CPXi X Silverpush
CPXi X Silverpush
CPXi X Silverpush
Presenter- Tina
Date - 17th Feb, 2023
Our Solutions
AI- powered video solution for Real-time visual TV Sync for seamless synchronization of digital ads
context targeting on Video and display with TV commercial ads across all the devices
Company Credentials
Our mission is to offer data driven solutions to complex client problems, using cutting edge
technology. We are focused on developing proprietary metrics around advanced computer vision
capabilities that can be applied to new use cases in the media industry.
200+ 5+ ~3bn
employees Global Awards in 2022 impressions/yr
Value We Provide To Our Customers
1 2 3 4 5
Action Detected
Mirrors video _ revised version to be added
Video level analysis detects Audio Signal, On- Screen Text, Objects, Logo, Face, Actions.
In-video text detected Detected
Action detected
Ad placed on a pediatrician video
which is contextually aligned.
1. Standard Keyword Targeting: Content misalignment, Spillage & Ad Wastage, Broad match on
DV360, Not scalable
- Eliminates Ad Wastage - Better Campaign Outcomes
2. Standard Affinity/Audience Targeting: Lets you define who you want to reach, NOT when and
where you want to reach; Ad is shown to TA at an irrelevant time.
3. Standard Category Targeting: Lets you reach a broad range of videos, channels, & websites - Precision visual context targeting on YouTube that's unavailable
related to the topics you select; Can be misleading, due to irrelevant content.
through direct activation on DV360 or AdWords
How MIRRORS work in combination with YouTube
+ = Higher Performance
Youtube targets your audience through Mirrors adds a layer of Visual context
standard audience targeting and places ad targeting to your current Youtube audience
regardless of the relevant context, (most likely targeting and places your ad in the right
in irrelevant moments) moment.
Face Detected
Fashion Video
~26% Brand
Awareness Lift
Buy on a CPM or
CPCV basis
Case Studies
Axe partnered with Silverpush to drive
attention to its new product.
Reach 1.3+m
VTR 41.77%
VCR 40%
KPI 100%
Reach 14.2m
CVR 85.55%
CTR 0.26%
Target contextually relevant pages at scale & run ads on desired content.
Challenge: Audience Targeting May Mis-Identify Your Audience
Relevant brand safe page is been selected and
processed to derive contextual signals, interest, etc
using AI & ML, NLP models
Relevant Ad Placed = Performance
Drives Better
Stronger Ad Recall
25-35% Brand
Awareness Lift
Random Ad Placement
Benchmark by 3-5X
Sentiments Analysis
1.4-2X Increase in
[Industry] c
25-35% Brand
Awareness Lift
Case Study: Tresemme collaborates with Silverpush to promote the brand on Open Web
Total Web clicks
10 m 84,146
81.47% 1.17%
Dynamic Creatives for Hyper Contextual targeting
Leverage MIRRORS’ Contextual signals to power dynamic creatives
Brand Safety
[positive tone]
Category I : Automobile
Leading Automobile Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the best ad
creatives for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
Leading Gadget Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the best ad
creatives for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
Carousel Dynamic
Product Ads
Showcase product variety and increase ROI with Card Swiper ads
Category IV: QSR
Leading QSR Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the best ad creatives
for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
3D Parallax Ad Creative
Leading Entertainment Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the best ad
creatives for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
In-Banner Video Ad
Leading Banking & Finance Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the
best ad creatives for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
3D Cube Ad Creative
In-Banner Video Ad
Leading FMCG Brands have achieved massive outreach with Mirrors Hyper Contextual Advertising. Our dynamic creative management process suggests one of the best ad
creatives for your brand. Using suitable creative for your automobile brand will drive better engagement and boosts chances of clicks on your ad.
3D Cube Ad Creative
Standard and custom reporting for various dynamic creative formats to measure engagement
Sample of Post Campaign Analysis
Re-Capture Your Audience’s Attention across screens and Channels
Parallels seamlessly syncs social, display and video ads to real-life moments, enabling an enhanced connection with
consumers around live events, as they happen. With Parallels AI technology you can capitalise on users cross screen
behaviour and grab the lost eyeballs.
Parallels Explainer Video
Real-time TV Ad Sync- Parallels Syncs Your Digital Ads With Your TV Ads
AI Processing
API triggered
moment and
placed dynamic Action Detected
ad on screen
Ad Placed
Based on
Case Studies
Ensures only Users experience ads that Adjusting for brand Silverpush will Silverpush- Ai-based
content aligned, are relevant to their unsafe & irrelevant provide Brand lift technology increases
high performing, current state of mind, placements, the studies for large* size campaign efficiency
and brand suitable leading to higher effective ROI on ad campaigns to reduce carbon
videos pass through engagement. spend is higher. emission by 20-25%
for final ad
* Large size refer to value of the campaign. TBD and mutually agreed between both parties
Value for CPXi
*Trial campaign will be subject to a maximum value tbd during commercial discussion b/w CPXi and Silverpush
** %age of ‘performance guaranteed uplift’ will be contingent to campaign auditing Silverpush will run for brand’s past campaigns. Contact our sales team to learn
more about it.
Thank you
Tina Arviah
Sales Director
E: tina@silverpush.co
HP: +62 8179266608
W: www.silverpush.co