22L-7083 Final Task PDF
22L-7083 Final Task PDF
22L-7083 Final Task PDF
I, Moosa Shahid, solemnly declares that this report on Underwater Construction is my original
work. I further declare that I’ve strictly observed reporting ethics and dully discharged copy
right obligation and properly referred all outsourcing of materials used in this report. I take the
responsibility for all legal and ethical requirements regarding this report.
The joy and delight of successfully completing any project would be incomplete without
acknowledging the people who made it achievable and under whose support and motivation it
was accomplished. We truly thank Dr. Thomas Shelby, Principal of the Civil Department,
NUCES, Lahore for his assistance, cooperation, and inspiring words. We also thank Dr. Arthur
Shelby, Head of the Civil Department for his assistance and backing. We sincerely appreciate
our supervisor Mr. John Shelby, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering
who provided us with his valuable advice and devoted time to help us complete our work. His
leadership gave us the atmosphere to enhance our knowledge, and abilities to reach the peak
through sheer commitment, dedication, and effort. Last but not the least, we express our
heartfelt gratitude to Almighty and our friends who gave a lot of suggestions to complete this
report successfully.
FEBUARY 12,2023
1. Introduction: .............................................................................................. 1
1.1. Why is underwater construction needed?........................................................................... 1
5. Challenges: ............................................................................................... 11
6. Conclusion:............................................................................................... 12
7. References: ............................................................................................... 13
Table 1 : Challenges ............................................................................................................ 11
P.C.C : Plain Cement Concrete ............................................................................................. 3
R.C.C : Reinforced Cement Concrete ................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction:
Creating structures below the surface of the water is an essential part of construction projects.
It is very challenging to accomplish due to the intricate logistic involved. Its importance in the
project is more than just the concrete jobs. In general, it is feasible to build underwater concrete
with the same level of dependability as above water construction. Engineering experts identify
it as one of the hardest tasks. If it is not done correctly with the right combination of concrete
and placement process, it can result in a high cost and delay in the timeline of the project. To
decrease the risks and prices, a competent construction planning and good design are vital.
2.1. Cofferdam:
They are used to enclose an area that is to be filled with water or that needs to be
dewatered. There are several types of cofferdams, each with its own advantages and
disadvantages. The most common types are earthen, rockfill, single-walled, double-
walled, braced, and cellular cofferdams. Earthen cofferdams are the simplest and most
cost-effective type, as they are constructed from natural soil. They are ideal for low-
head applications, such as those found in shallow water bodies. Rockfill cofferdams are
constructed from large stones, gravel, or other rock materials. They provide greater
stability and can be used in deeper water with higher water pressure. Crib or braced
cofferdams are constructed from interlocking beams and are suitable for deeper
applications. Single-walled cofferdams are constructed from one layer of sheet piling
and are used in applications where space is limited. Double-walled cofferdams are
constructed from two layers of sheet piling and are used to contain high water pressure.
Cellular cofferdams are constructed from multiple cells and can be used to contain high
water pressure in large areas.
Performing work over water has always been more difficult and costlier than
performing the same work on land. And when the work is performed below water, the
difficulties and cost difference can increase geometrically with the depth at which the
work is performed. The key to performing marine construction work efficiently is to
minimize work over water, and perform as much of the work as possible on land. Some
of the advantages of cofferdams are listed below;
Allow excavation and construction of structures in otherwise poor environment.
Provides safe environment to work.
Contractors typically have design responsibility.
Steel sheet piles are easily installed and removed.
Materials can typically be reused on other projects.
Figure 2:Cofferdam
2.2. Caisson:
Figure 3: Caisson
2.2.1. Types of Caisson:
Caisson foundations are an important type of foundation used to provide stability and
support to structures. They are watertight retaining structures used in the construction
of bridges, dams, and ship repairs. They are constructed by auguring a deep hole into
the ground and then filling it with concrete. Steel reinforcement is sometimes utilized
for a portion of the length of the caisson. [1]Types of caissons include box caissons,
excavated caissons, floating caissons, open caissons, pneumatic caissons, compressed
air caissons, and monolithic caissons. Box caissons are the most common and are used
for foundations, manholes, and other structural tasks. Open caissons are less expensive
but not suitable for soft grounds or high-water tables. Monolithic caissons are the
largest and are used for quay walls. Pneumatic caissons (sometimes called pressurized
caissons) are bottomless boxes that are filled with air to penetrate soft mud.
3. Methods of underwater construction:
3.3. Toggle bag method:
The Toggle Bag method is beneficial when only a limited quantity of concrete is needed.
A bag made out of canvas that is locked at the top using a chain and fastened with toggles
is filled with concrete and placed accurately in the specified area. After that, the concrete
is expelled through the aperture located at the base of the bag.
4. Examples of underwater construction:
The Eiksund Bridge, at a length of 405 meters (1,329 ft), and the Helge horn Tunnel at
1,160 meters (3,810 ft) were both constructed in conjunction with the tunnel. The entire
project cost an estimated 500 million r. It was planned to be available for public use in July
2007, but it got postponed due to delays until December 2007, when it was later moved to
2008. It eventually opened to traffic on the 23rd of February 2008.The Eiksund Tunnel was
created through the process of drilling and blasting and required 1,300 tonnes of explosives
to be used. Additionally, 660,000 cubic meters of rock were removed in the construction
4.2. Ithaa Undersea Restaurant:
In May 2004, the process of building Ithaa commenced in Singapore. By October, the
construction was completed with the inclusion of 5-meter wide acrylic arches, air
conditioning, and electrical ducts. On November 1, the structure was lifted and put on a
barge to be transported to the Maldives, taking 16 days. When it reached, it weighed 175
tonnes. On the 19th of the same month, Ithaa was placed in the sea with the use of 85 tonnes
of sand ballast. It was precisely maneuvered onto four steel piles that had been hammered
around 4 to 5 meters into the seabed. After, it was attached to the piles with concrete. It is
expected to last for a period of 20 years. [3]
4.3. Aquarium Restaurant:
During October of 2017, Snøhetta unveiled its plans for the very first underwater restaurant
in Europe. It would be situated near the village of Baly, which is located at Norway's
southernmost tip. Not only that, but this restaurant would also serve as a research center for
aquatic species. The restaurant, dubbed 'Under', would be partially submerged in a 5-meter
deep body of water and its imposing structure would be visible above the water's surface.
Guests would be able to gaze through the massive 11 x 4 meters acrylic windows, allowing
them to observe the seafloor as it changes due to the seasons and the weather.
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5. Challenges:
Creating structures below the surface of the water is an essential part of construction projects.
It is very challenging to accomplish due to the intricate logistic involved. If it is not done
correctly with the right combination of concrete and placement process, it can result in a high
cost and delay in the timeline. Some of the challenges are described below in the table.
Table 1 : Challenges
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6. Conclusion:
This report investigated the current trend of construction of structures below the surface of the
water. Building under the ocean is a modern innovation that has a positive impact on the
environment. This document informed us of what underwater structures are. It also discussed
the environmental and social impacts of underwater constructions. It looked into the materials
which can be used for underwater construction. It likewise recognized the challenges
encountered during the building of underwater structures. It outlined the air flow systems used.
It went on to provide the reader with examples of underwater constructions that have already
been built or are still being constructed, in order to astonish them with the wonderful scenery
and the magnificence of the constructions.
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7. References:
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