Chapter 20-Excerpt

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(defun C:ASSOC-SURF (/ *error* n interval height width

origin-list profiles)
(defun *error* ()
(vla-EndUndoMark *aevl:drawing*))
(vla-StartUndoMark *aevl:drawing*)
(if (= (getvar "WORLDUCS") 0)
(vl-cmdf "_UCS" "_W"))
(setq i 0)
(repeat n
(setq origin-list (cons (* interval i) origin-list)
i (1+ i)))
(reverse origin-list)
(strcat id "_PROFILE")
(make-assoc-surf profiles)
(vla-EndUndoMark *aevl:drawing*))
Listing 20.12. Main Function C:ASSOC-SURF.

20.7  Creating a dynamic block from the

associative surface.
I have already mentioned that the associativity of surfaces in AutoCAD is extremely frail. Any
displacement can destroy it. A possibility in order to avoid this is including the surface in
dynamic block. Dynamic blocks were introduced with Release 2006, but there is no program-
ming interface for their creation. Although here, as in many other aspects we have AutoLISP’s
scripting possibilities. If it can be done manually, there are many possibilities that we can
reproduce this behavior in our programs. The first step is to check if what we wish is possible.

Creating the block.

If I make an associative surface with C:ASSOC-SURF and attempt to create a block selecting
both the surface, the cross-sections and all of its constraints, I will get a message indicating
that all constraints have been removed. When inserting it we will have the surface, but its
parameters cannot be modified.
But if we analyze the information on the removed restrictions we can see that the number of
constraints that are reported as deleted equals the number of cross-sections times the number
of geometric constraints. This leads us to suspect that at least the dimensional constraints were
not lost. But the Parameters Manager’s Parametric tab will not show any that corresponds to
our dimensional constraints.

488 AutoCAD expert’s Visual LISP

Make it dynamic.
Let’s do a double-click on the block. This displays Edit Block Definition dialog box with the
double-clicked block’s name highlighted. We click OK to enter the Block Editor. As I suspected,
in the Block Editor (Figure 20.4) the surface and its cross-sections with all their constraints,
both geometric and dimensional appear.

Figure 20.4.
Associative surface in the
Block Editor.

Then, why is it that its parameters are not available in the drawing? If I open the Block Edi-
tor’s Parameters Manager palette I find that those dimensional constraints appear as Dimensional
Constraint Parameters. But now we have a column titled Show that did not appear before. And
all of this column’s values are set to "No".
If I select one of the restrictions and right-click, a context menu appears (Figure 20.5) display-
ing the options Delete Parameter and Convert Parameter. If we choose this second option the
entry in the Show column changes from No to Yes.

Figure 20.5. Options for deleting or converting Parameters.

Procedural and NURBS Surfaces 489

If I do this with all the constraints and save the block, all these parameters will now be avail-
able in the block’s Properties palette. Having the surface as a block it can be moved without fear
of losing its associativity and its parameters can be modified any way I please.

Automating the conversion of Dimensional Constraints

into Parameters.

Knowing what to do, we must now find the commands and options that nay be used for ex-
ecuting this conversion in our program. As was shown in Chapter 10, Visual LISP programs
can be executed within the Block Editor. This holds for C:ASSOC-SURF. It is in the Block
Editor where we can find the commands allowing us to create or covert the Dimensional Con-
straints into parameters. The Block Editor’s specific commands include _BCPARAMETER which
is equivalent to _DIMCONSTRAINT. These commands are practically the same. The options it
offers (see Table 20.14) can create in the Block Editor constraint parameters for every situation
where it was possible to create dimensional constraints.
For us the most interesting option is the one that converts dimensional constraints into con-
straint parameters. This option can be included in our C:ASSOC-SURF program supposing
we can detect if it is running within the Block Editor. This way we would have a more universal
program, creating a normal associative surface if we work in Model Space or creating a dy-
namic block by working in the Block Editor.

Figure 20.6. Dialog to create a new empty block with the Block Editor.

The criterion we can use to check if the program is running in the Block Editor is the value of
the BLOCKEDITOR system variable which in that case would be set to 1. We can then add an
auxiliary function that will only operate if in the block editor, automatically converting the
dimensional constraints into block dimensional parameters. This would be done by creating
a selection set of dimensional constraints following the same criteria used in Listing 20.11
that will be traversed applying to each dimensional constraint the _Convert option of the

490 AutoCAD expert’s Visual LISP

Table 20.14. _BCPARAMETER command options.
Option: Description:
Creates a horizontal or vertical parameter constraint based on the extension line
origins and the location of the dimension line
Constrains the X distance of a segment or between two points of different ob-
jects. Applicable to polyline segments and lines.
Constrains the Y distance of a segment or between two points of different ob-
jects. Applicable to polyline segments and lines.
Constrains dimensions depending on the options:
_Object: length of a linear segment.
_Point & Line: distance between a point and the nearest point of a line.
_2Lines: distance between two selected lines that become parallel.
Constrains the angle between two line segments. Applied to two line segments,
3 points or an arc.
_Radial Constrains the radius of a circle, arc or polyline arc segment.
_Diameter Constrains the diameter of a circle, arc or polyline arc segment.
_Convert Converts dimensional constraints on constraint parameters.

(defun cmd-conv-param (id / dim-constraints i)

(if (= (getvar "BLOCKEDITOR") 1)
(progn (setq dim-constraints (ssget
'(0 . "DIMENSION")
(cons 1
(strcat id "_rad*"))))
i 0)
(repeat (sslength dim-constraints)
(vl-cmdf "_bcparameter"
(ssname dim-constraints i)
(setq i (1+ i))))))
Listing 20.13. Converting dimensional constraints into parameters when working in the Block

Including a call to this function in C:ASSOC-SURF we will have a program capable of creat-
ing a normal associative surface in Model Space or a dynamic block if executed within the
Block Editor.

Procedural and NURBS Surfaces 491

Figure 20.7. Properties palette showing the dimensional constraints.

(defun C:ASSOC-SURF (/ *error* n interval height width

origin-list profiles)
(defun *error* ()
(vla-EndUndoMark *aevl:drawing*))
(vla-StartUndoMark *aevl:drawing*)
(if (= (getvar "WORLDUCS") 0)
(vl-cmdf "_UCS" "_W"))
(setq i 0)
(repeat n
(setq origin-list (cons (* interval i) origin-list)
i (1+ i)))
(reverse origin-list)
(strcat id "_PROFILE")
(make-assoc-surf profiles)
(cmd-conv-param id)
(vla-EndUndoMark *aevl:drawing*))
Listing 20.14. C:ASSOC-SURF with constraints conversion into parameters.

492 AutoCAD expert’s Visual LISP

Figure 20.8. Associative surface with initial (left) and modified parameter values (right).

20.8 Summary.
We have considered in this chapter the programming options for Procedure and NURBS sur-
faces. There are no ActiveX methods for creating them and the data associated to most of their
DXF group codes is encrypted, so the only way to create them is the through the command/
vl-cmdf interface.
„„ In the case of Procedural surfaces which are defined from linear cross-sections it is
possible to retain the association between the surface and them. The cross sections can
be assigned geometric and dimensional constraints so that they can be modified by pa-
rameters. Parameter modification can be implemented in a program. This way we can
have surfaces whose shape changes by manually or programmatically modifying these
parameters. A very practical way for using these surfaces is the creation of dynamic
blocks with the aid of the Block Editor.
„„ The most widely used surfaces in industrial design are the NURBS surfaces. This is due
to their great advantages, which include rich interactive design capabilities and accu-
rate representation of closed shapes such as conics and quadrics. In fact, many CAD/
CAM, virtual reality, visualization and animation applications use models built with
NURBS surfaces.
„„ The SPLINE entities explained in Chapter 14 are especially suitable for creating
NURBS surfaces. These surfaces cannot be modified through Visual LISP program-
ming. They can only be modified interactively using their control vertices and gizmos.

Procedural and NURBS Surfaces 493

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