Cobalt Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From Acidic Raw Materials
Cobalt Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From Acidic Raw Materials
Cobalt Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From Acidic Raw Materials
Copyright©2022, Neyda de la Caridad Om Tapanes et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Neyda de la Caridad Om Tapanes; Ana Isabel de Carvalho Santana; Roberta Gaidzinski; Wilma Clemente de Lima Pinto, Rodolfo Salazar Perez,
Daphne Costa Pacheco Aguiar and Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda. “Cobalt catalyst for biodiesel production from acidic raw materials”, International
Journal of Development Research, 12, (11), 60260-60265.
Table 3. ANOVA of factorial design for the Reaction yield (1th order model)
Table 4. ANOVA of factorial design for the Reaction yield (2th order model)
Sourceofvariation Degree of freedom (D.F) Sum ofsquares (SQ) Meanssquares (MQ) F Significanceof F
Regression 6 5798.0511 966.3418 87.6839 6.68 x 10-5
Residue 5 55.1037 11.0207
Total 11 5853.1548
Term Coeficients Standart Error Stat t Value-P
intercept 33.1259 4.5164 7.3347 0.0007
AG 0.1103 0.2991 0.3689 0.7273
C 4.1524 0.5429 7.6479 0.0006
T 0.0293 0.0383 0.7648 0.4789
AG*C -0.0253 0.0261 -0.9713 0.3760
AG*T -0.0003 0.0023 -0.1108 0.9161
C*T 0.0089 0.0043 2.0826 0.0918
S = 3.3197
R-sq= 99.06%
R-sq (adj) = 97.93%
correlation indicating violation of the independence assumption. The positively influences on the reaction yield, a logical result considering
residues versus Fitted value, Figure 1, configures an unstructured that the catalyst function is to increase the formation of products.
pattern demonstrating that the assumption of constant variance is Factorial design made it possible to analyze the influence of factors
answered. Figure 2 shows the Pareto diagram of the effects of factors on response variable. Considering the values presented in the
and interactions on the transesterification yield, in which the effects response surface analysis, it is possible to observe that to reach 70%
were plotted in descending order of their absolute values. of reaction yield it is necessary to use between 7 and 9% of catalyst in
the reaction mixture.Figure 4 confirms the non-influence of the oleic
acid content added in the reaction mixture on the transesterification
yield, up to additions of 20% m/m.
Currently, the use of metal oxides for heterogeneous catalysis has
been increasing due to the objective of finding catalysts with high
activity and selectivity, and which can, mainly, be easily separated
from the reaction mixture, allowing the reactor to operate
continuously.In the present study, the catalytic action of spinel-type
cobalt oxide, synthesized by combustion, was tested during the
transesterification of vegetable oil mixtures of different acidity
levels.The statistical study proved to be effective for evaluating the
parameters that exert the greatest influence on the biodiesel
Figure 2. Pareto diagram production process; conducting experimental designs allowed the
determination of the effect of the main process parameters on the
The reference line in the graph (in red) indicates which effects are reaction yield. The variable that had the greatest influence was the
significant, in this study the Lenth method was used to draw this line. catalyst concentration (C) followed by the interaction of catalyst
In Figure 2 it is possible to corroborate the results shown in Table 4, concentration with temperature (C-T).The analysis also showed that
the effects of the C factor and the CT interaction are located to the the variable Added of oleic acid (AG) has no significant influence on
right of the reference line and therefore it can be said that they are the reaction yield, when the maximum AG limit is 20% oleic acid.
statistically significant. Furthermore, it is seen that the greatest effect This result is important because it demonstrates the potential
is the concentration of the catalyst (C) because it extends the farthest. application of this cobalt compound as a catalyst in the production of
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