Operator E-Jets News Rel 042

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Issue No.

42 – May 2010
May 2010 Issue No.42

From the Editor

E-Jets NEWS is a periodical that deals with EMBRAER 170 / 190 aircraft technical
matters. This newsletter, compiled from the Embraer Fleet Technical Center
(EFTC) staff, brings the latest developments and shares in-service knowledge and
best maintenance practices. It also provides troubleshooting tips to optimize aircraft
utilization and efficiency in daily operation.

E-Jets NEWS addresses the Operators’ concerns over maintenance support and
dispatchability of the EMBRAER 170 /190 aircraft. It conveys relevant information
to be shared with the technical departments, such as Engineering and
Maintenance. Recipients are encouraged to distribute this newsletter to Embraer

Earlier editions of E-Jets NEWS publication can be found in the Flyembraer Portal


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The articles published in E-Jets NEWS are for information only and are an Embraer S/A
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authority-approved data, unless so specifically stated.

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May 2010 Issue No. 42

Quick Quality Service - Survey Every one, please keep fulfilling the
Through Web Link survey. It is very quick and just one page
long. We often keep an eye on every
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 feedback received.

The aim of this article is reinforcing that Add Heat and Low Limit Valve
since 2009, EFTC Team and Return to Messages on BL9
Service Team (RTS) have adopted a web
link to collect the operator's feedback Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 /190
related to each given support.
Embraer engineering has recently
We have already received several concluded the analysis of Black Label 9
feedbacks that really helped us improve FHDBs, presenting a long log of Add
our service (ex: ETD standardization, Heat and/or Low Limit Valve messages,
timely e-mail acknowledgments, forms with or without correlating a Pack Fail.
developments and etc...). These messages were tagged as
spurious at any flight phase, no
See below the standard message sent in maintenance actions being necessary in
each e-mail: this case. A fix for this logic is expected
for BL11.
Help us improve our service. Click
here to send us your suggestions,
complaints and compliments. Bleed Valve -3 L6 Soft Time
As a motivation, we periodically draw an Effectivity: EMBRAER 190
Embraer Aircraft Resin Model to the
participants (see picture below) During the last Webex, we observed that
some operators are still in doubt,
regarding the bleed valve's soft time. It is
applicable to the 190's NAPRSOV
position at each 2,500 FH time frame.
Even though this value was determined
based on the fleet average removals
data, each operator may discuss with
Hamilton Sundstrand (HS) a better time
frame based on their own experience. It
is important to observe that we expect all
bleed valves, NAPRSOVs and HPSOVs,
to be L6s by now.

The picture below shows, (left side) Dual Heat Exchanger

Mr.Jason Grafton, Maintenance Manager Performance Test
at ExpressJet Airlines (Shreveport, LA)
receiving the prize from our technical Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 /190
representative Mr. Jeff Tinsley
As mentioned during our last Webex,
Embraer would like to reinforce one topic
related to the ACM. The on-wing test
procedure of HX efficiency, according to
AMM 21-51-04-780-801-A is highly
recommended to keep track of the HX
conditions. This is important to support
the decisions on the units removal and/or
support warranty claims of failed ACMs.

Congratulations Jason!!!
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May 2010 Issue No. 42

This inspection recommendation is

Brake disks monitoring applicable to all Brake assembly versions
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 even for those that had already
incorporated any of the modifications
As already known in the industry, the aforementioned. SNL’s 170-32-0028 and
current Runway De-Icing (RDI) fluids 190-32-0026 will be revised to emphasize
adopted in the airports are composed of this recommendation.
more environmental friendly organic
salts. On the other hand, those fluids Embraer will continue following the
when in contact with the brake carbon behavior of the carbon brakes disks and
disks may accelerate the process of is counting on the operators assistance to
catalytic oxidation and eventually lead report the cases where damage to these
these components to degradation which components are verified, especially for
at the end may cause cracks or breaks. those ones which the improvements were
In order to minimize the impact of these
RDI fluids in the E-Jets brakes, some
modifications were introduced. In
summary we had the following upgrades:

Protective anti-oxidation coating applied

to the pressure plate:

EMBRAER 170: PN 90000583-2PR

EMBRAER 190: PN 90002340-1PR

Protective anti-oxidation coating in all the

brake disks besides pressure plate:

EMBRAER 170: PN 90000583-3PR

EMBRAER 190: PN 90002340-2PR

Embraer and Meggitt are closely

following the performance of the new
versions of the above mentioned brakes.
After the last winter season, when the
aircraft were exposed to the RDI fluids, it
was possible to verify the effectiveness of
these improvements. A significant
reduction in the reports of brake damage Figure 1: EMBRAER 170/175 Brake
has been noted by Embraer. However Assembly
some cases are still being reported. Up to
May/10, at least four units from world
wide fleet presented some kind of
MLG - Inspection of cadmium
It is important to highlight that in plating of inner sliding tube
accordance with FAA special
airworthiness information bulletin NM-08- Effectivity: EMBRAER 190 / 195
27 R1 and EASA safety information
bulletin 2008-19R1, Embraer It was identified a quality escape on
recommends Brakes inspection on every some EMBRAER 190 MLG Sliding
Main Wheel change opportunity, Tubes. The deviation is related to the
according to the instructions of AMM cadmium adhesion on the steel base
TASK 32-49-11-200-801-A. Main Wheel material in the internal area of the Sliding
Removal procedure on AMM TASK 32- Tube. This escape can lead to bubbles in
49-05-000-801-A was revised to include the cadmium plating, which may reduce
this step. the corrosion protection. Affected PN is
2821 -0221.

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May 2010 Issue No. 42

Corrections in the manufacturing process A Service Bulletin will be issued in

were already introduced, in order to avoid June/2010, calling the inspection of the
the deviation. affected delivered MLGs, assembled in
the aircraft, according to the table above.
Possible affected Sliding Tube S/Ns and
related MLG S/Ns were identified. Units The SB will be accomplished in two
at stock were inspected prior delivery and steps:
in the majority of them the problem was
not confirmed. The problem was Step 1: Inspection of the suspect Sliding
confirmed in around 10% of the inspected Tube. The inspection consists in
units and returned to the manufacturer for removing the jacking dome and
repair. inspecting the inner surface of the sliding
tube with a Boroscope. The cadmium and
In the suspected batch, there were 39 primer coated surface must be free either
units not inspected which had already from bubbles or cracks. If no problem is
been delivered for 12 different operators found, no further action is required.
according to the table below:
Step 2: If cadmium and primer coated
MLG SN were surface shows either bubbles or cracks,
Aircraft the suspect the Sliding Tube must be replaced.
SN Sliding Tube is
Accomplishment of this SB should be
190-00251 383 performed with the support of a Liebherr
Aerorepublica 403 specialist.

387 The recommendation is to complete the
5392 inspection at the earliest opportunity
Air Dolomiti 190-00258
392 before the MLG has accumulated 5000
5387 FC and when facilities and specially
404 trained personnel are available.
Air Europa 190-00244 5385
190-00247 5406
Azul 394
190-00252 5391
Finnair 402
190-00241 386
190-00249 382
Jet Blue
KLC 190-00250
Kunpeng 190-00263
190-00246 385
Tian Jin 5388
Virgin Blue 190-00262
5395 Page 4
May 2010 Issue No. 42

Engine Mount Parts - GE responsibility parts to be informed

Traceability on Engine Data Submittal:

- CF34-10E EDS package includes

Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 /190
part serial numbers since ESN
Embraer would like to highlight to the 994853 and up;
operators that the Engine mount
- CF34-8E EDS package still being
assembly components require detailed
updated, implementation at or
inspections as per MRB - Airworthiness
before 3Q 2010.
Limitation (AL, with initial inspection at
40,000 FC, following the respective
inspection. Bootstrap (GSE 115) x AMM
removal/installation Procedure
MRB follows FAR requirement Part 25,
which requires section titled Effectivity: EMBRAER 170/175
Airworthiness Limitations to be
segregated and clearly distinguishable As an update E-Jets NEWS edition 31,
from the rest of the document. Embraer would like to inform that there
will be an important update on the Engine
This requirement is neither a new task Replacement Procedure available in the
nor a new issue; it has being published AMM, related to GSE 115.
since the beginning of E-Jets operation.
As a background, to GSE 115, there is a
At this moment, it is unknown if operators GSE Service Bulletin GB 170-71-0002
have been performing engine mount (July 31st, 2009) which brings some
component FC tracking. To support this technical modifications, resulting GSE
activity Embraer / GE will issue SBs to 115 part number change, from AGE-
aid in the data collection / tracking. 05370-401 to part number AGE-05380-
401. This GB 170-71-0002 is the final
Embraer expects to issue a SB in solution for this tool.
February 11 to be accomplished in the
next engine removal, and through this: Actually, the AMM part II, gives the
maintenance instructions for the engine
- Providing a guideline on how to replacement (AMM part II - 71-00-
update the aircraft log book; 01/401), using all these GSE P/Ns:
- Applicable to FWD and Aft mount - AGE-05370-401 (pre SB 170-71-
parts that stay with the aircraft during 0002)
engine change
- AGE-05380-401 (post SB 170-71-
GE expects to issue a SB by 4Q 2010 to 0002)
be accomplished into a shop.
- AGE-05050-401 (new orders)
- SB applicable to FWD and AFT
mount parts that remain with the But, the AMM will be revised to remove
engine during engine change. the GSE part number AGE-05370-401
from engine replacement procedure in
Also, the AMM will be revised to include a November-2010 revision.
Note to call SB out during engine
removal. So, for operators that have GSE 115 part
number AGE-05370-401, Embraer
For production controls, aircraft EMB190- strongly recommends that Service
00353 and Aircraft EMB170-00311 are to Bulletin GB 170-71-0002 be
be delivered with catalogued SNs, accomplished as soon as possible to
considering: avoid any disruptions.
- Embraer responsibility of parts to be Also, SNL 170-71-0007 was revised by
added to aircraft IOC - Installed May 11st, 2010, to show all this
Original Component list (aircraft log information and GSE Part Number
book); evolution chart, as well.
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May 2010 Issue No. 42

Flap and Slat Torque Tubes Primary Actuator Control

Correct Installation Electronics - P-ACE Mod.C

Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190

Embraer has received some field reports A new P-ACE modification (Mod.C) is
regarding either the slat or flap torque under field evaluation, in order to validate
tubes being not properly installed, thus its effectiveness to reduce Flight Control
leading to slat or flap fail events. No Dispatch events associated with this
SNLs 170-27-0056 and 190-27-0050
were released this month in order to The P-ACE Mod.C is equipped with an
inform the operators about the AMM improved motherboard and 30 aircraft
revisions associated with the flap and slat started incorporating this new Mod by the
torque tubes correct installation. end of Apr/2010. Our expectation is that
in Jul/2010 all 30 aircraft submitted to this
AMM tasks were revised to include field evaluation will have Mod.C installed.
illustrations that show the difference
between the torque tubes correct and After 6 months of data collection period,
incorrect installation and mainly to the field evaluation final results will be
include an additional step about the PDU provided by Honeywell/Embraer.
(Power Drive Unit) brake release. This Therefore, the solution effectiveness of
step is aimed at improving the this new P-ACE will be disclosed to
effectiveness of the push and pull test by operators until Dec/2010.
releasing any residual torque trapped in
the driveline. This residual torque New ADSP-9 (Part Number
increases the force necessary to 2015G2H2H-9) release
disconnect the driveline even if the bolt is
not correctly installed, what could Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190
possibly lead to a misunderstanding
about the actual engagement between Goodrich Sensors Systems developed a
the bolt and torque tube. new Pressure Card that is a subsystem
of the Air Data Smart Probe.

This new pressure card is a form fit and

function replacement of the current
ADSPs and there are no changes to the
aircraft level.

Purchase Orders shall be placed with this

new part number that is fully
Flap and Slat Torque Tubes Correct interchangeable and intermixable with
Installation. previous ADSP-8 and ADSP-8A, as per
PIL 170-34-0066 and PIL 190-34-0043.
Page 6
May 2010 Issue No. 42

RAT Balance Weight Screw Embraer/Goodrich have received reports

from operators that the bustle release
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 pins have fallen out of the side bustle
brackets, during the normal operation of
As an update of E-Jets NEWS release the aircraft door. An investigation
No. 33, Embraer would like to call the determined that the nylon ball detents in
operators’ attention to the need for the side bustle brackets had worn, and
incorporating SB 170-24-0048 and SB were no longer capable of retaining the
190-24-0019, as applicable. bustle release pins. In order to improve
the pin retention function of the side
Hamilton Sundstrand has identified bustle brackets, the nylon ball detents are
occurrences of ram air turbine (RAT) being replaced with stainless steel ball
balance screw manufactured with detents and the pin retention force (as
metallographic non-conformity, what measured by the pin pull force) is being
would increase its susceptibility to brittle increased.
fracture. The screw failure may result in
the loss of the related balance washer,
causing a possible RAT imbalance event,
which may result in the RAT structural

ANAC has published AD 2010-170/02

and AD 2010-190/02, asking for RAT
inspection and accomplishment of the
aforementioned SBs if the RAT serial
number is inside the applicability range
within the next 1200 flight hours (FH) or 6
months, or at the next RAT scheduled
maintenance action.
Figure 1 – Bustle side bracket
Emergency Evacuation
Systems – Modification of the From now on, EMBRAER 170 and 190
Side Bustle Brackets operators may contact Goodrich for
starting the retrofit of their affected
Effectivity: EMBRAER 170 / 190 escape slides as per SB25-394.

Goodrich released SB 25-394 on May

17th, 2010, introducing the side bustle
brackets retrofit for the affected Escape
Slides P/N as follows:

FWD: 4A4030-2, -4, and -5
AFT: 4A4011-2 and -4

Note: FWD Escape Slides P/N

4A4030-2, -4 will have the modification
incorporated by the time of the
upgrade to -5, as per SBs 25A379.

FWD: 104003-1 and -2
AFT: 104005-1

Note: FWD Escape Slides P/N

104003-1 will have the modification
incorporated by the time of the
upgrade to -2, as per SBs 25A380.

Page 7
May 2010 Issue No. 42

Pylon Thumbnail Fairing Seal

Effectivity: EMBRAER 190 / 195

Erosion wear of the Pylon Fairing Seal is

being experienced by CF34-10E
operators. The condition of the seal
erosion as reported is not consistent;
some operators report heavy or
aggressive erosion damage while others
report normal surface seal erosion with Figure 3 - Abnormal wear condition
the same amount of time in service.
One operator reported cracks to the
Seal erosion can lead to airflow Pylon fairing; the fairing had severe seal
penetrating into the fairing chamber and erosion wear that was beyond allowable
testing has shown that this condition can limits. If the seal is left with abnormal
lead to fairing surface fatigue and cracks wear for a long enough period of time, it
of the fairing at the fastener locations. can lead to the fairing departing the

Design improvements of the pylon fairing

seal resulted in a new part number 341-
1530-505. This new part number was
introduced into service in the 3rd quarter
of 2008.

On December 16th, 2009, Goodrich has

- AOL PUB0001753, to notify CF34-10E
operators of the seal erosion wear and
potential consequences, providing
detailed inspection instructions, wear
limits and maintenance recommendations
referencing all necessary AMM, SRM and
Figure 1 – Pylon fairing seal location CMM instructions as applicable.

Refer to the AOL PUB0001753 and

report the findings to:

Attn: Kellen Trimlett

Goodrich Aerostructures Group
850 Lagoon Drive
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Attn: Kellen Trimlett
Or: kellen.trimlett@goodrich.com
Or: Fax: 619-691-6403

Figure 2 - Normal expected wear


Page 8
May 2010 Issue No. 42

P-ACE - Primary Actuator Control

Acronyms Electronics

ACM - Air Cycle Machine PDU - Power Drive Unit

AD - Airworthiness Directive PIL - Parts Information Letters

ADSP - Air Data Smart Probe RAT - Ram Air Turbine

AFT – After position RDI - Runway De-Icing

AL - Airworthiness Limitation RTS - Return to Service

AMM - Aircraft Maintenance Manual S/N - Serial Number

AMS - Air Management System SB - Service Bulletin

ANAC - Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority U.S. - United States of America

(Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil)

EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency

Note: All abbreviations used in Embraer
EDS - Electronic Display System Maintenance Manuals can be found in
the Introduction to AMM Part II.
ETD - Embraer Technical Disposition

FAA - U.S. Federal Aviation


FAR - U.S. Federal Aviation Regulation

FH - Flight hours

FHDB - Fault History Database

FWD - Forward position

GB - GSE Bulletin

GE - General Electric

GSE - Ground Support Equipment

GMO - Ground Maintenance Override

HPSOV - High Pressure Shutoff Valve

HS - Hamilton Sundstrand

HX - Exchanger

IOC - Installed Original Component

MLG - Main Landing Gear

MRB - Maintenance Review Board

NAPRSOV - Nacelle Pressure Regulating

Shutoff Valve

P/N - Part Number

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