Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads
Why Facebook Ads
● Anyone can get in the game - not just big brands
● Lowest cost of advertising compared to TV, Magazine, Radio, Google, etc.
● No other platform or advertiser has the information Facebook has on all of us
○ This is why Facebook ads provides the highest form of targeting than any other advertising
Why your ads aren’t working
No strategy - most are posting a photo and book now which doesn’t work anymore
No message or story
No nurturing a relationship - asking for marriage when you haven’t even met yet
They meet you, decide if they like you, and build trust
Educate yourself on your local laws (Canada requires double opt-in to email
5 Steps to an Effective Ad Campaign
1. Targeting
a. Who is the client - Demographics, Behaviors
b. Where - Where do they live; Where do they hang out
2. Ad Design
a. Headline
b. Description
c. Image/Video Design
3. Call To Action
a. Ad ----> Landing Page ----> Emails
4. Landing Page
a. Send them to your page or website for more specific information and value
5. Nurture & Follow-up
a. Get email
b. Send email sequence
Objectives and Conversions
Video converts best and is lowest cost
● Slideshow
● Showreel
Best Objectives:
This is why BOOST POST is not effective unless your target clients are your fans.
1. Targeting - Audience (Location, Age, Gender)
1. Targeting - Audience (Life Events, Relationship)
1. Targeting - Audience (Interests)
2. Ad Design
Choose from Photo, Carousel (multiple images), Video, or Slideshow
2. Ad Design
What will this type of shoot do for them (remember your targeting in 1)
6-7: Hook & Sell with Powerful Call to Action and Offer - Voucher/Consultation
No Conversions
If your ad is not leading to consultations one of these is off:
WEB: Soulscaping.com
EMAIL: info@soulscaping.com