Product Designer Competency Levels
Product Designer Competency Levels
Product Designer Competency Levels
Develop and maintain a rich knowledge of users, the product and the market in order to design well-thought-out solutions and contribute to our business objectives.
Gets acquainted with user needs. Attends and consults user interviews. Validates solutions by conducting internal and/or Develops, documents and nurtures a deeper Shares new methodologies, trends and
external user testing. understanding of users by conducting advances in user research.
Takes note of the data provided by their PO. Justifies design decisions based on user data, unsupervised research and sharing their findings.
the overall product experience, business needs Proactively collects information from other teams Creates design opportunities that impact the
Is interested in the basics of the reality of the and the product roadmap. (Support, Sales etc.) to enrich their knowledge. Applies methodologies and protocols for business.
market and the competition. research and analysis.
Requests support from the Data team to inform Evaluates and references differentiators from Actively contributes to the development of the
design decisions with data insights. competitors products. Is an internal reference for the product and its user research practice within the organization.
business rules.
Reads and learns about the market and trends Consults usage tracking tools (ex. Hotjar) to Makes strategic recommendations to their team
specific to their swim-lane. identify potential gaps in the UX of their Can independently use data to inform design and to the Heads.
swim-lane. decisions and guide other designers.
Explores several concepts with different Suggests ways to improve current design while Integrates emotional design into their solutions. Offers innovative or radically better solutions for Perfectly balances relevance, simplicity and
approaches, always keeping the constraints in maximizing its value. users and/or the business. aesthetics all the time.
mind. Contributes to the documentation of the Design
Develops comprehensive and thoughtful System and its evolution. Adopts good Identifies opportunities for differentiation or Integrates design trends and advancements
Applies the Design System in their visual solutions based/inspired by the Design maintenance hygiene (quality documentation, delight. into his work.
solutions. Principles and Design Vision. avoiding duplicating existing components etc.)
Ensures that after a release, the design has Executes with such excellence that inspires
Considers user needs, business objectives and Designs consistent and holistic experiences Anticipates and communicates the impact of actually solved the business or user problem, others to raise their quality standards.
team priorities in design decisions. with attention to detail. their work on the overall experience and their and if not, proactively communicates and drives
colleagues' work, and suggests possible the necessary changes. Is a reference in their field and a model of
Performs a design QA on the UX of product Designs reusable components for the Design improvements beyond their swim-lane. creativity. Shares their expertise and the vision
releases. System. Contributes to the product design beyond the of their role within the organization.
Takes a systematic and holistic approach to the swim-lane, collaborating with the Head of
Keeps up to date with current UX trends, Delivers clear and complete specifications to creation of components for the Design System. Design. Influences design strategy by cooperating with
methods and practices. accelerate development. the Head of Design.
Creates prototypes to better validate or
Understands the Design Vision and requests Knows and respects the design process within communicate their intentions.
clarification from the Head of Design where the product development cycle.
ambiguity exists. Solves UX problems by creating new patterns.
Complies with UX best practices. Solves
problems with known patterns.
Respects the brand in their solutions. Pays attention to the details of graphic Enriches experiments with micro-interactions or Commits their team to achieving pixel-perfect Develops new visual avenues while respecting
elements (ex. typography, iconography, animations. releases and preserving the integrity of the the brand and Design System.
Carries out design QA on the visuals of product spacing, illustration). Design System.
releases. Adapts the UI to optimize the hierarchy of
Skillfully balances usability and visual information, reading pattern, and interaction Validates the visual design with user tests.
minimalism. design according to different formats and
Frequently validates their work with their team Co-creates and shares their work with other Submits suggestions for improvements to current Invites and prioritizes feedback from the Product Frequently collaborates and holds discussions
and with the Head of Design. designers. practices. team independently. with designers outside of the organization.
Seeks help prioritizing work with the PO while Contributes to the prioritization and estimation Encourages key people to collaborate during the Makes changes to the ways of working and the Develops and implements innovative
pointing out any blockers that need to be of the work done by their team, taking into design process. creative process in order to maximize their collaborative approaches that allow the
resolved. account the constraints and opportunities in contribution. organization to deliver a quality product while
design. Shows initiative and is not afraid to roll up their increasing the team's velocity and commitment.
Collaborates with the UX writer to deliver sleeves to help others. After the PO, you are the core of the team. You
quality copy. Articulates ideas clearly and succinctly both know the work that needs to be done and you Finds ways to collaborate with others to get the
visually and verbally. Gives constructive and appropriate feedback. can align and lead your team to production in the best ideas on the table.
Communicates and defends their solutions short term.
clearly and objectively. Facilitates the work of developers through Volunteers to participate in the orgnization’s
close collaboration and responsiveness. design strategy tactics or design culture. Effectively take advantage of the strengths of
Participates passionately in ideation sessions designers from other teams (ex. Inbound,
and discussions to define new initiatives. Helps Product Marketing) to refine and add
ideas evolve. consistency to the product.
Adapts their way of working to meet the needs Participate in the QA of other swim-lanes.
and methods of their team.
👉 HOW TO: The columns are cumulative: to be at level C, you have to accomplish everything that is in A, B and C.
By Audrée Lapierre