Civil Engineering Design Project EVCV4DE
Civil Engineering Design Project EVCV4DE
Civil Engineering Design Project EVCV4DE
Thabiso Mhlongo
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Executive summary
The Durban Point Waterfront is situated at a superb location, the welcoming entrance to
Durban port and enjoy access to variety of modes of travel including pedestrian, road, rail
and sea and therefore, it has local, national and foreign ties. Durban Point Waterfront is
one of the most important and exciting property development and investment ventures in
South Africa. The Point area is intended to become one of the most prestigious addresses
in Durban, and a key tourist attraction. This development is by the Durban Point
development company, spearheaded by UEM Sunrise with the support of eThekwini
The proposed development includes the design of deep parking basement for a four-story
medium-rise building. Based on the location of site which is be recognized as busy area, it
has been concluded to design a two-level parking basement to accommodate more
vehicles. This geotechnical design incorporates the design of underground geotechnical
structures, including the pile design which will act as the foundation to the superstructure
and the retaining system of the basement to withstand lateral soil pressures.
Table of Contents
Executive summary.........................................................................................................................ii
List of figures....................................................................................................................................v
List of tables.....................................................................................................................................v
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................1
2. Scope of the project................................................................................................................1
3. Site location..............................................................................................................................1
4. Site investigation......................................................................................................................2
5. Subsurface conditions.............................................................................................................3
5.1. Site Geology.....................................................................................................................3
5.2. Soil Conditions.................................................................................................................3
5.3. Summarized soil properties............................................................................................4
5.4. Ground water....................................................................................................................5
5.5. Seismic considerations...................................................................................................5
6. Site preparation........................................................................................................................5
7. Design elements......................................................................................................................5
8. Basic design requirements.....................................................................................................5
9. Design limitations....................................................................................................................6
10. Foundation design...............................................................................................................6
11. Floor slab..............................................................................................................................7
12. Basement wall design.........................................................................................................7
13. Design standards and codes..............................................................................................8
14. Design methodology............................................................................................................8
14.1. Concrete grade..........................................................................................................10
14.2. Steel reinforcement...................................................................................................10
14.3. Engineering software.................................................................................................10
15. Environmental impacts......................................................................................................10
16. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................11
17. References.........................................................................................................................12
Appendix A -Stability checks under serviceability limit state (1-7)..........................................13
Appendix B -Design verification in accordance to Eurocode 7 (8-14)....................................14
Appendix C- Design of reinforcement of retaining wall (15-24)...............................................15
Appendix D- Design of Pile Foundation (25-29)........................................................................16
Appendix E- Settlement of piles (30-31).....................................................................................17
Appendix F- Reinforcement of Pile (32).....................................................................................18
Appendix G- Design of Pile Cap (33-37)....................................................................................19
Appendix H- Design of basement floor slab (38-42).................................................................20
Appendix I -Bill of quantities.........................................................................................................21
List of figures
Figure 1: Site location of the proposed development (Google earth Pro, 2020)..................2
List of tables
Table 1: Generalized soil Profile for BHL01.........................................................................3
Table 2: Generalized soil Profile for BHL02.........................................................................4
Table 3: Generalized soil Profile for BHL03.........................................................................4
Table 4: Soil properties.......................................................................................................4
Table 5: Design standards..................................................................................................8
1. Introduction
The development proposed at the Point area consist of the design of a deep basement car
parking for a four-story medium rise building. This development aims to make the city of
Durban to be one of the most attractive places in Africa and internationally, it will also
enhance the creation of job opportunities for South African, thus reduce the unemployment
The point of Durban is located very close to the sea, it is then important to consider the
effect of water table during the analysis of the stability of the structure. Since the soil
founded on-site is mostly sandy, then these structures require the designed of deep
foundation that will adequately transmit loads to ground. This will be done by utilizing
relevant geotechnical code of practice and proper engineering judgements.
The scope of the project is to design a car parking basement for a four-story commercial
medium-rise building. The scope of the project also includes the design of deep foundation
for the loads from the superstructure.
3. Site location
The site area is located right at the entrance of the Durban port. It can be accessed via the
former notorious Point road, the Mahatma Gandhi Road. The proposed development of
basement parking lies on 29052’10.11’’S and 31003’01.19’’ E coordinates. Figure 1 below
show the general location of the proposed development demarcated in red color. The area
of the site is approximately 4,477 m2 and the perimeter is about 273 m.
Figure 1: Site location of the proposed development (Google earth Pro, 2020)
4. Site investigation
Protekon design was appointed to carry out the geotechnical investigation for the
proposed area of development. According to the geotechnical report, the scope of the
investigation was based on the following:
Using the borehole drilling method to assess the nature and the engineering
properties of the ground conditions along the Southern Breakwater.
Assess the nature and engineering properties of the ground conditions along the
Northern Pier using the Dynamic Probe Super Heavy (DPSH), Dutch Probes,
borehole drilling methods and test pitting.
Perform trial dredging, vibrocoring and jet probing at the entrance channel.
Borehole test were conducted in terms of the positions indicated in the site plan,
and SPT test done at selected intervals.
The Dutch Probe and DPSH tests which were conducted on the northern side of
the Entrance channel.
Six test pits which excavated on the northern side of the Entrance channel. The
excavation was taken either to the refusal depth, where underground utilities were
encountered or to the maximum safe depth. And the trial dredging test was
5. Subsurface conditions
5.1. Site Geology
The geologic survey indicates that the site is located in an area that underlain by
Cretaceous-aged siltstone and sandstone rocks of the St Lucia Formation. The
Cretaceous strata is overlain by the Bluff Sandstone formation strata which consist of sand
sandstone rock. The beds of the harbor, Bluff Sandstone and the Cretaceous strata
consists of shell fragments. Man-made structures like the breakwater founded at varying
depths on the marine sands of the Harbor beds.
The results of the site investigation confirmed that the conditions at the site generally
resembles the known geology of the area.
0 to 1.7m Road layer; moist, dark brown very loose, fine & medium
SAND, the traces of fine gravel. Pale brown loose to medium
sand. Fill material.
3.45 to 19.5 Pale brown dense to very dense below about 7m, fine &
medium SAND with fine shell fragments and marine
19.5 to depth of The hard rock sandstone, bluff Sandstone Formation
investigation encountered at depth 19.5 m to 21.5m. Yellowish brown,
medium to very dense fine SAND.
The soil properties are based on the consideration of average of each of the above three
borehole’s properties. Since the majority of the in-situ soil is sandy soil, it has been
assumed the existing in-situ soil is homogeneous sand soil.
5.4. Ground water
The ground water was not encountered during the investigation. However, it is expected
that the water table will develop in the future, especially during periods of heavy rainfall or
sustained precipitation. Therefore, the design for high water level has been considered.
6. Site preparation
The initial phase of site preparation will be involving the removal of existing ground utilities,
topsoil, existing loose fills at various locations.
Excavation to depth of about 8m below the natural ground level is anticipated. The
excavation will be supported by sheet piling method. This type of ground support is very
economical compared with the alternative of diaphragm wall. Since the water table was not
encountered, de-watering during construction will not be required.
7. Design elements
Summary of elements that will be designed:
The durability of concrete
Monitor the construction progress to ensure design assumption are maintained.
9. Design limitations
The position of test pit 4 was not indicated in the geotechnical site investigation
The report has outstanding laboratory tests
A rock fill material was encountered on borehole 3 from depth of 1,95m to 6,5m
below ground level; therefore, it was not feasible to conduct SPT test.
The geotechnical investigation was conducted along the entrance channel of the
port of Durban, this may not give a more accurate information regarding the ground
soil conditions and geologic conditions.
Design of pile foundation has been recommended since the foundation is expected to
carry large magnitude of loads from the superstructure. The pile foundation is an effective
foundation method since the site is located close to the sea and the existing soil type is
The foundation is designed in accordance to EN 1997-1. The design of the pile foundation
11. Floor slab
The basement floor slab will be designed to counteract the effects of uplift forces from the
anticipated water table. The design for heave forces has been ignored since the soil
beneath the floor slab has been regarded as granular soil. The design of the basement
floor slab is in accordance to SANS 10100-1.
The retained soil is assumed not to be free from draining, therefore hydrostatic
water pressures will be considered.
The slope of the retained soil is flat and level with surcharge load
The basement wall is designed in accordance EN 1997-1 to satisfy the geotechnical
requirements at ultimate limit state, and it is also checked for stability at serviceability of
the structure. The stability checks include:
13. Design standards and codes
The table below show the design codes their description
Code Description
SANS 10100-1 The structural use of concrete
SANS 10160-1 Basis of structural design and actions for
buildings and industrial structures
Part 1: Basis of structural design
SANS 10160-5 Basis of structural design and actions for
buildings and industrial structures
Part 5: Basis of geotechnical design and
SANS 10161 Design of foundations for buildings
EN 1997 -1 Geotechnical design
EN 1992-1-1 Design of concrete structures
SANS 10144 Detailing of steel reinforcement for
SANS 282 Bending dimensions and scheduling of
steel reinforced concrete
SANS 920 Steel bars for reinforced concrete
SANS 1200 Standardized specifications for civil
engineering construction
The design calculation for the foundation and basement wall follow EN 1997-1-1
Geotechnical design.
The calculations for design reinforcement are in accordance to SANS 10100-1.
The following steps were followed to successfully complete the design:
The initial step was to determine the geotechnical properties of the in-situ soil. This
was done base upon the geotechnical investigation conducted. The soil
parameters were estimated by using the methods found in Das textbook (principles
of geotechnical engineering). Calculations were conducted through the use of excel
The average of the estimated soil properties estimated from each borehole test
results was used in this design. Hence, soil was assumed to be homogeneous.
Determine reasonable dimensions for the pile foundation and estimate its capacity
and the settlement.
The determination of settlement was based on working loads at serviceability limit
state, a factor of safety of 3 was assumed.
Due to large magnitude of loads from the superstructure, the capacity of individual
pile was not sufficient to withstand the load. Therefore, design of group pile was
considered, although it was found that the piles will behave individually. This
conclusion was on the efficiency of the pile group, it was greater than 1.
The design vertical loads imposed on the pile are from the superstructure, these
loads have been obtained from the structural engineers.
The design of the basement wall initially involved the proportioning of the
dimensions of retaining wall through trial and error method.
The perfect combination of dimensions must satisfy all the stability checks.
Even though the water table was not encountered, it was assumed that in the
future the water might rise, especially during heavy rainfall season. Hence the
effects of hydrostatic pressure were considered in the design.
The verification of design bearing resistance, sliding and overturning checks at
ultimate limit state are based on EN 1997-1.
The retaining wall of the basement has been assumed not to carry loads from the
Both the foundation and the retaining wall are made from reinforced concrete
The structural design of all elements considered in this design follows SANS
10100-1: The structural use of concrete.
14.1. Concrete grade
All design elements considered in this design will be designed using a concrete grade of
40 MPa and concrete cover of 60mm.
The selection of concrete strength and the minimum cover to reinforcement are in
accordance to SANS 10100, were selected based on the exposure condition of the
High tensile strength steel with 450 was used for this design
Excel 2016
Google Earth pro
Trucks) of noise damping
Construction waste The proposed Inappropriate Waste material
material development will disposal of waste will should be
generate waste pollute the sea water disposed in
during the and the point area. designated
excavation and locations.
Degradation of land The construction of It may result in soil Relocate affected
deep basement erosion, loss of plants and
parking biodiversity and animals to a safe
habitats of living environment
16. Conclusion
The ground soil conditions indicated in this report are based on the geotechnical
investigation conducted. However, changes can be made during the construction process.
It is recommended that all design documents and specification be revised.
In order satisfy the requirements of designed geotechnical structure, the following filed
reviews will be conducted during the construction process:
Inspect the subgrade conditions beneath structures prior to the placement of fill or
Review of any compaction of subgrade fills and
Inspect the drainage perimeter
17. References
Bill, M., John, B. & Ray, H., 2012. Reinforced Concrete design to Eurocode @. 7 th ed.
Braja, D. M. & Sobhan, K., 2014. Principles of foundation engineering. 8th ed. Global
Engineering: Timothy L. Andrson, United State of America.
Braja, D. M. & Sobhan, K., 2018. Principles of geotechnical engineering. 9th ed.
Christopher M Shott, United State Of America.
Byrne, G. & Berry, A., 2008. A Guide to Practical Geotechnical Engineering in Southern
Africa. 4th ed. Franki Africa, Johannesburg, SA.
Rahman, M. M., 2017. Foundation Design Using Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-
value, s.l.: s.n.
SAICE Geotechnical Division, 2008. Site Investigation Code of Practice. 1st ed. SAIC,
Appendix A -Stability checks under serviceability limit state (1-
Appendix B -Design verification in accordance to Eurocode 7
Appendix C- Design of reinforcement of retaining wall (15-24)
Appendix D- Design of Pile Foundation (25-29)
Appendix E- Settlement of piles (30-31)
Appendix F- Reinforcement of Pile (32)
Appendix G- Design of Pile Cap (33-37)
Appendix H- Design of basement floor slab (38-42)
Appendix I -Bill of quantities