PROPOSAL-Management Assignment - Final
PROPOSAL-Management Assignment - Final
PROPOSAL-Management Assignment - Final
4.0 Methodology..................................................................................................................................... 10
The role of SMEs in society is pivotal. In particular SMEs who operate via retailing
and wholesale businesses, accounting for over a third of total revenue for the UK
(FSBS, 2019), creating a backbone for economic growth and development.
However, it is suggested that marketing communications within SMEs is generally
poor with a rigid, conventional, and taken for granted mindset. They follow an
unstructured and informal approach to decision making, as marketing is deemed not
necessary for their companies (Lam and Harker, 2013). As a result, a greater
importance is placed on operations and not on marketing (Dahnil et al. 2014). To
develop Whitepot Ltd further, it has to make improvements, as it has experienced
several challenges in communicating to its target audience and recognises the need
for innovation and change. This has been compounded in recent years, as the
business has seen a decline in demand for its products/services, which proceeded in
a search for new opportunities to stimulate growth (O’Cass and Weerawardena,
2009). In light of this, and combined with increased death rates of UK SMEs since
2013 (Hopkins, 2019). The business placed urgency on taking action, to ensure that
it stays sustainable during the volatile years ahead. Therefore, this research will
provide a valuable source of information to senior management.
2.0 Research Aim and Objectives
2.1 Aim
This research proposal will aim to identify marketing communication practices within
Whitepot Ltd. It will investigate the current practices in the SME sector, using primary
and secondary sources, in order to provide recommendations on to how implement
effective social media (SM) strategies within Whitepot Ltd. The overall goal is to
increase sales and revenue through investing into the outlined principles.
2.2 Objectives
Focused on trade shows - Solely relies on trade shows for marketing 37.4%
Due to limited knowledge on this marketing practice, and given the uncertainties
currently experienced in the economic landscape, SME management often require a
predictable return on any investment they make (Hoffman and Fodor, 2010).
Consequently, within SME’s who have limited available resources (Dwivedi et al.,
2009), preference is given to tasks that can produce immediate and visible returns
(Gilmore et al., 2001). In addition, as highlighted by Gabrielli and Balboni (2010)
structuring budgets for marketing within SME’s is often a weakness, as a cautious
approach to spending is normally in place, ignoring the fact that SM usage is
relatively low cost with little financial input needed (Michaelidou et al., 2011). For this
reason, more attention should be focused on substituting traditional media for SM
(Stephen and Galak, 2012). Ultimately, businesses have to strike the balance
between choosing the correct marketing methods and delivering them as cost
effectively as possible, when working capital is limited (Lane 2009).
1. SM marketing scope
Defender – One way communication to consumers
Explorer – Mass communication to all stakeholders
2. SM marketing culture
Conservatism – Traditional mass media approach
Modernism – New social media marketing culture
3. SM marketing structure
Hierarchies - Centralised approach (dedicated marketing director)
Networks - Organisational structure (all employees make use of SM)
4. SM marketing governance -
Autocracy - Precise regulations on who can use SM platforms
Anarchy – No rules in place to use SM platforms
4.1 Approach
An deductive and inductive approach will be used for this report. For the deductive
approach, research will be drawn from previous academic literature, with the aim of
testing theory. For the inductive approach, research will aim to develop a new theory
based on the emergence of new information collected from data.
A descriptive approach will be adopted. This will allow for a more in-depth and
contextualised understanding of the received information, through a variety of
opinions. A big picture point of view of issues can be better obtained via this method.
A mixture of qualitative and quantitative study will be used for this research. Due to a
lack of budget, online and over the phone methods will be adopted to reduce costs.
Limited available resources often create stumbling blocks in the process of research
(Flick, 2018). The author is aware of such issues and has implemented steps to
address this problem.
Data collection is vital in meeting the aims and objectives of the intended research
(Saunders et el., 2014). This report will focus on two forms of research: Primary and
Secondary data, attempting to draw upon information from a variety of sources,
allowing for an informative, yet personal investigation.
4.4.1 Primary
Primary data is collected by a researcher via first hand sources. This research will
use various forms of online surveys and telephone interviews of key delegates, due
to the cost effective benefits.
4.4.2 Secondary
Secondary data is collected by individuals other than the researcher. This research
will use journals, books, industry reports and websites to provide an academic
commentary, building on previous work in order to build a framework for future
The sample group for the purposes of primary research will be 5 representatives,
either an owner or a person in a managerial position, both male and female within 8
identified SME sectors in Ireland. Purposive sampling will be adopted in order to
select 5 respondents in;
The interview set-up will be fully-structured. Ensuring relevance to the topic area
while promoting replication and providing an easier method to quantify data. Re-
launch questions will be used to prompt interviewees to expand on their answers; for
instance, can you provide an example of that? Interviews will be recorded, with
transcripts created also.
Thematic and content analysis methods will be used to review the collected
qualitative data, providing flexibility to the framework. Quantitative data will be
analysed using a variety of software applications and will be presented via charts
and graphs. An inductive viewpoint will be applied to give meaning to the data
(Patton, 2002).
To evaluate the quality of the research conducted, it is vital for the research to be
both reliable and valid. Reliability will provide repeatability to the measures and
validity, enforcing accuracy of the measures. Internal consistency reliability will be
used, asking different questions within the same context, in order to determine the
overall summary of the topic. Ensuring consistency based on the answers that each
question offers, thus evaluating the ability to achieve reliable results. Triangulation
will also be used as a means of further improving the likelihood of research to be
valid and reliable. As it uses multiple sources of data to develop a better
understanding of a given theory or phenomenon (Burton and Obel, 2011), helping to
reduce the probability of portraying a one-sided perspective.
The main limitation is the limited range of geographical scope, primarily related to
funding issues. Thus, generalizability is used for summarising a large portion of the
population (Harry and Lipsky, 2014), resulting in limited research depth (Flick, 2011).
The main risk of the research is not being able to gather information from the correct
primary sources, leading to a reliance on secondary information.