Evapco Equipment Layout Manual Brochure 311-E 04175
Evapco Equipment Layout Manual Brochure 311-E 04175
Evapco Equipment Layout Manual Brochure 311-E 04175
Minimizing Legionella
Proper positioning of the cooling tower, as well as a regular
maintenance program are essential to minimize the potential for
growth of Legionella bacteria in the cooling tower. The cooling
tower should be located away from fresh air intakes, operable
windows, kitchen exhaust, and prevailing winds directed toward
public areas. The cooling tower should have a water treatment
program, and must be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. If
the cooling tower is to be idle for extended periods, it should be
drained. If draining is not practical, a system shock with a biocide
is required prior to running the fans.
Consult local authorities for specific regulations.
Induced Draft Counterflow Unit Layout
Single Unit Installations The conditions shown in Figures 1 & 2 can be corrected by
elevating the unit on structural steel so that the top of the fan
The best place to locate any cooling tower is on a roof by itself.
cowl is equal to or higher than the adjacent structures, as
However, when this is not possible, correct layout guidelines
shown in Figure 3. Fan cowl extensions can also be provided
must be followed to provide a satisfactory installation.
to elevate the fan discharge of the cooling tower to the proper
The first item to consider is the position of the unit with respect height, as shown in Figure 4. For installations where neither
to other structures. The top of the cooling tower must be equal to of these options are possible, an experienced engineering
or higher than any adjacent walls, buildings or other structures. decision must be made regarding the potential of a
When the top of the unit is lower than the surrounding structures performance impact.
(Figure 1 & 2), recirculation can be a major problem. If the unit is
on the windward side, as shown in Figure 1, the discharge air will CORRECT
be forced against the building and then spread in all directions,
WIND downward, toward the air inlets.
Figure AIR of Unit Is
4 - Fan Discharge Elevated so Top
INLETS INLETS AIR Higher Than Top of Wall AIR
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
D5 D4 D4
D3 D7
Figure 15
D8 D8
Figure 5 Figure 16
Figure 6
Single Unit
D7 D3 D7
D7 D7 D4 D4
D3 D4
D7 D3 D7
Figure 7 Figure 17 D8 D8
Figure 18
Figure 8
† The guidelines set forth in Tables 1 & 2 are to be used exclusively for EVAPCO equipment. Data from factory testing is based on air discharge velocities and
air intake areas that are specific to EVAPCO equipment. Therefore, this data is NOT to be applied to other manufacturers’ evaporative cooling equipment. How-
ever, any nearby equipment that is either intaking or discharging air will affect the overall layout. Please contact the factory with any questions on how to space
around other manufacturer’s equipment.
Table 1 - Dimensions D1 – D4 Table 2 - Dimensions D5 – D8
0,9 and 1,2 m Wide Models 0,9 and 1,2 m Wide Models
Minimum Dimensions Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units (m) D5 D6 D7 D8
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 All Units 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6
All Units 0,6 0,6 0,6 1,8 0,6
1,8 and 2,6 m Wide Models
1,8 and 2,6 m Wide Models
Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
Minimum Dimensions (m) D5 D6 D7 D8
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 to 5,5 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
to 11 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 6,4 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1
11 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,8 1,8 7,3 & 8,5 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,2
12,8 0,9 1,2 0,9 1,8 1,8 11,0 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,4
12,8 0,9 1,2 0,9 1,5
3 and 3,7 m Wide Models
Minimum Dimensions 3 and 3,7 m Wide Models
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 (m) D5 D6 D7 D8
to 8,5 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 to 6,1 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
11 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,8 2,1 7,3 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1
12,2 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,8 2,3 8,5 0,9 1,1 1,1 1,2
12,8 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,8 2,4 11 & 12,2 0,9 1,4 1,1 1,5
16,5 0,9 1,5 1,2 1,8 3,0 12,8 0,9 1,5 1,1 1,7
18,3 0,9 1,7 1,2 1,8 3,0 16,5 0,9 1,7 1,1 1,8
4,3 m Wide Models 18,3 0,9 1,8 1,1 2,0
Minimum Dimensions 4,3 m Wide Models
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units Unit Length
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 Minimum Dimensions
(m) D5 D6 D7 D8
7,3 & 7,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8
7,3 & 7,9 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,4
14,6 & 15,8 0,9 1,5 1,2 1,8 2,7
14,6 & 15,8 1,1 1,8 1,2 2,0
21,9 & 23,8 1,2 2,1 1,5 1,8 3,7
21,9 & 23,8 1,4 2,1 1,5 2,4
4,6 to 5,2 m Wide Models
4,6 and 5,2 m Wide Models
Minimum Dimensions
Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 (m) D5 D6 D7 D8
All Units 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 MT 4,9 & 6,1 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,5
6 and 7,3 m Wide Models All Other Units 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
Minimum Dimensions
6 and 7,3 m Wide Models
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
(m) D5 D6 D7 D8
to 6,1 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8
7,3 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,0 2,1 3,7 & 4,3 1,2 0,9 1,4 1,4
8,5 1,1 1,4 2,1 2,1 2,4 5,5 1,2 1,1 1,4 1,2
11 & 12,2 1,4 1,8 2,7 2,7 3,4 6,1 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4
MT 6,1 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,5
8,5 m Wide Models 7,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,7
Minimum Dimensions 8,5 1,4 1,7 1,5 1,8
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units 11 & 12,2 1,7 2,1 1,8 2,3
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4
7,3 & 7,9 1,2 1,2 2,4 2,4 2,4 8,5 m Wide Models
14,6 & 15,8 1,5 1,8 2,7 2,7 4,0 Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
(m) D5 D6 D7 D8
12,8 m Wide Models
7,3 & 7,9 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,7
Minimum Dimensions
14,6 & 15,8 1,8 2,1 2,0 2,3
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 12,8 m Wide Models
7,9 5,5 1,8 10,1 #N/A 4,3 Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
(m) D5 D6 D7 D8
17,1 m Wide Models
7,9 2,4 6,7 2,7 7,3
Minimum Dimensions
Unit Length All Units All Units Towers Cond./Coolers* All Units
(m) D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 17,1 m Wide Models
7,9 5,8 1,8 11,9 #N/A 4,3 Unit Length Minimum Dimensions
(m) D5 D6 D7 D8
* Minimum D3 dimension for Condensers and Coolers Furnished with Pumps. 7,9 2,4 7,0 2,7 7,9
For units without pumps use D3 dimension for towers.
Dimension Key
D1, D5 & D7 – From Ends of Unit D2, D6 & D8 – From Sides of Unit D3 – Units End to End D4 – Units Side by Side
Special consideration is required for external service platform, see platform drawing for dimensions.
Special consideration is required for Pulse~Pure® and Smart Shield®, see Pulse~Pure® and Smart Shield® installation and operation manual for details.
For large installations please consult the factory.
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
Louvered Wall Enclosures Expansions to Existing Systems
Induced draft counterflow units can also be installed in Expansions to existing systems present the same concerns
enclosures with louvered or slotted walls (Figure 21). With this as multiple unit installations. However, there are additional
type of enclosure, the air flow patterns will be a mixture of the concerns that must be evaluated when planning a cooling
open type and well installations. The inlet air will be drawn from tower expansion. Since in an expansion the new unit may not
the top and through the louvers or slotted openings. be identical to the existing one, it is important to examine the
heights of the new and the existing units. Whenever possible,
Since the air will follow the path of least resistance, the
the tops of ALL of the units should be at the same level to
pressure drop through the louvers will determine how much
avoid recirculation from one unit to another. If the unit discharge
air is drawn from both areas. To minimize the potential for
heights are different one or a combination of the following
recirculation, it is better to draw most of the air through the
should be implemented. Either structural steel should be used
louvers. Therefore, it is important that the louvers are designed
to raise the air discharges of both units to the same level as
for minimum pressure drop. To achieve this goal, the velocity
shown in Figure 22, or a fan cowl should be added to the shorter
through the louvers should be maintained at or below
unit, or the units should be spaced further apart than normally
3 m/s, the louvers should have a minimum of 50% net free
area, and the air inlets should face the louvers.
Adequate spacing between the air inlets of the new and
The first step in checking a louvered type enclosure is to treat
existing units must be provided. The air inlets for induced draft
it as a well enclosure and calculate the downward air velocity
counterflow units are located on all four sides which may be
assuming that all the air must enter from the top. If the downward
different than the existing units. If this is the case, the guidelines
air velocity is equal to or less than 2 m/s., then the louvered
for the minimum spacing between units (Tables 1 & 2) should be
enclosure will work regardless of the size of the louvers.
increased to allow adequate airflow to all units.
Another important consideration in a system expansion is the
piping to both the existing and new units. For cooling towers
piped in parallel, the overflow levels of the new and existing
M units cold water basins MUST be at the same elevation.
This takes precedence over the equal air discharge
height requirement for induced draft units. In some cases,
fan cylinder extensions can be used so that the units have
approximately the same discharge heights. Equalizer lines must
be installed between adjacent units to balance the water levels
of the basins during operation.
For induced draft condensers and closed circuit coolers, the
discharge heights must be at the same elevation. Since each
unit has it own independent spray water recirculation system,
LOUVERS (ALL FOUR SIDES) maintaining the overflow levels of the cold water basins is not
by years of field experience, assumes that ALL the air is drawn
through the louvers. The total air flow (m3/s) for the unit is divided
by the net free louver area (m2). The resultant air velocity must AIR AIR
be 3 m/s. In addition to meeting this minimum louver velocity, AIR AIR
the installation must also meet the following requirements. INLET INLET
The minimum air inlet to louver dimension must be 0.9 m and
the minimum space requirements, for maintenance and unit
accessories, as shown on page 15, must also be maintained.
Figure 22 - Expansion to an Existing Installation
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
Single Unit Installations The conditions shown in Figures 23 & 24 can be corrected by
elevating the unit on structural steel so that the top is higher
The best place to locate any cooling tower is on a roof by itself.
than the adjacent structures, as shown in Figure 25. Fan cowl
However, when this is not possible, correct layout guidelines
extensions can also be provided to elevate the fan discharge of
must be followed to provide a satisfactory installation.
the cooling tower to the proper height.
The first item to consider is the position of the unit with respect
to other structures. The top of the cooling tower must be equal to CORRECT
or higher than any adjacent walls, buildings or other structures.
When the top of the unit is lower than the surrounding structures DIRECTIO
(Figure 23), recirculation can be a major problem. If the unit is on
the windward side, as shown in Figure 23, the discharge air will
be forced against the building and then spread in all directions,
including downward, toward the air inlets.
Table 3 – Minimum D1 Dimensions INLET INLET D3 INLET
(m) One Cell Two Cell Three Cell Four Cell
All Sizes 1 1 1 1
CELL SIZE Minimum Dimensions AIR AIR AIR AIR
(m) One Cell Two Cell Three Cell Four Cell AIR AIR AIR AIR
6.7 x 3.6 x 5.2 2 3.2 4 4.6
6.7 x 3.6 x 5.8 2 3.2 4 4.6
6.7 x 3.6 x 7 2.1 3.3 4.3 4.8
7.3 x 4.3 x 5.2 2.3 3.6 4.4 5
7.3 x 4.3 x 5.8 2.3 3.6 4.4 5 L
NOTE: Consult the factory on the D2 dimension for AIR
applications with 5 or more cells. AIR AIR
Sometimes other pieces of equipment such as pumps, filters, Figure 28 - Multiple Units Placed End-to-End
piping, etc. are placed in front of the air inlets. These obstructions
should not be located any closer than the minimum dimensions
shown in Table 4. Closer placements can create imbalances in ALTERNATE METHOD
the air flow which can adversely affect the unit performance. AIR
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
For large cooling tower installations that have 3, 4 or more units, Solid Wall Enclosures or Wells
it is imperative that the unit layout be carefully examined during
One typical enclosure is a unit installed in a well (Figure 30).
the design of the system.
When considering a single unit adjacent to a solid wall enclosure
Very large multiple unit installations can create their own or located in a well, the minimum D1 dimension, as shown in
environment. Under certain weather and atmospheric conditions, Table 3, must be maintained to allow room for servicing the unit.
the large quantities of discharge air will cause the wet bulb The unit should be oriented so that the air flows uniformly to the
temperature in the immediate area to be higher than the local two air inlets of the unit. The air discharge of the unit must be
design data.The minimum dimensions shown in Tables 3, 4 and level with or higher than the surrounding walls.
5 should be increased whenever possible in order to allow for an
In the well type enclosure, all the air must be brought down from
additional safety factor. The amount of increase is dependent on
above and can be susceptible to recirculation. Field experience
the number of units, type of installation, existing equipment and
has demonstrated that the downward velocity of the supply air
unit surroundings.
into the well must be kept BELOW 2 m/s to avoid the effects of
The surrounding area plays an important part in the design of recirculation.
a large installation. Locating a large installation in a valley or
To calculate the downward velocity, the total air flow for the unit
between buildings will increase the chances that the discharge
is divided by the usable well area. The usable well area is as
air will recirculate, thereby raising the entering wet bulb
shown in Figure 30.
temperature. If it is determined that the surrounding conditions
could cause recirculation, the units must be spaced properly and For a new installation, the W dimension must be determined.
sized at the anticipated entering wet bulb conditions. Calculating this dimension is somewhat of an iterative process.
Also note that the minimum W dimension will vary for each
Another important consideration when dealing with larger multiple
application. A crossflow tower well layout will be acceptable
unit installations is prevailing winds. Although prevailing wind
once the minimum W dimension is determined that ensures the
conditions generally change with the season, the wind direction
download velocity into the well is 2 m/s or less.
during the hottest part of the year is of utmost importance. To
minimize the potential for recirculation, it is best to locate the units
so that the prevailing wind is oriented as shown in Figure 29.
Consult your local representative or EVAPCO’s Marketing
Department for recommended layout guidelines for very 1’
large multiple unit installations. W
Special Enclosures
Occasionally, induced draft crossflow units are installed in an
enclosure. These installations require special consideration
of the unit layout to ensure trouble free operation. Typical
installations consist of units installed in solid wall or louvered
enclosures or units that are located in a well.
Louvered Wall Enclosures Expansions to Existing Systems
Induced draft crossflow units can also be installed in enclosures Expansions to existing systems present the same concerns
with louvered or slotted walls (Figure 31). With this type of as multiple unit installations. However, there are additional
enclosure, the air flow patterns will be a mixture of the open concerns that must be evaluated when planning a cooling
type and well installations. The inlet air will be drawn from the tower expansion. Since in an expansion the new unit may not
top and through the louvers or slotted openings. be identical to the existing one, it is important to examine the
heights of the new and the existing units. Whenever possible,
Since the air will follow the path of least resistance, the
the tops of ALL of the units should be at the same level to
pressure drop through the louvers will determine how much
avoid recirculation from one unit to another. If the unit discharge
air is drawn from both areas. To minimize the potential for
heights are different one or a combination of the following
recirculation, it is better to draw most of the air through the
should be implemented. Either structural steel should be used
louvers. Therefore, it is important that the louvers are designed
to raise the air discharges of both units to the same level as
for minimum pressure drop. To achieve this goal, the velocity
shown in Figure 32, or a fan cowl should be added to the shorter
through the louvers should be maintained at or below
unit, or the units should be spaced further apart than normally
3 m/s, the louvers should have a minimum of 50% net free
area, and the air inlets should face the louvers.
The first step in checking a louvered type enclosure is to treat
it as a well enclosure and calculate the downward air velocity Adequate spacing between the air inlets of the new and existing
assuming that all the air must enter from the top. If the layout units must be provided. The air inlets for induced draft crossflow
meets the requirements of a well installation, then the louvered units are located on two sides which may be different than the
enclosure will work regardless of the size of the louvers. existing units. If this is the case, the guidelines for the minimum
spacing between units (Table 5) should be increased to allow
adequate airflow to all units.
INLET Another important consideration in a system expansion is the
piping to both the existing and new units. For cooling towers
piped in parallel, the overflow levels of the new and existing
units cold water basins MUST be at the same elevation.
This takes precedence over the equal air discharge
height requirement for induced draft units. In some cases,
fan cylinder extensions can be used so that the units have
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
Figure 34 - Wind Effect with Top of Unit Lower than Top of WIND
Figure 33 - Installation with Top of Unit Lower than Top of Wall AIR
When the wind comes from the opposite direction, the resulting
AIR negative pressure area created by the wind passing over the
building will cause the discharge air to be forced back into the
inlets, as shown in Figure 34. Even if neither of these conditions
occurs, the presence of much taller structures can inhibit the
dissipation of the hot moist discharge air.
Figure 35 - Installation Elevated so Top of Unit is
Higher than Top of Wall
The second method is to install a tapered discharge hood (Figure This dimension can be reduced because the end area is
36) which discharges the air above the height of the structure. The effectively increased by the amount the unit is elevated.
discharge hood increases the discharge air velocity, which works Elevating an axial fan unit has no impact on the D1 dimension.
to minimize the potential of recirculation. However, the addition
of a discharge hood increases the external static pressure that
the fans must overcome which may require the next larger size
fan motor. For installations where neither of these options are
possible, an experienced engineering decision must be made
regarding the potential of a performance impact.
Table 6
Minimum Distance D1 from Unit to Wall
with Air Inlet Facing Wall
INLET 0.9 and 1.5 m Wide Models - LR/LP End Air Inlet
Unit Width Unit Length Unit Elevation (m)
(m (m) 0 0.6 0.9 1.2 & UP
0.9 1.8* 1.2 1.2 1 1
Figure 36 - Installation with Top of Discharge Hood 1.5 1.8* 1.2 1.2 1 1
Above Top of Wall 1.5 2.7 & 3.6* 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.2
When a cooling tower is located near a wall, it is best for the air
inlet to face away from the wall, as shown in Figure 37. 2.4 m Wide Models - LR/LP End Air Inlet
Unit Length Unit Elevation (m)
(m) 0 0.6 0.9 1.2 & UP
2.7 & 3.6* 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
6 - 7 m/s Figure 41 - Multiple Units Placed End-to-End
These tables are based on formulas which assume all the air 09 & 1.5 m Wide Models - LR/LP – End Inlet = 1.8 m - Side Inlet = 1.2 m
flows to the units from the ends at velocities of less than 1.2 m and 1.5 m Wide Models – Single Fan Sided = 1.8 m
3 m/s. This criteria has been proven through years of successful 2.4 m Wide Models - LR/LP – End Inlet = 3 m - Side Inlet = 1.2 m
experience with evaporative cooling installations.
2.4 and 3 m Wide Models – Single Fan Sided = 3 m
If there is not enough room to meet the minimum distances given 3.6 m Wide Models – Single Fan Sided = 3.3 m
in Table 7,
4, the use of tapered discharge hoods may provide a
good solution. These hoods should be designed as previously Very large multiple unit installations can create their own environ-
described, i.e. a minimum of 0.9 m tall with an exit air velocity ment. Under certain weather and atmospheric conditions the large
between 6 and 7.5 m/s. The distances in Table 7 4 can be reduced quantities of discharge air will cause the wet bulb temperature in
20%. However, the spacing between the fan inlets even with the immediate area to be higher than local design data. The mini-
discharge hoods, cannot be less than the minimums shown at mum dimensions shown in Tables 6 and 7 should be increased
the top of the next column. whenever possible in order to allow for an additional safety factor.
The amount of increase is dependent on the number of units, type
Table 7 of installation, existing equipment, and unit surroundings.
Minimum Distance D2 The surrounding area plays an important part in the design of
Units with Air Inlets Facing Each Other a large installation. Locating a large installation in a valley, or
between buildings will increase the chances that the discharge air
0.9 and 1.5 m Wide Models - LR/LP End Air Inlet
will recirculate, thereby raising the entering wet bulb temperature.
Unit Width Unit Length Unit Elevation (m)
(m) (m) 0 0.6 0.9 1.2 & UP Another important consideration when dealing with larger multiple
0.9 1.8* 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1 unit installations is prevailing winds. Although prevailing wind
1.5 1.8* 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1 conditions generally change with the season, the wind direction
during the hottest part of the year is of utmost importance. To
1.5 2.7 & 3.6* 3 2.7 2.7 2.4
minimize the potential for recirculation, it is best to locate the
2.4 m Wide Models - LR/LP End Air Inlet cooling tower so that the air inlets are nearly perpendicular to the
Unit Length prevailing wind direction (Figure 44). The object is to orient the
Unit Elevation (m)
units so that the prevailing wind does not blow the discharge air
(m) 0 0.6 0.9 1.2 & UP
into the fan inlets.
2.7 & 3.6* 3.6 3.3 3.3 3
* Note: The length for the LR/LP end air inlet unit includes
the casing section only, not the entire unit length.
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
Special Enclosures Note: Units with solid bottom panels or inlet sound
attenuation, the usable well area is reduced. Only utilize the
Many times cooling towers are installed in an enclosure. These
space in the front of the air inlets.
installations require special consideration of the unit layout to
ensure trouble free operation. Louvered Wall Enclosures
Forced draft units can also be installed in enclosures with
Solid Wall Enclosures or Wells louvered or slotted walls and an open top (Figure 47). With this
type of enclosure, the air flow patterns will be a mixture of the
One typical enclosure situation is a unit installed in a well (Figure
open type and well installations. The inlet air will be drawn down
46). When considering a single unit adjacent to a solid wall
from the top and through the louvers or slotted openings.
enclosure or well, the D1 dimension found in Table 6, page 13
must be used as an ABSOLUTE minimum. The cooling tower Since the air will follow the path of least resistance, the pressure
should be oriented so that the air flows uniformly to the air inlets drop through the louvers will determine how much air is drawn
and the area on the fan side is maximized. The air discharge of from both areas. To minimize the potential for recirculation, it is
the unit must be level with or higher than the surrounding walls. better to draw most of the air in through the louvers. Therefore, it
is important that the louvers are designed for minimum pressure
In the well type enclosure, all the air must be brought down
drop. To achieve this goal, the air velocity through the louvers
from above and can be susceptible to recirculation. Field
should be maintained at or below 3 m/s, the louvers should have
experience has demonstrated that the downward velocity of the
a minimum of 50% net free area and the air inlet should face the
supply air must be kept BELOW 1.5 m/s to avoid the effects of
The first step in checking a louvered type enclosure is to treat
The downward air velocity within some enclosures may ex-
it as a well enclosure and calculate the downward air velocity
ceed the maximum 1.5 m/s In these situations, a tapered dis-
assuming that all the air comes down from the top. If the
charge hood can be used allowing the maximum downward
downward air velocity is equal to or less than 1.5 m/s, then the
air velocity to be increased from 1.5 to 2.3 m/s.
louvered enclosure will work regardless of the size of the louvers.
To calculate the downward air velocity, the total air flow for the
unit is divided by the usable well area. The usable well area
(shaded portion of Figures 46a and 46b) is the area around the
unit from which air can be drawn. For towers with a single fan
sided air inlet (LS/PM), Figure 46a, the usable well area includes
the space in front of the unit extending up to 1.8 m on each end
plus half of the unit width in depth. The usable well area for towers
with a single end air inlet (LR/LP), Figure 46b, includes the space
in front of the air inlet extending up to 1.8 m from each side.
Table 8 Indoor Installations
Minimum Distance D3 from Louvers to Fan Inlets
Occasionally, centrifugal fan cooling towers are installed indoors
Type of Unit Distance (m)
where they normally require ductwork to and from the unit. In
these instances, the fan motor size and fan speed must be
0.9 m Wide Models - LR/LP - End Air Inlet 0.9
increased due to the external static pressure imposed by the
1.5 and 2.4 m Wide Models - LR/LP - End Air Inlet 1.2 ductwork. Most centrifugal fan towers can handle up to 125Pa of
1.2 m and 1.5 m Wide Models - Single Fan Sided 4 external static pressure by increasing the fan motor one size with
2.4 m Wide Models - Single Fan Sided 6 a corresponding increase in fan speed. For cases where external
3.6 m Wide Models - Single Fan Sided 7
static pressure exceeds 125Pa, the tower manufacturer should
be consulted. In all cases, the manufacturer must be advised
what external static pressure the unit will be subjected to so that
the fan motors and drives can be properly sized.
Grating Over Well
The outside air for the unit can travel from a louver or slotted
There are times that grating may be installed on top of an opening either through ductwork or by having the room act as
enclosure. The discharge area of the cooling tower must not a plenum. In the second case, where the room is acting like a
be covered by any grating. If the grating covers the top of the plenum (Figure 50), the air velocity through the louvers feeding
unit, recirculation will occur, as shown in Figure 48. The correct air to the unit should be limited to a maximum of 4 m/s. When a
method is to install the unit so that its discharge is above the room is used as a plenum, other equipment may be located in
grating, as shown in Figure 49. front of the air inlets. This equipment should not be closer than
the minimum distances shown below.
for LIFE Equipment Layout Manual
When the inlet and discharge air are ducted to and from the unit, Expansions to Existing Systems
it is important to minimize pressure losses in the ductwork by
Expansions or additions to existing systems present the same
keeping the air velocities low and by avoiding changes in direction
concerns as multiple unit installations. However, there are
whenever possible. The duct should be sized for a maximum of
additional concerns that must be evaluated when planning a
4 m/s for the inlet air and a maximum of 5 m/s for the discharge
cooling tower expansion. Since in an expansion the new cooling
air. Any horizontal turns at the unit should be designed by using
tower may not be identical to the existing one, it is important to
the 70% rule as shown in Figures 51 and 52.
examine the heights of the new and the existing units.Whenever
NOTE: Make sure that adequately sized access doors are possible, the tops of ALL of the units should be at the same
located in both the inlet and discharge ductwork which will level to avoid recirculation from one unit to another. If the unit
allow the unit to be accessed for maintenance. discharge heights are different one or a combination of the
following should be implemented. Either structural steel should
be used to raise the air discharges of both units to the same level
as shown in Figure 53, or a straight sided discharge hood should
H = 0.7 W
be added to the shorter unit, or the units should be spaced further
apart than normally recommended.
If the units are placed with fans facing each other, use the data
in Table 7, page 15, which lists the minimum distances (D2)
ACCESS between adjacent fan sections, to obtain the correct unit spacing.
If the units are of unequal size, use the Table 7 data for the
smaller of the two units and increase the distance by 20%.
Another important consideration in a system expansion is the
piping to both the existing and new units. For cooling towers
piped in parallel, the overflow levels of the new and existing
units cold water basins MUST be at the same elevation.
This takes precedence over the equal air discharge height
W requirement. In some cases, straight sided discharge hoods can
be used so that the units have approximately the same discharge
Figure 51 - Indoor Installation with Ductwork heights. Equalizer lines must be installed between adjacent units
to balance the water levels of the basins during operation.
For forced draft condensers and closed circuit coolers, the
discharge heights must be at the same elevation. Since each
DOORS H = 0.7 L unit has it own independent spray water recirculation system,
maintaining the overflow levels of the cold water basins is not
Other Layout Criteria
In our discussion of locating cooling towers, closed circuit Also, in addition to the periodic maintenance items, unit drawings
coolers, and condensers, our concern has been to provide must be reviewed to ensure there is room for any future
adequate fresh air to the unit and minimize the potential for major repair work. Space should be provided to allow for the
recirculation. However, there are several other criteria which replacement of a fan motor, pump, fan, or fan shaft.
also must be considered before determining the final layout of
the units.The cooling tower installation shall provide adequate
space for maintenance and the associated piping.
Space Requirements for Maintenance
When a unit is located in close proximity to other structures, walls
or equipment, there are minimum clearances required for peri-
odic maintenance.Proper access must be provided for:
1) Adjustment and replacement of drive belts
2) Lubrication of fan shaft bearings
3) Cleaning of the water distribution system Figure 56 - Minumum Clearance Dimensions
4) Access to the cold water basin for cleaning Induced Draft Counterflow Units
5) Access to the pumps of closed circuit coolers and condensers
for maintenance.
The minimum dimensions for service are shown for forced VARIES* 1m
draft units (Figures 54 & 55) and induced draft counterflow
units (Figure 56) and crossflow units (Figure 57) and apply
for all installations i.e., single units, multiple units, units in
enclosures, etc. A unit which is located so that the periodic
routine maintenance can be accomplished easily will receive VARIES*
the proper care. A unit that does not have adequate space for
maintenance and is hard to service will NOT get proper care * SEE TABLE 4
which will reduce its performance and useful life. Figure 57 - Minumum Clearance Dimensions
Induced Draft Crossflow Units
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