About Assam and Its Tea

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Table of Contents 
About Assam and Its Tea Halimari Tea Co.
Varieties of Assam Tea Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Major Assam Tea Estates Hanuman Texnit & Industries Ltd.
Comparing 3 Assam Estate Teas James Warren Tea Ltd.
Is Snobbery Ruining Assam Tea? Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd.
Dibrugarh, the Tea City Joonktollee Tea Estate
Major Tea Growing Districts The Jorehaut Tea Ltd.
Other Locations Where Assamica Teas Are Grown Luxmi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
List of Some Assam Tea Gardens Madhupur Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. McLeod Russel India Ltd.
Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd. The MK Group (aka MK Shah Exports Ltd.)
Apeejay Tea Ltd. M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Assam Co. India Ltd. Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. Rossel Tea India Ltd.
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. (aka B. & A. Ltd.) Rydak Syndicate Ltd.
The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. Warren Tea Ltd.
Dashabhooja Merchantiles & Tourism Pvt. Ltd. Williamson Tea Ltd.
Deha Assam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Some Tea Manufacturing Companies in Assam Unaffiliated with
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Any Tea Gardens
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. Tocklai Tea Research Association (TRA)
Goodricke Group Ltd. Final Thoughts
Grob Tea Co. Ltd.
About Assam and Its Tea 
Note: All information herein is current as of the publication of this guide to the best of our knowledge. Every effort has been made at assuring accuracy,
but the changing nature of the tea industry is sometimes very rapid.

Assam is a state in northeast India, lying on either side of the Brahmaputra River, and bordering Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma). It is the world's largest
tea-growing re-gion, featuring some of the finest tea gardens. This area of India has high precipitation, with 10-12 inches (250-300 mm) falling during the
monsoon season. The high heat during this time (about 96.8°F/36°C) creates a true greenhouse effect. The effect of this tropical climate on the tea plants
results in that characteristic malty taste.

They produce a large amount of the black teas on the market today. The tea plant fa-mily is Camellia sinensis var. assamica. Most of the
garden terrain is relatively flat and closer to sea level than the Darjeeling gardens in West Bengal, India. The tea plants grow most of
the year due to the hot and humid climate and lack of a period of cold long enough for dormancy. March through November are the
best times to visit. Avoid the monsoon season.

Many of the Assam tea gardens do not have their own tea factory. They grow the tea leaves and sell
them at auction or arrange with another tea garden with a factory to process the leaves there. Over
the years many gardens have been bought by companies like McLeod Russel and Goodricke, with the tea
leaves being consolidated and sold at auction or processed in their own factories, depending on economic conditions.

Some of the tea gardens have been producing unique green and white teas, also, seeking
to gain a share in the premium tea market that is increasing around the world.

Tea gardens in Assam do not follow the Indian Standard Time (IST), which is observed throughout India and Sri Lanka. They follow
“Tea Garden Time” (Bagantime), which is an hour ahead of IST. The system was introduced during British days keeping in mind the
early sunrise in this part of the country. The system increased productivity of tea garden workers and allows them to finish work
during daytime. Working time for tea labourers in the gardens is generally between 9 a.m. (IST 8 a.m.) to 5 p.m. (IST 4p.m.).
It may vary slightly from garden to garden.
Some History
Robert Bruce, a Scottish botanist and adventurer, is supposedly the first British Planter-Rajs dominating local economies. The Assam Company mo-
European to recognize the Assam tea plant varietal. Local tribes were nopolized tea planting, cultivating, and processing from 1840 to 1860. A
steeping tea from the leaves. Bruce arranged with tribal chiefs to provide boom in the 1860s saw more people planting tea. However, life for
samples of the leaves and seeds for scien-tific examination. However, he plantation workers was difficult, with disease, death, and desertation
died soon after and his brother, Charles Bruce, sent the samples to being common. And tea was often a speculation, not a serious capital
Calcutta for the testing. They officially identifed the plant as a variety of venture. Over time, that changed, and a booming market began.
tea, or Camellia sinensis var. assamica, but different from the Chinese
version (Camel-lia sinensis var. sinensis). Assam tea is generally harvested twice, in a “first flush,” picked in late
March, and a “second flush,” harvested later and used for making the
The British Tea Company saw the commercial potential of this plant (Bruce more prized “tippy” teas, named for gold tips on the leaves. Tippy tea is
had already been able to get ahold of some seeds and cuttings of the sweeter, more full-bodied, and con-sidered superior to first flush tea. The
Chinese version, and gardens were being planted in West Bengal). They leaves of the Assam tea bush are dark green and glossy and fairly wide
found, though, that a hybrid of the Chinese and Assam tea plant varietals compared to those of the Chinese tea plant. The bush produces delicate
grew best in the Assam area. Large plantations came into being, with white blossoms.

Some Key Dates

1750–1850 The first industrial revolution – made a lot of tea processing cheaper, faster, and
more dependable with mechanized production methods coming into being.
1840 The Assam Tea Company, the first tea company in India, was formed; they acquired
large land blocks, planting tea gardens and building factories.
1853 George Williamson, the “Father of India’s Tea Industry,” began to propagate wild
tea plants and founded the firm George Williamson & Co. in London.
1858 Control of India transferred from the East India Company to the British Crown.
1859 The Jorehaut Tea Company was formed to continue the growth and development
and supplying tea to a thirsty world. By the end of that year, they had established
nearly 50 tea gardens in the Assam area.
1873 Training other to grow tea done through George Williamson School, opened in June.
1865 Richard Manuel Blamey Magor went to India from Cornwall, England.
1869 Richard Magor founded Williamson Magor (WM) with his partner, James Hay
Williamson in Calcutta on the northeast coast of India in West Bengal. (The city was
the capital of India during the British Raj until 1911.) Williamson had been a captain
on a river steamer on the Brahmaputra River in Assam. The George Williamson & Co.
became the London end of the Williamson Magor partnership.
1899 Due to cheaper production methods, Indian tea exports were 17 times higher than
those from China, causing the China trade to collapse.
Tea Production

Production involves several steps, depending on the type of tea desired. Climate-controlled facilities avoid spoilage from high moisture and varied

Production Steps 
Withering depending on the type of tea being made. To halt or slow down oxidation,
oxidated leaves are moved to a panning trough, heated and dried. Leaves
Wilting fresh green tea leaves to reduce moisture and allow flavor com- undergo a complete transformation and exhibit an aroma and taste profile
pounds to develop. Can be done outdoors but more controlled when done completely different from that of leaves that do not undergo this process.
indoors. Leaves are laid out in troughs; hot air is forced over leaves from
underneath troughs. Moisture content in leaf is reduced by 30%, making it  Less oxidized – lower production of polyphenols, leaves retain most of
limp and soft for rolling. Volatile compounds in leaf, including flavors and green color and vegetal characteristics.
caffeine levels, intensify. Short wither keeps green appearance and grassy  Semi-oxidized – brown leaves, infuse yellow-amber liquid.
flavors; longer wither darkens leaf, intensifies aromatic compounds.  Fully oxidized – amino acids and lipids break down completely, turning
leaves blackish-brown, flavors are more brisk and imposing.
Aka “kill-green.” Process where enzymatic browning of wilted leaves is
controlled through heat. Usually, the longer it takes to fix the leaves, the Shaping processed leaves into a tight form. Wilted/fixed leaves are gently
more aromatic the tea will be. Fixing can be done by steaming, pan firing, rolled and, depending on the style of tea being made, they are shaped to
baking, or with the use of heated tumblers. Steam heats the leaves more look wiry, kneaded, or as tightly rolled pellets. During the rolling, oils and
quickly that pan firing, so they taste ‘green’ and vegetal. Pan-fired teas sap ooze out of the leaves, intensifying the taste further. The more tightly
taste toasty. This procedure is used for green teas and yellow teas. rolled the leaves, the longer they retain their freshness.

Oxidation Drying

Browning of leaves and intensification of their flavor compounds by Done at various stages of production to keep leaves dry. The process
exposure to oxygen. From the moment tea leaves are plucked, the cells enhances a tea’s flavors and ensures a long shelf-lifeby reducing the leaf
within them are exposed to oxygen, causing volatile compounds within them moisture content to less than 1%. The leaves are fired or roasted at a low
begin to undergo chemical reactions. Polyphenolic oxidase, including temperature for a controlled period of time, often inside an industrial scale
theaflavin and thearubigin, begin to develop within the leaves. Theaflavins oven. If dried too quickly, the tea can turn abrasive and taste harsh.
lend briskness and brightness to the tea; thearubigins offer depth and
fullness to the liquid. To bring out specific intensities in flavors, tea makers Aging
control the amount of oxidation the leaves undergo.
Also called fermentation. Makes certain teas more palatable. Chinese pu-
Controlled-oxidation is carried out in a large room where temperature is erh is the most common type; the teas are processed, formed into various
kept at 25-30°C and humidity at 60-70%. Withered and rolled leaves are shapes, and aged and fermented for years, much like wine.
spread out on long shelves and left to oxidate for a fixed period of time,
Varieties of Assam Tea 
Assam state in India is a source of teas but often Assam tea is made from a tea plant subspecies
does not get that recognition. You may be drink- called Camellia sinensis var. assamica, a version
ing some right now and not know it! better acclimated to the Assam region. The tea
liquid has more bitterness that Darjeeling but
Nothing is quite as satisfying as a full-bodied cup takes milk and sweetener better. Milk is great
of rich Assam tea, especially in chillier weather. for helping your tongue recover from a dose of
The flavor complements a wide variety of foods, spices, especially chiles and cayenne pepper. So,
from hamburgers to lasagna, from morel mush- a nice cup of Assam with an ounce or two of milk
rooms to Mexican foods, from Crème Brûlée to and a spoonful of sweetener really puts out the
pecan pie, and much more. For those of us who fire in Indian curries, Korean kimchi, and even
like the spicy cuisine of India, it’s especially tongue-blistering chili from Texas.
good with a tasty lamb vindaloo(a spicy Indian
stew with Portuguese origins) and pepper A great form of Assam tea is the “nuggets” (CTC)
Naan (an Indian flatbread with that are perfect for spooning loosely into a tea-
coarse ground black pot. The brewing time is about five minutes in Lamb vindaloo with a nice masala chai
pepper baked in). water that has been brought to a full boil. The (CTC Assam black tea base). This spicy
flavor will be quite strong, so you might want to stew is of Portuguese origin when they had
play with the length of time to get the tea liquid a colony on India’s west coast.
to the strength that’s right for you. As a general
rule, if you put milk in the tea, you will
want to steep it stronger. Some information has come out saying milk in
tea negates some of its health benefits. This has
yet to be proved definitively and seems to be
more of an attempt to get some people to drink
tea the way others think they should. Milk can
help your stomach handle the bitterness and
astringency in the tea, and it will help cool the
fiery effects of those spicy foods.
The Basics of Assam Tea
through June account for the majority. We’re Some of the tea is formed into nuggets (CTC,
talking “sauna” for two months out of the year, that is, Crush Tear Curl) that steep quickly and
during which tea grows like crazy, is harvested, darkly. There are other styles of teas produced
and then processed as fast as possible. This is in Assam such as “golden tip” (because it’s made
Assam tea. from the tea leaf tips) which is slightly lighter in
flavor and aroma than the usual Assam teas.
Coming from a subspecies of the original tea
bush (Camellia sinensis) called Camellia sin-ensis Assam is available both loose and bagged. It is
var. assamica, Assam tea is in a class of its own. also available as a generic Assam (plantation not
Rich in color (dark reddish brown) and aroma, specified) from many well-known tea vendors or
with a biscuity/malty flavor that’s well-suited to from particular plantations such as Hattiali,
adding milk and sweetener, this tea satisfies Tarajulie, and Borengajulie. Assam is used in
both as a breakfast tea and throughout the day. many breakfast blends, adding its signature taste
For many, it is love at first gulp. to the tea liquid. Assam tea was actually
Whether in the festive Winter season or in the “designed” with milk in mind and is enjoyed that
heat of Summer, Assam black tea, especially Processing the tea leaves can be a challenge. way both in India and elsewhere.
when served with milk and sweetener, is Withering the leaves (letting a lot of the
refreshing and stimulating. moisture go out of them) has to be done fast in
this most humid area. Fans and other modern
innovations help tre-mendously. Then it’s a rush
Assam teas come from one of the wettest areas to roll and oxidize the withered tea leaves. The
on this wonderful planet we call home: a region rolling is actually a crushing.
of India, which has a number of climate regions.
A large river, the Brahma-putra, fed by snow
melt off the Himalayas, accounts for some of the
moisture. Monsoon rains that fall from May
Assam Tippy Teas
Just as with Darjeelings, Chinese green and black A few good “go-withs” are: chicken (fried or
teas, and others, how an Assam tea tastes, in dry roasted), baked ham, mushrooms, foods made
form and when steeped, can be affected by a with cinnamon or nutmeg, bacon, hamburgers,
number of factors. Growers and processors try baked beans, lasagna, pecan pie, and Mexican
new things, too. A recent innovation (around dishes. Oh, yeah, for you chocoholics, try Golden
1978) was Golden Tips Assam tea. Various forms Tips Assam with some dark chocolate on the
have followed, some simply called “tippy.” side. (Any excuse to eat chocolate!)

“Golden” often signifies the best. Gold medals in

sports, gold stars on homework to show it’s well-
done, the “golden years” as the best time of our
lives, and so on. “Tips” is the tip of the leaf from
the tea bush (species: Camellia sinensis). That
tip has the natural sweetness prized in teas. Boisahabi Assam from TeeGschwendner.
Golden Tips Assam means the best tips (also
called “buds”), bringing you the most pleasant
tea experience.
When steeping, follow these guidelines to get
the best taste experience:
Overall, Assam is known for its malty, roasty
flavor. Golden Tips, though, takes this Assam
experience to a new level. The secret is in the  Use water that has not quite reached a boil or
processing of the leaves where, as with most that has boiled and been allowed to cool for
teas, the final flavor is often determined. Assam 30 to 60 seconds.
tea is processed quickly, but with Golden Tips  Steep for 4 to 5 minutes (you might want to
Assam tea, the rolling portion of the process try your own steeping experiment and taste
(after the tea leaves are withered) is done very the tea “liquor” after 2 or 3 minutes).
lightly, preserving those precious tips. A version called “top tippy” that is
The liquid should have these qualities:
supposed to compare with “golden tippy.”
This tea is so well-liked that many tea vendors
have to place their orders ahead of the harvest  Full-bodied (tastes very rich)
to be sure of getting a sufficient supply. In fact,  Caramelly (also called buttery)
getting a Golden Tips Assam that is pure “golden  Retains a slight maltiness due to the quick
tips” is rare. The tea is so in demand that most withering of the tea leaves
growers blend it with regular Assam teas, thus  Possibly some fruitiness, sort of like tropical
spreading around the “golden tips” name along fruits like mango and papaya
with their ability to charge a higher price.
Some Assam Breakfast Blends
Assam is truly a “stealth tea,” one that is often harmony and melody expand. Going from pure
not in the forefront but definitely tasted as part Assam tea (that flute duet) into blends (those
of a blend, sort of like a bass violin that you hear other instruments added in) gives you more
almost subliminally. Many breakfast blends start variations in the aromas and flavors. For
with Assam, then build up from that malty taste example, adding a bit of Keemun will shift the
to give you a rich symphony of flavor with flavor in a particular direction, while a dash of
subtleties that come through even if you load up Darjeeling will add its own aroma and taste
the tea with milk and sweetener. Just like you notes. Other blends use Yunnan black, Kenyan,
can always pick out the various instruments in an and Ceylon teas, each having its own flavor
orchestra as the violin section plays the melody characteristics to add to the mix (like adding
line. percussion instruments, more strings, a
saxophone, and maybe even a clarinet or two).
Of course, you can always go with a breakfast Just as musically you start to get richer sound, so
tea that is pure Assam, such as Harney & Sons does your tea experience.
Irish Breakfast. It’s 100% Assam (most Irish teas
are) and is a good way to start your morn- Definitely, an Assam blend for breakfast can be
ing, especially with milk and sweetener. acteristics of Assam, which are fine, but a bit an enriching experience. A number of these are
(Theirs is a little more refined than like a couple of flutists playing: limited in range. available.
most.) You’ll get the wonderful char-
Add in a couple of violins, maybe an oboe,
bassoon, and even a trumpet. The variations in
Some Of The Better Known Blends

Mt. Everest Blend English Breakfast Tea East Frisian Tea Blend

Scale new heights of tea taste There are various versions. One Start off your foray into Assam
(sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) consists of Ceylon (adds flavor), blends with this amazing com-
as the maltiness of the Assam strong Assam, and Kenya (gives a position of selected Assam Teas
tea plays a contrapuntal dance bit of color). The color is wonder- (some East Frisians include Indo-
with the peppery Yunnan ful, and the taste is deliciously nesian black teas with a flavor
black teas. This is one you strong, rich, and fresh, taking that melds with the Assam). Sort
could drink with or without milk well. You can drink it all day of like a couple of classical guitar
milk, as you prefer. long. Sort of like listening to a players performing Issaac
string quintet playing a series of Albéniz’s “Granada,” very easy
Romantic compositions. on the ears.

(East Frisian is an area in the

northern part of Germany.)
Assam Teas “On Their Own”

Although Assam teas are one of the basic teas in most black tea blends, mixing in with Keemun and other black
teas, you can buy Assam tea on its own, too. There is a wider variety of Assam types than you might think.

Pure Assams 

Some teas from various vendors where Assam is on its own:

Kama Black Royal Rongit Large Namsang Assam Melody Assam Harmony Silver Needle Pekoe Dust Cream of
A tea that is Brisk with malty Sweetish, cit- Infuses burgun- Infuses burgun- Unusual Assam Blackish-brown,
clean, soft, and aroma, goes rusy, malty tea dy-red liquid dy-red liquid with soft green very small gran- Smallest leaf
malty, and has well with milk, with a brick red with rich aroma with rich aroma apple aroma ular cut leaf style tea pro-
a great after- has a smooth, tea that goes and strong, mal- and strong, mal- and hint of (not dust, des- duces a sweet-
taste. balanced, plea- well with milk, ty flavor, great ty flavor; great freshly baked pite the name), ish maltiness in
surable taste. leaving a brisk, breakfast tea. break-fast tea. bread in a pale steeps up malty a fragrant, am-
malty after- 2nd-flush. Me- 2nd-flush. Man- greenish-white and thick with a ber red liquid
taste. leng estate. galam estate. liquid that’s deep am-ber with complex
fruity and nut- red color; great fruity and honey
ty. Definitely with milk. Fresh notes to start,
skip the milk. and substantial. changing to a
creamy, silky
feel in your
mouth. The best
of Spring har-
vest (1st Flush).
Time of Harvest  Growing Climate 

Spring First harvest season of the year, also called “First Flush,” The growing climate is another factor, such as:
offers the most delicate teas with lighter body, incredible
flowery aroma, and the widest range of flavors within the
malty Assams. They have the shortest shelf life, losing flavor Rani Tea At an average elevation of 157 feet in an arid area of
over time. Estate western (Lower) Assam with dry Winter and Spring seasons
and moderately wet Summer and Monsoon seasons. Offers
Summer Second harvest season of the year, (end of April through mid- teas that are light bodied with balanced malty, earthy
July) and the most coveted one. They have the most complex flavors and spice and herb notes.
flavors, a thick body, and incredible vigor with a much better
shelf life than Spring and Monsoon harvest teas. Satrupa Tea At an average elevation of 590 feet in a tropical rainforest
Factory area of eastern (Upper) Assam with moderately wet Winter
Monsoon Takes place during the monsoons. Produces teas similar to and Spring seasons, and heavy rainfall in Summer and
Summer Harvest. Monsoon seasons. Their teas are light bodied with balanced
malty, earthy flavors and spice and herb notes.
Autumn Last harvest season of the year (late September through late
November) is the best. The teas have the best of the seasons;
good aroma and flavor with the best shelf-life.

A fairly typical tea estate in Assam, India, is shown below. More level terrain than in West Bengal where Darjeeling teas are grown.
CTC Assam
All teas from the Assam region of India are not Some definitions used by various tea sites: CTC Assams are often blends of tea leaves har-
made alike. More correctly, they are not process- vested from more than one plantation during the
ed alike. They grow where the Brahmaputra  Cut, Tear, Curl first “flush” (harvest). This makes their flavor
River flows, but how they end up after that is  Cut, Tear, Crush fairly consistent from one batch to another. Gen-
another mattter.  Curl, Tear, Crush erally, they are consumed by the local popula-
 Crush, Tear, Curl (Harney & Sons Guide to Tea) tion in India, where they are prepared a tradi-
The plant varietal for teas from Assam is the tional way (boiled in a combination of milk,
 Crush, Curl, Twined – yes, the words are in a
Camellia sinensis var. assamica, known to the water, and sugar). However, you can find pure
different order than the acronym
natives there for hundreds of years. It was CTC Assam tea in local markets that carry foods
cultivated in plantations by the British after they from India. It’s also in teas called “Irish Break-
None seems to be standard, but the Harney & fast” and available from a variety of sources.
came across it while seeking an alternative to
Sons version seems most common. These teas
tea grown in China. Harvesting is mainly by hand.
tend to look like tiny nuggets.
Then, the leaves follow either the Orthodox or If you’re the kind of tea drinker that doesn’t like
the “CTC” road to your teacup. milk in your tea, and possibly no sweetener, this
CTC Assam teas tend to be less expensive and type of Assam may not be a good choice. Steep-
lesser quality than “orthodox” Assam. CTC is only ed to a good, strong liquid, CTC Assam can really
Basically, CTC is machine processed tea. There is
machine processed and usually fully oxidized make you pucker. Of course, you can always try
some conflict, though, on what “CTC” means.
(black). It infuses an amber-colored liquid with a to steep up a weak version by reducing the
rich malty flavor tending toward the bitter side, amount of tea used and/or shortening the steep-
helped by milk and sweetener or in a nice masala ing time. In tea drinking, there are no hard and
chai (spiced tea). fast rules except one: your taste buds rule. Make
the tea the way it tastes good to you.
Orthodox Assam
Generally, Orthodox Assams are higher quality, less likely to be bitter, and contain more subtle and multi-
layered flavors than CTC Assams. But that’s not the whole story. For one thing, they are usually harvested by
hand to get intact, whole leaves — small, young tea leaves plucked from the tips of the tea bush. For another,
contrary to what many say, Orthodox Assams are not processed entirely by hand. Once harvested, they go
through several processes which may be done by hand or machine.

Processing of Orthodox Assams: 

Withering Done on long metal troughs in a shaded area for about 14-20 hours. Tea leaves are spread out, and as
moisture evaporates from them, they become limp and pliable, allowing them to be rolled without

Rolling Done by hand for highest grades and machine for lower grades and large-scale production. Withered
leaves are pressed by rollers while being rotated around each other to release chemicals stored in the
leaf cells and beginning the oxidation process by exposing them to the air.

Oxidation Tea leaves laid out 2-4 hours in a humidity- and temperature-controlled room; air reacts with
chemicals released during rolling, turns leaves from green to reddish-brown and then black. If oxidized
too long, tea will be strong, no subtlety. If too short, complex flavors won’t fully develop.

Firing Halts oxidation and completes tea leaves drying. They move on a conveyor belt through a charcoal fire
heater at around 220-250˚ F for 20-40 minutes and then are sorted by leaf grade by a machine that
shakes them over varying gauges of mesh that sifts by size. The largest pieces may be hand-sorted to
assure consistent size and therefore steeping time. Young, whole leaf teas are generally higher priced
than the broken leaf grade.
Grading Assam Teas
“Pekoe” is a common grading of Indian and Ceylonian teas that has several finer gradings (each indicated by
an additional letter added to the left of the others). The grading system is generally called “Orange Pekoe,” a
term that is a mystery to many. Some say “orange” refers to the Dutch family that brought tea to Europe.
Whether that is true or not, understanding the term helps you understand Assam teas (and many others) that
use the pekoe grading system.

There are two main categories of grades: “GFOP” and “GBOP.” The second letter in each is the key – “F” is for
“full leaf” and “B” is for “broken leaf.” Full leaf versus broken leaf can make a difference,
with the latter releasing more tannin into the liquid and therefore more likely to be bitter. If you are sensitive
to tannin, spend a bit extra for the GFOP Orthodox Assam.

A description of the full leaf gradings: 

Pekoe P Whole leaf tea mostly from India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

Orange Pekoe OP Slightly larger and thinner tea leaf.

Flowery Orange Pekoe FOP Minimum grade for hand-plucked tea (“flower” is unopened tea leaf bud).

Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe GFOP Means that some leaves in the mix have a golden tip, which indicates higher quality.

Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe TGFOP Fine quality Assams; most experts say should be used when all tips are golden.

Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe First Grade TGFOP1 A step up from TGFOP.

Fancy Tippy Golden Broken Orange Pekoe FTGBOP Highest grade comprised of mainly the best quality tips from stems of the tea bush
(Camellias sinensis). Also called “Golden Tip” and “Golden Tippy.”

Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe First Grade FTGFOP1 Finest top-grade production with an abundance of tips.

Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe SFTGFOP Another step up the grade scale.

You won’t always see the word “Orthodox” on the tea label. But if you see one of the above grade labels, it will most likely be an Orthodox Assam. You will
also see further grading terms (example: SFTGFOP-Extra Fancy or SFTGFOP-Extra Special). There broken leaf grades have a “B” where the rightmost “F” is in
the above grades (example: GFBOP for Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe).
Another definition (paraphrased): 

A 7-tier grading system for black tea that relates to the size and physical
condition of the leaf rather than a particular kind of tea, flavor, or quality.
Often, Orange Pekoe teas are blends, with “orange pekoe” indicating that the tea is
the second highest grade in the system. “Pekoe” is from the Chinese word meaning “white”
as in the 2-leaves-and-a-bud combo plucked from the branch tip. When applied to Indian and
Ceylonian teas, it indicates whole leaves that are uniform in size, even those from lower on the branch
of the tea bush (species: Camellia sinensis). “Orange” could either mean the Dutch House of Orange Nassau
or the Chinese practice from ages past of adding orange blossoms to the tea leaves for flavor.

There are other definitions being bandied back and forth, but the main thing is these grades are a general guide. The
more letters, the higher grade the tea is supposed to be. Of course, it’s not an exact system. While I have confidence in
the honesty of tea growers to take care to label their teas accurately, the process involves some subjectivity on their
part. In short, buyer beware. And have a bit of understanding. The people labeling these teas are working with large
batches of tea leaves. Your pouch or tin is a small part of that batch and is not necessarily representative of the overall
quality, so don’t downgrade the rest if you happen to get a bit that is “off.”
Major Assam Tea Estates 
When Robert Bruce first brought tea plants smug- teas unblended, such as Tarajulie estate tea.
gled out of China to India, he discovered that the Williamson has about 29 tea estates in all.
inhabitants of the Assam area were already en- Some Other Top Producers
joying tea made from a tea bush varietal growing
wild (Camellia sinensis var. assamica). He set 3 Top Williamson Tea Estates
about cultivating the plant and in a few years tea Click on name to go to more info in this guide.
was being exported to London. Today, the area
boasts a production level of over 360 million kg Monabarie Over 1100 hectares growing
of tea per year. Several estates contribute the tea, producing almost 2.8 mil- Hattigor Tengpani Mornai
lion’s share to that total. lion kg of CTC Assam. They
have a reputation for a plea-
sant working environment for
their employees and verdant Some More Tea Gardens of Assam
Click on name to go to more info in this guide.
Pertabghur Producing over 2 million kg of
CTC Assam tea a year on over
Achabam Dhunseri Mangalam
938 hectares. This large, luxur-
ious tea garden is the capital of
Williamson Magor Tea Empire. Borengajuli Harmutty Mokalbari

Dikom Keyhung Satrupa

Bogapani About 840 hectares growing
over 2 million kg of CTC and
Orthodox Assam. The garden
Nahortoli Tea Estate was established in 1917 by
W.R. Noble.

The elephant in the room is Williamson, inargu-

able the big gun when it comes to Assam teas.
When you see their Breakfast Blend, you can rest
assured that it came from one of their estates.
However, you can also get some of their estate
Comparing 3 Assam Estate Teas 
With thousands tea estates and gardens in the Assam Province in northeastern India, this tea is certainly plentiful. Time for a battle of the Assam Estate Teas
(no, not all of them — just a select few).

The Dry Tea Comparison The Tea Liquid Comparison, Plain:

The steeped tea comparison was done in two stages, first plain and then
1. Borengajuli Estate – 2. Tarajulie Estate – 3. Scottish Breakfast with milk and sweetener. All three were steeped in boiling water for 5
minutes. Then, each was strained into another container.
Visually, all three teas Orthodox Assams are similar in their dry, pre-steeped
form. Assam 1 was dark reddish brown with a malty, rich fragrance. Assam 2 was a
lighter reddish brown with a very typical Orange Pekoe fragrance that many
of us raised on grocery store bagged black tea have come to associate with
Aromatically, they are quite different. All have a maltiness to their
tea. Assam 3 is a shade of reddish brown in-between the two others and
fragrance but differ in the strength of that characteristic as well as what
smelled malty but also a bit fruity and faintly smoky.
additional aromas they have.

 Assam 1 is lighter and a bit earthy.

 Assam 2 is mushroomy, earthy, and richer smelling.
 Assam 3 is woodsy/fruity.
The Tea Liquid Comparison, With Milk And Sweetener: The Battle Is Done

Once the smoke cleared and the last drop was drunk, all three teas proved
good in their own ways. Assam 1 and Assam 3 are great milk-and-sweetener
teas and, as such, are very fulfilling. However, for a lighter Assam that can
be drunk plain, Assam 2 is a fabulous choice. It seems that of these three,
there is no winner, just differences that makes each great in its own way.
Pick whichever satisfies your preferences and enjoy!

About Tarajulie Estate — Lies on the Bramaputra River plain in the shadows
of the Himalayan mountains and was purchased by the George Williamson
Group of companies in the mid 1980’s. Deep and sandy soil is kept moist
with a very hot and steamy monsoon season and has a chance to dry out and
go dormant during a relatively dry and cool winter. Perfect conditions for
Camellia sinensis var. assamica. They produce only orthodox tea.

Assam 1 had a flavor that was rich and caramelly as well as malty. Assam 2 About Borengajuli Estate — This estate, fabled for it near perfect teas, is
was too mild, the milk overwhelmed it, even though we had been careful to deep in the jungles along the banks of the Brahmaputra River. The air is
use only a minimal amount. Assam 3 had a taste that was in-between the wonderful, and you get a clear view of the Himalayas. No wonder those teas
first two, a taste that was sprightly and lighter in quality and held up have such a reputation for excellence among tea merchants and tea
through the milk. drinkers alike.
Is Snobbery Ruining Assam Tea? 
As people learn more about tea and consequently A higher quality tea means hand-harvesting, too, It’s not bad. It’s just progress. Meanwhile, what
seek better and more exotic teas, are some per- and from better tea bushes to assure better happens to those lesser cuts of meat or the worn
fectly good teas getting pushed out of the mar- quality tea leaves picked at the right moment in out clothing? The former becomes pet food, and
ket? It’s often called snobbery — or just a strong their growth. More demand for these orthodox the latter goes in the trash bin or becomes a dust
personal preference. boutique Assams means more of the crop goes rag.
toward their productionand less to producing the
CTC Assam. As for that CTC Assam, hopefully there will al-
ways be enough around for those of us who
Online, there are a lot of Assams claiming that recognize its real worth and whose tastebuds
they are made of only “the finest Assam tea” embrace what others may consider to be inferior
which means they are not CTC Assam. More and tea.
more of the true CTC Assam teas seem to “disap-
pear” into blends, such as Harney & Sons’ East
Friesian and Indian Spice, but are presented
straight in their Irish Breakfast tea.

Don’t panic yet, though. Well, maybe just a

little. Perhaps a bit of stocking up is needed.
There is so much “tippy” Assam out there even
in that local Indian market that it makes some
CTC Assam from local Indian market. tea lovers slightly nervous. Not that the better
Assams aren’t great, too. They’re just not, well,
suitable for spicing up — they taste too good.
A favorite tea is CTC Assam, a lower quality, Sometimes, the lower quality has its purpose.
machine processed tea from the Assam area of Ruby red in cup, full of flavor, a bit of
India that is usually consumed by the locals, not Of course, that goes for other things, too. The sweetener and milk willsmooth it.
exported, but that can be purchased locally in lesser cuts of meat get ground up for sausages
Indian markets here in the U.S. It is the basis of and hotdogs, or at least they used to until some-
Indian masala chai (spiced tea) served hot with one said “Let’s use better cuts of meat and make
lots of milk. For many tea lovers this tea is the sausages and hotdogs more ‘gourmet’.”
considered a bit below their tastes. They want a Quilts used to be made from scraps of cloth that
higher quality Assam that has been processed by remained from a shirt too worn to qualify as a
hand (usually called “orthodox”) and/or that’s shirt or a dress that was no longer serving its
“tippy” with some gold color evident on the purpose, but now quilts are made of new cloth
leaves. bought purposely for them.
Dibrugarh, the Tea City 
Their Website

The Dibrugarh district has the highest amount of tea production in India, Dibrugarh is known as “Tea City of India” as is in the Upper Assam area.
with tea gardens dating back to the British era. The first garden was at They boast the highest amount of tea production in India and are
Chabua (more info), about 20 miles (32 km) away from Dibrugarh. surrounded by 144 tea gardens.

The headquarters of the Directorate of Development of Small Tea Growers

in India operates from Dibrugarh, along with a Regional Office of the Tea
Board of India headed by a Deputy Director of Tea Development (Planta-

The Zone I of the Assam Branch Indian Tea Association (ABITA) is also here.

Tea Tourism in Dibrugarh

Tea tourism has gradually started becoming popular in Dibrugarh. These

green, serene and aromatic tea gardens are perfect places to give serenity
and solace to tourists. Set amidst miles and miles of tea estates, Dibrugarh
always welcomes tourists to experience a life of peace in these tea gardens
and estates. Tourists making a visit to this beautiful town will surely be
mesmerised to see, touch and sense tea.

Go to List of Gardens
Major Tea Growing Districts 

The state of Assam in India has many districts, with some being well-known for their tea estates and gardens.
Dibrugarh (Assamese: িডbগড় িজলা)

An administrative district in the state of Assam in India. The district headquarters are at Dibrugarh city. The district occupies an area of 3381 km². The Burhi
Dihing, a major tributary of the Brahmaputra with its network of tributaries and wetlands flows through the district from east to west. There is a large tract
of tropical rainforest in its eastern and southern regions, unfortunately set aside as a wildlife sanctuary. Tea and oil are the major revenue earners.
Dibrugarh has the world’s largest area covered by tea gardens. The entire district is surrounded by tea plantations and has tea factories. Many tea gardens
are more than 100 years old. (Source)

Golaghat (Assamese: েগালাঘাট িজলা)

An administrative district in the state of Assam in India. It attained district status in 1987. The district headquarters are at Golaghat. The district occupies an
area of 3502 km² and lies 100m above sea level. Tea, rice and sugar cane are the main agricultural crops grown in the district, with tea being the largest.
There are 63 large tea gardens producing about 20,000 tonnes of tea per year. Small-scale tea growers have gotten considerable fame here because of large
incomes compared to other high-land crops. (Source)

An administrative district of Assam in the central part of Brahmaputra Valley. Bounded by Lakhimpur district on north, Nagaland state on the south, Sivasagar
on the east and Golaghat on the west. On the North of the district, the river Brahmaputra forms the largest riverine island of the world. The administrative
seat is located at Jorhat town. Jorhat was a sub-division of Sibsagar district, but in 1983 was carved out and made a separate district. The river Brahmaputra
is a threat to the population by the constant erosion of this mighty, unstable river. There are about 135 tea gardens located in Jorhat. (Source)

Sivasagar (formerly Sibsagar) (Assamese: িশৱসাগৰ িজলা)

One of the 27 districts of Assam state in north-eastern India. Sivasagar city is the administrative headquarters of this district. The districts covers an area of
2668 square kilometers as against total area of 78438 square kilometers. There are three sub-divisions – Sivasagar, Charaideo, and Nazira. The main industries
in Sivasagar are oil industry and tea industry. Majority of the population are agrarian. In 1999, Sivasagar district had a chunk walled off for the Panidihing
Wildlife Sanctuary(34 km2) so the residents cannot use it for their own benefit. Dangerous mammals like Tiger, Elephant, Sun Bear, Sambar, Hoolock Gibbon
etc. abound and further endanger the human population. (Source)

Sonitpur (Tezpur – Assamese: েতজপুৰ)

Tezpur is a city and the administrative headquarters and municipal board of Sonitpur district in the state of Assam in northeastern India. It is an ancient city
on the banks of the river Brahmaputra and is the largest of the north bank town. The economy is dependent on tea gardens surrounding the town. Presently
Tezpur is a commercial, admin-istrative and educational center. It houses a major base of the Indian Army and Airforce (Salonibari). The population is mostly
Assamese, Bengali, Nepali, Bihari, and Marwari. (Source)

Tinsukia (Assamese: িতিনচু কীয়া িজলা)

One of the 27 administrative districts in the state of Assam, India. The district headquarters are located at Tinsukia. Tinsukia district occupies an area of
3,790 square kilometres. It is an industrial district, yet it produces a sizeable amount of tea, oranges, ginger, other citrus fruits and paddy (rice). In 1823, the
British first discovered tea plants in Sadiya and the first tea plantation was started in Chabua near Tinsukia. (The name Chabua comes from “Chah-Buwa”/tea
plantation). (Source)

Udalguri (Odalguri)

A town and a town area committee and a District in Assam. Earlier, it was a civil sub-division under the Darrang district. After signing the Tripartite Peace
Agreement on February 10, 2003, the Bodoland Territorial Council came into being. The name originated from flora (ODAL, a tree, +suffix GOOR>GURI means
roots, surrounding etc., i.e.), a place surrounding the Udal tree. Two sub-divisions: Udalguri and Bhergaon. They are divided into 9 revenue circles: Udalguri,
Majbat, Harisinga, Kalaigaon, Khoirabari, Dalgaon, Patharighat, Mangaldoi and Dhekiajuli. (Source)

There are a number of tea gardens located near Tangla, which is the nearest commercial access point for them. Before 1950, most of them were owned by
British tea companies. (Source)
Other Districts of Assam

Dima Hasao
Kamrup Metropolitan
Karbi Anglong
South Salmara-Mankachar
West Karbi Anglong

Other Locations Where Assamica Teas Are Grown 
We think of Camellia sinensis var. assamica teas Unlike the Chinese varietal Camellia sinensis var. meters and tend to be tougher than the sinensis
as those grown in the state of Assam in northern sinensis, typically ranging in size from a shrub to varietal.
India. But this tea plant varietal is also grown small tree, the Indian varietal Camellia sinensis
elsewhere and, due to that alternate growing var. assamica, while usually kept trimmed to a There is a Cambodian plant (sometimes called C.
environment and different plant clonals, variet- more easily harvested shrub, can grow into a large sinensis parvifolia) that is in-between the Assam
als, or cultivars used, can taste rather different tree. The flowers are mostly single in leaf axils and Chinese varieties; it is a small tree with
from those grown in Assam. and can bloom from late Autumn to early Spring. several stems and is considered a hybrid of the
Assamica leaf sizes can be as large as 20 centi- assamica and sinensis varietals.
The assamica varietal is raised in these locations (and others):

African countries (Kenya,

Zimbabwe, Rwanda, etc.) – Often Yunnan province, southern China –
blended with teas from Assam, India; mostly made into pu-erh, a tea that
similar malty character but tend to is sometimes classified as a black tea
Sri Lanka – some C. sinensis var. Thailand – assamica is used to make steep up less bitter. Kenya began but is actually in a class by itself,
sinensis grown here, but C. sinensis “Thai tea” and is considered inferior planting from seeds in early 20th being post-processing fermented.
var. assamica does better in climate. to teas grown in northern areas of century. Zimbabwe began an estate
Thailand. called New Year’s Gift in 1924.
North Vietnam – pleasant sweet aroma, more
Myanmar (Burma) – mostly made into pu-erh. body and darker color than cheaper Yunnans. Laos – mostly made into pu-erh.

Some Assam Blends

French Blend – Teas from Sri Lanka, Nilgiri, Irish Breakfast – Generic versions (Kenyan and Buckingham Palace Garden Party – High-grown
Assam, and Kenya plus some jasmine scented tea Assam grown assamicas) and brandnames like pure Ceylon black tea, oil of bergamot, Fujian
from China. Flavored with crème de la vanille, oil Bewley’s (Assam and Darjeeling teas) and Barry’s jasmine scented tea, a wonderfully malty Assam
of bergamot, rose petals, and lavender. Has a (Kenyan and Assam grown assamicas). Ruby color- from Borengajuli Estate, Dimbula Ceylon from
flowery character and malty notes. A perfumy ed liquid, strong malty aroma, rich flavor. Drink Hatton, and East of Rift Kenyan (Kambaa and
cup. straight or with milk/sweetener. Kagwe).
List of Some Assam Tea Gardens 
In Assam there are more than 850 tea estates and 2500 tea gardens, The word “district” in Assam can refer to a Revenue District, a Sub-Division,
producing nearly 400 million Kgs of tea annually. Of course, presenting all of and a Planting District. It is not always possible to tell which applies to which
them here would not be practical, but we present as many as we can. garden, so we have included all three wherever known.

The list below came from a variety of sources. Every attempt was made for Note: The spelling of the various garden names is often varied, since it is an
accuracy. However, there are conflicts between many of the sites, with Anglicanization from a language using a totally difference character set. We
gardens being shown as run by one company but appearing on another have tried to include as many of these variations as we could find.
company’s site. Or various district lists counting the same garden.
We thank Lochan Tea Ltd. and other tea vendors for the many samples they
We apologize if our efforts at sorting out these discrepancies have fallen have sent us over the years and that are featured here. A few samples came
short, and please let us know if you see any errors so that we may correct from other tea vendors.
them. In some cases, we have left both company names on.

Select a Letter to Go to Tea Gardens

A  B  C  D  E  F  G 

H  I  J  K  L  M  N 

O  P  Q  R  S  T  U 

  V  W  X  Y  Z   

Aashoobag  Achabam  Ahmeddy  Akhoidesha 

Aashoobag Tea Estate Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Shri Jayantilal Bagrodia Co. Samras (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(More info)
Year Registered: 1985 Year Registered: 1933 Year Registered: 1933
Area Planted [Ha]: 5.62 Adarani  Area Planted [Ha]: 22.73 Area Planted [Ha]: 68.29
Grant Area [Ha]: 13.9 Grant Area [Ha]: 55.65 Grant Area [Ha]: 96.09
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Adarani Tea Estate Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Addabarie  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Abali  Ahombari  Akiya 
Lohit Tea Pvt. Ltd. Adityanagar  Amgoorie (India) Ltd. Namchic Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Shri. S.P. Chakraborty (aka Camellia PLC)
Deals in manufacture and supply of Alakananda 
organic tea. Company founded in 1977. Business
Year Registered: 1985 Budhkaran Prabhudayal Choukhany
Area Planted [Ha]: 5.28 includes manufacturing prepared
Aberdeen  foods and miscellaneous food
Grant Area [Ha]: 5.28 Year Registered: 1983
Revenue District: Dibrugarh specialties.
Darshanlal Jagdishparshad Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 57.06
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 57.06
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Aidaupukhuri 
Abhilex  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Abhilex Tea Co. Aenakhall  (aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Abhinav  Bhuwalka Trading & Tea Co. Pvt.
Ltd. Aideobarie  Alambagh 
Vaibhav Tea Co.
Thengalbarie Estates Pvt. Ltd. Hind Tea Co.
Plantation District: Cachar
Abhishek  Year Registered: 1976 Plantation District: Cachar
Agnigarh  Area Planted [Ha]: 152.15
Abhishek Tea Industries
Agnigarh Bio Plantations Grant Area [Ha]: 278 Ali Tea 
Abhoyjan  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Regina Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Abhoyjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Lakshmi Tea Factory
Year Registered: 1934 Ai‐Padma 
Area Planted [Ha]: 129.7 Agratulee 
Grant Area [Ha]: 314.79 Rangali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Kaziranga Tea Manufacturers
Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Alimur  Ambika  Amora  Ananda 
Dher Sewbhagovan & Co. V.K. Banerjee And Ratan Banerjee Budham Sai Industries Bengal Tea & Fabrics Ltd.

Year Registered: 1969 Year Registered: 1967 Amranagar  Plantation District: Lakhimpur
Area Planted [Ha]: 4.31 Area Planted [Ha]: 29.25
Grant Area [Ha]: 43.62 Grant Area [Ha]: 33.25 The Bhubandhar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Anandabag (Anandbag) 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia Plantation District: Cachar The Ananda Bag Tea Co. Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Amrit Tea  Anandabari 
Alisiga  Ambikabari  Sankardeb Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Anandabari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Shewbhagavan Agarwalla & Others Kamla Tea Processing Udyog
Amritbari  Year Registered: 1933
Year Registered: 1953 Ambikapur  Area Planted [Ha]: 91.5
Sarda Tea Industries Grant Area [Ha]: 110.73
Area Planted [Ha]: 14.16
Grant Area [Ha]: 15.13 Sumitra Associate Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Amsoi  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh AMCHA  Shree Krishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Bhauram Jodhraj, Amchong Tea
Amulguri  Anandapoor 
Alokepur  Anandapur Tea Estate
Amulguri Tea & Seed Estate
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Amchong 
(More info) Year Registered: 1946 Year Registered: 1991
Bhauram Jodhraj Area Planted [Ha]: 2.99
Area Planted [Ha]: 65.08
Alynee & Naraindhar  Grant Area [Ha]: 71.35 Grant Area [Ha]: 11.29
Plantation District: Kamrup Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Barak Tea Co. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Cachar
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Amulyabari  Anandapur 
Amulyabari Tea Estate J.N. Goswami
Balijan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mwider Co-Operative Tea Industry Amulyabari  Year Registered: 1991
Ambabari  Society Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 85
Putul Phukon Grant Area [Ha]: 100.82
Vision Industries Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Udalguri Sub Division: Golaghat
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Sibsagar

(On their list of tea gardens as of

publication of this guide.)
Anandbag  Anjanibari  Archana Tea  Arunoday (Assam) 
The Ananda-Bag Tea Co. Ltd. Sri Bengal Tea Chest Fittings Mfg Naharbari Tea Factory a Unit of Sumitra Associate Pvt. Ltd.
Pvt. Ltd. TSSS Vill-Bogabil
Year Registered: 1953 Arunodaya 
Area Planted [Ha]: 280.8 Ankur  Archy Tea 
Grant Area [Ha]: 350.5 Arunodaya Plantations Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Associated Tea Industries Ankur Tea Industries
Sub Division: Tinsukia Arunshree 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Ankurbari  Arcuttipore 
Arunshree Tea Estate
Ankur Tea Industries Arcuttipore Tea Co. Ltd.
Anderson Tea  Year Registered: 1983
Anderson Tea Estate Anmol  Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 12.14
Grant Area [Ha]: 12.14
Sardarmall Bagaria Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Arin  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
ANG Tea & Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. Annacherra  Arin Tea Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
The Eastern Tea Estate Ltd. Arnav 
Angadpur  Arya 
MKB (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. Anubari  Vaibhav Tea Co. Nefaa Tea Industries
Ever Assam Tea Pvt. Ltd. Arotea 
Angelbari  Aryaan 
Feroze Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Anudok  Arotee Agro Pvt. Ltd. Aryaan Tea Co.
Chuba Tea Products Arun 
Angh  Asitpur 
Paramount Tea Industry C/o. Anupam  Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. Asitpur Tea Pvt Ltd.
Goduka Hardwares (More info)
Anupam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1991
Anjali  Arun II  Area Planted [Ha]: 87
Arun Tea Estate Ii Grant Area [Ha]: 205.92
Anjali Tea Co-operative Society Himani Dajpur Kayasthya Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1933
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 10.12 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 10.12
Manipur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Arakan Valley  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Asomibari 
S. B. Plantation Tea Factory Sub Division: Dibrugarh Manpasand Tea Co.
Anjani  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Anjani Tea Co. Arawat 
Teatec Cosultants Pvt. Ltd.
C/o. Steelsworth Pvt. Ltd. M. K. B. Enterprise
Assam Agricultural University  Atco  Attabarrie  Auro 
Assam Agricultural University Acto Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. The Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd. Auro Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Year Registered: 1984 Athabari  Year Registered: 1953 Aurok 

Area Planted [Ha]: 325 Area Planted [Ha]: 391.05
Grant Area [Ha]: 325 Athabari Tea Estate Grant Area [Ha]: 780.78 Aurok Tea Factory
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1991 Sub Division: Sibsagar Aylabari 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 8 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 12.41 Goenka Tea Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Assam Bond  Revenue District: Sibsagar Attareekhat 
Sub Division: Golaghat Plantation District: Cachar
B. S. Associates Plantation District: Sibsagar Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Assam Valley  Atkhel  Attulaybari  Keshava Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Dhanshree Tea Industries Banshidhar Sewbhagovan & Co. Pvt. Gautam Bari Tea
Ltd. Year Registered: 1953
Assambari  Auguri  Area Planted [Ha]: 130.31
Attabarie  Grant Area [Ha]: 395.88
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Gopal Krishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Plantation District: Dibrugarh

Select a Letter to Go to More Tea Gardens 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Baansbari  Bagrodia  Baitakhal  Baliguri 

Narayani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Bagrodia Plantations & Industries Baitakhal Plantations Ltd. Charaideo Enterprises
Pvt. Ltd.
Baba  Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1990
Year Registered: 1936 Area Planted [Ha]: 8
Sri Dangaria Tea Industry
Area Planted [Ha]: 105.3 Bajrang  Grant Area [Ha]: 12.03
Grant Area [Ha]: 146.24 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Baghbari  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Bajrang Tea Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Sub Division: Jorhat
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Kesera Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Bajrangbali  Balijan North 
Bahadur  Goneshbari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Bohniman Tea Pvt. Ltd. Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
(More info) Year Registered: 1953 Year Registered: 1954
Baghjan  Area Planted [Ha]: 35.7 Area Planted [Ha]: 737.02
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Bahani  Grant Area [Ha]: 65.96 Grant Area [Ha]: 786.76
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Baghmari  Bhani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Baghmari Tea Co. Ltd. Plantation District: Udalguri
Bajrangpore  Balijan 
Plantation District: Darrang Bahipookri 
Bajrangpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. James Warren Tea Ltd.
Baghmora  Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. --Or--
(More info) Plantation District: Cachar Dashabhooja Merchantiles &
Sarda Tea Industries Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info)
Bahoni  Bakooloni 
Baghsong  Balijan (Hoogrijan) 
Bahoni Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Vinayakpur Tea Co.
R.K.Bezbaruah & Others James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Year Registered: 1937 Balaji 
Year Registered: 1940 Area Planted [Ha]: 98 Balimara 
Area Planted [Ha]: 66.89 Grant Area [Ha]: 200 Balaji Tea Industries
Grant Area [Ha]: 92.04 Revenue District: Sibsagar Balaji Exports Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat Baligaon  (aka Balimara Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.)
Sub Division: Golaghat Plantation District: Sibsagar Shree Krishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1959
Baint barrie  Area Planted [Ha]: 129.38
Grant Area [Ha]: 247.64
The Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Ballacherra  Bamunbari  Baraguri  Barkandi 
The All India Tea & Trading Co. Umacharan Barua Kaushik Industries Pvt. Ltd. Eastern Tea Corpn. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1948 Baranadi  Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 105
Grant Area [Ha]: 202.29 K.K. Barua & B.K. Barua Barmajan (U) 
Balupara  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Kamrup Green Tea Center
K. N. Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Barasali  Barmajan Supreme 
Bamgaon  Banamalie  Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Barmajan Tea Co Pvt. Ltd.
Sonabheel Tea Ltd. Banamalie Tea Estate (aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info)
Area Planted [Ha]: 232.09 Year Registered: 1937 Barduar 
M. K. B. Enterprise
Grant Area [Ha]: 369.55 Area Planted [Ha]: 189.23 Barduar Tea & Timber Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 417.82 Barpathar 
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Kamrup
Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Sibsagar Barpathar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Barekuri 
Bamonguri  Year Registered: 1935
Banaspaty  Nirmala Tea Industry Area Planted [Ha]: 99.97
Malibru Tea Industries
Grant Area [Ha]: 314.96
Ganapati Sarkar Bargang  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Deals in tea supply, manufacture.
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Name Meaning: From Bar- Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bamonmati  gam, an old
Banglabari  villager. Baruajan 
Deha Chah Udyog Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 967
Eastern Dooars Tea Co. Ltd. Plantation District: Sonitpur Bernajan Tea Estate
Banwaripur  Near the Borgang village. There is a Year Registered: 1953
Ryam Commerce & Plantation Ltd.
Dhandharia Tea Co. large pond here, dug in 1800 by Area Planted [Ha]: 16.47
Year Registered: 1970 Ahompukri, an Ahom King. Grant Area [Ha]: 21
Area Planted [Ha]: 426.06 Year Registered: 1934 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 539.2 Area Planted [Ha]: 37.3 Possibly part of Mcleod Russel India Sub Division: Jorhat
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 70 Ltd., but not on their site as of the Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar publication of this guide.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat Baruakhat 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Bargara 
Baruakhat Tea Co. Pvt Ltd.
Gour Nitye Tea & Industries Ltd.
Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Darrang
Baruanagar  Bateli  Bazaltoli  Belseri 
Baruanagar Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Bateli Tea Co. Ltd. K. N. Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Belseri Tea Co. (India) Ltd.
Year Registered: 1941
Area Planted [Ha]: 115.82 Plantation District: Darrang Beesakopie  Area Planted [Ha]: 340.75
Grant Area [Ha]: 191.05 Grant Area [Ha]: 790.66
Revenue District: Sibsagar  Part of M L Dalmia Group. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Darrang
Sub Division: Sibsagar  Over 1,000 acres in premium tea Sub Division: Tezpur
Plantation District: Sibsagar quality belt of Assam, India.
Begoti  Plantation District: Darrang
 Produces premium quality black Begoti Tea Producer Co. Ltd.
Basantibag  CTC Teas and market both loose Bemolapur 
and packaged forms. Behali 
Assam Gold Tea Pvt. Ltd. Bemolapur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Batiamari  Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Basantibari  Year Registered: 1935
Behali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Beheating  Area Planted [Ha]: 113.58
Dhansri Tea Industries Grant Area [Ha]: 203.96
Bazaloni  Beheting Tea Estate Revenue District: Sibsagar
Bashuded Bari  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Bazaloni Group Ltd. Year Registered: 1953 Plantation District: Sibsagar
G.C. Bari
Area Planted [Ha]: 188.46
Year Registered: 1953 Grant Area [Ha]: 298.94 Bengmora 
Year Registered: 1934
Area Planted [Ha]: 694.64 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 12.14 Feroze Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 941.70 Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 182.94
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar Benodenagar 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Behora 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Bajrang Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd.
A leading tea estate in Assam. Each Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Basmatia  Plantation District: Cachar
division (Rajgarhali and Bazaloni)
Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info) has state-of-the-art factory, equip- Behubor 
ped to manufacture premium teas.
River Valley Tea Co.Pvt. Ltd.
Basudevbari  Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1934 (More info)
Bishnupur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 524.00
Grant Area [Ha]: 1110.62 Bettybari 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
Sub Division: Sibsagar (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bezboruah Tea Estate
Teamafco Pvt. Ltd.
Bezborooah  Bhanipur  Bhismak  Bhowanipore 
Baruanagar Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Jagduar Tea & Trading Co. Pvt. Dibang Valley Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Narayanpur Tea Estate
Year Registered: 1940 Bhogadabari  Year Registered: 1976
Area Planted [Ha]: 89.43 Year Registered: 1937 Area Planted [Ha]: 166
Grant Area [Ha]: 103.07 Area Planted [Ha]: 13.56 Jallan Golaghat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 319
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 41.64 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1998 Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Jorhat Area Planted [Ha]: 41.23 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 41.23
Bhadoi  Revenue District: Sibsagar Bhubandhar 
Bhartia  Sub Division: Golaghat
Vinayakpur Tea Co. Plantation District: Sibsagar The Bhubandhar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
G. Bhartia & Others
Bhagawati  Bhogbari  Plantation District: Cachar
Year Registered: 1981
Khetan Krishi Farm Area Planted [Ha]: 25.52 Basanta Kr. Handique Bhubrighat 
Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Grant Area [Ha]: 30.31
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1990 Bhubrighat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Bhagwan  Sub Division: Naharkatia Area Planted [Ha]: 6
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 14.61 Plantation District: Cachar
Assam Valley Tea & Trading Co. Revenue District: Sibsagar
Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar Bhuvan 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1934 Bhavani Tea Industries Plantation District: Udalguri
Area Planted [Ha]: 75.76 Bholaguri 
Grant Area [Ha]: 132 Bhawanipur Tea  Bhuvan Valley 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Golaghat Bhawanipur Tea Industries Bhuvan Valley Tea Co.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Bholaguri 
Bhelaguri  Plantation District: Cachar
Bhamun  Baghbari Tea Co.Pvt. Ltd.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Bhuyankhat 
Plantation District: Udalguri (More info) Area Planted [Ha]: 104.24
Grant Area [Ha]: 248.44 Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info)
Bhergaon  Revenue District: Darrang
Sub Division: Tezpur Bicrampore 
Mr. S. K. Barooah Plantation District: Darrang The North-Western Cachar Tea Co.
Plantation District: Darrang Ltd.
Bherjan  Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Bidyanagar 
The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. Revenue District: Udalguri
(More info) Plantation District: Cachar
Bihubaari  Bimi  Bishnupur  Bogijan 
Reliance Tea Industries Sri. D.K.Sarma Bishnupur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. The Gohain Barbora Tea Co. Pvt.
Bihuwan  Year Registered: 1983 Year Registered: 1933
Area Planted [Ha]: 2.43 Area Planted [Ha]: 52.62 Year Registered: 1936
Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 2.43 Grant Area [Ha]: 125.45 Area Planted [Ha]: 117
Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 117
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Bijleejan  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat
Gobindapore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Binayak  Biswanath 
Year Registered: 1941 Bohagi 
Binayak Tea Estate Biswanath Tea Industry
Area Planted [Ha]: 75.6 Bohagi Tea Co Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 202.34 Year Registered: 1990 Black Tiger 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 5 Boideha 
Sub Division: Jorhat Grant Area [Ha]: 9.77 Bora Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh R.K.Bezbaruah & Others
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Bochapathar 
Bijlibari  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1963
Bochapathar Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 106.54
Shivdham Industries Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 408.47
Binnakandy (Binnakandi)  Bodoland Tea  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1944 Cheviot Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Jorhat
Area Planted [Ha]: 132.63 Bodoland Tea Compay Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 207.28 Plantation District: Cachar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Bogapani 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Binodini  Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Dibrugarh S.S.K. Exports Ltd..
Debidutta Sutodiya & Others Bogibil  Year Registered: 1986
Bijulee  Area Planted [Ha]: 484.89
Plantation District: Cachar Horujan Tea Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 809.59
Bijulee Tea Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar
Birjhora  Bogidhola  Sub Division: Jorhat
Bilashpur  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bhutan Duars Tea Association Ltd. Bogidhola Tea & Trading Co. Pvt.
Birendra Kr. Bawari Ltd.
Year Registered: 1989 Year Registered: 1965
Area Planted [Ha]: 4.15 Bishmile Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 361.16
Grant Area [Ha]: 4.15 Grant Area [Ha]: 832.4
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Bishnupriya  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Bishupriya Tea Industries
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bokahola  Bora  Borbheta  Borduria 
Bokahola Tea Co. Pvt.Ltd. Bora Tea Pvt. Ltd. Jalannagar Development Pvt. Ltd. ANG Tea & Agro Products Pvt. Ltd.

Year Registered: 1982 Borahi  Year Registered: 1961 Borelli 

Area Planted [Ha]: 169.45 Area Planted [Ha]: 796.11
Grant Area [Ha]: 304.12 Jyoti Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 1091.39 Lakshmi Tea Factory
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Jorhat Year Registered: 1954 Sub Division: Tinsukia Borengajuli 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 363.05 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 603.4 Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Bokajan  Revenue District: Sibsagar Borbil 
Sub Division: Sibsagar Borgang 
Bokajan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Borbil Tea Co. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Karbi Borahigaon  Borborooah  Borgaon 
Jyoti Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Borgang Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Borahijan  Borchai  Borguri  
Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info)
Jyoti Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Prabhuni Tea Co. Laxmi Tea Industries, Padumani
Bokel  Tea Estate
Borajan  Borchola 
M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Borhalla 
Ltd. (More info) Madhupur Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Panbari Tea Co. Ltd.
(More info) Ganeshka Kanoi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Boloma  Area Planted [Ha]: 160.14
Borbam  Grant Area [Ha]: 202.09 Year Registered: 1977
Boloma Tea Co. Revenue District: Darrang Area Planted [Ha]: 260.7
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Sub Division: Tezpur Grant Area [Ha]: 416.67
Year Registered: 1951 Plantation District: Darrang Revenue District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 121.4 Borbari 
Sub Division: Jorhat
Grant Area [Ha]: 344.23 Jalan Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bordeobam  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Bengal Tea & Fabrics Ltd.
Year Registered: 1969 Borhapjan 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 53.8 Plantation District: Lakhimpur Feroze Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 65.16
Bonphul  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Bordhumsa  Borhat 
Aidaupukhuri Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
(info) Plantation District: Dibrugarh Shree Shyam Tea Pvt. Ltd. Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
(More info)
Bonpitha  Bordubi 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Borholla (Borhalla) 
Kadamba Tea Co.
Ganeshka Kanoi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Borhom  Boroi  Borsaporie  Bosabari 
Lohpohia Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) The Jorehaut Tea Ltd. (More info) Bosabari Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.

Borjan (info)  Borojalingah  Borsillah  Year Registered: 1942

Area Planted [Ha]: 27.81
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Borojalingah Tea Co. Atmaram & Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 114.19
(More info) Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1958 Sub Division: Jorhat
Borjuli  Area Planted [Ha]: 602.28 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Borokai  Grant Area [Ha]: 1121.08
Empire & Singlo Plantation Revenue District: Sibsagar
(Empire & Singlo Tea Ltd.) B. Majumdar Bowleah 
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Cheviot Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 558.05 Plantation District: Cachar
Grant Area [Ha]: 910.56 Borsola  Brahamaputra 
Revenue District: Darrang Borpani 
Sub Division: Tezpur Borsola Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. The Teloijan Tea Co. Ltd.
Borpani Tea & Agro Product
Plantation District: Darrang
Bortimon  Brahmajan 
Borkatonee  Tirual Bortimon Tea Estate Pvt. Arunoday Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Ltd.
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
(More info) Year Registered: 1994
Borsaikota  Year Registered: 1985 Area Planted [Ha]: 69.05
Borluit  Prabhuni Tea Co. Area Planted [Ha]: 129.83 Grant Area [Ha]: 69.05
Grant Area [Ha]: 174.64 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Borluit Agri Firm House Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Tinsukia
Borsaikota (North) 
Sub Division: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Bormahjan  Year Registered: 1960 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 39.78 Brahmakunda 
Bormah Jan Tea Co. (1936) Ltd. Borting 
Grant Area [Ha]: 72.04
Revenue District: Sibsagar Chakravartti Tea & Industries
Area Planted [Ha]: 481.95 Year Registered: 1937
Sub Division: Jorhat
Grant Area [Ha]: 693.84 Area Planted [Ha]: 90.97 Brahmaputra 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 150.88
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Sibsagar Green Tea Worth
Borsaikota (South)  -- or --
Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Golaghat
K.C. Bezbarooah Plantation District: Sibsagar Worthy Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1934
Parmeshwari Tea Co.
Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Grant Area [Ha]: 72.03
Borogolai  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Nivedita Tea Industry Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bribanda  Budderpore  Budlapara  Burnie Braes 
Brindavan Tea Plantation Co- Srilal Tusnia & Others Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Burnie Braes Tea Co.
Operative Society Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Buds  Plantation District: Cachar
Year Registered: 1997
Area Planted [Ha]: 15 Budha  Farnaaz Tea Pvt. Ltd. Burrapahar 
Grant Area [Ha]: 35.07
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sbc Enterprise Bukhial  GD Tie-up Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1981 Burtoll 
Area Planted [Ha]: 10.72
Grant Area [Ha]: 10.72 Bundoo Kmara  Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. ?
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Rajketan Tusnial (Ms)
Shree Shyam Tea Industries Sub Division: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Budlabeta  Bundookmara 
Krishna Tea Industries
Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) B. Gupta (Tea) Pvt. Ltd.

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Camellia  Chai Boisa  Chandra  Chapajan 

Jallan Furkating Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. SSK Exports Ltd. Assam Proper Tea Co. Ltd. G.C. Khound

Cato Tea & Tea Seed  Chai Rass  Chandra Bag  Year Registered: 1935

Area Planted [Ha]: 27.52
Buragohain Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Rongpur Tea Industries Assam Gold Tea Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 33.99
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1972 Chakrasila  Chandra Prabha  Sub Division: Jorhat
Area Planted [Ha]: 14.12 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 66.45 Mother Tea Factory Co-operative Gopal Bhoroli Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Society Ltd.
Chandra  Chapanalla 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Champanagar  Chapanalla Tea Estate
Assam Proper Tea Co. Ltd.
Rupai Tea (Processing) Co.
Century  Plantation District: Kamrup Chapar 
Associated Tea Industries Chandana  Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd.
S.C. Dutta & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Century  Sreelal (Srilal) Tusnial & Others Chapjani 
Century Tea Co. Plantation District: Darrang (HUF) Lakheswar Sarma Barua & Others

Chabua  Chandighat  Chandypore  Year Registered: 1953

Rungamattee Tea & Industries Ltd. Srilal Tusnial & Others Area Planted [Ha]: 0
The British established the first Grant Area [Ha]: 50.59
English tea garden at Chabua in Revenue District: Sibsagar
1837, the first commercial tea Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District: Cachar
Sub Division: Jorhat
estate in Assam. The word Chabua Plantation District: Sibsagar
comes from two Assamese words Chandmari  Changlang Tea 
"cha" and "bua". While "cha" means Chandmari Tea Co, Pvt, Ltd. Changlan Tea Co. Charaipung15‐16 
tea, "bua" means plantation. So
Chabua is the place where huge tea Year Registered: 1955 Changlangkan Tea  Achinibill Tea Enterprise
plantation is done. Area Planted [Ha]: 165.9
Grant Area [Ha]: 242.48 Kamren Tea Industries Charali Tea & Tea Seed 
Total area: 1310 hectares. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Produces: golden tippy teas that Singh Enterprises
Sub Division: Tinsukia
infuse flavorful liquids. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1934
Chahal  Area Planted [Ha]: 56.68
Chandpur  Grant Area [Ha]: 69.36
Kesaria (Assam) Tea Co. Chandpur Tea Planters & Industries Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Chardwar  Chetak Tea  Chikanmati  Chota Tingrai 
P. C. Bhanj Deo Chandpur Tea Planters & Industries Bijni Dooars Tea Co. Ltd. Jalannagar Development Pvt. Ltd.

Area Planted [Ha]: 406.3 Chetanbaree  Plantation District: Darrang Year Registered: 1939
Grant Area [Ha]: 912.4 Area Planted [Ha]: 332.41
Revenue District: Darrang Gopi Tea Industries Chikonmati  Grant Area [Ha]: 501.74
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Darrang Chetia Nagar  Bijni Dooars Tea Co. Ltd. Sub Division: Tinsukia
Uma Kanta Chetia Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Chargola  Chincoorie 
Year Registered: 1964 Cachar Tea Framing & Industrial Chotajan 
Chargola Tea Co. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 1.82 Co-Op. Ltd. No info.
Grant Area [Ha]: 4.05
Chargola Valley  Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Cachar Chowdung 
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Cachar Tea Framing & Industrial Plantation District: Sibsagar Chitperi  Dher Sewbhagovan & Co.
Co-Op. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Chetiabari  Sarda Plywood Industries Ltd. Year Registered: 1980
Area Planted [Ha]: 39.31
Chenijan  Chenijan Group Of Garden Choibari  Grant Area [Ha]: 45.10
Choibari Tea & Industries Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
J.N. Sarma & Others (Huf) Year Registered: 1934 Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 26.07 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1944 Grant Area [Ha]: 34.94 Choice 
Area Planted [Ha]: 112.19 Revenue District: Sibsagar Choice Tea Industries Chubwa 
Grant Area [Ha]: 137.2 Sub Division: Jorhat
Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar Chokbani  Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Jorhat (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar Chetiajan  Joharmall Murlidhar & Co.
Chenimai  Chetiajan Tea Estate Plantation District: Lakhimpur
Ramavatar Agarwal
Chenimai Tea Co. Year Registered: 1938 Choonsali 
Area Planted [Ha]: 0.37 Plantation District: Cachar
Cherideo Purbat  Grant Area [Ha]: 0.37 M.B.D. Ombrain (Ms)
Revenue District: Sibsagar Chungibarie 
The General Fibre Dealers Pvt Ltd. Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Kamrup
Plantation District: Sibsagar Chungi Barie Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1985
Area Planted [Ha]: 535 Chhotahapjan  Cinnamara (Cinnamora) 
Grant Area [Ha]: 896.91
Revenue District: Sibsagar Kako Tea Pvt. Ltd. Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Cinnatolliah  Colorplus  Cossipore 
Upper Ganges Suger & Industries Pravati Tea Co. Sree Ram Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Coombergram  Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Lakhimpur
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Craigpark 
Corramore  Shree Kamakhya Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Classic Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Cachar

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Dahabari  Daisajan  Darshan  Deering 

Shankardeb Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Dhapi Tea Co.
Ltd. (More info)
Dahingeapar  Deamoolie  Degubber 
Bhaskar Tea & Industries Ltd. James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info) Karunamoyee Agro Processing Pvt
Daisajoori Tea Pvt. Ltd. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1955 Debadaru 
Area Planted [Ha]: 372.49 Daloabari  Degubber 
Grant Area [Ha]: 560.05 Sonarie Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Eastern Dooars Tea Co. Ltd. Degubber Tea Estate
Sub Division: Jorhat Debendra 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Dalowjan  Plantation District: Cachar
Debendra Tea & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Dalowjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Deha 
Daimukhia  Debrapara 
Hindustan Lever Ltd. Plantation Year Registered: 1938 Deha Assam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 102.08 (More info)
Daisa Bari  Grant Area [Ha]: 146.35
Revenue District: Sibsagar Deckiajuli  Year Registered: 1951
Arup Kr. Baruah Sub Division: Golaghat Parry Agro Industries Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 238.05
Plantation District: Sibsagar (Company Website) Grant Area [Ha]: 455.37
Year Registered: 1989 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 1.029 Dalu  Sub Division: Jorhat
Grant Area [Ha]: 1.029 Area Planted [Ha]: 657.21 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh The Eastern Tea Estate Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 989.55
Sub Division: Tinsukia Revenue District: Darrang Dehajaan 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Damayanti 
Sub Division: Tezpur Shyam Tea Co.
Dalowjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Darrang
Daisa Orange 
Smt.Gini Agarwal Year Registered: 1953 Deeamoolie 
Area Planted [Ha]: 26.84 Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Grant Area [Ha]: 61.59 James Warren Tea Ltd.
Year Registered: 1979 --Or--
Area Planted [Ha]: 9.14 Revenue District: Sibsagar Dejoo 
Sub Division: Jorhat Dashabhooja Merchantiles &
Grant Area [Ha]: 15.71 Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info) Stewar Goodricke t Holl (I) Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District
Sub Division: Tinsukia Deepling  Lakhimpur
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Dangaria Tea 
J. J. Tea Pvt. Ltd. Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Dejoo Valley 
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Dekhari  Deopani (2)  Dewleaf Gold Tea  Dharamkhall 
Shamshun Tea & Industrial Pvt. Ltd. Bogidhola Tea & Trading Co. Pvt. Kaziranga Tea Manufacturers The North-Western Cachar Tea Co.
Ltd. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1989 Dhanlaxmi 
Area Planted [Ha]: 337.83 Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Dharmanagar 
Grant Area [Ha]: 592.22 Ankur Tea Industries
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Derby  Dharmanagar Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Dhanseri 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Derby Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Dhekiabari 
Amiya Kr. Das
Plantation District: Cachar Spirit Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Dekorai  Plantation District: Karbi Anglong
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Dergaon  Dhekiajan 
Ssk Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Contemporary Industries Ltd.at
Deodarshan  Dhansiri Tea Factory Tarajan Tea Estate
Deodarshan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Desam 
Dhantola15‐16  Dhekiakhowa 
Deodhai  Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info)
Dhantola Tea Estate Sri Ratneswar Khound
Durgapur Tea Co. Dessoi (Dessoie) 
Dhanubari  Year Registered: 1942
Deoghoria  Grob Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Area Planted [Ha]: 20
Ginni Tea Grant Area [Ha]: 27
Shri Narayan Ch. Goswani & Ors. Dev Bari  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Dhanuka  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Lakhimpur Dhapi Tea Co. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Udalguri
Deohall  Devendra  Dhelakhat 
Dhanuka ʹFʹ 
Warren Tea Ltd. (More info) Assam Dairy Farm Dhelakhat Tea Co. Ltd.
Mangalam International Pvt. Ltd.
Deomali Tea  Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1953
Dhanuka ʹHʹ 
Area Planted [Ha]: 366.94
ANG Tea & Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. Devi Tea  Padmavati Traders (India) Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 542.15
Kharsang Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Deopani  Dhanukaʹs Camellia  Sub Division: Tinsukia
Atmaram & Co. Dewan  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Bedant Commerce Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1988 Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. ?
Area Planted [Ha]: 257.4
Grant Area [Ha]: 406.06 Revenue District: Udalguri Dhapi Tea Co.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Cachar
Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Dhelia  Dholcherra  Dhopatbari  Dighalibari 
Pithagooti Tea Estate The North-Western Cachar Tea Co. The Scottish Assam (India) Ltd. Patkai Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1952 Dhulapadung  Dighlihola 
Area Planted [Ha]: 32.87 Dholla 
Grant Area [Ha]: 73.34 Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Dighlihola Tea Estate
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sadiya Frontier Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Dhullie  Year Registered: 1940
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1951 Area Planted [Ha]: 82.29
Area Planted [Ha]: 204.96 Assambrook Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 237
Dhendai  Grant Area [Ha]: 566.65 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 748.78 Sub Division: Golaghat
Gillapukri Tea & Seed Co. Ltd. Sub Division: Tinsukia Grant Area [Ha]: 1088.96 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Darrang
Area Planted [Ha]: 380.21 Sub Division: Tezpur Digulturrung 
Grant Area [Ha]: 580.21 Dhollabari  Plantation District: Darrang
Revenue District: Darrang Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Tezpur Bhavani Tea Industries Dhunseri 
Plantation District: Darrang Dikchu 
Dhonjan  Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
(More info) Unique Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Dherai  Dangri And Dhonjan Tea & Tea Seed
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. Co. Dhunserimukh  Dikhow 
(More info) Rungajaun Tea & Plantation Tejasi Chai
Year Registered: 1988
Area Planted [Ha]: 22.98 Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Dhoedaam  Dikom 
Grant Area [Ha]: 22.98
James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Dibang Valley 
Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Green Tea Co.
Dhoedhaam  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Dikombari 
James Warren Tea Ltd. Dib‐bru 
Dhoolie  Parvati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Or Banamalie Tea Estate
Dashabhooja Merchantiles & Saharaj Tea Co Diksam 
Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info) Dibrugarh 
Year Registered: 1953 Moheema Ltd.
Dholai  Area Planted [Ha]: 229.98 Ethelwold Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 404.52 Year Registered: 1930
Dholai Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar Dibrujan  Area Planted [Ha]: 99.71
Sub Division: Jorhat Grant Area [Ha]: 138.74
Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District: Sibsagar Shree Shyam Tea Industries Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Dholajan  Dhoom  Diffloo  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Mandhania Tea & Industries Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
No further info found. (More info)
Dilkhoosh  Dirioibam  Donyipolo  Doomur Dullung 
The Barak Tea Co. Ltd. The Ahmed Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Siang Tea & Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Cachar Doolahat  Dooria 
Year Registered: 1953
Dilli  Area Planted [Ha]: 199 Kanoi Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 242 (More info)
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1953
(More info) Sub Division: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 543.34 Dowamara 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 911.75
Dimakusi  Revenue District: Lakhimpur Dowamara Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Dirok  Sub Division: North
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Lakhimpur Doyang 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Lakhimpur Grob Tea Co. Ltd. (More info)
Mandhania Tea & Industries Divine Tea  Doolia  Doyapore 
Rhino Tea Assam Tea & Tea Seed Plantation Doyapore Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Dingia  Pvt. Ltd.
No further info found. Diyuna  Plantation District: Cachar
Year Registered: 1967
Green Field Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 65.85
Dinjan  Duamara 
Grant Area [Ha]: 75.3
Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Doddacombu  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Khongea Tea Estate Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Dinjoye  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Duarabari 
Dinjoye Tea Estate Pvt Ltd. Dolaguri  Duarabari Tea Estate
The Dolaguri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1934 Ranglal Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1939
Area Planted [Ha]: 140.31 Year Registered: 1949 Area Planted [Ha]: 16.28
Grant Area [Ha]: 195.66 Area Planted [Ha]: 324.27 Dooloo Gram  Grant Area [Ha]: 33.18
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 514.67 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Pallorbund Tea Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Golaghat Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Dirai  Dubba 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Doloo  Bagasa Plantation Pvt. Ltd.
Parsuram Tea Co.
Doloo Tea Co. (I) Ltd.
Dirial  Year Registered: 1988
Doomni  Area Planted [Ha]: 169.97
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Cachar
Sublime Agro Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 261.21
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Nalbari Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Had tea factory. Shona Patel’s
Durganagar  Dwarband 
father was manager of the factory.
Dufflaghur  Durganagar Tea Estate Iringmara Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District: Cachar
Green Assam Tea Industries
Duflating  Durgapur  Dwarikapur 
Year Registered: 1953
Durgapur Tea Co. Dwarikapur Tea Estate
Area Planted [Ha]: 488.05 Reliance Tea Industries
Grant Area [Ha]: 916.27
Year Registered: 1988 Year Registered: 1983
Revenue District: Sibsagar Dullabcherra  Area Planted [Ha]: 41.78 Area Planted [Ha]: 5.26
Sub Division: Jorhat
Vishnu Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 55.52 Grant Area [Ha]: 5.26
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Dullabcherra  Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Dukenhengra  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
(More info) (More info) Durge  Dwarka 
Durgabari  Prabhat Tea MFG (A) P. Ltd. Shri Samarendra Nath Banerjee
Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info) Sarbashri B,N,Dhur & P.C.Dhur Duro Tea  Year Registered: 1981
Area Planted [Ha]: 7.67
Year Registered: 1941 Sarda Plywood Industries Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 14.67
Area Planted [Ha]: 16.28 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Amarawati Tea Co. Ltd.. Grant Area [Ha]: 31.77 Durrung  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Spbp Tea (India) Ltd.
Year Registered: 1940 Sub Division: Jorhat
Area Planted [Ha]: 163.90 Plantation District: Sibsagar Dygroon 
Area Planted [Ha]: 320.19
Grant Area [Ha]: 238.48
Grant Area [Ha]: 571.72 No further info found.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Durgakhoona  Revenue District: Darrang
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
The North-Western Cachar Tea Co. Sub Division: Tezpur
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Ltd. Plantation District: Darrang

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Ekrajan  Enver Tea  Ethelwold 

No further info found. Enver Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Ethelwold Estate Pvt Ltd.

Endogram  Eriabarie  Year Registered: 1964

Area Planted [Ha]: 156.04
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) The Eriabarie Tea Co. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 195.64
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh

Fallangani  Fathepur  Fulkala  Furkating 

Binani Tea & Industries Ethelwold Estate Pvt Ltd. Ganeshka Kanoi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jallan Furkating Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Fatemabad  Year Registered: 1953 Year Registered: 1970

Area Planted [Ha]: 54.63 Area Planted [Ha]: 96.33
Choudhury Tea & Agro Industries
Grant Area [Ha]: 85.62 Grant Area [Ha]: 153.73
Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District Kamrup
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar

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Gabroo Purbat  Gatoonga  Ghillidary  Ghorajan 

Bhaskar Tea & Industries Ltd. Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Rungamattee Tea & Industries Ltd. J.N. Sarma & Others (Huf)
(aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) 1957 Year Registered: 1942
Year Registered: 1990 434.29 Area Planted [Ha]: 138.75
Area Planted [Ha]: 344.4 Gauri  616.48 Grant Area [Ha]: 228.31
Grant Area [Ha]: 528.03 Year Registered: Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar Gauri Tea Associates Area Planted [Ha]: Sub Division: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Grant Area [Ha]: Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Gauri Sankar  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sankar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Golaghat Gibbon 
Gameri Tea  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Gibon Agro - Tea Product Pvt. Ltd.
S. R. Green Tea Gauripur Tea 
Gauripur Tea Industry Gillapukri 
Ganga  Sitaram Budhkaran Chowkhany &
Co. Gillapukri Tea Co.
Anupam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Gautam 
Gautam Tea Plantation Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1934 Year Registered: 1962
Gangabari  Area Planted [Ha]: 116.43 Area Planted [Ha]: 375.33
Gautambari  Grant Area [Ha]: 152.57 Grant Area [Ha]: 614.47
Gangabari Tea Co. Private Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Gautam Bari Tea Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia
Year Registered: 1935
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 137.72
Grant Area [Ha]: 188.4 Gingia 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Banshidhar Sewbhagovan & Co. Pvt.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Ltd. The MK Group (aka M. K. Shah
Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Exports Ltd.) (More info)
Year Registered: 1969 Ghooronia 
Gangajan  Area Planted [Ha]: 259.17 Gininova 
Grant Area [Ha]: 512.43 Ghooronia Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Nalini Tea Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. Singhi Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Year Registered: 1949
Gangmou Tea  Area Planted [Ha]: 147.93 Gobindabari 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 313.74 Ram Agro Manufacturers
Gangmou Self-Help Growers & Tea Gelakeybari  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Industry Co-op. Soc Vill. & Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Sonali Tea Industries Plantation District: Dibrugarh

Gangotri Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Gobindapore  Gohpur  Goneshbari  Gorajan 
Gobindapore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Gohpur Tea Co. Ltd. Goneshbari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Md. Kamala Rehaman

Year Registered: 1953 Year Registered: Year Registered: 1934 Year Registered: 1955
Area Planted [Ha]: 127.12 Area Planted [Ha]: 236.53 Area Planted [Ha]: 202.59 Area Planted [Ha]: 53.11
Grant Area [Ha]: 214.04 Grant Area [Ha]: 719.45 Grant Area [Ha]: 273.17 Grant Area [Ha]: 64.14
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Darrang Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Sub Division: Tezpur Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Darrang Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar

Godhulibari  Goipani  Good Evening  Gorali 

Jogamaya Teas Goipani Tea Co. Parvati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Mahendra Ch. Pal

Goduka  Golaghat (East)   Good Sip  Year Registered: 1950

Area Planted [Ha]: 14
Ishwar Tae Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jallan Mani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Goodrich Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 20
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Gohain  Golaghat Mook  Goodrich  Sub Division: Jorhat
Borgohain Agro Associates Halmiramook Tea (Golaghat) Goodrich Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1935 Goombira  Gorompani 
Area Planted [Ha]: 56.20 Golaghat Padumani Cha  Gorompani Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 64.75 Goodrich Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Mahakali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Gorunga 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Golaghat  Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
Gopal Bari  (More info)
Jallan Golaghat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Gohainbaree  Year Registered: 1959 KPR Enterprise
Area Planted [Ha]: 123.02 Gossainbarie 
Fogawala Balaji Tea Unit
Grant Area [Ha]: 273.57 Gopalkrishna  Badridas Modi & Ramgopal Modi
Gohanbaree  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat Gopalkrishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1960
B.N. Sarma & Others Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 90
Grant Area [Ha]: 138
Year Registered: 1958 Golden Tips 15‐16  Shyam Tea Plantations Revenue District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 54.97 -- or -- Sub Division: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 77.30 Samiran Tea Industry
Md. Kamala Rehaman Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Gorajan Gold 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Gorajan Tea Estate
(Company Website)
Govindabag  Govindpur  Greenview  Guna Green 
Hari Narayan Agarwal Marudhar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Green View Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Abhay Tea Co.

Year Registered: 1983 Area Planted [Ha]: 133. 02 Year Registered: 1959 Guna Tea 
Area Planted [Ha]: 2.17 Grant Area [Ha]: 273. 57 Area Planted [Ha]: 108.65
Grant Area [Ha]: 4.59 Grant Area [Ha]: 229.86 Namshum Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Green  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Jorhat Gunjang 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Assam Valley Tea Plantations Pvt. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Ltd. Thanglal Daulagupur
Govindapur  Greenwood  Plantation District: Cachar
Green Gold 15‐16 
Buragohain Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Pipratoli Tea Estate Guru 
Year Registered: 1953 Gujwating  Guru Industry
Area Planted [Ha]: 186.61 Green Land 
Grant Area [Ha]: 258.59 Bhuyankhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Lakhimi Tea Industries Gurudev 
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat Year Registered: 1982 Kakopathar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Greenfields  Area Planted [Ha]: 73.65
Plantation District: Sibsagar
No further info found. Grant Area [Ha]: 73.65 Gutibari 
Govindbari  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Maa Tea Co.
Shree Tea (Assam) Manufacturing Plantation District: Sibsagar
Industries Ltd.

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Hajua  Halmari  Hambari  Hanumanbag 

Assam Co. Ltd. Amarawati Tea Co. Ltd. Williamson Magor Group of Cos. Rukmani Tea Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Year Registered: 1966 Year Registered: 1953 Hamukjan15‐16  Year Registered: 1988
Area Planted [Ha]: 198.66 Area Planted [Ha]: 240.99 Area Planted [Ha]: 190.47
Grant Area [Ha]: 321.49 Grant Area [Ha]: 534.10 Hamukjan Tea Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 333.51
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Sub Division: Dibrugarh Handique  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh Handique Tea Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar

Halaicherra  Halmati  Handique & Baruwa  Hanumanbari 

Halaicherra Tea Estate Manorama Tea Co. Handique & Baruwa Enterprises Abhay Tea Co.

Halem  Halmira  Hannah  Hanumanbari Clonal 

Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Horujan Tea Co. Shree Shyam Tea Industries
(More info)
Halenbari  Hansara  Hapjan Purbat 
Banshidhar Doyalchand & C0 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Moheema Ltd.
Rai Bahadur H.P.Barua
Year Registered: 1940 Year Registered: 1994 Year Registered: 1981
Area Planted [Ha]: 22.24 Year Registered: 1949 Area Planted [Ha]: 29.49 Area Planted [Ha]: 248.85
Grant Area [Ha]: 27.53 Area Planted [Ha]: 97 Grant Area [Ha]: 49.43 Grant Area [Ha]: 617.92
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 136 Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Golaghat Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Halimari  Hanuman  Hapjan 
Halimari Tea Co. (More info) Segunbari Tea Co. Ltd. Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)
Amgoorie (India) Ltd. (aka Camellia
PLC) Year Registered: 1985 Harabari 
Area Planted [Ha]: 16.78 Suntok Tea Co. LLP
Amgoorie India Ltd.was founded in Grant Area [Ha]: 16.78
1977. The Co.'s line of business Revenue District: Dibrugarh
includes manufacturing prepared Harchurah 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
foods and miscellaneous food Plantation District: Dibrugarh Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Harendranagar  Hathibari  Hatkhola  Hautley 
Borgang Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Vision Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bhagwandas Dewkinendar & Ors Hautley Tea Estate

Harishnagar  Hathikuli (info)  Year Registered: 1952 Year Registered: 1986

Area Planted [Ha]: 11.92 Area Planted [Ha]: 396.83
Anil Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 11.92 Grant Area [Ha]: 1022.03
(More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Harishpur  Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Golaghat
Hatichungi  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Harishpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Green View Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1947 Hattiali  Haveda 
Area Planted [Ha]: 133.39 Hatidubi  M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Harishpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 221.97 Ltd. (More info)
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Hatidubi Tea Co.
Year Registered: 1948
Sub Division: Tinsukia Hatticherra  Area Planted [Ha]: 94.34
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Hatigaon 
Grant Area [Ha]: 176.52
Hindusthan Tea Co Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Harmutty  Sub Division: Tinsukia
Hatighora  Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info)
Prakash Choukhang Hattigarh  Hazelbank 
Year Registered: 1953 C. Barooah Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Harucharai Tea Co.
Area Planted [Ha]: 36.75
Grant Area [Ha]: 36.75 Year Registered: 1950 Heeleakah 
Year Registered: 1985 Area Planted [Ha]: 22.26
Area Planted [Ha]: 211.78 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 22.26 The Scottish Assam (India) Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 350.51 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Jorhat Year Registered: 1980
Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 411.57
Plantation District: Sibsagar Hatigor ʹBʹ 
Grant Area [Ha]: 950.36
Banamalie Tea Estate Hattigor  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Hasotie  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Hatijan  Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Kathaloi Tea Factory (More info)
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Helenbari 
Hatbor  (More info) Hattikhira 
Durgapur Tea Co.
Hatimara  Hanuman Texnit & Industries Ltd.
(More info) Hemangi 
Hathi Bagan  Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Sookerating Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Mangalmay Tea Co.
Heritage Tea 15‐16  Hingarajan  Hollonghabi  Hoolungooree 
Heritage Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Purushottam Kr. Modi Hollonghabi Tea Estate Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info)
Located in Dibrugarh. The unit
produces green tea, orthodox tea Year Registered: 1948 Year Registered: 1956 Hornbill 
and CTC tea. Area Planted [Ha]: 88.40 Area Planted [Ha]: 167.24
Grant Area [Ha]: 153.17 Grant Area [Ha]: 216.24 Chuba Tea Products
Hilara  Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Sibsagar Sub Division: Tinsukia Horujan Tea 
Eastern Food Products Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh Horujan Tea Co.
Plantation District: Cachar Hingrijan  Holongajan  Horupahar Tea 
Hilika  Year Registered: 1953 Kamalpur (Assam) Tea Estate Pvt. Dibang Valley Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 253.18 Ltd.
Assam Frontier Tea Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 836.41 Hukanpukri 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1957
Year Registered: 1979 Sub Division: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 21.85 Nandalal & Sons Tea Industries Pvt.
Area Planted [Ha]: 630.9 Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 26.30 Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 822.9 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Hirajan  Sub Division: Jorhat Year Registered: 1953
Sub Division: Tinsukia Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 486.80
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Janab B.J. Ahmed Grant Area [Ha]: 1007.32
Hong Cha  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Himalaya  Year Registered: 1952 Sub Division: Tinsukia
Area Planted [Ha]: 19.31 B. B. Tea Co. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Himalaya Tea Estate Grant Area [Ha]: 19.31
Revenue District: Sibsagar Hoograjuli  Hulwating 
Year Registered: 1986 Sub Division: Jorhat
Area Planted [Ha]: 8.49 Plantation District: Sibsagar Hoograjuli (Assam) Tea Co. Ltd. Amgoorie (India) Ltd. (aka Camellia
Grant Area [Ha]: 8.49 PLC)
Revenue District: Sibsagar Hirajuli  Area Planted [Ha]: 346.05
Sub Division: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 718.9 Year Registered: 1953
Plantation District: Sibsagar Hirajuli Tea Co. Ltd. Revenue District: Darrang Area Planted [Ha]: 299.87
Sub Division: Tezpur Grant Area [Ha]: 551.46
Himoluguri  Area Planted [Ha]: 356.01 Plantation District: Darrang Revenue District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 540.54 Sub Division: Sibsagar
JRC Tea Co. Revenue District: Darrang Hoogrijan  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Tezpur
Hindusthan  Plantation District: Darrang Rameswara Tea Processing Unit
Amgoorie India Ltd.was founded in
Shree Shyam Tea Industries Hookhmol  1977. The Co.'s line of business
Hokonguri  includes manufacturing prepared
Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Real Assam Tea Industries foods and miscellaneous food
Huna  Hunwal 
Manorama Tea Co. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)

Hunjyoti  Huplongchera 
Hunjyoti Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Huplongchera Tea Co Ltd.

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Ilathal  Injipara  Isabheel  Itakhooli 

The North-Western Cachar Tea Co. Hindustan Lever Ltd. Plantation Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Iringmara  Ishwar  
Sutodiya & Co. Fusion Industries
Indo Assam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar

Jaboka  Jagduar  Jaipur  Jalannagar South 

Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Jagduar Tea & Trading Co. Pvt. SPBP Tea (India) Ltd. Ethelwold Estate Pvt Ltd.
Jadavpore  Year Registered: 1953 Year Registered: 1958
Year Registered: 1939 Area Planted [Ha]: 302.36 Area Planted [Ha]: 346.49
Na-Ali Bengal Pukuries Area Planted [Ha]: 95.84 Grant Area [Ha]: 500.62 Grant Area [Ha]: 589.2
Grant Area [Ha]: 203.74 Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1962 Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 44.81 Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 72.00 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar Jaitara  Jalannagar 
Sub Division: Jorhat Jagunbari 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Mahavir Viniyog Ltd. Jalannagar Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Jagunbari Tea Co.
Jadavpur  Jalalnagar  Year Registered: 1954
Jai Hanuman   Area Planted [Ha]: 208.09
Plantation District: Udalguri The All India Tea & Trading Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 330.98
Shyam Tea Products Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Jadubari  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Jai Shyam   Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Lankashi Tea & Seed Estate Pvt.
Ltd. Unique Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jalan Bari  One of the older tea estates in
Jagadamba  Jaiatara  Arunodaya Tea Industries Dibrugarh, established in 1959. Also
has a guest house for official
Bokahola Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Umatara Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. guests.

Plantation District: Udalguri

Jalinga  Jatinga Valley  Jewrajnagar  Jodhpur  
Jalinga Tea Co. (India) Ltd. Jatinga Valley Te Ram Gopal Sajjan Kumar (H.U.F)
Jodhpur Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Jalpunia  Jay Durga Maa  Year Registered: 1981
Area Planted [Ha]: 3.54 Jogibheta 
Khemani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 3.54
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Uma Charan Borua & 0thers
Year Registered: 1947 Jay Shree Gold  Sub Division: Tinsukia
Area Planted [Ha]: 104.91 Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1953
Grant Area [Ha]: 104.91 Janani Tea Industry
Area Planted [Ha]: 126.30
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Jhanji  Grant Area [Ha]: 210.55
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Jaya Tea 
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Jai Hanuman Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Handique & Baruwa Enterprises Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Jamguri  Jayanti  Jhirighat 
Bhumya Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jhirighat Native Tea Co. Ltd. Jogipather 
Jayanti Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Pipratoli Tea Estate
Year Registered: 1970 Jayatara  Plantation District: Cachar
Area Planted [Ha]: 443.25 Jokai 
Grant Area [Ha]: 735.00 Mahavir Viniyog Ltd. Jholong 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Mahabir Tea Estate
Sub Division: Golaghat Jazzy 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Jonak 
Lakheswari Tea Industries Jhumoor 
Jamirah  Jonak
Jee Jaan  Upper Assam Tea Industries
Joonktollee Tea & Industries Ltd. Sitaram Budhakaran Choukhany & Jhumur 
(More info) Co. Sonarie Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
No further info found.
Jellalpore  Jonaki  
Jamunbari  Jiajuri 
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. ? Prabhat Tea Estate (Assam) Pvt.
Bishnu Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Hanuman Plantations Ltd. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar
Jamwai  Jitani  Jonakjuli 
Janani Tea Industry ABG Cha Udyog Parry Agro Industries Ltd.
(Company Website)
Janak  Jodhabari 
Maruti Tea Industries Parvati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jonari Tea 
Organic Tea Industry
Maa Tea Co.
Joonktollee  Joya  Joymoti  Jutlibari 
Joonktollee Tea & Industries Ltd. Goneshbari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Manpasand Tea Co. Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
(More info) (More info)
Year Registered: 1990 Julia 
Joraghat Supreme  Area Planted [Ha]: 50.00 Jyoti 
Grant Area [Ha]: 90.46 GCS Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Shree Tea (Assam) Manufacturing Revenue District: Sibsagar Jyoti Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
Industries Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar Juri Gold 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Jyotsna 
Jorbagh  Lakshmi Tea Factory
Jyotsna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Jorbagh Tea Co.

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Kacharigaon  Kakadonga  Kalika  Kamakhyabari 

Manabarrie Tea Co. Ltd. Kakadonga Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Kalika Tea Estate Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt.
Ltd. (More info)
Area Planted [Ha]: 427.24 Year Registered: 1987 Kalinagar 
Grant Area [Ha]: 716.32 Area Planted [Ha]: 107.99 Kamal 
Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 227.97 Guttu & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Sibsagar Kamala Tea Processing Udyog
Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Kamal Gold 
Kachujan  Kaling 
Kakopathar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Kakajan  Khangkio Tea Industries
Primax Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Kamalabari 
Kadamb   (More info) Kalioni Bari 
Balajee Exports Ltd.
Kadamba Tea Co. Premier Tea Industries
Kakojan  Kamaldoi 
Kadamonee15‐16  Kako Tea Pvt. Ltd. Kalionighat 
Munin Phukan Agro Estate
Savitri Seuj Tea Pvt. Ltd. Premier Tea Industries
Kakopathar Tea  Kamalpur 
Kafeucha  Kakopathar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kalline 
Kamalpur (Assam) Tea Estate Pvt.
Kafeucha Tea Copany Pvt. Ltd. Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. ? Ltd.
Kalash 15‐16 
Kailashpur  Premier Tea Industries Plantation District: Cachar Kamalpur / 2 
Bochapathar Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Kallinecherra  Kamalpur (Assam) Tea Estate Pvt.
Kalash Gold  Ltd.
Year Registered: 1945 Vaibhav Tea Co. Loobah Co. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 133.09 Year Registered: 1940
Grant Area [Ha]: 234.45 Kaliapani  Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 209.64
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Ananda Tea Co. (I) Ltd. Kalsi  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Jorhat
Year Registered: 1940 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Kailyn  Area Planted [Ha]: 95.64
Grant Area [Ha]: 100.69 Kamakhya  Kamarbandha 
Welcome Tea Co. Revenue District: Dibrugarh Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Kamarbandha Tea Factory
Kaizen  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Welcome Tea Co.
Kamarbund  Kanaklata  Kashikata  Kayanibari 
Kuhum Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. ATCO Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Karbi Anglong Khetan Tea Co. Kayanibari Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.

Year Registered: 1988 Kanchan  Plantation District: Lakhimpur Year Registered: 1949
Area Planted [Ha]: 221.64 Area Planted [Ha]: 36.42
Grant Area [Ha]: 472.61 Upper Assam Tea Industries Kasturee  Grant Area [Ha]: 54.22
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Jorhat Kanchanbare  Kasturee Tea Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar Shivam Tea Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Kamargaon  Kanha Tea  Bajrangpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kaziranga 
Radha Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Hatigor Tea Co. Assam Tea Industries
Kamdhenu  Kanoka  Madhuting Tea Pvt.Ltd. Kekurijan Tea 
Fortune Tea Co. Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) S. S. Industries
Year Registered: 1946
Kamini  Area Planted [Ha]: 188.28 Kellyden 
Kanu  Grant Area [Ha]: 220.36
Kamini Tea Co Pvt. Ltd. Grob Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh (More info)
Year Registered: 1939 Karanga ʹSʹ  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 190 Kenduguri 
Grant Area [Ha]: 240 Sonarie Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kathoni 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Karbi Gold  Kathoni Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Kesaguri 
Parameswari Tea Co. Year Registered: 1960
Area Planted [Ha]: 132.13 Shri. Murli Lahoti
Kamlang Gold 
Karbi Valley  Grant Area [Ha]: 264.32
Abhay Tea Co. Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1983
New Rangsali Tea Plantation Pvt. Sub Division: Golaghat Area Planted [Ha]: 3.91
Kamrup  Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 3.91
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Bhauram Jodhraj, Amchong Tea Karishna   Kathonibari  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Estate Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Assam Tea Industries
Kanaighat  Kesar  
Kartick  Katlicherra 
Premier Tea Industries Vision Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info) Katlicherra Tea Estate
Kanakbari  Kesarbari 
Kartickbari  Katonigaon 
Sarojini Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Shyam Tea Co.
Malpani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Bohniman Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Kesarguri  Khandelwal  Khereonia  Khoomtaie 
Seagulls Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Khandelwal Tea & Pl. (Assam) Pl Bajranglall Chowkhani & Others Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)

Kesari  Khanikar  Year Registered: 1939 Khoreel 

Area Planted [Ha]: 48
Kolony Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Enver Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 61 Kallinuggar & Khoreel Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Kesaria  Year Registered: 1959 Sub Division: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Area Planted [Ha]: 330.00 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Kesaria (Assam) Tea Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 595.84 Khorijan 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Khetojan 
Keshav  Sub Division: Dibrugarh Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. (More info)
Sanjukta Industries
(More info)
Kharikatia  Khowang 
Ketley Gold 
Khobong  Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info)
Ramawatarjee Tea Co. Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info)
Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)
Kharjan  Kimin 
Khoirabari  Stewart Holl (India) Ltd.
Farmex Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)

Kharsang  Kinwan 
Area Planted [Ha]: 315.97
Grant Area [Ha]: 590.01 Khona  A. K. Small Growers MPCS Ltd.
Kharsang Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Darrang Rnt Plantation Ltd.
Sub Division: Tezpur Khatangpani  Kishanbari 
Plantation District: Darrang Year Registered: 2004
J.N. Sarma & Others (Huf) Assam Gold Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 285.06
Keyhung  Grant Area [Ha]: 285.06
Year Registered: 1935 Kishanpur 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 195.65 Sub Division: Sibsagar Sri. Kishanlal Goenka
Grant Area [Ha]: 328.75 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Khagorijan  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1982
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Sub Division: Tinsukia Khongea  Area Planted [Ha]: 4.86
(More info) Plantation District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 4.86
Darshanlal Anand Prakash & Sons Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Khanajan (Jp)15‐16  Kheram  Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Lalung Tea Estate Mr. Jagdish Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Khanajan J. P. Tea Estate Year Registered: 1970
Prasad Agarwal Lessee Area Planted [Ha]: 487.14
Khanajan  Grant Area [Ha]: 677
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Dhantola Tea Estate Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Sub Division: Jorhat
Kissness  Koopahuating Unit‐I 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar
Shri Dhannalal Agarwal Md. Kamaluddin Ahmed
Koliabor  Konockbari 
Year Registered: 1978 Year Registered: 1991
Planted in 1856, one of the oldest Konockbari Tea Estate
Area Planted [Ha]: 4.94 Area Planted [Ha]: 22.21
Tea Gardens in Assam. In 1962 the
Grant Area [Ha]: 4.94 Grant Area [Ha]: 22.21
Tea Estate was sold to Mr Al-Haj- Year Registered: 1935
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Jalaluddin Ahmed. Area Planted [Ha]: 5
Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Golaghat
Grant Area [Ha]: 8
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Koliabur  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Koilamari  Bagasa Industries Pvt. Ltd. Koopahuating Unit‐III 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
The MK Group (aka M. K. Shah Year Registered: 1991
Exports Ltd.) (More info)
Koliapani  Koomber  Area Planted [Ha]: 22.21
B.Badridas Modi Grant Area [Ha]: 22.21
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info)
Kokrajhar  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1957 Sub Division: Golaghat
Bijni Dooars Tea Co. Ltd. Koomsong  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 37.23
Grant Area [Ha]: 37.23 Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Area Planted [Ha]: 468.49 Kopati 
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 537.77
Sub Division: Jorhat Koomtai  Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Badulipar Ltd.
Year Registered: 1972
Longlai Tea Industrial Pvt. Ltd.
BCS Agro & Mercantile Area Planted [Ha]: 1043.97
Grant Area [Ha]: 2108
Plantation District: Cachar
Kolony  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat
Kolony Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Korangani 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District
Green Gold (Assam) Pvt. Ltd.
Darrang Koopahuating 
Year Registered: 1953
Kolabari  Kondoli  Janab Kamaluddin Ahmed & Others
Area Planted [Ha]: 174.35
Vision Industries Pvt. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Grant Area [Ha]: 341.35
Year Registered: 1991
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 44.11
Kolakata  Konikordallim  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 87.81
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Sheoprashad Surendra Kr. Revenue District: Sibsagar
Mathuranath Barooah
Sub Division: Golaghat
Year Registered: 1970 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1947
Area Planted [Ha]: 60 Area Planted [Ha]: 239.14
Grant Area [Ha]: 131.08 Grant Area [Ha]: 520.3
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Kordaiguri  Krishna Govinda Harish  Krisnachura  Kurkoorie 
Kordaiguri Tea Estate Chandra  Rhino Industries The North-Western Cachar Tea Co.
Bhupendra Mohan Dev & Nirpendra Ltd.
Year Registered: 1938 Mohan Dev KRSNA 
Area Planted [Ha]: 3.5 Plantation District: Cachar
Grant Area [Ha]: 5.0 Timon Tea Estate
Plantation District: Cachar
Revenue District: Sibsagar Kurukani 
Sub Division: Golaghat Kuber Gold 
Krishna Sushaibini  Kuhum Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Shree Bhawani Tea Industries
Pushraj Kankaria & Others
Kotalgoorie  Year Registered: 1935
Kuchilla  Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Plantation District: Darrang
Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Janab Jalauddin Ahmed Grant Area [Ha]: 38.46
Krishnabari  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Kothari  Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Jorhat
Shree Shyam Tea Industries Plantation District: Sibsagar
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
(More info) Kuhum 
Krishnabehari  Kutchujan 
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Koyah  Krishnabehari Tea Co. Ltd. (aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) Kutchujan Tea Estate
Shri (Sree) Ram Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1935 Kuthori 
Area Planted [Ha]: 148.7
Plantation District: Cachar Grant Area [Ha]: 227.1 Radha Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sree Jagadamba Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Koylamati  Sub Division: Sibsagar Kunchunpore  Kuwaribari 
Cha Indica Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar S. N. Baruah & Others
Kunchunpore Tea Co. Ltd.
Krishna  Krishnakali  Year Registered: 1938
Plantation District: Cachar
Radharani Tea 7 Estates Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 55.61
Lakheswari Tea Industries Grant Area [Ha]: 87.27
Revenue District: Udalguri Kungfra 
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Kungfra Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar
(Kungfra Tea Industries) Plantation District: Sibsagar

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Laado  Lahorijan  Lakhipur  Lalbag  

Kherem Tea Co. P.N. Ghatak & Co. Barak Valley Tea Co. (I) Ltd. The Eastern Tea Estate Ltd.

Labac  Revenue District: Udalguri Plantation District: Cachar Lalcherra 

Plantation District: Karbi Anglong
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. ? Laklabari Tea  Narendrapur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Udalguri Jagunbari Tea Co. Lalkilla 15‐16 
Ever Assam Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Lachit  Lakmijan  Rhino Industries
Nivedita Tea Industry Bengal Tea & Fabrics Ltd. Lallacherra 
Sonali Tea Industries
LachitNagar  Year Registered: 1986 Lallacherra Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Lakheswari  Area Planted [Ha]: 395.20
ATCO Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 719.45 Plantation District: Cachar
Lakheswari Tea Industries Revenue District: Sibsagar
Ladhoigarh  Sub Division: Jorhat Lallamookh 
Lakhibari  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Ram Tea Co. Lallamookh Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Uma Charan Barooah
Lahdoi  Lakshmibari  Plantation District: Cachar
Year Registered: 1958 K.C. Varma & Bros.
Lahdoi Tea Growers Co-op. Society Area Planted [Ha]: 60.22 Lalpahar 
Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 458.64 Year Registered: 1955 Namchic Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 36.34
Lahoal  Sub Division: Jorhat Grant Area [Ha]: 113.00 Laluk 
Upper Assam Tea Industries Plantation District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat Rhino Assam Tea Processing
Lahoalbari  Lakhijan  Plantation District: Sibsagar Enterprises
Madarkhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Budham Sai Industries
Lakshmijan  Lalung 
Year Registered: 1940 Lakhimi Tea  J.N. Sarma & Others (Huf) Lalung Tea Estate Mr. Jagdish
Area Planted [Ha]: 145.09 Lakhimi Tea Industries Prasad Agarwal Lessee
Grant Area [Ha]: 239.66 Year Registered: 1986
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Lakhipore  Area Planted [Ha]: 71.91 Lamabari 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 111.96
Plantation District: Dibrugarh The Barak Tea Co. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Sibsagar (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Langaria  Ledo  Lengree  Limbuguri 
Surya Tea Industries Ledo Tea Co. Ltd. Karbi Anglong Khetan Tea Co. Limbuguri Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.

Langharjan  Year Registered: 1986 Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Year Registered: 1972
Area Planted [Ha]: 374.80 Area Planted [Ha]: 352.97
The Jorehaut Tea Ltd. (More info) Grant Area [Ha]: 646.87 Lepetkatta  Grant Area [Ha]: 635.64
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Lankashi  Sub Division: Tinsukia Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Sub Division: Tinsukia
Lankashi Tea & Seed Estate Pvt. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Leela Ghorah Gold  The Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd. Lohit 
Year Registered: 1953 Chhotahapjan Tea Co. Kungfra Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 182.64 Year Registered: 1953 (Kungfra Tea Industries)
Grant Area [Ha]: 237.38 Leelagarh  Area Planted [Ha]: 440.95
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 1027.20 Lohitbari 
Sub Division: Tinsukia Leelagarh Cha Bagan Sramik Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Samabay Samiti Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh Patwari Enterprises
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Laojan  Lekhapani  Lohpohia 
Laojan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Lekhapani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Lohpohia Tea Co. Pvt.Ltd.
Murlidhar Barooah
Larsingah  Lemon 15‐16  Year Registered: 1969
Year Registered: 1954 Area Planted [Ha]: 165.97
Jatinga Tea Ltd. Primrose Green Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 218.70 Grant Area [Ha]: 301.80
Grant Area [Ha]: 411.08 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Cachar Lena  Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Jorhat
Nabibon Tea Co. Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Sibsagar
Lattakoojan  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Lengrai  Longai 
(More info) Ligripookrie 
Lengrai Plantation Ltd. Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Jorbagh Tea Co.
Laxmibari  Longboi 
Year Registered: 1969
Sree Laxmi Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 222.98 Ligripukri 
Longboi Tea Co Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 411.41 Bansidhar Badridas Modi Pvt. Ltd.
Laxmibari Tea  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1956
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1979 Area Planted [Ha]: 148.30
Laxmi Tea Processors Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 655.97 Grant Area [Ha]: 196.82
Grant Area [Ha]: 1037.43 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Naharkatia
Sub Division: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Longsa Tea  Loongsoong  Lower Doygrung  Ludhua 
N. I. Jamir Tea Estate Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Shri Apurba Kumar Barooah Ludhua Cha Bagan Sramik Samabay
Samiti Ltd.
Longsu  Lotabari  Year Registered: 1980
Area Planted [Ha]: 5.00 Lukwah 
AFT Techno Trade Grant Area [Ha]: 13.37
Revenue District: Sibsagar R.N.T Plantations Ltd.
Longswal  Loton Valley15‐16  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1950
Kako Tea Pvt. Ltd. Babu & Co. Area Planted [Ha]: 553.14
Luckynagar  Grant Area [Ha]: 727.00
Longtong  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Longtong Tea Co. Bhuwalka Trading & Tea Co. Pvt. Sub Division: Sibsagar
Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar

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Maa Shakti  Madhuban  Madoora  Mahabirbari 

Maa Shakti Tea & Agro F. P. Ltd. Borbheta Estate Pvt. Ltd. R.N. Dutta Muralidhar Jallan & Ors.

MaaBhagawati  Year Registered: 1940 Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1935
Area Planted [Ha]: 177.10 Area Planted [Ha]: 73.18
Ambika Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 285.31 Madoorie  Grant Area [Ha]: 121.45
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Maahibari  Sub Division: Tinsukia Madoorie Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh (Prop: S. P. Bhoopal) Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Choice Tea Industries
Madhupee  Year Registered: 1952 Mahadeobari 
Mackeypore  Area Planted [Ha]: 175.33
Kanco Enterprises Ltd. SPBP Tea (India) Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 346.92 Mahadeobari Tea Co Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1986 Madhupur  Sub Division: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1933
Area Planted [Ha]: 662.83 Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 98.53
Madhupur Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 147.60
Grant Area [Ha]: 1258.95 (More info)
Revenue District: Sibsagar Maduri Bari  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Sibsagar Sub Division: Tinsukia
Madhuree  ABG Cha Udyog Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Bishupriya Tea Industries Maguri 
Madarkhat  Mahakali 
Madhushree Gold  K. N. Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Madarkhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
S. S. Industries Mahabahu Tea 
Year Registered: 1942 Mahakhowajan 
Area Planted [Ha]: 186.24 Madhusudhan  Patkai Tea Industry Borsola Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 318.58
Revenue District: Dibrugarh The Ranibari Tea Co. Ltd. Mahabir (A)  Mahalakshmi 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Madhuting  Madarkhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Baruanagar Tea Estates Pvt.Ltd.
Madhuting Tea Pvt.Ltd. Year Registered: 1940
Madhokuli  Year Registered: 1978
Area Planted [Ha]: 68.79 Area Planted [Ha]: 24.18
Agarwal (Assam) Tea Estate Year Registered: 1947 Grant Area [Ha]: 80.93
Area Planted [Ha]: 243.64 Grant Area [Ha]: 70.21
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 303.18 Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Mahijuli Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mahaluxmi  Majidpur ‐ 1  Makalbari East  Mancotta 
Rumena Rahaman Janab Alimuddin Ahmed Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt. M/S. Arunachal Tea & Industries
Plantation District Ltd. (More info) Pvt. Ltd.
Darrang Year Registered: 1940
Area Planted [Ha]: 51.99 Makoipore  Year Registered: 1940
Mahanagar  Grant Area [Ha]: 58.78 Area Planted [Ha]: 208.95
Revenue District: Sibsagar Thakurjee Tea Co. Grant Area [Ha]: 416.60
Bodheswar Khound & Others Sub Division: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar Makumbari  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1938 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 8.90 Budham Sai Industries
Majidpur ‐ 2 
Grant Area [Ha]: 21.44
Revenue District: Sibsagar Janab Ajimuddin Ahmed Malabati 
Sub Division: Jorhat Ktc Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1940
Area Planted [Ha]: 24.78 Malibru 
Maharanee Tea  Grant Area [Ha]: 35.19
Revenue District: Sibsagar Malibru Tea Industries
Maharanee Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Malpani Tea 
Majidpur ‐ 3  Malpani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Narendrapur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
M.U. Ahmed Manabarrie ‐ 2 
Maijan / Nagrajuli 
Year Registered: 1953 Manabarrie Tea Co. Ltd.
Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Area Planted [Ha]: 28.68
Grant Area [Ha]: 34.66 Year Registered: 1940
Maijonga  Area Planted [Ha]: 248.00
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Refulla Tea & Indust. Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 402.83
Plantation District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Maijonga  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Majuli  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Supreme Tea Co.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Manash Tea 
Majagram  (More info)
Manas Traders
Doyapore Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Majulighur 
The MK Group (aka M. K. Shah
Exports Ltd.) (More info)
Mandakata  Manipur  Manoharpur  Maruti 
Manas Products (Protein) Pvt. Ltd. The Manipur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District Maruti Tea Industries
Plantation District Udalguri
Kamrup Plantation District: Cachar Maruti Nandan 
Mangalam 1 & 2  Manipur / 2  Arunodaya Tea Industries
Manohar Jalan
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. The Manipur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Maskara 
(More info) Year Registered: 1953
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 40.13 Maskara Tea Estate
Mangla  Grant Area [Ha]: 51.85
Manjubari  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1941
Napukhuri Tea Co. Sub Division: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 44.71
Supreme Tea Co. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 91.86
Manglesh  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Manjushree  Mansarowar  Sub Division: Sibsagar
Northern Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. Ram Tea Co.
Year Registered: 1940 (More info) Matangbagh 
Area Planted [Ha]: 9.04 Marangi 
Grant Area [Ha]: 15.77 Mankhowa  Sanjeevani Tea Industries
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Marangi Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Tinsukia Hajarimall Nandlall & Co. Matiapahar 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1953
Year Registered: 1946 Area Planted [Ha]: 228.94 The Assam Commercial Co.
Mani  Area Planted [Ha]: 80.53 Grant Area [Ha]: 312.04
Grant Area [Ha]: 187.10 Revenue District: Sibsagar MatiKhula 
Jallan Golaghat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Golaghat
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Arotee Agro Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1992 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 48.92 Maud 
Grant Area [Ha]: 48.92 Manobag  The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) (More info)
Sub Division: Sibsagar Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar Mariani  Maxworth 
Manicknagore  Bokahola Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Maxworth Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Shree Kamakhya Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sylhet Tea & Industrial Ltd. Martycherra 
Year Registered: 1941
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 253.71 The Eastern Tea Estate Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 363.15
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 223.90
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 1442.13
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Mayajan  Mehak  Micklyjan  Modinagar 
Mayajan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Mehak Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Mr. J. Baruah Modinagar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Meleng  Year Registered: 1986 Year Registered: 1975
Year Registered: Area Planted [Ha]: 3.71 Area Planted [Ha]: 224.40
Area Planted [Ha]: 85.55 Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 3.71 Grant Area [Ha]: 560.72
Grant Area [Ha]: 110.75 (More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Golaghat
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Meleng (Unit‐Ii)  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd.
(More info) Mijicajan  Mohak Tea 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Mohak Tea Co.
Mayank Tea Co. Melengi 
R. D. Tea Industry Mirajuli  Moheema 
Mayur Tea 
Regina Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Moheema Ltd.
Jayaar Exports Menoka 
Menoka Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Misimi Cotta  Year Registered: 1957
Mazbat  Area Planted [Ha]: 300.85
Sri. S. Mehor Singh Grant Area [Ha]: 646.69
Mazbat Tea Estate Ltd. Plantation District: Kamrup
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1983 Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Darrang Merangkong  Area Planted [Ha]: 2.02 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Echahaba Tea Growers Cooperative Grant Area [Ha]: 4.26
Mazengah  Society Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh Mohini Tea 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
S.P. Barooah Plantation District: Dibrugarh Mohini Tea & Industries
Year Registered: 1951 Kaushik Industries Pvt. Ltd. Miuli Tea  Mohinipur15‐16 
Area Planted [Ha]: 88.45
Grant Area [Ha]: 226.32 Messamara  Iduli Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Gillapukri Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Modi Tea  Mohokutie 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Methoni  Modi Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
The Methoni Tea Co. Ltd. Mohomadpur 
Arengh Tea Industry
Year Registered: 1953 Janab A Hassan & Others
Meghlibundh  Area Planted [Ha]: 444.60
Grant Area [Ha]: 656.74 Plantation District: Cachar
Meghlibundh Tea Estate Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Mohunbaree  Monacherra  Monmoy  Moranhabi 
Dhelakhat Tea Co. Ltd. Sree Ram Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kamalpur (Assam) Tea Estate Pvt. Shri Basanta Kr. Handiquri & Ors.
Year Registered: 1971 Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1999
Area Planted [Ha]: 210.21 Year Registered: 1950 Area Planted [Ha]: 18.03
Grant Area [Ha]: 322.12 Monaka  Area Planted [Ha]: 45.73 Grant Area [Ha]: 18.03
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 48.60 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Monaka Tea Co. Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Jorhat Plantation District: Sibsagar
Monarch  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Mokalbari  Shree Shyam Tea Pvt. Ltd. More 
Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt. More Tea Estate
Ltd. (More info) Monierkhal  Jalannagar Development Pvt. Ltd.
Sonai River Tea Co. Ltd. Year Registered: 1986
Mokrung  Year Registered: 1943 Area Planted [Ha]: 18.75
Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 58.90 Grant Area [Ha]: 18.75
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 87.27 Revenue District: Sibsagar
(aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Tinsukia Plantation District: Sibsagar
Molan  Monkhooli Tea Co. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Tilok Chand Keshan N L Keshan & Mornai 
Others Monkhooshi  Moramjuli 
Northern EvangelIcal Lutheran
The Bishnauth Tea Co.Ltd. Parry Agro Industries Ltd. Church A/c. Mornai T
Year Registered: 1953 (Company Website) -- or --
Area Planted [Ha]: 99.8 Year Registered: 1953 Trust Association Of The Northern
Grant Area [Ha]: 99.8 Area Planted [Ha]: 217.64 Moran  Evangelical
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 522.00
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Mornai (AB)  
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Moranbari  Mornai Tea Estate
Shree Ram Tea Industries Mothola 
Kamala Tea Processing Udyog Monmohinipur  -- or --
Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Shri Basanta Kr. Handiquri & Ors. The Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd.
Year Registered: 1990
Budham Sai Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 165
Grant Area [Ha]: 403
Monabarie  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Moukhowah  Muktabari  Murphulani 
Radha Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. A.K. Barooah Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info)

Mouling Tea  Year Registered: 1952 Murticherra 

Area Planted [Ha]: 85.47
Moulig Tea Processors Grant Area [Ha]: 134.53 Dilkhusha Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Mowmari  Sub Division: Sibsagar Muttrapore 
Stewart Holl (India) Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info)

Mudaijan  Mukul  Muttuck 

T.M. Barua Ethelwold Estate Pvt Ltd. M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt.
Ltd. (More info)
Year Registered: 1948 Year Registered: 1940
Area Planted [Ha]: 27.11 Area Planted [Ha]: 19.84 Mwider Tea 
Grant Area [Ha]: 73.08 Grant Area [Ha]: 27.39
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh Mwider Co-Operative Tea Industry
Sub Division: Jorhat Sub Division: Tinsukia Society Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh

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Nabadurga  Nahar Ali  Nahorbari 

Gulabchand Kanoi & Satyanarain Mrs. Nivedita Gogoi Mrs.Rashmi Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd.
Kanoi Baruwa
Year Registered: 1953
Year Registered: 1965 Year Registered: 1986 Area Planted [Ha]: 188
Area Planted [Ha]: 8.96 Area Planted [Ha]: 10.29 Grant Area [Ha]: 275
Grant Area [Ha]: 10.32 Grant Area [Ha]: 10.29 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat
Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Charaideo Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Sibsagar
Naholia  Nahorguri 
Nabibon  Naharbari 
Green Assam Tea Industries Bhagyalashim Tea Co.
Nabibon Tea Co. The Moran Tea Co. (India) Ltd.
Nahorali  Nahorhabi 
Nagahat  Year Registered: 1971
Area Planted [Ha]: 188 Amgoorie (India) Ltd. (aka Camellia Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd.
Sewjupur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 275 PLC) (More info)
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Nagajanka  Sub Division: Golaghat Amgoorie India Ltd. was founded in Nahorjan 
LK Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar 1977. Their business includes Nahorjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
manufacturing prepared foods and
Naganijan  Naharguri  miscellaneous food specialties. Year Registered: 1948
Dhansri Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 427.35
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Nahorani  Grant Area [Ha]: 995.35
Naharjuli  Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar
Nagapara  Sub Division: Golaghat
(More info)
Chandramouli Sales Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Nagrijuli  Naharjuli  Nahorjuri 
Tata Tea Ltd.
Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info) Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Nahorjuri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 694.2
Naharkatia  Grant Area [Ha]: 1115.26 Nahorkutia 
Planted in 1906. Named after the Revenue District: Darrang Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
nearby Naharkatia town along the Sub Division: Tezpur (More info)
estate boundary. Occupies a total Plantation District: Darrang
area of 370 hectares and produces Nahortoli 
clean heavy leaf.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
(More info)
Nahortoli  Namdang (S)  Nandanban  Narendrapur Cha Bagan 
Planted in 1930. Nahortoli comes Sailajanenda Barua Bochapathar Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Maheshpur Tea & Industries Pvt.
from words “nahar” (a type of tree Ltd.
in the area) and “toil” (a grove). Year Registered: 1966 Year Registered: 1935
Occupies 798 hectares total. Area Planted [Ha]: 14.17 Area Planted [Ha]: 120.87 Narsingpore 
Grant Area [Ha]: 36.40 Grant Area [Ha]: 285.64
Nalani  Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh Narsingpore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Jorhat Sub Division: Dibrugarh
M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Ltd. (More info)
Nameri  Nandinee  Naryancherra 
Nalari Tea 
North Bank Tea Co. No further info found. The North-Western Cachar Tea Co.
Nalari Tea Industries Ltd.
Namroop  Nangdala 
Nalini  Natunbari Tea 
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt.
Nalini Tea Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (More info) Ltd. (More info) Associated Tea Industries

Nambor Habi Tea  Namsang  Napuk  Natunmati 

N. I. Mini Tea Factory Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info) Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) The Dolaguri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Namburnadi  Nanda  Narayanbari  Natwanpur 

Namburnadi Tea Co Ltd. Budhkaran Prabhudayal Gangotri Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Loobah Co. Ltd.

Revenue District: Udalguri Year Registered: 1985 Narayanpore / Panbary  Naupukhuri 

Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Area Planted [Ha]: 49.58
Narayanpur Panbarry Tea Estate Naupukhuri Tea Co.
Grant Area [Ha]: 49.58
Namchi Tea  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Narayanpore  Navarang Gold 
Sree Maa Tea Industries Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh K.C. Bezbarooah Ramji Mohan Tea Co.
Nandan  Year Registered: 1953 Navaratna 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Area Planted [Ha]: 166
Green Assam Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ramji Mohan Tea Co.
Grant Area [Ha]: 319
Revenue District: Sibsagar Nayajuli 
Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Unique Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Narayanpur  Nayantara 
Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Segunbari Tea Co. Ltd.
Plantation District: Darrang
Nayniguri  New Kaziranga  New Sonwal 
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Nahorjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Sonwal Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Nimishpur 
(More info)
Nimishpur Tea Estate
New Parbotipur  Year Registered: 1953
Nazirating  Area Planted [Ha]: 132.49
Plantation District Grant Area [Ha]: 507.34
Sookerating Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Udalguri Revenue District: Sibsagar Green Tea Worth
Sub Division: Jorhat
Neelachal  New Purupbari  Plantation District: Sibsagar Nirmal Kumar 
Ssk Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kyang Tea Seed Co. Ltd.
Nilima  P.N. Ghatak & Co.
Neelam Gold 15‐16  Area Planted [Ha]: 172.70 Manohar Jalan Plantation District: Karbi Anglong
Grant Area [Ha]: 465.13
Kakopathar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Darrang Year Registered: 1954 Nirmala 
Sub Division: Tezpur Area Planted [Ha]: 71.69
Neelambar  Plantation District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 113.51 New Manas Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd.
Shyam Sundar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
New Rangsali  Sub Division: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 222.00
Neelanchal 15‐16  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 298.19
New Rangsali Tea Plantation Pvt.
Revenue District: Darrang
Luhit Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ltd.
Nilmoni  Sub Division: Tezpur
Plantation District: Darrang
Nefaa Tea  New Sadasiva (M)   Joonktollee Tea & Industries Ltd.
Sadasiva Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. (More info) Nirmalbari 
Nefaa Tea Industries
Nilmoni  Nirmalbnari Tea Co.
Negheriting  New Samaguri 
B & A Ltd. Shyam Sundar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Nitai 
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Year Registered: 1938 Dihing Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Nehabari  Year Registered: 1974
Area Planted [Ha]: 73.42 Area Planted [Ha]: 235.28
Grant Area [Ha]: 136.49 Grant Area [Ha]: 348.88 Nivedita 
Spirit Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Nivedita Tea Industry
Nemuguri Tea  Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Nath Tea Factory
Nilpur  Assam Industries Pvt. Ltd.
New Jatinga Valley 
Nilpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Darrang
Jatinga Tea Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 168.47
Grant Area [Ha]: 168.47
Plantation District: Cachar
Revenue District: Darrang Sengajan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Tezpur
Nokhroy  Noorbari  North Grant  Numalighur 
Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info) Noorbari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. The Jorehaut Tea Ltd. (More info)

Nonaipara  Area Planted [Ha]: 136.00 Nudwa  Nutun Bari 

Grant Area [Ha]: 257.68
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Darrang Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Arunodaya Tea Industries
Sub Division: Tezpur
Nongtaw Tea  Plantation District: Darrang Numaligarh Rongbong  Nya‐Gogra 
Sati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. N. R. Tea Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Nonoi  Maulavi Akal Mohamad
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
(More info) Year Registered: 1940
Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Nonoipara  Grant Area [Ha]: 0
Revenue District: Sibsagar
No info found. Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar

Oakland  Olingtong Tea  Orangajuli  Ouphullia 

Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Olingtong Tea Estate Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) Bormah Jan Tea Co. (1936) Ltd.

Oating  Orang  Oriental  Year Registered: 1953

Area Planted [Ha]: 371.63
Madhupur Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Tezpore Tea Co. Ltd. Oriental Impex Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 508.87
(More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Orang  Ougurijan  Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Ohat  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Plantation District
Stewart Holl (India) Ltd. (More info) Udalguri

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Grant Area [Ha]: 317.30
Pabhoi  Padumani  Pangsung 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Narsingpore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Balabox Laxminarayan Longtong Tea Co. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 399.68 Year Registered: 1935 Panichakua 
Grant Area [Ha]: 697.36 Area Planted [Ha]: 69.07 Parbatipur (2) 
Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 77.43 Panichakua Tea & Indust. Pvt. Ltd.
Bhauram Jadhraj & Co.
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1987
Area Planted [Ha]: 30.00 Year Registered: 1975
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 40.15 Area Planted [Ha]: 85.03
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 85.03
Padumani ‐ 2 
P.N. Ghatak & Co. Sub Division: Jorhat Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Mahakali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1958 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 95.63 Year Registered: 1939 Panitola 
Grant Area [Ha]: 197.25 Area Planted [Ha]: 69.07 Pareshbari 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 77.03 M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt.
Ltd. (More info) Patwari Tea Co.
Sub Division: Golaghat Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Panitola  Parmeshwari 
Padam  The MK Group Parmeshwari Tea Co.
Paharpur  (aka M. K. Shah Exports Ltd.)
Padam Plantation Pvt. Ltd.
Chenimai Tea Co. (More info) Parsuram 
Year Registered: 1991 Chunilal Pannalal & Co.
Area Planted [Ha]: 15.00 Pakharijan  Papumpare 
Grant Area [Ha]: 27.46 Papumpare Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1958
Revenue District: Sibsagar Deodarshan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 123.84
Sub Division: Jorhat Parasmanee15‐16  Grant Area [Ha]: 178.23
Plantation District: Sibsagar Pallorbund 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Pallorbund Tea Ltd. Bishnu Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Tinsukia
Padmamukhi  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Cachar Parasmani15‐16 
Sanjeevani Tea Industries
Pawan Tea Industries
Padmavati  Paneery 
Rhino Assam Tea Processing
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Parbatipur  Enterprises
Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Madarkhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Padumani ‐ 2  Pangen 
A. K. Small Growers MPCS Ltd. Year Registered: 1963
Mahakali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 167.65
Patel  Pavanbag  Phukenbari  Pomi Tea 
Assam Agricultural Corp. Develop- Sutodiya & Co. Asitpur Tea Pvt Ltd. Pomi Tea (DR)
ment Farm
Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1991 Poobong 
Area Planted [Ha]: 118.02 Area Planted [Ha]: 93.52
Grant Area [Ha]: 118.02 Pawanbaree  Grant Area [Ha]: 205.92 Poobong Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Darrang Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Tezpur Sub Division: Dibrugarh Powai 
Plantation District: Darrang Plantation District: Dibrugarh Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
(More info)
Pathalipam  Indian Tea & Provisions Ltd. Phulampur 
Bengal Tea & Fabrics Ltd. Phulampur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Prabhat 
Prabhat Tea Co Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Lakhimpur Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Phulbari 
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Year Registered: 1936
Pathecherra  Pengreegarh Tea  Area Planted [Ha]: 118.57
P. Syam & Brothers Pipratoly  Grant Area [Ha]: 118.57
Pengreegarh Tea Co. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Cachar Pipratoly Tea Estate Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Pertabghur  Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Pathemara  Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Year Registered: 1936
Area Planted [Ha]: 149.31 Prabhuni 
Grob Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Phanindranagar  Grant Area [Ha]: 201.71
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Prabhuni Tea Co.
Pathini  Phanindranagar Tea Estate Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Pradip 
Tea Trading Corpn Of India Ltd. Phillobari  Pradip Tea Estate
Plantation District: Cachar Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Sati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1994
Patkai  Phoenix  Area Planted [Ha]: 4.32
Poloi  Grant Area [Ha]: 14.77
Mr. D.B. Sonar Phoenix Tea & Agricultural Farm Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Pvt. Ltd. Assam Poloi Tea Plantation Pvt. Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1996 Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 17.29 Year Registered: 1973
Grant Area [Ha]: 20.00 Area Planted [Ha]: 55.49 Plantation District: Cachar Prag Tea 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 157.86
Sub Division: Tinsukia Revenue District: Dibrugarh Pomatoli  Green Assam Tea Industries
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh No further info found.
Patwari Tea Co.
Prakash Pratisthan  Primax  Prithvi  Pubali 
Year Registered: 1985 Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Green Gold Tea Industries Pubali Tea Estate
Area Planted [Ha]: 12.99 (More info)
Grant Area [Ha]: 12.99 Priyag  Pulibor Tea 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Primrose 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh RK Tea Traders Pulibor Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Primrose Green Tea Industries
Probhakor  Purma 
Prakashpur  Prithunagar 
Probhakor Tea Pvt. Ltd. Sarda Plywood Industries Ltd.
Bajrangpur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Prithunagar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Praneswari Bari Tea  Year Registered: 1950
Area Planted [Ha]: 56.66 Arunodaya Plantation Ltd.
Sumitra Associate Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 80.94
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh

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R (Garden Code: R259D)  Radhashree  Raidang (Sib)  Rajah Alli 

Taran & Co. Surendra Kr.Verma Bhuyankhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. James Warren Tea Ltd.
Rabbania  Year Registered: 1990 Year Registered: 1953 Dashabhooja Merchantiles &
Area Planted [Ha]: 11.4 Area Planted [Ha]: 243 Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info)
Rabbania Tea Co. (1956) Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 35.8 Grant Area [Ha]: 380
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar Rajahalli 
Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Golaghat Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Radha Krishna 
Radheshyam  Raijaan 15‐16  Rajakhat Tea 
Radhanath Raj Konwar & Others
Radheshyam Agarwalla & Bros. Varun Tradelink Pvt. Ltd. Goodrich Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1976
Area Planted [Ha]: 2.22 Year Registered: 1963 Rainbow  Rajarampore 
Grant Area [Ha]: 2.22 Area Planted [Ha]: 13.92
Revenue District: Sibsagar Gorompani Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd. Rajarampur Tea & Industries Pvt.
Grant Area [Ha]: 18.92 Ltd.
Sub Division: Sibsagar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Dibrugarh Raja Tea 
Plantation District: Cachar
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Raja Tea Industries
Radhabari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Raghupur  Rajabahar 
Bijiteswar Bhattacharjee
Megha Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Auro Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1953
Area Planted [Ha]: 138.02 Plantation District: Cachar
Rahmannagar  Rajabari 
Grant Area [Ha]: 232.43
Revenue District: Sibsagar A. S. Barlaskar & Bros. Rajbari 
Mihiram Saikia Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Golaghat Refulla Tea & Indust. Ltd.
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Cachar Year Registered: 1940
Area Planted [Ha]: 126.66 Year Registered: 1935
Radhajuli  Raidang  Grant Area [Ha]: 261.00 Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Suprabhatam Tea Co. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 308
Sub Division: Jorhat Revenue District: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Golaghat
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)
Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info)
Rajghar  Ramchandi  Ramjuli  Rangaihabi 
N.K. Agarwala Sree Ram Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ramjuli Tea Co. Rangaihabi Tea Estate

Year Registered: 1949 Plantation District: Cachar Ramki Bari  Year Registered: 1953
Area Planted [Ha]: 68.21 Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Grant Area [Ha]: 157.10 Ramdeo  Rangchali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 14.15
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Ramkong  Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Dibrugarh (More info) Plantation District: Sibsagar
Shree Kamakhya Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rajmai  Ramdev Tea  Rangajan 
Year Registered: 1985
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) The Golden Tea Co. Area Planted [Ha]: 201.90 Bhavani Tea Industries
Grant Area [Ha]: 316.71
Rajnigandha  Ramdo  Revenue District: Sibsagar Rangapani 
Sub Division: Jorhat
Dhapi Tea Co. Nabibon Tea Co. Plantation District: Sibsagar Tengpani Tea Co. Ltd.

Rajshree Tea  Ramdurlabhpur  Rampore  Rangapara 

Rajshree Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ramdurlabhpur Tea Co. Ltd. Kanoi Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Dhendai Tea & Industries Ltd.

Ram Bagh  Rameswara  Plantation District: Cachar Rangchali Tea 

Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Rameswara Tea Processing Unit Rangchali Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
(More info)
Ramgaon  Manas Products (Protein) Pvt. Ltd. Rangdoi 
Rama Tea  Kedarnath Dhar & Others
Plantation District: Kamrup Rangdoi Tea Co.
Rama Tea Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Kamrup Rangkatu Tea 
Ramji Bari  Shri K.P.Baruva Green Gold Tea Industries
Maruti Tea Industries
Ramji Mohan Tea Co. Ranglal 
Year Registered: 1981
Ramani Krishna  Area Planted [Ha]: 37.52
Ramji Mohan  Ranglal Tea & Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Ramani Krishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 51.12
Ramji Mohan Tea Estate Revenue District: Sibsagar Rangma 
Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1988 Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Udalguri
Ramanugger  Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Grant Area [Ha]: 31.87 Rangolijan 
Karbi Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Udalguri Sub Division: Tinsukia Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Rangoloo  Ratanpur  Richie  Rongbong Tea 
Khanajan J. P. Tea Estate Ratanpur Land & Tea Estates Pvt. Richie Gold Tea Estate N. R. Tea Factory
Rangpur  Rituban   Rongdoi 
Year Registered: 1936
Rameswara Tea Processing Unit Area Planted [Ha]: 155.16 Munin Phukan Agro Estate Upper Assam Industrial Corpn.
Grant Area [Ha]: 265.26
Rangrung  Revenue District: Sibsagar River View  Year Registered: 1959
Sub Division: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 59.2
Rangrung Tea Estate Grant Area [Ha]: 59.2
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Rangsalli  Riya  Sub Division: Jorhat
Rangsalli Tea Co. Sonai River Tea Co. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sardarmall Bagaria Ind. Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Rodali 15‐16  Rongmala 
Borahi Tea Co. Shankardeb Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rani  Redolence Tea Industries
C.R.Dutta & Ors. Roing Tea  Rongpur 
Dibang Valley Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Rongpur Tea Industries
Plantation District: Kamrup Samprikimi Tea Industries
Rojabari  Rongpuria 
Ranibari  Reliance 
Ranibari Tea Co. Ltd. Auro Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reliance Tea Industries
Romai  Ronupa 
Ranikhola  Rembeng 
Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info) Korangani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Romaijan  Roopacherra 
Ratanipathar  Rengma 
Patwari Tea Co. Roopacherra Tea Co.Ltd.
Buridehing Tea Co. Dalowjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rongbari  Plantation District: Cachar
Ratanjuli  Year Registered: 1938
Parry Agro Industries Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 60.41 Bhuyankhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Rosekandy 
(Company Website) Grant Area [Ha]: 240.19
Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1965 Bisseswarlall Mannalal & Sons
Sub Division: Golaghat Area Planted [Ha]: 243
Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 380 Plantation District: Cachar
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Rhino  Sub Division: Sibsagar Royal Sip 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Gangabari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Primrose Green Tea Industries
Rubberani  Rukong (DA)  Rungajaun  Rupabari 
B.N. Sarma SPBP Tea (India) Ltd. Rungajaun Tea & Plantation Auguri Tea Industry
Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1936 Rukong  Rupai 
Area Planted [Ha]: 15.81 Year Registered: 1953
Grant Area [Ha]: 15.81 Rukong Tea Estate Area Planted [Ha]: 577.7 Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 1314.1
Sub Division: Jorhat Year Registered: 1936 Revenue District: Sibsagar Rupajuli 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 96.76 Sub Division: Golaghat
Grant Area [Ha]: 132.06 Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Rugby  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Rupkalia 
Derby Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Suyash Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Parry Agro Industries Ltd.
Rukmini  Rungagora (J)  (Company Website) Ruttonpore 
Rukmini Tea Estate The Jorehaut Tea Ltd. (More info) Rungamatty  Ruttonpore Plantations Pvt Ltd.
Rukni (Monierkhal)  Rungagora (U)  Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Cachar
Sonai River Tea Co. Ltd. Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info) Rungliting  Rydak 
Rukni  Ganeshka Kanoi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info)
Rukni Tea Co. Ltd. Year Registered: 1951
Area Planted [Ha]: 374.17
Plantation District: Cachar Grant Area [Ha]: 469.72
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh

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S.R. Green Tea  Sailajuri  Samdang  Sanjiv Tea 

Suprabhata Tea Co. Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Sanjiv Tea Industry Pvt. Ltd.

Sabhoneswari  Sainagar  Samiran Tea  Sanjivani 

I. B. Goswami Sainagar Tea Estate Samiran Tea Industry Dhanshree Tea & Trading

Plantation District: Karbi Anglong Year Registered: 1984 Samraipur  Sanjukta 

Area Planted [Ha]: 23.7
Sadasiva Madarkhat  Grant Area [Ha]: 23.7 Shyamraipore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sanjukta Industries
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Madarkhat Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Dibrugarh Samraipur (Kathoni)  Sankar Madhab Tea 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Kathoni Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Chotahapjan Tea Co.
Sadasiva Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sakambari  Sandhya  Sankar 
Ambika Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sandhya Tea Industries The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1944
Area Planted [Ha]: 92.68 (More info)
Salasar  Sangam15‐16 
Grant Area [Ha]: 155.61
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Shree keshri Tea Industries Santi 
Ambika Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Salgoi  Sangsua  (More info)
Sadharu  Hanuman Texnit & Industries Ltd. Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd.
(More info) Santoshi Tea 
(aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info)
Darshanlal Jagdishparshad Pvt. Ltd. Rupai Tea (Processing) Co.
Salkathoni  Sanjeevani 
Sagmootea  Sapartoli 
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Dharmanagar Tea Processors Pvt.
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. (aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) Ltd. Dr. U.C. Sharma
(More info)
Salonah  Sanjib Bari  Year Registered: 1984
Saikhowa  Area Planted [Ha]: 80
Salonah Tea Pvt. Ltd. Contemporary Industries Ltd.
Dhansri Tea Industries Grant Area [Ha]: 102
Samaguri  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1971 Sub Division: Tinsukia
Saikia Tea  Area Planted [Ha]: 47.36
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
The Dolaguri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. (aka B. & A. Ltd.) (More info) Grant Area [Ha]: 93.00
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sapekhati 
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Handique Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Sapey Kung  Sarumathura  Satyam  Sealkotee 
Sapey Kung Tea Factory Tileswar Rajkower & Others Mandhania Tea & Industries Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)

Sapoi  Year Registered: 1934 Satyanarayan  Seaz Gold 

Area Planted [Ha]: 24.35
Sapoi Tea Co. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 29.31 Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ahed Tea Factory
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Year Registered: Sub Division: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1955 Seconee 
Area Planted [Ha]: 657.59 Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 213.57
Grant Area [Ha]: 1049.23 Grant Area [Ha]: 218.11 Bijni Dooars Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Darrang Sarupabhajan Tea  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Tezpur Sub Division: Dibrugarh Segunbarie 
Plantation District: Darrang Dhansiri Tea Factory Plantation District: Dibrugarh Segunbari Tea Co. Ltd.
Saportoli  Sati Tea  Satya‐Santi  Year Registered: 1949
Cornhill Tea Pvt. Ltd. Sati Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Satya-Santi Tea Trading Society Area Planted [Ha]: 60.77
Grant Area [Ha]: 65.35
Sarala  Satispur  Plantation District: Cachar Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Sarala Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Satispur Tea Co. Savitri  Plantation District: Dibrugarh

Saraswati  Year Registered: 1983 Savitri Seuj Tea Pvt. Ltd. Seleng (East) 15‐16 
Area Planted [Ha]: 108.46
Mr. Girendra Kr. Paul Grant Area [Ha]: 108.46 Year Registered: 1975 Popular Tie-up Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 113.00
Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 138.13 Seleng 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh Sree Kamakhya Tea Co.Pvt.Ltd.
Sarojini (Assam)  Sub Division: Tinsukia
Sarojini Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Satkartar  Plantation District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1971
Upper Assam Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 481.59
Year Registered: 1947 Savitri Tea  Grant Area [Ha]: 796.15
Area Planted [Ha]: 180.54 Year Registered: 1972 Murari Tea Industries Revenue District: Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha]: 374.82 Area Planted [Ha]: 49.88 Sub Division: Jorhat
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 116.52 Seagulls  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Sub Division: Dibrugarh Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Selenguri 15‐16 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Pawan Tea Industries
Satrupa  The MK Group (aka M. K. Shah
M. K. B. (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. Exports Ltd.) (More info)
Sengajan  Sewali  Shantipur  Shiv Shakti 
Sengajan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Keshan Tea Industries Shantipur Tea Estate Shiv Shakti Tea Product
-- or --
Year Registered: 1938 Sewpur  Vohra Tea Industries Pvt. Ltd. Shiva 
Area Planted [Ha]: 107.66
Grant Area [Ha]: 178.27 The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. Year Registered: 1983 Kharsang Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar (More info) Area Planted [Ha]: 106.8
Sub Division: Golaghat Grant Area [Ha]: 106.8 Shiva Tea 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sewujpur  Revenue District: Sibsagar Ryam Commerce & Plantations Ltd.
Sewjupur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sub Division: Sibsagar
Sephinjuri Bheel  Plantation District: Sibsagar Shivam 
Basantipur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Shakomato 
Shantivan  Mandhania Tea & Industries
Darshanlal Jagdishparshad Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Jonnom Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Shivamguri 
Area Planted [Ha]: 514.72
Sepon  Grant Area [Ha]: 971.85 Sharda Tea  Luhit Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Revenue District: Darrang Raja Tea Industries
Sub Division: Tezpur Shivbari 
Serispore  Plantation District: Darrang Sheetalbari  Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
(More info)
Rydak Syndicate Ltd. (More info) Shalmari  Sonali Tea Industries
Ananda Tea Co. (I) Ltd. Shivkalyani 
Sessa (B)  Sheo Gold 
Murari Tea Industries
Stewart Holl (India) Ltd. Year Registered: 1942 Shree Bhawani Tea Industries
Area Planted [Ha]: 0 Shonaicherra 
Sessa (M)  Grant Area [Ha]: 162.29 Sheo Tea 15‐16 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Cachar
Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Sub Division: Dibrugarh Shree Bhawani Tea Industries
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Shree Ganga 
Sessa  Shilpa Tea 
Shantibari  Year Registered: 1953
Goodricke Group Ltd. (More info) The Barak Tea Co. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 95.44
Shree Shyam Tea Pvt. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 96.00
Seujeepam  Shinatoli  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
The Scottish Assam (India) Ltd. Sushil Kr. Jaiswal Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1956 Year Registered: 1988
Area Planted [Ha]: 40.05 Area Planted [Ha]: 1.59 Shree Salasar 
Grant Area [Ha]: 45.48 Grant Area [Ha]: 1.59 Pride (Assam) Associates
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar
Shreemoni  Silcoorie  Singimari 
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. The North-Western Cachar Tea Co. Shyam Sundar Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
(More info) Ltd.
Year Registered: 1941
Shristea  Plantation District: Cachar Area Planted [Ha]: 27.43
Grant Area [Ha]: 40.80
Shristi (a CTC tea processing unit) Silghat  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat
Shyam  Plantation District: Sibsagar
Shyam Tea Co. Silonibari  Singlacherra 
Shyamguri  Silonibari Tea Co. Ltd. Singlacherra Tea Co. Ltd.
Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Plantation District: Lakhimpur Plantation District: Cachar
Shyamraipore  Silonijan  Singlijan  Sirajuli 
Shyamraipore Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Parmeshwari Tea Co. The MK Group Parry Agro Industries Ltd.
Year Registered: 1940 (aka M. K. Shah Exports Ltd.) (Company Website)
Silver Tips 
Area Planted [Ha]: 95
Grant Area [Ha]: 200 Indo Assam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Singrajan  Siru Tea 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Shree Balaji Industries Siru Rijo Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Golaghat Simlitola 
Plantation District: Sibsagar Singri 
Sashi Kumar Tea Co. Sirumani 
Shymurti  -- or -- Hoograjuli (Assam) Tea Co. Ltd. Shree Ram Tea Industries
Subrata Kr. Banerjee & Others
Assam Dairy Farm Area Planted [Ha]: 365.12
Singarijan  Sitapur 
Grant Area [Ha]: 851.85
Year Registered: 1981 Revenue District: Darrang Sitapur Tea Co.
Area Planted [Ha]: 12.00 M D Barooah
Sub Division: Tezpur
Grant Area [Ha]: 12.08 Plantation District: Darrang Sitara 
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1953
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 43.68 New Hapjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 282.37 Singrimari 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar Sarvashri Biswanath & Kanti Prasad Sktea 
Silbheta  Sub Division: Jorhat Tibrawala
Plantation District: Sibsagar Kanoi Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Silbheta Tea Co. Plantation District: Darrang
Slalung Tea 
Slalung Tea Enterprise
Sub Division: Jorhat
Sockieting  Sonaguri  Sonari 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Pranavi Ram Baruva & Ors.
(More info) (More info) South Cachar 
Year Registered: 1951
Bhauram Jodhraj (Huf)
Socklatinga  Sonajan  Area Planted [Ha]: 175
Grant Area [Ha]: 405
Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. Mihiram Saikia Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Cachar
Revenue District: Sibsagar
(More info) Sub Division: Sibsagar
Year Registered: 1933 Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sogra  Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Sova Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 12.6 Sonaseri 
Janab Mm Jahir Ahmed & Others Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 95 Plantation District: Sibsagar (More info)
Grant Area [Ha]: 300
Revenue District: Darrang Sonajuli  Sookerating 
Sub Division: Tezpur
Sree Krishna 
Plantation District: Darrang Hanuman Tea Co. Ltd. Sookerating Tea Estate Private Ltd. Kanoi Estate Pvt. Ltd.

Sokiapani  Area Planted [Ha]: 555.24 Year Registered: 1964 Year Registered: 1994
Grant Area [Ha]: 928.00 Area Planted [Ha]: 234.65 Area Planted [Ha]: 290.20
Lekhapani Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 444.00 Grant Area [Ha]: 390.33
Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Dibrugarh Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Solalbari  Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Tinsukia Sub Division: Tinsukia
Kamrup (Assam) T.E. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1960 Soraipani  Sree Luxmi 
Dhaneswari Wood Products Ltd.
Area Planted [Ha]: 209.83 Mihiram Saikia Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sree Krishna Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 284.90 Sonali 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1989 Year Registered: 1949
Sub Division: Jorhat Sonali Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 355.79 Area Planted [Ha]: 18.46
Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 387.23 Grant Area [Ha]: 47.75
Sonam  Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sona  Sub Division: Jorhat
Borbheta Tea Co. Sub Division: Jorhat
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar
(More info) Sonamukhi 
Sotai  Sree Sibbari 
Sonabheel  Ranibri Tea Co. Ltd.
Sotai Tea Co.Pvt. Ltd. Bansidhar Badridas Modi Pvt. Ltd.
Sonabheel Tea Ltd. Sonapur (A) 
Year Registered: 1938 Year Registered: 1956
Plantation District: Darrang Sonapur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 166.20 Area Planted [Ha]: 89.30
Grant Area [Ha]: 263.99 Grant Area [Ha]: 102.54
Plantation District: Kamrup Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar
Subarna Tea  Sundarbari  Suprabha 
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sarala Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jai Hanuman Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Ruttonpore Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Subensiri  Sundarpur  Supreme 
Raisahib Nabakumar Das & Others
S.M. Chowdhury Baruanagar Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Supreme Tea Co.
Plantation District: Cachar Plantation District
Year Registered: 1941 Suraj 
Sri Bahula  Subong  Area Planted [Ha]: 235.69
Grant Area [Ha]: 400.58 Suraj (Assam) Tea Mfg. Co. Pvt.
Surma Valley Plantation Pvt Ltd. Hatticherra Tea Co. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
-- or -- Sub Division: Sibsagar
Plantation District: Cachar Hindusthan Tea Co. Plantation District: Udalguri
Plantation District: Sibsagar
Sri Madanmohan  Sudha  Sundarpur (Golaghat)  Sureshnagar 
Janab A Hassan & Others Smt. Sudha Baid Sureshnagar Plantation Pvt. Ltd.
Bijulee Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Plantation District: Cachar Suffry  Year Registered: 1974
Area Planted [Ha]: 10.02
Grant Area [Ha]: 10.02 Area Planted [Ha]: 7.12
Sribari  Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Grant Area [Ha]: 11
Revenue District: Golaghat
Sub Division: Golaghat Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Assam Valley Tea & Trading Co. Sugandhi 
Plantation District: Golaghat Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Pvt. Ltd.
Shamaguri Tea Factory Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Srila  Sunita 
Sukafa  Surya 
Fastrack Credits Private Ltd. Smt. Sunita Daga
Chandrabali Commercial (I) Pvt. Surya Tea Industries
Revenue District: Udalguri Ltd. Suntok 
Plantation District: Cachar
Sultanicherra  General Fibre Dealers Ltd.
Associated Tea Industries
Srilaxmi  Year Registered: 1953
Sultanicherra Te
-- or -- Area Planted [Ha]: 395.12 Swarnapur 
Assam Valley Tea & Trading Co.
Pvt. Ltd. Haricharan Saha Kalwar Grant Area [Ha]: 664.00 Rawriah Estates Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar
Star Tea  Sultanicherra  Sub Division: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1948
Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 48.79
Jayanti Tea Pvt. Ltd. Haricharan Saha Kalwar
Plantation District Grant Area [Ha]: 133.72
Suola  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Subansiri (Subensiri)  Sub Division: Jorhat
Sundarbann  R.K. Agencies Ltd.
Rameswara Tea Processing Unit Plantation District Darrang Plantation District: Sibsagar
-- or -- Sundarbann Tea Estate
S. M. Chowdhury
Swastik  Sycotta 
Primax Tea Pvt. Ltd. Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. (More info)

Swati  Syedbari 
Halmira Properties Pvt. Ltd. ????? Syedbari Tea Co. Pvt.Ltd.

Year Registered: 1990 Year Registered: 1938

Area Planted [Ha]: 0 Area Planted [Ha]: 34.09
Grant Area [Ha]: 13.38 Grant Area [Ha]: 42.50
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Golaghat Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar

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Tajgi  Tarajulie  Teloi  Tezawat 

Budham Sai Industries Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info) Rama Tea Tech Pvt. Ltd. Tezawagt Tea Industries

Talup  Tarang  Teloijan  Tezipathar 

Apeejay Tea Ltd. (More info) Shree Shyam Tea Pvt. Ltd. The Teloijan Tea Co.Ltd. Seetal Tea Industries

Tamulbari  Tarinibari  Year Registered: 1953 Tezpore / Gogra 

Area Planted [Ha]: 340.47
Tamulbari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Keshan Tea Industries Grant Area [Ha]: 641.47 Mcleod Russel India Ltd. (More info)
Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1942 Tarinipur  Sub Division: Dibrugarh Thanai 
Area Planted [Ha]: 322.57 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 430.78 T.P.Chakraborty Assam Co. India Ltd. (More info)
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Tengabari 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1969 Thengalbarrie 
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 18.2 Vision Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Grant Area [Ha]: 18.2 Thengalbarrie Tea Estate
Tanay  Revenue District: Dibrugarh Tengakhat 
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1953
Tanay Tea Plantation District: Dibrugarh Lengrai Plantations Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 144
Grant Area [Ha]: 144
Tapasia  Tea Top  Tengapani  Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Jorhat
Sonapur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kisheanlal Radhemohan Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar
Plantation District (More info)
Kamrup Teamafco  Thowra 
Tara  Teamafco Pvt. Ltd. James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. --Or--
Warren Tea Ltd. (More info) Teenali  (More info) Dashabhooja Merchantiles &
Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info)
Tarajan  Grob Tea Co. Ltd. (More info) Tezalputty 
Contemporary Industries Ltd. Tejawat  Mr. Rumena Rahman
Mangalmay Tea Co.
Year Registered: 1948 Tezawagt Tea Industries Area Planted [Ha]: 291.37
Area Planted [Ha]: 330.01 Grant Area [Ha]: 291.37
Grant Area [Ha]: 969.76 Tejopahar  Revenue District: Darrang
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Dalmia Tea Plantation & Industries Sub Division: Tezpur
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Ltd. Plantation District: Darrang
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Timon  Tingrai Tea  Tipomia  Tocklai 
S.Ahmed, A.Bargohain Cha Indica Pvt. Ltd. Rawriah Estates Pvt. Ltd. Tea Research Association

Year Registered: 1952 Tinkharia  Year Registered: 1953 Year Registered: 1942
Area Planted [Ha]: 123.72 Area Planted [Ha]: 81.32 Area Planted [Ha]: 205.04
Grant Area [Ha]: 471.72 Assambrook Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 153.34 Grant Area [Ha]: 205.04
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar
Sub Division: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 671.46 Sub Division: Jorhat Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 2384.66 Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar
Revenue District: Darrang
Timonhabi  Sub Division: Tezpur Tippujan  Todi 
Plantation District: Darrang
New Timonhabi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Nahorjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. M/S. Todi Tea Estate
-- or -- Tinkong 
Tirual Bortimon Tea Estates Pvt. Tippuk  Year Registered: 1980
Ltd. Andrew Yule & Co Ltd. (More info) Area Planted [Ha]: 0
James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info) Grant Area [Ha]: 6.49
Year Registered: 1955 Tinkonia  --Or-- Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 59.18 Dashabhooja Merchantiles & Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Kaushik Industries Pvt. Ltd. Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info)
Grant Area [Ha]: 81.95 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Sibsagar Tiok 
Sub Division: Sibsagar Tirap  Tokoni 
Plantation District: Sibsagar West Bengal Manufacturing Co. Pvt. The Dolaguri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Tingalibam  Tirual 
Year Registered: 1953 Tokopathar 
Bhaskar Tea & Industries Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 284.48 Tirual Bortimon Tea Estate Pvt. Munin Phukan Agro Estate
Grant Area [Ha]: 408.01 Ltd.
Year Registered: 1957 Revenue District: Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha]: 578.99 Tonganagaon 
Sub Division: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1947
Grant Area [Ha]: 847.15 Plantation District: Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha]: 100.43 Tonganagaon Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Revenue District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 287.42
Sub Division: Sibsagar Tipam  Revenue District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1945
Plantation District: Sibsagar Sub Division: Jorhat Area Planted [Ha]: 462.85
Padmadhan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 1256.38
Tingamira  Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Year Registered: 1938 Tirupati  Sub Division: Tinsukia
Jalannagar Development Pvt. Ltd. Area Planted [Ha]: 38.82 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 45.14 Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Year Registered: 1989 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 110.22 Sub Division: Dibrugarh Tirupati Purvi 
Grant Area [Ha]: 110.22 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Farnaaz Tea Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Tongani  Topea  Trilocan  Tsangpool Tea 
Derby Tea & Industries Ltd. Tonganagaon Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Praffula Somesh Tsangpool Tea Pvt. Ltd.

Plantation District: Darrang Area Planted [Ha]: 25.29 Year Registered: 1986 Tulip 
Grant Area [Ha]: 25.29 Area Planted [Ha]: 338
Over 400 acres under tea, produces Revenue District: Darrang Grant Area [Ha]: 997 Tulip Tea Co. Ltd.
around 0.55 million kg of tea Sub Division: Tezpur Revenue District: Sibsagar
annually. Consistently ranked Plantation District: Darrang Sub Division: Golaghat Area Planted [Ha]: 286.81
among the highest yielding gardens Plantation District: Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha]: 354.03
of the Assam Valley. A very young Topia  Revenue District: Darrang
tea estate producing different Trishul  Sub Division: Tezpur
varieties of tea that are processed Tonganagaon Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Darrang
and packaged in it’s own factory. Shankardeb Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
First planted by Mr. George Bridge Area Planted [Ha]: 131 Tulsibari 
in 1893. Taken over by the Daga Grant Area [Ha]: 200
Revenue District: Darrang Triveni  Farnaaz Tea Pvt. Ltd.
family of Kolkata in 1933,
underwent a complete re-planting Sub Division: Tezpur
Plantation District: Darrang Triveni Tea Exchange Tyroon 
process over the years. Product
range includes CTC, Orthodox, Year Registered: 1966 Tyroon Tea Co.Ltd.
White Tea and Green Tea. Towkok 
Area Planted [Ha]: 0
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 34.28 Year Registered: 1953
Tongonagaon  (More info) Revenue District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 640.44
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha]: 921.86
The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. Revenue District: Sibsagar
(More info) Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar

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Uchamati  Ujjala  Umatara 

Suraj (Assam) Tea Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Manas Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. Umatara Tea Co. Ltd.
-- or --
Udalguri  Ullah  Mahavir Viniyog Ltd.
Udalguri Tea Co Pvt. Ltd. Regina Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Year Registered: 1966
Area Planted [Ha]: 333.22
Year Registered: 1948 Ultajan  Grant Area [Ha]: 333.22
Area Planted [Ha]: 163.77 Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha]: 191.42 Abhoyjan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sub Division: Dibrugarh
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Dibrugarh Year Registered: 1931
Plantation District: Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha]: 23.59
Grant Area [Ha]: 314.79 Umesh 
Udarbund Tea  Revenue District: Sibsagar Katlacherra Khandsari Sugar Mill
Sub Division: Golaghat
P. C. Tea Industry Plantation District: Sibsagar Year Registered: 1984
Area Planted [Ha]: 269.29
Udayan  Umabari  Grant Area [Ha]: 269.29
Sri. H.P. Barooah Umabari Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Revenue District: Dibrugarh
Sub Division: Tinsukia
Year Registered: 1966 Year Registered: 1949 Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha]: 120.00 Area Planted [Ha]: 51.36
Grant Area [Ha]: 236.66 Grant Area [Ha]: 70.80 Urrunabund 
Revenue District: Sibsagar Revenue District: Sibsagar Luxmi Tea Co. Ltd. (More info)
Sub Division: Golaghat Sub Division: Jorhat
Plantation District: Sibsagar Plantation District: Sibsagar Usharani 
Usharani Tea Estate
Plantation District: Cachar

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Varun  Venniar  Vishnu  Vishnubari 

Varun Tradelink Pvt. Ltd. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Segunbari Tea Co. Ltd. Assam Valley Tea & Trading Co.
Pvt. Ltd.
Varun Gold  Vernerpur  Year Registered: 1994
Area Planted [Ha]: 20 Vohra Tea 
Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Cachar Native Joint Stock Co. Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 50
Revenue District: Dibrugarh Vohra Tea Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Vasundhara  Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Tinsukia
Mantri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. Plantation District: Dibrugarh
Vayjayanti  Manipur Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd.The
Vayjayanti Tea & Allied Ind Pl

W, Y, Z

Wamaa  Wellcome  Woka  Yamuna 

Ginni Tea Welcome Tea Co. The Dolaguri Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. West Bengal Manufacturing Co. Pvt.
Warren  West Jalinga  Year Registered: 1975
Area Planted [Ha]: 254.91 Yashodabari 
One of the best managed tea Jalinga Tea Co. (India) Ltd. Grant Area [Ha]: 527.72
estates in Assam, providing world- Revenue District: Sibsagar Kilpcon & Associates
class teas. The tea leaves have a Plantation District: Cachar Sub Division: Golaghat
rich color, with briskness and Plantation District: Sibsagar
strength. They infuse a liquid that Wilton  Zaloni 
is rich, bright, brisk, and strong. Worthy Tea 
Grows a high percentage of clonal Rossel Tea India Ltd. (More info) James Warren Tea Ltd. (More info)
tea plants, which results in better Worthy Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. --Or--
quality tea. Superb gardening and Dashabhooja Merchantiles &
husbandry. Tourism Pvt. Ltd. (More info)

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Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website
(formerly part of TATA Tea)

Amalgamated Plantations is the emergent entity from divestment of the Their origins go back to the pioneering days of tea, when James Finlay in
plantation business of Tata Tea in East/North India. Multiple stakeholders the 19th century played a dominant role in the Indian tea industry. In 1976,
include IFC, a part of the World Bank Group, the Tata Group, partner in- Tata and Finlay formed the partnership called Tata Finlay, opening new
vestors and employees including estate workers. They are deeply committed frontiers of growth and business. Some years later, Finlays divested their
to tea and are the second largest tea producer in India. Teas includes CTC, share to the Tata Group and Tata Tea was formed in 1983.
orthodox, and green varieties.
Tata Tea is a major player in the tea industry. They introduced ‘poly packs’
and ‘instant tea’. This multinational compan and its subsidiaries focus on
branded product offerings in tea.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Achabam  Bhelaguri  Borhat 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning “Acha” (“good” in Hindi) Divisions Bhelaguri Name Meaning “bor” (large) + “haat”
+ “bam” (“fertile” in (490.51 hectares total) (market)
Established 1880 by Borhat Tea Co.
Established 1921 by Mr. Knoll, mana- Debrapara
(242.71 hectares total) Year Registered 1953
ger of Borhat Tea Estate.
Grant Area [Ha] 733.22 Area Planted [Ha] 556.43
Year Registered 1953
Revenue District Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha] 1213.29
Area Planted [Ha] 421.92
Sub Division Jorhat Revenue District Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha] 683.68
Plantation District Sibsagar Sub Division Sibsagar
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Sibsagar
Sub Division Dibrugarh More Info
Plantation District Dibrugarh More Info
 Merged with Kakajan, became Asia’s largest
More Info tea estate.  Produces:
 Debrapara is almost 10 kilometers from main CTC Grades Orthodox Grades
 Between Desam River and neighboring villages. division, on foothills of Dehing Patkai Range
 Produces: CTC tea & Orthodox teas that infuse close to Nagaland border. Section 11 is oldest
brightly colored liquids. in region, planted in 1909.
 Plucking Season: March through December.  Plucking Season: End of February or first week
of March through December, then pruning is
 Factory: On the estate. BP D BPS OD
done. Peak is July to October, when major
percentage of crop is made.
 Factory: Leaves taken to Kakajan (nearest
factory) for manufacturing, packaging.
 18 km from Namroop, in an industrial hub. Borjan  Chubwa 
Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation, Assam
Petrochemicals and Thermal Power Plant of
ASEB have their plants here. Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning “Bor” (“big”) + Name Meaning “CHAH” (tea) +

“Jan” (“stream”) “BOWA” (planting)
Established 1836 by Chubwa Tea
Records reveal these
Company Ltd.; tea sap-
were 2 big streams.
lings were planted and
Borjan, Bhatobari, and grew successfully.
Year Registered 1953
Year Registered 1965
Area Planted [Ha] 756.59
Area Planted [Ha] 482.13
Grant Area [Ha] 1972.76
Grant Area [Ha] 872.45
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Sub Division Golaghat
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Sibsagar
More Info
More Info
 1983 – Tata Finlay takes over in March.
 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
 Plucking Season: March through December. takes over in March.
 Produces: Grainy black CTC tea.  Plucking Season: March through December.
 Factory: On the estate.  Produces: CTC & Orthodox teas.
 Factory: On the estate.
Diffloo  Hathikuli  Hattigor 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning Named after local river. Name Meaning Assamese “Hathi” Name Meaning “Hatti” (Elephant) +
(elephant) + “Kuli” “Gorh” (Trench or Moat).
Established 1890 by James Finlay &
(Frequent), translates The tea estate was used
into a place frequently for trapping elephants,
Revenue District Sibsagar visited by elephants. prior to planting tea.
Year Registered 1953 Established 1902 (first section) by Established 1893
James Finlay & Company.
Area Planted [Ha] 438.08 Plantation District Darrang
Year Registered 1953
Grant Area [Ha] 675.37 More Info
Area Planted [Ha] 443.15
Revenue District Sibsagar  Prior to tea planting, estate was used for
Grant Area [Ha] 686.57
Sub Division Golaghat trapping elephants.
Revenue District Sibsagar  First tea planted by Tea & Land Co. (India)
Plantation District Sibsagar Ltd. Then, James Finlay took over.
Sub Division Golaghat
 Early 1980s, acquired by Tata Tea.
More Info Plantation District Sibsagar  Now run by Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
 1983 – Tata Tea acquires estate.  Plucking Season: March through December.
 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. More Info  Produces: CTC and orthodox teas. Usually
takes over in March.  1983 – Tata Tea takes over in March. combined with teas from 26 other tea estates
 Plucking Season: March through December. owned by parent company.
 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
 Produces: CTC tea. takes over in March.  Factory: On the estate.
 Factory on the estate.  Produces: Green, orthodox, and CTC Teas.

The garden suffers damage from elephants.

Kakajan  Kellyden  Lamabari 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning Named after a stream Divisions Misa, Kellyden & Hatigaon Name Meaning “lama” (a Tibetian monk)
called Kakojan which + “bari” (home).
Established 1888
meanders past bamboo
trees (‘kaka’). Local story says in ancient
More Info times lamas built their
1897 by Kanan Devan Hills
 One of oldest etates at Amalgamated dwellings in this area.
Established Produce under James
Finlay. Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Established 1919 by Consolidated Tea
 Has biggest polypack unit of the company. & Lands, planted first tea
Year Registered 1953  Plucking Season: Generally, starts last week of sapling.
Area Planted [Ha] 1564.88 February or first week of March, goes to end of
December, then pruning of leaves begins. Peak Revenue District Udalguri
Grant Area [Ha] 2934.89 begins in July, ends in October. Sub Division
Revenue District Sibsagar  Produces: CTC tea packed in bulk for
wholesale at auction. Plantation District Darrang
Sub Division Jorhat  Factory: In the Kellyden division.
More Info
Plantation District Sibsagar
 Plucking Season: March through December.
More Info  Produces: CTC tea.
 Factory: On the estate.
 Sandy loam soil, surface water recedes fast.
 1983 – Tata Tea Limited takes over.
 2008 – Amalgamated Plantations Private Ltd.
takes over.
 2011 – The company’s first tea estate to adopt
mechanisation of plucking.
 Plucking Season: March through December.
 Produces: CTC tea.
 Factory: On the estate.
Lattakoojan  Majuli  Nahorani 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Divisions Lattakoojan and Dygroon Name Meaning ‘Maj’ (‘in between’) + Name Meaning The estate was named
‘Juli’ (‘hanging in Nahorani, as there were
Established By Borellie Tea Co.
between’). plenty of luscious Nahor
Year Registered 1953 trees in the surroundings.
Established 1897 by James Finlay &
Area Planted [Ha] 759.57 Company. Established 1919 by Borellie Tea Co.
Grant Area [Ha] 1186.5 Plantation District Darrang More Info
Revenue District Sibsagar More Info
 1976 – Anglo American Direct Trading Co. Ltd.
Sub Division Golaghat
takes over.
 Later acquired by Tata Tea.
Plantation District Sibsagar  1983 – Tata Tea acquires garden.
 Taken over by Amalgamated Plantations Pvt.
 2008 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
More Info Ltd.
takes over.
 Between Bhorolo River in the east and Kulshi
 Next to Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. in Golaghat  Plucking Season: March through December.
River in the west.
District, southern bank of Brahmaputra River.  Produces: CTC and Orthodox teas.
 Produces: CTC Grades B, PF, PD, D, BOP,
 1876 – Anglo American, Direct Trading Co. Ltd. BOPSM  Factory: On the estate.
takes over Borellie Tea Company.  Plucking Season: March through December.
 James Finlay takes over the estate later.  Factory: On the estate.
 1983 – Tata Tea takes over the estate.
 2008 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
takes over in May.
 Plucking Season:Peak season begins in July and
ends in October.
 Produces:Good quality Orthodox and CTC tea.
 Factory:On the estate, packed in bulk.
A major portion of Naharkatia town was once
within estate’s leased area. Over the years,
areas were demanded by local administrative
Tea Garden Website bodies and NGOs. So far, have not affected po-
tential tea growing area, but still an issue
Name Meaning In Assamese, area cleared threatening the garden’s survival.
by cutting Nahor trees.
1906 by James Finlay &
Tea Garden Website
Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 253.22 Name Meaning From the Nahor trees,
which provided shade to
Grant Area [Ha] 370.26 travelers. “Toli” means
Revenue District Dibrugarh “under the tree.”

Sub Division Dibrugarh Kodomoni, Pomatoli, and

Plantation District Dibrugarh
1919 by James Finlay &
More Info Company.
Year Registered 1953
 1983 – Tata Tea takes over in March.
Area Planted [Ha] 481.45
 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
takes over in March. Grant Area [Ha] 797.75
 Manager: Mr. Subrata Bose.
Revenue District Dibrugarh
 Plucking Season: March through December.
 Produces: Produces CTC tea. Sub Division Dibrugarh
 Factory: On the estate. Relocated (year not
Plantation District Dibrugarh
specified) when Buri Dehing river made a
major change in its course.
More Info

 1983 – Tata Tea takes over in March.

 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
takes over in March.
 Manager: Mr. V. D. Singh.
 Plucking Season: March through December.
 Produces: Produces CTC tea.
 Factory: On the estate.
Namroop  Nonoi (Rangamatti) 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning From “Nam-Rook” (Tai for Name Meaning British called the waterfalls
“high land around “Noi-Noi”, became Nonoi.
water”). Local name is Rangamatti.
Established 1898 Divisions Old Salna
(239.82 hectares)
Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 408.41 Rungamutte
(156.32 hectares)
Grant Area [Ha] 650.88
Tea has abundance of competition for water and
Revenue District Dibrugarh Nonoi nutrients. Lots of plant life. Herbicides are es-
(136.76 hectares) sential but not used due to lies about safety.
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Established early 1940s
Plantation District Dibrugarh
More Info
More Info
 403.5 meters above sea level at the foothills  225 meters above sea level.
of Patkai range and watered by Desang river.  Tea grown on undulating plain and hill slopes.
 Plucking Season: March through December.  Belonged to Chubwa Tea Company.
 Produces: Produces rolled-rotorvane CTC tea.  Acquired by James Finlay group, which be-
 Factory: On the estate. came Tata-Finlay in 1976–77.
 1983 – Tata Tea (later named Tata Global
Beverages Limited) takes over.
 1993 – One of few estates in company to have
poly-packaging center, packages tea for retail.
 2008 – Became part of Amalgamated Planta-
tions Pvt. Ltd.
 Plucking Season: March through December,
then pruning is done. Peak season is July to
 Produces: Produces orthodox tea for inter-
national market & CTC tea for domestic, some
from own leaves, some from bought leaves.
Powai   Plucking Season: March through December.
 Produces: Produces finished black tea.
 Factory: On the estate.
Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning From Pabhoi Mukh, a

place where the small
Powai stream meanders
through the estate and
meets Buridehing river.
1889 by James Finlay &
Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 903.2
Grant Area [Ha] 1266.03
Revenue District Dibrugarh Tea Garden Website
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Name Meaning From “Sagmootha”, which
is from the reign of Swar-
More Info gadeo Gadadhar Singha
circa 1800 A.D.
 First tea estate in the Nagapara division. 1875 by Consolidated Tea
 Grew to be one of the three largest tea pro- Established & lands Co. (India) Ltd.
ducing estates of TATA group in North India. (G.B).
 Further growth is stopped by Indian govern-
ment marking off areas on both sides as nature More Info
 1983 – Tata Tea acquires them in March.  Brands for their CTC teas:
 2007 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. o Sagmootea, when leaves plucked from
takes over in March. estate’s own garden.
 Plucking Season: March through December. o Hatbor, when leaves bought from other
 Produces: Produces CTC tea. gardens.
 Factory: On the estate.
Teok   1976 – Tata Finlay takes over, renames as Tata
 1983 – Tata Tea acquires estate.
Tea Garden Website  1996 – Tata Tea Limited acquired ‘Konikor
Dallim Tea Estate’, from M/s SPSK Pvt. Ltd.
Name Meaning TAI word for “The place and merged it with Teok Tea Estate. Konikor
of milk and ghee.” Dallim Tea Estate is an out division of the
estate, the quality platter of Teok Tea Estate.
Teok, Jogdua, Namsissu,  2008 – Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Dallim, and Konikor. takes over.
Established 1927 by James Finlay.  Plucking Season: March through December.
 Produces: Produces CTC tea.
Year Registered 1953  Factory: On the estate.
Area Planted [Ha] 283.83
Grant Area [Ha] 674.62
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Sibsagar

More Info

 Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. R&D office

& main office for Agri Business on this estate.
 Soon, Anglo American Direct Trading Co. Ltd.
takes over.

Go to List of Gardens
Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd. 
Company Website
(a government of India enterprise)

Also owns the Mim Tea Estate in West Bengal (a Darjeeling estate) and several Dooars estates.

In 1863 Andrew Yule, a young entrepreneur from hospitals and dispensaries company. He was knighted in 1912 when King
Scotland, arrived in Calcutta, the imperial capi- George V and Queen Mary visited India for his
tal of India at that time, and founded the com- success in building up a business that provided
pany as a managing agency. The development of employment for so many people.
railways, telegraph, and postal services were
just making a beginning in the country. By 1875 By 1913, the company had expanded to include:
the company established substantial business
interests in jute, tea, cotton, coal, and insur-
 Power
 Paper
 Engineering
Andrew’s older brother, George Yule, took con-
 Shipping, etc.
trol of the company in 1875. He became a leader
in public affairs, including serving as Sheriff of
Calcutta in 1886. He was elected the President In 1919, the Andrew Yule Tea Company was sold
of Indian National Congress in 1888, one of only to Andrew Yule Company Private Limited. In
two Europeans who have had the honor. 1946, it was converted into a Public Limited
Company. A year later India became an
independent country. That meant changes ahead
David Yule assumed control of the company after
for the company and a loss of some of its
his father, George, died. By 1902 there were
business to the new government.
more than 30 businesses, including:
In 1969, the Indian government nationalized coal
 Jute Mills and insurance businesses, seizing assets others
 Cotton Mills had worked hard to build up into prosperous
 Tea Companies businesses. The jute business was also sold off.
 Coal Companies Ten year later, the Indian govern-ment had done
 Railway Company so much to weaken the company that they were
 Printing Press able to turn it into a public sector enterprise
 a Zamindari Company in Midnapur District of that has yet to resume its top position in the
West Bengal where the company promoted In 1907, David build the elegant Yule House in economy. They employ less than 10% of the
agriculture, forestry, fisheries, roads, schools, Calcutta. It is the corporate center for the people they did at their peak. A very sad story.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Basmatia  Desam  Hoolungooree 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953

Area Planted [Ha] 346.05 Area Planted [Ha] 324.54 Area Planted [Ha] 403.34
Grant Area [Ha] 346.05 Grant Area [Ha] 477.94 Grant Area [Ha] 478.75
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar

More Info More Info More Info

 Produces: Orthodox teas – golden bright tips,  Produces: Orthodox teas - neat and stylish and  Produces: CTC teas - clean, evenly sized, in-
infusing colorful cups with typical Assam aro- infuse rich and golden with a strong aroma. fuse a liquid with strength, brightness, typical
ma. CTC teas- well sorted, evenly graded ap- CTC teas - clean, blackish leaf appearance, aroma. 280-290 cc volume per 100 grams. Cups
pearance, cups are bright, mellow, rich flavor. infuse bright liquid with a strong aroma. have the traditional qualities of Assam with
aroma, beautiful golden color, distinctive
Khowang  Murphulani  Rajgarh 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953

Area Planted [Ha] 994 Area Planted [Ha] 318.98 Area Planted [Ha] 269.69
Grant Area [Ha] 1889.39 Grant Area [Ha] 440.76 Grant Area [Ha] 485.79
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Golaghat Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info More Info

 The flagship garden of Andrew Yule.  Produces: Orthodox teas - tippy, stylish  Produces: Orthodox teas- stylish and have
 Largest of all Andrew Yule estates. appearance, infuse sparkling golden creamy golden chunky tips and infusing a golden bright
 Produces: Clean black, evenly sized teas. 280- liquid. CTC teas - evenly sized appearance, cup full of strong malty Assam flavor. CTC teas
290 cc volume per 100 grams. Cups have strong liquid, characteristic briskness and - evenly graded, infusing bright strong cups
qualities of Assam, touch of aroma, beautiful mellowness. Clonal teas - curry bloom, evenly with typical Assam aroma. About 250-280 cc
golden color, a distinctive taste. sized appearance, density up to 260-300cc per volume per 100 grams.
100 grams, infusing strong gutsy liquid with
briskness and mellowness.
Tingkong (Tinkong)  More Info
 Produces: CTC teas - evenly sized. The cups
Tea Garden Website are bright and brisk with good flavor, depth in
color and strength. Evenly sized heavy teas
Year Registered 1953 with 260 cc to 290 cc volume per 100 grams.
The cups are bright and brisk with good flavor,
Area Planted [Ha] 501.24 color and strength. Orthodox teas - attractive
Grant Area [Ha] 706.14 texture and style with golden tips. Liquid is
colory, brisk, full-bodied cups with traditional
Revenue District Dibrugarh Assam flavor.
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

Go to List of Gardens
Apeejay Tea Ltd. 
Company Website
(part of Apeejay Surrendra Group)

Among India’s oldest

tea producers and the
3rd largest.

They manage 17 tea

estates in prime tea
growing areas of Tinsu-
kia, Dibrugarh, Charai-
deo, Udalguri, and Sonitpur Districts of Assam
spread over 50,000 acres in three divisions:

 Assam Frontier [Estd 1889]

 Empire [Estd 1863]
 Singlo [Estd 1984]

Acquired Typhoo, UK's third largest and an over

100-year-old iconic British tea brand in 2005 re-
tailing in nearly 50 coun-
tries globally.

Among India’s largest bulk

sellers in domestic auction
sale system. Premium teas
are the pick of customers
globally, including
Unilever, Tetley, Typhoo,

Due to their protection by misguided groups like the World Wildlife Fund, elephants endanger the lives
and livelihoods of many tea estate employees. Sadly, the Indian Government endorses this situation.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Budlabeta  Hapjan  Kanoka 

Year Registered 1979 Year Registered 1979 One of the Assam tea estates of the group named
Area Planted [Ha] 989.51 Area Planted [Ha] 746.66 Assamica Agro. It is located at Panchnoi Praja-
pathar in Sonitpur district of Assam.
Grant Area [Ha] 1500.75 Grant Area [Ha] 940.91
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh  Produces approximately 900 kg of hand-rolled
Sub Division Tinsukia artisan tea a year.
Sub Division Tinsukia
 A very small garden of 6 acres.
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh  Planted in 2008.
 Has 6 locally hired laborers.
Budlapara  Hokonguri 
Plantation District Darrang Year Registered 1979
Area Planted [Ha] 750.57
Grant Area [Ha] 1070.99
Area Planted [Ha] 682.3
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha] 1146.28
Sub Division Tinsukia
Revenue District Darrang
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang Jaboka 
Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 550.07
Area Planted [Ha] 612.12
Grant Area [Ha] 785.59
Grant Area [Ha] 930.6
Revenue District Sibsagar
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Sibsagar
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Sibsagar
Plantation District Darrang

No info found.
Kharjan  Muttrapore  Sessa (M) 
Year Registered 1979 Year Registered 1953 No info found.
Area Planted [Ha] 551.88 Area Planted [Ha] 780.96
Grant Area [Ha] 658.64 Grant Area [Ha] 1087.86 Suffry 
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Sibsagar
Year Registered 1953
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha] 547.24
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha] 930.77
More Info Napuk  Revenue District Sibsagar
Founded by Kharjan Tea Estates Private Limited. Sub Division Sibsagar
Year Registered 1953
Plantation District Sibsagar
Khobong  Area Planted [Ha] 590.4
Year Registered 1979 Grant Area [Ha] 873.34 Talup 
Area Planted [Ha] 1548.43 Revenue District Sibsagar
Year Registered 1979
Grant Area [Ha] 1548.43 Sub Division Sibsagar
Area Planted [Ha] 789.51
Revenue District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha] 1831.63
Sub Division Tinsukia Revenue District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Sub Division Tinsukia
Year Registered 1979
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 552.52
Grant Area [Ha] 696.8
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh

Go to List of Gardens
Assam Co. India Ltd. 
Company Website

A group company comprised of professional com- company also does oil exploration and supply in niche product segment. The business totally is
panies engaged in multi-faceted activities, in- Australia and is in negotiation with Libya for un- committed to high quality, and 90% of the B2B
cluding: dertaking Oil & Gas exploration concessions. process is directly placed to people who are in
They are looking for further oil exploration op- the retail chains. The entire niche business con-
 Tea plantation portunities in the Sudan, Myanmar (Burma), ducted by the company is attributed to direct
 Oil & Gas explora- Kazakistan, and other central Asian provinces. retail services.
tion, production &
supply The company is one of fewest heritage compa-
 Road Transporta- nies in India, serving the development of indus-
tion tries over 165 years. It is the first tea plantation
company in India, starting its tea garden in North
A heritage company East India in 1839. It is the first company to ex-
since 1839. plore oil in Assam in 1889. The story goes that
engineers supervising the felling trees and carry-
ing through elephants found oil on the elephants’
Assam Railway Trading Company and River Steam feet. They reached the spot and asked laborers
& Navigating Company is the key initiator for to dig saying "Dig Boy, Dig". This well became
development in the North East. They were the known as Digboi, the oldest of the country in Landmarks of ACL in Tea Industry
first to lay railway track through Assam heart- Upper Assam. Assam Company is the only non-
land, with infrastructure from Lower Assam to government company that has been exploring oil
Upper Assam by which resources grown and  First tea company in the world (estd. 1839) set
in north east India and desires to expand its ex- up by a deed of the British Parliament
available in Assam were transported to Pandu ploration in the basin of Bay of Bengal.
and then by water  First company to be awarded the Royal Char-
(River Steam & Navi- ter by Queen Victoria in 1845
gating Company) for ACIL is one of the leading producers of the most  First company in the world to establish tea
shipment overseas. exquisite, high quality, premium teas. The com- gardens
pany operates 14 state-of-the-art factories, 14  First company to brand premium blends
tea estates and gardens spread over 14,000 hec-  First company to export tea
Oil & Gas Limited is tares. It employs over 32,000 people with well
into exploration, pro-  First company to create `Tea Seeds Gardens'
laid-out infrastructure. The company manufac-  First to have an Organic Tea Estate - Rembeng
duction and supply of tures around 15 mn kg. of tea. They are a bulk
oil and natural gas in in Assam. Now the company has 69 Tea
manufacturer, so 95% of the operations are done plantation units in North East India
several parts of north through B2B route. The remaining 5% of their
east India; the oldest  First to transact electronic tea sales (U.K.)
business is transacted in the small, high-value,
well is at Digboi. The
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Borborooah  Dinjan  Greenwood 

Name Meaning “seat of the big chief” Name Meaning “spiritual river” Name Meaning Named for scenic beauty.
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 266.7 Area Planted [Ha] 443.16 Area Planted [Ha] 587.52
Grant Area [Ha] 397.87 Grant Area [Ha] 622.68 Grant Area [Ha] 969.93
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info More Info

 Near Dibrugarh town, straddling Highway 37.  High percentage of clonal teas.  Near the Mohanbari airport.
 Small, tidy, neat garden.  In Panitola Circle near Dinjan Airforce base  A well established brand.
 Used to “strengthen” world-famous blends. and Army Cantonment.  Produces: Premium teas representing top seg-
 Produces: medium to above average quality  One of the highest yielders in the company. ments among orthodox and CTC teas, known
teas with strong, gutsy liquids.  Produces: Orthodox and CTC teas. for their “depth” in color and strength.
 Factory: well-equipped, quality production.
Digulturrung  Hazelbank 
Doomur Dullung 
Name Meaning “the long tunnel” Name Meaning Named after Hazel, the
Name Meaning “fisherman's bridge” daughter of Dr. Mead.
Year Registered 1953
Year Registered 1962 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 612.04
Area Planted [Ha] 601.28 Area Planted [Ha] 298.73
Grant Area [Ha] 804.69
Grant Area [Ha] 1129.63 Grant Area [Ha] 387.64
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh
More Info
More Info More Info
 In the famous tea district of Doom Dooma.
 Bright teas known for remarkably even quality,  Lovely garden in the Moran district.  Small, compact, picturesque.
which makes them a blender's favorite.  An original Assam Company estate.  Produces: Premium CTC teas. Abundance,
 Produces an above average standard of tea,  Produces: Superior quality teas acclaimed as size, and color of tips makes it a favorite of
particularly through OAKLAND mark. “Champagne of Assam Teas”. tea buyers. Above average quality. Harvest is
69% from high quality clonal plants.
Khoomtaie  Kotalgoorie 
Year Registered 1953 Name Meaning “the area of the jackfruit
Area Planted [Ha] 503.85
Year Registered 1953
Grant Area [Ha] 1026.92
Area Planted [Ha] 532.15
Revenue District Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha] 720.02
Sub Division Sibsagar
Revenue District Sibsagar
Plantation District Sibsagar
Sub Division Jorhat
More Info
Plantation District Sibsagar
 An original Assam Company estate.
 In the Moran district. More Info
 Produces: Some of the best teas in the busi-  Close to Nazira, where The Assam Company
ness, characteristic briskness from a high per- was born. Name Meaning Means 'buffalo's camp'.
centage of prime clones that make the garden
 Near Mariani town in Jorhat district.
so special. Year Registered 1953
 Acclaimed for its gutsy liquids with a punch, a
 Cultivating and marketing its produce under
product of the Tocklai clones. Area Planted [Ha] 342.47
separate identities - 'Khomtaie' and 'Hajua'.
 Sandy soil and drought resulting in low yields.
 Major proportion of production sold as Hajua Grant Area [Ha] 581.7
clonal tea.
Maijan  Revenue District Sibsagar
Kondoli  Year Registered 1964 Sub Division Sibsagar

Name Meaning Takes its name from the Area Planted [Ha] 561.11 Plantation District Sibsagar
preacher, Ananta Kondoli
Grant Area [Ha] 561.11 More Info
4 divisions - the furthest
Divisions nearly 10 kms. away from Revenue District Dibrugarh  An original Assam Company estate.
the factory. Sub Division Dibrugarh  In the Moran district.
 Famous for its high percentage of clonal teas,
Area Planted [Ha] 587.02 Plantation District Dibrugarh a result of constant, innovative replanting.
 Produces: Spectacular teas - both for exports
More Info More Info and for internal markets.
 Nestling against backdrop of lush green hills.  On the banks of Brahmaputra River.
 Produces: Teas known for consistent leaf  Known for its chunky tips and creamy liquids.
quality and liquid.  Leaves have unusual sheen, typical of Betjan
 In Nagaon District, close to Karbi Hills. 'Jat' teas.
 Drought prone property.  Produces: Medium to above average quality.
 Factory: One of the most modern in the
tional Assam tea goodness, briskness, bouquet,
Nudwa  Rungagora (U) 
maltishness, and a beautiful golden color.
Name Meaning In Assamese, refers to a Name Meaning In Assamese, “the colored  In Dibrugarh Circle.
person distinguished for garrison”.  Compact estate with some good clonal quality.
his good health.  Produces: Orthodox and CTC teas.
Year Registered 1953  Factory: Well-equipped, maintains good
Year Registered 1953 standard of quality production.
Area Planted [Ha] 480
Area Planted [Ha] 271.46
Grant Area [Ha] 679.24
Grant Area [Ha] 271.46
Revenue District Sibsagar
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Golaghat Sibsagar
Sub Division Dibrugarh
More Info
Plantation District Dibrugarh
 A fully matured garden known for attractive
More Info leaf appearance and a golden liquid of consis-
tent make and density.
 These shiny teas are invaluable to blenders for
 Located north of Tinsukia, in Panitola Circle.
balance between briskness and mellowness.
 Produces: 100% CTC Teas.
 Small estate located along national highway
#37, close to Chabua airport.
 Produces: Above average quality teas.
Name Meaning Named after the old man
Oakland  of Thanoi.
More Info Year Registered 1953
 Perhaps the only tea garden in the world Area Planted [Ha] 522.95
which can boast of a Raspberry Jam Flavor.
Grant Area [Ha] 854.46
 Produces:100% clonal teas with a premium
golden cup. Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info
 A mature garden responsible for many great
blends. Unique Thanai liquid embodies tradi-

Go to List of Gardens
Assam Tea Corp. Ltd. 
Company Website
(a government of India enterprise)

Wholly owned by the government of Assam and of the country. decline. They also control several factories for
established in 1972. Indian government officials processing the tea leaves.
seized the opportunity to take over many private The government entity (it cannot legitimately be
enterprises when the British relinquished their called a company or corporation) holds rein over The gardens produce CTC and Orthodox teas that
government and organizing influence, which had 14 tea estates spread over 13,000 hectares of they claim are premium. They also supply green
fostered a more entrepreneurial spirit that is prime land scattered over 6 districts of Assam. leaf to other tea companies. Much of ther teas is
now largely suppressed by the statists in control They claim to have rescued these gardens from used in blends.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Amluckie  Loongsoong 
Year Registered 1976
(On their site list as of 15 Dec 2017.) Area Planted [Ha] 411.22
Area Planted [Ha] 807.94
Grant Area [Ha] 820.11
Area Planted [Ha] 511.79 Grant Area [Ha] 807.94
Sub Division Nagaon
Grant Area [Ha] 1515.07 Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Messamara 
Sub Division Nagaon
Plantation District Sibsagar Year Registered 1959
Area Planted [Ha] 399.56
Dejoo Valley 
Area Planted [Ha] 96.69 Grant Area [Ha] 705.00
Grant Area [Ha] 240.46 Area Planted [Ha] 273.2
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sonitpur Grant Area [Ha] 549.21
Sub Division Golaghat
Sub Division Nagaon
Plantation District Sibsagar
Year Registered 1985 Naganijan 
Area Planted [Ha] 699.74 Area Planted [Ha] 446.25
Year Registered 1974
Grant Area [Ha] 1846.61 Grant Area [Ha] 1019.30
Area Planted [Ha] 398.18
Revenue District Sibsagar Sub Division Karimganj
Grant Area [Ha] 1403.29
Sub Division Jorhat Plantation District Cachar
Revenue District Sibsagar
Plantation District Sibsagar Longai  Sub Division Jorhat

More Info Plantation District Sibsagar

Area Planted [Ha] 572.52

 The first tea garden of Assam which is famous Grant Area [Ha] 1709.35
for its tea. Started functioning in 1850. Sub Division Karimganj
 Set up by Maniram Dewan. He worked as a
sirastadar of an assistant commissioner Plantation District Cachar
attached under the British government posted
at Jorhat.
Negheriting  Rungamatty 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1955
Area Planted [Ha] 583.22 Area Planted [Ha] 496.77
Grant Area [Ha] 1163.34 Grant Area [Ha] 637.17
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Golaghat Sub Division Golaghat
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar

Rajabarie  Sycotta 
Year Registered 1946 Year Registered 1975
Area Planted [Ha] 148.44 Area Planted [Ha] 852.15
Grant Area [Ha] 501.05 Grant Area [Ha] 910
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar

Go to List of Gardens
Barooahs & Associates Pvt. Ltd. 
(aka B. & A. Ltd.) 
Company Website

The flagship Company of B&A Group. Listed in connoisseurs in the country and overseas. They Products
BSE and founded by the late Hemendra Prasad also have a good footing in the leisure tourism
Barooah in 1950, they were originally incorpor- business, using their historical bungalows in the
ated as Barasali Tea Company in 1915 in Assam. gardens and running a golf resort facility at the They produce around 5.5 million kgs. of super
Sangsua Tea Estate. quality black tea from tea leaves cultivated in
these tea gardens as well as from outsourced
Its estates are in the prime quality belt on the
"South Bank" of Assam. Over the years, the com- The majority of Board members are Independent
pany has invested on development in all the Directors from different walks of life, with spe-
estates to increase harvest, improve produc- cialized knowledge and experience in respective The company operates through seven tea estates
tivity, and increase the quality of its teas. fields. The Chairman is Mrs. Anuradha Farley, in Upper Assam: Barasali, Gatoonga, Kuhum,
elder daughter of the late Hemendra Prasad Mokrung, Salkathoni, Samaguri, and Sangsua. The
Barooah. Mr. Somnath Chatterjee is the Managing Company operates three tea processing units in
The processed teas have gained a niche among
Director. Gatoonga, Salkathoni & Mokrung tea estates.
Tea Processing in Their Factory


Upon careful spreading of green tea leaves in the

withering troughs By using fans that blow hot and
cold air through the green leaf, their moisture is
reduced by between 28%-32% (chemical wither),
this process lasts for 14 to 16 hours. The green
leaf is now limp and flaccid (physical wither) and
can now proceed to the processing area.


The withered leaf when ready is rotorvaned prior

to CTC processing (i.e. preconditioning of the
withered leaf). A CTC (Crush, Tear and Curl)
rotorvane process lasts for about 5-7 minutes.


This is the oxidation process for the CTC teas and

lasts between 70 to 120 minutes, depending on
the color and the smell (nose) of the fermented
leaf and which process has been used. It is at
this point that the green color of tea leaves turns
a coppery red or rust color.


To halt the natural process of fermentation and

to displace moisture, the fermented leaf is fed
into dryers in a regular manner with controlled
temperature for 22 to 25 minutes.
Carefully plucked green tea leaves are carried by Sorting & Grading 
our own transport to the factory without any
All the fermented CTC tea is dried in VFBD's
delay. Upon arrival tea leaves are immediately
(Vibro Fluidised Bed Dryers) preserving the The 'black' teas can now be sorted into primary
spread on the withering trough.
natural bloom, liquor and taste of the tea. and secondary grades by passing them through
sorting machines that use meshes of various
Dispatch of teas from factory 

CTC teas are also passed through Fibre extractors Invoices are than carefully transported in
to remove excessive fibre and the sorting of covered lorries to its destination. Every effort is
these will produce Primary and Secondary given not to damage the teas during
grades. transportation.

Following the Sorting process a grade of tea is Quality control 

bulked together and stored in climate controlled
Each and every Invoice of our tea is tasted by our
professional tea tasters based at Kolkata. This
Packing  high level of attention ensures that all our tea is
carefully monitored and, if needs be, immediate
action can be taken to eliminate defects before
The packing process involves the transfer of a
the teas reach our customers.
single grade of tea that has been bulked, to be
released from a storage bin and conveyed to the
packing area. The tea is then carefully measured In every steps of the manufacturing process
and funneled into large Kraft Paper sacks (other careful observations are made by our
variations of packing material also exist), sealed experienced staff so that a perfect cup is
and gently placed on wood pallets. reached to our customers.

It is at this point that an Invoice of tea is All of our factories are FSSAI and ISO 22000:2005
created. Invoices can vary in size from 10 to 100 certified. Which ensures the product is being
paper sacks. Each Invoice is then given a unique manufactured from a sustainable source and a
identity number - an Invoice Number. great degree of hygiene being maintained during
Throughout the Invoice's life, this unique number the manufacturing process.
is a traceable record.
List of Their Tea Estates in Assam
The company operates seven tea estates in the India's largest tea growing produces around 5.5 million kgs.of tea per annum. They serve mainly the
region of Assam, nur-tured by the Brahmaputra River. All gardens have domestic market, with most of their tea being distributed through auction
factories equipped with the lat-est technology machinery. The company sales.

Aidaupukhuri ?  Gatoonga  Mokrung 

Year Registered 1941 Year Registered 1963 Year Registered 1996
Area Planted [Ha] 101.4 Area Planted [Ha] 304.52 Area Planted [Ha] 239.95
Grant Area [Ha] 101.4 Grant Area [Ha] 757.59 Grant Area [Ha] 491.19
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Jorhat Sub Division Golaghat
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar

More Info More Info More Info

Not on their site as of the publication of this  Produces: Premium quality CTC tea in its state  Produces: Premium quality CTC tea in its state
guide. The above info came from another source. of the art manufacturing unit. of the art manufacturing unit.

Barasali  Kuhum  Salkathoni 

Year Registered 1954 Year Registered 1982 Year Registered 1944
Area Planted [Ha] 315.22 Area Planted [Ha] 122.96 Area Planted [Ha] 282.2
Grant Area [Ha] 470.5 Grant Area [Ha] 274.52 Grant Area [Ha] 412.67
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Jorhat Sub Division Sibsagar
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar

More Info

 Produces: Premium quality CTC tea in its state

of the art manufacturing unit.
Samaguri  Sangsua 
Name Meaning Year Registered 1978
Divisions Area Planted [Ha] 379.24
Year Registered 1953 Grant Area [Ha] 860.44
Area Planted [Ha] 166.18 Revenue District Sibsagar
Grant Area [Ha] 238.57 Sub Division Jorhat
Revenue District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar
Sub Division Jorhat More Info
Plantation District Sibsagar
 Golf resort is here, attracting enthusiasts from
around the world.

Siva Prasad Barooah & Kamal Kumari Barooah

Siva Prasad Barooah Kamal Kumari
(1880–1938) lived in Barooah (1899–1978)
Assam, India. He was was the matriarch of
renowned as a planter, the Khongiya Barooah
philanthro-pist, family of Thengal,
politician, and Assam. In 1917, she
humanist. married Siva Prasad
Barooah. After his
Siva pioneered death in 1938, she
Assamese journalism handled the huge
and published Batori, Thengal household
Assam’s first daily alone, running their
newspaper. In his memory, The Siva Prasad tea gardens and
Barooah National Award was instituted in 1999 retaining the family properties for her children.
and is presented to individuals or groups by The She taught herself English and tea craft.
Kamal Kumari Foundation for outstanding
contributions to the field of journalism. In 1990 The Kamal Kumari Foundation was insti-
tuted in her memory by her son, Hemendra. It
He was a member of the Khongiya Barooah family presents the Kamal Kumari National Award to
of Thengal and was the richest tea-planter at that individuals or groups for outstanding contributions
time in India. He married Kamal Kumari Barooah in Art, Culture & Literature and Science & Tech-
in 1917. nology. The foundation also confers the Siva
Prasad Barooah National Award in journalism.
Hemendra Prasad Barooah
He started his company, B&A Plantations and culture. He collected art and even produced a
Industries Limited, later known as Barooah & film.
Associates (B&A Ltd.). B & A was the first com-
pany in Assam to be listed in Kolkata, Bombay Some in Assam wanted to break away from the
(Mumbai) and Guwahati Stock Exchanges. In rest of India and form their own country. He stood
addition, he was one of the earliest to set up a against this action in 1990, knowing that Assam
packaging unit for tea marketing in India by would flourish better as part of the whole of
establishing B&A packaging India Limited. India.

In addition to heading his business concerns such Hemen lived most of his life outside Assam. Still,
as B&A Ltd and B&A Packings, Hemen served as his works for Assamese cultural field and tea had
Chairman of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce a great impact on Assam and its economy.
and Industry and was a member of the Tea Board
(1963-1973). He was Chairman of the Eastern He died in August, 2013, in Bangkok, Thailand,
chapter of the State Bank of India, the Director of were he had gone for medical treatment.
Indian Airlines Corporation, a member of the Cen-
tral Advisory Council for Industrial Development,
New Delhi and the Chairman of the Tea Research
Hemendra Prasad Barooah was the son of Siva and Association.
Kamal Barooah. He is a descendant of Bisturam
Barooah, a rich planter who started his business He is credited with efforts to bring tea tourism to
when the British were controlling the tea industry Assam, by opening his ancestral home, Thengal
in Assam. He had an MBA from Harvard University Manor, and two other colonial buildings to tour-
and started out in 1949 with three tea gardens ists. He also founded the Heritage North East, a
inherited from his mother. At the time, William- bou-tique heritage hotel and the Kaziranga Golf
son Magor Group was controlling a lot of the tea Re-sorts, Sangsua. The ITA Centre, at Machkhowa,
industry, including those three gardens, acting as was reportedly built by him.
their managers. He broke away and grew the
business to nine tea gardens at the time of his He was honored by the Tea Research Association
death (they now have seven). in 2011 and by the Assam Cultural Trust in 2012.
Thengal Manor
In 2007, Assam Cultural University conferred on
Hemen founded Assam Tea Brokers, the first tea him a doctorate (Honoris Causa).
brokerage firm in Assam. He had a crucial role in
establishing the Guwahati Tea Auction Centre. Hemen’s interests were not just tea. Like his
forefathers, he was keen on Assamese art and

Go to List of Gardens
The Chamong Tea Co. Ltd. 
Company Website or Alternate Site

A family-owned and professionally managed company in its 6th generation They are the largest producer of Darjeeling and Assam teas, both in terms of
and owning four tea estates in Assam in addition to 17 tea gardens in West quantity and quality, exporting to countries in Europe as well as UK, Japan,
Bengal. The first tea garden in The Chamong Group was established in Assam USA and the Middle East. They incorporate state-of-the-art modernizations,
in 1916. a vast infrastructure, and insistence on flexibility and innovation.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Bherjan Tea Garden  Area Planted [Ha] 154.58 Sankar Tea Garden 

Grant Area [Ha] 244.35
Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website
Revenue District Dibrugarh

Year Registered 1957 Sub Division Dibrugarh

Year Registered 1943
Area Planted [Ha] 26.23 Plantation District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 132.71
Grant Area [Ha] 26.23 Sewpur
Grant Area [Ha] 174.9
Revenue District Dibrugarh Year Registered 1956
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia Area Planted [Ha] 0
Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha] 196.6
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Maud / Sewpur Tea Garden  Sub Division Tinsukia Tonganagoan Tea Garden 

Tea Garden Website Plantation District Dibrugarh

Tea Garden Website

Maud No other info found.

Year Registered 1940

Go to List of Gardens
Dashabhooja Merchantiles & Tourism Pvt. Ltd. 
“As of January 9, 2014, Seven Tea Estates of Warren Tea were acquired by Dashabhooja Merchantiles & Tourism Private Limited. Warren Tea, Seven Tea
Estates comprises seven tea producing estates with an annual crop of about 8 million kilograms.” (Source)

However, these gardens are all listed on the James Warren Tea Ltd. Company Website as of the publication of this guide.

 Balijan (H) (More info)

 Deeamoolie (More info)
 Dhoedhaam (More info)
 Rajah Alli (More info)
 Thowra (More info)
 Tippuk (More info)
 Zalonì (More info)

Go to List of Gardens
Deha Assam Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website

Year Founded 1951 More Info

Area Planted [Ha] 238.05
 Manufactures finest and top quality
Grant Area [Ha] 455.37 ORTHODOX & CTC Teas.
 A family managed business with a futuristic
Revenue District Sibsagar approach.
Sub Division Jorhat  Mr. S.N. Agarwalla has earned a reputation of
being a Quality Planter in the Industry.
Plantation District Sibsagar
 Mr. C.P. Agarwalla has managed the company
for over 2 decades.
 Mr. B.K. Agarwalla has been dynamically
modernizing and developing the company for
almost a decade.
 Mr. A. Agarwalla and Mr. V. Agarwalla are
bringing in new growth oriented ideas for the
 Produces black teas and green teas.

Go to List of Gardens
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. 
Company Website

One of the primary and oldest businesses of the Dhunseri Group is tea. For producers in India with tea packaging and blending units in the Dhunseri Tea
the past 50 years, the company has been a quality-focused Indian tea pro- Estate (Assam) and at Jaipur (Rajasthan), producing approximately 1% of the
ducer, winning the trust of its traders and consumers for supplying superior overall tea made in India.
quality tea.
They produce superior quality Assam CTC and Orthodox teas (marketed in
The group has grown from eight estates in 2003-2004 to 10 estates in 2012- India through auc-tions and sold in packets). To retain the freshness of the
2013 in Assam. They now have 20 estates and are one of the 10 largest tea tea leaves, special attention is given to the packaging.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Alokepur   Dhunseri  Hatijan 

No further info found. Plantation District Darrang Year Registered 1994
Bahadur  More Info Area Planted [Ha] 163.68
Grant Area [Ha] 207.67
Year Registered 1933
 Managed by the Dhunseri Group. Revenue District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 153.58  Their tea has won the trust of traders and
consumers, due to its superior quality. Sub Division Tinsukia
Grant Area [Ha] 265.17
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia Hatijan North 
Plantation District Dibrugarh Year Registered 1935
No further info found.
Area Planted [Ha] 250.9
Grant Area [Ha] 391.27
Plantation District Darrang Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Darrang
Khagorijan  Orang  Shreemoni 
Year Registered 1945 Plantation District Darrang No further info found.

Area Planted [Ha] 106.88 Sona 

Grant Area [Ha] 128 No further info found.
No further info found.
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Ram Bagh 
No further info found.
Plantation District Sibsagar No further info found.
Khetojan  Ramdeo 
No further info found.
No further info found.
Year Registered 1934
Area Planted [Ha] 99 Santi 
Grant Area [Ha] 112.07 Year Registered 1953
Revenue District Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha] 144.03
Sub Division Tinsukia Grant Area [Ha] 212.02
Plantation District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh
No further info found.

Outside of Assam, India

During 2012-13, the Company acquired two companies in Malawi, Africa, owning two tea estates for a consolidated $22 million through its subsidiary in
Singapore, Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea Pte Ltd.; this marked the extension of a five-decade Indian tea company to international plantations. The two
companies acquired were Makandi Tea & Coffee Estates Limited and Kawalazi Estate Company Limited. With this acquisition, Dhunseri Petrochem &Tea Ltd.
has joined club of tea companies who have already made their foray in the overseas tea plantation business.

Go to List of Gardens
Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. 
Company Website

Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. (GACL) began in Their tea division has 10 gardens with a total
the early 19th century as a partnership firm start- Their Brands grant area of 5,874.52 hectares. The factory is
ed by Mr. F. M. Gillanders and Mr. G. C. Arbuth- modern and well-equipped with machinery for
not. On February 1, 1935, they were incorporated dual manufacture of Orthodox and CTC tea pro-
as a Limited Company under the Indian Compa- cessing. Their black tea segment comprises both
nies Act VII of 1913. It became part of Kothari of CTC and orthodox teas. The CTC tea infuses a
Group of Companies in the late sixties (further rich liquid. Their orthodox teas are best quality
details here). Late Shri G. D. Kothari, a respected and produced at their Jutlibari and Tengpani tea
industrialist, promoted the group. The company estates, commanding premium prices. Their
primarily deals in tea, textiles, engineering, chem- packing facilities at Arun and Taipoo tea estates
ical and trading business activities. are updated with latest machines.

Also has gardens

in Dooars and West Bengal.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Arun  Betjan  Borkatonee 

Area Planted [Ha] 330.33 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1956
Grant Area [Ha] 520.62 Area Planted [Ha] 482.81 Area Planted [Ha] 287.47
Revenue District Darrang Grant Area [Ha] 651.76 Grant Area [Ha] 525.11
Sub Division Tezpur Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Sibsagar
Plantation District Darrang Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Golaghat

More Info Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar

More Info More Info

 Provides a rare combination of leaf and liquid;
gives a refreshing start in the morning and
rejuvenates in the evening.  Produces: Betjan and its division, Khorijan,  In order to improve on the yield and quality,
produces the finest quality 100% CTC and the garden has replanted with high yielding
Orthodox tea in the region. clones with superior quality in a phased way.
 Older garden sections were replanted with
clones of superior variety in a phased manner.
Area Planted [Ha] 167.36
Grant Area [Ha] 222.79
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang

More Info

 Has high yielding clones with superior quality.

Dooria  Khorijan 
Year Registered 1952 No further info found.

Area Planted [Ha] 610.53

Grant Area [Ha] 919.50 Kothari 
Revenue District Sibsagar No further info found.

Sub Division Golaghat

Plantation District Sibsagar Shivbari 
Jutlibari  No further info found.
More Info
Year Registered 1953
 Produces: One of the best qualities CTC in the Tengpani 
country. Won consistent accolades throughout Area Planted [Ha] 543.94
the country. Grant Area [Ha] 692.88 Year Registered 1953
 Factory: Well-equipped with all processing
Revenue District Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha] 429.98
Sub Division Tinsukia Grant Area [Ha] 522.59
Gorunga  Plantation District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Year Registered 1965 More Info
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 260.76
 Older sections of the garden have been re-
Grant Area [Ha] 422.98 More Info
placed with high quality variety of clones.
Revenue District Sibsagar  Produces: CTC and Orthodox teas. The ortho-
dox is primarily exported to premium foreign  The estate is being replanted in a phased man-
Sub Division Golaghat ner with quality clones and good bi-clonal seed
Plantation District Sibsagar plants to increase productivity and enhance
the quality of teas.
More Info  Produces: Both CTC and Orthodox teas (con-
sidered one of the finest).
 Factory: They have their own factory.
 Has undergone extensive uprooting and re-
planting to improve the quality and yield.
 Produces: Good quality CTC teas.

Go to List of Gardens
Goodricke Group Ltd. 
Company Website 1 or Company Website 2

A public limited company incorporated in West Bengal, India, in 1977 under They currently manage and control 17 tea gardens (12 in Jalpaiguri District,
the provisions of the Companies Act 1956 (Act). They grow, cultivate, 3 in West Bengal, and 2 in Darrang District) that were once owned by this
manufacture, treat, blend, process, buy, sell and deal in tea in various group of eight other companies refered to as the “Sterling Tea Companies”:
 The Assam-Dooars Tea Co. Ltd.
 Hope Tea Co. Ltd.
 The Lebong Tea Co. Ltd.
 The British Darjeeling Tea Co. Ltd.
 The Chulsa Tea Co. Ltd.
 The Leesh River Tea Co. Ltd.
 The Danguajhar Tea Co. Ltd.
 The Meenglas Tea Co. Ltd.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Amgoorie  Borbam 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning “Aam” (“mango”) + Name Meaning “Bor” (“very”) +

“Guri” (“roots of mango “Bam” (“highland”)
Divisions Baghjan
Divisions Tiru (“salt water” in Tai (“Bagh” = “leopard”)
Ahom language)
Tiphook (“water that is Hulwating
white and clean”) (“Hola” = “a big drain”)
Year Registered 1935 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 926.02 Area Planted [Ha] 534.88
Grant Area [Ha] 1599.37 Grant Area [Ha] 1358.42
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Sibsagar
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar
More Info More Info
 Developed by Col. Sir James Buckingham  Established in 1865.
C.I.E..  On south bank of Brahmaputra River, close to
 Sir W.G Mckercher was Superintendent from Nagaland border.
1922 to 1931, and here his invention of the  Ranked among the top CTC gardens of Assam.
CTC machine in 1931 revolutionized tea man-
 Its teas are known internationally and in the
ufacture for ever.
premium markets within the country for their
 On south bank of Brahmaputra River, common quality produce.
boundary with Nagaland.
Assambari   First Manager was Sir William Mckercher,
 Constantly updating plantings with superior inventor of the CTC machine.
clones, making their CTC teas one of the top
 Also linked with Col. Sir James Buckingham,
in Assam, sought after within country, abroad. No further info found. the longest serving Chairman of the Assam
 Factory: New one constructed in 2010, branch of the Indian Tea Association.
modern, highly hygienic.
Borpatra  Coombergram   Tropical climate (average 130 inches rain per
year) ideal for high quality clones like N436,
P126, and S3A3 - give teas unique quality.
Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website  Produces: Premium quality Orthodox tea.

Name Meaning A long story. See garden Area Planted [Ha] 309.12 Endogram 
website, linked above.
Grant Area [Ha] 551.68
Year Registered 1938 No further info found.
Revenue District Cachar
Area Planted [Ha] 438.26
Sub Division Silchar Harmutty 
Grant Area [Ha] 796.16
Plantation District Cachar
Revenue District Sibsagar Tea Garden Website
More Info
Sub Division Sibsagar
 In Barak Valley, 3 kms from Kumbhigram Air- Name Meaning Derived from Queen Hira-
Plantation District Sibsagar
port. mati, wife of King Arimat-
 Land has been taken away from the tea garden ta, whose kingdom is
More Info thought to have been all
by government, a nearby airport, a refugee
 Borpatra Tea Estate is located in the foothills colony, the Indian Army, and others. of lower Assam.
of Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh on the  This garden was originally owned by Octavious Year Founded 1870 by Major Gibb.
Assam Border. The Dilli River (also known as Steel with Sterling interest. In 1978 this was
Disang ) borders the northern side of the acquired by Koomber Tea Company and is still Plantation District Lakhimpur
garden. The rest of the garden is surrounded maintained by it.
by the nearby villages with their paddy fields. More Info
 Borpatra at its inception was managed by Dejoo 
 One of the oldest tea gardens in Assam, plant-
Jhanzie Tea Association Limited.
ed by Major Gibb.
 1977 - Sold to Stewart Holl (India) Ltd. Tea Garden Website  Sits alongside the fast flowing Dikrong River.
 1990 - The company got amalgamated with
 Fertile soil.
Goodricke Group Ltd.
Name Meaning Evolved from Tibetan  Hand-picked clonal tea plants.
word “Dzong”  Produces: A range of teas unmatched for their
-- or -- full-bodied flavor.
“Di” (“river”) +
“Zoo” (“rice liquor brew-
ed by the local tribes)

More Info
 On northern bank of Brahmaputra river.
 1,000 feet above mean sea level.
 Tea quality recognized by Tea Board of India
and others.
Koomber  Nonaipara 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning This area was a cotton Revenue District Udalguri

growing area, which the
Plantation District Darrang
locals called 'Kumbha'.
British started spelling
Kumbha as Koomber.
More Info
Area Planted [Ha] 766.61  1928 - Planted by Mr. S. Adamson, of the then
M/s Assam and Dooars Tea Company.
Grant Area [Ha] 1382.9  1977 - Estate handed over to Goodricke Group
Revenue District Cachar
 Expertise in field and factory have ensured
Sub Division Silchar that this garden ranks amongst the top quality
marks of Assam.
Plantation District Cachar

More Info Orangajuli 

 In the foothills of N C Hills of the Barail Range, Tea Garden Website

with Kumbhirgram Airport forming the south-
ern boundary.
 1830 - Established under Jatinga Valley Tea Name Meaning From Orang people who
Company. live by the “juri” (“a
 1978 - handed over to Koomber Tea Company small stream”).
and converted from a Sterling Company to a Area Planted [Ha] 732
Rupee Company.
 Their quality and production gained recogni- Plantation District Darrang
tion under Manager Mr. C. W. Morley.
 Early 1970's - a lot of replanting done with More Info
Tocklai released clones.  1894 – First planted.
 1971-72 - TV1 achieved record yield over 5,000  Produces a staggering 1.2 million kg of mach-
kgs. per hectare. ine rolled orthodox tea a year.
 Produces: Premium clonal teas  Orangajuli supports a workforce of 3,000.
 Special agro-climate plus foresight of the old
Managerial staff, the garden features a blend
of high quality clones, especially P126A.
Sessa  More Info
 In the tea growing areas of Upper Assam in
Tea Garden Website Dibrugarh district.
 1897 - First planted under the British India Tea
Name Meaning From the river Sessa
 In the earlier days, transportation to and from
(“cold” in Assamese)
Temptoo division was by means of a trolley.
Divisions Sessa and Temptoo. The Manager’s Gypsy of the bygone era can be
seen at the factory.
Year Registered 1983
 Superior field practices at Sessa, making this
Area Planted [Ha] 342.12 mark sought after by various markets.
 Factory: On the estate. Updated recently.
Grant Area [Ha] 598
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

Go to List of Gardens
Grob Tea Co. Ltd. 
A tea company managing five tea gardens as of the publication of this guide. No further information could be found.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Dessoie  Kanu 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 288.31 Area Planted [Ha] 750.18
Grant Area [Ha] 432.41 Grant Area [Ha] 2161.06
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Jorhat Sub Division Sibsagar
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Sibsagar

Doyang  Pathemara 
Year Registered 1953 Plantation District Cachar
Area Planted [Ha] 363.76
Grant Area [Ha] 702.51
Revenue District Sibsagar Year Registered 1953

Sub Division Golaghat Area Planted [Ha] 347.62

Plantation District Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha] 683.88

Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

Go to List of Gardens
Halimari Tea Co. 
Company Website

Has been acclaimed to be the best Assam tea duction, the estate produces the finest tea. This Their teas are regularly bought at the auctions
company. They have maintained that reputation is how they have earned their brand name, which by the top buyers for the quality conscious tea
for over 100 years. Their pursuit of quality, ex- they maintain with great pride. consumers. They are also found on the shelves of
pertise, and experience make them steadily premium hotels/tea stores and department
among the best tea manufacturers in Assam. The company manages the Halmari Tea Estate stores, commanding the highest prices in their
and the Duliabam Tea Estate. Both belong to the category of tea at auctions around the world.
The tea estate ranks as the best nine of the Daga Family. They are on the lush plains of
world. Even during the lean periods of tea pro- Upper Assam, covering 534 hectares of land.

Go to List of Gardens
Halmira Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website

Halmira Estate Tea Private Limited is a premier organization operating under the canopy of the Newar Group of Companies. With over 64 years of history in
the tea sector and a rich heritage of innovation and development, we have successfully evolved to a reputed and credible brand in the market.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Dukenhengra Tea Estate  Sockieting Tea Estate 
 Acquired from Andrew Yule & Co Ltd.
 Acquired from Andrew Yule & Co Ltd.
 Enchanting lush greenery against a backdrop of
 Highest yielding estate of the Group.
mist covered mountains.

Halmira Tea Estate  Socklatinga Tea Estate 
 Acquired in 1951 from Beggos Robert & Co.,
 Dates back to 1990.
 Revered for its rich color, aroma and flavor,
 Produces: Tea that is strong, satisfying, and
the tea produced here provides a delightful
full of aroma.
experience to tea connoisseurs.

Go to List of Gardens
Hanuman Texnit & Industries Ltd. 

Our company is comprehensively manufacturing List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

and retailing a wide range of Pure Leaf Tea, Pure
Darjeeling Tea and Assam Black Tea. These
products are 100% pure and cultivated by using Hathikhira 
chemical free fertilizers.
Revenue District Udalguri
Year of Establishment 1997 Plantation District Cachar

No further info found.

Go to List of Gardens
James Warren Tea Ltd. 
Company Website

The company’s seven tea estates are in Upper Assam and among the best They use planned expansion, modern manage-
managed, quality-yielding plantations in the world. ment, state-of-the-art processing facilities, and
a Quality Assurance program throughout the
Run by professional planters with mature experience in tea growing. Their system. At tea factories on each estate, first-
crop represents the finest Assam teas for quality markets. They are known class teas are produced through meticulous
for their rich liquid, brightness, briskness, and strength. Every two-leaves- systems planning and modern facilities under
and-a-bud plucked by the trained nimble fingers of the workers is grown expert supervision. Skills and processes for
under the strict supervision of acknowledged specialists and is the product of quality control ensure a cup of excellence.
very advanced crop management practices. The clonal percentage tea re-
mains high – yet another reason for quality being better.  Produces best quality Orthodox and CTC teas.
 Caters to quality buyers in India and overseas,
Mr. Anil Kumar Ruia
including USA, Germany, UK, UAE, Pakistan.
 Dominant presence in domestic high quality markets, such as Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
 Very strong Brand Equity, thanks to goodwill created by the quality
conscious customer profile, both international and domestic.

Splitting the Gardens into Two Companies

Until February, 2012, the company owned 14 gardens. Due to a lot of

disagreement among the gardens’ promotoers, Mr Vinay K. Goenka and Mr
Anil Ruia, that had been ongoing for some time, an agreement was reached
to split the gardens between them as follows:

Mr. Anil Ruia Mr. Vinay K. Goenka

(James Warren Tea Ltd.) (Warren Tea Ltd.)
Balijan (H) Balijan (N)
Deeamoolie Deohall
Dhoedaam Duamara
Rajah Alli Hatimara
Thowra Rupai
Tippuk Sealkotee
Zaloni Tara
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Balijan (Hoogrijan)  Deamoolie  Dhoedaam 

Year Registered 1954 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 44348 Area Planted [Ha] 775.34 Area Planted [Ha] 877.9
Grant Area [Ha] 71612 Grant Area [Ha] 1215 Grant Area [Ha] 1205.05
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info More Info

 In the high quality belt of The Tingri Circle.  In DoomDooma.  In the Doom Dooma circle.
 Nicknamed "Balijan High" due to high quality  Manager Mr Taylor is extremely strict on his  Benchmark estate for best quality Assam CTC.
of CTC and Orthodox it produces. quality, creating tremendous brand loyalty in  Extremely fine plucking makes bright, gutsy
 Bright CTC cups, stylish and tippy orthodox. Western India (CTC) and Iran (Orthodox). cups enjoyed in Western India.
 Produces: Excellent CTC and Orthodox teas.  Majority of May-October production exported
to UK and USA.
Rajah Alli  Thowra  Tippuk 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1958 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 260.36 Area Planted [Ha] 39512 Area Planted [Ha] 482.63
Grant Area [Ha] 277.18 Grant Area [Ha] 76673 Grant Area [Ha] 890.86
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info More Info

 Home of Warren family in India.  The flagship estate of the group.  Produces: excellent black well-made orthodox,
 Field is continually upgraded, tea leaves are of  Known as being top CTC estate in the world. predominantly exported.
a high standard.  The inherent quality of the bushes and soil  High clonal percentage leads to extremely
 Small sized garden, personal attention results cannot be matched. bright cups; very popular in Germany & Japan.
in some of the finest teas in Assam.
 During June and July almost entire production
is exported.
 The rest of production goes directly into mar-
kets of Gujrat and Maharashtra which prefer
bright liquids with fresh flavors.
Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 397.42
Grant Area [Ha] 544.18
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info
 A benchmark Assam Orthodox garden.
 Most of their tea is exported to the Middle
East, USA, and Japan.
 Their workforce plucks a short round all year.
 Factory: State-of-the-art factory ensures pro-
duction of high quality orthodox which consis-
tently fetches the top price for Assam

Go to List of Gardens
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. 
Company Website

Incorporated on 27th October 1945, Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd. is a part producing belt of East Africa. The company has its own tea processing
of well diversified conglomerate of B.K Birla Group. B. K. Birla Group has factories, Tea Packaging and warehousing facilities. Besides tea, Jay Shree
been an inspiration for generations of Indian entrepreneurs; the Birlas are Tea & Industries Ltd. is also in Chemicals and Fertilizers, Sugar, Real Estate
looked upon as the First Family of India Inc., reflecting quality, reliability and Education sectors.
and leadership since pre independence time. Today, Jay Shree Tea &
Industries Ltd. is the third largest tea producer in the world with 22 Tea The company owns other tea gardens, including Darjeeling. See their
Estates spread across India and also owns tea estates in the best quality tea company site for more info.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Mangalam 1* & 2*   Awarded by Tea Board for highest yield per Manjushree 

hectare in Sibsagar district.
 Very tippy teas with high class liquid and
Tea Garden Website strength popular with German buyers. Tea Garden Website
 Produces: Very high quality Assams processed
Year Registered 1940 as CTC and Orthodox styles plus green teas. Divisions Lakamian, Manjushree
Area Planted [Ha] 117.99 and Ladoigarh

Grant Area [Ha] 174.15 Year Registered 1953

Revenue District Sibsagar Area Planted [Ha] 403.38

Sub Division Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha] 859.05

Plantation District Sibsagar Revenue District Sibsagar

Sub Division Sibsagar
More Info
Plantation District Sibsagar
 Uprooted original plants and replanted with
100% clonal bushes, greater yield potential. More Info
 Style of bush planting arranged so employees
can drive from place to place.  Created by clearing forest land on Towkak tea
 Credited with reintroduction of Orthodox tea
in Upper Assam.  Well-planned, an ideal tea estate with motor-
able roads for convenient supervising.
 Own tram trolley connected to railway station.
 Near historical city of Sonari, in Sibsagar More Info Towkok 
 Credited with reintroduction of Orthodox tea  1856 – Planted by pioneer and entrepreneur
in Upper Assam. Mr. J.E.Todd. Tea Garden Website
 Own tram trolley connected to railway station.  A variety of clonal material and seed jat,
 Awarded by Tea Board for highest yield per which make its tea exotic, full of quality.
Name Meaning In Tai language means
hectare in Sibsagar district.  Some of the best orthodox clones like P-126’s
“dancing tortoise.”
 Very Tippy Teas with high class liquid and origin can be traced back to Meleng T.E.
strength popular with German buyers.  Awarded twice by TEA BOARD for best quality Year Registered 1956
 Regularly frequented by buyers from Germany. of tea sold.
Area Planted [Ha] 874.14
 It is a favorite location for Assamese films.  Citation from M/S J Thomas & Co. (Broker) for
fetching outstanding price in Auction. Grant Area [Ha] 1402.75
 Produces: CTC, Orthodox Black Tea, Tippy
Black Tea.  Produces: CTC tea, Tippy Black Tea, and
Revenue District Sibsagar
Orthodox teas.
 Factory: Known for its architectural beauty
Sub Division Sibsagar
and picturesque views.
Plantation District Sibsagar
Meleng & Meleng (Unit‐ Ii) 
Tea Garden Website More Info
Tea Garden Website  On the banks of Towkok river.
Name Meaning From “Nahor” trees (area  1885 – Tea garden first planted. In those days
Meleng had forest of these trees it was heard that Towkok river was full of
with sparkling red tender dancing tortoises.
Year Registered 1940 leaves during Spring).  1955 - Jayshree Tea & Industries Ltd. acquires
Area Planted [Ha] 827.96 Year Registered 1951 from M/S Assam Tea Company.
 Management invested in expansion and
Grant Area [Ha] 1340.01 Area Planted [Ha] 713.22 increased the total area under tea cultivation.
Revenue District Sibsagar Grant Area [Ha] 1516.67  1970 - Divided into 3 different estates: Towkok
(845.66 hectares), Manjushree (403.38
Sub Division Jorhat Revenue District Sibsagar hectares), and Mangalam (117.99 hectares).
Plantation District Sibsagar Sub Division Sibsagar  Credited with reintroduction of Orthodox tea
in Upper Assam.
Plantation District Sibsagar  Own tram trolley connected to railway station.
 Produces: CTC Tea, Orthodox Tea, Tippy Black  Recipient of awards for best quality tea.
Tea More Info  Very Tippy Teas with high class liquor and
 1955 - Jayshree Tea and Industries Ltd. strength popular with German buyers.
Meleng T.E. (Unit-Ii) acquired the estate.  Produces: Orthodox Black Tea, CTC Tea, Tippy
 Underwent continuous investment in Black Tea
Name Meaning Named after nearby river expansion, quality and infrastructure.
Year Registered 2003  Produces: Excellent quality Assam orthodox
and CTC teas.

Go to List of Gardens
Joonktollee Tea Estate 
Company Website

One of the oldest tea companies in Assam, in operation since 1874. John Thr capacity of the factory has been enhanced upto 17 lacs Kgs. of made Tea
Elliot, Esq., promoted Joonktollee Tea Co. Ltd. to manage the affairs of a per annum during 2014-15.
small Tea Estate in Upper Assam.
In the 1920s the Elliot Clan handed over the management and control to the
managing agency of Kettlewell Bullen & Co. Ltd. In 1954, the House of Black CTC  Broken Pekoe
Bangurs acquired the managing agency and the company and brought them  Broken Pekoe Small
under their fold. The name of the Company was changed to “Joonktollee  Broken Orange Pekoe
Tea & Industries Limited” (JTIL). Since then the company has been under  Broken Pekoe Souchong
the management of the Bangurs. They are a publicly listed company listed in
BSE. Black Orthodox  Whole leaf
 Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
Over the years, the company has grown in stature and size and is a leader in  Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
producing quality teas and enjoying one of the best CTC Mark in Assam.  Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
Today, they are famous for their premium black and green teas. Since 1954, Fannings  Orange Fannings
the company has been managed by the House of Bangurs. The company’s  Pekoe Fannings
name is today synonymous with premium Black and Green Teas.
Dust  Pekoe Dust
 Churamani Dust
Shreemoni Tea Factory  Golden Dust

Shreemoni Tea Factory Other  Broken

 Fannings
 Dust
The company has taken over Shreemoni Tea Factory situated at Tinkhong,
Dist. Rajgarh, Assam having a capacity to produce 12 lac kgs. of made tea,
during February, 2013.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Jamirah  Joonktollee  Nilmoni 

Jamirah Tea Estate Joonktollee Tea Estate Nilmoni Tea Estate

Year Registered 1972 Year Registered 1979 Area Planted [Ha] approximately 610 acres.
Area Planted [Ha] 343.21 Area Planted [Ha] 470.93 More Info
Grant Area [Ha] 573.75 Grant Area [Ha] 751.96
 Acquired by the Company in 2004-05.
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh  At Tinkhong, Dist. Rajgarh, Assam.
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info

 In Barbam, Dibrugarh District of Upper Assam.
 About 12 kilometers from Dibrugarh Town near
 Produces: CTC Tea, Orthodox Tea, Green Tea.
the Dibrugarh University and 3 kilometers
 Factory: One of the largest single location
inside the main Assam Highway.
modern tea factory of North East India with an
 Factory: Fully-equipped to manufacture
installed capacity of 3 million kgs. per annum.
14,00,000 Kgs.

Go to List of Gardens
The Jorehaut Tea Ltd. 
Company Website

The company was incorporated in 1859 and is the second oldest tea planta- AGRI Import & Export Ltd. is the trading and export arm, through which
tion company in the world. The company was acquired by its existing TJTL exclusively exports its teas. The Jorehaut Agro Ltd. operates Bhadra
promoters in 1983. Today, The Jorehaut Tea Limited (TJTL) is part of the Tea Factory a bought-leaf setup producing approximately 1 million kgs of tea
same heritage and legacy and is considered to be one of the finest producers annually.
of best quality Assam teas.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Borsaporie  Langharjan  Rungagora (J) 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website
Year Registered 1985 Year Registered 1985 Year Registered 1985
Area Planted [Ha] 618.46 Area Planted [Ha] 314.14 Area Planted [Ha] 480.00
Grant Area [Ha] 1255.00 Grant Area [Ha] 557.33 Grant Area [Ha] 679.24
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Golaghat Sub Division Naharkatia Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

Tea Garden Website

Year Registered 1985

Area Planted [Ha] 474.41
Grant Area [Ha] 921.37
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Golaghat
Plantation District Sibsagar
Go to List of Gardens
Luxmi Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website

Also owns the Fulbari estate in West Bengal, and others.

End-to-end tea manufacturers. They plant, tend, pluck, process, warehouse, and package. “Luxmi” is a goddess who is said to be a harbinger of harmony,
peace, and prosperity, a conferer of grace, and an inspiration in their work.

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Bhuyankhat  Kenduguri  Manobag 

Year Registered 1960 Year Registered 1933
Area Planted [Ha] 243 Area Planted [Ha] 416
Grant Area [Ha] 380 Grant Area [Ha] 416
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh
Monmohinipur  Urrunabund 
Plantation District Darrang Plantation District Cachar

Area Planted [Ha] 429.32
Grant Area [Ha] 758.31
Revenue District Darrang
Narayanpur  Sub Division Tezpur
Area Planted [Ha] 423.79 Plantation District Darrang
Grant Area [Ha] 730.98
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang

Go to List of Gardens
Madhupur Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website

A premium quality tea company in Assam. Since 1908, the company has Presently, they are headed by Managing Director Mr. Abhijit Sarmah, son of
grown and manufactured superior quality teas and have ensured to retain Srijut Debeswar Sarmah and Sjta Renu Sarmah. The tea gardens are managed
the smooth taste, refreshing flavor and exotic aroma of its teas. They have by experienced tea planters and tea makers: Mr. R.G. Pathak, Senior Mana-
experienced continuous growth and expansion. Today the company's teas ger, Madhupur & Borajan Tea Estate, Mr. S.J. Khound, Manager, Madhupur
have reached every corner of the country and is a favorite among buyers. Tea Estate and Mr. Khagen Borthakur, Manager, Oating Tea Estate. They are
The Debeswar Sarmah Family have over the past century being associated supported by dedicated staff and workers, to ensure the best teas are pro-
with tea and their forefathers being the pioneer Assamese tea planters. duced.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam
They were partners in a trading firm named
Borajan  Oating 
Barlow Tea located at 37, Strand Street, Cal-
Plantation District Lakhimpur cutta.
Year Registered 1953
 Purchased on 4th January 1908 by Srimati
More Info Suchandi Devi wife of Srijut Someswar Sarmah Area Planted [Ha] 90.32
of Bezgaon village of Sibsagar, Assam.
Grant Area [Ha] 249.69
 lnitially Orthodox teas were manufactured at
 Close to Madhupur Tea Estate.
this estate and were sent to Calcutta Auctions Revenue District Sibsagar
 1986 - Re-planted by the present Managing
by ships.
Director Sri Abhijit Sarmah and the quality tea Sub Division Golaghat
 Srijut Someswar Sarmah, a pioneer Assamese
clones as approved by Tocklai.
tea planter and also Superintendent of English Plantation District Sibsagar
 Factory: Leaves processed at Madhupur Tea
Tea Company called Maobondha Tea Co. man-
Factory. More Info
aged the garden.
 It was handed over to his son Srijut Romeswar
Sarmah and subsequently by his grand son  In the quality belt of Golaghat district.
Srijut Debeswar Sarmah.  1896 - Jorehaut Tea Co. sells estate to
 Madhupur Tea Estate teas rank in the top posi- Srijut Someswar Sarmah.
tion in the honors list of best Assam teas.  Initially only orthodox teas were manufactured
 Produces: Black CTC teas of the finest quality. which were sent to Calcutta Auctions by ships.
 Factory: Modern fully automatic tea factory  Was jointly managed by family members.
 2000 - Sri Abhijit Sarmah, Managing Director of
Madhupur T.E. (Pvt.) Ltd., buys estate.
 Extensive re-plantation of superior quality tea
clones and seeds has been done and continues.
 Oating teas are gaining popularity in the Gu-
wahati Auctions among the buyers.
 Produces: Black CTC teas.
Madhupur   Factory: Modern, automatic.
Plantation District Lakhimpur

More Info

 At Machkhowa near the Arunachal Pradesh

Hills in the North Lakhimpur District of Assam.
 Originally owned by Englishmen from Manches-
ter, England: Mr. Emmolt Barlow, Baronet M.
J. Frank Barlow, and Mr. William MacDonald.

Go to List of Gardens
McLeod Russel India Ltd. 
Company Website
A member of the Williamson Magor Group

McLeod Russel owns the highest number (48) of tea plantations in Assam. managerial controllers of Gisovu estate in Rwanda. Every year this tea
They uphold the centuries-old heritage of tea in India and the world with garden produces about 100 million kilograms of black tea, the most common
widespread plantations, meticulous processes, and using and perfecting the form of tea consumed worldwide.
art and science of blending.
See the Williamson Tea Ltd. Company Timeline.
McLeod Russel also has five tea plantations in the Dooars region of West
Bengal, three factories in Vietnam, and six estates in Uganda. They are the
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Addabarie (Attabarie)  Baghjan  Beesakopie 

Area Planted [Ha] 701.6 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1965
Grant Area [Ha] 1172.75 Area Planted [Ha] 585.08 Area Planted [Ha] 1082.43
Revenue District Darrang Grant Area [Ha] 778.29 Grant Area [Ha] 1812.1
Sub Division Tezpur Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Darrang Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

Photo by Michael Freeman

Area Planted [Ha] 493.5
Revenue District Udalguri
Grant Area [Ha] 852.13
Plantation District Darrang
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang
Behora  Bogapani  Borengajuli 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953 Tea Garden Website
Area Planted [Ha] 936.85 Area Planted [Ha] 796.11
Grant Area [Ha] 945.66 Grant Area [Ha] 1091.39 Plantation District Darrang

Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh More Info

Sub Division Golaghat Sub Division Tinsukia
 Near the village of Bamonjuli.
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh
 Most of older residents help in tea garden and
keep it safe from wild elephants, which are
becoming an increasing problem due to people
outside the area taking the side of the ele-
phants against the humans.
 Their children go to larger towns to seek work
(usually as domestics).
 Produces: Tea with a very high reputation.

Year Registered 1961
Area Planted [Ha] 849.02
Plantation District Darrang Grant Area [Ha] 1216.33
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Borgang 
Area Planted [Ha] 961.31
Grant Area [Ha] 1448.75
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang
Boroi  Corramore  Dekorai 
Area Planted [Ha] 372.74 Plantation District Darrang Area Planted [Ha] 874.55
Grant Area [Ha] 640.63 Grant Area [Ha] 1415.09
Revenue District Darrang Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang Plantation District Darrang

Year Registered 1959
Area Planted [Ha] 471.7
Grant Area [Ha] 649.7
Year Registered 1953 Revenue District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 545.74 Sub Division Tinsukia Plantation District Darrang
Grant Area [Ha] 830.35 Plantation District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Golaghat
Plantation District Sibsagar
Dirai  Dirok  Dufflaghur 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1959 Plantation District Darrang
Area Planted [Ha] 638.62 Area Planted [Ha] 727.45
Grant Area [Ha] 1138.33 Grant Area [Ha] 1116.71
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

Area Planted [Ha] 596.89
Grant Area [Ha] 821.25
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Year Registered 1953 Plantation District Darrang
Area Planted [Ha] 546.97
Grant Area [Ha] 898.33
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Harchurah  Itakhooli  Keyhung 
Area Planted [Ha] 390.24 Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953
Grant Area [Ha] 706.78 Area Planted [Ha] 387.67 Area Planted [Ha] 594.09
Revenue District Darrang Grant Area [Ha] 637.36 Grant Area [Ha] 1006.79
Sub Division Tezpur Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Plantation District Darrang Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info

 Northeast corner of India, south side of Brah-

maputra river, district of Tinsukia town. 1,500
feet elev.
 Produces: Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) CTC
tea, strong, full-bodied, maltiness, rich color.

Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 845.42
Grant Area [Ha] 1295.27
Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Sibsagar
Koomsong  Margherita  Mijicajan 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1994 Area Planted [Ha] 601
Area Planted [Ha] 609.7 Area Planted [Ha] 590.39 Grant Area [Ha] 1073.27
Grant Area [Ha] 1002.18 Grant Area [Ha] 946.43 Revenue District Darrang
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Sub Division Tezpur
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Tinsukia Plantation District Darrang
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh


No info available.

Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 559.65
Grant Area [Ha] 881
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Monabarie  Moran  Nya Gogra 
Area Planted [Ha] 1143.6 Year Registered 1953 Area Planted [Ha] 656.83
Grant Area [Ha] 1415.86 Area Planted [Ha] 644.71 Grant Area [Ha] 1121.04
Revenue District Darrang Grant Area [Ha] 1094 Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur Revenue District Dibrugarh Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang Sub Division Dibrugarh Plantation District Darrang
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 420.48
Grant Area [Ha] 547.34
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang

Year Registered 1975
Area Planted [Ha] 701.44
Grant Area [Ha] 1405
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 902.42
Grant Area [Ha] 1449.6
Revenue District Darrang
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang
Phillobari  Raidang  Rupajuli 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1995 Area Planted [Ha] 351.13
Area Planted [Ha] 407.68 Area Planted [Ha] 703.84 Grant Area [Ha] 593.91
Grant Area [Ha] 556.3 Grant Area [Ha] 1302.46 Revenue District Darrang
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Sub Division Tezpur
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Tinsukia Plantation District Darrang
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

Rajmai  Samdang 
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1994
Tea Garden Website
Area Planted [Ha] 483.53 Area Planted [Ha] 265.04
Grant Area [Ha] 1030.61 Grant Area [Ha] 876.11
Area Planted [Ha] 725.72
Revenue District Sibsagar Revenue District Dibrugarh
Grant Area [Ha] 1307.04
Sub Division Sibsagar Sub Division Tinsukia
Revenue District Darrang
Plantation District Sibsagar Plantation District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tezpur
Plantation District Darrang
Sepon  Tarajulie  Tezpore & Gogra 
Year Registered 1953 Area Planted [Ha] 483.4 Area Planted [Ha] 527.21
Area Planted [Ha] 586.46 Grant Area [Ha] 492.46 Grant Area [Ha] 779.06
Grant Area [Ha] 930.71 Revenue District Darrang Revenue District Darrang
Revenue District Dibrugarh Sub Division Tezpur Sub Division Tezpur
Sub Division Dibrugarh Plantation District Darrang Plantation District Darrang
Plantation District Dibrugarh
McLeod Russel – The Elephant in the Tea Room
McLeod Russel India Ltd. is a huge tea company Chairman of the Board Brij Mohan Khaitan rose they took over Borelli Tea Holdings Ltd., owned
operating primarily in India. They are the pro- from being an East India merchant, supplying tea by the Magor family in England. The deal includ-
verbial “elephant in the room” and not to be estates with fertilizers and tea chests, joining ed the subsidiary Williamson Tea Assam Ltd. with
ignored. the Board of the tea company in 1963, becoming 17 tea estates in India. This tea has an elephant
Managing Director in 1964, and now heading the on the label. In fact, all tea that McLeod Russel
company, which has grown through acquisitions, sells is marketed under the registered elephant
mergers, and building a reputation for good tea. trademark.
They are spreading out to Vietnam, Dubai,
Uganda, and elsewhere.

They manage 47 tea estates in the Assam Valley

of northern India, six in the Dooars region of
West Bengal in India, three factories in Vietnam,
and six estates in Uganda. They employ almost
100,000 people in the tea gardens and factories.
In some areas, they are the entire economy.

One of the McLeod Russel tea gardens

with the typical low-growing tea plants
and the tall trees for a bit of shade, Inside Nilpur Blending Facility – cleanliness
benefitting both plants and workers. is paramount, including facemasks.

The McLeod Russel story starts with two men — Some of their teas are sold through tea brokers
Captain J.H. Williamson and Richard Boycott and under estate names. Tarajulie Estate Assam
Magor — two Brits who met in Calcutta. They is one. This estate, established in 1884 and sit-
formed Williamson Magor & Company in 1869. ting between the Gabharu river on the west and
Lots of company growth followed. In 1954 (15 the Dipota river on the east, has plentiful natural
Left to right: Chairman Deepak Khaitan
years shy of their 100th anniversary), the name beauty.
with Aditya Khaitan and Bharat Bajoria
was changed to Williamson Magor & Co Limited,
adding the status of being a limited company. See the Williamson site for more options to try.
Around 1994, the company was renamed McLeod (We get no commission on sales.)
Russel. Their “Williamson Tea” brand was acquired when

Go to List of Gardens
The MK Group (aka MK Shah Exports Ltd.) 
Company Website

The company was founded by Mr. Mukundray Shah In 2003, a new production facility was built in In 2005, Shah acquired Rossel Industry from M/s
as a tea brokerage. In 1962, he branched out to Mumbai (formerly Bombay). A year later, they set Hindustan Unilever. This included seven more tea
retailing, taking quality teas directly to the con- up a packaging unit in St. Petersburg, Russia, to estates (Panitola, Bokel, Nalani, Hattiali, Mut-
sumer at his new shop in Kolkata’s Bagri Market. get around the heavy import duty being applied to tuck, Daisajan, and Singlijan). Exports over the
His son, Himanshu Shah, became prominent in the packaged goods. Bulk teas were brought in to the years have expanded to Dubai, US, UK, Ger-many,
business 16 years later as the company expanded facility, packaged, and sold locally. Netherlands, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Sri Lanka,
to exporting overseas to Poland, and two years Kazakhstan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and
later set up a shop there, launching their new other countries.
brand “MK Supreme.” In 1990, almost three dec- Mumbai:
ades later, the brokerage/ retailer decided also to In 2014, the company was split into two parts:
produce teas, buying the Nangdala Tea Estate in MK House, Plot. No. 19,
the Dooars area of India. North South Road. No.12,  M.K. Shah Exports Ltd. (MKSEL), parent
JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai 400 049. company managed by Mr. Himanshu Shah.
The fall of the Iron Curtain created opportunity +91 (0)22 2616 5007 / 5008  M.K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Ltd., managed
for Shah and company. In 1993, they created a by his brother, Mr. Kalpesh Shah.
Rissian subsidiary, supplying tea to meet demand Kolkata:
among the locals. Six years later, they bought the
MKSEL established a 100% owned subsidiary, Great
Koilamari Tea Estate from the Jokai Group, the
M.K.House, Lake Plantations (GLP) in the Democratic Republic
first of many such acquisitions to come, and Mr.
2/2 Justice Dwarkanath Road, Kolkata 700 020. of Congo, then acquired M’bayo and Magada Tea
Raj Berry, a renowned tea veteran, joined their
+91 (0)33 2474 6373 / 6364 Plantations. Mr. Himanshu's son, Mr. Jaydeep Shah
top management team. Gingia, Seajuli and Maj-
+91 (0)33 2475 6068. established the African subsidiary and currently
hulighur Tea Estates were their next purchases
divides his time between DRC and India as head of
from Williamson Magor & Co. Ltd. Shah and com-
operations for the company's African assets.
pany spent a lot of money upgrading the estates
and the tea quality while growing profits.
Chart of Tea Grades (from Company Site)



Special Orthodox

Brands Using Their Teas

List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Gingia  Koilamari  Majulighur 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Area Planted [Ha] 420.05 Area Planted [Ha] 837.96 Name Meaning Named after 17th century
Grant Area [Ha] 557.24 Assamese Queen Maju
Grant Area [Ha] 1244.00
Revenue District Darrang Plantation District Lakhimpur
Area Planted [Ha] 517.62
Sub Division Tezpur
More Info Grant Area [Ha] 908.78
Plantation District Darrang
Revenue District Darrang
 On north bank of Brahmaputra River.
More Info  1999 – Estate acquired from Jokai Group. Sub Division Tezpur
 Produces: CTC and orthodox teas with a honey Plantation District Darrang
 1948-1960 – Rare seed stock of orthodox teas aroma and toasty notes. The liquid is smooth,
were planted here. medium body, clean finish. More Info
 2001-2003 – Estate acquired from Williamson &  Factory: State-of-the-art technology, including
Magor Co. Ltd. CTC machines, CFMs, Dryers.
 2001-2003 – Estate acquired from Williamson &
 Regularly achieves quality certifications from
Magor Co. Ltd.
the Tea Board of India.
 Teas garner excellent prices in world markets.
 Produces: Orthodox teas that infuse a golden
liquid with a classic thickness. Malty and brisk.  Produces: Bold flavored CTC and orthodox teas
that are smooth, sweet with fruity notes and
 Factory: Modern machinery such as color
maltiness that lingers.
sorters and VFB dryers have been installed
recently.  Factory: Recently established, state-of-the-
Seajuli  Singlijan 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Name Meaning From local seal nahar Name Meaning From the Assamese words
plant + “Juli” (Assamese “Hingoolijaan” (“River of
for “stream”) the Hingooli fish”)
Plantation District Lakhimpur Year Registered 1977

More Info Area Planted [Ha] 243.9

Grant Area [Ha] 432.57
 2001-2003 – Estate acquired from Williamson & Revenue District Dibrugarh
Magor Co. Ltd.
 Known for quality orthodox teas. Sub Division Dibrugarh
 Developed some outstanding tea plant clonals: Plantation District Dibrugarh
S8, S16, S19, and S25. All have been accepted
and recognized by Tocklai Tea Research More Info
Association (more info).
 Produces: CTC and orthodox teas. Well-made  Plucking Season:
tippy-teas, pleasant liquid with malty notes,  Produces: Top quality orthodox teas that in-
smooth, leaves a sweet linger-ing honey taste. fuse liquid with aroma like almonds and spice,
flavor note of ripe apples with clean finish.
 Factory: Modern and clean.

Go to List of Gardens
M. K. Jokai Agri Plantations Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website
(Formerly Jokai Group)

Founded by Mr. Mukundray K. Shah soon after India gained Independence, a Sophisticated machinery, capable of manufacturing CTC and orthodox teas,
time when India was just beginning to see an industrial and commercial helped them achieve their goal. In recent years, their focus shifted to ortho-
revolution. The goal was to build a niche in the tea industry with large-scale dox teas in the mistaken idea that these teas are higher quality and there-
tea production and a streamlined business plan. fore we tea drinkers should flock to them. Sorry, but in our house CTC Assam
black tea is king.
Chart of Orthodox Black Tea Grades (from Company Site)
(Tippy Golden Flowery (Golden Flowery Orange (Flowery Orange Pekoe) (Golden Flowery Broken (Flowery Broken Orange (Flowery Broken Orange
Orange Pekoe) Pekoe) Orange Pekoe) Pekoe) Pekoe)


(Broken Pekoe Souchong) (Golden Broken Orange (Broken Orange Pekoe (Orange Pekoe Dust) (Orange Dust)
Pekoe) Fannings)

Seasonal and Special Teas:

(Special Tippy Golden (Fine Tippy Golden Flowery
(Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe)
Flowery Orange Pekoe) Orange Pekoe)
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Estates Acquired from The MK Group  Bokel  Daisajan 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

(M.K. Jokai India Ltd.)
Divisions Spread across 5 divisions.
Name Meaning From Assamese word
Year Registered 1977
Area Planted [Ha] 697.43 (“river with two heads”).
Grant Area [Ha] 1731.49 Year Registered 1977
Revenue District Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha] 401.64
Sub Division Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha] 655.8
Plantation District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
More Info
Plantation District Dibrugarh
 Formerly part of M/s Hindustan Unilever and
then The MK Group. More Info
 Legendary for consistency of teas and reliabil-
ity of leaf quality.  Formerly part of M/s Hindustan Unilever and
 Dibrugarh Airport runway originally part of then The MK Group.
estate.  In golden belt Doom Dooma in Upper Assam.
 Produces: World's finest quality teas with  The perfect mix of clone and seed blocks.
sweet thick gutsy liquids.  Famous for aroma and superb leaf appearance.
 Unique flowery notes, delicate character.
CTC Grades  A firm favorite among purveyors of the high-
TGFOP1 FOP BOPF OPD est quality orthodox teas, symbolizing the
STGFOP GFBOP FBOP1 OD perfect Assam cup, malty, sweet, and brisk.
TGFOP FBOP BOP(O) OCD  Produces: Some of the finest orthodox teas.
 Factory: Modern. To reduce the cost of pro-  Hattiali teas are a brand unto itself, the luxury Muttuck 
duction and improve quality of tea, estate in- store "Harrods of London" sells under single-
stalled two world class color sorters. Tiling of origin estate name Hattiali.
sorting floor done for quality improvement.  Produces: Famous golden tippy high-quality Tea Garden Website
orthdox teas, maintaining the right balance
between briskness and mellowness. Name Meaning From ancient town of
Mottock emperor & capi-
Grades tal of kingdom of Mottock
Dynasty in upper Assam.
TGFOP1 BPS BOPF FBOP(S) Year Registered 1977
Area Planted [Ha] 328.1
GFOP Grant Area [Ha] 868.1
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh
More Info
Tea Garden Website  Formerly part of M/s Hindustan Unilever and
then The MK Group. Last of the Jokai estates.
Name Meaning Literally “the elephant is  Produces: High quality orthodox and CTC teas.
CTC Grades Orthodox Grades
Year Registered 1977
Area Planted [Ha]
(201 are clonal plants) BOPSM CD TGFOP GFBOP OD
Grant Area [Ha] 653.37 BP CD1 GFOP GBOP OPD
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info
 Formerly part of M/s Hindustan Unilever and
then The MK Group.
 Known as the queen of the famous Jokai Group
of Tea Gardens.
Nalani  Panitola 

Tea Garden Website Tea Garden Website

Year Registered 1977 Year Registered 1977

Area Planted [Ha] 462.29 Area Planted [Ha] 630.85
Grant Area [Ha] 1119.59 Grant Area [Ha] 1305.75
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info More Info

 On the bank of Dibru river and adjacent to
Brahmaputra river.  2005 – Estate acquired by MK Tea Co. (now The
 It has an easily accessible water table. MK Group) from M/s Hindustan Unilever along
 Produces: One of company’s finest teas that with six others, giving the company a total of
are gritty, strong in color, brisk, gutsy. Well- 12 tea estates.
rolled, heavy black teas, strong character,  2014 – Estate acquired from The MK Group.
bright infusion, in many well-loved tea blends.  Headquarters of former Jokai Group of Gar-
dens, epicenter of upper Assam tea gardens.
 Grows clones like N-436 and P-126 (PANITOLA-
126, originally developed in this garden during
GFOP FBOP1 FBOP OPD British times, now constitutes a large chunk of
TGFOP GBOP BOPF OD all Assam tea bushes in entire Upper Assam
TGFOP1 GBOP1 belt of Tea Gardens).
 Uses many innovative ideas to reduce cost.
 Produces: Teas with strong liquid and beautiful
make famous among buyers across the globe.

Also Owns Nangdala (in Dooars)

Tea Garden Website

More Info  Produces:

 One of the iconic Dooars Gardens. CTC Grades Orthodox Grades
 Only garden of the group not in Assam. BOP OF TGFOP FBOP
 On the eastern most area of West Bengal, BOPSM PD TGFOP1 GBOP
barely an hour's drive away from Bhutan. BP DUST TGOP OP
 Popular among buyers who want value for Secondaries
money, as well as a classic Dooars element in
their blends.  Factory: Newly upgraded, capable of producing
 Solid reputation among auction buyers for jet- CTC and Orthodox teas.
black leaf, and perfectly rolled size.

Go to List of Gardens
Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. 
Company Website

The name MOKALBARI traces its origin to words flowed from a glacier in southeast Lake Mansa-
"MOKAL" and "BARI". The word MOKAL stands for rowar in Tibet. Ideal for tea planting. He up-
a special variety of tall bamboos having thick rooted bamboo trees and planted tea.
diameters of 12" or more while the word BARI  Early 20th Century – Kanois take over.
signifies a specific location or garden. Thus, the  2011 - Mokalbari Kanoi Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
composite word MOKALBARI carries the meaning and Goneshbari Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd. acquired
of a garden of a special variety of thick and tall by current promoters.
bamboo trees.  Produces: Orthodox and CTC teas. Their tippy
golden teas, made from a particular species of
More Info tea plant, are the base of top East Frisian
Blends. Full-bodied, strong liquid, aroma,
smooth and malty flavor, and rich taste.
 On South bank of Brahmaputra River in Upper
 Factory: Two running factories capable of
producing 2.5 million kgs. of both CTC and
 1876 - a British planter realized that Brahma-
Orthodox varieties.
putra River brought rich sandyloam soil as it
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam


Kamakhyabari  Mokalbari East 
Year Registered 1936 Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 148.89 Area Planted [Ha] 535.68
Grant Area [Ha] 387.25 Grant Area [Ha] 833.06
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

Year Registered 1953
Area Planted [Ha] 535.68
Grant Area [Ha] 833.06
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info
 1917 – Founded.
 Produces: Premium 2nd flush CTC and
Orthodox teas.

Go to List of Gardens
Rossel Tea India Ltd. 
Company Website
(formerly Rossell Tea Limited)

They have diverse interests in tea, aviation, and hospitality so on April 19, established in the late 19th century. “Jokai” was a well-known mark in the
2011, rechristened itself as Rossell India Limited. Then they restructured tea industry for its quality over time. They acquired Nagrijuli, Bokakhat,
into three divisions – Tea, Aviation & Defence (Technology and Engineering), Romai, Namsang and Kharikatia Tea Estates in later years. Their finest CTC
and Product Support Services (Aerospace). and orthodox tea is exported to USA, UK, Germany, Japan, Iran, UAE and
other destinations. The Group’s exports are approximately 30% of its annual
Rossell Tea Ltd. was incorporated on June 10, 1994, with Dikom and Nokhroy production.
Tea Estates in Assam, which were the company of Jokai India Ltd.,
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam
water of Dikom was unique, being sweet and
Bokakhat  Kharikatia 
Name Meaning “Boka” (“mud”) +  Very well-maintained fields with an aggressive Name Meaning
“Khat” (“hut”) uprooting and replanting program using high
quality clones with high yields. Divisions
Year Registered 1965  Has a 73% clonal area with high quality clones
Year Registered 1990
Area Planted [Ha] 292.00 like P126A, N436, S3A3, T3A3, CP1, Tenali 17.
 So famous are the estate’s teas, they are con- Area Planted [Ha] 362.00
Grant Area [Ha] 414.95 sidered a brand by itself.
Grant Area [Ha] 742
Revenue District Sibsagar  Produces: Orthodox / CTC. Teas are tippy,
bright, and malty in flavor, tend to have a Revenue District Sibsagar
Sub Division Golaghat natural sweetness, said to be from the water
Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Sibsagar in the area.
Plantation District Sibsagar
More Info
More Info
 A well-known mark for years.
 This area is also famous for producing some of  1874 - Planted by Jorhat Tea Company Ltd.
the best quality teas in Assam.  1939 - Renamed “Kharikatia”.
 Produces: Tippy Orthodox teas, thick liquid  2012 - Rossell takes over in November.
CTC, both are of excellent quality.  Top quality clones like S3A3, T3E3, TV1, TV17,
Betjan etc.
Dikom   In an untypically dry and hot area of Assam.
Plan to improve climate through water bodies,
vegetative propagation and tree plantings.
Tea Garden Website
 Produces: CTC with very bright infusions, and
a long shelf-life, sought after by Indian buyers.
Name Meaning “Di” or “Doi” in Bodo
language means “water”.
Year Registered 1977
Area Planted [Ha] 631.00
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info

 Dates back to Medieval era of Assam when it

was ruled by kings. They discovered that the
Nagrijuli  Namsang  Nokhroy 
Name Meaning “Narchi – Juri” (local Namsang Name Meaning From “Na Horai” (“nine
language means “eternal platters”), an offering of
spring”). peace and respect from a
Year Registered 1980 small village to a Burmese
Plantation District Kamrup
army about to invade
Area Planted [Ha] 298.36
More Info Grant Area [Ha] 437.75
Year Registered 1977
 In the Bhutan hills on the north bank of the Revenue District Dibrugarh
Area Planted [Ha] 333.00
Brahmaputra River. Sub Division Dibrugarh
 Excellent climatic conditions. Grant Area [Ha] 512.04
 Quality upgradation in the field through up- Plantation District Dibrugarh
Revenue District Dibrugarh
rooting and replanting of high quality clones.
 Produces: Premium quality Orthodox teas and More Info Sub Division Tinsukia
consistent and bright CTC teas with a Plantation District Dibrugarh
refreshing quality of everlasting Spring.  Recent acquisition.
 Slightly elevated and pristine location. More Info
 Section No.1, was planted as early as in 1837,
(one of the earliest formal plantings), with
 Grows the famous Nokhroy N / 436 clone
seeds then recently brought out from China.
known for its unique character.
 Produces: CTC teas plus flavory Orthodox teas
 Vigorous uprooting and replanting is underway
with delightful high-grown character.
to further enrich the quality of the field.
 Produces: CTC plus clean, stylish Orthodox
Year Registered 1975
Area Planted [Ha] 314.39
Grant Area [Ha] 314.39
Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh

More Info

 This Estate hasa perfect synergy between

excellent plants, strict supervision and world
class manufacturing standards.
 Plucking Season:
 Produces: Premium quality CTC and Orthodox
teas, well-known for its bright cup
 Factory:

Go to List of Gardens
Rydak Syndicate Ltd. 
Company Website

 February 24, 1898 - Rydak Tea Syndicate List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam Kartick 
Limited was incorporated.
 September 24, 1979 - they became Rydak Baradghi 
Syndicate Limited. Tea Garden Website

They have adhered to the philosophy of constantly Tea Garden Website

striving to make the finest teas for more than a
century with passion and determination. The Duklingia 
growing and manufacturing of tea has bettered Tea Garden Website
the lives of scores of people and the community
at large plus touching the lives of thousands of Tea Garden Website
Plantation District Darrang
people everyday. They currently have six tea
estates located in Assam and in the West Bengal's Year Registered 1953 Rydak 
Dooars region.
Area Planted [Ha] 701.8
Tea Garden Website
Guest House At Gopalpur Grant Area [Ha] 1026.27
Revenue District Sibsagar
Go to List of Gardens Serispore 
Sub Division Jorhat
Plantation District Sibsagar Tea Garden Website

Plantation District Cachar

Warren Tea Ltd. 
Company Website

In 1850, James Warren, a pioneering entrepreneur, planted a tea estate near Splitting the Gardens into Two Companies
Dibrugarh, Assam. In 1858 his nephews inherited the estate and added to the
property, planting out adjacent lands. Over the years, the benefits of good
garden husbandry, prudent expansion, modern management practices, Until February, 2012, the company owned 14 gardens. Due to a lot of dis-
sophisticated and the most up-to date tea processing facilities, and a agreement among the gardens’ promotoers, Mr Vinay K. Goenka and Mr Anil
meticulous eye for quality helped create the Warren Tea legend. Ruia, that had been ongoing for some time, an agreement was reached to
split the gardens between them as follows:
Today, Warren Tea maintains its position as one of the largest producers and
exporters of quality CTC and orthodox teas. In addition to bulk teas, the Mr. Vinay K. Goenka Mr. Anil Ruia
company sells packaged teas in attractive packets, caddies, and tea bags. (Warren Tea Ltd.) (James Warren Tea Ltd.)
Balijan (N) Balijan (H)
Deohall Deeamoolie
Duamara Dhoedaam
Hatimara Rajah Alli
Rupai Thowra
Sealkotee Tippuk
Tara Zaloni

Mr. Goenka’s seven tea estates, operated under the Warren Tea Ltd. com-
pany name, are in Upper Assam and rank among the best managed, quality-
yielding plantations in the world. Their crop represents the finest Assam teas
for the quality markets. They are particularly known for their rich liquor,
brightness, briskness and strength. Every two leaves and a bud plucked by
the trained nimble fingers of the Warren plantation workers, is grown under
the strict supervision of acknowledged specialists and is the product of very
advanced crop management practices. The clonal percentage of Warren’s
tea remains high – yet another reason for quality being better.

Added to this superb garden husbandry are planned expansion, modern

management, state-of-the-art processing facilities, and a Quality Assurance
programme that runs through the system. At tea factories of each Warren
estate, first class made-teas are produced consistently through meticulous
systems planning and the application of modern facilities under expert
supervision. Specialist skills and processes for quality control at every stage Highlights
of manufacture ensure the Warren cup of excellence.

 All the SEVEN tea estates of the group are situated in the quality belt of
Upper Assam in the districts of Dibrugarh and Tinsukia.
 Four thousand hectares of land are under Tea Cultivation of which fifty
percent (approx.) is of “Clonal” Plantation.
 A motivated workforce of 15,000 people
 Producing eight Million Kilograms of tea produced annually.
 Producer of Best quality of Orthodox and CTC teas.
 Largest Orthodox tea producer in India.
 Caters to quality buyers both in India and Overseas. Destinations include
U. K., Germany, U.S.A., U.A.E. and Pakistan.
 Dominant presence in domestic high quality markets, such as Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
 The Company has very strong Brand Equity, thanks to the goodwill created
by the quality conscious customer profile, both international and

Vivek Goenka, President of Warren Tea, is associated with the Indian Tea
Association and the Governing Council Member of Tea Research Association
of India. He also has an interest in sports.
List of Their Tea Gardens in Assam

Balijan North  Hatimara  Rupai 

Year Registered 1954 Year Registered 1953
Tea Garden Website
Area Planted [Ha] 737.02 Area Planted [Ha] 628.32
Grant Area [Ha] 786.76 Year Registered 1963 Grant Area [Ha] 686.17
Revenue District Dibrugarh Area Planted [Ha] 265.95 Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Dibrugarh Grant Area [Ha] 452.76 Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia
Deohall  Sealkottee 
Plantation District Dibrugarh
Year Registered 1953 Year Registered 1953
More Info
Area Planted [Ha] 486.54 Area Planted [Ha] 464.7
 1850 – First planted.
Grant Area [Ha] 486.54  The only fully clonal tea estate in the world Grant Area [Ha] 886.02
Revenue District Dibrugarh with its own factory. Revenue District Dibrugarh
 Fruitful R & D by a team of agronomists, plant-
Sub Division Tinsukia ers, market researchers, and others. Sub Division Dibrugarh
Plantation District Dibrugarh  Won the hearts of quality-dedicated tea buy- Plantation District Dibrugarh
ers around the world.
Duamara   Uses advanced crop management services and
other methods for quality end products.
Year Registered 1953  Continuous monitoring and upgrading assures
Year Registered 1953
their premium teas command highest prices.
Area Planted [Ha] 474.21  Factory: On the estate. Area Planted [Ha] 765.92
Grant Area [Ha] 474.21 Grant Area [Ha] 1046.29
Revenue District Dibrugarh Revenue District Dibrugarh
Sub Division Tinsukia Sub Division Tinsukia
Plantation District Dibrugarh Plantation District Dibrugarh

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Williamson Tea Ltd. 
Company Website

Williamson no longer runs any tea gardens in Assam, India (per this site). But they were such an influential part of the development of the tea industry in that
area that we wanted to include some information about them here.

Company Timeline
1866 – Captain J. H. Williamson, already involved 1879 – George Williamson withdrew his capital 1929 – Situation worsened with the Wall Street
in manageing tea estates in Assam, met R. B. from the business. crash and ensuing depression. Tea production
Magor, at the Great Eastern Hotel in Calcutta. levels far exceeded consumption. George William-
1894 – The company had offices at 7 New China son, the London end of the partnership, and Wil-
Bazaar Street, Kolkata. They were shifted to liamson Magor, the Indian end of the partnership,
4 Mangoe Lane (presumably took its name from consolidated their position in the tea industry
mango trees lined on both sides). The building through the 1920s and 1930s.
was known as Hampton Court then.

1898 – J. H. Williamson died. The Williamson

Magor Group grew along with the boom in the
Indian tea industry.

1900 – Company handling the affairs of 44 tea

estates. Became involved in other businesses,
including coal.
R M B Magor (left) & Capt J. H. Williamson (right)
1903 – George Williamson died.
1869 – After subsequent meetings and associa-
tions, they signed the first partnership deed, valid 1904 – Partnership renewed with R. B. Magor and
for a period of two years and forming the partner- J. H. Williamson’s brother-in-law, Robert Lyell,
ship firm, Williamson Magor & Company, to ser- enjoying equal shares. Williamson Magor & Co.
vice the requirements of tea estates in Assam. worked closely with London partner-ship, George 1933 – R. B. Magor died. His grandson, Richard
Williamson & Co., started a few years earlier by Magor, introduced B. M. Khaitan to the Group.
1871 – Agreement renewed. James Williamson's brother, George. Initially, Briju Khaitan supplied tea chests and
fertilisers to the company and had become a
1920 – Post-war slump at the end of World War I. friend of Pat Williamson, a grandson of J. H.
1875 – Agreement term was increased to 5-year
periods. The company had its first office premises
at 7 China Bazar Street.
1954 – Williamson Magor & Co. converted into a 1968 – The new building officially opened. There 1992 – In lieu of transfer of the business, the
Limited Company. are nine floors above street level. The top floor is company was allotted a big number of shares by
a penthouse. The floor below it has an excellently the Transferee Companies. Then, the company
1960s – Originally known as Hampton Court on 4 equipped tea tasting room on the north (front) changed its name to Williamson Magor & Co. Ltd.,
Mangoe Lane, the Williamson Magor Group office side of the building. Space on several floors were principally growing and manufacturing tea and
building was redeveloped. let out, generating further revenue for the com- investments in group companies.
1961 – B. Bajoria, an investor, acquired nearly a 2001 – In April, George Williamson & Company,
25% stake in the Bishnauth Tea Company, the Kolkata, and Williamson Magor & Company, Kol-
flagship in the Williamson Magor Tea Estates, a kata, mutually decided to separate and work in-
crisis for the company. The Khaitan family pro- dependently. As a result, George Williamson &
vided the money to buy out Bajoria’s stake, and Company, London ceased to be the overseas part-
as a result B. M. Khaitan was invited to join the ners and selling agents for Williamson Magor &
board of the company and later, in the face of Company, who forged their own links and have
stiff resistance, went on to become Managing developed a competent overseas sales network.
Director of the Group.
2003 – Williamson Magor Group (WM Group) ap-
plied to the Reserve Bank of India to register as a
Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) and was
granted the required license on March 31st. Since
then the company made substantial investments
in group companies like McLeod Russel India Ltd.,
Eveready Industries India Ltd., Kilburn Engineering
Ltd., McNally Bharat Engineering Company Ltd.,
and others. They are listed on Bombay Stock Ex-
change, National Stock Exchange of India, Calcut-
ta Stock Exchange, and Gauhati Stock Exchange.

Over the 50 years, McLeod Russel group grew and

acquired a number of well-established and inter-
B. M. Khaitan, Chairman 1975 – The then Williamson Magor & Co. Limited nationally recognised tea companies, including
who were primarily engaged in the business of Williamson Tea Assam, Doom Dooma Tea Com-
1964 – Brij Mohan Khaitan, who had a long- growing and manufacturing of tea was amalga- pany, Moran Tea Company in India, Phu Ben Tea
standing relationship with the Company as the mated with the company and the name changed Company in Vietnam, Rwenzori Tea Investments
principal supplier of Packaging Materials and to Macneill & Magor Limited. and more recently in Rwanda the Pfunda Tea
Fertilizers, was invited to join the Board of Company.
Directors in 1963. He eventually became the 1987 – The Guthrie family, the majority share-
Managing Director in 1964. holder in the McLeod Russel Group, decided to 2011 – Their subsidiary, Borelli Tea Holdings, took
sell their tea plantations in India. B. M. Khaitan over management control of internationally ac-
1966 – The foundation stone of the new building negotiated with them and bought out the estates, claimed Gisovu Tea Company Limited.
at 4 Mangoe Lane, their corporate headquarters, making Williamson Group the largest private tea
was laid on January 24th by Mrs. O. J. Roy. producer in the world. George Williamson went on (Source)
to acquire and manage tea estates in East Africa.
Go to List of Gardens
Some Tea Manufacturing Companies in Assam 
Unaffiliated with Any Tea Gardens 

Assamica Agro
Tea Garden Website

Produces teas in their small scale tea estate in Assam. Apart from their own
tea, they also market teas sourced from associate small tea growers. No
mechanical processing is involved. Their small estate farmer’s handpick and
process the tea leaves manually. Sells green tea (loose plain and with
additives such as lemongrass, chamomile, tulsi, and rose petals) and Assam
tea (loose leaf, tippy second flush, CTC black, and loose leaf with rose and
lemongrass added).

Ahinsha Chemicals Ltd.

Tea Garden Website

Ahinsha Chemicals Ltd. was established in 1982. Since 2006, it has been Hatidubi Tea Company
engaged in manufacturing of Instant Tea. The company has a plant at
Nalbari, Assam. Contact: Address : Koilakhat, Bokakhat, Bokakhat, Assam Ph: 098597 68116

Damayanti Tea Industries Hatidubi Tea Company is a manufacturer of Green Tea and Orthodox Tea in
Tea Garden Website
A “Bought Tea Leaf” CTC manufacturing unit. Parent company is Chandrabali
Commer-cial (India) Pvt. Ltd. They buy tea leaves from growers instead of Tea Garden Website
being part of a tea estate or garden. They incorporate state-of-the art
technology to manufacture high quality CTC tea in units in Dibrugarh and
Tea cultivation in the small plantation sector in the District of Dibrugarh in
Golaghat. They are considered one of the most hygienic and well-equipped
the state of Assam and at Roing in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. They
tea manufacturing factories in India.
manufacture CTC teas.
Their teas are blackish in appearance and are comprised of three main Blends: Assam CTC, Assam CTC broken and Assam Orthodox, Green Tea
Vaibhav Tea Company
 Brokens: Granular black tea in various sizes.
 Fannings: Particles of leaf sifted out of bulk teas and are smaller
than Brokens, Contact : MAKUM ROAD, Tinsukia, Assam, India | Mobile : 9748899015
 Dust: The smallest particles-powder.
Vaibhav tea company is a Manufacturer and supplier of green tea, black tea.

Uphaar Tea
Vardhman Tea Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.
Tea Garden Website
Tea Garden Website
Part of Dugar Group. The Dugar Group’s family tea business in Assam started
with Shree Hanuman Bhandar in 1948. They launched packaged tea in 1988. Vardhaman Tea is engaged in the manufacturing of instant tea. They supply
It is now regarded as one of the most reputed tea blending and packaging to pre-mix manufacturers and beverage Industries within the country. The
houses in the country today. DCPL’s factory office and blending unit is at company has launched Instant Tea Premixes with Masala Flavor, Cardamom
Amingaon off the National Highway. Flavor, Lemon Flavor, Ginger Flavor, Masala Flavor without sugar, Dairy
Whitener, Coffee Premix.
Tocklai Tea Research Association (TRA) 
Their Site

The association exists to: The Scientific Department of Indian Tea Associa- Most of their activities are done at the Tocklai
tion (ITA) was established in 1900. They created Tea Research Institute in Jorhat. Their regional
 Improve quality of tea the Experimental Station in 1911. The Tocklai Tea R&D Centre is at Nagrakata in West Bengal.
 Improve overall productivity of the industry Research Association (TRA) grew out of this, tak- Pharmacological properties of black tea are re-
 Reduce input cost on tea production ing shape in 1964. This put Tocklai at the center searched at Kolkata and institutes across India.
 Disseminate information on latest research of activities related to tea research, from deve-
loping new clonals to processing the leaves. They The TRA disseminates information to its member
 Advise members on methods of tea
are similar to the Taiwan Research and Extension estates through a network of advisors. Currently,
Station (TRES), which has developed a number of there are 1,076 member estates spread through:
 Upgrade knowledge and data with relevant
successful tea plan clonals and cultivars. The South Bank, North Bank, Upper Assam,
programmes for the benefit of the tea industry.
Cachar, Tripura, Dooars, Darjeeling and Terai.
Final Thoughts 
As you can see above, the Darjeeling gardens have a long history going back to about 1850. They end up today dealing with that past. Gardens are being
revived from when they were abandoned or mismanaged. But other forces are causing issues, too. How India will deal with all of these remains to be seen.
Some prominent tea experts are doing their best to bring reason to the process. But it is an uphill battle. Buyers in Europe, North America, and elsewhere
have been scared into thinking that adding any manufactured fertilizers to the soil will end up poisoning them (far from the truth!) and ditto for insecticides
and herbicides. Labor unions clamor and demand more than the garden owners can pay in terms of benefits and wages for those working in the gardens. Old
tea plants are wearing out and need to be replaced. On top of all that, tea gardens keep changing their names, so building up a loyal following is hampered,
to say the least (no brand recognition). And much more.

Other Tough Issues Facing These Gardens & Estates

The Dilli estate had an even bigger dilemma when a dead elephant was dis-
Land Area Encroachments and Limitations 
covered there. They had to prove they did not cause the death (proving a
negative is virtually impossible).
Tea gardens tend to be only partially used for growing tea. The remaining
area is for tea factories, housing, and other uses. More and more, tea gar-
Workers deal with a lot of the same issues there that we do here, such as
dens are being forced to cede some areas not used for growing tea to local
labor laws, working conditions, and health. For example, an outbreak of
governments and military. Further, areas around the tea gardens are being
meningitis took the lives of several workers at the Govindabari estate one
increasingly shut off from possibility of expansion by being declared national
forests and wildlife sanctuaries. Human needs being ignored for the sake of a
bunch of trees and animals. A sad situation that is leading to a slow decline
of the tea gardens and hardship for all who depend on them.

On the other hand, tea garden owners who are trying to take part in the
growing attraction of tea tourism have been limited by the Indian govern-
ment. Often, this tourism is far more lucrative than the tea gardens. Thus,
the government interfering in matters, since they fear that garden managers
will go all tourist, producing little tea in the process. Sorry, but that is not
their decision to make.

Wildlife Valued Over Humans 

One thing that doesn’t come up a lot when discussing tea estates in China,
India, and elsewhere is the wildlife they have to deal with. In India, they
deal with elephants, tigers, pythons, and a lot more. If the species happens
to be one that is protected, such as elephants, the tea estate can have ano- A herd of wild elephants endanger the lives of workers.
ther issue on its hands: getting the animal off the estate without injuring it.
The push to allow wild animals, especially elephants, roam on the tea "When the ATM was installed we were very happy since like other we would
gardens is one of the biggest issues the garden owners, managers, and get back accounts, we can have some savings. I gave my documents on the
employees are facing. Elephants trample tea plants that can take 3-5 years very first day but yet to get my ATM card" said Rumi Gauri.
from first planting to first plucking, a big investment in time and effort gone.
The claim that elephants are just returning to foraging areas that used to be Her friend Somani did get her ATM card and withdrew money but is upset
forest are hardly believable since many of these gardens have been around with several taxes levied on her Jan Dhan account.
far longer than these elephants have lived. Predators such as leopards are
another hazard and can go after young children if there isn’t sufficient food
for them from other creatures. Garden managers have sadly turned to outfits "I withdrew from ATM but it's troublesome, often ATM does not have cash,
like the World Wildlife Fund for a solution. Instead, they have been told to we work on weekly wages and need money anyhow in weekend. And then
learn to deal with it and “share the land.” And the WWF people descend on they cut taxes for not maintaining balance so we would prefer cash, I have
them any time an elephant or other wild animal is found dead on the tea kept the ATM back at home," said Somani Gauri.
garden, with a long investigation following that interferes with garden
operations. Production per acre falls dramatically, and so does income for The SBI ATM at Dholaguri, the model for entire tea industry, could take load
the employees. of only 60 percent of the 1200 odd workers of the garden on a pay day, and
for a month, even that is not happening. The ATM's key pad is out of order.
Cashless Society Causes Hardships 
"We have informed the bank repeatedly, every day they commit to come and
fix it, we had problem of link failures and at that time we have to face
1 Year Of Notes Ban: Being Cashless A Distant Dream In Assam Tea labourers," said Bijay Das, Assistant Manager, Dholaguri tea estate.
Other ATMs in the area also have chronic record of link failures and running
NDTV visited the tea gardens in Assam's Golaghat district - that has about out of cash.
70 large tea gardens out of 800 odd gardens in Assam - for a reality check
on whether the workers there are getting their pay digitally. E-pay in tea gardens began with a lot of hype. Biometric data of tea garden
workers were collected for first of its kind bio-metric ATM card. Banks had
All India | Written by Ratnadip Choudhury | Updated: November 09, 2017 promised Jan Dhan accounts for 10 lakh workers. Nearly 8 lakh have been
01:08 IST opened, about 60 percent of them are empty.

On paper records, about 500 mini ATMs are operational. On the ground, they
Golaghat, Assam: A year ago, when the government announced its
can hardly be seen, say the garden workers.
demonetisation move, one of the major decisions taken was to bring Assam's
tea industry under digital pay, creating scope of financial inclusion of about
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal acknowledges that there are
10 lakh tea garden workers.
serious issues but takes great pride that nearly 8 lakh tea gardens workers
have bank accounts now.
NDTV visited the tea gardens in Assam's Golaghat district - that has about 70
large tea gardens out of 800 odd gardens in Assam - for a reality check on
"This is a major success. They have reposed faith in Modi Ji's leadership.
whether the workers there are getting their pay digitally.
Getting 8 lakh bank accounts opened is not a matter of joke. In this matter
we have discussed it with the bankers and we are looking into it," Mr Sonowal
In Dholaguri tea estate, 300 kilometres from Guwahati, NDTV met Rumi Gaur
told NDTV.
and Somani Gaur, two friends who have been plucking two leaves and one
bud from tea bushes for 15 years. Last year their tea garden made a place in
But dreams of financial inclusion has turned a joke of sort for the 400-odd
the record books when it got Assam's first ever ATM inside a tea garden - the
tea garden workers who have bank accounts and ATM cards but are being
government and banks claimed that digital India has arrived at tea gardens.
paid in cash at Aboyjan tea estate in Golaghat.
44-year-old Ratan Koya says within a year he could withdraw his salary  Certification Expenses in addition to be certified as Fair Trade. There are
digitally only once. about 6 to 10 they need to meet

"When we got our account, we felt we will have money and there was a
sense of financial empowerment but four times it happened that the more The Tea Board of India 
ATMs came but due to network failures they could not pay," Ratan Koya told
NDTV. One of the worst hurdles for tea growers in Assam and other parts of India is
the very government agency set up to help them. So typical. Not all tea
And the industry is completely upset. gardens have a tea factory on premises. They grow and harves the leaves and
sell to a processor or have a deal with an nearby garden that does have a
"Connectivity is a big issue, availability of ATMs or cash dispensing machines factory. The Tea Board of India makes tea processors pay tea gardens TWICE
was simply not in place. Some infrastructure was created to show that they for the tea leaves. They buy the leaves from a garden either directly or
are doing... My own experience has been bitter, when mobile ATM van went through an auction, process the leaves, and then sell the processed tea to
to make payments connectivity was low and we could pay 50 to 400, we the market directly or to a reseller. They then have to pay a part of the
tried with another garden it didn't work, so we had to switch to cash again," price they get to the garden from which they already bought and paid for the
explained Manoj Jalan , Chairman , Northeastern Tea Association. tea leaves. (This was how the process was explained to us. If it is in error,
please let us know and include a link to a site with clarifying information.
The banks defend with a fresh promise. Our online search did not come up with anything.)

"Accounts were opened by bringing the people to a place where connectivity

was better, but it is not possible to pay them in that area, so account Climate Change Hoax 
opening was successful but for digital payment we have challenges," said
The hoax stating that Earth is undergoing a disastrous climate change caused
PVSLN Murthy, Chief General Manager, SBI, NE Circle.
by man’s activities (and as some say by the very existence of humans on the
planet) has tea garden owners in an undue panic. Any drop in rainfall is
{Source) decried as a sign of the end of their gardens. In reality, they are declining
due to man-made factors caused by WHO, the UN, The Tea Board of India,
Expenses Forced on to Tea Garden Owners  Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, and many others.

Tea Garden Horror Stories 
 Certifications to placate scare tactics launched by Greenpeace and others
against perfectly safe herbicides and fertilizers.
Sad to say that life in the tea gardens of Assam (and elsewhere) is not all
 Health care
smiles for the tourist cameras. In researching this guide, we came across
 Schools some real horror stories, such as these:
 Recreation
 Housing
 Indian tea workers burn boss and his wife to death in Assam (reported on
 Damage from wild animals
27 Dec 2012). Occurred at Tulapathar Tea Estate, in Tinsukia district in
 Fair Trade, where the price is not determined by the market but by some
Assam. They are no longer listed as a tea estate in that district. (Source)
formula put together by bureaucrats. Hardly fair.
 Tea garden workers attacked, killed by wild animals.

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