Br2e Adv Reading Notes 7
Br2e Adv Reading Notes 7
Br2e Adv Reading Notes 7
Learning objectives for this lesson 1 held in the strictest confidence
Reading email correspondence and quickly identifying 2 up to scratch
who it is to and from and the main reason for writing and 3 plain sailing
the receiver’s response. Understanding and summarizing 4 It tested my patience.
the main information in a feedback response form. 5 in-depth
Matching words and expressions to their meaning. 6 somewhat sceptical
Communications skills practice with discussing and 7 was pressed for time
making proposals. 8 particularly lightweight
9 timely support
10 To be frank
1 More and more students have experience of taking
courses online either separately from face-to-face
teaching or in conjunction. So if some of your students
5 Students imagine they work for the company
@worklearn and study the feedback to make proposals
answer ‘yes’ to the first question, then ask them to
for improvement to the courses.
describe what they were learning and how they felt about
the experience.
Some possible proposals
– improve navigation and check technical issues, such as
Possible answers
speed of downloads, etc.
Pros of learning online: cheaper, allows you to study from
– review the quality of the assignments
anywhere, work at your own pace
– assess the tutor support including further training or
Cons of learning online: no direct contact with a teacher,
reminder of staff requirements
not so good for practicing speaking if you are learning
English, less interaction with other students
6 Students find words they think might be helpful to them
in their own work. If you have time afterwards, ask for a
2 Students scan the text quite quickly for the key
few students to tell the class which words they chose and
information only.
explain why.
Answers 7 Students discuss if their jobs (or at least part of their
1 The company @worklearn sent the email. job) could be taught online. Then they can brainstorm
2 A student who has completed one of their online courses. a list of what might be included on the course and how
3 To gather feedback about the student’s learning it could be taught. If possible, pair students who either
experience. have similar jobs or have jobs which are likely to require
4 Overall the feedback is fairly positive. The course similar objectives on a training course.
design and content were good but there were some Afterwards each pair can present their ideas to the class
problems with the tutor contact on the course. before you open up the discussion to the broader question
of whether online training will replace face-to-face.
3 Students read again to check more detailed Note:
understanding of the text. The general view on this final question is that online
and face-to-face training will become blended with
courses combining both forms of delivery. It will also
1 F 4 F
depend very much on the nature of the content. Clearly
2 F (note the criticism of the navigation) 5
with language training, there is still a great need for
3 T 6 T
face-to-face contact with a teacher. However, as video
conferencing facilities improve, more and more students
4 Students match the underlined words and expressions. may attend classes where their teacher is actually