Operator E-Jets News Rel 022

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Issue No.

22 – September 2008
September 2008 Issue No. 22

From the Editor

E-JETS NEWS is a publication that presents EMBRAER 170/190 aircraft technical

items. This newsletter, compiled by EMBRAER Fleet Technical Center (EFTC),
brings the latest developments and shares in-service knowledge and maintenance
best practices. It also provides troubleshooting tips to optimize aircraft utilization
and efficiency in daily operation.

E-JETS NEWS addresses Operators concerns with maintenance support and

dispatchability of EMBRAER 170/190 aircraft. It has relevant information to be
shared with the technical departments, such as Engineering and Maintenance.
Recipients are encouraged to distribute this newsletter to EMBRAER Customers.

Earlier editions of E-JETS NEWS publication can be found at Flyembraer Portal at


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- Select “Maintenance” and then “Technical Support”;

- Select “E-Jets NEWS for Operators”;

- Click on desired E-JETS NEWS.

If any additional information regarding the in-service items covered in the E-JETS
NEWS is needed, please contact the local EMBRAER Field Service
Representative. General questions or comments about the E-JETS NEWS
publication can be addressed to:


Tel: +55 12 3927 7075

Fax: +55 12 3927 5996

E-mail: ejets.news@embraer.com.br


The articles published in E-JETS NEWS are for information only and are an EMBRAER S/A
property. This newsletter must not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to a third
party without EMBRAER’s written consent. Also, no article published should be considered
authority-approved data, unless specifically stated.

Page 1
September 2008 Issue No. 22

E-Jets NEWS at Flyembraer – Landing Gear Sampling

Subscription Program – Update
In order to be notified whenever an E- Effectivity: EMBRAER 170
Jets NEWS is published, Flyembraer
portal has a feature called “Subscription”, As informed in the E-Jets NEWS release
in which it is possible to subscribe and No. 10, the first phase of the EMBRAER
receive an e-mail notifying that a new 170 Landing Gear Sampling Program has
release of the E-Jets NEWS has been been launched following instructions of
published. SB 170-32-0001 (Nose Landing Gear
Sampling Inspection Program) and SB
In the Flyembraer “Technical Support” 170-32-0002 (Main Landing Gear
page, just click on the “Context Menu” Sampling Inspection Program).
(refer to the red arrow in the figure below)
and then select “Subscription”. Three Main Gears and three Nose Gears,
which have achieved around 5,000 FC of
operation were collected from operators
in different climates and regions of the
world and were sent to the manufacturer
for accomplishment of the inspections.

The next phases of the Program will be

performed in components that will reach
10,000 and 15,000 FC. The aim of this
Program is to validate the Maintenance
Review Board restoration interval for the
Landing Gear structural components.

EMBRAER thanks the operators who

participated in the subject Sampling
Then, it is necessary to set up the Program for their cooperation and
subscription as shown in the following support.
figure. After the subscription setup is
completed, just click on “Save As an update, the following are the
actions already taken and also to be
taken regarding the first phase of the


1. 170LGY203 - E170 Landing

Gear Sampling Program - MLG -
Findings during removal and installation

2. 170LGY207 - E170 Landing

Gear Sampling Program - NLG - Findings
during removal and installation

Therefore, whenever a new E-Jets 3. 170LGI006 - NLG Sampling

NEWS release is published, a notifying e- Program Report - 1st Phase (5000FC) –
mail will be sent. First operator

4. 170LGI007 - NLG Sampling

Program Report - 1st Phase (5000FC) –
Second operator

5. 170LGI008 - NLG Sampling

Program Report - 1st Phase (5000FC) –
Third operator

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September 2008 Issue No. 22

6. 170LGY205 - E170 MLG - Proposed solutions will be shared

Sampling Inspection Program (5000 FC) with the operators who participated in the
subject Program. Their suggestions will
7. 170LGI005 - NLG Sampling be considered in the issuance of final the
Program Guideline solutions.
8. 170DSP180 - MLG Sampling - Final solutions will then be
Program Guideline submitted to ANAC;
Actions: - The complete description of findings
and final solutions are planned to be
- EMBRAER, LIEBHERR and ELEB shared with all operators by the first
provided the necessary material, quarter of 2009 through a dedicated
manpower and technical assistance for Service News Letter.
the operators who participated in the
subject Program;

- The first MLG and NLG removal Crossbleed Valve

occurred in Mar/07 and the last one in
Jul/07. Three NLG's and three MLG's
Contamination – Update
were removed in accordance with MRB
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
As an update of E-Jets NEWS Releases
- The NLG’s were sent to ELEB –
No. 15 and 19, EMBRAER informs that
São José dos Campos – Brazil, while the
Service Bulletins 170-36-0014 and 190-
MLG’s were sent to LIEBHERR –
36-0011 that install a hose to avoid
Lindenberg – Germany for a complete
crossbleed valve contamination were
overhaul. Guidelines with overhaul
released in Jun/08. This modification is
actions to be taken in the NLG and MLG
also being incorporated in the production
parts were defined in accordance with
line on aircraft SN 170.00224 and
references 7 and 8. The Operators who
190.00180 and on.
participated in the subject Program were
invited to follow the overhaul of removed EMBRAER recommends the
parts at the ELEB and LIEBHERR accomplishment of this SB by the
facilities. Operators who have been facing
crossbleed valve failure due to external
- All 1 to 8 referenced reports were
completed and are now in the process of
approval by ANAC (Brazilian authority);

• References 1 and 2 reports

Wing Anti-Ice Slat
show the findings detected during the
MLG / NLG removal and the Interconnection Hoses –
installation accomplished during the Update
subject Program
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
• References 3 to 6 show
inspection results and shop findings As previously informed in E-Jets NEWS
during the overhaul process of the Release No. 17, EMBRAER had some
removed Gears cases of A-I WING 1(2) LEAK CAS
messages being displayed during
- After finishing the overhaul process production flights, mostly due to over
of all parts and after issuing referenced temperature.
reports, EMBRAER, LIEBHERR and
ELEB engineering will discuss the Troubleshooting led to the wing anti-ice
solutions for eventual discrepancies slat hose, between slats 3 and 4, whose
found during this first phase of the internal layer was detaching from the
Program. The first dedicated meeting is hose body and restraining the airflow
scheduled for Oct/08; inside the piccolo tube.

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September 2008 Issue No. 22

The same anti-ice event can be caused AMS Processor Failures –

by the other interconnection hose, Update
between slats 2 and 3. EMBRAER
engineering worked together with Sonaca Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
and got new, improved slat
interconnection hoses. As an update of E-Jets NEWS Release
No. 15 and 16, EMBRAER informs that
New Part Numbers are already available Hamilton Sundstrand concluded that the
and Service Bulletin release scheduled is AMS processor board failure is caused
being defined. SNL 170-30-0013 (190- by a voltage oscillation that affects the
30-0011) provides further information. ARINC communication between the AMS
Controller and the SPDA.

As an immediate action, EMBRAER

CF34-10E Engine - recommends the replacement of the
Commanded In-Flight Shut affected AMS processor board, if the
Down (IFSD) Event Due to RECIRC SMK DET FAIL CAS message
Engine Hardware Failure – is displayed on the CAS during aircraft
power-up. The development of an
Update improved AMS processor board is
currently being evaluated by Hamilton
Effectivity: EMBRAER 190
Sundstrand. The applicable FIM Tasks
The EMBRAER 190 fleet has recently have already been released in order to
experienced a commanded engine IFSD optimize the troubleshooting services.
during the takeoff phase, as informed in
E-Jets NEWS Release No. 20.

It was reported that there was a loud EMBRAER 170/190 Retread

noise just after the landing gears were Tires
commanded to the up position and ITT
from engine number two reached Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
approximately 1100°C. Flight crew
elected to shut the engine down and EMBRAER has received requests to
decided to return to departure airport with approve the use of retread tires. Although
no emergency declaration and without there are no concerns regarding MLG or
any incident or injuries. NLG tire retreading for the E-Jets family,
EMBRAER does not participate in the
An engine visual inspection was certification process. It is obligatory for
performed and no signs of FOD were the company specialized in this kind of
observed. N1 shaft was locked and metal service to obtain the certification to
debris was found in the engine exhaust retread a specific model of tire. This
area. The VSV system was inspected certification is issued exclusively by the
and no damage or any discrepancy was local Certification Authority. EMBRAER is
reported. Borescope inspection was also out of the looping and does not issue any
performed and internal damage in the document for this purpose.
HPT was found. The engine was
removed and sent to an engine shop for It is recommended that the operator
repair and root cause investigation. interested in obtaining this service, make
sure that the retreader company follows
Initial Investigation shows the HPT blade every requirement stated by the local
airfoil separation as the primary cause for Authority.
IFSD. Current investigation in 2 different
areas: impact of material mechanical Nevertheless, EMBRAER will be
properties on the stress field of the blade following the performance of new or
and inclusion detectability by different retread tires in the fleet. Whenever a
inspection methods. systemic deviation is detected,
EMBRAER will be involved in the
determination of the causes and
Page 4
September 2008 Issue No. 22

Aileron Cable Wear and Generator Control Unit (GCU)

Inspection Ground Self-Test
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190

EMBRAER received some field reports SNLs 170-24-0033 and 190-24-0027

from operators concerning the have been issued to inform the Operators
occurrence of wear in the aileron cables about an observed effect when running
during scheduled maintenances, the GCU - Manual Initiated Ground Self
requiring further inspection. Test (MIGST) and the recommended
Under this scenario, EMBRAER would
like to advise the accomplishment of
AMM II Task 27-11-03-220-801-A
(Aileron Control Cable – Detailed Visual Cargo Smoke Detector and
Inspection), which provides limit levels of Nozzle Cages Permitted
wear, and the maximum wear value
allowed in the cable.
Conditions – SNL
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
Also, in order to address this issue, the
following Service Bulletins are available: EMBRAER has issued SNLs 170-26-
0004 and 190-26-0004 informing the
• SB 170-27-0028 – FLIGHT
permitted conditions for the Cargo
Compartment Smoke Detector Cage and
Fire Extinguisher Nozzle Cage. Both
plastic and metallic cage models were
• SB 190-27-0017 – FLIGHT
analyzed and are mentioned in the
publication. Refer to the SNLs for
detailed information.
In addition, as already informed by
EMBRAER through Information to
Technical or Field Support – “EMBRAER
190 MLG Well Aft Rib Support Crack
(Aileron Binding) – Update”, the Aileron
Support crack has an interim solution
with temporary repairs and fly-by-limits
described in IC2008-190/05075 &
IC2008-190/05152 (RH) and IC2008-
190/05104 (LH).

These documents also refer to the

required inspection procedures for cable
aileron wear issue.

Also, Service Bulletin SB190-53-0035 for

the EMB-190 is already available.

LOAD 21.2 – Side Effects

Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190

A revision of Service Newsletters 170-00-

0032 and 190-00-0028 has been
released. It describes a new side-effect
for Load 21.2 and provides additional
information for the other ones.
Page 5
September 2008 Issue No. 22

Interference between hydraulic Bias Recalculation after Delta-

compartment lateral door half- pressure Sensor Replacement
hinge and reservoir
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
Effectivity: EMBRAER 190
EMBRAER has been informed of
Occurrence of interference between the reoccurrences of PACK FAIL messages
hydraulic compartment lateral door half- correlated to LH/ RH VENTURI DP
hinge and the hydraulic reservoir has SNSR (DRIFT) (PKx) [Cx] CMC message
been reported. The half-hinge is installed after the replacement of the Venturi DP
on the wing-to-fuselage faring LH/ RH aft Sensor.
After investigation, it was concluded that
The interference is caused by such events may be caused by the delta-
manufacture and/or assembly tolerances. pressure sensor bias. If the bias is above
Deflection of the wing-to-fuselage faring the specified, this value is stored in the
in flight can also be a source of NVM.
interference. This may cause damage to
the half-hinge and to the hydraulic Therefore, after the sensor replacement,
reservoir. it is necessary to make sure that the new
delta-pressure bias (for the new sensor)
SB 190-53-0017 was issued in Aug/2008 is recalculated in both channels.
to provide instructions to replace the
current half-hinge of the hydraulic It was not correctly verified that the AMS
compartment lateral door with a new controller channel transfer would
improved one, to eliminate the recalculate the delta-pressure bias. In
interference between the half-hinge and fact, only during power-up the AMS
the hydraulic reservoir and, channel in control calculates the delta-
consequently, prevent damage to both pressure sensor bias.
Therefore, after the Venturi DP Sensor
Reservoir CMM will be revised to include replacement, in order to guarantee the
the damage limits and repair procedures delta-pressure sensor bias recalculation
for this case. Currently, when this kind of in both AMS controller channels, it is
damage is detected, the Parker necessary to:
representative should be contacted in
order to give the technical disposition. • Perform a power-down/power-up
for the current channel in control;

• Check the AMS controller channel

in control;

• De-energize the power supply of

the channel in control by pulling its
circuit breakers to be sure that the
delta-pressure bias is calculated to
the other AMS controller channel;

• Perform the power-down/power-up


The related maintenance manuals will be

revised accordingly.

Page 6
September 2008 Issue No. 22

New root cause identified for Further investigation on the FHDB could
BRK CONTROL FAULT on reveal the failure origin.
Power-Up • If CAS message is correlated only
to maintenance messages BCM1
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 FAULT and BCM2 FAULT, neither
BCM nor PSEM replacement will
FHDB analyzes and aircraft prototype
be effective.
tests have revealed a new root cause for
BRK CONTROL FAULT on power-up on
• If CAS message is correlated to all
aircraft equipped with Brake Control
four maintenance messages BCM1
Module (BCM) PN 142-071142
(EMBRAER 170) and PN 142-091141
In this case, message is simultaneously recommends PSEM replacement.
correlated to BCM1 FAULT and BCM2
Final Solution
New BCM PN 142-091142.
As a preparation for the future BCM PN
142-091142, that will be common for
EMBRAER 170 and EMBRAER 190,
BCM compares hardware PIN ID DVDR/ QAR Files on
identification with the ASCB parameter
“acFamily” in order to determine aircraft Flyembraer
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
It is confirmed that in some power-ups,
EMBRAER has revised the Service
ac Family parameter does not become
Newsletters that explain how to download
timely available for BCM usage and the
the FDR/ QAR correlation specification
reports and the standard QAR
configuration files.
It is confirmed that BRK CONTROL
These documents describe step by step
FAULT related only to BCM1 FAULT and
how to locate the subjected files at the
BCM2 FAULT is not caused by Proximity
Flyembraer web page.
Sensor Electronic Module (PSEM).
Refer to the last revision of SNLs 170-31-
In case of the PSEM failure, the CAS
0015 and 190-31-0014 for the required
message will be correlated to all four
explanation about how to download the
following maintenance messages: BCM1
FDR correlation specification reports.
FAULT and OUTBD 28V PWR FAULT. To download either the QAR correlation
specification reports or the standard
EMBRAER is investigating a possible
configuration files, refer to the last
interim solution and mitigation actions, as
revision of SNLs 170-31-0007 and 190-
well as which modifications can be
introduced on incoming BCM PN 142-
091142 in order to eliminate the issue. Note: Service Newsletters 170-00-0009
and 190-00-0001 refer to addresses at
A Service Newsletter will be issued by
the flyembraer webpage which are no
Sep/2008 containing eventual updates on
longer active. These SNLs are not
this issue.
updated and will be cancelled.

EMBRAER recommends operators to

reset aircraft electrical power as
immediate action after BRK CONTROL
FAULT on power-up.

Page 7
September 2008 Issue No. 22

APU Oil Consumption Engine Cross Start Procedure

Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190

With the purpose of improving EMBRAER is aware of some Engine

maintenance practices, EMBRAER is Cross Starts that resulted in Hot Start
investigating the average APU oil events (Engine Hot Start happens when
consumption. ITT reaches 815°C during start) due to
low start pressure.
EMBRAER kindly ask for inputs from the
field personnel containing APU oil Basically it happens because there is a
servicing quantities and interval (APU drop of pressure in the manifold (and
hours and APU cycles). consequently at engine starter) when the
engine is commanded to start and the
The feedback shall be addressed to: Starter Control Valve opens. TLA
adjustment is required to compensate
170propulsion@embraer.com.br this drop. This adjustment may lead the
HPSOV to be commanded to close (AMS
logic) resulting in a lower pressure at
engine starter inlet.
FCM Mod. J Power-Up Test
Results Current Engine Cross Start Procedure
requires the following:
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
• Minimum bleed duct pressure of 33
EMBRAER would like to inform that the psi minus 0.5 psi for every 1000ft
new FCM MOD J was extensively tested above sea level
during on-wing power-up test campaign
at EMBRAER facilities from July to • Thrust lever adjustment during the
August 2008. The main purpose of the start to prevent the bleed pressure
power-up test was to verify “FCM NOT from dropping below the minimum
BOOTING UP” failure mode occurrence required.
during an airplane power-up procedure.
A detailed analysis was performed in a
For the test, the following configuration sample of several starts that resulted in a
was used: new value for required pressure and
procedure. This new procedure will now
• FCM1: mod H silver label require the following:

• FCM2: mod J red label • Before Start: Adjust bleed duct

pressure for 40 psi minus 0.5 psi
• FCM3: mod J red label for every 1000 ft above sea level
• FCM4: mod J red label • During Start: No thrust lever
adjustment will be required. A
The test results showed that no “FCM not pressure drop is expected as the
booting up” occurrence has been SCV opens.
reported during over 2000 power-ups.
A Flight Operations Letter was issued on
Additional evaluation is being conducted September 15th, 2008 to advise operators
in order to comply with certification of such modification.
requirements. Further updates will be
shared as soon as available. Aircraft Maintenance Manual is expected
to be revised in November 2008. AOM
revision is expected for December 2008.

Page 8
September 2008 Issue No. 22

An important remark is that the majority Left Integrated Control Center

of Hot Start events are not caused by low (LICC) Hardware Issues
start pressure on cross starts. Typical Hot
Starts seen on CF34-8E fleet are engine- Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
related and are being followed up
together with GE. Solution will probably SNLs 170-24-0034 and 190-24-0028
require software modification. If were issued to inform the Operators
confirmed, that will only happen at the about two known LICC’s hardware
end of 2009. issues:

1) Thermal Circuit Breaker (TCB)

incorrect indication on MCDU:
Gasper Shutoff Valve
It was noticed that there is a possibility of
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 interference between the large black
harness nearby LICC P1 connector and
EMBRAER would like to inform that the its connector. This issue may lead the
“GASPER SUPPLY SOV [Cx]/WRG solder junction on the circuit board to
FAULT” CMC message is spurious on present rupture, thus causing some TCB
the EMBRAER 190/195 aircraft as the status not being properly informed on the
gasper valve is only installed on MCDU.
EMBRAER 170/ 175 aircraft.
Such failure can be identified by the
During normal system operation, the maintenance message “LICC CB
gasper shutoff valve is closed. In this MATRIX/GCU 1/WRG FAULT” that can
condition, only mixed air from the H-duct also be related to a fault GCU or
through the gasper check valve is routed improper GCU installation. In order to
to the gasper outlets. When the air correct this issue, a harness re-routing
temperature exceeds 35 °C (95 °F), the was implemented avoiding any possible
gasper shutoff valve is opened, which damage to the connectors inside the
allows conditioned air from the RH LICCs.
recirculation duct to flow into the gasper
outlets, thus bypassing the H-duct. LICC PN 5914480-2 S/N A292 and on
have this improvement factory
On the ground, the RH recirculation fan incorporated, LICC PN 5914902-1 is not
operates independently of the RH pack affected by this issue and units already in
switch, supplying air to the gasper service can be modified on attrition basis.
2) Aircraft not accepting external AC

Cargo Compartment Aermat It has been identified that the flat cable,
Orders which connects the External Power
Module (EPM) and the LICC, may be
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 damaged due to tracks capacity being
lower than the interlock circuit pin E/F
EMBRAER has been inquired about over current protection threshold
orders for Aermat (carpet installed over available on the EPM.
cargo floor panels) in rolls. This material
may be purchased under PNs An immediate solution for this issue is
37RS01000-052-00 or AERMAT 37R- adding a jumper to the interlock trace
S01000-052-00 and is supplied by LY increasing current carrying capability and
(Linear Yard). Each LY has about 3 ft making it more robust.
long and 5 ft wide. The roll material is
already reflected in AIPC 50-31-08. Hamilton Sundstrand Service Bulletin
40EPS04LC/LC2-24-6 was issued to
Contact the nearest C&D Site for further incorporate this solution when a LICC
purchase details. returns to a shop repair. Modified units
are identified with a mark in the MOD 6
(mod dot) on the identification plate and
Page 9
September 2008 Issue No. 22

units already in service can be modified ITT = Interstage Turbine Temperature

on an attrition basis as per information
contained in the service bulletin LDI = Loadable Diagnostic Information
LICC = Left Integrated Control Center

LRU = Line Replaceable Unit

MLG = Main Landing Gear
AD = Airworthiness Directive
MMEL = Master Minimum Equipment List
AIPC = Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog
NLG = Nose Landing Gear
AMM = Aircraft Maintenance Manual
OB = Operational Bulletins
AMS = Air Management System
PIL = Parts Information Letters
ANAC = Agência Nacional de Aviação
PN = Part Number
Civil (Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority)
PSEM = Proximity Sensor Electronic
AOM = Airplane Operations Manual
APU = Auxiliary Power Unit
QAR = Quick Access Recorder
ASCB = Avionics Standard-
SB = Service Bulletin
Communication Bus
SN = Serial Number
BCM = Brake Control Module
SNL = Service Newsletter
CAS = Crew Alerting System
TLA = Thrust Lever Angle
CMC = Central Maintenance Computer
VSV = Variable Stator Vane
CMM = Component Maintenance Manual
Note: All abbreviations used in
DLS = Data Load System
EMBRAER Maintenance Manuals can be
DVDR = Digital Voice-Data Recorder found in the Introduction to AMM Part II.

EICAS = Engine Indicating and Crew

Alerting System

EMM = Engine Maintenance Manual

FADEC = Full Authority Digital Electronic


FCM = Flight Controls Module

FHDB = Fault History Database

FIM = Fault Isolation Manual

FOD = Foreign Object Damage

FOL = Flight Operations Letter

GCU = Generator Control Unit

HPT = High Pressure Turbine

IFSD = In-Flight Shut Down

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