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Facebook Ads

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Facebook Advertising

Why Facebook Ads
● Anyone can get in the game - not just big brands
● Lowest cost of advertising compared to TV, Magazine, Radio, Google, etc.
● No other platform or advertiser has the information Facebook has on all of us
○ This is why Facebook ads provides the highest form of targeting than any other advertising
Why your ads aren’t working
No strategy - most are posting a photo and book now which doesn’t work anymore

No message or story

Not interesting or engaging

Not targeted to the right audience

No nurturing a relationship - asking for marriage when you haven’t even met yet


Establish your position

Engaging and enticing education

They meet you, decide if they like you, and build trust

Build value of what they will get from you

Make an offer to connect

Book and do business because you are friends now

Rules of the Game for Advertising Online
● Read and get familiar with Facebook’s Advertising Policies
○ If you get shut down that’s it. Very difficult to get your account reopened without knowing
someone at Facebook.
● Your website and/or landing page must include:
○ Terms of Use/Service
○ Privacy Policy
○ Available at lawtog.com for purchase

All social media and online advertisers have these requirements

Educate yourself on your local laws (Canada requires double opt-in to email
5 Steps to an Effective Ad Campaign
1. Targeting
a. Who is the client - Demographics, Behaviors
b. Where - Where do they live; Where do they hang out
2. Ad Design
a. Headline
b. Description
c. Image/Video Design
3. Call To Action
a. Ad ----> Landing Page ----> Emails
4. Landing Page
a. Send them to your page or website for more specific information and value
5. Nurture & Follow-up
a. Get email
b. Send email sequence
Objectives and Conversions
Video converts best and is lowest cost

● Slideshow
● Showreel

Best Objectives:

● Increase conversions on your website (Facebook targets users who take

more action to sign up for your list or buy)
● Get video views (FB targets users who watch more videos)
● Collect leads for your business (Get users to sign up for your magazine
without leaving FB, which is what FB wants!)
1. Targeting
WHO is the message for?

● Age - teens, 20-35, 35-50, 50+

● Gender
● Life events - engagement, new baby, divorced, etc.
● What type of shoot - personal branding, Fabulous 50s, high school seniors,
● Where do they hang out? - Facebook pages, groups, brands and leaders they
● Where do they live - Don’t target everyone in the US if you only shoot in TX

This is why BOOST POST is not effective unless your target clients are your fans.
1. Targeting - Audience (Location, Age, Gender)
1. Targeting - Audience (Life Events, Relationship)
1. Targeting - Audience (Interests)
2. Ad Design
Choose from Photo, Carousel (multiple images), Video, or Slideshow
2. Ad Design


Landing Page URL

3. Call to Action on every contact
1. Ad
2. On the landing page
3. In your email sequence

How to build the relationship:


Ad Landing Page Thank You Page/Emails


4. Landing Page

● Entice so they want for more information (video and images)

● Get their email
● Educate by sending magazine and starting a nurture sequence by email


● Install Facebook pixel

○ Even if they do not submit their email, you can send them more information through further
ads in Facebook
○ Visitors become warm leads and are more likely to take action because they are familiar with
you now
5. Nurturing the Relationship - 7 Email Sequence
1st contact: Introduce & Engage; Send what you promised (voucher or magazine)

2-5: Position you as the right choice (go deeper on WIIFM)

What will this type of shoot do for them (remember your targeting in 1)

Behind the Scenes of this type of shoot

About You & Your Team/Studio Tour

Client stories & Testimonials

Products and Packages

6-7: Hook & Sell with Powerful Call to Action and Offer - Voucher/Consultation
No Conversions
If your ad is not leading to consultations one of these is off:

● Targeting is not correct for the shoot you are advertising

(e.g., 20 year old model photo/video for 50+ shoot)
● Your ad is not engaging - test another image/video, headline, description,
● Your landing page is not enticing - Show them good reason to want your PDF
● Your email sequence is not offering enough value

If you are getting consultations but not booking

● Watch the sales intensive

● Watch self value videos
Advanced Strategies
Define your audiences and retarget them with more ads determined by where they
are in your sales process

● Cold: Never been exposed to your business

○ Use the lead generation strategy taught here
● Warm: Have watched a video, visited your website, click on an ad
○ Show more engaging content and ads to get them into your email sequence
○ Create an audience from the Facebook pixel you installed on your website/landing page or
from viewers of your video
● Hot: Current or former client, subscriber on your email list
○ Upload your current database and show them new services, products, events, etc.
Bonus Tips
● Ads can run on Instagram simultaneously, reaching 2 networks
● Design your ad for the HUMAN, not your brand. Know their needs, fears,
desires and use their language. Show them, don’t tell them.
● Connect socially and emotionally. Respond to all comments and questions.
● If someone trolls your ad either delete their comment or respond
professionally. No negativity.
● Tell a story. Start the story in the ad, continue it on the landing page, finish it
in the download and email sequence. Bring it full circle and connect it to your
● A good ad budget is $5-$10/day. Change your ad every few weeks or month
or when it stops generating new leads.
Facebook Ad Mentoring
Joanna Ziemlewski

WEB: Soulscaping.com

EMAIL: info@soulscaping.com


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