Br2e Adv Reading Notes 4

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Teacher’s notes | Reading file 4

Learning objectives in this lesson 4 Ask students to match 1–6 to a–f. They can then refer to
the text to check their answers before feeding back to the
Reading for gist, scanning for specific information, rest of the class.
reading for detailed comprehension, focusing on key
vocabulary from the text, using vocabulary from the Answers
text, and giving opinions about the topic of the text. 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 d

1 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the questions, 5 Ask students to match the phrases and collocations they
then take feedback from the whole class. formed in 4 to definitions 1–6. They can then compare
answers in pairs before feeding back to the rest of the
Answers class.
Answers will vary. Students may mention that it is best
practice to shred documents with personal details on them Answers
before throwing them away, to only give bank details on 1 ignore (something) at your peril
secure websites, etc. 2 come under scrutiny
3 reap rewards
4 get in the way of
2 Ask students to work with a partner. Each student 5 come as a shock
should read the text quickly and answer their particular
6 exert influence over
question. They can then tell their partner what they
found out before feeding back to the rest of the class.
6 Ask students to work in pairs and create their own
Answers sentences using the words and phrases in 5. Check the
Student A: because it is human nature to take risks and sentences with the whole class.
ignore the potential consequences 7 Ask students to look at the text again and find three
Student B: it is now acknowledged that their opinions words that could be useful in their jobs. When they have
should not be ignored by companies chosen the words, ask students to compare their choices
in pairs and encourage them to explain why the words
3 Students should read the text again and answer the will be useful. Make sure that students can pronounce
questions. Allow more time for them to read carefully. these words and that they know how to use them
They can then compare answers in pairs before feeding correctly in a sentence.
back to the rest of the class.
8 Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs or small
groups. Take feedback from the whole class.
1 over seven million families
2 17,000
Answers will vary, but students may discuss the fact that
3 Most don’t follow correct procedures and take short cuts.
businesses need to take some risks in order to expand and
4 Their advice was ignored and some were fired.
progress. However, the risks taken in the banking sector
prior to the credit crisis were clearly reckless and lessons
should be learnt from this experience.

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Advanced

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