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Topics at a glance
⮚Hadoop and its data access limitations.
⮚Why Hbase?
⮚Hbase and its importance in Hadoop frame work.
⮚History and Architecture of Hbase.
⮚Hbase components and their responsibilities.
⮚Hbase data storage model.
⮚Advantages and disadvantages of Hbase.
⮚Conclusion of the session
Why Hbase???

With the evolution of the internet web application scope was increased -
⮚ Huge volumes of structured and semi-structured data started getting generated.
⮚ Semi-structured data (emails, JSON, XML, and .csv files and exe files)
⮚ Loads of semi-structured data was created across the globe.
⮚ So storing and processing of this data became a major challenge.
Hadoop and its limitations
⮚Hadoop can perform only batch processing, and data will be accessed only in
a sequential manner.
⮚So if needed to access any data randomly then need a new access

✔New program tool added in Hadoop framework to provide the random

access to user.

▪ HBase
▪ Cassandra,
▪ CouchDB,
▪ Dynamo and MongoDB
• HBase is an open-source NoSQL database and Part of the Hadoop framework.
• Similar to Google’s big table. Initially, it was Google Big Table, afterward; it was
renamed as HBase .
• Hbase is primarily written in Java and needed for real-time Big Data
• HBase is a distributed column-oriented non-relational database management
system that runs on top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
• HBase is a column-oriented database and the tables in it are sorted by row.
• The table schema defines only column families, which are the key value pairs.
• It uses log storage with the Write-Ahead Logs (WAL).
• It supports fast random access and heavy writing competency.

How is HBase different from other NoSQL models

• HBase stores data in the form of key/value pairs in a columnar model. In this
model, all the columns are grouped together as Column families.
• HBase on top of Hadoop will increase the throughput and performance of
distributed cluster set up.
• Provides faster random reads and writes operations.
Features of Hbase
• Horizontally scalable: Can add any number of columns anytime.
• Automatic Failover: Allows a system administrator to automatically switch
data handling to a standby system in the event of system compromise/failure.
• Integrations with Map/Reduce framework: Al the commands and java codes
internally implement Map/ Reduce to do the task and it is built over Hadoop
Distributed File System.
• It doesn't enforce relationships within your data.
• It is designed to run on a cluster of computers, built using commodity
• HBase is built for low latency operations
History of HBase
• In Nov 2006, Google released the paper on BigTable.
• Feb 2007, Initial HBase prototype was created as a Hadoop
• Oct 2007, The first usable HBase along with Hadoop 0.15.0 was
• Jan 2008, HBase became the sub project of Hadoop.
• Oct 2008, HBase 0.18.1 was released.
• Jan 2009, HBase 0.19.0 was released.
• Sept 2009, HBase 0.20.0 was released.
• May 2010, HBase became Apache top-level project.
HBase existence in the Hadoop Ecosystem
HBase Table – To store data

HBase: Keys and Column Families

Each record is divided into Column Families

Each row has a Key

Each column family consists of one or more Columns

Example- Storage Mechanism in HBase

⮚HBase is a column-oriented database.

⮚Data is store in form of table.
HBase Architecture

❖Apache Zookeeper monitors the system.

❖HBase Master assigns regions and load balancing.
❖The Region server serves data to read and write.
❖The Region Server is all the different computers in the Hadoop cluster.
❖It consists of Region, HLog, Store, Memory Store, and different files.
❖All this is a part of the HDFS storage system.
HBase - Components

HBase has three major components -

1. Master servers. 2. Region server 3. Zookeeper
1. HMaster

• HMaster in HBase is the implementation of a Master server in HBase.

• It acts as a monitoring agent to monitor all Region Server instances present in the cluster and acts
as an interface for all the metadata changes.
• In a distributed cluster environment, Master runs on Name Node.
Responsibilities of a HMaster in HBase architecture

a. Coordinating the region servers as following -

Assigns Regions on startup.
Recovery and load balancing.
Monitors all RegionServer instances in the HBase Cluster.
b. Admin functions
When a client wants to change any schema or change in Metadata operations,
HMaster takes responsibility for these operations as follow-
• Table (create able, removeTable, enable, disable)
• ColumnFamily (add Column, modify Column)
• Region (move, assign)
2. Regions & Regions Server

⮚Table is split According to rowkey Scope

horizontal to several region. (Start to end key)
⮚After split rows are called region and these
Regions are assigned to certain nodes in the cluster
for management is called Region Server.
• They are responsible for processing data read and
write requests.
• Each Region Server can manage about 1000
⮚HRegion Server is the Region Server
⮚Responsible for serving and managing regions or
data that is present in a distributed cluster.
⮚Region servers run on Data Nodes present in the
Hadoop cluster.
How Regions splits
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id age Name
1 Amit 25 Bsc 76 HCL Project Lead
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3 Varsha 35 MTech 75 Wipro Project Engineer

HBase Regions & Regions Server ..

⮚When HBase Region Server receives writes and read requests from the client, it
assigns the request to a specific region, where the actual column family resides.
⮚Client can directly contact with HRegion servers, there is no need of HMaster
mandatory permission to the client regarding communication with HRegion servers.
⮚The client requires HMaster help when operations related to metadata and schema
changes are required.

❖HMaster can get into contact with multiple HRegion servers and performs the
following functions.

▪ Hosting and managing regions

▪ Splitting regions automatically
▪ Handling read and writes requests
▪ Communicating with the client directly
Region Server
⮚Region Server runs on HDFS DataNode and Responsible for processing data read and write requests.
⮚If Client required any data then he will directly interacts with Region Server.
⮚Regions are tables that are split up and spread across the region servers.

Components of Region server :

⮚WAL (Write Ahead Log) is a file on a

distributed file system for Storing new
⮚Block Cache - This is the read cache.
Memory The most frequently accessed
data is stored in the LRU (Least Current
Used) cache.
⮚MemStore - This is the write cache,
in Memory.
⮚Hfile -Store HBase data on hard disk
(HDFS). 20
3.Hbase- Zookeeper
• Hbase use Zookeeper to coordinate shared state information for members of
distributed systems.
• Active HMaster and Region servers, connects with a session to Zookeeper.
• For active sessions ZooKeeper maintains ephemeral nodes by using heartbeats.
• Zookeeper maintains which servers are healthily available and notifies them when
the server fails.
• Ephemeral nodes mean znodes which exist as long as the session which created the
znode is active and then znode is deleted when the session ends.
• Zookeeper uses a consistency protocol to ensure the consistency of the distributed
• Each Region Server in HBase Architecture produces an ephemeral node. Further, to
discover available region servers and HMaster shall monitors these nodes.
• Active HMaster sends heartbeats to Zookeeper.
Working Process of Zookeeper

1. Active HMaster
2. Inactive Hmaster
❖ HBase META Table
• META Table is a special HBase Catalog Table. Basically, it holds the location of the
regions in the HBase Cluster.
• It keeps a list of all Regions in the system.
• Structure of the .META. table is as follows:
• Key: region start key, region id
• Values: RegionServer
Hbase Table parameters

• Tables: Data is stored in a table format in Hbase.

• Row Key: Row keys are used to search records which make searches
• Column Families: Various columns are combined in a column family.
These column families are stored together which makes the searching
process faster because data belonging to same column family can be
accessed together in a single seek.
• Column Qualifiers: Each column’s name is known as its column
• Cell: Data is stored in cells.
• Timestamp: Timestamp is a combination of date and time. Whenever
data is stored, it is stored with its timestamp.
HDFS vs. HBase


HDFS is a Java-based file system HBase is a Java based No-SQL

utilized for storing large data sets. database.

HDFS has a rigid architecture that HBase allows for dynamic

does not allow changes. It doesn’t changes and can be utilized for
facilitate dynamic storage. standalone applications.

HDFS is ideally suited for write- HBase is ideally suited for random
once and read-many times use write and read of data that is
cases stored in HDFS.
HBase - Read
• A Read against HBase must be
reconciled between the HFiles,
• The Block Cache is designed to
keep frequently accessed data
from the HFiles in memory so as
to avoid disk reads.
• Each column family has its own
Block Cache.
Block: It is the smallest indexed
unit of data and is the smallest
unit of data that can be read from
disk. default size 64KB.
Hbase - Write

When a write is
made, by default,
it goes into two
⮚write-ahead log
(WAL), Hlog.
write buffer,
Advantages of HBase
❖ Hbase designed to store Denormalized Data.
❖ Hbase Supports Automatic Partitioning
❖ Strong consistency model– All readers will see same value, while a write returns.
❖ Scales automatically
– While data grows too large, Regions splits automatically.
– To spread and replicate data, it uses HDFS.
❖ Built-in recovery – It uses Write Ahead Log for recovery.
❖ Integrated with Hadoop
❖ Hbase is schema-less, no data model has been defined.
❖ Hbase has the ability to perform Random read and write operations.
❖ Hbase provides data replication across clusters for higher availability.
❖ Feature random access (internal hash table) to stores data in HDFS files for faster
Disadvantages of HBase

• Single point of failure - If HMaster goes down, complete cluster will be fail
and no work/task will be performed.
• Cannot perform functions like SQL and doesn’t support SQL structure.
• Does not contain any query optimizer
• Does not support for transaction.
• Business continuity reliability
– Write Ahead Log replay very slow.
– Also, a slow complex crash recovery.
• Joining and normalization is very difficult to perform.
• Very difficult to store large binary data.
Real Time Example of HBase-Facebook

How Facebook use Hbase to store user data

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