Viii HHW 2023

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Subject Assignment
English Read the following books and write a ‘Book Review’ on any one of them in 100 to
120 words
a) The Hound Of Baskervilles- Novel by Arthur
Conan Doyle
b) The Old Man and The Sea( Children’s Classics) –
By Ernest Hemingway

How to write a book review

• Start with a couple of sentences describing
what the book is about. ...
• Discuss what you particularly liked about the book. ...
• Mention anything you disliked about the book. ...
• Round up your review. ...
• You can give the book a rating, for example a mark out of five or
ten, if you like!

II. “When we do the best we can, Miracles Happen!” Watch the Movie ‘The
Miracle Worker’ and perform the task given

Arrange the following timeline in proper order and using them as

headings make a flip book.
Add information under the

Follow the link provided to learn

how to make Flip Book


(A) Read the following conversation and write a paragraph based on it in
Indirect Speech.
Man: May I come in sir?
Lawyer: Yes. Please take your seat.
Man: Thank you.
Lawyer: Tell me how can I help you?
Man: I have come to seek your help about a dispute that I am
having with my neighbour. May I know what your fees is?
Lawyer: Yes. I take one lakh rupees to answer three questions.
Man: Oh! Don’t you think it is a little too much to demand such a
high fee?
Lawyer: Yes, it may be. Now tell me what is your third question?

YOU may begin like this…..

There lived a man who was in dire need of a lawyer as he

(B) Newspapers provide the readers with every detail, no matter how minor: They
help us become better –informed citizens. So cultivate the habit of reading
newspaper every day. Write any five News Headlines that attracted you the most
and expand the headlines using Passive voice.

EX: Mobile Phones banned in Schools. (Headline)

Ans: Mobile phone have been banned in Schools to let the
students focus on their studies.


1. ● Content accuracy -6m,

● Creativity -2m,
● Neatness & Punctuality-2m

2. ● Arrangement in proper order -4m,

● Flip Book -4m,
● Creativity & Punctuality -2m

3. ● (A) 5 marks,
● (B) 5 marks

NOTE: All 3 activities are mandatory. Average is taken to bring it down to 10

Experiential Learning
Mathematics TOPIC – Ratio and Proportion
Cooking together is an experience for a lifetime. So much can be learnt when we
cook with our parents, it helps us understand how to yield maximum from
whatever is available in our pantry.
In this activity, students will be able to learn and understand the concept of
expenditure and how much can be saved when food is made at home with
available ingredients.
I. Ravi’s birthday is on 15th May’23. His mother wanted to bake a cake, she mixed
eggs, flour and sugar in the ratio 3:5:4 by weight to bake the cake.
1. If the weight of the cake is 3kgs, find the weight in grams of
(a) Eggs (b) Sugar (c)Flour
used in baking the cake.
2. Find the cost of the cake baked by Ravi’s mother and compare with the price of
a 3kg cake from a bakery. (1 Egg = 60gms approx.)
TOPIC - Data Handling
It is always helpful to have a target or benchmark in our lives that we would want
to surpass. By doing this activity students will be able to know where they stand in
terms of academics. Students will know their strengths and areas of improvement
which will help them to set a goal or an objective and work towards it.
II. Take a photocopy of your class 7 report card and draw a double bar graph of
term 1 and term 2 marks obtained.
Note: Attempt the questions on an A4 sheet, stick the bar graph on an A4 sheet.
1. Question I - 5 marks (3 +2 marks)
2. Question II - 3 marks
3. Presentation -1 mark
4. Punctuality – 1 mark
Note : Submission date - 15th June 2023
All the best!
Science Nature of activity - Experiential learning


1. To learn about Louis Pasteur and his achievements.

2. To learn about pasteurization and vaccination.


1. The students will acquire knowledge about Louis Pasteur and his
2. The students will learn about techniques of preservation and storage of


The Story Of Louis Pasteur 1936 - Biography

Watch the video shared and answer the questions below:

1.How did Louis Pasteur help save the French wine industry?
2.What is Louis Pasteur contribution to the development of the vaccine?
3.Describe the incident that led to the invention of the rabies vaccine.
4. The first success story of the newly established Pasteur’s institute was a
breakthrough in the fight against diphtheria.
a) What is diphtheria?
b) What is the breakthrough mentioned here?
c) Who was responsible for the breakthrough?
Presentation and timely submission : 2m
Each question carries 2m each.

Physical Science
The way materials are used can change with time. LED bulbs are replaced by
incandescent bulbs. CRT TV (Cathode Ray Television) is replaced with LED/LCD
Why should we innovate an existing product?
What factors goes into decisions about changing the materials while innovating a
(Dear children you need to give minimum two examples where new materials are
used to re-design the product-factors that were considered to change the
materials-advantages and disadvantages in doing so)
Content: 4 m
Presentation: 1 m
Punctuality: 1 m

Social Album making (Album size 15 cm ×20 cm)

Choose any two tribes inhabiting various parts of India highlighting their
settlements, culture, food, customs and language. Paste pictures related to the
1. Bhil Rajasthan
2. Banjara Nomadic
3. Bodo Assam and West Bengal
4. Gondi Madhya Pradesh
5. Santhal West Bengal
6. Khasi Assam and West Bengal
Presentation 2
Content 2
Punctuality 1
Learning Outcome
To enable students to learn about tribal inhabitants and their culture in India.
ग्रीष्भकारीन अवकाश हे तु ऩरयमोजना कामय
II Language
वषय – २०२३-२४
Hindi कऺा - आठवीॊ ववषम – हहॊ दी
ववषम सॊवधयन ऩरयमोजना–Subject Enrichment Project
ववषम–हहॊ दी साहहत्म के आधुननक कार के कवव तथा उनकी यचनाएॉ|

ऩरयमोजना का ऩरयचम (Introduction)-कववता ही भनुष्म के हृदम को स्वाथय-सॊफध

ॊ ी सॊकुनचत
भॊडर से ऊऩय उठाकय रोक-साभान्म बाव-बूनभ ऩय रे जाती है । हहॊ दी साहहत्म के इनतहास
कार भें अनेक कवव हुए हैं जजन्होंने कई कववताएॉ नरखीॊ| जो हभाये हृदम ऩय अनभट छाऩ
छोड़ती हैं | आधुननक कार भें बी ऐसे अनेक कवव हुए हैं |
ऩरयमोजना का वववयण(Details of project)- आधुननक कार के ननम्ननरजखत कववमों की
सूची भें से हकन्हीॊ दो कववमों के फाये भें नरजखए |
1.याभनये श विऩाठी 2.जमशॊकय प्रसाद
3.भाखन रार चतुवद
े ी 4.याभकुभाय वभाय
5.श्माभ नायामण ऩाॊडेम 6.याभधायी नसॊह हदनकय
7.सुबद्रा कुभायी चौहान 8.भहादे वी वभाय
9.सुनभिा नॊदन ऩॊत 10.हरयवॊशयाम फच्चन

ऩरयमोजना फनाते सभम ननम्ननरजखत सॊकेत वफन्दओ

ु ॊ ऩय ध्मान दें -
 कववमों का जीवन ऩरयचम नरजखए |
 उनकी भुख्म यचनाएॉ नरजखए |
 उनकी यचनाओॊ का भूर ववषम फताइए |
 उनकी हकसी यचना की आठ ऩॊविमाॉ नरजखए |
साभान्म ननदे श – (Instructions )
 आऩको अऩनी ऩरयमोजना ऩाठशारा के प्रथभ हदवस ऩय जभा कयानी है |
 मह कामय सुद
ॊ य नरखावट भें नरखा होना चाहहए |
 कववमों के नचि होने चाहहए |
 कामय यॊ ग-वफयॊ गा तथा A4 size कागज़ ऩय 4-5 ऩृष्ठों भें हकमा जाना चाहहए |
 ऩरयमोजना का एक सुद
ॊ य आवयण ऩृष्ठ होना चाहहए, जजस ऩय हहॊ दी ऩरयमोजना,
ऩरयमोजना का नाभ, अऩना नाभ, अऩनी कऺा तथा वगय अवश्म नरजखए |
ऩरयमोजना का उद्दे श्म(Learning Objectives)– छािों को हहॊ दी साहहत्म के कववमों तथा
उनकी यचनाओॊ के फाये भें जानकायी प्राप्त कयाना, छािों भें काव्म सौंदमय की अनुबनू त कयाना,
कववमों की कववताओॊ का यसास्वादन कयाना तथा काव्म नरखने के नरए प्रेरयत कयना |
ऩरयमोजना कयने का प्रनतपर(Learning Outcome)- इस ऩरयमोजना से छािों को हहॊ दी
साहहत्म के कववमों तथा उनकी यचनाओॊ के फाये भें जानकायी प्राप्त होगी| वे कववताओॊ का
यसास्वादन कयें ग|े उनभें काव्म के प्रनत रूनच फढ़े गी| यचनात्भकता का ववकास होगा| छाि
काव्म यचना के नरए प्रेरयत होंगे |
ऩरयमोजना के भूलमाॊकन के आधाय – Rubrics
कुराॊक सृजनात्भकता बाषा प्रस्तुनतकयण जानकायी नचि
10 2 2 2 2 2

“ऩुस्तकों का जीवन भें वही भहत्व है जो भहत्व सूमय का ऩृथ्वी के नरए है ।”

ऩढ़ाई का अथय केवर ऩाठ्म ऩुस्तकें ऩढ़ना ही नहीॊ है | हभ अन्म ऩुस्तकें बी ऩढ़ सकते हैं |
ऩुस्तकें ऩढ़ने से हभाये शब्द बण्डाय भें वृवि होती है | ऻान का ववकास होता है | हभ वाक्म
सॊयचना सीखते है औय जीवन जीने की करा बी सीखते हैं | महद हभ प्रेयक कहाननमों की
ऩुस्तक ऩढ़ते हैं तो हभाया भनोयॊ जन बी होता है | इसनरए हभें ऩुस्तकें ऩढ़नी चाहहए |
Note-ग्रीष्भकारीन अवकाश का सदऩ
ु मोग कयते हुए नीचे सुझाई गई ऩुस्तकें ऩहढ़ए |
 ऩॊचतॊि की कहाननमाॉ
 ऩौयाजणक कहाननमाॉ
Telugu “దాతృతవం“ అనగా అరథ ం “దానగుణం, పరోపపకార బుదధిని“ కలిగి ఉండటం. మనపురాణ
ఇతిహాసాలలోని రంతిదేవుడు, కరణుడు దాతృతవం కలిగిన వయకతులతగా శాశ్వత కీరు ని
ి ప ందారణ.
వారణ చేసిన దాతృతవం గురించి తెలతపు కథలను, తగిన చితాాలతో, A4 సజ్
ై పేపరోో వాాయండి.

శీరిషక, పాదరశన = 2మా

చితాాలత = 2 మా
విషయవివరణ = 6మా
మొతు ం = 10 మారణులత

LEARNING OUTCOME: విదాయరణథలకత మానవతావిలతవలత, దానగుణం, పరోపకారబుదధి



⮚ వేసవి సలవులలో ‘భాగవతం’ కథలత చదవండి.

Note: All the assignments should be submitted on the reopening day of the school.

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