Music - Agaas 2

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Music - #2 

Using the chart below, write down 3 things you come up 
with for each column when listening to each song/poem. 
Make a copy of this chart!!!! 
I Hear…  I Think…  I Wonder… 
What types of instruments do you hear?  What comes to your mind when you are listening?  What genre is this music? 
What types of voices do you hear?  What images?  Why does this music sound the way it does? 
Is it fast? Slow? Both?  What memories?  What elements of music do you think are 
  What thoughts?  included? 
Anything you hear, explain it.  Feel free to include the photos/images you think of.  Anything you wonder, describe it. 
Anything you think of, share it. 

Poem is a Song-Amanda Gormen  When I listen to this, this makes me  I think the Genre of this music 
I hear a Violen from the smooth  think of everybody who has made a  is calm and instrumental which 
tempo throughout and when the  change to our society just like,  sounds the way it does because 
beat changes, a Piano it is  Frontline workers, education  while she was making her 
getting louder and I hear a slow  (teachers), some people who changed  statement in the poem the 
drum as it is transitioning to  human rights, and more. This makes  music uplifts it and makes it 
each person.   me think of the frontline workers  inspirational which matches how 
  who are risking their lives during this  she speaks. I think the 
I hear an elegant tempo in her  pandemic for us, of how many people  elements of music used in this 
voice which is engaging to the  work during this pandemic while  are the rhythm and melody 
viewers to watch it. I hear how  risking for us to make this world a  because it is a soothing sound 
her voice pitch changes when it’s  better place. It is so little of when  to hear. 
more empowering, it’s high and  we recognize not only doctors and   
when it’s meaningful her voice  nurses but farmers, lawyers, officers  I wonder how she came up with 
calm. I hear how her voice is  and more of everyone makes this  this poem meaning what made 
soothing and calm but also  world a better place and which this  her come up with this. 
meaningful which attracts  poem recognizes.  I wonder what everyone’s 
peoples attention to watch and  thoughts were while listening to 
when she shows people’s  this 
perspective it’s most engaging  I wonder when she performed 
because it shows how she puts  this 
the power in those words  I wonder who she got the 
  inspiration from 
It is Both fast and slow because  I wonder how many people are 
it starts off slow and slow and in  risking their lives during this 
between it’s fast because it’s  pandemic 
how she’s trying to prove her 
point by uplifting her voice so 
everyone has eyes on her then 
soothes it down with a quote to 
end it. 
Music - #2 
  When I listen to this song, I think of 
Poverty because the main idea of this 
I wonder if Poverty or anything 
awful will end. 
Imagine-Kids United 
song is what if and imagine if this   
I hear Piano, Drums, and Violin. 
happened in a better way. And so I  I wonder if everyone will be 
First Violin then 2 taps of the 
thought of Poverty because I’m  equal 
piano, then the drum 
imagining what if there was no   
poverty or world hunger. This also  I wonder when this pandemic 
There were 6 voices, the first 
makes me think of what if all the bad  will end 
voice I heard had an echo o it 
things in the world were gone like gun   
which was calm, the second and 
violence, this Pandemic, World  I wonder what inspiration they 
third voices I heard had a nice 
hunger, Some people not having  had to make this song 
melody which allowed the song to 
access to education, and more.  
flow through. The 4th voice I 
I think this genre is Pop and 
heard had a louder pitch and the 
instrumental because at some 
5th and 6th voice had a 
parts the pitch is low and some 
different tune than the other 
parts high. I think the music 
voices which made the song 
sounds the way it does because 
stand out 
it’s a cheerful song of what of 
this happened and it suits the 
It is a slow song because it takes 
music because the melody 
place in many different areas of 
matches. I think the elements 
imaging this happened or this or 
of music were the dynamics and 
the melody. 

Imagine if this was gone. 

Hakuna Matata  When I listen to this song, it makes  The genre of this song is 
I heard A piano and Violin When  me think of not having any worries or  Children’s music but I think it’s 
they were sad and an electric  problems because Hakuna Matata  Happy Instrumental in sence 
guitar, ukulele, flute, and banjo  means there are no problems so I  where it’s all instruments but it 
when they were happy  think of it as just be calm and enjoy  has those unique sounds like a 
  what’s around you. This makes me  banjo and ukelele. I think the 
I heard the lion, and the 2 other  think of the quote “Float like a  music sounds the way it does 
animals sing the chorus or  butterfly, sting like a bee” by  because it matches and suits 
Hakuna Matata  Muhammad Ali because they were  the lyrics and the voices of the 
  eating bugs and because I think of  animals that are singing it. It 
At the exciting moments and  this quote as to be calm and when it  has a cheerful sound and a 
happy moments, it was not fast  matters most, go for it which kind of  sound that you would find at a 
and not slow, it was medium and  relatable to this song.  concert at the beach. I think 
at the sad moment in the song, it  the element of music was the 
was slow because they were  expression and melody. 
showing the misery.   
Music - #2 
  I wonder why they made this 
I wonder what was the 
inspiration to make this song 
I wonder what was the artist’s 
point of this song 
I wonder how they came up 
with the idea of this song 
I wonder what everyone 
thought about this song from 
their own perspectives 

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