Different Lesson Plan

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EEd 103

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

 A detailed lesson plan is exactly that, a detailed description of the exact steps
on how to teach a specific topic. A DLP includes five parts of through
explanation on, lesson topic, class objectives, procedure, time management,
and student’s practices.Lesson topic – is the subject you’re focusing on for the
duration of the lesson.

 The topic is typically a short section of the lesson plan, as you simply list the
subject of lesson’s focus.
 Class objectives – a course objectives describe what a faculty members will
cover in a course. They are generally less broad that goals and more broad
than student learning outcomes.
 Procedure – is an in depth explanation of how the lesson will progress in the
classroom. The lesson procedure is essentially stop by step instructions that
walk you through everything from the time students enter the classroom until
the bell rings at the end of the period.
 Time management – making sure a lesson runs on time. Making sure the
lessons aims for each lesson is understood. Making sure reviews at the end
of session have been completed.
 Student Practices – Learning activities, assessment to check for student
Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan
 This type of plan is still quite structured and identifies a focus but provides
less specifics than a DLP. It could consist of a topic, objectives and student
practice, but perhaps the procedures or ways of teaching the topic, are a little
less defined.

 Lesson topic – What will be taught?

 Objective – What will be guided?
 Student’s practice – How will students engaged with the topic?
4 A’s Lesson Plan
 The collaborative effort of the students and teachers is a must in order to
make a meaningful and creative learning and 4A’s could be one of the most
useful tools toward it. It acknowledges the past schemes of the student and
integrating it to a new one so most likely this format will being out what has
been in stored and what is missing will be filled in eventually towards a deeper
knowledge of the lesson.
 Activity – this will being understanding to what the learners already know and
clarity to what learners should learn further.
 Analysis – a more in-depth understanding of the lesson, it is another phase
where the students will process and classify what is valid and not. The
teachers on this part will ask further questions and will also lead as a
facilitator rather than more lecturing and sharing facts and ideas.
 Abstraction – the teacher on this part will now focus entirely on the lesson
being prescuted and ask more lead questions to lead the students in
reinforcing what they know and should know more.
 Application – The world itself describes the stage as bringing the student to a
more practical way of using How are they going to use what they have
learned and thinking of new ways on how it can be improve further.
Understanding by Design (UBD)
 Understanding by design is more of a framework. This “backward design”
looks at outcomes first to design curriculum units and is focused on improving
students achievement using it. UBL includes understanding and essential
questions for students. UBL also includes procedure and evaluation as well as
particular activities but only in the learning place.
 Stage 1: Desired Results
1. Establish goals
2. Understandings
3. Essential questions
4. “Students will know”
5. “Students will be able to”
 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
1. Performance tasks
2. Other evidence
 Stage 3: Learning Plan
 Learning plan composes both the learning activities and WHERE TO
elements which include:

 Where are we going? What’s expected of this lesson?

 How will we hook students in?
 Equip students for expected performances
 Rethink/revise – what are likely or predictable misunderstanding giving to be
in this list.
 Evaluation – how will children self-evaluate and reflect on their learning?
 Tailor learning to varied needs, interests and learning styles.
 Organize sequence learning

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