RRL Capstone
RRL Capstone
RRL Capstone
more and more people are complaining about their dogs smell. This
chapter presents the related literature and studies both local from
Foreign Literature
Dog's skin produces excessive sebum that makes the hair follicles
keeps renewing) of the skin, claws, and hair follicles. It causes the
smell. If dogs are not washed, cleaned, and dried, the excess sebum
Dog perfumes and colognes are basically just like the human versions,
after a bath to help your pup smell even better. (The Dodo, 2020)
Local Literature
Why do wet dogs smell terrible and what can you do about it? Your dog
produce residues. When wet, these organic acids turn into an aerosol
when the water evaporates, creating the horrible wet dog smell that we
Although it's not usually harmful, the smell of a wet dog can indicate
the number of bacteria and yeast present in your dog. If the amount of
immune system can become overloaded and may have infection. (Dogs Vet,
more serious than just a bit of dirt and grime. Odors that are yeasty,
problem. Not only can this spell trouble for your dog, but those
companion, too. If your pup smells bad, don’t banish him to the dog
understand how to use it properly and keep your dog safe. (Rivera,
bath or goes for a swim, the water causes the release of stinky