Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 10
Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 10
Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 10
Learning objectives in this lesson 1 improvement + in
Reading for gist, scanning for specific information, focusing 2 willingness + to take (infinitive)
on key vocabulary from the text, using vocabulary from 3 breakdown + in
the text, reading for detailed comprehension, and giving 4 growth + in
opinions about the topic of the text. 5 consequences + of
Answers Answers
1 Outsourcing is when one company arranges formally for 1 The threat of offshoring has made office workers in
another company to do a particular job for them. the US work harder and they are more likely to accept
2 Answers will vary, but students might have discussed smaller pay rises.
the impact on customer services and the loss of jobs in 2 Because offshoring has led to jobs losses in America
the original company. and subsequently fewer people are paying taxes.
3 Outsourcing is simply arranging for another company 3 People are concerned that employees in offshore
that specializes in a certain business activity to do a companies do not get the same working benefits and may
job for you – this could be in the same country as the be exploited in comparison to staff in the original country.
original company. Offshoring is contracting a company
in another country (usually one with lower salaries) to 7 Ask students to look at the text again and find three
do this job for you. words that could be useful in their jobs. When they have
chosen the words, ask students to compare their choices
3 Ask the students to read the text again quickly and to in pairs and encourage them to explain why the words
match the people to the opinions. They can then check will be useful. Make sure that students can pronounce
their answers in pairs, before feeding back to the rest of these words and that they know how to use them
the class. correctly in a sentence.
8 Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs or small
groups. Take feedback from the whole class.
1 c 2 a 3 b
4 Ask students to look at the text again and match the nouns Answers will vary, but students may discuss the fact
to the definitions. They can then check their answers in that outsourcing can save a company money. They may
pairs, before feeding back to the rest of the class. also mention that it may be better to outsource certain
activities to specialist companies so that a particular
task can be done well using the relevant expertise. They
1 breakdown 6 growth
may also talk about how offshoring can lead to problems,
2 complaints 7 willingness
particularly if a company moves its customer services
3 improvement 8 benefits
division overseas. This is because often these overseas
4 conditions 9 access
companies cannot react to complaints directly. There can
5 consequences 10 delays
also be linguistic and cultural difficulties.