no position assignment is required.
Depending on the Sample category, reading barcode labels from barcode reader allows to
register and measure automatically.
For details, refer to the method list for each Sample category.
3. Sample Category
4. Other funtion
Select the round to be edited. Select the round from “Current Round”
(1st), “Next Round” (2nd) and “Round After Next” (3rd).
Check the “Sample Barcode” ON when applying barcode reader to enter the
Sample Barcode
sample ID.
Select the Sample Type (Serum, Urine, Plasma, or Others) from drop-down
Sample Type
Normal Range Select or enter the Normal Range from a pop-up window for registration.
PID Select or Enter the Patient ID (PID) from a pop-up window for registration.
Physician Select or enter Physician name from a pop-up window for registration.
Department Select or enter the Department from a pop-up window for registration.
Rotate Sample
It gives the Sample tray rotation. (Effective only when adding a sample.)
It receives the order information from Host computer.
Acquire orders
It is effective in “On Line Batch” or “On Line Real time” mode.
Obtain order information that registered for future rounds. Order for “Next
Obtain the next
Round” will be transferred to “Current Round”, and order for “Round After Next”
will be transferred to “Next Round”. “RoundAfter Next” will be vacant.
Save Saves the setting.
5. Method display
This area indicates the method status for normal and ISE measurement in color description.
The highest warning (in RED) will be displayed if more than two warnings are applied.
C. Copy procedure
To copy the same order to several sample orders,
1. Select the Start # as the beginning Position # for copying from drop-down menu.
2. Check “C/D" ON.
3. Select the End # as the end Position # for copying from drop-down menu.
4. When copying an existing order, no need to specify the methods.
5. When copying a new order to several positions, specify the methods for the copied
6. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
D. Delete procedure
1. Click the “Delete All” icon to delete all orders.
2. When deleting the specific order, select the SID or PID on the SID list and click the
“Delete” icon.
3. When deleting a series of SID, check “C/D” ON.
4. Specify the Start # and the End # and click the “Delete” icon.
5. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
B. Order setting procedure (without sample barcode reader)
1. Select the Start# (among the designated STAT positions) from drop-down menu.
2. Select “STAT” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Select the sample cup.
Select the cup type (“Normal” or “pediatric”) from drop-down menu.
4. Specify the Sample ID.
5. Enter “Patient ID”. For registration, refer to “6.2.1. Normal sample (N)”.
Both outer and inner trays are available for setting QC samples.
When setting the QC samples in inner tray, they are measured prior to those in outer tray.
4.3 Test selection (other sample categories)
Calibrator is available to set in both Inner and Outer trays. The calibrators in Inner tray
will be measured first.
4.3.2 Multi-Calibrator
Order a multi-calibration measurement
Using a single set of calibrators, prepare several calibration curves for the methods.
Measurement starts in “Pos” numerical order.
Multi-Calibrators can be set in both Inner and Outer trays. The multi-calibrators in the
Inner tray will be measured first.
A. Order setting procedure (with sample barcode reader)
No order registration is required except placing necessary multi-calibrators in the Sample
B. Order setting/Delete procedure (without sample barcode reader)
For the multi-calibrators set in Inner tray or without managing with barcode reader, follow
the procedure below.
Diluted Calibrators are available to set in both Inner and Outer trays. The Diluted
Calibrator in the Inner tray will be measured first.
A. Order setting procedure (with sample barcode reader)
No order registration is required except placing necessary diluted calibrators in the
Sample container.
B. Order setting/Delete procedure (without sample barcode reader)
For the diluted calibrators set in Inner tray or without managing with barcode reader,
follow the procedure below.
1. Specify the Start# for the Diluted Calibrator from drop-down menu.
2. Select “Diluted calibration” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Select the Sample type (Serum, Urine, Plasma, or Others) from drop-down menu.
4. Specify the method. Check the method ON for the measurement order.
5. Click the “Save” icon to save the order. The SID for the Diluted calibration sample
is listed on the SID list.
6. For deleting, click the SID on the SID list, click the “Delete” icon. For the deletion
confirmation, click the “Save” icon.
4.3.5 Mask
The Mask setting allows to set methods not performed. The methods indicate in a
measureable status that has analysis conditions, the calibration curves, and its reagents in
the Reagent container.
A. Mask selection/release
4.3.6 Orderless
Orderless selection allows to perform measurement in all methods available for all
samples in the Sample container.
A. Setting procedure for orderless measurement
With the sample barcode reader, the position of the wash solution is confirmed by reading
the barcode label.
Without the sample barcode reader, the wash solution position needs to be specified.
Apply Wash solution C-1 solution by making a 1% Wash solution C-1 solution.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the wash solution.
2. Select “Wash Solution” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the wash solution.
2. Click the “Delete” icon to delete the order.
3. Click the “Save” icon to confirm the deletion.
A. Setting procedure for ISE calibrator
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE calibrator.
2. Select “ISE Calibrator” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order
1. Select the Start# from drop-down menu for the ISE calibrator.
2. Click the “Delete” icon to delete the order.
3. Click the “Save” icon to confirm the deletion.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE cleaning solution.
2. Select “ISE Cleaning” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
B. Deletion procedure for the ISE cleaning solution
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE cleaning solution.
2. Click the “Delete” icon to delete the order.
3. Click the “Save” icon to confirm the deletion.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE Etching.
2. Select “ISE Etching” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE Etching.
2. Click the “Delete” icon to delete the order.
3. Click “Save” icon to confirm the deletion.
A. Setting procedure for the ISE activation
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE activator.
2. Select “ISE Activation” in the Sample category from drop-down menu.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
1. Select the Start # from drop-down menu for the ISE activator.
2. Click the “Delete” icon to delete the order.
3. Click the “Save” icon to save the order.
4.4 Template
Order a template order on the designated position that set the sample in the sample tray with
its specified methods as a set order.
The template is required to register in the [Auto Template] screen prior to selecting in the [Test
Selection] screen.
2. After selecting the template #, the following pop-up message appears to overwrite the order
information of the registered screen. To overwrite the information, click the [OK] button.
4.5 Test selection (online)
For online test order, host communication is required with either “Online real time” or “Online
batch mode”.
When selecting “On Line Batch” at the Host Communication Mode on the [System Setup 1]
screen, it needs to obtain orders from host communication.
When selecting “On Line Batch” at the Host Communication Mode on the [System Setup 1]
screen, it needs to register the position # and the SID to specify the position # manually placed
on the sample tray. It also needs to obtain orders from host communication.
A. Order setting procedure (in the “On Line Batch mode” with the Sample barcode reader)
B. Order setting procedure (in the On Line Real time mode without the Sample barcode reader)
C. Order setting procedure (in the On Line Batch mode without the Sample barcode reader)
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Procedures
5.1.1 Operation environment
If any errors occur when using the analyzer, check the following points.
Maintenance procedure
Manufacturer's serial number and the lot number of the reagent, the calibrator,
and QC sample
Measurement results
B. Instrument problems
Serial number
The QC sample results out of the normal range
Check the following points on results of the calibrators, the QC samples, or the normal
When preparing reagents, calibrators, and QC samples, be sure to follow its procedure
described on each operator’s manual.
Preparation of reagents
Preparation of QC samples
Preparation of calibrators
Cause Action
The calibration result is not correct. the calibration setting is appropriate. Re-calibrate if
The temperature in Incubation Reaction unit is too high. the temperature does not indicate within 37+-0.1ºC,
contact our technical support.
The reagent has not been appropriately prepared. Check the preparation of the reagent.
The calibrator has not been appropriately prepared Check the preparation of the calibrator.
B. The results on the specific method are low in all samples.
Cause Action
The reagent has not been appropriately prepared. Check the preparation of the reagent.
The reagent has not been appropriately stored. For storing, refer to its operator’s manual.
The temperature in Incubation Reaction unit is too low. the temperature does not indicate within 37+-0.1ºC,
contact our technical support.
The calibrator has not been appropriately prepared. Check the preparation of the calibrator.
Cause Action
D. The unexpected values on all methods for the specific sample.
Cause Action
The validity term of the reagent is expired. The reagent Perform new preparation of reagent referring to the
is observed contamination. The reagent is discolored. operator’s manual.
Cause Action