ZnO Stearic Acid
ZnO Stearic Acid
ZnO Stearic Acid
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Article history: The reaction of zinc oxide (ZnO) with stearic acid (StA) to form zinc stearate (ZnSt) has been investigated
Received 18 September 2012 experimentally in a model matrix (unvulcanized styreneebutadiene rubber) by using confocal Raman
Received in revised form microscopy and FTIR transmission spectroscopy. The heterogeneous nature of the reacting system has
5 December 2012
been confirmed. The Raman analysis has revealed the coreeshell structure of the product, which is
Accepted 6 December 2012
formed via the gradual shrinkage of the ZnO core and the concurrent formation of a surrounding ZnSt
Available online 16 December 2012
shell of increasing thickness. FTIR spectroscopy has provided information about the molecular state of
aggregation of StA when dissolved in the rubber, as well as quantitative information on the reaction
Zinc oxide
kinetics. The kinetic behaviour of the system has been interpreted using a semi-quantitative heteroge-
SBR rubber neous reaction model grounded on the Raman imaging results, which was able to catch the essential
Vibrational spectroscopy features of the phenomenon and to simulate reliably the experimental conversion vs time data at three
different temperatures.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0032-3861/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
686 P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693
SBR, ZnO and StA. Tests were carried out in an environmental 1300 and 1000 cm1 is essentially coincident (compare Fig. 2C and
chamber constructed in house by modifying the commercially D), which, in the present context, prevents the possibility to
available SPECAC 20100 cell. This unit was controlled by a Euro- discriminate the two molecular species from their Raman signals.
therm PID temperature regulator mod. 2416, with an accuracy of A preliminary Raman analysis was carried out to test the state of
0.5 C. The chamber was directly mounted in the spectrometer aggregation and the degree of dispersion of stearic acid in SBR
and the spectra were taken at selected time intervals to monitor in- achieved with our solution casting procedure. The mixture was
situ the resulting chemical changes. All measurement was carried initially prepared without ZnO, to prevent the possible reaction
out under a continuous flux of N2 (60 cm3 min1). between the components. The Raman image collected on
a 34 34 mm2 area is reported in Fig. 3. There are regions of the map
3. Results and discussion where the peaks characteristic of the crystalline StA phase are clearly
discernible, while in other areas these peaks are undetectable (see
3.1. Raman spectroscopy inset of Fig. 3). The signals’ intensity was converted to relative
concentration of scattering species making use of a general
In Fig. 2AeD are reported the Raman spectra of the system formalism whereby the sample and laser variables are factorized
components. with respect to the collection variables [16]. Thus, we may define
Zinc oxide displays two sharp peaks at 437 and 98 cm1 a specific scattering intensity L, expressed in photons sr1 cm2 s1
(E2 modes) [13] which occur in an interference-free region and
provide the required spectroscopic contrast. Stearic acid also L ¼ PD bD[ (1)
displays intense inelastic scattering and a series of peaks in a region
where the rubber matrix does not interfere (see inset of Fig. 2C). where
The intense and sharp components at 1296, 1130 and 1062 cm1
have been assigned, respectively, to the CH2 twist, and to the PD ¼ laser power density (photon s1 cm2)
symmetric and anti-symmetric CeC stretching modes [14,15]. The b ¼ ðds=dUÞ=N ¼ Raman cross section
prominent intensity and the sharpness of these peaks are associ- ðcm2 molecules1 sr1 Þ
ated with the ordered crystalline structure, as demonstrated by D ¼ density of scatterers (molecules cm3)
the inset of Fig. 2C which compares the spectrum in the 1600e [ ¼ path length illuminated by the laser beam (cm).
800 cm1 range taken at 30 C (blue trace in web version) and
above the melting temperature, (80 C, red trace). In particular, In the definition of b, s ¼ F=J, where F is the total scattered
the sharp triplet at 1130, 1101, 1062 almost vanishes on melting, power and Jis the irradiance of the incident laser beam. s refers to
thus providing a reliable spectroscopic signature of the crystalline the whole solid angle U around the scattering center, while
phase. b represents the fractional intensity scattered into a given direction
Being the Raman spectrum of stearic acid strongly dominated by within an infinitesimal element of the solid angle dU. N is the
CH and CC modes, no major differences are expected between the number of scattering molecules. Furthermore, an instrumental
latter and the spectrum of Zinc stearate. In fact, the region between collection function C (cm2 sr e photon1) may be defined, which
Fig. 2. Raman spectra of SBR rubber (A); ZnO (B); stearic acid (C); zinc stearate (D).
688 P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693
Fig. 3. Confocal Raman image of a SBR/StA mixture 91/9 wt/wt. Image reconstruction performed by use of the intensity ratio I1126/I620. The inset compares the spectra collected at
the positions indicated.
expresses the fraction of the total scattered light that is collected, rubber matrix, StA segregates in the form of lenticular crystalline
analysed and detected by the instrument: domains having a size from 2 to 5 mm. The observation that, even
when focussing on a StA domain, the SBR spectrum is still dominant
C ¼ AD UD TQ (2) (see inset of Fig. 3, blue trace in web version) is an indication that
the thickness of the crystallites is lower than the spatial resolution
where along the z axis (2.5 mm).
Fig. 4A and B display the Raman images of a sample containing
AD ¼ sample area monitored by the spectrometer (cm2) 4.0 wt % of ZnO and 9.0 wt % of StA. In particular, Fig. 4A was ob-
UD ¼ the collection solid angle of the spectrometer tained by considering the intensity ratio I437/I620 and is therefore
(steradians, st) representative of the concentration ratio CZnO/CSBR, while Fig. 4B
T ¼ instrumental transmission (unitless) was reconstructed in the same way as Fig. 3 and denotes the spatial
Q ¼ quantum efficiency of the detector (e photons1) distribution of StA.
The image analysis reveals a heterogeneous system in which
Finally, the observed intensity I(n), in photoelectrons, is domains of ZnO coexist with a StA crystalline phase broadly
distributed within the sampled area. In the central region several StA
IðnÞ ¼ LCt ¼ ðPD bD[Þ,ðAD UD TQ Þt (3) crystallites coalesced forming a larger aggregate. The ZnO particles
display an elongated shape with main dimensions around 4e5 mm.
with t being the exposure time in seconds. The particle size as measured by Raman imaging compares well
If we consider two fully resolved peaks at frequencies ni and nj, with the particle size distribution of ZnO as revealed by SLS, thus
characteristic of the scattering species i and j, the intensity ratio confirming the efficiency if the dispersion processes. It is noted that
Iðni Þ=Iðnj Þ will be: in several places (i.e. the upper right and the lower left corners) the
domains of the two species are localized at approximately the
Iðni Þ b ,D ,Tðn Þ,Q ðni Þ D n same positions, while in other regions (the central area) their
¼ i i i ¼ K i ¼ K i (4)
I nj bj Dj ,T nj ,Q nj Dj nj spatial distribution is largely different. Recalling that the analytical
signals corresponding to StA and ZnSt are coincident, this
where K ¼ ðbi ,Tðni Þ,Q ðni ÞÞ=ðbj Tðnj Þ,Q ðnj ÞÞ depends only on the observation may be interpreted assuming that, during the sample
choice of the analytical peaks and is invariant with the very many preparation procedure, although the temperature was purposely
instrumental parameters. In Equation (4), ni, nj represent moles of kept as low as possible, a partial reaction occurred between ZnO
the respective species. and StA, with subsequent precipitation of solid ZnSt crystallites
The image reconstruction was performed by use of the intensity around the ZnO particles. In other words, during the solution
ratio I1126/I620 which, according to Equation (4), is proportional to casting and subsequent drying, StA may undergo two competing
the concentration ratio CStA/CSBR. This analysis reveals that, in the processes, crystallization and reaction with ZnO: the former is
Fig. 4. Confocal Raman images of a SBR/StA/ZnO mixture 87/9/4 by wt. Image reconstruction performed by use of the intensity ratio I437/I620 (A) and of the intensity ratio
I1126/I620 (B).
P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693 689
strongly predominant but the latter plays a non-negligible role. This strength of the H-bonding interaction [17]. The component at
interpretation is confirmed by the FTIR spectra of the as-prepared 1755 cm1 is the n(C]O) mode of the free carbonyls (i.e. the
solution cast films which display low intensity peaks characteristic monomeric form), whereby the considerable frequency enhance-
of ZnSt (vide infra). ment is due to the stiffening of the C]O force constant as
In a further experiment, the reactive mixture was allowed to a consequence of the H-bonding dissociation [17,18]. It is evident
react at 100 C for 1 h and then cooled at ambient temperature prior that most of the StA is present in the rubber compound in the
to be analysed by confocal Raman spectroscopy. FTIR analysis dimeric form, albeit the concentration of free monomers is non-
demonstrated that, in these conditions, the StA conversion reached negligible.
its maximum value (80%). The Raman images of the above sample As expected, increasing the temperature causes a decrease of
are reported in Fig. 5A, B. the main carbonyl component and a concurrent increase of the
Firstly, it is explicitly noted that, although the thermal treatment secondary component, that is, the concentration of self-associated
has been carried out in-situ, the region sampled in Fig. 5 is different StA decreases with temperature. Fig. 7 shows a plot of the overall
from that sampled in Fig. 4. This is because the sample undergoes n(C]O) band area as a function of temperature: from 60 to 120 C
a volume expansion when heated, which prevents to localize the the integrated absorbance remains essentially constant, while
specific area imaged before rising the temperature. When the dropping afterwards. A significant decrease is also observed for the
reaction is complete the position of most residual ZnO domains remaining StA peaks, while, in the same temperature range, the
coincides with that of the ZnSt crystallites. It is inferred that at rubber bands remain essentially constant. This behaviour indicates
100 C the StA melts (Tm ¼ 60 C, as evaluated by FTIR) and migrates that above 120 C a significant amount of StA leaves the mixture by
towards the ZnO domains where it reacts forming ZnSt which evaporation; thus, only the 60e120 C range can be reliably used to
immediately crystallizes around the oxide particles being its investigate the monomer-to-dimer equilibrium.
melting point (120e130 C) well above the reaction temperature. The absorbance vs temperature curves relative to the peaks at
Some of the ZnSt domains (i.e. those denoted 1 and 2) appear 1712 and 1755 cm1 are reported in Fig. 8A.
considerably larger than the corresponding ZnO particles, while From the above data the equilibrium value for ln ðA1712 =A21755 Þ
in one case (domain denoted as 3) no Zinc oxide is detectable at and, hence, the enthalpy of the dimer formation (see Scheme 1) can
the corresponding position. It is likely that, in these cases, the be evaluated.
ZnO particles have been largely depleted by the reaction, leaving As usual, the DH value results from the slope of the
an inner core much smaller than its original size. ln ðA1712 =A21755 Þ vs 1/T diagram (see Fig. 8B) on account of the Van’t
DM ¼ eðDG=RTÞ which, in terms of absorbance
Hoff equationKEQ
3.2. FTIR spectroscopy
becomes ln ðA1712 =A21755 Þ ¼ ðDH=RTÞ þ ðDS=RÞ þ ln ðε1712 =ε1755 Þ.
As for the Raman analysis, we started with the molecular The resulting value (7.6 kcal mol1) is in reasonable agreement
characterization of StA when dispersed in the rubber matrix with with literature data on carboxylic acids (DH ¼ 10.4 kcal mol1 for
no ZnO added. For a 91/9 wt % SBR/StA mixture the peaks due to StA acetic acid in CCl4 and 13.4 0.5 kcal mol1 for stearic acid in the
appear in the form of a doublet centred at 1755 and 1712 cm1. This liquid state) [17].
is shown in Fig. 6, where the 1820e1650 cm1 range is reported for To implement the kinetic model (see Section 3.3), it is advisable
spectra taken at different temperatures in the 60e120 C interval. to obtain an estimate of the equilibrium constant at the different
It is noted that, at ambient temperature (data not reported) both investigated temperatures. In order to transform the spectroscopic
observables into KEQ DM values (whereK DM ¼ C =C 2 ), we made use
carbonyl peaks are more complex, exhibiting an unresolved fine EQ D M
structure with strong asymmetry. This is a consequence of crystal of a εD =εM ratio equal to 1.6 0.1 [19], which is representative of
field effects which vanish upon melting. The spectral data in Fig. 6 a typical carboxylic acid forming a cyclic H-bonding structure as
confirm the complete melting of StA at 60 C. The component at that represented in Scheme 1. On this basis and using a mass
1755 cm1 displays a complex profile which turns out to be due to balance on StA, one can evaluate KEQ DM according to:
the presence of underlying rubber peaks. This is demonstrated by
difference spectroscopy (see inset of Fig. 6), whereby removal of the Rubber;INI
CStA ¼ CM þ 2CD
SBR spectrum reveals the symmetric, fully resolved shape of the
1755 cm1 peak. The prominent absorption at 1712 cm1 is due to Rubber
It is explicitly noted that, here and in the following, CStA
the n(C]O) vibration of the carboxyl groups self-associated to form represents the equivalent monomeric StA concentration, i.e. the sum
dimers. The relatively low frequency of this mode reflects the of the concentration of the monomeric form and of twice the
Fig. 5. Confocal Raman images of a SBR/StA/ZnO mixture 87/9/4 by wt reacted at 100 C for 1 h. Spectra taken at ambient temperature. Image reconstruction performed by use of
the intensity ratio I437/I620 (A) and of the intensity ratio I1126/I620 (B).
690 P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693
110 C) are reported in Table 1 along with the values of the equi-
DM ¼ C =C 2 .
librium constant, KEQ D M
When ZnO is present in the mixture the reaction is evidenced by
a gradual lowering of the n(C]O) peaks of the monomer and the
dimer and the concurrent increase of a peak at 1538 cm1 due to
the asymmetric stretching vibration of the carboxylate anion. The
corresponding symmetric stretch occurs at 1395 cm1 and is
almost completely overlapped with intense rubber peaks. It has
a very limited analytical usefulness and was not considered further.
In Fig. 9 is shown the time evolution of the FTIR spectrum of
a reactive mixture comprising 9.0 wt % of StA and 4.0 wt % of ZnO,
treated isothermally at 80 C.
To monitor the extent of reaction, the 1538 cm1 peak is to be
preferred over the 1755 or 1712 cm1 peaks because it is fully
resolved, interference-free and avoids any ambiguity resulting from
monomer-to-dimer equilibrium.
In the following, we will describe the evolution of the system by
means of the relative conversion of equivalent monomeric StA, a,
defined as:
Fig. 6. FTIR spectra in the wavenumber range 1820e1650 cm1 of a SBR/StA mixture Rubber;INI
CStA Rubber ðtÞ
91/9 wt/wt. Spectra taken at different temperatures as indicated. The inset displays the aðtÞ ¼ Rubber;INI
difference spectra obtained by subtracting the plain SBR spectrum collected at the CStA
same temperature.
The a(0) term in Equation (5c) arises from the fact that both
during the film preparation procedure and the heating step to reach
the isothermal temperature, the reaction already starts. As
a consequence, at time t ¼ 0, (when the acquisition of isothermal
Rubber ðt ¼ 0Þ < C Rubber;INI , i.e. a(0) > 0. The
kinetic data initiates) CStA StA
a(0) value has been estimated from the normalized value of
A1538(0) by means of a calibration curve constructed with SBR/ZnSt
standards (see experimental).
At the investigated temperatures (i.e. 80, 100 and 110 C) the
stearic acid is assumed to be homogeneously dissolved within the
The a vs time curves are collectively reported in Fig. 10. As ex-
pected, the reaction rate increases considerably with temperature
but the final conversion is never complete: As shown in Fig. 10 and
confirmed by the presence of residual StA carbonyl bands at the end
Fig. 7. Overall area of the carbonyl peaks (i.e. A1755 þ A1712) as a function of temper- of the reaction, the process seems to approach, in all cases,
ature for the difference spectra of the SBR/StA mixture 91/9 wt/wt. a limiting value amax.
P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693 691
Fig. 8. (A): Integrated absorbance area of the 1712 cm1 peak (B) and the 1755 cm1 peak (,); (B): Van’t Hoff diagram obtained with the data of Fig. 8A.
2 CH3 CH2 C
16 16
16 O H O
Scheme 1. Scheme of equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric forms of stearic acid.
3.3. Modelling the reaction kinetics demonstrates that stearic acid is prevalently present in its dimeric
form, in equilibrium with the monomer in a much lower concen-
In the light of the results of Raman imaging and time-resolved tration. In the model view, both species are assumed to diffuse
FTIR spectroscopy, a theoretical model has been formulated to towards the external surface of the reacting particle (whose initial
interpret the physicalechemical process of reaction of ZnO parti- radius is indicated as R(t ¼ 0)), where, however, only the smaller
cles with stearic acid dispersed in the unvulcanized rubber matrix monomeric form is likely to dissolve, as ruled by a partition coef-
making some relevant assumptions which afford a considerable ficient, K0 . Then, StA molecules diffuse through the ZnSt shell to
simplification of the problem without missing the main features of reach the surface of the unreacted ZnO core. Here the reaction
the occurring phenomena. occurs, which is assumed to attain an instantaneous equilibrium,
Indeed, the Raman analysis shows that the reaction of ZnO and the product ZnSt precipitates, instantly increasing the thick-
particles occurs in the form of an unreacted core surrounded by ness of the shell layer.
a shell of zinc stearate. This experimental observation suggests that The evolution of molar concentration of monomeric StA within
a reaction front, within each particle, sets in at the beginning of the Shell ,is ruled by the following mass balance:
the shell, i.e. CStA
reaction process and then moves towards the center of the particle
itself, gradually converting ZnO into ZnSt. Hence, in the course of !
vCStA Shell
1 v 2 Shell vCStA
the reaction, the particles can be envisaged as a shrinking inner ¼ 2 r DStA (6)
core made of ZnO surrounded by an evolving shell of ZnSt.
vt r vr vr
A pictorial representation of the model is given in Fig. 11.
Rext(t)R(t) represents the growing thickness of the ZnSt layer, with boundary conditions:
while R(t) represents the time dependent radius of inner ZnO
core. at r ¼ RðtÞ : Shell ¼ C EQ
In formulating the model it has been assumed that the ZnO
at r ¼ Rext ðtÞ : Shell ¼ K 0 ,f C Rubber
reacting particles i) are evenly distributed throughout the rubber StA
domain, ii) have a spherical shape with mono-dispersed diameter,
and iii) do not interfere with each other, being considered as where
independent reacting systems. Moreover, the stearic acid molecules
are taken as uniformly dispersed within the rubber matrix at the 1 þ 1 þ 8KEQ DM C Rubber
reaction temperatures. As already discussed, the FTIR analysis f Rubber
Table 1 DShell
StA is the stearic acid mutual diffusivity in the shell layer,
DM as determined at the temperatures of interest for SBR/StA
Values for CD, CM and KEQ EQ
t stands for time and r is the radial coordinate. CStA represents the
stearic acid molar concentration at chemical equilibrium at the
Temperature ( C) CD [mol/l] CM [mol/l] DM [l/mol]
shellecore interface and determines an upper limit for the overall
80 0.131672 0.027655 172.1613 conversion of stearic acid (i.e. amax < 1, see definition of amax in
100 0.127078 0.036845 93.60877
110 0.123934 0.043132 66.61962
Equation (14)). The boundary condition at r ¼ R(t) is dictated by the
assumed instantaneous reaction equilibrium, while the one at
692 P. Musto et al. / Polymer 54 (2013) 685e693
K1 ¼
brZnO Np pR3p
In summary, solution of the system of Equations (6), (7), (10) and
(11) provides the time evolution of CStARubber which can be used to
4pNp DShell 0n o
StA Rp K
f CStA ð1 amax Þ f CStA
ð1 aÞ
da CStA
¼ (13)
ð1 ð1 rÞK1 aÞ3 ð1 K1 aÞ3
1 1
with stearic acid within the zinc stearate shell surrounding the reacting
! particles. The model is able to catch the main experimental features
Rubber;INI CStA
CStA f 1 and displays a reasonable fitting capability of the conversion vs
amax h (14) time data at three different temperatures (80, 100 and 110 C).
The constant K1 corresponds to the molar defect of stearic acid
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