Ucsp Notes Mod 6

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Global Warming
Global Warming  It also refers to the rise in sea level
caused by warmer oceans expanding
 When carbon dioxide (CO2) and
and melting ice sheets and glaciers.
other air pollutants and greenhouse
 Climate change is a result of global
gases build up in the atmosphere,
warming, and it poses a severe threat
they absorb sunlight and solar energy
to human life on the planet in the
that has bounced off the earth's
form of widespread flooding and
surface, resulting in global warming.
catastrophic weather.
 The term "global warming" refers to
a gradual rise in the average III. Adaptation
temperature of the Earth's
atmosphere and oceans, a Adaptation to Climate Change
phenomenon that is thought to be Ways to adapt the situation of global
irreversibly altering the Earth's warming.
climate. It has now become a major
issue for the entire environment. It is 1. Practice conservation of natural
mostly caused by the greenhouse resources
effect. 2. Reduce pollution and waste
3. Reuse water
Effects of global warming: 4. Recycle products
• Temperature rises on average 5. Conserve energy

• Seasonal changes
• Severity of harsh weather events.
• Water and food shortages,
• Increased health risks,
• Coastal inundation,
• Increased frequency and intensity of
cyclones and hurricanes are all factors to Global Responses
Adaptation is a long-term process of
making lasting changes in response to
climate change, with strong policy
connections to economic development,
II. Climate Change poverty reduction, and disaster management
measures. At the international, national,
 Changes in weather patterns and regional, municipal, and community levels,
growing seasons all around the world successful adaptation programs will include
are referred to as climate change. long-term thinking and consideration of
climate change implications. Climate change migration within Philippine
vulnerabilities, relevant technologies, society.
capability, and local coping strategies, as  The goal of sending a million
well as government policies and actions, workers per year indicates that
must all be considered in adaptation migration will play a significant
planning. role in the country's long-term
development plans and prospects.

IV. Transnational Migration and

Overseas Filipino Worker Disadvantages of Transnational
 Transnational migration occurs when
• Include anxiety about destabilizing impacts
people move from one country to
of migrations and families.
another while maintaining their
social ties. • Delegation of responsibility to
 Migration is a source and result of grandparents / nannies to care for their
larger development processes, as children.
well as a fundamental component of
• Apprehensions about materialism, etc.
our globalizing world.
 Trans-migrants are immigrants
whose everyday lives are reliant on
many and continuous
interconnections across international
borders, and whose public identities
are shaped by multiple nation-states.
Factors of Transnational Migration
• Overpopulation
• Poverty
• Underemployment,
• Unemployment, and
• Low wage level

Advantages of Transnational
 they provide the country with
greater economic benefits;
nonetheless, there has been much
conjecture about the costs of

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