Esports Yr2 FMP Evaluation Template 1

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ESPORTS Year 2: U13 FMP evaluation guide.

LO6: Be+---------------------- able to use evaluative and reflective skills in the production of a creative
media project.
AC 6.1: Maintain evaluative and reflective records of the development and production of a creative media project.
(Reflection section of site: consistent valuable entries).
AC 6.2: Use evaluative and reflective skills to make decisions for a creative media production project.
(Reflection section of site: evidence of making changes, locking in decisions).
LO7: Be able to present a creative media production project.
AC 7.1: Explore strategies to present a creative media production project.
(Showcasing your work on YouTube and your student website, considering how professional podcasters may do this).
AC 7.2: Present a creative media production project to a specified audience.
(Present your work and provide means for the audience to give qualitative AND quantitative feedback).

PART 1 OF 2:

Having completed your Year 2 Final Major Project practical work you are required to provide an
evaluation. You should answer the questions below, supporting your thoughts where you can with
evidence from your research/planning/production diary pages. You can screenshot images, then
sourcing the saved images from your desktop:

1. Which technical/software skills were you confident in before starting the FMP?

I was very confident using premier pro before this project. I have been using premier pro for a
number of years in and outside of college. I have created a number of my own personal
projects and then also created more in college such as my specialist study video. I found this
knowledge helped me a lot while editing my podcast as I didn’t need to waste any time
learning how to do basic things in premier pro.

2. Which technical/software skills did you need to improve or learn during your FMP?

I had to learn how to use aftereffects properly again for this project. I used photoshop first to
create my logo which I didn’t find too difficult as I remembered some of the useful tools that
allowed me to create the logo which I had learned in previous lessons. However with after
effects I forgot how to use it almost entirely and had to watch YouTube tutorials and
experiment with tools myself to create my own logo.

3. What primary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?

I researched how to properly structure a podcast in order to be able to use this knowledge in
my own podcast. I watched multiple popular podcasts on youtube such as the Joe Rogan
Experience to deduct what qualities of successful podcasts I could use for my own. These are
things such as user engagement and making sure that I have a direct target audience.

4. What secondary research did you undertake and how was this useful to your project?

I used some secondary research to learn how to create the on-screen graphics for my
animated logo and name cards for my podcast. I used these videos to learn how to create
specific effects and do things such as reveal the title card. I feel these videos were very useful
as it allowed me to create graphics that I was actually proud of instead of just using a premier
pro preset for these.

5. Which technical/software skills have you used during your FMP?

I used a few different software skills to create my podcast. First of all the actual software that I
used such as premier pro, after effects and photoshop. I used many different skills in these
software such as using the spot healing tool and the clone tool in photoshop to remove the
original letters from the Ouija board. And then using different text glow settings in after effects
to animate the text flashing and then the shatter effect to make the Ouija board shatter.

I also used some class learned skills within premier pro for the final edit such as, multicam
editing, and a border box around on screen graphics to make them look more professional.

6. How did you use particular technical/software skills during your FMP?

I used multicam editing within Premier Pro for the majority of my podcast. This was because
our podcast was recorded from 3different angles, A close up of each of me and Aiden and
then a wide shot. I had to first sync up the cameras to the audio using the build in premier pro
camera syncing tool and then I had to cut away the parts of the close ups so that they
appeared on screen when desired.

7. How close did you stick to your original idea?

I stuck completely to my original idea completely. We went over all of the original planned
talking points and used the original picked logo design. I feel this went very well and I am
happy with the outcome.

8. What challenges did you face on your FMP?

During my fmp I had an issue with time due to family related issues. I found that I didn’t have
enough time to complete my fmp on time.

9. How did you meet any challenges on your FMP?

I communicated with my lecturers and kept them up to date with what was going on, this
allowed me a little extra time to complete my fmp and not fail the course,

10. Which skills have you improved during your FMP? (Consider technical, communication,
personal, research skills)

I have learned how to use after effects much more confidently after watching videos to learn
how to animate my logo and title cards. I have also learned skills on viewer engagement such
as only showing things on screen which will be relevant to the audience and they will

11. Which part or parts of the FMP did you feel worked well?

I think my logo for the final edit worked very well. I like the concept as I feel it worked perfectly
with the style of the podcast, and the animation was quite unique as well. I also feel the
editing part went very well as I found many relevant places to add in graphics on screen.

12. What might you do differently?

I think if I was to make this podcast again, I would have written some more script parts for the
recording itself. I found in post editing cutting out certain parts of the podcast left some awkward
introductions to the next topics. If we had planned for this and had some conjunctions in place to
edit different parts together it could have worked much better.


PART 2 OF 2:
You must also upload it for an audience and reflect on their feedback in a conclusion.

You should produce a survey with a sample size of at least 5 responses where you
must gain information to help you reflect upon their feedback and remember to get screen shots of
your audience responses as evidence). This could be based on questions such as:

1. What did the audience like about it?

2. What did they think you could improve?
3. Is the work clear and understandable?
4. How does it compare to professional work?

Your Survey link could be posted as a QR code on your social media comment list or anything else
you feel will help you reach your audience.

Remember, the difference between Pass, Merit and Distinction in an evaluation is often as simple as
(a) stating something (b) saying why and (c) proving it.

Good luck!

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