Mapeh 9
Mapeh 9
Mapeh 9
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Tampakan, South Cotabato
1. Which of the following is the BEST benefit a person can gain in participating active physical activity?
A. To have a healthy lifestyle. B. To maintain an ideal body weight.
C. Keep a physically fit and healthy body. D. Have fun, enjoyment and socialization.
2. Which of the following will NOT improve personal fitness program?
A. engaging high-impact, weight bearing activities B. exercising at moderate intensities
C. making your program convenient D. starting slowly
3. Which of the following can help determine the fitness and recreation activities realistic for you?
A. skills and attitude B. social needs C. time D. cost
4. How is jumping jack performed?
A. Jumping by means of a force made by feet and hands against the surface.
B. Jumping from one foot to the same foot after a brief suspension
C. Transferring the weight from one foot to another while walking.
D. Jumping from one foot while moving the body forward.
5. How do you differentiate static from dynamic exercise?
A. Static stretching is done by holding in place for a period of time while dynamic stretching involves active movements where
muscles go through in a full range of motion.
B. Static stretching is done by moving to the surface from one place to another while dynamic is holding in a short period of time
without motion.
C. Static stretching involves jogging, high knees, jumping jacks while dynamic stretching involves trunk stretch, toe touch and
D. Static stretching allows your muscle to tighten up while dynamic stretching can extreme conditioning your body before exercise.
6. Why is fitness important?
A. To have a healthy lifestyle. B. To keep a physically fit and healthy body.
C. To have fun, enjoyment, and socialization. D. To have the ability to live a healthy satisfying and useful life.
7. Which of the following identifies the amount you will need in the implantation of your action plan?
A. Contacts B. Cost C. Resources Needed D. Timeline
8. What do you want to happen be under your _________ in action planning?
A. Action Steps B. Benefits C. Goals D. Problem
9. What refers to the coverage of your action plan to be conducted?
A. Assignment B. Cost C. Timeline D. Title
10. It refers to the step by step or the detail of work to be done in action plan.
A. Action Steps B. Assignment C. Evaluation D. Task
11. Which does NOT describe a healthy community?
A. A clean and safe environment
B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
C. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
D. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
12. Which is NOT a part of the services given by the PHC?
A. Road Safety B. Inspections of Food C. Provisions of the medicines D. Blood Pressure Screening Establishments
13. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
A. Active community involvement B. Less disease, less health care costs
C. More community projects for community development D. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
14. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning a community?
A. To attain a luxury life B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep the safety of the community D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home
15. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health (DOH) promotes community health?
A. Maternal Health B. Child Health Care C. Primary Health Care D. Control of Communicable Diseases
16. Which of the following action plan guides discuss about the problem of the study?
A. Benefits B. Evaluation C. Goals D. Title
17. How will you know that your action plan is already completed?
A. Conduct an evaluation B. Expected outcome has a positive impact
C. Action steps are clearly done and followed D. Community contacts are participating in the project
18. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. To attain luxury of life B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep the safety of the community D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home
19. Which of the following will be the program of the Department of Health that promotes community health you will make an action plan?
A. Child Health Care B. Control of Communicable Diseases
C. Maternal Health D. Primary Health Care
20. Which is NOT part of an action plan?
A. Action Steps B. Cleanliness C. Community Contacts D. Costs
21. Which part of an action plan discusses about the materials be used?
A. Budget B. Cost C. Resources Needed D. Timeline
22. What symbol represents one, two or four notes which is used as notation during the medieval period?
A. Chant B. Clef C. Nueme D. Syllabic
23. What kind of music specifically written for religious services?
A. Avant Guard B. Christian Music C.Sacred D.Secular
24. What texture of music that is consist of a single melodic line without chordal accompaniment?
A. Heterophonic B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic
25. Who was the Baroque composer known for composing the concerto?
A. Antonio Vivaldi B. Goerge Friedrich Handel C. Giovanni Pierluigi la palestrina D. Johann Sebastian Bach
26. Who was the Baroque composer who spent his lifetime in playing violin and harpsichord?
A. Adam De La Halle B. Johann Sbastian Bachs C. Goerge Friedrich Handel D. Thomas Morley
27. What is the form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra?
A. Chorale B. Concertino C. Concerto D. Concerto Gross
28. What musical era were the binary, ternary, ground bass and fugue characteristics be found?
A. Baroque B. Classical Music C. Medieval D. Renaissance
29. Which of the following sections of the mass is with Greek text?
A. Agnus Dei B. Credo C. Gloria D. Kyrie
30. Which of the following Baroque music forms that was developed through imitative counterpoint?
A. Fugue B. Concerto C. Oratorio D. Well-tempered Clavier
31. What is a musical composition that resembles a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant church during the Baroque era?
A. Fugue B. Chorale C. Concerto D.Oratorio
32. Which among the given characteristics does NOT describe Cathedral of Chartres that is also known as the Notre Dame Cathedral?
A. Splendid stained-glass windows
B. Thousands of sculptured figures
C. Has rich architecture and design
D. Structures both for use and to perpetuate their glory.
33. Which among the characteristics represent the true essence of the groin-vaulted crypt of Worcester Cathedral?
A. Splendid stained-glass windows
B. Pointed arch which enabled builders to construct much higher ceiling vaults
C. Magnificent construction transformed from being a church, into a mosque
D. Wood or metal doors are surrounded by elaborate stone sculpture arranged in zones to fit architectural elements.
34. What sculpture shows an attitude of maximum tension, full of compressed energy, and about to explode an action?
A. Corinthian B. Last Judgement C. Myron; The Discobulus D. The Portonacio Sarcophagus
35. What is an artwork that depicts battle scenes between Romans and Germans?
A. Corinthian B. Last Judgement C. Myron; The Discobulus D. The Portonacio Sarcophagus
36. What is a painting that was discovered on September 12, 1940 which has a dominant feature of large animals native in the region?
A. Cave of Lascaux B. Head of Alexander C. Judgement of Paris D. Pitsa Panel
37. Which of the following sections have NOT been identified inside the cave?
A. The Chamber of Engraving B. The Great Hall of the Bulls C. The Lateral Passage D. Tomb of the Diver
38. What is the method of painting that uses a water-based pigments usually found in a wall surface?
A. Encaustic B. Fresco C. Kerch Style D. Lekanis
39. What is the earliest known panel painting?
A. Cave of Lascaux B. Head of Alexander C. Judgement of Paris D. Pitsa Panel
40. Which refers to an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone or other materials?
A. Carving B. Mosaic C. Painting D. Sculpture
41. What is an artwork emphasizing the importance of life after death and the preservation of the knowledge of the past?
A. Cave of Lascaux B. Head of Alexander C. Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen D. Tomb of the Diver
42. What type of exercise transfers weight from one foot to another while moving?
A. Action B. Leaping C. Marching D. Walking
43. What work out exercise involves stretching where one holds his place without movement for a period of time?
A. Dynamic B. Exercise C. Static D. Stretching
44. What is an active movement where joints and muscles go through a full range of motion?
A. Dynamic B. Exercise C. Static D. Stretching
45. What ability carries one’s work load with ease and enjoyment?
A. Physical Component B. Physical Development C. Physical Education D. Physical Fitness
46. How many workouts per week should be done to achieve desirable level of fitness?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
47. Which of the following is an example of a static exercise?
A. Push-up B. Shuttle runs C. Standing long jump D. Three-minute step test
48. Which of the following is not a dynamic exercise?
A. Curl-up B. Shuttle runs C. Standing long jump D. Three-minute step test
49. What fitness component is required in performing shuttle run?
A. Agility B. Coordination C. Power D. Speed
50. What does a curl-up exercise measure?
A. Power of the legs B. Strength of the upper body
C. Endurance of the cardio respiratory system D. Strength and endurance of the abdominal muscle.