Operator E-Jets News Rel 042
Operator E-Jets News Rel 042
Operator E-Jets News Rel 042
42 – May 2010
May 2010 Issue No.42
E-Jets NEWS is a periodical that deals with EMBRAER 170 / 190 aircraft technical
matters. This newsletter, compiled from the Embraer Fleet Technical Center
(EFTC) staff, brings the latest developments and shares in-service knowledge and
best maintenance practices. It also provides troubleshooting tips to optimize aircraft
utilization and efficiency in daily operation.
E-Jets NEWS addresses the Operators’ concerns over maintenance support and
dispatchability of the EMBRAER 170 /190 aircraft. It conveys relevant information
to be shared with the technical departments, such as Engineering and
Maintenance. Recipients are encouraged to distribute this newsletter to Embraer
Earlier editions of E-Jets NEWS publication can be found in the Flyembraer Portal
If any additional information regarding the in-service items covered in the E-Jets
NEWS is needed, please contact the local Embraer Field Service Representative.
General questions or comments about the E-Jets NEWS publication can be
addressed to:
E-mail: ejets.news@embraer.com.br
The articles published in E-Jets NEWS are for information only and are an Embraer S/A
property. This newsletter must not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to a third
party without Embraer’s written consent. Also, no article published should be considered
authority-approved data, unless so specifically stated.
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May 2010 Issue No. 42
Quick Quality Service - Survey Every one, please keep fulfilling the
Through Web Link survey. It is very quick and just one page
long. We often keep an eye on every
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 feedback received.
The aim of this article is reinforcing that Add Heat and Low Limit Valve
since 2009, EFTC Team and Return to Messages on BL9
Service Team (RTS) have adopted a web
link to collect the operator's feedback Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 /190
related to each given support.
Embraer engineering has recently
We have already received several concluded the analysis of Black Label 9
feedbacks that really helped us improve FHDBs, presenting a long log of Add
our service (ex: ETD standardization, Heat and/or Low Limit Valve messages,
timely e-mail acknowledgments, forms with or without correlating a Pack Fail.
developments and etc...). These messages were tagged as
spurious at any flight phase, no
See below the standard message sent in maintenance actions being necessary in
each e-mail: this case. A fix for this logic is expected
for BL11.
Help us improve our service. Click
here to send us your suggestions,
complaints and compliments. Bleed Valve -3 L6 Soft Time
As a motivation, we periodically draw an Effectivity: EMBRAER 190
Embraer Aircraft Resin Model to the
participants (see picture below) During the last Webex, we observed that
some operators are still in doubt,
regarding the bleed valve's soft time. It is
applicable to the 190's NAPRSOV
position at each 2,500 FH time frame.
Even though this value was determined
based on the fleet average removals
data, each operator may discuss with
Hamilton Sundstrand (HS) a better time
frame based on their own experience. It
is important to observe that we expect all
bleed valves, NAPRSOVs and HPSOVs,
to be L6s by now.
Congratulations Jason!!!
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May 2010 Issue No. 42
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May 2010 Issue No. 42
387 The recommendation is to complete the
5392 inspection at the earliest opportunity
Air Dolomiti 190-00258
392 before the MLG has accumulated 5000
5387 FC and when facilities and specially
404 trained personnel are available.
Air Europa 190-00244 5385
190-00247 5406
Azul 394
190-00252 5391
Finnair 402
190-00241 386
190-00249 382
Jet Blue
KLC 190-00250
Kunpeng 190-00263
190-00246 385
Tian Jin 5388
Virgin Blue 190-00262
5395 Page 4
May 2010 Issue No. 42
Embraer has received some field reports A new P-ACE modification (Mod.C) is
regarding either the slat or flap torque under field evaluation, in order to validate
tubes being not properly installed, thus its effectiveness to reduce Flight Control
leading to slat or flap fail events. No Dispatch events associated with this
SNLs 170-27-0056 and 190-27-0050
were released this month in order to The P-ACE Mod.C is equipped with an
inform the operators about the AMM improved motherboard and 30 aircraft
revisions associated with the flap and slat started incorporating this new Mod by the
torque tubes correct installation. end of Apr/2010. Our expectation is that
in Jul/2010 all 30 aircraft submitted to this
AMM tasks were revised to include field evaluation will have Mod.C installed.
illustrations that show the difference
between the torque tubes correct and After 6 months of data collection period,
incorrect installation and mainly to the field evaluation final results will be
include an additional step about the PDU provided by Honeywell/Embraer.
(Power Drive Unit) brake release. This Therefore, the solution effectiveness of
step is aimed at improving the this new P-ACE will be disclosed to
effectiveness of the push and pull test by operators until Dec/2010.
releasing any residual torque trapped in
the driveline. This residual torque New ADSP-9 (Part Number
increases the force necessary to 2015G2H2H-9) release
disconnect the driveline even if the bolt is
not correctly installed, what could Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
possibly lead to a misunderstanding
about the actual engagement between Goodrich Sensors Systems developed a
the bolt and torque tube. new Pressure Card that is a subsystem
of the Air Data Smart Probe.
FWD: 4A4030-2, -4, and -5
AFT: 4A4011-2 and -4
FWD: 104003-1 and -2
AFT: 104005-1
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May 2010 Issue No. 42
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May 2010 Issue No. 42
FH - Flight hours
GB - GSE Bulletin
GE - General Electric
HS - Hamilton Sundstrand
HX - Exchanger
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