Tea Tasting Terminology Web v2

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Tea Tasting Terminology


BLOOM A sign of good manufacture and sorting(where the reduction of leaf FLAKY Flat, open and often light in texture.
has mainly taken place before firing). A "sheen" which has not been
removed by over-handling or over-sorting. GREY Caused by too much abrasion during sorting.

BLACK A black appearance is desirable, preferably with "bloom': This term LEAFY Orthodox manufacture leaf tending to be on the large or long side.
is used with Orthodox or Rotorvane manufacture.
LIGHT A tea light in weight and of poor density. Sometimes flaky.
BLACKISH This is a satisfactory appearance for CTC and LTP manufacture
teas, and denotes careful sorting. MAKE Well made (or not) and must be true to the grade.

BROWN A brown appearance, with CTC and L TP manufacture, normally NEAT A grade having good "make" and size.
reflects too hard treatment of the leaf.
NOSE Smell of the dry leaf.
BOLD Particles of leaf which are too large for the particular grade.
CHOPPY Orthodox (or Rotorvane) manufacture leaf which has to be cut by a
CLEAN Leaf which is free from fibre, dust or any extraneous matter. "breaker" during sorting.

STOCK & Should be minimal in primary or top grades, but generally CHESTY Inferior or unseasoned packing materials cause this taint.
FIBRE unavoidable in the lower grades at an assortment.
POWDERY Fine light dust.
GRAINY Describes well made CTC or L TP primary grades, more
particularly Dusts. TIP A sign of fine plucking and apparent in the top grades' of Orthodox
EVEN True to the grade and consisting of pieces of leaf of quite even size.
WELL Applicable to Orthodox manufacture. Often referred to as "well
UNEVEN & "Uneven" pieces of leaf usually indicative of poor sorting and not TWISTED made" or "rolled' and used for describing whole leaf grades.
MIXED true to the particular grade.


BRIGHT A lively bright appearance. Usually indicates bright liquors MIXED OR Leaf of varying colour
DULL Lacks brightness and usually denotes a poor tea. Can be due to AROMA Smell or scent denoting “inherent character”; usually at high
faulty manufacture and firing, or a high moisture content. elevations.

GREEN Caused by under-fermentation, or characteristic of leaf from

immature bushes (liquors often raw or light)
BRISK The most "live" characteristic. Results from good manufacture. EARTHY Normally caused by damp storage. A taste which can at times be
"climatically inherent" in leaf from certain origins.
BRIGHT Denotes a lively fresh tea with good keeping quality.
GONE OFF A flat or old tea. Often denotes a high moisture content.
COLOURY Indicates useful depth of colour and strength.
HARSH A taste generally related to under-withered leaf.
CHARACTER An attractive taste when describing better high elevation growth,
and peculiar to origin. LIGHT Lacking strength and any depth of colour.

FLAVOUR A most desirable extension of "character" caused by slow growth at GREEN An immature character. Often due to underfermentation (and
high elevations and comparatively rare. (or RAW) sometimes under-wither).

STRENGTH Substance in cup. PLAIN A liquor which is "clean" but lacking in the desirable characteristics.

QUALITY Refers to "cup quality" and denotes a combination of the most COARSE Fibre content.
desirable liquoring properties.
BAGGY A taint normally resulting from unlined hessian bags.
CREAM A precipitate obtained after cooling.
FLAT Unfresh, (usually due to age).
FULL A good combination of strength and colour.
SMOKY Mainly caused by leaks around the dryer heating tubes.
PUNGENT Astringent with a good combination of briskness brightness and
strength. (More related to best quality North Indian teas). SOFT The opposite of briskness and lacking any "live" characteristic.
Caused by inefficient fermentation and/or firing.
DRY Indicates slight over-firing.
STEWED A soft liquor with an undesirable taste Caused by faulty firing at low
HIGH-FIRED Over-fired but not bakey (or burnt). temperatures and often insufficient air flow.

BAKEY An over-fired liquor. THIN An insipid light liquor which lacks any desirable characteristics.

BURNT Extreme over-firing. WEEDY A grass or hay taste related to under-withering.

DULL Not clear, and lacking any brightness or briskness. TAINTS A character or taste which is "foreign" to tea.
(in general)
FRUITY Can be due to over-fermentation and/or bacterial infection before
firing. An over-ripe taste.


Plantation House Nairobi P. O.. Box 30464 Ralli House Mombasa P.O.. Box 81883
Revised 1st April 1977 & 1st April 1995

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