Elevator Installation RISK ASSESSMENT (0
Elevator Installation RISK ASSESSMENT (0
Elevator Installation RISK ASSESSMENT (0
Trivial: Additional controls required only if the benefits justify the effort
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HSE Risk assessment Doc RA 01
Evaluate the List additional control measures to be put in place
Activity RISK to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. RISK
No. Identified Hazards/Risk Persons Involved
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1.Ensure access is always kept clear.
2.Housekeeping to be carried out regularly
throughout the day when required.
3.Provide adequate lighting, especially
Material Storing during working in the basement area.
Slip, Trip and fall, poor 4.Appropriate space is allowed around
3 Worker and Forman P M M O M L
housekeeping storage areas for employees to move around
safely without the risk of being trapped
between stacked material.
5.Maintain Good housekeeping.
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complete fall protection.
4.All workers must have completed work at
height training.
5.Supervisor, foreman, Inspection, check of
work at height access equipment before use.
6.Ensure full body harness with 100% tie
Erection, dismantling off.
and use of 7.Supervision of workers
scaffolding. 8.Hand tools must be secured.
9.Work materials are strictly not allowed to
be stored on platform except for working
10.Must clean the work area after
completion of the job.
11.Ensure safe access to the working
12. Scaffold access must be free from any
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1.Check the ladder is of suitable quality for
industrial use and in good condition.
2.Never try to exceed any ladder.
3. always Maintain a minimum of 3-point
contact with stepladder (feet, thighs, hands)
If possible, avoid the use of stepladder at
working at height of 1.8meter and more.
4.Stepladder/ladder must be used on leveled
5.Ensure that during using ladder from the
top 2 step is blocked to avoid climbing on
Fall from height.
Use of Ladder Worker, Forman and that.
6 Working on unstable ground O SE H O M L
third party 6.The ladder securely fixed to prevent
Falling Object
slipping outwards or sideways or securely
always footed.
7.Person must hold the ladder while another
operative working on it.
8.Materials should not be placed above the
thread of ladder/step ladder.
9.Do not carry any material in one hand
while climbing or getting down from ladder.
7 Fall of load due to failure or Worker, Forman and O SE H 1.Operator must be holding Kuwait valid O M L
use of damaged lifting gear. third party license.
Load become unstable while 2.Crane only operated by 3rd party certified
suspended due to windy crane operator.
3.Banksman/Rigger should be 3rd party
4.Ensure mobile crane has been tested and
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certified by 3rd party company.
5.Lifting belt/slings/Shackle etc. to be
inspected daily by user and thoroughly
examined 6 monthly by 3rd party certifying
6.The provision of correct lifting
accessories,3rd party certified, color coded.
Use of mobile crane 7.Load of material to be determined.
during shifting /fixing 8.Ensure delivery trucks must be
of Motor Machine immobilized and ensure parking brake must
be engaged prior to unload /lift materials
from the truck bed.
9.Mobile cranes shall be positioned as
required and outrigger fully extended, rested
and padded in affirm level surface.
10.Exclusive zone set up around the mobile
crane and provide warning sign.
11.Tag line to be used when lifting material.
Availability of clear SWL on the cab and
ensure operator must be observed while in
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1.Provide lifting mechanism and ensure
employees are competent to do the work.
2.provide enough manpower to the work.
Falling on body parts All bolt fastening must be done safely using
8 Installation of Lifting of heavy beams causing fatality O SE H a non-slippery spanner. O M L
supporting beams 3.Remove people working below the beam.
4.Provide signage lifting of equipment.
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1.Inspect the buffer for damage from
transportation make sure all relevant
components are available.
2.Mark the buffer location by checking the
Equipment falling into body
layout drawing.
9 Installation of Buffer parts. Worker and Forman P M M 3.Secure them in place by using the O M L
pit equipment Restricted movement causing
necessary means.
4.Turn on the buffer and make sure the limit
switch is activated and operates normally.
5.Ensure that all employees wear proper
10 Fatality or fracture Worker and Forman P SE H 1.Provides employees with safe gloves to O M L
handle the hoists or ropes.
2.Install the governor rope between the
overspeed governor and the tension weight
3.Make sure no twists form in the rope
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during fixing.
4.Mobilize and check how the safety gear
engages by pulling the overspeed rope. Also,
ensure that the tension weight pulley moves
5.secure the main ropes between the frame
and counterweight wedges in the overhead
area’s pully room, one at a time.
6.Install all ropes retaining clips and ensure
Installation of the safety pins are positions steadily in their
Hoisting Ropes and place.
frame 7. The frame component must be assembled
8.The components must be hooked properly
to the lifting gear if available.
9.Briefing to be done by supervisor to crew
prior to start of activity.
10.Adequate supervision at site.
11.Ensure correct and safe manual handling
techniques are used always.
12.Use mechanical aid wherever possible.
11 Caught in between moving Worker and Forman O SE H 1.Ensure all electrical wiring has been O M L
objects. adequately installed and insulated.
Electrical Shock. 2.Only the commissioning team must be in
the area. where necessary provide relevant
signage to warn unnecessary access.
3.Do not connect or disconnect any
connectors when the power supply is on.
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4.Never allow tools or equipment to be used
by anyone other than a qualified technician.
5.In case of any failure
Disconnect power supply completely.
Secure power supply against
Check the requirement of earthing in
special circumstances.
Testing and
Ensure all live conductors
commissioning adequately protected.
6.Do not rotate the machinery when
someone is working with the drive system.
There is a chance of electrical shock even of
the main supply is off.
7.Ensure the availability of competent
electrician while testing and commissioning
in progress.
8.Always wear the required PPE such use of
high voltage gloves.
9.Make sure safety earth is verified before
turning the power ON.
10.To reduce the danger of electrical shock,
always make sure electrical connections are
11.Working area must not be wet, to avoid
the risk of electrocution.
12.Use LOTO procedure when movement of
the equipment is not necessary.
13.Always clean up any excess oil and
dispose of properly.
14.Follow installation instruction.
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1.Procedure and comply with material safety
data sheet for the products used, COSHH
assessment should be established and
observed the necessary precaution as
2.Ensure activity area must be free from any
source of ignition and area should be well-
ventilated/exhaustion to avoid accumulation
of highly flammable vapors including
container of chemical where a temporary
storage has been arranged onsite.
3.Activity and storage area must be free
Use of chemicals – Contact with harmful from any electrostatic charges.
12 e.g., Silicon, WD40, chemicals or other hazards Worker and Forman P M M 4.Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case O M L
Gear oil. chemical on contact with eyes, rinse immediately with
penalty of water and proceed immediately to
hospital. If swallowed, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container to the
medical staff.
5.All dangerous substances to be clearly
labelled and stored in the designated hazards
material storage area.
6.Chemical to be used for their correct
purpose only. Never leave unconsumed
chemical at the activity area.
7.Store chemicals in a cool location, dry
condition in well-sealed receptacles.
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1.Only the electrical qualified person to do
the work.
2.Electrical warning sign must be installed in
3.Use logout tagout system.
Use of electrical 2.Provide rubber gloves.
Exposure to electrical parts Worker, Forman and
3.Damage Electrical cable must be
13 power Electrical Shock third party F SE H replaced. O M L
Electrical Burn 4.Dont obstruct any access and egress
Slip Trip Hazard
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1. housekeeping must be proper maintained
at work sites
15 Heat Exhaustion Worker, Forman, 1.Stop the works during summer timing O M L
Heat Stroke Visitor and third party P H work from 11am to 4pm.
Personal Injuries due to high 2.Arrange adequate drinking water and rest
temperature, burn, SE shelter.
3.Drink a penalty of water with electrolyte.
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4.If feel something unusual immediately
inform Forman and report to Safety officer.
Working under high
temperature Direct 5.Do not allowed alone work.
Dusty 6.Frequent Break.
High Wind
7.Proper supervision must be available
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