Five Men in Normandy 30 Cal Edition
Five Men in Normandy 30 Cal Edition
Five Men in Normandy 30 Cal Edition
30 Cal Edition
Version 1.03
Introduction 4 Finland 41
Combat rules 8 Japan 42
Action dice 8 Chinese forces 43
Movement 10 Specialist gear 44
Weapons fire 12 Character skills 45
Brawling 17 The face of the enemy 47
Weapons 18 Special characters 49
Unusual situations 22 Campaigns and Encounters 53
Incoming fire 26 People 55
Vehicles 27 Character details 56
Buildings 29 Missions 58
Solo gaming 30 Conditions of battle 67
Soldiers and Characters 32 In game events 68
British and Commonwealth 34 Post game 69
Nazi Germany 35 Campaign events 73
United States 36 Questions and clarifications 77
United States Marine Corps 37 Quick Reference 78
Soviet Union 38 Change Log 79
Free French/Polish 39 Designer Notes 80
Italy 40
Five Men in Normandy .30 Cal Edition
My company blog:
The aim is to provide a quick game that People who want more detail can always
feels like reading a war story or watching a import it from another game in the
good movie and play out the way we FiveCore family.
expect these things to do.
Each component can be used on its own Short ranged weapons (pistols, sub
with a different rules system or used all machine guns etc.) have a range of 12”.
together as a coherent set of tools. For In the weapons section of the rules, these
example, you could use our Campaign are clearly marked as such. Rifles and
system with a different set of game rules. similar can fire at any target in line of sight.
Since these rules focus on a small band of Typical playing area can vary in size but
soldiers, they can also be used in between anything from 2-4 feet on each side should
larger battles as well. be fine.
Resolve a battle in your campaign with
whatever platoon or company level rules
you use, then resolve one or two games of
Five Men in Normandy with selected
figures in your unit for a full campaign For regular game play, only six sided dice
experience. (D6) are needed.
For campaigns and force generation, you
will also need ten sided (percentile) dice.
You'll need a measuring tape or ruler with
This is a skirmish game. It is meant to inches indicated.
represent the close encounters of your For metric, multiply distances in inches by
figures and capture the action as if it were a 2.5 to get a good enough approximation of
scene in a movie. distances.
This means the area of game-play will be
somewhat smaller than you might expect Lastly you will need a method of
for a massed battle. Move and weapon determining random directions.
ranges are simplified as well. You can use specially made “scatter” dice,
roll a ten sided dice and see which way it
Every figure represents exactly one soldier. points or roll a twelve sided die and read
A normal move is 6”. the number as a clock face.
There is no “zone of control” or “command
distance” for leadership or morale as
figures are all relatively close to each other
during the game.
Thanks mate.
Unless the scenario presents a clear At the beginning of your turn, roll a D6.
attacker, determine randomly which side On a score other than 1 or 6, take your
moves first. Players then take turns. turn as normal, described below.
Continue alternating turns for the
remainder of the game. 1's and 6's are special results that result in
a non-standard turn being played.
If you decide to leave them in place and move up a couple of other guys to flank the enemy, it
obviously means they've been pinned down and we're now focusing on the relief force instead.
Figures that are not activated are not simply standing around: They are busy taking cover, scanning
for threats or firing in the general direction of the enemy without much effect. This helps us
simulate that combat in the war often happened at fairly leisurely paces compared to our tabletop
Obstacles Brawling
All obstacles are classified as easy or Any figure that moves into contact with an
difficult. enemy figure is considered to be Brawling.
Obstacles that are waist high or lower
should be easy. Resolve the encounter immediately using
the Brawling rules.
While setting up the game, it is worth Once a Brawl has been resolved, the
taking a moment to discuss the different figures turn ends.
terrain features used.
Note that the players or scenario designer
may designate any feature as easy, if it
could be climbed with relative ease.
The figure is within or behind (and within
1” of) a terrain feature that limits visibility
When firing, a figure may select any target but does not provide protection against
it is capable of seeing. fire, such as a hedgerow or forested area.
Figures may turn to face in any direction Covered
before firing when firing as part of their The figure is within or behind (and within
activation or during a Fire Fight turn. 1” of) a terrain feature that both limits
visibility and provides physical protection
You are not required to fire on the nearest from fire, such as a building or wall.
target and you may measure before Distant
selecting a target. The figure is more than 1” behind a terrain
feature that both limits visibility and
Visibility provides physical protection from fire, such
as a building or wall.
Figures in obscuring terrain features such
as bushes or buildings can see out, and be
seen, if they are at the edge of the feature. HOW TO FIRE
When a weapon is fired at a target, a
Figures deeper within a terrain feature can number of outcomes related to their
be seen by other figures in the same physical and psychological status are
feature, but not to and from the outside. possible.
This essentially means that to flush To resolve this, when firing at a target, the
someone out of a room or patch of dense attacker rolls two types of dice: Kill Dice
woods, you are going to have to send guys which determines physical damage and
in there to do it. Shock Dice which determines morale
Lines of sight may not be drawn through The weapon section of the rules will tell
another figure, whether friend or foe but you the number of dice to roll.
figures on high ground can generally fire
over the heads of those on lower ground. To speed up game play each player should
use two colors of dice and make it clear
Target status which is which. This way, both dice can be
rolled at the same time, to keep the game
The target figure may be in one of four moving at a good pace.
Both dice are only read for 1's and 6's.
Open Any other result indicates no outcome.
The figure is in the open and the line of
sight is not obstructed.
Targets in the open
Take the next highest result and apply it to When firing at a target behind a firing slit
the closest figure within 4”. or similar, all Kill dice are ignored.
Take the third highest result (hot dice!) and To assault a bunker, see the rules for
apply it to the next closest figure and so Buildings.
Covered targets
Figures behind substantial, hard cover must
declare when active if they are peeking
over the cover or not.
To check for recovery, simply roll the Kill Figures in cover will keep their heads down
die again. (breaking line of sight) but do not move or
Another 1 indicates the figure remains Down hunker down.
until checked again.
A 6 indicates they have become out of
action. Any other roll indicates they've 6: Bail
regained their bearings and may act normally The soldier has a rapid change of heart or the
in following turns. situation seems hopeless.
A figure that bails is immediately moved 6”
Moving into contact with an enemy that is away from the threat, and towards some form
knocked down results in that enemy being of safety. If they are within a terrain feature,
taken prisoner or incapacitated as a casualty. they will move to within the feature. At the
end of the move they will hunker down.
If both apply
A single move is only ever subject to one
BRAWLING Follow up
The winner of the fight can move 2” in any
Any figures that move into contact with an direction.
enemy figure is Brawling. If they move into contact with a new
Brawls are quick affairs that go either way enemy, they will fight again immediately
and are usually over as quickly as they but will not receive the +1 bonus for
began. initiating combat.
Figures cannot both enter a Brawl and fire Instead of moving, if the figure carries a
a weapon in the same turn. pistol, they can fire at a target within 6”.
Figures that have been attacked in
Brawling combat during the enemy turn
Defending an obstacle
cannot conduct reaction fire for the rest of
that turn. Figures defending against a brawl across
an obstacle will defeat the attacker on any
We assume that the person initiating the draw.
brawl has an edge due to surprise and
having a moment to ready their weapon. Melee weapon
WEAPONS Grenades
Grenade use is tracked individually.
This chapter covers the various weapons In most scenarios, simply tally up the total
you might find in your games. number of grenades available to your
The range of each weapon is listed under squad and mark one off whenever a
its entry, most can fire at any target in sight. grenade is thrown.
The attack dice rolled are listed as “xKyS” For a pick-up game, assume 2 grenades
where K is the Kill dice and S is Shock per soldier.
Ambitious players may prefer to track
Due to the short nature of the encounters grenades by individual model, though that
we are playing out, ammunition limits are can bog down the game a little.
not considered unless specifically noted or
agreed upon for a scenario.
Crew served weapons
Exceptions are discussed below:
All machine guns require an inactive
friendly figure in contact with the gunner.
Limited Ammo
Otherwise, reduce the Shock dice pool by
If a weapon is suggested as having Limited 1.
Ammo, whenever it is fired an additional
Ammo Die is rolled.
Assault ri es Flame-throwers
Aimed LOS 1K1S 12” 2K
When firing, select one of the firing modes Fires a stream of flame 12” long and 1”
listed above. wide.
Everything in the path has 2 Kill dice rolled.
Any figure not hit will immediately flee
Medium machine gun
1D6” away from the attacker and towards
Use the rules for light machine guns but After firing the weapon, roll 4 Shock dice,
the weapon cannot be moved during the applying them to the nearest enemies
game. within 12” of the firer.
When rolling the burst, if the new target is
further away than the original, do not drop Finally, any enemy in sight of the flame
a die. thrower and still capable of firing may
immediately fire upon the gunner even
Heavy machine gun though it is not their turn.
All such fire is treated as moving for
High caliber machine guns. weapons where this matters.
Fires as a medium machine gun but adds 1
Kill die in all cases. Contrary to popular belief, flame-throwers
do not generally explode when struck.
Sniper ri e
Sniping LOS 2K, pick 1 Grenades
Moving LOS 1S 6” 4K
The Sniping mode allows 2 Kill dice to be
rolled but only one may be applied. Grenades must track ammo use.
If the shot misses, the target must Flinch Pick a target point within 6” and then move
automatically as if a 1 had been scored on it 1D6-2” in a random direction.
a Shock die. A result less than 0 is treated as a 0.
On a 6, do not subtract 2, the grenade will
Sniping mode can only be used while bounce the full 6”.
Roll 4 Kill dice and apply them within 2”.
Any survivors will Flinch automatically.
Ri e grenades Malfunctions
A figure scoring two or more 6's against a
For simplicity, rifle grenade use is counted single target when rolling Shock dice has
against available grenade ammo. suffered a Malfunction.
Brutal interrogation:
On a failed roll, you may opt to rough up
the suspect.
This section covers situations and actions Immediately roll again for both figures,
that may not come up regularly but may however if this also fails, the subject will
feature in scenarios and missions. refuse to tell you anything for the rest of
the scenario.
If anything here looks too complicated,
don’t worry about it for your first few
If a mission involves searching an area, the
players should determine how many
Persuasion and information gathering
possible locations there are to search.
While most interaction in a war game is an
exchange of bullets rather than opinions, a Searching requires an active figure and is
scenario may involve having to get done in place of firing.
information out of someone or talking a You cannot search on a Fire ght turn (the
character into something. soldiers are too busy fighting or keeping
their heads down).
Persuasion attempts only occur when the
figure is activated and occur instead of If the number of possible locations is small
firing a weapon. (3-5), the search succeeds on a D6 roll of 1
Typically, you must be within 4” to or 6.
persuade. If the number of locations is larger, roll
You cannot persuade during a Scurry or 2D6 and the search succeeds if both roll a
Fire ght turn. 1 or 6.
It is essentially handled similar to a Brawl. If the item has not been found by the time
Roll 1D6 for each figure. only one possible location is left, the
If the active figure draws or rolls higher, object is in the last location.
they obtain the information or get the
agreement they needed.
In a preplanned scenario, persuasion tests Any number of situations may come up
may be used for all manner of interactions. that are not covered by the rules, such as
knocking down a door, starting a
A character could have multiple pieces of damaged vehicle or relaying enemy plans
information with each successful attempt by radio.
providing one piece.
In most cases they can be handled by a
simple D6 Task roll.
This can also be seen as the general “Do If all enemies within 6” are temporarily
things not described by the rules” option. incapacitated (by being subject to a Shock
On a score other than 1 or 6 the action or Kill die effect, the figure may make a
succeeds and the figure achieves what break for it.
they were trying to do. Move 1D6” in any direction immediately
and the figure is now treated as a normal
combatant again though they are
1 - Delay
The figure does not achieve the action unarmed.
but may try again in the following turn.
6 - Despair Stealth
The figure is unable to accomplish the action.
Another figure may attempt. A mission may involve sneaking past
guards or into better positions.
Until the attackers have been spotted, all
Particularly complex actions may be split turns are Stealth turns.
into multiple actions to achieve.
Getting a broken half track running may During a Stealth turn, Action dice are not
involve 1 task to fix the running gear and rolled.
1 task to start the engine. Instead, the actions taken depend on
whether the player is attacking or
If your scenario involves a character with a defending.
particular talent, they may roll twice and
pick either result. Attackers:
Each turn, before moving any figures, the
attacking player decides whether to reveal
Prisoners themselves or remain hidden.
In a simple game, captured figures are
simply removed from the table. Defenders:
When setting up their forces, each
Groups desiring more details can use the defending figure must be designated as
following guidelines: stationary or patrolling.
When captured, a figure is disarmed and Stationary figures do not move during
is now moved by the opposing player. Stealth segments.
To move a prisoner, the figure must be
within 1”. Each patrolling figure will move during the
defenders turns.
A prisoner moved within 2” of the table Roll 1D6 and deduct 2 from the total,
edge is assumed to have been sent to the treating negative scores as 0. Move the
rear and is lost to the campaign unless figure that number of inches in a randomly
enterprising players want to arrange a determined direction.
special scenario.
Retrieving weapons
Any attacker within 6” and line of sight of
a defender is automatically detected. For simplicity, only machine guns can be
The only exception is that an attacker that taken over by another figure during a
was not detected at the beginning of their battle.
move may move into a Brawl with a
defender. If a friendly figure is within 1” of the gun
when the gunner goes out of action, the
If they win, they knock out or kill the gun may be attempted recovered
defender without making noise. immediately, otherwise a figure has to
On a draw or defeat, the attackers are move to the spot in question.
Note that enemy machine guns can be
Attackers within 4” but not in sight or in recovered for use during the battle in
sight but over 6” away are subject to question.
detection rolls.
Recovering a machine gun requires a task
The defender rolls a Detection die. On a roll.
2-5, nothing is discovered. A 1 indicates that the figure must try again
on a future activation while a 6 indicates
the gun is beyond recovery.
1: Alert
Guard moves 2” towards attacking figure then rolls again.
Recovered weapons that malfunction
6: Discovered cannot be fixed during the battle.
Alarm is raised and attacking force is detected.
The above mechanic can also be used any Within the time frame of the game,
time an item or object needs to be placed clearing a mine field is not possible, but a
randomly on the battle field. figure may trace a safe path.
This requires moving at half speed and
succeeding in a Task roll each turn.
If the figure manages to find a safe path
If a mission involves destroying anything, across the mine field, other figures
two figures are designated as carrying the crossing and following the same path may
explosives. move safely at half speed, without
If either figure becomes a casualty, requiring Task rolls.
another figure may pick up the explosives
by moving into contact. 1 - Found one!
The figure spots a mine and ceases all actions this turn.
6 - Kaboom!
Setting up explosives at the target The figure triggers a mine and is rendered out of action.
Roll 1 Kill and 1 Shock die for each figure within 2”.
requires a Task roll.
Once set, the figures have 3 turns to clear
the blast area. Any figure moving in a minefield rolls 1D6.
On the third turn, make a Task roll to see if Scores of 2-5 are ignored.
the explosives go off as scheduled. Roll at the beginning of the move or as
soon as the field is entered.
When they go off, the target is destroyed
and any figure within 6” becomes a Leaving the battle area
At the beginning of your turn, before
rolling your Action Die, any figure within
Needless to say, setting off explosives will
2” of a table edge may be declared to
alert any sentries in a Stealth mission.
leave the battle area.
Calling in the fire requires someone to Smoke shells will cover a 3” area and
signal the mortar crew, set up off the prevent firing into, out of or through the
table. area.
During a standard turn, any active figure They clear the second time a player rolls a
that is not firing a weapon may signal Scurry or Fire Fight on their Action die.
provided they are on a raised terrain
feature (such as a tower or hill) or The target point may be changed or fire
within 6” of the table edge the group stopped under the same conditions as
started at. calling it in.
2-5 - Incoming!
The shell lands 1D6” from the target point in a
random direction.
6 - On target!
The shell lands on the target point.
For this reason, the only role vehicles will If a grenade is hurled inside a vehicle and
play in Five Men in Normandy is limited to any result is rolled on the Kill die, the
get away vehicles and arrivals. vehicle is wrecked.
If a scenario involves arrival by vehicle, set Figures inside a vehicle are assumed to be
up the vehicle near the table edge and in cover and could hide if the vehicle is
deploy within 4” of it, having disembarked armored.
as the scenario starts.
If one side is not going to be controlled by To inject a bit of variety, when making the
a player, take a few minutes to determine Action roll for the enemy, roll an Order
what actions the enemy is trying to die as well.
achieve and what orders they might have.
On scores of 2-5, the turn is played as
If they were assigned to guard an area, normal, taking whatever action is most
they are going to move in the immediate sensible according to their mission.
area and fight off attackers, but they aren't
likely to do a mad charge to the other side
of the table, for example. 1 - Halt!
Whether concerned about a recent development,
If in doubt, the following guidelines can a squad leader losing his nerve or trying to
be applied but let common sense guide regroup the unit, the enemy will avoid
you. advancing this turn.
Stragglers far from the unit will try to rejoin it,
otherwise figures will move to positions of
Defending better cover. They will fire on targets that
present an immediate threat, otherwise duck
When defending an area, figures will
down and try to avoid taking fire.
generally remain in or directly around the
feature they are defending.
An attack is always directed at a specific
location or feature.
In the event that a decision has to be
reached for the non player force and it's
not obvious what the more logical solution
is, the following method can be applied.
At any time, feel free to simply select Your squad may be Green, Seasoned or
available troops and characters if it suits a Veteran.
certain scenario, mission or game.
Green 3 rolls for Specialist Gear
For example, you may want to select a 1 roll for Character Skills
single character as your “player
character”, representing yourself, then Seasoned 2 rolls for Specialist Gear
randomly generate the team you'll be 2 rolls for Character Skills
Veteran 1 roll for Specialist Gear
When using random tables to generate 3 rolls for Character Skills
outcomes, it is always an art form to know
when to stop and simply pick a result that
works and when to roll randomly and work The three tables are as follows:
with what you get.
Whatever makes the game fun for Forces:
everyone involved is the correct answer. This option gives you ordinary soldiers
with basic weaponry.
You will need suitable percentile dice These guys are usually the backbone for a
(D100) or a pair of common D10. force and represent the vast majority of
troops out there.
Size of force
Roll 5 times on the Forces table for your
nation of choice. Each roll will grant 1 or
more soldiers.
This force list is used for German groups as well as bolt action rifles. MG42 will be MG34 but are
volunteers in German service. treated the same in game terms.
German troops fought anywhere from the blazing Unit notes:
heat of North Africa to the frozen steppes of VolksGrenadier and Panzer Grenadier units may
Russia. trade one rifle for an STG, if none were generated.
Only one Browning MG is permitted except by No more than one figure may carry a trench gun. It
special agreement. Otherwise, additional rolls are may be swapped for an M1 rifle.
taken as two riflemen.
Up the middle
Early war notes: Begin the game with 1 good morale die.
For 1941 and 1942 you may opt to replace all rifles
with M1903 Springfield bolt-actions. If so, add one Tactic - Beach assault
additional rifle armed figure to your group. Once per battle you may replace the Action die
result with a Scurry turn.
The Soviet Union force list covers Red Army troops 1940 or 41. In such cases only one sub machine
from all over the USSR. Men of the Red Army gun is permitted in a unit.
fought a bitter war to repel the invaders from their All additional rolls are taken as rifles instead.
lands and to crush his capital.
Early war Soviets may replace a second DP with an
Soldiers may be from regular infantry, Guard or AVS automatic rifle. These mostly disappeared
specialist units such as engineers at the players after the winter war in Finland.
discretion. Since we are dealing with only a small
band of comrades, the exact unit type is only for Weapon notes:
narrative purposes. Sub machine guns may be PPSH, PPS or PPD
models. SVT40 is a semi automatic rifle.
Options: DP is a magazine fed light machine gun.
If more than one figure with pistols is generated,
excess figures may be traded for figures with rifles Fight to the end
at the players discretion. Red Army soldiers were renowned for their fanatic
devotion to killing Germans.
Only one DP gun is permitted except by special If a Downed figure fails to recover, they may still
agreement. Otherwise, additional rolls are taken as fire their weapon that turn but are unable to move.
two sub machine guns.
Tactic - Stick to the plan
Early war notes: Once per battle you may replace the Action die
The above table can be used for forces fighting in result with a Standard turn.
Following the fall of their home country, French Having suffered bitterly in the war, Polish soldiers
soldiers fought on in the colonies and alongside fought under both British and Soviet flags, bleeding
British and American forces, struggling for the and dying to liberate their ravaged homeland from
liberation of their home. the Germans.
For French forces, use the British force tables but Free Polish are generated using either the British or
with considerable variation possible, as described Soviet force tables.
below. Early war Polish can be generated using the Soviet
tables but treat all SMG as rifles.
If more than one figure with pistols is generated, Bravery:
excess figures may be traded for figures with rifles Polish will not Bail from cover unless there is enemy
at the players discretion. within 12” of their position.
Weapon notes:
Rifles may be British or French bolt actions or
American semi automatic rifles. If desired, a D6 roll
of 1 or 6 will give American rifles. All rifles in the
unit will be identical.
Positional fighting:
French figures that Flinch within 2” of cover may
move to the nearest cover and will not be forced to
hunker down.
Unless the men are Black Shirts or paratroopers, Outflank and envelop:
only one sub machine gun is permitted except by Whenever a machine gun scores a 1 or 6 on its
special agreement. Shock dice, you may move any other figure 1” per
Additional rolls are taken as riflemen. 1 or 6 rolled in the attack. These moves do not
trigger reactions.
Only one Breda gun is permitted except by special
agreement. Tactic - Unit tactics
Otherwise, additional rolls are taken as two Once per battle you may replace the Action die
riflemen. result with a Standard turn
The Japanese military fought across Asia on the mainland and in the numerous island campaigns both
during the initial expansion and on the defensive during the Allied “Island Hopping” campaign.
If more than one figure with pistols is generated, excess figures may be traded for figures with rifles at the
players discretion.
Only one light machine gun is permitted except by special agreement. Otherwise, additional rolls are taken
as a man with bolt action rifle and machete/sword.
If the player wishes to portray a Special Navy Landing Force, one pistol armed figure may replace their
weapon for a Type 100 sub machine gun.
Infiltration Tactics:
Before taking your turn, one figure with a rifle may move up to 3”, provided they end the move closer to
the enemy table edge than they started it. This move may enter close combat and does not trigger any
Reaction Fire.
Chinese forces not only battled the invaders but result with a Scurry turn
also fought against each other at various points.
While largely forgotten in the West, the Chinese
people endured 15-20 million deaths, the majority
of them civilian.
If no figures with pistols are rolled, you may add a
pistol to any one rifle figure.
Weapon notes:
A bewildering array of equipment from all over the
world found its way into Chinese hands whether
through pre-war stocks, foreign purchases, military
aid or captured equipment. As such, it is
impossible to give clear guidelines. Late-war
submachine guns are likely to be either PPSH, M3
or captured Type 100.
The below table is used to generate We assume this was the guy who had the
specialist or unusual equipment. As gear all along.
always, if a scenario or situation seems to
demand particular gear, go ahead and This table is fairly generic and is
assign that. applicable to all nationalities.
A roll on this table the specified Each item can be used only once in the
equipment to your unit. campaign.
Unless specifically stated, you do not have
to assign the item to a specific character
when setting up. Instead, you can simply
use the items when you need them.
Five Men in Normandy .30 Cal Edition
Unless otherwise agreed upon, simply roll If a figure would obtain a skill that mimics
for each Character Skill below and assign an ability it already possesses, the skill
it to any figure you like. should be re-rolled.
A single figure can have multiple skills if
you like. A given action can only have one skill
apply at any given time.
You could even assign the skill to a If multiple skills could be used (such as a
random figure but note that this may give character with both sharp shooter and
less optimal results, like a machine gunner rapid fire) the player can pick which to use.
ending up with a hand to hand fighting
Five Men in Normandy .30 Cal Edition
Patrolling sentries may move away from When rolling enemy forces, any roll letting
this area but once fighting starts, they will you select freely is treated as a single figure
try to fall back to the guarded area. with a rifle plus an additional roll.
Sentries will not generally move more than Enemy troops may be deployed in two
one move (6”) away from the guarded groups, up to 12” apart.
area, when fighting known enemies.
Medics carry only a pistol but will fire only During regular turns, if the Sergeant is
as Snap Fire or Guard Fire. activated, he may also motivate one non
They may not fire during regular activated figure within 4”.
This figure may either move or fire a
A Medic will not engage in a Brawl unless weapon but not do both.
the enemy figure is within 3” of a knocked
down or out of action friendly figure. Since nothing fazes him, he will never
Due to their exceptional bravery, Flinch A Bail result on a Shock die permits him to
results are ignored and Bail results are roll the Shock dice for his weapon against a
treated as a Flinch. visible target in range before retreating 6”
and hunkering down.
The Tough Guy carries a basic rifle or sub Commando's receive a +1 bonus to all
machine gun. Brawl rolls.
The Tough Guy automatically recovers from At the beginning of each turn, the
Knock Down and adds a +1 bonus to all Commando may be repositioned anywhere
Brawling dice rolls. within 4”.
When a Tough Guy goes Out of Action If the Commando is not within 10” of any
from gun fire, roll a D6. On a 1 or 6, he is other friendly figures, he may be activated
knocked back 2” and goes Down instead. in addition to any figures normally
Soviet Commissar
Yankee Hero
The political officer strikes fear in the
enemy as much as in their own men. The dashing young man from humble
Whether motivating by fear or example, upbringing who shows himself to be larger
they are here to deliver Soviet victory over than life.
the Fascist invaders. They'll probably make a film about him
The Commissar carries a pistol.
Commissars do not suffer any negative The Hero carries an M1 rifle.
effects of Shock dice.
They receive a +1 bonus to all Brawling The Hero may ignore the first Kill die hit
rolls. taken in the game and may fire his weapon
twice each turn.
Any Soviet soldier that is hunkered down
or bailed within 6” of the Commissar must
be activated.
The figures recover automatically and
instantly and will move as fast and directly
as possible towards the nearest visible
enemy, in an attempt to Brawl.
As always, feel free to do what makes the If you do want to play out larger games
most sense for the specific game in and don't mind the extra record keeping
question. and potential slow down in game play the
following guide lines should suffice:
• A squad or section has 8-10 men in
it, though combat losses will mean
6-8 is more likely, particularly during
World War 2 gamers are used to rules heavy fighting.
containing lists of how many men belong in • The back bone of the unit is the light
a squad or section, what ranks the leaders machine gun.
would have, what weapons they would • The leader often carries a sub
carry and in what quantity. machine gun.
You won't find any such listing in these
rules for two reasons: The intricacies of specific units at specific
times of the war, when fighting in certain
First and foremost, this isn't that type of theatres is far beyond the scope of this
game: game.
While your group may undertake the same
patrol and raid activities that might happen People who enjoy this type of detail or who
in another game, we're rarely, if ever, like basing their war gaming units on
dealing with a full squad or section. specific, historical units will no doubt be
better off conducting such research in more
Our group of heroes or villains are the formal books.
“band of brothers” that our campaign
follows and may be comprised of men from
a few different squads, a supply sergeant
they befriended and the platoon sergeant.
Roll People
1-11 Soldiers in battalion
Another soldier in the same battalion.
12-19 Soldier from rival unit
Soldier from a rival outfit, whether of the same type or another branch (Armor, artillery etc.)
20-25 Allied soldier
Soldier from another army. For western allies this may be Americans, British, Canadians, Free French, Free
Polish and others.
For Germans, it may be Finn's, Romanians, Italians, Bulgarians, Hungarians or others.
For Soviets, it may be Polish red army or men from the far corners of the Soviet Union.
26-38 Officer from own unit
An officer from the outfit you belong to.
39-46 Locals
Sympathetic local civilians.
47-51 Resistance fighter/partisan
A member of the local resistance or partisan band. Germans may take this as a collaborator or a member of
various militia mobilized to defend the Reich.
52-55 Reporter
A news reporter looking to portray the war effort to the people back home.
56-60 Political figure
Minor politician, member of a commission or similar busybody.
61-72 Non combat military personnel
Any of the mechanics, administrative personnel, medical staff and other military types required to make a war
run on schedule.
73-76 Government agent
An agent of the government. This may be a spy, intelligence agent, political officer or similar. Tread lightly.
77-80 Criminal
Small time smuggler, gangster or similar shady element.
81-87 Refugee
Civilian refugees hiding out near the battle area.
88-94 Straggler
A lone member of another unit that ends up joining the battalion. May even be a different branch altogether
(such as a pilot, engineer, vehicle crewman or similar)
95-100 Camp follower
Any number of civilians, traders, ladies and petty crooks that seem to congregate when a military unit is in the
same place for any length of time.
Five Men in Normandy .30 Cal Edition
Roll Background
1-20 Working class
Miner, factory worker, teamster or road crew. Used to tough work and a hard life.
21-30 White collar professional
A nice, quiet office job in a nice, quiet office. Now you hope for a nice, quiet foxhole.
31-35 Drifter
On the fringe of society, doing odd jobs and staying alive. At least the meals are regular now.
36-40 Criminal
Small time crook, hardened gangster or an enemy of the state. Out here, no one cares.
Roll a negative morale die.
41-50 Academic
Student or teacher, scholar or scientist. Now you're learning the art of war.
51-65 Straight out of school
They told you to get a good education. Then the war came and now it's all you know.
66-85 Farmer
Whether working the fields or entrenching in them, it always seems to involve digging.
86-90 Upper class
Petty nobility, business family or political elite. The trenches don't distinguish.
91-95 Long term soldier
Army life is all that you've wanted in life. Now you do the uniform proud.
Roll 1D6. On a 1 or 6, figure begins with a random skill.
96-100 Entertainer
Musician, writer, painter, singer or poet. What stories will you tell of the war?
Roll Motivation
1-14 Patriotism
A staunch supporter of your home country, eager to defend it against the enemies that surround it.
Roll a positive morale die.
15-26 Survival
You've known a lot of brave men who won't be coming home. You intend to make it.
27-35 Political
You're a model democratic citizen/communist/fascist willing to die for freedom and the cause.
If group morale is currently 0 or positive, roll a positive morale die.
36-44 Glory
In times of war, men rise to their finest and you are going to rise with them.
45-54 Revenge
The enemy will pay for the crimes they've committed against you and yours.
If group morale is currently 0 or negative, roll a positive morale die.
55-61 Adventure
See new corners of the world, meet interesting people and trade grenades with the enemy under foreign skies.
62-74 Brotherhood
The only thing certain in this world is the man sharing your fox hole.
When the figure joins the group, roll a positive morale die.
75-82 Ambition
You intend to crawl your way up the chain and get the position you deserve.
If another figure with Ambition or Glory joins group, roll a negative morale die.
83-88 Fatalist
The war gets everyone. Eventually it'll get you too.
When a Fatalist joins the group, roll a negative morale die.
89-95 Family
You have people back home waiting for you. You have a duty to do well and come back in one piece.
96-100 Escape
If you weren't here, you'd be at home and probably on the run. Getting shot at isn't so bad after all.
If a figure with Political or Patriot motivation joins group, roll a negative morale die
Roll Location
1-7 Section of trench
A section of fortified positions and earth works, likely now not the focus of any fighting.
8-17 Landmark in no man's land
A noteworthy landmark in a neutral or contested area.
18-24 Location of previous battle
Area covered in shell holes, wrecked vehicles and remains of trenches.
25-33 Cross road
An important cross roads in the vicinity. Likely near buildings.
34-42 Farm
An intact farm with barn or other nearby wooden structures.
43-51 Ruined building
Buildings, farms or structures that have been reduced to rubble either partially or completely.
52-58 Urban area
A small hamlet, the outskirts of a village or the suburbs of a larger city.
59-65 Orchard or field
Cultivated land of some sort. Usually fenced or surrounded by hedgerows.
66-73 Hill
A notable hill slightly away from the main battle area.
74-78 Lake
A lake or area of marsh or wetlands.
79-82 Bridge
Bridge over a river, stream or valley.
83-87 Intact building
One or more intact buildings or structures of little military importance.
88-94 Disputed front line
A location between the lines that is still hotly contested.
95-100 Section of the enemy line
A landmark of interest at the edge of enemy held ground.
Roll Location
1-7 Fortifications
Abandoned fortifications or barricades.
8-17 Rubble choked street
A particular street or alley filled with debris from buildings ruined in the fighting.
18-24 Location of previous battle
Area covered in shell holes, wrecked vehicles and remains of trenches or barricades.
25-33 Cross roads
An important intersection or cross roads.
34-42 Park
A park, plaza or similar open area with vegetation.
43-51 Large ruined building
A very large, multi-room ruined structure or multiple smaller ones.
52-58 Intact building
A large, important building that is still intact.
59-65 Factory or similar facility
A larger facility, likely with multiple rooms, floors or individual structures.
66-73 Intact building
A large, important building that is still intact.
74-78 Lake or pond
Often contained in a park or similar natural area.
79-82 Bridge
A bridge or the nearby approaching roads.
83-87 Intact building
A large, important building that is still intact.
88-94 Disputed front line
A location between the lines that is still hotly contested.
95-100 Section of the enemy line
A landmark of interest at the edge of enemy held ground.
A chance encounter with enemy troops. You've been tasked with scouting the area ahead
Since you do not have specific orders, expectation and find out what the enemy is up to.
is to engage the enemy aggressively without
incurring excessive risk. Battle area:
The terrain can be dense or open at your discretion.
Battle area: The scout party should have three terrain features
This can take place in almost any terrain. designated as objectives on the opposing half of
Generally, chance encounters will occur in more the table.
dense terrain. Scout parties set up within 6” of their own table
Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge, edge, with all figures deployed on the table.
with all figures deployed on the table. Enemies that are not scout patrols are set up on
Determine randomly which side sets up first. their third of the table.
Advanced players may prefer to indicate Determine randomly which side sets up first.
deployments on paper in advance, then place the Advanced players may prefer to indicate
figures simultaneously. deployments on paper in advance, then place the
figures simultaneously.
The mission is considered a victory if the number of Objectives:
enemy figures that become prisoners, casualties or A figure has to reach within 3” of each of the three
leave the field is larger than your own. designated objectives to scout them.
Once any figures have become casualties, the force Once this has been achieved, the group can leave
may leave the table with no negative effects. the table with no negative effects.
Taking more than a single casualty also authorizes
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by the group to leave the table.
Special circumstances:
Mortar support is available on a D6 roll of 1. Roll a D6. On a 1, play the mission using the Stealth
Opposition: Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by
1: Sentries vehicle.
2-4: Enemy troops
5: Defensive position Opposition:
6: Hidden sniper 1: Sentries
2-4: Enemy troops
5: Defensive position
6: Hidden sniper
You are looking for an object or person. The target must be destroyed with explosives.
While enemies may be present, aggressively Neutralizing other enemy forces is not a priority.
engaging them is not a priority.
Battle area:
Battle area: Set up the terrain as desired with a clearly marked
The terrain can be set up as you like but should objective that looks reasonably important.
have several distinct terrain features.
Nominate at least 3 features that could hide the The attackers are set up within 6” of their own table
object or person you are trying to find and ideally edge with all figures deployed on the table.
five. Enemies are set up in defensive positions and must
be set up first.
The search party is set up within 6” of their own
table edge, with all figures deployed on the table. Objectives:
Enemies that are not scout patrols are set up on The target must be destroyed using the Demolition
their third of the table. rules.
Determine randomly which side sets up first. Once the target has been destroyed, the group is
Advanced players may prefer to indicate authorized to leave the table.
deployments on paper in advance, then place the
figures simultaneously. Special circumstances:
Roll 1D6. On a 1 or 6, the mission is NOT played
Objectives: using the Stealth rules.
Use the Search rules to track down the target. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by
Once the target has been found, the group is vehicle.
authorized to leave the table. If the mission is not a Stealth mission, roll 1D6.
Mortar support is available on a roll of 1.
Special circumstances:
Roll 1D6. On a 1 or 6, this mission is played using Opposition:
the Stealth rules. 1-3: Sentries
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by 4: Enemy troops
vehicle. 5-6: Defensive position
1-2: Sentries
3-4: Enemy troops
5: Defensive position
6: Hidden sniper
A specific priority target must be eliminated. An enemy soldier needs to be captured to get
information and intelligence.
Battle area: If capturing an enemy does not seem feasible, any
Set up the terrain as desired. Position a terrain enemy presence must be neutralized.
feature in the middle of the table.
Battle area:
The enemy is set up near the centre of the table This can take place in almost any terrain.
with the target as close to the exact middle as Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge,
possible. with all figures deployed on the table.
The attackers set up second within 6” of their table Determine randomly which side sets up first.
edge with all figures deployed on the table. Advanced players may prefer to indicate
deployments on paper in advance, then place the
Objectives: figures simultaneously.
The mission is a success if the target becomes a
casualty. Objectives:
Once the target has been killed, the group is Mission success is achieved if an enemy is overcome
authorized to leave the table. by Brawling or if a Knocked Down enemy is
Special circumstances: Once this has been achieved, the group is
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played authorized to leave the table.
using the Stealth rules. If a capture does not succeed but all enemy forces
The target may not move more than 6” from the are neutralized, the mission is not considered a
central terrain feature. success or failure.
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by
vehicle. Special circumstances:
If the mission is not a Stealth mission, roll 1D6. On a Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played
roll of 1, the group has mortar support available. using the Stealth rules.
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by
Opposition: vehicle.
1-3: Sentries
4: Enemy troops Opposition:
5-6: Defensive position 1-3: Sentries
4: Enemy troops
5-6: Defensive position
An item must be found and brought back from the An item must be delivered to a specific spot while
battle area while preventing it from falling in enemy avoiding or driving off enemy forces in the process.
Battle area:
Battle area: Set up the terrain as desired.
The terrain can be set up as desired but should Place a marker roughly mid way between the centre
feature multiple terrain features as possible of the table and the opposing table edge.
locations for the item to be found. This is the delivery point.
Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge,
with all figures deployed on the table. Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge,
Determine randomly which side sets up first. with all figures deployed on the table.
Advanced players may prefer to indicate Determine randomly which side sets up first.
deployments on paper in advance, then place the Advanced players may prefer to indicate
figures simultaneously. deployments on paper in advance, then place the
figures simultaneously.
Use the Search rules to locate the item. Objectives:
Any figure can pick up the item and carry it with The item is carried by one figure in the group.
them. If the figure becomes a casualty, any friendly figure
Once the item has been acquired, the group is may pick the item up.
authorized to leave the battle area, winning the If a figure carrying the item reaches the delivery
mission if the item is carried off the board. point, the mission is a success and the group is
The mission is lost if an enemy figure carries the authorized to leave the battle area.
item off the board.
Special circumstances:
Special circumstances: Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played using the Stealth rules.
using the Stealth rules. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, the group arrived by vehicle.
Opposition: 1-3: Sentries
1-3: Sentries 4: Enemy troops
4-6: Enemy troops 5: Defensive position
6: Hidden sniper
The group must make their way across the battle An important individual has to be escorted safely
area, while pushing through or avoiding enemy across the battle area.
Battle area:
Battle area: The terrain can be set up as desired though a fairly
The terrain can be set up as desired though a fairly dense table will give a better game.
dense table will give a better game.
Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge,
Forces set up within 6” of their own table edge, with all figures deployed on the table. Determine
with all figures deployed on the table. Determine randomly which side sets up first. Advanced players
randomly which side sets up first. Advanced players may prefer to indicate deployments on paper in
may prefer to indicate deployments on paper in advance, then place the figures simultaneously.
advance, then place the figures simultaneously. The escorted figure is placed within 2” of one of the
figures making up the escort.
At least 2 figures must escape through the Objectives:
opposing table edge to win the mission. Once this The escorted individual must be led off the
has been achieved, remaining figures are authorized opposite table edge. Once that has been achieved,
to leave the battle area through any table edge. the rest of the group is authorized to leave the
battle area.
Special circumstances:
Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played Special circumstances:
using the Stealth rules. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 or 6, the mission is played
using the Stealth rules.
Opposition: The escorted figure will activate for free if it is within
1-2: Sentries 2” of another figure being activated. The escorted
3-4: Enemy troops figure cannot fire weapons but will defend itself if
5: Defensive position attacked in a Brawl.
6: Hidden sniper The enemy will not fire directly at the escorted
figure but may attack in a Brawl to take the figure
1-2: Sentries
3-4: Enemy troops
5: Defensive position
6: Hidden sniper
An objective has to be secured against nearby Your group needs to make contact with a non
enemy troops. Fighting them off will be a military person of great importance.
requirement. The ideal mission will avoid contact with the enemy.
Objectives: Objectives:
At least one figure must move to the objective and The group must find their contact by moving within
succeed in a Task roll without enemies within 6”. 1” of a civilian and using the Search rules.
Once this succeeds, the enemy will fall back off the Once contact has been made, the group may leave
table. the battle area.
1-6: Sentries
You're in the pathway of a larger enemy force and Whether due to changing conditions, bad intel or
must hold off until relieved. the wrong target, the group must undertake the
same mission as the last one played though
Battle area: locations and targets may differ.
The terrain can be set up as desired though a fairly
dense table will give a better game.
The defending player selects a point on their half of VARIANT MISSIONS
the table edge and deploys in or around that
Variations of the above missions can be
If the point is an actual terrain feature, this is the
spot to defend. easily generated for an almost infinite
If it is a location in the open, such as a cross roads, variety.
figures may set up within 6” of the location. Give the attackers a vehicle to escape in,
change a few parameters of the mission,
Attackers set up within 6” of their table edge. require them to Persuade a civilian before
they find the actual objective location and
so forth.
The defenders must render at least half the attack
group ineffective (bailed, captured or out of action) Don't be afraid to be creative with missions
at any one time. especially in a multi player campaign or in
Once this occurs, the attack is broken up. a campaign linked to a larger game.
Special circumstances:
The attackers receive mortar support and receive 3
extra rolls on the appropriate Forces table.
1-6: Enemy troops
Out of action
Any figure rendered out of action during a
game may have simply been knocked
unconscious or they may have been
seriously injured or killed.
Roll on the table on the following table to
determine the fate of any figures out of
Roll Result
1-10 Mental scar
Made it out okay but has battle stress, nightmares or
other mental issues.
Roll 1 negative morale die. (see group morale below)
11-25 Knocked out
Back in action.
26-30 Dramatic scar
Big hit with the ladies but back in action.
31-50 Light wound
The soldier will be out of action for 2D6 days.
51-60 Moderate wound
The soldier will be out of action for 3D6 days.
61-70 Seriously wounded
The soldier will be out of action for 5D6 days.
71-80 Seriously wounded and reassigned
When soldier recovers, he'll be reassigned to a non
combat position and leaves the campaign
81-90 Permanent injury
The war is over for this guy. Sent home.
91-100 Killed
A soldier finds his final rest.
Roll Result
1-5 Harsh court martial
The soldier is removed from the campaign permanently. Roll a negative morale die for the group.
6-15 Court martial
The soldier must win a persuasion test or be removed from the campaign. Roll a
negative morale die.
16-30 Stern talking to
Roll a negative morale die.
31-40 Crisis of confidence
Roll a negative morale die. Re-roll the soldiers motivation.
41-100 Found free of fault
All is forgiven. Back to the trenches.
Roll Result
1-10 Summary execution
Traitors and defeatists must be shown no mercy.
11-20 Penal unit
A chance to redeem yourself. You may play out a near suicide mission or simply roll 1D6.
On a 6 the figure returns to your unit.
On another roll, hopefully the authorities write their parents a nice letter.
21-30 Court martial
The soldier must win a persuasion test or be removed from the campaign.
Roll a negative morale die.
31-40 Stern talking to
Roll a negative morale die.
41-45 Crisis of confidence
Roll a negative morale die. Roll again for the soldiers motivation.
46-100 Found free of fault
All is forgiven. Back to the trenches.
Five Men in Normandy .30 Cal Edition
While your group of characters does not If the campaign makes use of Specialist
necessarily represent a specific unit, they Gear, roll a new item and add it to the
will obtain replacements as the campaign stock available to the group.
goes on. In campaigns, we suggest that items are
Note that this is not inherently tied to the retained until use.
overall military outfit receiving
replacements or reinforcements. Grenades and similar limited equipment is
replenished to a ratio of 2 per group
Your group represents a close knit band of member.
comrades and a replacement figure is
essentially a friend made or a brother in
arms gained.
If your group has less than five figures, you While your men can gain new skills as a
may make a roll on the relevant Force result of random events, the main source
table for your nationality to see who you of improvement is steady and automatic.
New arrivals do not generally have skills. After every mission, you may roll for a
random skill and assign it to any surviving
If you have five figures or more, you can member of your unit.
only add figures through player actions or Soldiers can end up with multiple skills.
random events.
For a larger game, set the number at eight
figures instead.
If so, add an additional Force roll to the When playing a campaign, the morale of
enemy in all missions even if you later fall the group will go up and down as the
understrength. campaign goes on.
Individual events and figures will
Figures not currently available due to contribute to the morale score as the
injuries, leave or otherwise are not campaign goes on.
counted towards the size of your group.
This means that your group can potentially Rather than look at the morale of
get pretty large over time. individual soldiers, what we are tracking is
the morale of the group as a whole.
Morale starts at a base of 0 where it has Each die can be used once and may be
no game impact. rolled at any time during the enemy turn.
Groups with good morale will have a
score above 0 while groups with bad This can result in figures Flinching or
morale will have a score below 0. Bailing even when not under fire.
Morale modifiers from events are applied If playing solo, the enemy will roll one Bad
as they occur. Morale die against you each turn, starting
Morale modifiers from soldiers are with turn 2.
applied when the soldier joins the group.
Once a morale die has been applied, the Mission results
results are not reversed by the soldier
leaving the group later. Various factors in a mission can influence
whether morale goes up or down.
After every mission, 2 Campaign Events are generated and implemented, one after the
other. This presents the unpredictable nature of the campaign.
Roll Event
1-4 Meet new character
The group meets someone new. Roll on the People table to determine who it is.
5-7 Character leaves
One of the characters the group has met leaves the campaign. Determine which one randomly.
8-10 Character dies
One of the characters the group has met is killed. Determine which one at random.
11-13 Letter from home
A random soldier gets a letter from home. If the soldiers motivation is Family, increase group morale by 1.
Otherwise roll a positive morale die.
14-16 Change of motivation
A random soldier changes their motivation. Roll randomly and apply any effects as if the figure had just joined.
17-20 Pick up new member
Someone made a friend. Add a soldier to your group with no skills and a rifle or pistol.
21-23 Extra training
Whether a formal training opportunity or unusual talents acquired, roll a random skill and assign it to a soldier of choice.
24-27 Character encounter
You have an encounter with a random known character. Make a Persuasion roll. On a success, you receive an
additional player action this campaign turn, provided you can justify it through the character you encountered.
28-30 Meet the boss
A random figure has a meeting with the Battalion commander.
If the last mission was a success, you just made a friend. You can use this to get a second player action or protect one
figure from the effects of a Court Martial at any later point in the campaign.
If the last mission was a failure, you've made an enemy. Roll on the Court Martial table.
31-33 Bad news for our boys
War news are not looking good. Roll a negative morale die.
34-36 Promotion or commendation
A random figure gets a promotion, commendation or other act of recognition. Roll a positive morale die.
If the figures motivation is Glory or Ambition, roll a second positive morale die.
37-39 Delay
Hurry up and wait. An additional 1D6 days pass before the next mission.
40-42 Quick recovery
A random wounded soldier can cut 1D6 days from his recovery time.
43-45 Milestone reached
An important mile stone has been reached in the current campaign. This could be the capture of a given objective or turn
of the tide in the overall battle. If this event occurs a second time, the campaign comes to an end.
If you prefer basing the length of the campaign on other factors, simply treat this as a positive morale die.
46-48 Scavenged loot
Make a roll on the Special Gear table and add it to your inventory.
49-51 Weapon broken
Determine a random figure armed with something other than a rifle. The weapon is destroyed and replaced with a rifle.
After every mission, once all other events Once all other actions have been taken,
have been resolved, the player may unless campaign events dictated
attempt any one change that is mutually otherwise, advance the calendar 1D6+1
agreed upon. days and mark off the time for any figures
that are injured or on leave and add
Whether it is picking up another soldier, returning figures back to the group.
acquiring a replacement weapon or
anything else the player can think of, it is You are now ready to play another
handled the same way: mission.
Roll a D6, with the action succeeding on a
1: Delay
An effective way of increasing the
The action does not succeed.
ambience and flavor of a campaign is to
6: Didn't expect that check on important events as they occur.
The action does not succeed.
Roll an additional campaign event instead. This can be reflected in various ways but a
simple way is through the Morale system.
Narrated missions are still considered part Narrated missions don't have to be that
of the campaign and the normal processes serious either:
apply after the mission such as One of the soldiers has a local girlfriend?
experience, campaign events and so forth. Play a Stealth mission where he's trying to
sneak past her disapproving parents and
The designer of the scenario should wager a morale die on the outcome.
consider the following factors:
This section covers a few common questions and provides some reasonable
If in doubt, most rules queries can be solved by reading the rule literally.
You are always welcome to contact the author at
Thus, Guard Fire is not affected while Snap Fire becomes impossible.
Can my gure Dash if I began the turn in rough terrain but moved out during my
regular movement?
Yes you can.
Dash restrictions only apply at the moment you begin the Dash itself.
For larger games, its a common house rule to allow an activation to affect 2-3 figures near
each other.
Can I move into contact with two enemies at the same time?
If it happens, push the extra enemy away slightly.
Could I apply both a national characteristic and a skill to the same roll or move?
We strongly suggest you do not allow for this.
Snap fire range increased to 6”.
Mortar blast ranges increased by 1” each.
Assorted tweaks and improved explanations.
1D6+1 days now pass between campaign
Knockdowns at the end of the game now
recover automatically.
Fields of fire for reactions reduced to 90
degrees for most and 45 degrees for machine
Firing across terrain has been reworked.
Reroll to one firing die now applies within 12”
if the target is in the open.
A new event has been added to the campaign
events table (Pocket pistol).
US Marine force list added.
Specialist gear table has been rewritten.
Marching fire deleted from assault rifles.
Squad creation has been updated a bit.
The enemy gets 4 rolls now when facing
Enemy Forces (+1 when facing Soviets).
Japanese force list added.
Chinese force list added.
Extra grenades Gear roll now grants +3.
Added Tactics to Force special rules.
Finnish special ability fixed.
Scurry and Firefight turns revised.
Standard turn now activates half the figures.
Self-loading rifle marching fire removed.
Release version.
It’s always interesting to return to your old Our toy soldier models stand up tall, but in
work. Some things will look terrible to your reality if you came to a halt in the open, you’d
experienced eyes, other things turn out to be flat on your belly or crouched behind
have held up quite well. whatever shrubbery you could find.
Is a soldier lying prone any easier to hit than a
In a lot of ways Five Men in Normandy feels a soldier sticking their head and arms over a
bit quaint in a world where the FiveCore wall to fire on you?
system has done so much. I wasn’t convinced back then, hence I had to
Yet I think the rapid pace, simple rules and no- consider what cover actually does then.
frills campaign experience still has something
special to offer. The answer seemed simple enough: Troops
taking sporadic fire might be more likely to
No matter what scale a game is aimed at, the stick around and you could of course hide
immediate urge for most players is to double behind it.
the size of the game.
I would strongly encourage you to resist that When teaching the rules to new players, get
temptation: The rules work extremely well them in the habit of evaluating whether to
when using a handful of figures on each side. hide or peek over the cover. Once it becomes
At that scale, you can start identifying with second nature, you’ll get a whole new
your little lead troopers and it’s easy to track appreciation for tabletop tactics.
who has what skill.
Piling a whole platoon on the table will just Revisiting this old game has been a blast.
lead to a mess. There’s better rules for that. I sincerely hope you have as much fun playing
To get the full benefit of the rules, you should
be playing it as a campaign. Peace and Love
There’s few moments like realizing that to Ivan Sorensen
achieve your mission, you may have to risk the
neck of a highly skilled soldier.
Maybe you run into overwhelming opposition
and you have to fight your way out.
Campaign play is all about rolling with the
punches. If things go haywire, there’s always
the Player Action to help you get back on your