Informationliteracy Nazlin Bhimani
Informationliteracy Nazlin Bhimani
Informationliteracy Nazlin Bhimani
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2 authors, including:
Nazlin Bhimani
UCL's Institute of Education
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Nazlin Bhimani on 05 June 2014.
This inaugural edition of MJET is dedicated to Alex Moon (1970 - 2010), the
founding editor of the journal.
Alex Moon, Middlesex University, UK
Agi Ryder, Middlesex University, UK,
Maureen Spencer, Middlesex University, UK,
David Westwood, Middlesex University, UK,
Consultant Editor
Ifan Shepherd, Middlesex University, UK,
Nazlin Bhimani
Librarian, Christʼs College, University of Cambridge, (formerly
School Liaison Manager for Engineering & Information Sciences & the Institute for
Work Based Learning at Middlesex University)
There is a heightened awareness in higher education of the crucial role of
information literacy in teaching and learning. The paper defines information literacy;
encourages collaborative partnerships between academic teaching staff, librarians
and learning support staff; and proposes an institution-wide systematic development
of information literacy in teaching and learning. The paper also makes reference,
from a librarianʼs perspective, to some of the key findings of a study undertaken by
researchers at Middlesex University on user behaviour in the electronic environment
specifically as it relates to information literacy in the academic context. The paper
proposes a way in which these skills can become integral to the teaching and
learning strategy of a higher education institution in the second decade of the 21st
Keywords: information literacy, digital literacy, 21st-century literacies, user
behaviour, electronic resource discovery systems
Coming into frequent contact with the digitally savvy young students who spend a
large proportion of their time in social networking activities on their smart phones, we
may be forgiven for being seduced into imagining that if we put them in front of
electronic information resources in our digital libraries, it will be plain sailing; these
young students will take to searching and accessing electronic resources appropriate
for academic study like ducks to water. The User Behaviour in Resource Discovery
(UBiRD) study (Wong et al., 2009) found the opposite to be the case and confirmed
that there is a huge gap between perception and reality, between studentsʼ apparent
ability to use digital technologies and their actual ability to conduct even a basic
search using electronic resources in a learning situation. Several other user
behaviour studies further support the hypothesis that the digital information seeker is
not as information literate in an academic context as has been assumed (see: JISC,
2010 for a list of user behaviour studies). The so-called ʻGoogle Generationʼ (used
to describe people born after 1994 and popularised by the jointly funded JISC and
British Library CIBER Report Information behaviour of the researcher of the future,
[JISC, 2008]) and their competence in searching and finding appropriate materials
for academic study is a hotly debated topic both within the library and information
science profession and among educationalists. However, it appears that this debate
is not that new. As early as 2004, in her article on the information seeking behaviour
of ʻGeneration Yʼ students (that is, people born between 1978 and1993), Angela
Weiler raised concerns about the critical thinking and cognitive skills of these
students because so much of their time was spent in front of electronic screens
ʻpassively absorbing words and images, rather than readingʼ (Weiler, 2005, p. 46).
In the digital landscape in which we operate today, information literacy skills cannot
be developed without appropriate information technology skills. In order to FIND
relevant and quality information resources that are appropriate for academic study,
students must have the prerequisite IT skills to use electronic resources. Students
need to be able to use a computer effectively in order to search for content.
Competence in this respect can be defined as the ability to use technology
effectively in order to operate the user interface of a searching facility such as an
online catalogue or an electronic index/database, and to have a basic understanding
of how this interface works to enable intelligent searching.
The UBiRD study revealed that information literacy overlaps somewhat with
information technology literacy because so much of the information available today is
in electronic/digital format. There is a clear implication that students need to have
competence in both IT and information literacy skills. However, the ways in which
students formulate their queries is highly dependent upon the functionalities provided
by these information systems, whether they are databases or popular search
engines. Indeed, it is possible to argue that the mental frameworks required for the
use of information technology are fundamental and the famous dictum, ʻthe limits of
my language mean the limits of my worldʼ (Wittgenstein, 1974, p.115) is wholly
appropriate in this context.
Interview responses from students on the UBiRD project demonstrated that while
most higher education institutions provide basic information skills training and library
support to students in some form or another, for many these sessions predominately
take place during induction week when students are familiarising themselves with
their new institution. This is not always the best time for teaching library and
information skills as many of the students who were surveyed complained about an
The study also revealed that many students did not receive any subject-specific
information skills training after the induction period because this training was not built
into the curriculum. Many undergraduate students confirmed that they were
unaware of library electronic resources for the entirety of their first year. This was
primarily because, in the majority of cases, their coursework did not require them to
go beyond the internet to find information sources. This in itself may not be bad news
if it is part of a deliberate strategy by academics working closely with librarians to
develop a gradualist approach to information literacy with a clear intent to introduce
more advanced skills and awareness of library subscribed electronic resources in the
second year. However, it rarely is. The development of advanced information literacy
skills is too often dependent on the natural wit of the student, the chance encounter
with an enlightened academic who has foregrounded skills development in a
particular module, or a very valuable one-to-one session with a librarian.
The UBiRD study offered extensive evidence that participants want quick, easy and
unproblematic access to resources and to the downloading of information resources.
One of the key problems is that often, in order to locate desired articles, the user has
to search across several different databases that have different search interfaces.
The simple search interfaces available on Google and YouTube, for instance, have
falsely led the user into believing that all searching is easy, so much so that the
ʻAdvanced Searchʼ facilities on Google and Google Scholar are almost always
ignored. Faced with the myriad of different searching platforms, not to mention the
multiple ways library subscribed resources can be accessed, that is via the library's
website, the publisher's website, the institution's VLE and/or via a popular search
engine (such as Google or Google Scholar), the student is immediately in unfamiliar
territory. This can be both frustrating and disappointing especially if the initial
searching has been unproductive. There is therefore a gulf between what the user
expects the system to be capable of, and what the electronic resource discovery
system is capable of supporting.
The study revealed that users often reverted to resources or practices they were
most familiar with, including obtaining information from their friends at other higher
education institutions and members of their family. Most participants chose Google
as their first port of call. Participantsʼ choice of resources was inevitably determined
by their domain knowledge, prior knowledge about available resources that would
provide information on the specified topic and the knowledge about the content,
structure and experience of using familiar search engines. In contrast, users
accessing library-provided ʻacademicʼ databases had to begin with some knowledge
of which database to search (from a long list of databases for every conceivable
subject), how to authenticate and how to access the database in order to then being
searching effectively using the appropriate terms.
Information literacy needs to be at the centre of teaching and learning strategies with
a clear sense of shared purpose between all those involved in developing the
graduate skills and competences of the university student. Close collaborative
partnerships between teaching staff and support staff will ensure joined up thinking
when designing a curriculum that develops the learner in a holistic manner. Thus, as
mentioned above, the key issues to consider in the planning are:
• Collaborative working relationships: between academic and support staff to ensure
joined-up thinking
• Subject relevancy: information literacy embedded into the curriculum so that it is
subject specific
• Assessed: skills are assessed as part of the course work to see how the student
uses information resources and demonstrates critical thinking, reading and writing
• Timeliness: skills are introduced when they are most relevant in the curriculum, i.e.
before an assessed piece of work is due and
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