Operator E-Jets News Rel 022
Operator E-Jets News Rel 022
Operator E-Jets News Rel 022
22 – September 2008
September 2008 Issue No. 22
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
New root cause identified for Further investigation on the FHDB could
BRK CONTROL FAULT on reveal the failure origin.
Power-Up • If CAS message is correlated only
to maintenance messages BCM1
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 FAULT and BCM2 FAULT, neither
BCM nor PSEM replacement will
FHDB analyzes and aircraft prototype
be effective.
tests have revealed a new root cause for
BRK CONTROL FAULT on power-up on
• If CAS message is correlated to all
aircraft equipped with Brake Control
four maintenance messages BCM1
Module (BCM) PN 142-071142
(EMBRAER 170) and PN 142-091141
In this case, message is simultaneously recommends PSEM replacement.
correlated to BCM1 FAULT and BCM2
Final Solution
New BCM PN 142-091142.
As a preparation for the future BCM PN
142-091142, that will be common for
EMBRAER 170 and EMBRAER 190,
BCM compares hardware PIN ID DVDR/ QAR Files on
identification with the ASCB parameter
“acFamily” in order to determine aircraft Flyembraer
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
It is confirmed that in some power-ups,
EMBRAER has revised the Service
ac Family parameter does not become
Newsletters that explain how to download
timely available for BCM usage and the
the FDR/ QAR correlation specification
reports and the standard QAR
configuration files.
It is confirmed that BRK CONTROL
These documents describe step by step
FAULT related only to BCM1 FAULT and
how to locate the subjected files at the
BCM2 FAULT is not caused by Proximity
Flyembraer web page.
Sensor Electronic Module (PSEM).
Refer to the last revision of SNLs 170-31-
In case of the PSEM failure, the CAS
0015 and 190-31-0014 for the required
message will be correlated to all four
explanation about how to download the
following maintenance messages: BCM1
FDR correlation specification reports.
FAULT and OUTBD 28V PWR FAULT. To download either the QAR correlation
specification reports or the standard
EMBRAER is investigating a possible
configuration files, refer to the last
interim solution and mitigation actions, as
revision of SNLs 170-31-0007 and 190-
well as which modifications can be
introduced on incoming BCM PN 142-
091142 in order to eliminate the issue. Note: Service Newsletters 170-00-0009
and 190-00-0001 refer to addresses at
A Service Newsletter will be issued by
the flyembraer webpage which are no
Sep/2008 containing eventual updates on
longer active. These SNLs are not
this issue.
updated and will be cancelled.
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
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September 2008 Issue No. 22
Cargo Compartment Aermat It has been identified that the flat cable,
Orders which connects the External Power
Module (EPM) and the LICC, may be
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 damaged due to tracks capacity being
lower than the interlock circuit pin E/F
EMBRAER has been inquired about over current protection threshold
orders for Aermat (carpet installed over available on the EPM.
cargo floor panels) in rolls. This material
may be purchased under PNs An immediate solution for this issue is
37RS01000-052-00 or AERMAT 37R- adding a jumper to the interlock trace
S01000-052-00 and is supplied by LY increasing current carrying capability and
(Linear Yard). Each LY has about 3 ft making it more robust.
long and 5 ft wide. The roll material is
already reflected in AIPC 50-31-08. Hamilton Sundstrand Service Bulletin
40EPS04LC/LC2-24-6 was issued to
Contact the nearest C&D Site for further incorporate this solution when a LICC
purchase details. returns to a shop repair. Modified units
are identified with a mark in the MOD 6
(mod dot) on the identification plate and
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September 2008 Issue No. 22