Statement of Aims For FMP Year 2
Statement of Aims For FMP Year 2
Statement of Aims For FMP Year 2
FMP unit is the summative unit in the final year of the two-year qualification. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project.
The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed over the entire course, to complete a creative media production project. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
further clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth.
Ben Newman
For my first year FMP I wasn’t really proud since a fair amount of it was rushed
and random footage and stills to use up time so it would be able to loop, but for the
second year I can already tell that there’s going to be a big improvement from last
year because of the opportunity I got to be able to take over the Gillman lake
behind the scene’s Instagram profile and complete promotional task’s for a client
on a brief which isn’t something I thought I would get the opportunity to do and I
enjoyed working on the project that involved the profile and plan to go for the
highest grade I think is achievable. For my proposal my FMP will include me
making promotional work for the film and post my work through Instagram and
have the Instagram profile as my main FMP with all my work on after being given a
brief on what the client (lecturer) wants me to promote and what type of footage or
videos/reels to post to the profile.
For my conclusion on the final completion, I will be compiling all the evaluations
from the whole FMP and take what went well and what could have been improved
and why I made these choice’s and how I could have improved them and the
quality of my work as well as what skills I need to improve on.
I will be using video tutorials like this and others from other content creators too
see if there is anything that I come across that I think would be able to help me
improve my work.
I’m also going to be putting research into social media and trends with some
techniques that are popular with Instagram which is going to be the social media
platform that I’m using.
Section 5: Equipment Required
For my FMP this year I will need to use a camera for filming as well as a tripod in
case I need to get more footage, also potentially a camera to get stills and
timelapse’s also with a tripod with an intervalometer to be able to get the
timelapse’s. The main software that I would require would be premiere pro with
potentially after effects to make some final tweaks to my work.
1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project? Pick a
theme or themes which you can connect with.
2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources, such as questionnaires,
surveys, interviews (Primary), and researching the work of professional
practitioners and techniques (Secondary).
3. Manage your time – Just think how fast this year has gone so far. Plan
ahead and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TIME.
4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Planning and Schedule will be vital to the success of your FMP
5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve
over the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in
a different direction than first intended. Ensure you record all developments as
the project develops.
6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you
undertake, the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just
describe but analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.
8. You are being graded against SEVEN Learning Outcomes, so you need to
ensure that you do the very best in each of them to achieve the grade you
may require, so pay close attention to all parts of the FMP