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EMC 1 Practical

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Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Expt No.:-01 Date :-/ /

AIM :-To perform Polarity test on single phase transformer.

Electrical Machine – I 1 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

EXPT. No.:-01 DATE :- / /

TITLE: -Polarity test on single phase transformer.
AIM :-To perform Polarity test on single phase transformer.
Sr.No. Apparatus Range Type Qty.

1 1Ø transformer

2 1Ø Auto transformer
3 Voltmeter
4 Voltmeter

On the primary of two winding transformer, one terminal is positive with respect
to other terminal of any one instant at the same terminal of secondary winding is
positive with respect to other terminal. The relation polarity of first and second
terminal of any instant must known of the transformer are able to operate in 11KVA are
due to use in polyphase circuit.
Here A1& A2 are H.V. winding terminals & a1& a2 are L.V. winding terminals
where A1& a1 are having higher potential & A2& a2 are at lower potential. For this test
one terminal of L.V. & H.V. winding each are short circuited & remaining two
terminals are connected through a voltmeter which will show result, if it is V1 – V2,
then V2 is opposing V1 by which, it is clear that the two terminals have opposite
polarity i.e. if one is at higher potential & other is at lower potential. Here we get
subtractive polarity.
If the voltmeter reading is V1 + V2, then it is clear that the two terminals have
same polarity i.e. both terminals are at higher potential. Here we get additive polarity.

1) Make the connection shown in fig.
2) Connect A1 & A2.
3) Switch ‘ON’ the supply.
4) Increase the output voltage varies up to 50% at the rated voltage.
5) Measure the first voltage V1 and between A1 & A2 with the help of voltmeter.
6) Compare reading of voltmeter.
7) If V1 & VA2a2 so it will be subtractive polarity otherwise additional polarity.
8) Switch ‘OFF’ the supply & remove connections.

Electrical Machine – I 2 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon


Sr. No. V (Input) V(Output) Polarity



Q – 1) Why polarity test of transformer is required?

Electrical Machine – I 3 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Q – 2) What do you mean by polarity test ?

Q – 3) Give two type of polarity test?

Signature of Subject in-charge Grade

Electrical Machine – I 4 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Electrical Machine – I 5 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Expt. No.:-02 Date :- / /

AIM :-To Verify turn ratio of transformer.

Electrical Machine – I 6 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

EXPT. No.:-02 DATE :- / /

TITLE: -To Verify turn ratio of transformer.
AIM :-To perform test on single phase transformer for finding its turns ratio.

Sr.No. Apparatus Range Type Qty.
Single Phase
2. Voltmeter
3. Voltmeter
4. Variac

The transformer is a static device which is utilized to change the system voltage &
current according to requirement. It consists of two windings namely high voltage winding &
low voltage winding. There is definite number of turn in each winding depending up on the
requirement of supply system. The increase or decrease in output voltage or current at
secondary of transformer depending on the ratio of number turns present in both windings.
This turn ratio is also called as the transformation ratio, it is indicated by ‘K’.
The turn ratio or transformation ratio is calculated as the ratio of number of turns of
secondary winding to thenumber of turns of primary winding. As its practically not possible to
measure the number of turns of both winding physically, we will find the their ratio by taking
the help of terminal voltages of both windings.
𝑁2 𝑉
𝐾= = 2
𝑁1 𝑉1
1) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the fig.
2) Ensure that the variac is at zero position before switching ON the supply.
3) By using variac gradually increase voltage applied to primary of transformer in
steps upto its rated value. For this refer voltmeter reading.
4) Note down the readings of both voltmeters.
5) Bring variac to its zero position. Switch off the supply & disconnect the circuit.

Electrical Machine – I 7 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Sr. Primary voltage Secondary voltage
No. (V1) (V2)






Sr. Primary voltage Secondary voltage Turns Ratio Average of
No. (V1) (V2) = (V2 / V1) Turns Ratio






Electrical Machine – I 8 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon


Q – 1) What do you mean by the transformation ratio of transformer?

Q – 2) The ratings of a single phase, 50 Hz transformer are 15 kVA, 6600 / 220 volt.What
is the transformation ratio of this transformer?

Signature of Subject in-charge

Electrical Machine – I 9 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Electrical Machine – I 10 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Expt. No.:-03 Date :-/ /

TITLE :-Direct loading test on single phase transformer.

Electrical Machine – I 11 Department of Electrical Engg.

S.S.G.B.C.O.E.T., Bhusawal.

EXPT. No.:-03 DATE :- / /

TITLE: - Direct loading test on single phase transformer.
AIM :- To perform Direct loading test on single phase transformer to determine efficiency
& Voltage regulation.
Sr.No. Apparatus Range Type Qty.

1 1Ø transformer

2 1Ø Auto transformer
3 Wattmeter
4 Voltmeter
5 Voltmeter
6 Ammeter
7 Ammeter
8 Lamp Load
9 Connecting wires

When the transformer is loaded, its terminal voltage changes. The change in
terminal voltage depends on magnitude & power factor of the load, in other words, it
depends on load impedance (i. e. the magnitude & the angle). The drop in terminal
voltage with constant current will be large with lagging p.f., will be less at unity p.f. but
voltage will increase with lading p.f. The variable or load dependant losses are copper
losses which vary as the square of winding currents.

The expression for regulation is;

E2 – V2
% Regulation × 100

E2 = Secondary voltage at no load
V2 = Secondary voltage at load

The efficiency of transformer is given by;

% η = Output Input

Electrical Machine – I 15 Department of Electrical Engg.

S.S.G.B.C.O.E.T., Bhusawal.

× 100

Electrical Machine – I 16 Department of Electrical Engg.

S.S.G.B.C.O.E.T., Bhusawal.

1) Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2) Keep the load OFF connected to secondary.
3) Switch ON the A. C. supply.
4) Apply the rated voltage by adjusting the auto transformer.
5) Take the no load readings of all the meters.
6) Increase the load gradually in steps & note down readings of all the meters for
respective load.
7) Decrease the load gradually & turn it OFF.
8) Switch OFF the supply.

Primary Side Secondary Side
V1 I1 W1 V2 I2 W2
No. (Volts) (Amps) (Watts) (Volts) (Amps) (Watts)


% Regulation E2 – V2
× 100
= V2

% Regulation =

%η × 100

Electrical Machine – I 17 Department of Electrical Engg.

S.S.G.B.C.O.E.T., Bhusawal.

%η= × 100
Primary Side Secondary Side Result
V1 W1 V2 W2 Regulation Efficiency
No. (Volts) (Watts) (Volts) (Watts) (%) (%)


Q – 1) What are various types of losses taking place in transformers?

Electrical Machine – I 18 Department of Electrical Engg.

S.S.G.B.C.O.E.T., Bhusawal.

Q – 2) What are the various causes of voltage drop in transformers?

Q – 3) If a transformer is loaded by purely capacitive load, what is the expected

regulation & efficiency?

Signature of Subject in-charge

Electrical Machine – I 19 Department of Electrical Engg.

Expt. No.:-04 Date :-/ /
AIM :-Indirect loadingtest on single phase transformer to determine regulation
Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

EXPT. No.:-04 DATE :- / /

TITLE: -Indirect loading test ontest of single phase transformer.
AIM :- To perform Open Circuit and Short Circuittest of single phase transformer to
determine regulation andefficiency
Sr.No. Apparatus Range Type Qty.
Single Phase
2. Voltmeter
3. Ammeter
4. Wattmeter
5. Variac

Open circuit & short circuit test on single phase transformer
The performance of any machine can be judged by carrying out certain tests on it.
For small capacity machines, we can apply direct loading methods where one can
actually operate the machine at all loading conditions & check its performance. But in
large machines, as the power handled is large, it is sometimes not economical &
feasible to test for the machine by direct loading method. Instead we can use indirect
loading to test the machine.
OC/SC test is an indirect method where open circuit conditions stand for no load
conditions & short circuit conditions stand for full load condition respectively. These
are two an extreme operating condition at which machine is tested & its performance at
any other load in this range is assumed & predicted based on these tests results.
We can study performance of single phase alternator using this equivalent circuit
which contains four main parameters.

Electrical Machine – I 23 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

1) R01equivalent resistance as referred to primary(or secondary R02)

2) X01 equivalent leakage reactance as referred to primary(or secondary X02)
3) The core loss resistance R0 and
4) Magnetizing reactance X0.

The equivalent circuit by transferring exiting circuit to the input terminals

is as follows;

Iµ = Magnetizing current.
Iω = Iron loss component of no load current.
The iron loss is represented by current Iω flowing through R0& power required for
managing the core is represented by current Iµ flowing through the reactance X0.
V2 = Secondary terminal voltage.
V’2 = 2
I2 = Secondary load current.
I’2= I2K
R’2= 2
X’2= hence
Z’2 =
Where K = Transformation ratio =
O.C.& S.C. tests are very economical and convenient because they furnish the
required information without actually loading the transformer.

Electrical Machine – I 25 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Open circuit no load test:

The purpose of this test is to determine no load orb core loss and no load current
I0 which is helpful in finding X0and R0. In this test generally high voltage winding is
left open and other is connected to a supply of normal rated voltage & frequency. A
wattmeter W0 voltmeter V0& ammeter A0 are connected in low voltage winding. With
rated voltage applied to primary, rated flux will be set up in the core hence rated iron
losses will occur which is recorded by the wattmeter. As primary load current I0 is
small copper loss is negligibly small in primary & nil in secondary (being open). Hence
wattmeter reading represents practically the core loss under no load conditions (and
which is the same for all loads conditions as the net flux passing the core is constant)
the no load phasor diagram is as follows:
W0 = Wattmeter reading.
V0 = Voltmeter Reading = Primary applied voltage= V1
Ø0 = Power factor angle
I0 = Ammeter reading.
W0 = V1I0cos Ø0
Iµ = I0sin Ø0&Iω = I0cos Ø0

X0= V1 V1
& R =
I a I
Short circuit test:-
This test is carried out to determine X01, R01& Z01 (equivalent impedance) of
transformer as referred to primary copper loss, efficiency & regulation of transformer.
In this test one winding (usually low voltage winding) is solidly shot
circuited by thick conductor or through ammeter. This meter is also used for knowing
the rated load current. A low voltage usually 5 to 10% of rated primary voltage is
applied to the full load currents are circulated in primary & secondary. Since in this test
the applied voltage is a small % of normal voltage, the mutual flux Ø produced is also a
small % of its normal value. Hence core losses are very small with the result that
wattmeter reading represents full load copper loss for the transformer. The equivalent
circuit & the phasor diagram of transformer under short circuit condition is as shown

Open Circuit Test :-
1) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the fig. 1 for OC test.
2) Keep secondary winding of transformer open & through variac gradually
increase voltage applied to primary of transformer to its rated value. For this
refer voltmeter reading.
3) Note down ammeter, voltmeter & wattmeter readings.
4) Bring variac to its zero position. Switch off the supply & disconnect the circuit.
Short circuit test:-
1) Calculate the rated primary & secondary current from KVA rating of the
2) Connect the circuit as shown in the fig. 2 for SC test.

Electrical Machine – I 26 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon
3) Short circuit secondary winding of the transformer.

Electrical Machine – I 27 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

4) Apply the voltage with the help of variac till ammeter indicates rated full load
5) Note down reading of ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter.
6) Bring variac to zero position, switch off the supply & disconnect the circuit.
Multiplying factor of wattmeter
MF =
Full scaledeflectionon thewattmeterscale

Open Circuit Test:-

Primary Side Secondary Side
Sr. Wattmete Power =
Voltage Current voltage
No. r reading W0 × MF
V0 volt I0 Ampere V2 volts
W0 watts Woc Watt

Short Circuit Test:-

Primary Side Secondary Side
Sr. Wattmeter Power =
Voltage Current Current
No. reading W0 × MF
Vsc volt Isc Ampere I2 Ampere
Wsc watts Wsc Watt

Open Circuit Test:
Wattmeter Reading × MF =
Woc = Core loss watt
Woc= VocIoccosØoc
= watt
cosØoc = I =
Voc oc
 Woc 
Øoc = cos-1  
 Voc Ioc 

Electrical Machine – I 28 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Iω= I0× cosØoc

Iµ = I0×sin Øoc

R0 =

X0 =

Short Circuit Test:

Wsc = Wattmeter reading × MF
Wsc = = Copper loss (Watts)
Wsc= VscIsccosØsc

Øsc W
=cos-1[ V Isc ]
sc sc

Wsc = (Isc) ×R01
R = =
(Isc) 2

X01 =

% Regulation = I1R01 cos ØV

sc  I1 X01 sin Øsc
1 Load

x KVA Rating  1000  cosØsc

 100
% Efficiency =
x KVA Rating  1000 cosØsc  Woc  (Wsc x2 )
Electrical Machine – I 29 Department of Electrical Engg.
Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon


Sr.No. Load conditions Power Factor % Regulation % Efficiency

1. 50 % of Full Load 0.8 lagging

2. 75 % of Full Load Unity

3. Full Load 0.8 Leading


Q – 1) Why flux through the core of transformer is practically constant?

Electrical Machine – I 30 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Q – 2) What is the advantage of o.c. &s.c. test over direct loading test of transformer for
finding out the efficiency and regulation?

Signature of Subject in-charge

Electrical Machine – I 31 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

AIM :-O.C and S.C test of single phase transformer to determine regulation and efficiency.

Fig. 1 Open Circuit Test

Fig. 2 Short Circuit Test

Electrical Machine – I 32 Department of Electrical Engg.

Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon

Z 0101 R 2

Electrical Machine – I 33 Department of Electrical Engg.

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