Performance Task Blueprint - Earth Science End Term

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Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Earth Science
Performance Task Blueprint

Biosphere 0.5

I. Goal: To create a mini biosphere that would be able to stand environmental challenges.
II. Role: You are part of a scientific project to test how challenges would affect the environment.
III. Audience: You will be presenting this to the scientific community.

IV. Situation:

A terrarium is like an aquarium, but for plants instead of fish. It is made in just about any glass
container. It is planted to look like a miniature garden or forest enclosed in its own little world
(NASA, n.d). Using a terrarium, the challenge is to test the effect of different environmental
challenges to the environment.

Product: For this performance task, you are expected to produce the following:

i Living mini biosphere

ii Report on the effects of the environmental challenges

VI. Procedure

1. First task: Terrarium

a. Materials
i. Clear glass container:
fishbowl, aquarium,
cookie jar, clear vase
with broad bottom,
shallow dish with glass
bowl turned upside down
over it
1. Make sure your
glass container
is clean and
clear. Figure 1. Terrarium sample
ii. Rocks (pebbles, marble size
or depending on the size of the containers
iii. Activated charcoal to filter the water and help prevent growth of fungi
iv. Potting soil
v. Small plants of different colors, shapes and textures.
Optional: moss, decorative rocks
b. Procedure:
i. Start with a layer of rocks this will serve as a drainage system.
ii. Add a ½ inch thick layer of charcoal.
iii. Fill the container up to half full of potting soil.
iv. Plant your plants. Be careful with the plants and avoid damaging their
roots. Arrange them to look nice and leave spaces for them to be able to
breath and grow. Pat gown soil so they don’t get uprooted easily.
v. Add decorative people, and other materials to make your terrarium look
like a little garden.
vi. Water the plants but not much.
vii. Place in indirect light and cover.
viii. The terrarium will be observed for a week and changes would be
recorded accordingly.
ix. Data will be put in the table provided in Appendix A.
Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Earth Science
Performance Task Blueprint

VII. Rubric/s

Terrarium making creation.

5 3 1
Exemplary Proficient Developing
Worked efficiently.
Used time wisely, followed
all instructions.
Biotic features of ecosystem
Biotic = living at least 4/5
-plant life is striving based on
the environment: watered,
light, in the container, like
plants together
Ecosystem has at least 4/5
-Clear Container
Care of Terrarium is
Terrarium Design
plan was well thought out and
drawn with a supply list.

Total Score (60)


iRubric: Creating a Terrarium rubric - KX79A95. (n.d.).
Make a Terrarium Mini-Garden. (n.d.). NASA Climate Kids.

VIII. Deadline/s

First Task:

Start: May 18.

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