Principle of Teaching Methods

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Principle of teaching methods

1.What is planning? What should be considered in instructional planning? -As a process begins with objectives and define strategies, policies and detailed plan to achieve the desired results. 2. What is mapping? Identify its characteristics. -Identifies and details the content, concepts, skills and sometimes, values to be taught for entire course. 3. Enumerates some important guidelines in mapping. -Be sure you understand the rational of the course in the context of goals of the school. -Be sure you understand the objectives if the course, according to DepEd or districts guidelines. -Clarify the focus of the course designed to stress subject matter. -Determine if there is special need (special audience, special instructional program) -Identify the important components :context concepts skills and values. 4. What are the various components of instructional planning. -The teacher attitudes beliefs orientation and teachers social background. -The pupils background knowledge motivational level of interest. -The type of content that influences the planning process textbook and other instructional materials.

-The learning content which is characterized by the subjects matter guidelines. -Materials resource which include equipments tools for teaching. 5.Discuss the importance of instructional planning. -Instructional planning provides an overview of instructional by way of presenting a clean total picture -Provides for logical sequence and pacing of lessons -Economizes cost time and energy -Provides for a variety of instructional objectives. -Creates the opportunity for higher level of questioning. 6. What is a unit plan? What are its components. -A unit plan is a blueprint of clarify what content will be taught by what learning experiences during a specified period of time. -Components of the unit plan -Objectives -Content -Skills -Learning Activities -Resource and Materials. 7. Enumerates the various guidelines for developing unit plan. -Review with class the required objectives for the unit. -Pretest learners on terminal behavior for the unit. -Score and record pretest results

-Conduct a brief (about 5 times) overview of each objectives for the day -Bring class together each day (lesson) for summary or review or closing activity -Move the learners into different groups as they master the objectives. 8. What is a lesson plan? What is its primary purpose. -Lesson plan is a very important tool of a teacher. It is a guide which includes the aims and objectives. Subject matters, materials and devices to be used. Primary purpose. -Is to provides a frameworks for the lesson, help realize aims and objectives. 9. What are the prerequisites in preparing a good lesson? -Adequate knowledge of the subject matter. -Knowing the nature of the pupils/students. -Familiarity with the variety of teaching strategies and different methods. -Materials and teaching aids and devices that will facilitate the teaching-learning process -Thorough understanding of the objectives that relate to thrusts of the Philippine Education. 10. What should be included in the taxonomy of educational objectives for effective domains. -Receiving. The learners is to be sensitive to the existence of certain phenomena and stimuli that is. He is willing to pay attention and receive them. -Responding. At this stage. The concern is with responses by way of teaching to an event through participation. -Valuing. The behavior categorized at this level is concerned

-Organizing . As the individual learners continuously organized and internalizes values -Characterization. At this level of internalization, acts in accordance with the accepted value becomes part of personality of the individual.

Principles of teaching methods

1. What is developmental lesson? What method may be utilized for formal type? The Informal type? -The developmental lesson is a type of something to be learned in which a new idea is presented and develop. Formal type- The formal development lesson utilized deductive and inductive methods. Informal type- Does not use any particular methods with definite steps. 2. Identify the steps in an informal development lesson. -Preparation. This stage consist of the cognitive and motivational aspects of the lesson where the teacher usually reviews or recalls facts or information and experiences related to the new lesson. -Presentation. The teacher directs the learners learning activities by way of presenting motivational questions. -Application. This is the stage to determine whether the learners have learned or not. 3. What are the conditions necessary to a good development lesson? Mastery of the subjects matter by the teacher. Recall of previous experiences that have direct learning on the new lesson. The teachers clear picture of what is to be perceived, presented, execute and developed.

4. What is review lesson? What are the objectives for a review lesson?

Inasmuch as the review lesson involves recall reorganization reintegration and establishing relationship of varied experiences of related facts and information. Several methods may be utilized. A review requires careful planning and execution. -Time frame of review. There is no infinite time for the review. It can be given when there is a need. -Length of review. There is no limits for the review. However the daily review may only be for a few minutes; while the review at the end of unit may be long. -Preparation for the review. The review lesson should be well prepare taking into consideration the necessary steps.

5. Identify the conditions for a good review. The review be of value to the learners. The learners must know the fundamental objectives of the review. The review must stimulate interest. It must not be a repetition of facts and information that the learners have require and understood but should be interesting The review should adhere to pedagogical and psychological principles of learning 6. What is a drill lesson? What is its nature and purpose? -The lesson drill is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habits, attitudes and skill to fix association for permanency or to perfect a certain degree a particular skill. 7. What is the distinction between a drill lesson from the review lesson?

8. What principles should be followed in drill lesson?

Utilization of the principles of learning. Way of conducting the drill Standards

9. What is a supervised study? How can this type of lesson be made successful? This supervised study lesson is one whose primary objectives it to teach learners how to study a given subject effectively under the direction and guidance of the teacher.

10.What is an appreciation lesson? How can the appreciation lesson be made effective? An appreciation lesson is design to instruct the class to understand An appreciation lesson should focus on developing desirable values.

Principles of teaching methods

1. Why are methods important in teaching? Methods as a concepts is perhaps as old as the beginning of education. The Socratic method. A dialectical method employed be Socrates to develop a latent Idea or to illicit admission from an opponent is still used today 2. Compare the individual and deductive methods.

Inductive-is simply an investigation method. Deductive-is the reverse of the inductive method. 3. Enumerate the five steps used in the inductive method and explain. Preparation-this step involves the appreciation. Presentation-this is the step where specific cases are presented before the student/pupils. Comparison and abstraction-this is the step where the common element among the cases is deduced. Generalization-this common fact deduced from the specific instances is stated as a generalization. Application- this is the last step and tests the childrens understanding of the principles just developing. 4. What is the difference between a project and a problem?

A project may be considered ended when the mental solution is finally achieved.

A problem need intellectual and physical solution. 5. How is the laboratory method related to experimental method? Laboratory method-This is a set of first hand learning activity where in the individual investigation a problem. Experimental-is aimed to train pupils/student in solving problems coupled with acquisition. 6. Identify the classification of project and be able to explain.

Construction project-the pupils /student are motivated to conceptual ideas and put it in concrete form. Enjoyment project-the motivation is direct involvement in an activity that is usually accompanied by satisfaction. Problem project-the motivation is to master some intellectual difficulty which originates from the learners Learning projects-these are learning activities initiated by the individual toward the acquisition of some knowledge or developmental skill. 7. What are the steps in a project method? Explain your answer. Purposing Planning Execution Evaluating 8. What is a unit method? Enumerate its steps. Exploration Presentation

Assimilation Organization The recitation

9. How does the demonstration lesson differ from laboratory method. The teacher does the experiment before the class or the student. 10.How can the expository method be effective? Cite some instructional strategies.

Relate the new experience to the old ones It is important to bear in mind that explaining connotes interpreting The material that are needed should be properly chosen and organized so as to allow thinking with case.

Principles In teaching methods

Je-rome laudato M. Ms. Violeta C. Gutierrez

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