Performance Task Blueprint - Earth Science End Term
Performance Task Blueprint - Earth Science End Term
Performance Task Blueprint - Earth Science End Term
Biosphere 0.5
I. Goal: To create a mini biosphere that would be able to stand environmental challenges.
II. Role: You are part of a scientific project to test how challenges would affect the environment.
III. Audience: You will be presenting this to the scientific community.
IV. Situation:
A terrarium is like an aquarium, but for plants instead of fish. It is made in just about any glass
container. It is planted to look like a miniature garden or forest enclosed in its own little world
(NASA, n.d). Using a terrarium, the challenge is to test the effect of different environmental
challenges to the environment.
Product: For this performance task, you are expected to produce the following:
VI. Procedure
VII. Rubric/s
5 3 1
Exemplary Proficient Developing
Worked efficiently.
Used time wisely, followed
all instructions.
Biotic features of ecosystem
Biotic = living at least 4/5
-plant life is striving based on
the environment: watered,
light, in the container, like
plants together
Ecosystem has at least 4/5
-Clear Container
Care of Terrarium is
Terrarium Design
plan was well thought out and
drawn with a supply list.
VIII. Deadline/s
First Task:
Prepared by: