The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, working directory, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL information. Upon startup, it connects to the local socket, reads application settings and encrypted data, and initializes the graphical interface using OpenGL with the ANGLE renderer on the Intel graphics driver.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, working directory, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL information. Upon startup, it connects to the local socket, reads application settings and encrypted data, and initializes the graphical interface using OpenGL with the ANGLE renderer on the Intel graphics driver.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, working directory, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL information. Upon startup, it connects to the local socket, reads application settings and encrypted data, and initializes the graphical interface using OpenGL with the ANGLE renderer on the Intel graphics driver.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, working directory, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL information. Upon startup, it connects to the local socket, reads application settings and encrypted data, and initializes the graphical interface using OpenGL with the ANGLE renderer on the Intel graphics driver.