Constellations Detailed Lesson Plan
Constellations Detailed Lesson Plan
Constellations Detailed Lesson Plan
a.) Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year.
b.) Appreciate the works of God or the beauty of the night sky
c.) Connect the dots to form different constellation
2. Prayer
“Before we start, please rise for our “Let’s bow our head and let us pray.
opening prayer. _________, please lead Dear Lord, make us mentally alert oh
the prayer.” God as we start our class today. Increase
our wisdom and develop our character
according to what is good and acceptable
before thee and our fellow men. In Jesus
Name, we pray. AMEN.”
“Please pick up any papers or candy (The learners will pick up the trashes
wrappers that have fallen around your around them and will arrange their
chair and arrange it properly before chairs properly.)
taking your seat.”
3. Checking of Attendance
“Are there any absentees today, “No one is absent today, Teacher Ruby.”
A. Review of the Past Lesson
“Who can remember what we talked (The learners will raise their hand.)
about yesterday?”
“Very good, ________. So, what are the (The learners will raise their hand.)
four phases of the moon?”
“We have to turn off the lights for this “Yes, we are!”
activity. I prepare here a paper with
punched-out dots. We need a (The lights will be turned off. Each group
flashlight for this activity. All you have will use the flashlight to look for the
to do is to observe if you can see an image produced by the punched-out
image formed with the punched-out dots.)
dots. I’ll be giving you 2 minutes to
check and observe the paper using the
flashlight. Your timer starts now.”
“Yes, _________.”
“Very good observation, ________.” “It looks like the stars in the night sky.”
“Yes, ________.”
“Good job!”
“Yes, ________.”
E. Developing Mastery