Plankton Materials and Objects
Plankton Materials and Objects
Plankton Materials and Objects
Video Synopsis:
Have you ever seen a professional baseball player hit a homerun with a bat made of glass or a hockey
player take a slapshot with a stick made of paper? In this fun, educational and entertaining video,
students are invited into a science lab where they meet the zany Professor Peter Plankton and his
Teacher’s Guide written by adorable partner, Professor Tess Tube. Professor Plankton takes us on a whirlwind tour around the world
Mary Cubello & Pauline Weber as he ends up in the Brazilain rainforest dressed for winter, and in the snowy north dressed for the beach.
Thankfully, Professor Tube is on hand to get him back to the lab where they demonstrate the “science of
materials and objects”. Students will join in the romp as they learn that objects are all around us, and that
all objects are made of materials such as plastic, wood, glass, and steel. The two professors demonstrate
the various properties of a material and an object and students are introduced to vocabulary such as
shiny, hard, smooth, flexible and shiny. Short, fun experiments demonstrate key concepts. Throughout the
program, students are encouraged to be environmentally responsible as the 3 R’s (Reducing, Reusing and
Special thanks to: Recycling) are introduced.
Mike Anderson
Elementary Curriculum Leader Curriculum Connection:
Upper Grand DSB, Program Services
Recommended for the Grade K-1 Physical Science curriculum.
Dean Elliott
Science Consultant
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Program Objectives:
Christine Gard, Grade 1 Teacher • Materials have specific properties and are the substances from which something is made.
Laurelwoods Elementary School
Upper Grand District School Board • Humans make choices related to their use of objects and materials that have a direct effect on the
• Some objects are found in nature and some are made by huamns.
• We prepare for seasonal differences in weather by wearing the proper type of clothing.
• They can explore and describe characteristics of materials using their sensory observations.
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Curriculum Correlations: Using the DVD: Objects and Materials
YUKON - Grade 1 - Materials and Objects Preview the video and select activities from this guide to help students understand the concepts of
objects and their characteristics, and materials and their properties.
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES - Grade 1 - Characteristics of Objects and Properties of Materials
Introduction and Concept Development:
NUNAVUT - Grade 1 - Materials and Objects
• Ask students to name things in the classroom that are objects (chairs, pencils, books, doors,
BRITISH COLUMBIA - Kindergarten - Properties of Objects and Materials computers, etc.) Are people objects?
• Define an object as a thing that can be seen and felt, used and enjoyed.
ALBERTA - Grade 1 - Materials and Objects • Write the word object for the class to look at and read.
• Write the names of the objects identified by the students below the word object.
SASKATCHEWAN - Using Objects and Materials • Now look at some of the objects that were named, and ask students what materials were used to make
that object. Some objects are made of only one material, but many will be made of more than one
MANITOBA - Grade 1: Cluster 3 - CHARACTERISTICS OF OBJECTS AND MATERIALS material (e.g. screws in a wooden chair).
• Define materials as substances used to make objects (e.g. paper, wood, plastic, glass, metal, - and skin
ONTARIO - Grade 1 - Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures and bone if you decided a person is an object!)
Grade 1 - Energy in Our Lives • Beside each object on your list write the material or materials used to make it.
• Talk about why these materials are a good choice for these objects (wood is strong for a chair, paper is
QUEBEC - Cycle 2 thin for a book, etc.)
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND - Grade 1- Materials, Objects and Our Senses Play the DVD Program Objects and Materials:
Before you begin, ask students to watch for objects and materials shown by Professor Plankton in the
NOVA SCOTIA - Grade 1- Materials, Objects and Our Senses video.
NEW BRUSWICK - Grade 1- Materials, Objects and Our Senses After Viewing the Video:
Professor Plankton showed some objects that were made of one material and other objects that were
NEWFOUNDLAND - Grade 1 - Physical Sciences: Materials, Objects and Our Senses made of more than one material. Recall and list these objects and the materials from which they were
made in chart format:
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Using the DVD Objects and Materials, continued... Vocabulary
Manufactured METAL - A type of material. Some metals include iron, copper, silver, and gold.
Size NATURAL - occuring in nature without help form humans.
Colour OBJECT - Objects are all around us and they are made of one or more materials.
Texture PROPERTY - A characteristic of a material or object.
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Exercsie #1: Identify the MATERIALS Exercise #2: Identify the MATERIALS
Are they made of wood, fabric, plastic, metal, glass or rubber?
Some objects are made of more than one material. Objects can be made of two,
Task: Have students look at the various objects pictured below. They are to print in three, four or even more different types of materials. Take a look at this car. How
the space provided the material that the object is made of. We have done the first many materials can you name? Write them in the space provided.
one for you.
You should be able to find 4 different materials - metal, rubber, glass and fabric.
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Exercsie #3: Identify the MATERIALS Exercise #4: Identify the MATERIALS
Now it’s your turn. Think of an object that is made up of more than one material. All objects must serve a purpose. For example, we use a car to get from place to
Draw a picture of that object in the space below. Then print what materials your place. We use a chair to sit on. Some objects that serve the same purpose can be
object is made of. made from different materials.
Here’s an example. A chair serves the same purpose - to sit on - but can be made of
different types of materal. Here are three different materials:
My object is a _______________________________________________________________
It is made out of ____________________________________________
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Exercise #5: Identify the Materials Scavenger Hunt Exercise #6: Sorting Materials - Rough and Smooth
Here’s an activity that can open the door to conversation with your
students about how things are made and what exactly they’re made
from. How amazed will they be when they learn that glass comes from
sand and books come from trees!
Once you’ve labeled the classroom or school, you’re ready for a fun scavenger hunt that also supports
first grade reading skills. Photocopy your original object list. Divide students into small groups and
invite them to go on a scavenger hunt. They have to find every object on your word list, and then put the
appropriate sticker or stickers next to the object name. A prize goes to the team who can read each word
and recapture every sticker around the class!
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Exercise #7: Sorting Materials - Hard, Soft, Heavy or Light Exercise #8: Describing materials and blindfold game
Students will be able to make close observational drawings of a selection of objects and use scientific
vocabulary to describe them. Children will be able to guess an object using their sense of touch and/or
descriptive words given to them.
Resources needed:
A selection of objects of varying textures for each group e.g. shiny paper, corrugated cardboard, tissue
paper, stone, cork, silver foil, mirror, string, plastic bag, spoon, coloured paper, cotton wool, list of
descriptive words on board, copies of worksheet (see page 14), blindfold for each group.
Vocabulary List:
Pot Feather Weights Teddy Bear Rough
You decide! Are these objects rough or smooth. Print the name of the object in Flexible
the correct box below. Rigid
These are hard and heavy. These are soft and light. As a whole class, children use descriptive words to describe texture and appearance of objects, rather
than what it is or does. Children go off and sit in groups but work individually to do close observational
drawings of 4 objects from the selection and write at least 3 descriptive words next to it.
Demonstrate game - One child is blindfolded, the other children in the group give him/her one of the
objects and he/she has to guess which it is by using sense of touch.
Extension activities
Blindfold game, version 2 - the other children in the group choose an object and use appropriate
vocabulary to describe it to the blindfolded child, who guesses the object without touching it.
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Exercise #8: Worksheet Exercsie #9: Sorting and using materials
Draw 4 objects and write 3 descriptive words for each object. Use the words from the
vocabulary list. Colour in the pictures. Then chose the words from the list below to describe each object.
umbrella window scissors
school bus
wool hat
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Characteristics of Materials
Name of Object
Understand that materials are suitable for making a particular object because of their properties, and that
some properties are more important than others when deciding what to use.
Write on the board or on a large sheet of paper a list of materials and a list of properties. Go through each
material and ask which of the properties it has.
Purpose of Object
List of materials - rubber, paper, glass, plastic, steel, fabric, wood.
Tell the students you are going to think about which materials would be suitable for a making a notebook.
What is a notebook used for? Which of the materials in our list can you write on? Make a list of these
Material of object:
towel, a saucepan, a window, an umbrella.
Divide the class into six groups. Give each group a collection of everyday items. In their groups, children
fill in a Characteristics of Materials worksheet recording the name of each item, its use, what it is made
from, and why this is a good material to use.
Why would these new inventions fail? A glass umbrella, a rubber cup, cardboard boots, a paper house, a
metal shopping bag. In each case, you suggest one property of the material that makes it suitable for that
purpose, and ask the children to explain why it would not be suitable.
Children look at objects made from two or more different materials, e.g. a saucepan, or a ring binder, and
explain why different parts of the object have to be made from different materials.
Suggested homework:
Design three new inventions for household items that are destined to fail.
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Identifying Different Types of Fasteners Identifying Different Types of Fasteners
A fastener is something that is used to join two or more objects together. Some examples In the space provided below, draw a picture of yourself as you are dressed today. Label all
of fasteners are: glue, staples, buttons, velcro, zippers, nuts and bolts, shoe laces, rubber of the fasteners on your clothing.
bands or elastics, paper clips, and tape.
A picture of _________________________________
Below are some pictures of fasteners. Print the name of each and where they would be
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Fasteners - Let’s Take a Look... Fasteners - Let’s Take a Look...
Read the following story to your students and show them the pictures on page .
Have you ever gone for a walk in the forest or a field of tall grasses and
returned with burrs stock to your clothing. Well, that is what happened to
When we go for walks in the forest or
George de Mestral, a Swiss engineer. One day he took his dog for a walk and
when he got home, he found burrs stuck to his clothing and his dog’s fur. He fields, burrs sometimes get stuck to our
looked at the burrs under a microscope and saw that they had little hooks clothing or to our pet’s fur.
that could cling to anything with a loop - fabric, animal fur, even hair. He had
an idea! He said to himself, “I will design a unique, two-sided fastener, one
side with stiff hooks like the burrs and the other side with soft loops like
the fabric of my pants. It will rival the zipper in its ability to fasten.” It took
him 8 years to experiment, design and perfect his invention.
Can you guess what Mr. de Mestral invented? Have students guess. You can give them some hints.
That’s right!
Velcro is a hook and loop type of fastener that has been used for lots of things. Velcro is made of two
strips - one contains thousands of small hooks and the other strip contains small loops. When the two
strips are pressed together, they form a strong bond.
Burrs have lots of tiny hooks that attach
Have students answer the following question: Can you think of some of the ways we use Velcro? themselves to things like clothing and
animal fur - anything with a hook.
Did you know Velcro is even used on space shuttles? In space, objects tend to float around because of the
near-weightless conditions. So NASA uses Velcro to hold objects down and keep them from floating away.
Astronauts have used Velcro to keep track of personal items and even to play board games. One astronaut
working at the International Space Station brought a chessboard with pieces lined with Velcro that could Velcro
be anchored and removed from the board with ease.
This is a close up of 2 strips of velcro.
One strip contains lots of hooks and the
loop other strip contains losts of tiny hooks.
When pressed together, the two strips
hook grab onto one another.
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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Ask students if they know what happens with plastic after you throw it away?
Will it disappear? Explain to students that plastic needs thousands of years to
decompose or rot.
Explain the basics of recycle, reduce and reuse: If we use less plastic, we have
less plastic waste. If we recycle the plastic that we have used, we need to
produce less plastic.
Let the students think of a way to reuse a plastic bottle. You could draw a plastic
bottle in the middle of the blackboard and draw different ways of reusing the
bottle around it. Connect with arrows.
Let the students draw a picture of what you could make of a certain material
(i.e. a wooden table), let the students be creative!
If there are magazines available: Let the students make a collage of all materials from 1 specific material.
They can cut out pictures in the magazines and glue them on their collage.
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Purchase the entire series...
Objects and Materials Structures: Man-made andFound in Nature Forces Acting on Structures Properties of Air The Science of Flight
Grade 1 2011 13 min Grade 3 2011 22 min Grades 5-8 2011 24 min Grades 5-8 2011 123min Grades 5-8 2011 25 min
Have you ever seen a professional baseball Structures are all around us. Take a look. Structures are all around us. Everywhere we go; Our two engaging hosts, Professor Peter Building on the Properties of Air DVD, this
player hit a homerun with a bat made of glass Structures include bridges, buildings, chairs, everywhere we look. They come in all shapes Plankton and Professor Tess Tube take students program introduces students to the science
or a hockey player take a slapshot with a stick shoes, spider webs, beehives, anthills, tables and sizes. Some are made by people while on a fun science field trip to discover the of flight and aerodynamics. Once students
made of paper? In this fun, educational and and even your own body. Structures are made others are natural. Structures provide us with properties of air. Through engaging onscreen understand the properties of air, they begin
entertaining video, students are invited into a by man and also found in nature. This program shelter and protection. All structures have experiments, students explore the various to look at how air makes flight possible. For
science lab where they meet the zany Professor looks at various made-made and natural forces acting on them. In this video, Professor properties of air such as air has mass, air thousands of years, humans dreamed of
Peter Plankton and his adorable partner, structures found all over the world. Through Peter Plankton and Professor Tess Tube examine takes up space, air expands when heated, flying, but it isn’t as easy as birds make it look.
Professor Tess Tube. Professor Plankton takes the use of fun experiments and short skits these forces. They specifically look at the and air can be compressed.#MCI049DV-NR2 Students now learn about lift, gravity, thrust
us on a whirlwind tour around the world as he in their science lab, our two engaging hosts, impact of earthquakes and tornadoes. Footage $149: DVD, PDF Teacher’s Guide & Student and drag -- the four forces that make it possible
ends up in the Brazilian rainforest dressed for Professor Peter Plankton and Professor Tess from the recent earthquake and tsunami in Worksheets for an airplane to fly. Our two hosts also
winter, and in the snowy north dressed for the Tube help young students explore the science Japan shows the devastating impact of these examine Bernoulli’s Principle, Newton’s Third
beach. Thankfully, Professor Tube is on hand to of structures. They learn that both humans and natural forces. Students will learn the difference Law of Motion, the Angle of Attack, natural and
get him back to the lab where they demonstrate animals build specific structures with specific between internal forces and external forces; live man-made objects that use airfoils and how a
the “science of materials and objects”. Students functions and that structures have many forms. load vs. dead load; the various types of forces pilot controls the airplane. In addition, students
will join in the romp as they learn that objects Students are introduced to the complex, yet including compression and tension; materials learn about the history of flight in Canada.
are all around us, and that all objects are made intriguing honeycomb structure that bees build. and their properties; and the environmental #MCI050DV-NR2 $149: DVD, PDF
of materials such as plastic, wood, glass, and We look at modern day structures as well as impact of these events. Teacher’s Guide & Student Worksheets
steel. The two professors demonstrate the those used by the First Nations people and #MCI048DV-NR2 $149 :DVD, PDF
various properties of a material and an object. other cultures around the world. In addition, Teacher’s Guide & Student Worksheets
Students are introduced to vocabulary such as students are introduced to the concept of
shiny, hard, smooth, and flexible. Short, fun reducing , reusing and recycling, and how
experiments demonstrate key concepts. structures impact the surrounding environment.
#MCI046DV-NR2 $149: DVD, PDF #MCI047DV-NR2 $149 DVD, PDF
Teacher’s Guide & Student Worksheets Teacher’s Guide & Student Worksheets
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