Serie 60814
Serie 60814
Serie 60814
6081H shown
EPA Tier 1
Performance data
Prime power at 60 Hz (1800 rpm) 218 kW (292 hp)
Standby power at 60 Hz (1800 rpm) 240 kW (322 hp)
The prime power gen-set engine rating is the nominal power an The standby gen-set engine rating is the nominal engine power
engine is capable of delivering with a variable load for an available at varying load factors for up to 200 hours per year
unlimited number of hours per year with normal maintenance with normal maintenance intervals observed. No overload
intervals observed. This rating incorporates a 10% overload capability is available for this rating. This rating conforms to ISO
capability which is available for up to 2 hours at a time. 8528-1 "Emergency Standby Power (ESP)". The permissible
Operating time between 100% and 110% of the prime power average power for the standby or ESP rating is calculated per
rating is not to exceed 8% of the total engine operating time. ISO 8528-1.
This rating conforms to ISO 8528-1 "prime power (PRP)". The
permissible average power for the prime or PRP rat ing is not to
exceed 70% of rated prime power when calculated per ISO
Performance data
Rated fan power Calculated generator set output
Hz (rpm) Power factor Prime Standby
efficiency %
kW hp kWe kVa kWe kVa
60 (1800) 90-94 11.9 16.0 0.8 185-194 232-242 205-214 257-268
John Deere Power Systems John Deere Power Systems All values at rated speed and power with standard options unless otherwise noted.
3801 W. Ridgeway Ave. Usine de Saran Specifications and design subject to change without notice.
PO Box 5100 La Foulonnerie - B.P. 11.13
Waterloo, IA 50704-5100 45401 Fleury les Aubrais Cedex
Phone: 1-800-533-6446 France
Fax: 319.292.5075 Phone: Litho in U.S.A. (11-02) © 2010 JOHN DEERE